blob: a5b62d92363aef7ebdd3c9dd6e81c2eff3630cbc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/experiments.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/string_source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/expr_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/resynthesize.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_const_expr.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'resynthesize_common.dart';
import 'test_strategies.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ExprBuilderTest extends ResynthesizeTestStrategyTwoPhase
with ExprBuilderTestCases, ExprBuilderTestHelpers {}
/// Mixin containing test cases exercising the [ExprBuilder]. Intended to be
/// applied to a class implementing [ResynthesizeTestStrategy], along with the
/// mixin [ExprBuilderTestHelpers].
mixin ExprBuilderTestCases implements ExprBuilderTestHelpers {
void test_add() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 + 1');
void test_and() {
checkSimpleExpression('false && true');
void test_assignToIndex() {
checkSimpleExpression('items[0] = 1',
extraDeclarations: 'var items = [0, 1, 2]');
void test_assignToIndex_compound_multiply() {
checkSimpleExpression('items[0] *= 1',
extraDeclarations: 'var items = [0, 1, 2]');
void test_assignToProperty() {
checkSimpleExpression('new A().f = 1', extraDeclarations: r'''
class A {
int f = 0;
void test_assignToProperty_compound_plus() {
checkSimpleExpression('new A().f += 1', extraDeclarations: r'''
class A {
int f = 0;
void test_assignToProperty_compound_suffixIncrement() {
checkSimpleExpression('new A().f++', extraDeclarations: r'''
class A {
int f = 0;
void test_assignToRef() {
checkSimpleExpression('y = 0', extraDeclarations: 'var y;');
void test_await() {
checkSimpleExpression('() async => await 0');
void test_bitAnd() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 & 1');
void test_bitOr() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 | 1');
void test_bitShiftLeft() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 << 1');
void test_bitShiftRight() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 >> 1');
void test_bitXor() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 ^ 1');
void test_cascade() {
// Cascade sections don't matter for type inference.
// The type of a cascade is the type of the target.
checkSimpleExpression('new C()..f1 = 1..m(2, 3)..f2 = 4',
extraDeclarations: r'''
class C {
int f1;
int f2;
int m(int a, int b) => 0;
expectedText: 'new C()');
void test_closure_invalid_const() {
checkInvalidConst('() => 0');
void test_complement() {
void test_compoundAssignment_bitAnd() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y &= 0');
void test_compoundAssignment_bitOr() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y |= 0');
void test_compoundAssignment_bitXor() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y ^= 0');
void test_compoundAssignment_divide() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y /= 0');
void test_compoundAssignment_floorDivide() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y ~/= 0');
void test_compoundAssignment_ifNull() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y ??= 0');
void test_compoundAssignment_minus() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y -= 0');
void test_compoundAssignment_modulo() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y %= 0');
void test_compoundAssignment_multiply() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y *= 0');
void test_compoundAssignment_plus() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y += 0');
void test_compoundAssignment_postfixDecrement() {
void test_compoundAssignment_postfixIncrement() {
void test_compoundAssignment_prefixDecrement() {
void test_compoundAssignment_prefixIncrement() {
void test_compoundAssignment_shiftLeft() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y <<= 0');
void test_compoundAssignment_shiftRight() {
checkCompoundAssignment('y >>= 0');
void test_concatenate() {
var expr = buildTopLevelVariable(r'var x = "${0}";') as StringInterpolation;
expect(expr.elements, hasLength(3));
expect((expr.elements[0] as InterpolationString).value, '');
expect((expr.elements[1] as InterpolationExpression).expression.toString(),
expect((expr.elements[2] as InterpolationString).value, '');
void test_conditional() {
checkSimpleExpression('false ? 0 : 1');
void test_divide() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 / 1');
void test_equal() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 == 1');
void test_extractIndex() {
extraDeclarations: 'var items = [0, 1, 2]');
void test_extractProperty() {
void test_floorDivide() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 ~/ 1');
void test_greater() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 > 1');
void test_greaterEqual() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 >= 1');
void test_ifNull() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 ?? 1');
void test_invokeConstructor_const() {
checkSimpleExpression('const C()',
extraDeclarations: '''
class C {
const C();
requireValidConst: true);
void test_invokeConstructor_generic_hasTypeArguments() {
checkSimpleExpression('new Map<int, List<String>>()');
void test_invokeConstructor_generic_noTypeArguments() {
checkSimpleExpression('new Map()');
void test_invokeMethod() {
checkSimpleExpression('new C().foo(1, 2)', extraDeclarations: r'''
class C {
int foo(int a, int b) => 0;
void test_invokeMethod_namedArguments() {
checkSimpleExpression('new C().foo(a: 1, c: 3)', extraDeclarations: r'''
class C {
int foo({int a, int b, int c}) => 0;
void test_invokeMethod_typeArguments() {
checkSimpleExpression('new C().foo<int, double>(1, 2.3)',
extraDeclarations: r'''
class C {
int foo<T, U>(T a, U b) => 0;
expectedText: 'new C().foo<int, double>()');
void test_invokeMethodRef() {
checkSimpleExpression('identical(0, 0)');
void test_less() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 < 1');
void test_lessEqual() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 <= 1');
void test_list_for() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
expectedText: expectedText, extraDeclarations: 'int i;');
void test_list_for_each_with_declaration_typed() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (int i in const []) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
var list = checkSimpleExpression(sourceText, expectedText: expectedText)
as ListLiteral;
var forElement = list.elements[0] as ForElement;
var loopParts = forElement.forLoopParts as ForEachPartsWithDeclaration;
var iElement = loopParts.loopVariable.identifier.staticElement;
var iRef = forElement.body as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef.staticElement, same(iElement));
void test_list_for_each_with_declaration_untyped() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (var i in const []) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
var list = checkSimpleExpression(sourceText, expectedText: expectedText)
as ListLiteral;
var forElement = list.elements[0] as ForElement;
var loopParts = forElement.forLoopParts as ForEachPartsWithDeclaration;
var iElement = loopParts.loopVariable.identifier.staticElement;
var iRef = forElement.body as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef.staticElement, same(iElement));
void test_list_for_each_with_identifier() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (i in const []) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
expectedText: expectedText, extraDeclarations: 'int i;');
void test_list_for_each_with_identifier_await() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[await for (i in const []) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
expectedText: expectedText, extraDeclarations: 'int i;');
void test_list_for_empty_condition() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (i = 0;; i++) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
expectedText: expectedText, extraDeclarations: 'int i;');
void test_list_for_empty_initializer() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (; i < 10; i++) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
expectedText: expectedText, extraDeclarations: 'int i;');
void test_list_for_two_updaters() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (i = 0; i < 10; i++, j++) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
expectedText: expectedText, extraDeclarations: 'int i; int j;');
void test_list_for_with_one_declaration_typed() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
var list = checkSimpleExpression(sourceText, expectedText: expectedText)
as ListLiteral;
var forElement = list.elements[0] as ForElement;
var loopParts = forElement.forLoopParts as ForPartsWithDeclarations;
var iElement = loopParts.variables.variables[0].name.staticElement;
var condition = loopParts.condition as BinaryExpression;
var iRef1 = condition.leftOperand as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef1.staticElement, same(iElement));
var updater = loopParts.updaters[0] as PostfixExpression;
var iRef2 = updater.operand as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef2.staticElement, same(iElement));
var iRef3 = forElement.body as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef3.staticElement, same(iElement));
void test_list_for_with_one_declaration_untyped() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
var list = checkSimpleExpression(sourceText, expectedText: expectedText)
as ListLiteral;
var forElement = list.elements[0] as ForElement;
var loopParts = forElement.forLoopParts as ForPartsWithDeclarations;
var iElement = loopParts.variables.variables[0].name.staticElement;
var condition = loopParts.condition as BinaryExpression;
var iRef1 = condition.leftOperand as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef1.staticElement, same(iElement));
var updater = loopParts.updaters[0] as PostfixExpression;
var iRef2 = updater.operand as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef2.staticElement, same(iElement));
var iRef3 = forElement.body as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef3.staticElement, same(iElement));
void test_list_for_with_two_declarations_untyped() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; j++) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
var list = checkSimpleExpression(sourceText, expectedText: expectedText)
as ListLiteral;
var forElement = list.elements[0] as ForElement;
var loopParts = forElement.forLoopParts as ForPartsWithDeclarations;
var iElement = loopParts.variables.variables[0].name.staticElement;
var jElement = loopParts.variables.variables[1].name.staticElement;
var condition = loopParts.condition as BinaryExpression;
var iRef1 = condition.leftOperand as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef1.staticElement, same(iElement));
var updater = loopParts.updaters[0] as PostfixExpression;
var jRef = updater.operand as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(jRef.staticElement, same(jElement));
var iRef2 = forElement.body as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef2.staticElement, same(iElement));
void test_list_for_with_uninitialized_declaration_untyped() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (var i; i < 10; i++) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
var list = checkSimpleExpression(sourceText, expectedText: expectedText)
as ListLiteral;
var forElement = list.elements[0] as ForElement;
var loopParts = forElement.forLoopParts as ForPartsWithDeclarations;
var iElement = loopParts.variables.variables[0].name.staticElement;
var condition = loopParts.condition as BinaryExpression;
var iRef1 = condition.leftOperand as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef1.staticElement, same(iElement));
var updater = loopParts.updaters[0] as PostfixExpression;
var iRef2 = updater.operand as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef2.staticElement, same(iElement));
var iRef3 = forElement.body as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(iRef3.staticElement, same(iElement));
void test_list_for_zero_updaters() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '[for (i = 0; i < 10;) i]';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
expectedText: expectedText, extraDeclarations: 'int i;');
void test_makeSymbol() {
void test_makeTypedList_const() {
checkSimpleExpression('const <int>[]');
void test_makeTypedMap_const() {
checkSimpleExpression('const <int, bool>{}');
void test_makeUntypedList_const() {
checkSimpleExpression('const [0]');
void test_makeUntypedMap_const() {
checkSimpleExpression('const {0 : false}');
void test_map_for() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '{1 : 2, for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) i : i}';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
expectedText: expectedText, extraDeclarations: 'int i;');
void test_modulo() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 % 1');
void test_multiply() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 * 1');
void test_negate() {
void test_not() {
void test_notEqual() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 != 1');
void test_or() {
checkSimpleExpression('false || true');
void test_pushDouble() {
void test_pushFalse() {
void test_pushInt() {
void test_pushLocalFunctionReference() {
checkSimpleExpression('() => 0');
void test_pushLocalFunctionReference_async() {
checkSimpleExpression('() async => 0');
void test_pushLocalFunctionReference_block() {
checkSimpleExpression('() {}');
void test_pushLocalFunctionReference_namedParam_untyped() {
checkSimpleExpression('({x}) => 0');
void test_pushLocalFunctionReference_nested() {
var expr =
checkSimpleExpression('(x) => (y) => x + y') as FunctionExpression;
var outerFunctionElement = expr.declaredElement;
var xElement = outerFunctionElement.parameters[0];
var x = expr.parameters.parameters[0];
expect(x.declaredElement, same(xElement));
var outerBody = expr.body as ExpressionFunctionBody;
var outerBodyExpr = outerBody.expression as FunctionExpression;
var innerFunctionElement = outerBodyExpr.declaredElement;
var yElement = innerFunctionElement.parameters[0];
var y = outerBodyExpr.parameters.parameters[0];
expect(y.declaredElement, same(yElement));
var innerBody = outerBodyExpr.body as ExpressionFunctionBody;
var innerBodyExpr = innerBody.expression as BinaryExpression;
var xRef = innerBodyExpr.leftOperand as SimpleIdentifier;
var yRef = innerBodyExpr.rightOperand as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(xRef.staticElement, same(xElement));
expect(yRef.staticElement, same(yElement));
void test_pushLocalFunctionReference_paramReference() {
var expr = checkSimpleExpression('(x, y) => x + y') as FunctionExpression;
var localFunctionElement = expr.declaredElement;
var xElement = localFunctionElement.parameters[0];
var yElement = localFunctionElement.parameters[1];
var x = expr.parameters.parameters[0];
var y = expr.parameters.parameters[1];
expect(x.declaredElement, same(xElement));
expect(y.declaredElement, same(yElement));
var body = expr.body as ExpressionFunctionBody;
var bodyExpr = body.expression as BinaryExpression;
var xRef = bodyExpr.leftOperand as SimpleIdentifier;
var yRef = bodyExpr.rightOperand as SimpleIdentifier;
expect(xRef.staticElement, same(xElement));
expect(yRef.staticElement, same(yElement));
void test_pushLocalFunctionReference_positionalParam_untyped() {
checkSimpleExpression('([x]) => 0');
void test_pushLocalFunctionReference_requiredParam_typed() {
var expr = checkSimpleExpression('(int x) => 0', expectedText: '(x) => 0')
as FunctionExpression;
var functionElement = expr.declaredElement;
var xElement = functionElement.parameters[0] as ParameterElementImpl;
expect(xElement.type.toString(), 'int');
void test_pushLocalFunctionReference_requiredParam_untyped() {
checkSimpleExpression('(x) => 0');
void test_pushLongInt() {
void test_pushNull() {
void test_pushParameter() {
class C {
int x;
const C(int p) : x = p;
''', 'p');
void test_pushReference() {
void test_pushReference_sequence() {
checkSimpleExpression('a.b.f', extraDeclarations: r'''
var a = new A();
class A {
B b = new B();
class B {
int f = 0;
void test_pushString() {
void test_pushTrue() {
void test_set_for() {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var sourceText = '{1, for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) i}';
// Resynthesis inserts synthetic "const" tokens; work around that.
var expectedText = 'const $sourceText';
expectedText: expectedText, extraDeclarations: 'int i;');
void test_subtract() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 - 1');
void test_throwException() {
checkSimpleExpression('throw 0');
void test_typeCast() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 as num');
void test_typeCheck() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 is num');
void test_typeCheck_negated() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 is! num', expectedText: '!(0 is num)');
/// Mixin containing helper methods for testing the [ExprBuilder]. Intended to
/// be applied to a class implementing [ResynthesizeTestStrategy].
mixin ExprBuilderTestHelpers implements ResynthesizeTestStrategy {
Expression buildConstructorInitializer(String sourceText,
{String className: 'C',
String initializerName: 'x',
bool requireValidConst: false}) {
var resynthesizer = encodeSource(sourceText);
var library = resynthesizer.getLibraryElement(testSource.uri.toString());
var c = library.getType(className);
var constructor = c.unnamedConstructor as ConstructorElementImpl;
var serializedExecutable = constructor.serializedExecutable;
var x = serializedExecutable.constantInitializers
.singleWhere((i) => == initializerName);
return buildExpression(resynthesizer, constructor, x.expression,
requireValidConst: requireValidConst);
Expression buildExpression(
TestSummaryResynthesizer resynthesizer,
ElementImpl context,
UnlinkedExpr unlinkedExpr,
List<UnlinkedExecutable> localFunctions,
{bool requireValidConst: false}) {
var library = resynthesizer.getLibraryElement(testSource.uri.toString());
var unit = library.definingCompilationUnit as CompilationUnitElementImpl;
var unitResynthesizerContext =
unit.resynthesizerContext as SummaryResynthesizerContext;
var unitResynthesizer = unitResynthesizerContext.unitResynthesizer;
var exprBuilder = new ExprBuilder(unitResynthesizer, context, unlinkedExpr,
requireValidConst: requireValidConst, localFunctions: localFunctions);
Expression buildTopLevelVariable(String sourceText,
{String variableName: 'x', bool requireValidConst: false}) {
var resynthesizer = encodeSource(sourceText);
var library = resynthesizer.getLibraryElement(testSource.uri.toString());
var unit = library.definingCompilationUnit as CompilationUnitElementImpl;
TopLevelVariableElementImpl x =
unit.topLevelVariables.singleWhere((e) => == variableName);
return buildExpression(
requireValidConst: requireValidConst);
void checkCompoundAssignment(String exprText) {
checkSimpleExpression(exprText, extraDeclarations: 'var y;');
void checkConstructorInitializer(String sourceText, String expectedText,
{String className: 'C',
String initializerName: 'x',
bool requireValidConst: false}) {
Expression expr = buildConstructorInitializer(sourceText,
className: className,
initializerName: initializerName,
requireValidConst: requireValidConst);
expect(expr.toString(), expectedText);
void checkInvalidConst(String expressionText) {
checkTopLevelVariable('var x = $expressionText;', 'null',
requireValidConst: true);
Expression checkSimpleExpression(String expressionText,
{String expectedText,
String extraDeclarations: '',
bool requireValidConst: false}) {
return checkTopLevelVariable('var x = $expressionText;\n$extraDeclarations',
expectedText ?? expressionText,
requireValidConst: requireValidConst);
Expression checkTopLevelVariable(String sourceText, String expectedText,
{String variableName: 'x', bool requireValidConst: false}) {
Expression expr = buildTopLevelVariable(sourceText,
variableName: variableName, requireValidConst: requireValidConst);
expect(expr.toString(), expectedText);
return expr;
TestSummaryResynthesizer encodeSource(String text) {
var source = addTestSource(text);
return encodeLibrary(source);
class ExprBuilderWithConstantUpdateTest extends ResynthesizeTestStrategyTwoPhase
with ExprBuilderTestHelpers {
ExperimentStatus get experimentStatus => new ExperimentStatus.forTesting(
sdkVersion: '2.2.2',
additionalFeatures: [Feature.constant_update_2018, Feature.triple_shift]);
void test_bitShiftRightLogical() {
checkSimpleExpression('0 >>> 1');
class TokensToStringTest {
final featureSet = FeatureSet.forTesting(sdkVersion: '2.2.2');
void test_empty_list_no_space() {
// This is an interesting test case because "[]" is scanned as a single
// token, but the parser splits it into two.
void test_empty_list_with_space() {
_check('[ ]');
void test_gt_gt_gt_in_type() {
// This is an interesting test case because ">>>" is scanned as a single
// token, but the parser splits it into three.
void test_gt_gt_gt_in_type_split_both() {
_check('A<B<C> > >[]');
void test_gt_gt_gt_in_type_split_left() {
_check('A<B<C> >>[]');
void test_gt_gt_gt_in_type_split_right() {
_check('A<B<C>> >[]');
void test_gt_gt_in_type() {
// This is an interesting test case because ">>" is scanned as a single
// token, but the parser splits it into two.
void test_gt_gt_in_type_split() {
_check('A<B> >[]');
void test_identifier() {
void test_interpolation_expr_at_end_of_string() {
void test_interpolation_expr_at_start_of_string() {
void test_interpolation_expr_inside_string() {
void test_interpolation_var_at_end_of_string() {
void test_interpolation_var_at_start_of_string() {
_check(r'"$foo bar"');
void test_interpolation_var_inside_string() {
_check(r'"foo$bar baz"');
void test_simple_string() {
void _check(String originalString) {
var expression = _parseExpression(originalString);
var originalTokens =
_extractTokenList(expression.beginToken, expression.endToken);
var newString = tokensToString(expression.beginToken, expression.endToken);
var errorListener = AnalysisErrorListener.NULL_LISTENER;
var reader = new CharSequenceReader(newString);
var stringSource = new StringSource(newString, null);
var scanner = new Scanner(stringSource, reader, errorListener)
var startToken = scanner.tokenize();
var newTokens = _extractTokenList(startToken);
expect(newTokens, originalTokens);
List<String> _extractTokenList(Token startToken, [Token endToken]) {
var result = <String>[];
while (!startToken.isEof) {
if (!startToken.isSynthetic) result.add(startToken.lexeme);
if (identical(startToken, endToken)) break;
startToken =;
return result;
Expression _parseExpression(String expressionString) {
// Note: to normalize the token string it's not sufficient to tokenize it
// and then pass the tokens to `tokensToString`; we also need to parse it
// because parsing modifies the token stream (splitting up `[]`, `>>`, and
// `>>>` tokens when circumstances warrant).
// We wrap the expression in "f() async => ...;" to ensure that the await
// keyword is properly parsed.
var sourceText = 'f() async => $expressionString;';
var errorListener = AnalysisErrorListener.NULL_LISTENER;
var reader = new CharSequenceReader(sourceText);
var stringSource = new StringSource(sourceText, null);
var scanner = new Scanner(stringSource, reader, errorListener)
var startToken = scanner.tokenize();
var parser =
new Parser(stringSource, errorListener, featureSet: featureSet);
var compilationUnit = parser.parseCompilationUnit(startToken);
var f = compilationUnit.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration;
var body = f.functionExpression.body as ExpressionFunctionBody;
return body.expression;