blob: 84616201f545223459bacb5e28f620c8415d0f83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=--error_on_bad_type --error_on_bad_override
import 'package:observatory/heap_snapshot.dart';
import 'package:observatory/models.dart' as M;
import 'package:observatory/object_graph.dart';
import 'package:observatory/service_io.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'test_helper.dart';
class Foo {
dynamic left;
dynamic right;
Foo r;
List lst;
void script() {
// Create 3 instances of Foo, with out-degrees
// 0 (for b), 1 (for a), and 2 (for staticFoo).
r = new Foo();
var a = new Foo();
var b = new Foo();
r.left = a;
r.right = b;
a.left = b;
lst = new List(2);
lst[0] = lst; // Self-loop.
// Larger than any other fixed-size list in a fresh heap.
lst[1] = new List(1234569);
int fooId;
var tests = <IsolateTest>[
(Isolate isolate) async {
Library lib = await isolate.rootLibrary.load();
expect(lib.classes.length, equals(1));
Class fooClass = lib.classes.first;
fooId = fooClass.vmCid;
RawHeapSnapshot raw =
await isolate.fetchHeapSnapshot(M.HeapSnapshotRoots.vm, false).last;
HeapSnapshot snapshot = new HeapSnapshot();
await snapshot.loadProgress(isolate, raw).last;
ObjectGraph graph = snapshot.graph;
expect(fooId, isNotNull);
Iterable<ObjectVertex> foos =
graph.vertices.where((ObjectVertex obj) => obj.vmCid == fooId);
expect(foos.length, equals(3));
expect(foos.where((obj) => obj.successors.length == 0).length, equals(1));
expect(foos.where((obj) => obj.successors.length == 1).length, equals(1));
expect(foos.where((obj) => obj.successors.length == 2).length, equals(1));
ObjectVertex bVertex =
foos.where((ObjectVertex obj) => obj.successors.length == 0).first;
ObjectVertex aVertex =
foos.where((ObjectVertex obj) => obj.successors.length == 1).first;
ObjectVertex rVertex =
foos.where((ObjectVertex obj) => obj.successors.length == 2).first;
// TODO(koda): Check actual byte sizes.
expect(aVertex.retainedSize, equals(aVertex.shallowSize));
expect(bVertex.retainedSize, equals(bVertex.shallowSize));
aVertex.shallowSize + bVertex.shallowSize + rVertex.shallowSize));
Library corelib =
isolate.libraries.singleWhere((lib) => lib.uri == 'dart:core');
await corelib.load();
Class _List =
corelib.classes.singleWhere((cls) => cls.vmName.startsWith('_List'));
int kArrayCid = _List.vmCid;
// startsWith to ignore the private mangling
List<ObjectVertex> lists = new List.from(
graph.vertices.where((ObjectVertex obj) => obj.vmCid == kArrayCid));
expect(lists.length >= 2, isTrue);
// Order by decreasing retained size.
lists.sort((u, v) => v.retainedSize - u.retainedSize);
ObjectVertex first = lists[0];
ObjectVertex second = lists[1];
// Check that the short list retains more than the long list inside.
expect(first.successors.length, equals(2 + second.successors.length));
// ... and specifically, that it retains exactly itself + the long one.
expect(first.retainedSize, equals(first.shallowSize + second.shallowSize));
main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests, testeeBefore: script);