blob: b028db0e00953eb9f527d90ae0b4bc2771727d85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:status_file/environment.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
typedef _LookUpFunction = String Function(TestConfiguration configuration);
typedef _BoolLookUpFunction = bool Function(TestConfiguration configuration);
// TODO(29756): Instead of synthesized negated variables like "unchecked",
// consider adding support for "!" to status expressions.
final _variables = {
"analyzer": _Variable.bool((c) => c.compiler == Compiler.dart2analyzer),
"analyzer_use_fasta_parser": _Variable.bool((c) => c.useAnalyzerFastaParser),
"arch": _Variable((c) =>, Architecture.names),
"browser": _Variable.bool((c) => c.runtime.isBrowser),
"builder_tag": _Variable((c) => c.builderTag ?? "", const []),
"checked": _Variable.bool((c) => c.isChecked),
"compiler": _Variable((c) =>, Compiler.names),
"csp": _Variable.bool((c) => c.isCsp),
"enable_asserts": _Variable.bool((c) => c.useEnableAsserts),
"fasta": _Variable.bool((c) => c.usesFasta),
"host_checked": _Variable.bool((c) => c.isHostChecked),
"host_unchecked": _Variable.bool((c) => !c.isHostChecked),
"hot_reload": _Variable.bool((c) => c.hotReload),
"hot_reload_rollback": _Variable.bool((c) => c.hotReloadRollback),
"ie": _Variable.bool((c) => c.runtime.isIE),
"jscl": _Variable.bool((c) => c.runtime.isJSCommandLine),
"minified": _Variable.bool((c) => c.isMinified),
"mode": _Variable((c) =>, Mode.names),
"no_preview_dart_2": _Variable.bool((c) => c.noPreviewDart2),
"preview_dart_2": _Variable.bool((c) => !c.noPreviewDart2),
"runtime": _Variable(_runtimeName, _runtimeNames),
"spec_parser": _Variable.bool((c) => c.compiler == Compiler.specParser),
"strong": _Variable.bool((c) => !c.noPreviewDart2),
"system": _Variable(_systemName, _systemNames),
"use_sdk": _Variable.bool((c) => c.useSdk)
/// Gets the name of the runtime as it appears in status files.
String _runtimeName(TestConfiguration configuration) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Handle "ff" being used as the name for firefox. We don't
// want to make the Runtime itself use that as the name because it appears
// elsewhere in test.dart and we want those other places to show "firefox".
if (configuration.runtime == Runtime.firefox) return 'ff';
List<String> _runtimeNames = ['ff', 'drt']..addAll(Runtime.names);
/// Gets the name of the runtime as it appears in status files.
String _systemName(TestConfiguration configuration) {
// Because we are getting rid of status files, we don't want to change all
// of them to say "win" instead of "windows" and "mac" instead of "macos"
if (configuration.system == return 'windows';
if (configuration.system == System.mac) return 'macos';
List<String> _systemNames = ['windows', 'macos']..addAll(System.names);
/// Defines the variables that are available for use inside a status file
/// section header.
/// These mostly map to command line arguments with the same name, though this
/// is only a subset of the full set of command line arguments.
class ConfigurationEnvironment implements Environment {
/// The configuration where variable data is found.
final TestConfiguration _configuration;
/// Validates that the variable with [name] exists and can be compared
/// against [value].
/// If any errors are found, adds them to [errors].
void validate(String name, String value, List<String> errors) {
var variable = _variables[name];
if (variable == null) {
errors.add('Unknown variable "$name".');
// The "builder_tag" variable doesn't have an enumerated set of values.
if (variable.allowedValues.isEmpty) return;
if (!variable.allowedValues.contains(value)) {
'Variable "$name" cannot have value "$value". Allowed values are:\n' +
variable.allowedValues.join(', ') +
/// Looks up the value of the variable with [name].
String lookUp(String name) {
var variable = _variables[name];
if (variable == null) {
// This shouldn't happen since we validate variables before evaluating
// expressions.
throw ArgumentError('Unknown variable "$variable".');
return variable.lookUp(_configuration);
// TODO(rnystrom): There's some overlap between these and _Option in
// options.dart. Unify?
/// Describes a variable name whose value can be tested in a status file.
/// Each variable is an enumerated string type that only accepts a limited range
/// of values. Each instance of this class defines one variable, the values it
/// permits, and the logic needed to look up the variable's value from a
/// [TestConfiguration]
class _Variable {
final _LookUpFunction _lookUp;
final List<String> allowedValues;
_Variable(this._lookUp, Iterable<String> allowed)
: allowedValues = allowed.toList();
/// Creates a Boolean variable with allowed values "true" and "false".
_Variable.bool(_BoolLookUpFunction lookUp)
: _lookUp = ((configuration) => lookUp(configuration).toString()),
allowedValues = const ["true", "false"];
String lookUp(TestConfiguration configuration) => _lookUp(configuration);