blob: 3861f30d364f82a40854f46bde26103dc09fe74a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_schema.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
class GreatestLowerBoundHelper {
final TypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
InterfaceTypeImpl get _nullNone => _typeSystem.nullNone;
TypeProviderImpl get _typeProvider => _typeSystem.typeProvider;
/// Computes the greatest lower bound of [T1] and [T2].
/// See `resources/type-system/`
DartType getGreatestLowerBound(DartType T1, DartType T2) {
// DOWN(T, T) = T
if (identical(T1, T2)) {
return T1;
// For any type T, DOWN(?, T) == T.
if (identical(T1, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
return T2;
if (identical(T2, UnknownInferredType.instance)) {
return T1;
var T1_isTop = _typeSystem.isTop(T1);
var T2_isTop = _typeSystem.isTop(T2);
// DOWN(T1, T2) where TOP(T1) and TOP(T2)
if (T1_isTop && T2_isTop) {
// * T1 if MORETOP(T2, T1)
// * T2 otherwise
if (_typeSystem.isMoreTop(T2, T1)) {
return T1;
} else {
return T2;
// DOWN(T1, T2) = T2 if TOP(T1)
if (T1_isTop) {
return T2;
// DOWN(T1, T2) = T1 if TOP(T2)
if (T2_isTop) {
return T1;
var T1_isBottom = T1.isBottom;
var T2_isBottom = T2.isBottom;
// DOWN(T1, T2) where BOTTOM(T1) and BOTTOM(T2)
if (T1_isBottom && T2_isBottom) {
// * T1 if MOREBOTTOM(T1, T2)
// * T2 otherwise
if (_typeSystem.isMoreBottom(T1, T2)) {
return T1;
} else {
return T2;
// DOWN(T1, T2) = T1 if BOTTOM(T1)
if (T1_isBottom) {
return T1;
// DOWN(T1, T2) = T2 if BOTTOM(T2)
if (T2_isBottom) {
return T2;
var T1_isNull = _typeSystem.isNull(T1);
var T2_isNull = _typeSystem.isNull(T2);
// DOWN(T1, T2) where NULL(T1) and NULL(T2)
if (T1_isNull && T2_isNull) {
// * T1 if MOREBOTTOM(T1, T2)
// * T2 otherwise
if (_typeSystem.isMoreBottom(T1, T2)) {
return T1;
} else {
return T2;
var T1_impl = T1 as TypeImpl;
var T2_impl = T2 as TypeImpl;
var T1_nullability = T1_impl.nullabilitySuffix;
var T2_nullability = T2_impl.nullabilitySuffix;
// DOWN(Null, T2)
if (T1_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none && T1.isDartCoreNull) {
// * Null if Null <: T2
// * Never otherwise
if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(_nullNone, T2)) {
return _nullNone;
} else {
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
// DOWN(T1, Null)
if (T2_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none && T2.isDartCoreNull) {
// * Null if Null <: T1
// * Never otherwise
if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(_nullNone, T1)) {
return _nullNone;
} else {
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
var T1_isObject = _typeSystem.isObject(T1);
var T2_isObject = _typeSystem.isObject(T2);
// DOWN(T1, T2) where OBJECT(T1) and OBJECT(T2)
if (T1_isObject && T2_isObject) {
// * T1 if MORETOP(T2, T1)
// * T2 otherwise
if (_typeSystem.isMoreTop(T2, T1)) {
return T1;
} else {
return T2;
// DOWN(T1, T2) where OBJECT(T1)
if (T1_isObject) {
// * T2 if T2 is non-nullable
if (_typeSystem.isNonNullable(T2)) {
return T2;
// * NonNull(T2) if NonNull(T2) is non-nullable
var T2_nonNull = _typeSystem.promoteToNonNull(T2_impl);
if (_typeSystem.isNonNullable(T2_nonNull)) {
return T2_nonNull;
// * Never otherwise
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
// DOWN(T1, T2) where OBJECT(T2)
if (T2_isObject) {
// * T1 if T1 is non-nullable
if (_typeSystem.isNonNullable(T1)) {
return T1;
// * NonNull(T1) if NonNull(T1) is non-nullable
var T1_nonNull = _typeSystem.promoteToNonNull(T1_impl);
if (_typeSystem.isNonNullable(T1_nonNull)) {
return T1_nonNull;
// * Never otherwise
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
// DOWN(T1?, T2?) = S? where S is DOWN(T1, T2)
// DOWN(T1?, T2) = S where S is DOWN(T1, T2)
// DOWN(T1, T2?) = S where S is DOWN(T1, T2)
if (T1_nullability != NullabilitySuffix.none ||
T2_nullability != NullabilitySuffix.none) {
var T1_none = T1_impl.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
var T2_none = T2_impl.withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.none);
var S = getGreatestLowerBound(T1_none, T2_none);
if (T1_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question &&
T2_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.question) {
return (S as TypeImpl).withNullability(NullabilitySuffix.question);
return S;
assert(T1_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none);
assert(T2_nullability == NullabilitySuffix.none);
if (T1 is FunctionTypeImpl && T2 is FunctionTypeImpl) {
return _functionType(T1, T2);
if (T1 is RecordTypeImpl && T2 is RecordTypeImpl) {
return _recordType(T1, T2);
// DOWN(T1, T2) = T1 if T1 <: T2
if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(T1, T2)) {
return T1;
// DOWN(T1, T2) = T2 if T2 <: T1
if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(T2, T1)) {
return T2;
// FutureOr<S1>
if (T1 is InterfaceTypeImpl && T1.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var S1 = T1.typeArguments[0];
// DOWN(FutureOr<S1>, FutureOr<S2>) = FutureOr(S)
// S = DOWN(S1, S2)
if (T2 is InterfaceTypeImpl && T2.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var S2 = T2.typeArguments[0];
var S = getGreatestLowerBound(S1, S2);
return _typeProvider.futureOrType(S);
// DOWN(FutureOr<S1>, Future<S2>) = Future(S)
// S = DOWN(S1, S2)
if (T2 is InterfaceTypeImpl && T2.isDartAsyncFuture) {
var S2 = T2.typeArguments[0];
var S = getGreatestLowerBound(S1, S2);
return _typeProvider.futureType(S);
// DOWN(FutureOr<S1>, T2) = DOWN(S1, T2)
return getGreatestLowerBound(S1, T2);
// FutureOr<S2>
if (T2 is InterfaceTypeImpl && T2.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
var S2 = T2.typeArguments[0];
// DOWN(Future<S1>, FutureOr<S2>) = Future<S>
// S = DOWN(S1, S2)
if (T1 is InterfaceTypeImpl && T1.isDartAsyncFuture) {
var S1 = T1.typeArguments[0];
var S = getGreatestLowerBound(S1, S2);
return _typeProvider.futureType(S);
// DOWN(T1, FutureOr<S2>) = DOWN(T1, S2)
return getGreatestLowerBound(T1, S2);
// DOWN(T1, T2) = Never otherwise
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
/// Compute the greatest lower bound of function types [f] and [g].
/// See `resources/type-system/`
DartType _functionType(FunctionType f, FunctionType g) {
var fTypeFormals = f.typeFormals;
var gTypeFormals = g.typeFormals;
// The number of type parameters must be the same.
// Otherwise the result is `Never`.
if (fTypeFormals.length != gTypeFormals.length) {
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
// The bounds of type parameters must be equal.
// Otherwise the result is `Never`.
var fresh = _typeSystem.relateTypeParameters(f.typeFormals, g.typeFormals);
if (fresh == null) {
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
f = f.instantiate(fresh.typeParameterTypes);
g = g.instantiate(fresh.typeParameterTypes);
var fParameters = f.parameters;
var gParameters = g.parameters;
var parameters = <ParameterElement>[];
var fIndex = 0;
var gIndex = 0;
while (fIndex < fParameters.length && gIndex < gParameters.length) {
var fParameter = fParameters[fIndex];
var gParameter = gParameters[gIndex];
if (fParameter.isPositional) {
if (gParameter.isPositional) {
type: _typeSystem.leastUpperBound(
kind: fParameter.isOptional || gParameter.isOptional
? ParameterKind.POSITIONAL
: ParameterKind.REQUIRED,
} else {
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
} else if (fParameter.isNamed) {
if (gParameter.isNamed) {
var compareNames =;
if (compareNames == 0) {
type: _typeSystem.leastUpperBound(
kind: fParameter.isRequiredNamed && gParameter.isRequiredNamed
? ParameterKind.NAMED_REQUIRED
: ParameterKind.NAMED,
} else if (compareNames < 0) {
fParameter.copyWith(kind: ParameterKind.NAMED),
} else {
assert(compareNames > 0);
gParameter.copyWith(kind: ParameterKind.NAMED),
} else {
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
while (fIndex < fParameters.length) {
var fParameter = fParameters[fIndex++];
if (fParameter.isPositional) {
fParameter.copyWith(kind: ParameterKind.POSITIONAL),
} else {
fParameter.copyWith(kind: ParameterKind.NAMED),
while (gIndex < gParameters.length) {
var gParameter = gParameters[gIndex++];
if (gParameter.isPositional) {
gParameter.copyWith(kind: ParameterKind.POSITIONAL),
} else {
gParameter.copyWith(kind: ParameterKind.NAMED),
var returnType = getGreatestLowerBound(f.returnType, g.returnType);
return FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: fresh.typeParameters,
parameters: parameters,
returnType: returnType,
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none,
DartType _recordType(RecordTypeImpl T1, RecordTypeImpl T2) {
var positional1 = T1.positionalFields;
var positional2 = T2.positionalFields;
if (positional1.length != positional2.length) {
return _typeSystem.typeProvider.neverType;
var named1 = T1.namedFields;
var named2 = T2.namedFields;
if (named1.length != named2.length) {
return _typeSystem.typeProvider.neverType;
var positionalFields = <RecordTypePositionalFieldImpl>[];
for (var i = 0; i < positional1.length; i++) {
var field1 = positional1[i];
var field2 = positional2[i];
var type = getGreatestLowerBound(field1.type, field2.type);
type: type,
var namedFields = <RecordTypeNamedFieldImpl>[];
for (var i = 0; i < named1.length; i++) {
var field1 = named1[i];
var field2 = named2[i];
if ( != {
return _typeSystem.typeProvider.neverType;
var type = getGreatestLowerBound(field1.type, field2.type);
type: type,
return RecordTypeImpl(
positionalFields: positionalFields,
namedFields: namedFields,
nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none,