Remove old_frontend and mirrors tests

Change-Id: I1e10d65c25298eb084619ed156daa3d2069f92e1
Reviewed-by: Sigmund Cherem <>
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/testing.json b/pkg/compiler/testing.json
index e2ef599..d5fb717 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/testing.json
+++ b/pkg/compiler/testing.json
@@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
     "exclude": [
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/inference/data/super_invoke\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/data/.*",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/path with spaces/.*"
+      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/inference/data/super_invoke\\.dart"
diff --git a/pkg/compiler/testing_dart.json b/pkg/compiler/testing_dart.json
index f36c8ad..1b68d8b 100644
--- a/pkg/compiler/testing_dart.json
+++ b/pkg/compiler/testing_dart.json
@@ -38,23 +38,12 @@
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/data/mirrors_helper\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/deferred_mirrors_test\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirrors_used_test\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/data/one_line_dart_program\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/message_kind_helper\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/metadata_test\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/patch_test\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/reexport_handled_test\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/resolution_test\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/http_launch_main_package\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_test\\.dart",
@@ -78,9 +67,7 @@
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/unused_empty_map_test\\.dart",
-      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/path with spaces/.*"
+      "^tests/compiler/dart2js/unused_empty_map_test\\.dart"
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/dart2js.status b/tests/compiler/dart2js/dart2js.status
index d7f0004..66b9211 100644
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/dart2js.status
+++ b/tests/compiler/dart2js/dart2js.status
@@ -25,21 +25,9 @@
 kernel/*: Slow, Pass
 kernel/compile_from_dill_fast_startup_test: RuntimeError # Test must be updated to support FE with patching.
 kernel/compile_from_dill_test: RuntimeError # Test must be updated to support FE with patching.
-mirrors/library_exports_hidden_test: Fail
-mirrors/library_exports_shown_test: Fail
-mirrors/library_imports_hidden_test: Fail
-mirrors/library_imports_prefixed_show_hide_test: Fail # Issue 32057
-mirrors/library_imports_prefixed_test: Fail
-mirrors/library_imports_shown_test: Fail
 model/subtype_test: Pass, Slow
 no_such_method_enabled_test: Pass, Slow
-old_frontend/bad_loop_test: RuntimeError
-old_frontend/check_elements_invariants_test: Skip # Times out even with Slow marker. Slow due to inlining in the CPS backend
-old_frontend/compile_with_empty_libraries_test: Fail # Issue 24223
-old_frontend/patch_test/bug: RuntimeError # Issue 21132
-old_frontend/resolver_test: RuntimeError # Test must be updated given new parser recovery
 packages/*: Skip # Skip packages folder
-quarantined/http_test: RuntimeError # not supported with CFE, consider deleting.
 rti/rti_emission_test: Pass, Slow
 rti/rti_need0_test: Pass, Slow
 rti/rti_need1_test: Pass, Slow
@@ -56,14 +44,6 @@
 end_to_end/dart2js_batch_test: Pass, Slow
 end_to_end/exit_code_test: Pass, Slow
 in_user_code_test: Pass, Slow
-mirrors/deferred_mirrors_test: Pass, Slow
-mirrors/import_mirrors_test: Pass, Slow
-mirrors/mirror_final_field_inferrer2_test: Crash, Pass, Slow # Issue 15581
-old_frontend/analyze_api_test: Pass, Slow # DON'T CHANGE THIS LINE -- Don't mark these tests as failing. Instead, fix the errors/warnings that they report or update the whitelist in the test-files to temporarily allow digression.
-old_frontend/check_elements_invariants_test: Skip # Slow and only needs to be run in one configuration
-old_frontend/check_members_test: Pass, Slow
-old_frontend/duplicate_library_test: Pass, Slow
-old_frontend/message_kind_test: Pass, Slow
 show_package_warnings_test: Pass, Slow
 sourcemaps/source_map_pub_build_validity_test: Pass, Slow
@@ -78,12 +58,6 @@
 jsinterop/interop_anonymous_unreachable_test: Pass, Slow
 jsinterop/world_test: Pass, Slow
 kernel/visitor_test: Pass, Slow
-mirrors/deferred_mirrors_test: Pass, Slow
-mirrors/import_mirrors_test: Slow, Pass
-mirrors/mirror_final_field_inferrer2_test: Pass, Slow
-mirrors/preserve_uris_test: Pass, Slow
-old_frontend/analyze_dart2js_helpers_test: Pass, Slow
-old_frontend/duplicate_library_test: Pass, Slow
 output_type_test: Pass, Slow
 sourcemaps/source_map_pub_build_validity_test: Pass, Slow
 sourcemaps/stacktrace_test: Pass, Slow
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/array_tracing_mirror_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/array_tracing_mirror_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index bb819cb..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/array_tracing_mirror_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Make sure that limiting mirrors through @MirrorsUsed does not
-// affect optimizations done on arrays.
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
-  'main.dart': '''
-@MirrorsUsed(targets: 'main')
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-class A {
-  var field;
-main() {
-  var a = new A();
-  var mirror = reflect(a);
-  var array = [42, 42];
-  a.field = array;
-  var field = mirror.getField(#field);
-  field.invoke(#clear, []);
-  return array.length;
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    var result = await runCompiler(
-        memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-        options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-    var compiler = result.compiler;
-    var element = compiler.frontendStrategy.elementEnvironment.mainFunction;
-    var code = compiler.backend.getGeneratedCode(element);
-    Expect.isTrue(code.contains('return 2'), "Unexpected code:\n$code");
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/data/mirrors_helper.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/data/mirrors_helper.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b8de0ac..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/data/mirrors_helper.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- * This file is read by 'mirrors_test.dart'.
- */
-library mirrors_helper;
-typedef E Func<E, F extends Foo>(F f);
-main() {}
-/// Singleline doc comment.
-// Singleline comment 1.
-// Singleline comment 2.
-@Metadata(const ["Foo"])
-@Metadata(const {'foo': "Foo"})
-/** Multiline doc comment. */
-/* Multiline comment. */ class Foo {
-  m(@metadata a) {}
-abstract class Bar<E> {}
-class Baz<E, F extends Foo> implements Bar<E> {
-  Baz();
-  const Baz.named();
-  factory Baz.factory() => new Baz<E, F>();
-  static method1(e) {}
-  void method2(E e, [F f = null]) {}
-  Baz<E, F> method3(E func1(F f), Func<E, F> func2) => null;
-  bool operator ==(Object other) => false;
-  int operator -() => 0;
-  operator$foo() {}
-class Boz extends Foo {
-  var field1;
-  int _field2;
-  final String field3 = "field3";
-  int get field2 => _field2;
-  void set field2(int value) {
-    _field2 = value;
-  }
-// ignore: UNUSED_ELEMENT
-class _PrivateClass {
-  var _privateField;
-  // ignore: UNUSED_ELEMENT
-  get _privateGetter => _privateField;
-  // ignore: UNUSED_ELEMENT
-  void set _privateSetter(value) => _privateField = value;
-  // ignore: UNUSED_ELEMENT
-  void _privateMethod() {}
-  _PrivateClass._privateConstructor();
-  factory _PrivateClass._privateFactoryConstructor() => null;
-const metadata = const Metadata(null);
-class Metadata {
-  final data;
-  const Metadata(;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/deferred_mirrors_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/deferred_mirrors_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index bfff8f1..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/deferred_mirrors_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test of the graph segmentation algorithm used by deferred loading
-// to determine which elements can be deferred and which libraries
-// much be included in the initial download (loaded eagerly).
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-Future runTest(String mainScript, test) async {
-  CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-      entryPoint: Uri.parse(mainScript),
-      memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-      options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-  test(result.compiler);
-lookupLibrary(compiler, name) {
-  return compiler.libraryLoader.lookupLibrary(Uri.parse(name));
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(runTests);
-runTests() async {
-  await runTest('memory:main.dart', (compiler) {
-    var main = compiler.frontendStrategy.elementEnvironment.mainFunction;
-    Expect.isNotNull(main, "Could not find 'main'");
-    var outputUnitForEntity =
-        compiler.backend.outputUnitData.outputUnitForEntity;
-    var lib1 = lookupLibrary(compiler, "memory:lib1.dart");
-    var lib2 = lookupLibrary(compiler, "memory:lib2.dart");
-    var mathLib = lookupLibrary(compiler, "dart:math");
-    var sin = mathLib.find('sin');
-    var foo1 = lib1.find("foo1");
-    var foo2 = lib2.find("foo2");
-    var field2 = lib2.find("field2");
-    Expect.notEquals(outputUnitForEntity(main), outputUnitForEntity(foo1));
-    Expect.equals(outputUnitForEntity(main), outputUnitForEntity(sin));
-    Expect.equals(outputUnitForEntity(foo2), outputUnitForEntity(field2));
-  });
-  await runTest('memory:main2.dart', (compiler) {
-    // Just check that the compile runs.
-    // This is a regression test.
-    Expect.isTrue(true);
-  });
-  await runTest('memory:main3.dart', (compiler) {
-    var main = compiler.frontendStrategy.elementEnvironment.mainFunction;
-    Expect.isNotNull(main, "Could not find 'main'");
-    var outputUnitForEntity =
-        compiler.backend.outputUnitData.outputUnitForEntity;
-    Expect.isFalse(compiler.backend.mirrorsData.hasInsufficientMirrorsUsed);
-    var mainLib = lookupLibrary(compiler, "memory:main3.dart");
-    var lib3 = lookupLibrary(compiler, "memory:lib3.dart");
-    var C = mainLib.find("C");
-    var foo = lib3.find("foo");
-    Expect.notEquals(outputUnitForEntity(main), outputUnitForEntity(foo));
-    Expect.equals(outputUnitForEntity(main), outputUnitForEntity(C));
-  });
-  await runTest('memory:main4.dart', (compiler) {
-    var main = compiler.frontendStrategy.elementEnvironment.mainFunction;
-    Expect.isNotNull(main, "Could not find 'main'");
-    var outputUnitForEntity =
-        compiler.backend.outputUnitData.outputUnitForEntity;
-    lookupLibrary(compiler, "memory:main4.dart");
-    lookupLibrary(compiler, "memory:lib4.dart");
-    var lib5 = lookupLibrary(compiler, "memory:lib5.dart");
-    var lib6 = lookupLibrary(compiler, "memory:lib6.dart");
-    var foo5 = lib5.find("foo");
-    var foo6 = lib6.find("foo");
-    Expect.notEquals(outputUnitForEntity(main), outputUnitForEntity(foo5));
-    Expect.equals(outputUnitForEntity(foo5), outputUnitForEntity(foo6));
-  });
-// "lib1.dart" uses mirrors without a MirrorsUsed annotation, so everything
-// should be put in the "lib1" output unit.
-const Map MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
-  "main.dart": """
-import "dart:math";
-import 'lib1.dart' deferred as lib1;
-import 'lib2.dart' deferred as lib2;
-void main() {
-  lib1.loadLibrary().then((_) {
-    lib1.foo1();
-  });
-  lib2.loadLibrary().then((_) {
-    lib2.foo2();
-  });
-  "lib1.dart": """
-library lib1;
-import "dart:mirrors";
-const field1 = 42;
-void foo1() {
-  var mirror = reflect(field1);
-  mirror.invoke(null, null);
-  "lib2.dart": """
-library lib2;
-@MirrorsUsed(targets: "field2") import "dart:mirrors";
-const field2 = 42;
-void foo2() {
-  var mirror = reflect(field2);
-  mirror.invoke(null, null);
-// The elements C and f are named as targets, but there is no actual use of
-// mirrors.
-  "main2.dart": """
-import "lib.dart" deferred as lib;
-@MirrorsUsed(targets: const ["C", "f"])
-import "dart:mirrors";
-class C {}
-var f = 3;
-void main() {
-  "lib.dart": """ """,
-// Lib3 has a MirrorsUsed annotation with a library.
-// Check that that is handled correctly.
-  "main3.dart": """
-library main3;
-import "lib3.dart" deferred as lib;
-class C {}
-class D {}
-f() {}
-void main() {
-  lib.loadLibrary().then((_) {
-  });
-  "lib3.dart": """
-@MirrorsUsed(targets: const ["main3.C"])
-import "dart:mirrors";
-foo() {
-  currentMirrorSystem().findLibrary(#main3);
-// Check that exports and imports are handled correctly with mirrors.
-  "main4.dart": """
-library main3;
-@MirrorsUsed(targets: const ["",""])
-import "dart:mirrors";
-import "lib4.dart" deferred as lib;
-void main() {
-  lib.loadLibrary().then((_) {
-    currentMirrorSystem().findLibrary(#lib5);
-  });
-  "lib4.dart": """
-import "lib5.dart";
-export "lib6.dart";
-  "lib5.dart": """
-library lib5;
-foo() {}
-  "lib6.dart": """
-library lib6;
-foo() {}
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/import_mirrors_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/import_mirrors_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a2017f..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/import_mirrors_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that the compiler emits a warning on import of 'dart:mirrors' unless
-// the flag --enable-experimental-mirrors is used.
-library dart2js.test.import_mirrors;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart'
-    show MessageKind, MessageTemplate;
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-const DIRECT_IMPORT = const {
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-main() {}
-  'paths': "main.dart => dart:mirrors",
-const INDIRECT_IMPORT1 = const {
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': "first.dart => dart:mirrors",
-  'verbosePaths': "main.dart => first.dart => dart:mirrors",
-const INDIRECT_IMPORT2 = const {
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'second.dart';
-  '/second.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': "second.dart => dart:mirrors",
-  'verbosePaths': "main.dart => first.dart => second.dart => dart:mirrors",
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'package:second/second.dart';
-  '/pkg/second/second.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': "first.dart => package:second => dart:mirrors",
-  'verbosePaths':
-      "main.dart => first.dart => package:second/second.dart => dart:mirrors",
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'package:packagename/second.dart';
-  '/pkg/packagename/second.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': "first.dart => package:packagename => dart:mirrors",
-  'verbosePaths': "main.dart => first.dart => package:packagename/second.dart "
-      "=> dart:mirrors",
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'package:package1/second.dart';
-  '/pkg/package1/second.dart': '''
-import 'package:package2/third.dart';
-  '/pkg/package2/third.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': "first.dart => package:package1 => package:package2 => dart:mirrors",
-  'verbosePaths': "main.dart => first.dart => package:package1/second.dart "
-      "=> package:package2/third.dart => dart:mirrors",
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'package:package1/second.dart';
-  '/pkg/package1/second.dart': '''
-import 'sub/third.dart';
-  '/pkg/package1/sub/third.dart': '''
-import 'package:package2/fourth.dart';
-  '/pkg/package2/fourth.dart': '''
-import 'lib/src/fifth.dart';
-  '/pkg/package2/lib/src/fifth.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': "first.dart => package:package1 => package:package2 => dart:mirrors",
-  'verbosePaths': "main.dart => first.dart => package:package1/second.dart "
-      "=> package:package1/sub/third.dart => package:package2/fourth.dart "
-      "=> package:package2/lib/src/fifth.dart => dart:mirrors",
-const DUAL_DIRECT_IMPORT = const {
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-main() {}
-  'paths': "main.dart => dart:mirrors",
-const DUAL_INDIRECT_IMPORT1 = const {
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': const ["main.dart => dart:mirrors", "first.dart => dart:mirrors"],
-  'verbosePaths': const [
-    "main.dart => dart:mirrors",
-    "main.dart => first.dart => dart:mirrors"
-  ],
-const DUAL_INDIRECT_IMPORT2 = const {
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-import 'second.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  '/second.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': const ["first.dart => dart:mirrors", "second.dart => dart:mirrors"],
-  'verbosePaths': const [
-    "main.dart => first.dart => dart:mirrors",
-    "main.dart => second.dart => dart:mirrors"
-  ],
-const DUAL_INDIRECT_IMPORT3 = const {
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-import 'second.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'third.dart';
-  '/second.dart': '''
-import 'third.dart';
-  '/third.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': "third.dart => dart:mirrors",
-  'verbosePaths': const [
-    "main.dart => first.dart => third.dart => dart:mirrors",
-    "main.dart => second.dart => third.dart => dart:mirrors"
-  ],
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'package:package1/second.dart';
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'package:package2/third.dart';
-  '/pkg/package1/second.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  '/pkg/package2/third.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': const [
-    "main.dart => package:package1 => dart:mirrors",
-    "first.dart => package:package2 => dart:mirrors"
-  ],
-  'verbosePaths': const [
-    "main.dart => package:package1/second.dart => dart:mirrors",
-    "main.dart => first.dart => package:package2/third.dart => dart:mirrors"
-  ]
-const DIRECT_EXPORT = const {
-  '/main.dart': '''
-export 'dart:mirrors';
-main() {}
-  'paths': "main.dart => dart:mirrors",
-const INDIRECT_EXPORT1 = const {
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-export 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': "first.dart => dart:mirrors",
-  'verbosePaths': "main.dart => first.dart => dart:mirrors",
-const INDIRECT_EXPORT2 = const {
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'second.dart';
-  '/second.dart': '''
-export 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': "second.dart => dart:mirrors",
-  'verbosePaths': "main.dart => first.dart => second.dart => dart:mirrors",
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-import 'package:packagename/second.dart';
-  '/pkg/packagename/second.dart': '''
-export 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': "first.dart => package:packagename => dart:mirrors",
-  'verbosePaths': "main.dart => first.dart => package:packagename/second.dart "
-      "=> dart:mirrors",
-  '/main.dart': '''
-import 'first.dart';
-main() {}
-  '/first.dart': '''
-export 'package:packagename/second.dart';
-  '/pkg/packagename/second.dart': '''
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-  'paths': "first.dart => package:packagename => dart:mirrors",
-  'verbosePaths': "main.dart => first.dart => package:packagename/second.dart "
-      "=> dart:mirrors",
-Future test(Map sourceFiles,
-    {expectedPaths,
-    bool verbose: false,
-    bool enableExperimentalMirrors: false}) async {
-  if (expectedPaths is! List) {
-    expectedPaths = [expectedPaths];
-  }
-  var collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  var options = [Flags.useOldFrontend];
-  if (verbose) {
-    options.add('--verbose');
-  }
-  if (enableExperimentalMirrors) {
-    options.add('--enable-experimental-mirrors');
-  }
-  await runCompiler(
-      entryPoint: Uri.parse('memory:/main.dart'),
-      memorySourceFiles: sourceFiles,
-      diagnosticHandler: collector,
-      packageRoot: Uri.parse('memory:/pkg/'),
-      options: options);
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length, 'Errors: ${collector.errors}');
-  if (enableExperimentalMirrors) {
-    Expect.equals(
-        0, collector.warnings.length, 'Warnings: ${collector.errors}');
-  } else {
-    Expect.equals(
-        1, collector.warnings.length, 'Warnings: ${collector.errors}');
-    Expect.equals(MessageKind.IMPORT_EXPERIMENTAL_MIRRORS,
-        collector.warnings.first.message.kind);
-    Expect.equals(
-        expectedPaths.join(MessageTemplate.IMPORT_EXPERIMENTAL_MIRRORS_PADDING),
-        collector.warnings.first.message.arguments['importChain']);
-  }
-Future checkPaths(Map sourceData) {
-  Map sourceFiles = sourceData;
-  var expectedPaths = sourceData['paths'];
-  var expectedVerbosePaths = sourceData['verbosePaths'];
-  if (expectedVerbosePaths == null) {
-    expectedVerbosePaths = expectedPaths;
-  }
-  return test(sourceFiles, expectedPaths: expectedPaths).then((_) {
-    return test(sourceFiles,
-        expectedPaths: expectedVerbosePaths, verbose: true);
-  }).then((_) {
-    return test(sourceFiles, enableExperimentalMirrors: true);
-  });
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() => Future.forEach([
-      ], (map) => checkPaths(map)));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_final_field_inferrer2_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_final_field_inferrer2_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 2126ac9..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_final_field_inferrer2_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that final fields in @MirrorsUsed are still inferred.
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart' show runCompiler;
-import '../compiler_helper.dart' show findElement;
-import '../inference/type_mask_test_helper.dart';
-const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const <String, String>{
-  'main.dart': """
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-const field = 42;
-main() {
-  var mirror = reflect(field);
-  mirror.invoke(null, null);
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    var result = await runCompiler(
-        memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-        options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-    var compiler = result.compiler;
-    var element = findElement(compiler, 'field');
-    var typesInferrer = compiler.globalInference.typesInferrerInternal;
-    var closedWorld = typesInferrer.closedWorld;
-    var commonMasks = closedWorld.commonMasks;
-    Expect.equals(commonMasks.uint31Type,
-        simplify(typesInferrer.getTypeOfMember(element), closedWorld), 'field');
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_final_field_inferrer_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_final_field_inferrer_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 8583e11..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_final_field_inferrer_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that final fields in @MirrorsUsed are still inferred.
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart' show runCompiler;
-import '../compiler_helper.dart' show findElement;
-import '../inference/type_mask_test_helper.dart';
-const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const <String, String>{
-  'main.dart': """
-@MirrorsUsed(targets: 'field')
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-const field = 42;
-main() {
-  return field;
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    var result = await runCompiler(
-        memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-        options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-    var compiler = result.compiler;
-    var element = findElement(compiler, 'field');
-    var typesInferrer = compiler.globalInference.typesInferrerInternal;
-    var closedWorld = typesInferrer.closedWorld;
-    var commonMasks = closedWorld.commonMasks;
-    Expect.equals(commonMasks.uint31Type,
-        simplify(typesInferrer.getTypeOfMember(element), closedWorld), 'field');
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_private_name_inheritance_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_private_name_inheritance_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 830b3b7..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_private_name_inheritance_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that final fields in @MirrorsUsed are still inferred.
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart' show runCompiler;
-import '../compiler_helper.dart' show findElement;
-const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const <String, String>{
-  'main.dart': """
-@MirrorsUsed(targets: 'Super')
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-import 'lib.dart';
-class Subclass extends Super {
-  int _private;
-  int magic() => _private++;
-main() {
-  var objects = [new Super(), new Subclass()];
-  reflect(objects[0]); // Trigger mirror usage.
-  'lib.dart': """
-class Super {
-  int _private;
-  int magic() => _private++;
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    var result = await runCompiler(
-        memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-        options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-    var compiler = result.compiler;
-    dynamic superclass =
-        findElement(compiler, 'Super', Uri.parse('memory:lib.dart'));
-    dynamic subclass = findElement(compiler, 'Subclass');
-    var oracle = compiler.backend.mirrorsData.isMemberAccessibleByReflection;
-    print(superclass.lookupMember('_private'));
-    Expect.isTrue(oracle(superclass.lookupMember('_private')));
-    Expect.isFalse(oracle(subclass.lookupMember('_private')));
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_tree_shaking_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_tree_shaking_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0afce8b..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirror_tree_shaking_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that tree-shaking hasn't been turned off.
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
-import 'package:compiler/src/js_backend/mirrors_analysis.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-main() {
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-        memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-        diagnosticHandler: collector,
-        options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-    Compiler compiler = result.compiler;
-    JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
-    Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.isEmpty);
-    Expect.isTrue(collector.infos.isEmpty);
-    Expect.isFalse(compiler.compilationFailed);
-    MirrorsResolutionAnalysisImpl mirrorsResolutionAnalysis =
-        backend.mirrorsResolutionAnalysis;
-    Expect.isFalse(
-        mirrorsResolutionAnalysis.handler.hasEnqueuedReflectiveElements);
-    Expect.isFalse(
-        mirrorsResolutionAnalysis.handler.hasEnqueuedReflectiveStaticFields);
-    MirrorsCodegenAnalysisImpl mirrorsCodegenAnalysis =
-        backend.mirrorsCodegenAnalysis;
-    Expect
-        .isFalse(mirrorsCodegenAnalysis.handler.hasEnqueuedReflectiveElements);
-    Expect.isFalse(
-        mirrorsCodegenAnalysis.handler.hasEnqueuedReflectiveStaticFields);
-    Expect.isFalse(compiler.disableTypeInference);
-    Expect.isFalse(backend.mirrorsData.hasRetainedMetadata);
-  });
-const Map MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
-  'main.dart': r"""
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-class Foo {
-  noSuchMethod(invocation) {
-    print('Invoked ${MirrorSystem.getName(invocation.memberName)}');
-    return reflect('foobar').delegate(invocation);
-  }
-void main() {
-  print(new Foo().substring(3));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirrors_used_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirrors_used_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 63c6915..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/mirrors/mirrors_used_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// Test that the @MirrorsUsed annotation suppress hints and that only
-/// requested elements are retained for reflection.
-library dart2js.test.mirrors_used_test;
-import 'package:compiler/src/js/js.dart' as jsAst;
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import '../memory_compiler.dart' show runCompiler;
-import 'package:compiler/src/apiimpl.dart' show CompilerImpl;
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/constants/values.dart'
-    show ConstantValue, TypeConstantValue;
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart'
-    show ClassElement, Elements;
-import 'package:compiler/src/js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
-import 'package:compiler/src/js_backend/mirrors_analysis.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/js_emitter/full_emitter/emitter.dart' as full
-    show Emitter;
-import 'package:compiler/src/old_to_new_api.dart'
-    show LegacyCompilerDiagnostics;
-import 'package:compiler/src/universe/world_builder.dart';
-void expectOnlyVerboseInfo(Uri uri, int begin, int end, String message, kind) {
-  if ( == 'verbose info') {
-    print(message);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (message.contains('methods retained for use by dart:mirrors out of')) {
-    print(message);
-    return;
-  }
-  if ( == 'info') return;
-  // TODO( Remove once is fixed.
-  if (message.contains("Warning: 'typedef' not allowed here")) return;
-  throw '$uri:$begin:$end: $kind: $message';
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    var result = await runCompiler(
-        memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-        diagnosticHandler: new LegacyCompilerDiagnostics(expectOnlyVerboseInfo),
-        options: ['--enable-experimental-mirrors', Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-    CompilerImpl compiler = result.compiler;
-    JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
-    print('');
-    List generatedCode =
-        Elements.sortedByPosition(new List.from(backend.generatedCode.keys));
-    for (var element in generatedCode) {
-      print(element);
-    }
-    print('');
-    // This assertion can fail for two reasons:
-    // 1. Too many elements retained for reflection.
-    // 2. Some code was refactored, and there are more methods.
-    // Either situation could be problematic, but in situation 2, it is often
-    // acceptable to increase [expectedMethodCount] a little.
-    int expectedMethodCount = 490;
-    Expect.isTrue(
-        generatedCode.length <= expectedMethodCount,
-        'Too many compiled methods: '
-        '${generatedCode.length} > $expectedMethodCount');
-    // The following names should be retained:
-    List<jsAst.Name> expectedNames = [
-      'Foo', // The name of class Foo.
-      r'Foo$', // The name of class Foo's constructor.
-      r'get$field' // The (getter) name of Foo.field.
-    ].map(backend.namer.asName).toList();
-    // TODO(ahe): Check for the following names, currently they are not being
-    // recorded correctly, but are being emitted.
-    [
-      'Foo_staticMethod', // The name of Foo.staticMethod.
-      r'instanceMethod$0' // The name of Foo.instanceMethod.
-    ];
-    // We always include the names of some native classes.
-    List<ClassElement> nativeClasses = [
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.intClass,
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.doubleClass,
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.numClass,
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.stringClass,
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.boolClass,
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.nullClass,
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.listClass
-    ];
-    Iterable<jsAst.Name> nativeNames =
- => backend.namer.className(c));
-    expectedNames.addAll(nativeNames);
-    // Mirrors only work in the full emitter. We can thus be certain that the
-    // emitter is the full emitter.
-    full.Emitter fullEmitter = backend.emitter.emitter;
-    Set<jsAst.Name> recordedNames = new Set()
-      ..addAll(fullEmitter.recordedMangledNames)
-      ..addAll(fullEmitter.mangledFieldNames.keys)
-      ..addAll(fullEmitter.mangledGlobalFieldNames.keys);
-    Expect.setEquals(new Set.from(expectedNames), recordedNames);
-    for (dynamic library in compiler.libraryLoader.libraries) {
-      library.forEachLocalMember((member) {
-        if (member.isClass) {
-          if (library ==
-                  compiler.frontendStrategy.elementEnvironment.mainLibrary &&
-     == 'Foo') {
-            Expect.isTrue(
-                compiler.backend.mirrorsData
-                    .isClassAccessibleByReflection(member),
-                '$member');
-            member.forEachLocalMember((classMember) {
-              Expect.isTrue(
-                  compiler.backend.mirrorsData
-                      .isMemberAccessibleByReflection(classMember),
-                  '$classMember');
-            });
-          } else {
-            Expect.isFalse(
-                compiler.backend.mirrorsData
-                    .isClassAccessibleByReflection(member),
-                '$member');
-          }
-        } else if (member.isTypedef) {
-          Expect.isFalse(
-              compiler.backend.mirrorsData
-                  .isTypedefAccessibleByReflection(member),
-              '$member');
-        } else {
-          Expect.isFalse(
-              compiler.backend.mirrorsData
-                  .isMemberAccessibleByReflection(member),
-              '$member');
-        }
-      });
-    }
-    int metadataCount = 0;
-    CodegenWorldBuilderImpl codegenWorldBuilder = compiler.codegenWorldBuilder;
-    Set<ConstantValue> compiledConstants =
-        codegenWorldBuilder.compiledConstants;
-    // Make sure that most of the metadata constants aren't included in the
-    // generated code.
-    MirrorsResolutionAnalysisImpl mirrorsResolutionAnalysis =
-        backend.mirrorsResolutionAnalysis;
-    mirrorsResolutionAnalysis.processMetadata(
-        compiler.enqueuer.resolution.processedEntities, (metadata) {
-      ConstantValue constant =
-          backend.constants.getConstantValueForMetadata(metadata);
-      Expect.isFalse(
-          compiledConstants.contains(constant), constant.toStructuredText());
-      metadataCount++;
-    });
-    // There should at least be one metadata constant:
-    // 1. The constructed constant for 'MirrorsUsed'.
-    Expect.isTrue(metadataCount >= 1);
-    // The type literal 'Foo' is both used as metadata, and as a plain value in
-    // the program. Make sure that it isn't duplicated.
-    int fooConstantCount = 0;
-    for (ConstantValue constant in compiledConstants) {
-      if (constant is TypeConstantValue &&
-          '${constant.representedType}' == 'Foo') {
-        fooConstantCount++;
-      }
-    }
-    Expect.equals(1, fooConstantCount,
-        "The type literal 'Foo' is duplicated or missing.");
-  });
-const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const <String, String>{
-  'main.dart': """
-// The repeated constant value for symbols and targets used to crash dart2js in
-// host-checked mode, and could potentially lead to other problems.
-@MirrorsUsed(symbols: 'Foo', targets: 'Foo', override: '*')
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-import 'library.dart';
-class Foo {
-  int field;
-  instanceMethod() {}
-  static staticMethod() {}
-unusedFunction() {
-main() {
-  useReflect(Foo);
-  'library.dart': """
-library lib;
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-useReflect(type) {
-  print(new Symbol('Foo'));
-  print(MirrorSystem.getName(reflectClass(type).owner.qualifiedName));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_all_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_all_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 4936c1c..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_all_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-const String SOURCE = """
-class Foo {
-  // Deliberately not const to ensure compile error.
-  Foo(_);
-class Bar {
-  const Bar();
-typedef void VoidFunction();
-class MyClass {}
-main() {
-Future<DiagnosticCollector> run(String source,
-    {bool analyzeAll, bool expectSuccess}) async {
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  List<String> options = [Flags.useOldFrontend];
-  if (analyzeAll) {
-    options.add(Flags.analyzeAll);
-  } else {
-    options.add(Flags.analyzeOnly);
-  }
-  CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-      memorySourceFiles: {'main.dart': source},
-      diagnosticHandler: collector,
-      options: options);
-  Expect.equals(expectSuccess, result.isSuccess);
-  return collector;
-test1() async {
-  DiagnosticCollector collector =
-      await run(SOURCE, analyzeAll: false, expectSuccess: true);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, 'Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, 'Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}');
-test2() async {
-  DiagnosticCollector collector =
-      await run(SOURCE, analyzeAll: true, expectSuccess: false);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, 'unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(2, collector.errors.length,
-      'expected exactly two errors, but got ${collector.errors}');
-  CollectedMessage first = collector.errors.first;
-  Expect.equals(MessageKind.CONSTRUCTOR_IS_NOT_CONST, first.message.kind);
-  Expect.equals("Foo", SOURCE.substring(first.begin, first.end));
-  CollectedMessage second = collector.errors.elementAt(1);
-  Expect.equals(MessageKind.CONSTRUCTOR_IS_NOT_CONST, second.message.kind);
-  Expect.equals("Foo", SOURCE.substring(second.begin, second.end));
-// This is a regression test, testing that we can handle annotations on
-// malformed elements. Depending on the order of analysis, annotations on such
-// elements might not be resolved which caused a crash when trying to detect
-// a `@NoInline()` annotation.
-test3() async {
-  String source = '''
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-class A {
-  @NoInline
-  m() {
-    => print(0);
-  }
-main() => new A().m();
-  DiagnosticCollector collector =
-      await run(source, analyzeAll: true, expectSuccess: false);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, 'unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length,
-      'expected exactly one error, but got ${collector.errors}');
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    await test1();
-    await test2();
-    await test3();
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_api_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_api_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 678e798..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_api_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library analyze_api;
-import 'package:sdk_library_metadata/libraries.dart';
-import 'analyze_helper.dart';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
- * Map of white-listed warnings and errors.
- *
- * Only add a white-listing together with a bug report to and add
- * the bug issue number as a comment on the white-listing.
- *
- * Use an identifiable suffix of the file uri as key. Use a fixed substring of
- * the error/warning message in the list of white-listings for each file.
- */
-// TODO(johnniwinther): Support canonical URIs as keys.
-const Map<String, List<String>> WHITE_LIST = const {
-  "sdk/lib/io/file.dart": const [
-    "'void' is not a subtype of bound 'Object' for type variable",
-  ],
-  "sdk/lib/io/file_impl.dart": const [
-    "'void' is not a subtype of bound 'Object' for type variable",
-  ],
-void main() {
-  var uriList = new List<Uri>();
-  libraries.forEach((String name, LibraryInfo info) {
-    if (info.documented) {
-      uriList.add(new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: name));
-    }
-  });
-  asyncTest(() => analyze(uriList, WHITE_LIST, mode: AnalysisMode.ALL));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_dart2js_helpers_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_dart2js_helpers_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ff112a..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_dart2js_helpers_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library dart2js.analyze_helpers.test;
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/compiler_new.dart' show Diagnostic;
-import 'package:compiler/src/apiimpl.dart' show CompilerImpl;
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/constants/expressions.dart'
-    show ConstructedConstantExpression;
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart'
-    show ResolutionInterfaceType;
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/source_span.dart' show SourceSpan;
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/filenames.dart' show nativeToUriPath;
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/semantic_visitor.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/tree_elements.dart' show TreeElements;
-import 'package:compiler/src/source_file_provider.dart'
-    show FormattingDiagnosticHandler;
-import 'package:compiler/src/tree/tree.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/universe/call_structure.dart' show CallStructure;
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-main(List<String> arguments) {
-  bool verbose = arguments.contains('-v');
-  List<String> options = <String>[
-    Flags.useOldFrontend,
-    Flags.analyzeOnly,
-    Flags.analyzeMain,
-    '--categories=Client,Server'
-  ];
-  if (verbose) {
-    options.add(Flags.verbose);
-  }
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    CompilerImpl compiler =
-        compilerFor(options: options, showDiagnostics: verbose);
-    FormattingDiagnosticHandler diagnostics =
-        new FormattingDiagnosticHandler(compiler.provider);
-    Directory dir =
-        new Directory.fromUri(Uri.base.resolve('pkg/compiler/lib/'));
-    String helpersUriPrefix = dir.uri.resolve('src/helpers/').toString();
-    HelperAnalyzer analyzer = new HelperAnalyzer(diagnostics, helpersUriPrefix);
-    LibraryElement helperLibrary;
-    for (FileSystemEntity entity in dir.listSync(recursive: true)) {
-      if (entity is File && entity.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
-        Uri file = Uri.base.resolve(nativeToUriPath(entity.path));
-        if (verbose) {
-          print('---- analyzing $file ----');
-        }
-        LibraryElement library = await compiler.analyzeUri(file);
-        if (library != null) {
-          if (library.libraryName == 'dart2js.helpers') {
-            helperLibrary = library;
-          }
-          library.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
-            if (element is ClassElement) {
-              element.forEachLocalMember((_member) {
-                AstElement member = _member;
-                analyzer.analyze(member.resolvedAst);
-              });
-            } else if (element is MemberElement) {
-              analyzer.analyze(element.resolvedAst);
-            }
-          });
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    Expect.isNotNull(helperLibrary, 'Helper library not found');
-    Expect.isTrue(analyzer.isHelper(helperLibrary),
-        "Helper library $helperLibrary is not considered a helper.");
-    Expect.isTrue(analyzer.errors.isEmpty, "Errors found.");
-  });
-class HelperAnalyzer extends TraversalVisitor {
-  final FormattingDiagnosticHandler diagnostics;
-  final String helpersUriPrefix;
-  List<SourceSpan> errors = <SourceSpan>[];
-  ResolvedAst resolvedAst;
-  @override
-  TreeElements get elements => resolvedAst.elements;
-  AnalyzableElement get analyzedElement => resolvedAst.element;
-  HelperAnalyzer(this.diagnostics, this.helpersUriPrefix) : super(null);
-  @override
-  void apply(Node node, [_]) {
-    node.accept(this);
-  }
-  void analyze(ResolvedAst resolvedAst) {
-    if (resolvedAst.kind != ResolvedAstKind.PARSED) {
-      // Skip synthesized members.
-      return;
-    }
-    this.resolvedAst = resolvedAst;
-    apply(resolvedAst.node);
-    this.resolvedAst = null;
-  }
-  bool isHelper(Element element) {
-    Uri uri = element.library.canonicalUri;
-    return '$uri'.startsWith(helpersUriPrefix);
-  }
-  void checkAccess(Node node, MemberElement element) {
-    if (isHelper(element) && !isHelper(analyzedElement)) {
-      Uri uri = analyzedElement.implementation.sourcePosition.uri;
-      SourceSpan span = new SourceSpan.fromNode(uri, node);
-, span.uri, span.begin, span.end,
-          "Helper used in production code.", Diagnostic.ERROR);
-      errors.add(span);
-    }
-  }
-  @override
-  void visitTopLevelFieldInvoke(Send node, FieldElement field,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
-    checkAccess(node, field);
-    apply(arguments);
-  }
-  @override
-  void visitTopLevelGetterInvoke(Send node, GetterElement getter,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
-    checkAccess(node, getter);
-    apply(arguments);
-  }
-  @override
-  void visitTopLevelFunctionInvoke(Send node, MethodElement method,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
-    checkAccess(node, method);
-    apply(arguments);
-  }
-  @override
-  void visitTopLevelFieldGet(Send node, FieldElement field, _) {
-    checkAccess(node, field);
-  }
-  @override
-  void visitTopLevelGetterGet(Send node, GetterElement getter, _) {
-    checkAccess(node, getter);
-  }
-  @override
-  void visitTopLevelFunctionGet(Send node, MethodElement method, _) {
-    checkAccess(node, method);
-  }
-  @override
-  void visitGenerativeConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      _) {
-    checkAccess(node, constructor);
-    apply(arguments);
-  }
-  @override
-  void visitRedirectingGenerativeConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      _) {
-    checkAccess(node, constructor);
-    apply(arguments);
-  }
-  @override
-  void visitFactoryConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      _) {
-    checkAccess(node, constructor);
-    apply(arguments);
-  }
-  @override
-  void visitRedirectingFactoryConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      ConstructorElement effectiveTarget,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType effectiveTargetType,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      _) {
-    checkAccess(node, constructor);
-    apply(arguments);
-  }
-  @override
-  void visitConstConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node, ConstructedConstantExpression constant, _) {
-    ConstructorElement constructor =;
-    checkAccess(node, constructor);
-  }
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_helper.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_helper.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 84dc1c1..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_helper.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library analyze_helper;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:compiler/compiler.dart' as api;
-import 'package:compiler/src/apiimpl.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart'
-    show Message, MessageKind;
-import 'package:compiler/src/filenames.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/options.dart' show CompilerOptions;
-import 'package:compiler/src/source_file_provider.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/util/uri_extras.dart';
-import '../diagnostic_helper.dart';
-/// Option for hiding whitelisted messages.
-const String HIDE_WHITELISTED = '--hide-whitelisted';
- * Map of whitelisted warnings and errors.
- *
- * Only add a whitelisting together with a bug report to and add
- * the bug issue number as a comment on the whitelisting.
- *
- * Use an identifiable suffix of the file uri as key. Use a fixed substring of
- * the error/warning message in the list of whitelistings for each file.
- */
-// TODO(johnniwinther): Support canonical URIs as keys and message kinds as
-// values.
-class CollectingDiagnosticHandler extends FormattingDiagnosticHandler {
-  bool hasWarnings = false;
-  bool hasHint = false;
-  bool hasErrors = false;
-  bool lastWasWhitelisted = false;
-  bool showWhitelisted = true;
-  Map<String, Map<dynamic /* String|MessageKind */, int>> whiteListMap =
-      new Map<String, Map<dynamic /* String|MessageKind */, int>>();
-  List<MessageKind> skipList;
-  List<CollectedMessage> collectedMessages = <CollectedMessage>[];
-  CollectingDiagnosticHandler(
-      Map<String, List /* <String|MessageKind> */ > whiteList,
-      this.skipList,
-      SourceFileProvider provider)
-      : super(provider) {
-    whiteList
-        .forEach((String file, List /* <String|MessageKind> */ messageParts) {
-      var useMap = new Map<dynamic /* String|MessageKind */, int>();
-      for (var messagePart in messageParts) {
-        useMap[messagePart] = 0;
-      }
-      whiteListMap[file] = useMap;
-    });
-  }
-  bool checkResults() {
-    bool validWhiteListUse = checkWhiteListUse();
-    reportWhiteListUse();
-    reportCollectedMessages();
-    return !hasWarnings && !hasHint && !hasErrors && validWhiteListUse;
-  }
-  bool checkWhiteListUse() {
-    bool allUsed = true;
-    for (String file in whiteListMap.keys) {
-      for (var messagePart in whiteListMap[file].keys) {
-        if (whiteListMap[file][messagePart] == 0) {
-          print("Whitelisting '$messagePart' is unused in '$file'. "
-              "Remove the whitelisting from the whitelist map.");
-          allUsed = false;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return allUsed;
-  }
-  void reportCollectedMessages() {
-    if (collectedMessages.isNotEmpty) {
-      print('----------------------------------------------------------------');
-      print('Unexpected messages:');
-      print('----------------------------------------------------------------');
-      for (CollectedMessage message in collectedMessages) {
-, message.uri, message.begin, message.end,
-            message.text, message.kind);
-      }
-      print('----------------------------------------------------------------');
-    }
-  }
-  void reportWhiteListUse() {
-    for (String file in whiteListMap.keys) {
-      for (var messagePart in whiteListMap[file].keys) {
-        int useCount = whiteListMap[file][messagePart];
-        print("Whitelisted message '$messagePart' suppressed $useCount "
-            "time(s) in '$file'.");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  bool checkWhiteList(Uri uri, Message message, String text) {
-    if (uri == null) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (skipList.contains(message.kind)) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    String path = uri.path;
-    for (String file in whiteListMap.keys) {
-      if (path.contains(file)) {
-        for (var messagePart in whiteListMap[file].keys) {
-          bool found = false;
-          if (messagePart is String) {
-            found = text.contains(messagePart);
-          } else {
-            assert(messagePart is MessageKind);
-            found = message.kind == messagePart;
-          }
-          if (found) {
-            whiteListMap[file][messagePart]++;
-            return true;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  @override
-  void report(covariant Message message, Uri uri, int begin, int end,
-      String text, api.Diagnostic kind) {
-    if (kind == api.Diagnostic.WARNING) {
-      if (checkWhiteList(uri, message, text)) {
-        // Suppress whitelisted warnings.
-        lastWasWhitelisted = true;
-        if (showWhitelisted || verbose) {
-          print("*already whitelisted*");
-, uri, begin, end, text, kind);
-        }
-        return;
-      }
-      print("*NOT WHITELISTED*");
-      hasWarnings = true;
-    }
-    if (kind == api.Diagnostic.HINT) {
-      if (checkWhiteList(uri, message, text)) {
-        // Suppress whitelisted hints.
-        lastWasWhitelisted = true;
-        if (showWhitelisted || verbose) {
-          print("*already whitelisted*");
-, uri, begin, end, text, kind);
-        }
-        return;
-      }
-      print("*NOT WHITELISTED*");
-      hasHint = true;
-    }
-    if (kind == api.Diagnostic.ERROR) {
-      if (checkWhiteList(uri, message, text)) {
-        // Suppress whitelisted errors.
-        lastWasWhitelisted = true;
-        if (showWhitelisted || verbose) {
-          print("*already whitelisted*");
-, uri, begin, end, text, kind);
-        }
-        return;
-      }
-      print("*NOT WHITELISTED*");
-      hasErrors = true;
-    }
-    if (kind == api.Diagnostic.INFO && lastWasWhitelisted) {
-      return;
-    }
-    lastWasWhitelisted = false;
-    if (kind != api.Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO) {
-      collectedMessages
-          .add(new CollectedMessage(message, uri, begin, end, text, kind));
-    }
-, uri, begin, end, text, kind);
-  }
-typedef bool CheckResults(
-    CompilerImpl compiler, CollectingDiagnosticHandler handler);
-enum AnalysisMode {
-  /// Analyze all declarations in all libraries in one go.
-  ALL,
-  /// Analyze all declarations in the main library.
-  MAIN,
-  /// Analyze all declarations in the given URIs one at a time. This mode can
-  /// handle URIs for parts (i.e. skips these).
-  URI,
-  /// Analyze all declarations reachable from the entry point.
-/// Analyzes the file(s) in [uriList] using the provided [mode] and checks that
-/// no messages (errors, warnings or hints) are emitted.
-/// Messages can be generally allowed using [skipList] or on a per-file basis
-/// using [whiteList].
-Future analyze(
-    List<Uri> uriList, Map<String, List /* <String|MessageKind> */ > whiteList,
-    {AnalysisMode mode: AnalysisMode.ALL,
-    CheckResults checkResults,
-    List<String> options: const <String>[],
-    List<MessageKind> skipList: const <MessageKind>[]}) async {
-  String testFileName =
-      relativize(Uri.base, Platform.script, Platform.isWindows);
-  print("""
-=== NOTE: If this test fails, update [WHITE_LIST] in $testFileName
-  var libraryRoot = currentDirectory.resolve('sdk/');
-  var packageConfig = currentDirectory.resolve('.packages');
-  var provider = new CompilerSourceFileProvider();
-  var handler = new CollectingDiagnosticHandler(whiteList, skipList, provider);
-  options = <String>[
-    Flags.useOldFrontend,
-    Flags.analyzeOnly,
-    '--categories=Client,Server',
-    Flags.showPackageWarnings
-  ]..addAll(options);
-  switch (mode) {
-    case AnalysisMode.URI:
-    case AnalysisMode.MAIN:
-      options.add(Flags.analyzeMain);
-      break;
-    case AnalysisMode.ALL:
-      options.add(Flags.analyzeAll);
-      break;
-    case AnalysisMode.TREE_SHAKING:
-      break;
-  }
-  if (options.contains(Flags.verbose)) {
-    handler.verbose = true;
-  }
-  if (options.contains(HIDE_WHITELISTED)) {
-    handler.showWhitelisted = false;
-  }
-  var compiler = new CompilerImpl(
-      provider,
-      null,
-      handler,
-      CompilerOptions.parse(options, libraryRoot: libraryRoot)
-        ..packageConfig = packageConfig
-        ..environment = {});
-  String MESSAGE = """
-=== ERROR: Unexpected result of analysis.
-=== Please update [WHITE_LIST] in $testFileName
-  if (mode == AnalysisMode.URI) {
-    for (Uri uri in uriList) {
-      print('Analyzing uri: $uri');
-      await compiler.analyzeUri(uri);
-    }
-  } else if (mode != AnalysisMode.TREE_SHAKING) {
-    print('Analyzing libraries: $uriList');
-    compiler.librariesToAnalyzeWhenRun = uriList;
-    await;
-  } else {
-    print('Analyzing entry point: ${uriList.single}');
-    await;
-  }
-  bool result;
-  if (checkResults != null) {
-    result = checkResults(compiler, handler);
-  } else {
-    result = handler.checkResults();
-  }
-  if (!result) {
-    print(MESSAGE);
-    exit(1);
-  }
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_only_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_only_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index e2e1f3b..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_only_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Smoke test of the dart2js compiler API.
-library analyze_only;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/compiler_new.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart'
-    show MessageKind, MessageTemplate;
-import 'package:compiler/src/old_to_new_api.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/options.dart';
-import '../../dart2js_extra/dummy_compiler_test.dart' as dummy;
-import '../output_collector.dart';
-runCompiler(String main, List<String> options,
-    onValue(String code, List errors, List warnings)) {
-  List errors = new List();
-  List warnings = new List();
-  Future<String> localProvider(Uri uri) {
-    if (uri.scheme != 'main') return dummy.provider(uri);
-    return new Future<String>.value(main);
-  }
-  void localHandler(
-      Uri uri, int begin, int end, String message, Diagnostic kind) {
-    dummy.handler(uri, begin, end, message, kind);
-    if (kind == Diagnostic.ERROR) {
-      errors.add(message);
-    } else if (kind == Diagnostic.WARNING) {
-      warnings.add(message);
-    }
-  }
-  options = [Flags.useOldFrontend]..addAll(options);
-  print('-----------------------------------------------');
-  print('main source:\n$main');
-  print('options: $options\n');
-  asyncStart();
-  OutputCollector outputCollector = new OutputCollector();
-  Future<CompilationResult> result = compile(
-      CompilerOptions.parse(options,
-          libraryRoot: new Uri(scheme: 'lib', path: '/'))
-        ..entryPoint = new Uri(scheme: 'main')
-        ..packageRoot = new Uri(scheme: 'package', path: '/'),
-      new LegacyCompilerInput(localProvider),
-      new LegacyCompilerDiagnostics(localHandler),
-      outputCollector);
-  result
-      .then((_) {
-        onValue(outputCollector.getOutput('', OutputType.js), errors, warnings);
-      }, onError: (e, st) {
-        throw 'Compilation failed: ${e} ${st}';
-      })
-      .then(asyncSuccess)
-      .catchError((error, stack) {
-        print('\n\n-----------------------------------------------');
-        print('main source:\n$main');
-        print('options: $options\n');
-        print('threw:\n $error\n$stack');
-        print('-----------------------------------------------\n\n');
-        throw error;
-      });
-main() {
-  runCompiler("", [Flags.generateCodeWithCompileTimeErrors],
-      (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNotNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty, 'errors is not empty: $errors');
-    MessageTemplate template =
-        MessageTemplate.TEMPLATES[MessageKind.MISSING_MAIN];
-    Expect.equals("${template.message({'main': 'main'})}", warnings.single);
-  });
-  runCompiler("main() {}", [Flags.generateCodeWithCompileTimeErrors],
-      (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNotNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty);
-    Expect.isTrue(warnings.isEmpty);
-  });
-  runCompiler("", [Flags.analyzeOnly],
-      (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty, 'errors is not empty: $errors');
-    MessageTemplate template =
-        MessageTemplate.TEMPLATES[MessageKind.CONSIDER_ANALYZE_ALL];
-    Expect.equals("${template.message({'main': 'main'})}", warnings.single);
-  });
-  runCompiler("main() {}", [Flags.analyzeOnly],
-      (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty);
-    Expect.isTrue(warnings.isEmpty);
-  });
-  runCompiler("Foo foo; // Unresolved but not analyzed.", [Flags.analyzeOnly],
-      (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty, 'errors is not empty: $errors');
-    MessageTemplate template =
-        MessageTemplate.TEMPLATES[MessageKind.CONSIDER_ANALYZE_ALL];
-    Expect.equals("${template.message({'main': 'main'})}", warnings.single);
-  });
-  runCompiler("""main() {
-         Foo foo; // Unresolved and analyzed.
-       }""", [Flags.analyzeOnly], (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty);
-    Expect.equals(1, warnings.length);
-    Expect.equals("Cannot resolve type 'Foo'.", warnings[0].toString());
-  });
-  runCompiler("""main() {
-         Foo foo; // Unresolved and analyzed.
-       }""", [Flags.analyzeOnly, Flags.analyzeSignaturesOnly],
-      (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty);
-    Expect.isTrue(warnings.isEmpty);
-  });
-  runCompiler("Foo foo; // Unresolved and analyzed.", [
-    Flags.analyzeOnly,
-    Flags.analyzeAll
-  ], (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty);
-    Expect.equals("Cannot resolve type 'Foo'.", warnings[0].toString());
-  });
-  runCompiler("""Foo foo; // Unresolved and analyzed.
-       main() {}""", [Flags.analyzeOnly, Flags.analyzeAll],
-      (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty, 'Unexpected errors: $errors.');
-    Expect.equals(1, warnings.length, 'Unexpected warning count: $warnings.');
-    Expect.equals("Cannot resolve type 'Foo'.", warnings[0].toString());
-  });
-  runCompiler("", [Flags.analyzeOnly, Flags.analyzeAll],
-      (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty);
-    Expect.isTrue(warnings.isEmpty);
-  });
-  // --analyze-signatures-only implies --analyze-only
-  runCompiler("", [Flags.analyzeSignaturesOnly, Flags.analyzeAll],
-      (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(errors.isEmpty);
-    Expect.isTrue(warnings.isEmpty);
-  });
-  runCompiler("""main() {}
-      foo() native 'foo';""", [Flags.analyzeOnly],
-      (String code, List errors, List warnings) {
-    Expect.isNull(code);
-    Expect.isTrue(
-        errors.single.startsWith("'native' modifier is not supported."));
-    Expect.isTrue(warnings.isEmpty);
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_test_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_test_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 495ce73..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/analyze_test_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library dart2js.analyze_test.test;
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/filenames.dart' show nativeToUriPath;
-import 'analyze_helper.dart';
- * Map of white-listed warnings and errors.
- *
- * Use an identifiable suffix of the file uri as key. Use a fixed substring of
- * the error/warning message in the list of white-listings for each file.
- */
-// TODO(johnniwinther): Support canonical URIs as keys.
-const Map<String, List /* <String|MessageKind> */ > WHITE_LIST = const {
-  "pkg/kernel/lib/transformations/closure/": const [
-    "Duplicated library name 'kernel.transformations.closure.converter'",
-  ],
-const List<String> SKIP_LIST = const <String>[
-  // Helper files:
-  "/data/",
-  "/emission/",
-  "/side_effects/",
-  "quarantined/http_launch_data/",
-  "mirrors_helper.dart",
-  "path%20with%20spaces/",
-  // Broken tests:
-  "quarantined/http_test.dart",
-  // Package directory
-  "packages/",
-List<Uri> computeInputUris({String filter}) {
-  List<Uri> uriList = <Uri>[];
-  Directory dir =
-      new Directory.fromUri(Uri.base.resolve('tests/compiler/dart2js/'));
-  for (FileSystemEntity entity in dir.listSync(recursive: true)) {
-    if (entity is File && entity.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
-      Uri file = Uri.base.resolve(nativeToUriPath(entity.path));
-      if (filter != null && !'$file'.contains(filter)) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (!SKIP_LIST.any((skip) => file.path.contains(skip))) {
-        uriList.add(file);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return uriList;
-main(List<String> arguments) {
-  List<String> options = <String>[];
-  List<Uri> uriList = <Uri>[];
-  String filter;
-  bool first = true;
-  for (String argument in arguments) {
-    if (argument.startsWith('-')) {
-      options.add(argument == '-v' ? Flags.verbose : argument);
-    } else if (first) {
-      File file = new File(argument);
-      if (file.existsSync()) {
-        // Read test files from [file].
-        for (String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
-          line = line.trim();
-          if (line.startsWith('Analyzing uri: ')) {
-            int filenameOffset = line.indexOf('tests/compiler/dart2js/');
-            if (filenameOffset != -1) {
-              uriList.add(Uri.base
-                  .resolve(nativeToUriPath(line.substring(filenameOffset))));
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        // Use argument as filter on test files.
-        filter = argument;
-      }
-    } else {
-      throw new ArgumentError("Extra argument $argument in $arguments.");
-    }
-    first = false;
-  }
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    if (uriList.isEmpty) {
-      uriList = computeInputUris(filter: filter);
-    }
-    await analyze(uriList, WHITE_LIST,
-        mode: AnalysisMode.URI, options: options);
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/async_await_syntax_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/async_await_syntax_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 16be073..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/async_await_syntax_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that dart2js produces the expected static type warnings and
-// compile-time errors for these tests.
-import 'frontend_checker.dart';
-/// Map of test files to run together with their associated whitelist.
-/// For instance
-///     'language/async_await_syntax_test.dart': const ['a03b', 'a04b']
-/// includes the multitest in 'language/async_await_syntax_test.dart' but
-/// expects the subtests 'a03b' and 'a04c' to fail.
-const Map<String, List<String>> TESTS = const <String, List<String>>{
-  'language_2/async_await_syntax_test.dart': const [
-    'a10a',
-    'b10a',
-    'c10a',
-    'd08b',
-    'd10a',
-  ],
-void main(List<String> arguments) {
-  check(TESTS, arguments: arguments, options: []);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/bad_loop_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/bad_loop_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 69d2490..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/bad_loop_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/compiler.dart' show Diagnostic;
-import 'package:compiler/src/options.dart' show CompilerOptions;
-import 'package:compiler/src/old_to_new_api.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../memory_source_file_helper.dart';
-main() {
-  Uri script = currentDirectory.resolveUri(Platform.script);
-  Uri libraryRoot = script.resolve('../../../../sdk/');
-  Uri packageRoot = script.resolve('./packages/');
-  var provider = new MemorySourceFileProvider(MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES);
-  int warningCount = 0;
-  int errorCount = 0;
-  void diagnosticHandler(
-      Uri uri, int begin, int end, String message, Diagnostic kind) {
-    if (kind == Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO) {
-      return;
-    }
-    if (kind == Diagnostic.ERROR) {
-      errorCount++;
-    } else if (kind == Diagnostic.WARNING) {
-      warningCount++;
-    } else {
-      throw 'unexpected diagnostic $kind: $message';
-    }
-  }
-  CompilerImpl compiler = new CompilerImpl(
-      provider,
-      new LegacyCompilerOutput(),
-      new LegacyCompilerDiagnostics(diagnosticHandler),
-      new CompilerOptions()
-        ..libraryRoot = libraryRoot
-        ..useKernel = false
-        ..packageRoot = packageRoot);
-  asyncTest(() =>'memory:main.dart')).then((_) {
-        Expect.isTrue(compiler.compilationFailed);
-        Expect.equals(5, errorCount);
-        Expect.equals(1, warningCount);
-      }));
-const Map MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
-  'main.dart': """
-main() {
-  for (var x, y in []) {
-  }
-  for (var x = 10 in []) {
-  }
-  for (x.y in []) { // Also causes a warning "x unresolved".
-  }
-  for ((){}() in []) {
-  }
-  for (1 in []) {
-  }
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/begin_end_token_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/begin_end_token_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a0ce7a..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/begin_end_token_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:compiler/src/tree/tree.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'parser_helper.dart';
-void testNode(Node node, String expected, String text, [bool hard = true]) {
-  var debug = 'text=$text,expected=$expected,node:${node}';
-  Expect.isNotNull(node, debug);
-  Token beginToken = node.getBeginToken();
-  Expect.isNotNull(beginToken, debug);
-  Token endToken = node.getEndToken();
-  Expect.isNotNull(endToken, debug);
-  int begin = beginToken.charOffset;
-  int end = endToken.charOffset + endToken.charCount;
-  Expect.isTrue(begin <= end, debug);
-  if (hard) {
-    Expect.stringEquals(expected, text.substring(begin, end), debug);
-  }
-Node testExpression(String text, [String alternate]) {
-  ExpressionStatement statement = parseStatement('$text;');
-  Expression node = statement.expression;
-  testNode(node, alternate == null ? text : alternate, text);
-  return node;
-void testUnaryExpression() {
-  testExpression('x++');
-  testExpression('++x');
-void testAssignment() {
-  Expression node;
-  SendSet sendSet;
-  String text;
-  text = "a = b";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  text = "a = b = c";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  // Should parse as: a = (b = c).
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
-  testNode(sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet(), 'b = c', text);
-  text = "a = b = c = d";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  // Should parse as: a = (b = (c = d)).
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
-  testNode(sendSet = sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet(), 'b = c = d', text);
-  testNode(sendSet = sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet(), 'c = d', text);
-  text = "a.b = c";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  // Should parse as: receiver = a, selector = b, arguments = c.
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
-  testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", "a.b = c");
-  testNode(sendSet.selector, "b", "a.b = c");
-  testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "c", "a.b = c");
-  text = "a.b = c.d";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  // Should parse as: a.b = (c.d).
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
-  Expect.stringEquals("a", sendSet.receiver.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("b", sendSet.selector.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("c.d", sendSet.arguments.head.toString());
-  text = "a.b = c.d = e.f";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  // Should parse as: a.b = (c.d = (e.f)).
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
-  testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.selector, "b", text);
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet());
-  testNode(sendSet.receiver, "c", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.selector, "d", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "e.f", text);
-void testIndex() {
-  Expression node;
-  Send send;
-  SendSet sendSet;
-  String text;
-  text = "a[b]";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  // Should parse as: (a)[b].
-  Expect.isNotNull(send = node.asSend());
-  testNode(send.receiver, "a", text);
-  // TODO(johnniwinther): [selector] is the synthetic [] Operator which doesn't
-  // return the right begin/end tokens. In the next line we should have expected
-  // "[b]" instead of "[b".
-  testNode(send.selector, "[b", text);
-  testNode(send.arguments.head, "b", text);
-  text = "a[b] = c";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  // Should parse as: (a)[b] = c.
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
-  testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.selector, "[]", text, false); // Operator token is synthetic.
-  testNode(sendSet.assignmentOperator, "=", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "b", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.arguments.tail.head, "c", text);
-  text = "a.b[c]";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  // Should parse as: (a.b)[c].
-  Expect.isNotNull(send = node.asSend());
-  testNode(send.receiver, "a.b", text);
-  testNode(send.selector, "[]", text, false); // Operator token is synthetic.
-  testNode(send.arguments.head, "c", text);
-  text = "a.b[c] = d";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  // Should parse as: (a.b)[] = (c, d).
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
-  Expect.isNotNull(send = sendSet.receiver.asSend());
-  testNode(send, "a.b", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.selector, "[]", text, false); // Operator token is synthetic.
-  testNode(sendSet.assignmentOperator, "=", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "c", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.arguments.tail.head, "d", text);
-void testPostfix() {
-  Expression node;
-  SendSet sendSet;
-  String text;
-  text = "a.b++";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  // Should parse as: (a.b)++.
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
-  testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.selector, "b", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.assignmentOperator, "++", text);
-  Expect.isTrue(sendSet.arguments.isEmpty);
-  text = "++a[b]";
-  // TODO(johnniwinther): SendSet generates the wrong end token in the following
-  // line. We should have [:testExpression(text):] instead of
-  // [:testExpression(text, "++a"):].
-  node = testExpression(text, "++a");
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
-  testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.selector, "[]", text, false); // Operator token is synthetic.
-  testNode(sendSet.assignmentOperator, "++", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "b", text);
-  text = "a[b]++";
-  node = testExpression(text);
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
-  testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.selector, "[]", text, false); // Operator token is synthetic.
-  testNode(sendSet.assignmentOperator, "++", text);
-  testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "b", text);
-void main() {
-  testUnaryExpression();
-  testAssignment();
-  testIndex();
-  testPostfix();
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/benign_error_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/benign_error_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index a94a5aa..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/benign_error_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that benign error do not prevent compilation.
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/js_backend/js_backend.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    for (MessageKind kind in Compiler.BENIGN_ERRORS) {
-      await testExamples(kind);
-    }
-  });
-testExamples(MessageKind kind) async {
-  MessageTemplate template = MessageTemplate.TEMPLATES[kind];
-  for (var example in template.examples) {
-    if (example is! Map) {
-      example = {'main.dart': example};
-    }
-    DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-    CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-        memorySourceFiles: example,
-        diagnosticHandler: collector,
-        options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-    Expect.isTrue(result.isSuccess);
-    Expect
-        .isTrue(collector.errors.any((message) => message.messageKind == kind));
-    Compiler compiler = result.compiler;
-    JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
-    Expect.isNotNull(backend.generatedCode[
-        compiler.frontendStrategy.elementEnvironment.mainFunction]);
-  }
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/categories_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/categories_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4317c..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/categories_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import "../memory_compiler.dart";
-runTest(String source, String categories, int expectedErrors) async {
-  var collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  await runCompiler(
-      memorySourceFiles: {"main.dart": source},
-      options: ["--categories=$categories", Flags.useOldFrontend],
-      diagnosticHandler: collector);
-  Expect.equals(expectedErrors, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    await runTest("import 'dart:async'; main() {}", "Client", 0);
-    await runTest("import 'dart:async'; main() {}", "Server", 0);
-    await runTest("import 'dart:html'; main() {}", "Client", 0);
-    await runTest("import 'dart:html'; main() {}", "Server", 1);
-    // Importing dart:io is temporarily allowed as a stopgap measure for the
-    // lack of config specific imports. Once that is added, this will be
-    // disallowed again.
-    await runTest("import 'dart:io'; main() {}", "Client", 0);
-    await runTest("import 'dart:io'; main() {}", "Server", 0);
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/check_elements_invariants_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/check_elements_invariants_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f394e6d..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/check_elements_invariants_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/apiimpl.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/entities.dart' show ClassEntity;
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/class_members.dart'
-    show ClassMemberMixin;
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-const String DART2JS_SOURCE = 'pkg/compiler/lib/src/dart2js.dart';
-const List<String> DART2JS_OPTIONS = const <String>[
-  '--categories=Client,Server',
-  '--disable-type-inference',
-  Flags.useOldFrontend
-Iterable<ClassEntity> computeLiveClasses(CompilerImpl compiler) {
-  return new Set<ClassEntity>()
-    ..addAll(compiler.resolutionWorldBuilder.directlyInstantiatedClasses)
-    ..addAll(compiler.codegenWorldBuilder.directlyInstantiatedClasses);
-void checkClassInvariants(ClassEntity cls) {
-  ClassMemberMixin impl = cls;
-  Expect.isTrue(impl.areAllMembersComputed(),
-      "Not all members have been computed for $cls.");
-Future checkElementInvariantsAfterCompiling(Uri uri) async {
-  CompilationResult result =
-      await runCompiler(entryPoint: uri, options: DART2JS_OPTIONS);
-  Expect.isTrue(result.isSuccess, "Compilation of dart2js failed.");
-  computeLiveClasses(result.compiler).forEach(checkClassInvariants);
-void main() {
-  var uri = Uri.base.resolve(DART2JS_SOURCE);
-  asyncTest(() => checkElementInvariantsAfterCompiling(uri));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/check_members_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/check_members_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 26a5a53..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/check_members_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that dart2js produces the expected static type warnings for least upper
-// bound language tests. This ensures that the analyzer and dart2js agrees
-// on these tests.
-import 'warnings_checker.dart';
-/// Map from test files to a map of their expected status. If the status map is
-/// `null` no warnings must be missing or unexpected, otherwise the status map
-/// can contain a list of line numbers for keys 'missing' and 'unexpected' for
-/// the warnings of each category.
-const Map<String, dynamic> TESTS = const {
-  // Instance methods.
-  'language/check_method_override_test.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_more_parameters_t01.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_more_parameters_t02.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_fewer_parameters_t01.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_fewer_parameters_t02.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_named_parameters_t01.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_named_parameters_t02.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_named_parameters_t03.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_named_parameters_t04.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_named_parameters_t05.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_named_parameters_t06.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_subtype_t01.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_subtype_t02.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_subtype_t03.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_subtype_t04.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_subtype_t05.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'override_subtype_t06.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'same_name_static_member_in_superclass_t01.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'same_name_static_member_in_superclass_t02.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'same_name_static_member_in_superclass_t04.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'same_name_static_member_in_superclass_t05.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'same_name_static_member_in_superclass_t06.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'same_name_static_member_in_superclass_t07.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'same_name_static_member_in_superclass_t08.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Instance_Methods/'
-      'same_name_static_member_in_superclass_t09.dart': null,
-  // Getters.
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Getters/override_t01.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Getters/override_t02.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Getters/override_t03.dart': null,
-  'co19/src/Language/Classes/Getters/override_t04.dart': null,
-void main() {
-  checkWarnings(TESTS);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/combinator_hint_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/combinator_hint_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ff105c..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/combinator_hint_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that the hint on empty combinators works as intended.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-const SOURCE = const {
-  'show_local.dart': """
-import 'lib.dart' show Foo;
-main() {}
-  'hide_local.dart': """
-import 'lib.dart' hide Foo;
-main() {}
-  'show_package.dart': """
-import 'package:pkg/pkg.dart' show Foo;
-main() {}
-  'hide_package.dart': """
-import 'package:pkg/pkg.dart' hide Foo;
-main() {}
-  'lib.dart': '',
-  'pkg/pkg/pkg.dart': '',
-Future<Compiler> test(Uri entryPoint,
-    {bool showPackageWarnings: false,
-    bool suppressHints: false,
-    int hints: 0,
-    Compiler cachedCompiler}) async {
-  print('==================================================================');
-  print('test: $entryPoint showPackageWarnings=$showPackageWarnings '
-      'suppressHints=$suppressHints');
-  var options = [Flags.analyzeOnly, Flags.useOldFrontend];
-  if (showPackageWarnings) {
-    options.add(Flags.showPackageWarnings);
-  }
-  if (suppressHints) {
-    options.add(Flags.suppressHints);
-  }
-  var collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-      entryPoint: entryPoint,
-      memorySourceFiles: SOURCE,
-      options: options,
-      packageRoot: Uri.parse('memory:pkg/'),
-      diagnosticHandler: collector,
-      cachedCompiler: cachedCompiler);
-  Expect.equals(
-      0, collector.errors.length, 'Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}');
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length,
-      'Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(
-      hints, collector.hints.length, 'Unexpected hints: ${collector.hints}');
-  Expect.equals(
-      0, collector.infos.length, 'Unexpected infos: ${collector.infos}');
-  print('==================================================================');
-  return result.compiler;
-Future<Compiler> testUri(Uri entrypoint,
-    {bool suppressed: false, Compiler cachedCompiler}) async {
-  cachedCompiler = await test(entrypoint,
-      showPackageWarnings: true,
-      suppressHints: false,
-      hints: 1,
-      cachedCompiler: cachedCompiler);
-  cachedCompiler = await test(entrypoint,
-      showPackageWarnings: false,
-      suppressHints: false,
-      hints: suppressed ? 0 : 1,
-      cachedCompiler: cachedCompiler);
-  cachedCompiler = await test(entrypoint,
-      showPackageWarnings: true,
-      suppressHints: true,
-      hints: 0,
-      cachedCompiler: cachedCompiler);
-  cachedCompiler = await test(entrypoint,
-      showPackageWarnings: false,
-      suppressHints: true,
-      hints: 0,
-      cachedCompiler: cachedCompiler);
-  return cachedCompiler;
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    Compiler cachedCompiler =
-        await testUri(Uri.parse('memory:show_local.dart'));
-    cachedCompiler = await testUri(Uri.parse('memory:hide_local.dart'),
-        cachedCompiler: cachedCompiler);
-    cachedCompiler = await testUri(Uri.parse('memory:show_package.dart'),
-        cachedCompiler: cachedCompiler);
-    cachedCompiler = await testUri(Uri.parse('memory:hide_package.dart'),
-        suppressed: true, cachedCompiler: cachedCompiler);
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/compile_with_empty_libraries_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/compile_with_empty_libraries_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index d16fe9e..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/compile_with_empty_libraries_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// Test that the dart2js compiler can compile an empty script without
-/// references to core library definitions.
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'mock_compiler.dart';
-const String TEST = r"main() {}";
-main() {
-  Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'source');
-  MockCompiler compiler =
-      new MockCompiler.internal(librariesOverride: (_) => '');
-  asyncTest(() =>;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/compiler_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/compiler_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 82db42a..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/compiler_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import "dart:async";
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import 'package:compiler/compiler.dart';
-import "package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart";
-import "package:compiler/src/old_to_new_api.dart";
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-import "mock_compiler.dart";
-Future testErrorHandling() {
-  // Test that compiler.currentElement is set correctly when
-  // reporting errors/warnings.
-  MockCompiler compiler = new MockCompiler.internal();
-  return compiler.init().then((_) {
-    compiler.parseScript('NoSuchPrefix.NoSuchType foo() {}');
-    LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-    FunctionElement foo = mainApp.find('foo');
-    compiler.diagnosticHandler = new LegacyCompilerDiagnostics(
-        (Uri uri, int begin, int end, String message, Diagnostic kind) {
-      if (kind == Diagnostic.WARNING) {
-        Expect.equals(foo, compiler.currentElement);
-      }
-    });
-    foo.computeType(compiler.resolution);
-    Expect.equals(1, compiler.diagnosticCollector.warnings.length);
-  });
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() => testErrorHandling());
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/data/one_line_dart_program.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/data/one_line_dart_program.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 24a0c96..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/data/one_line_dart_program.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-String main() => 499
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/diagnose_ambiguous_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/diagnose_ambiguous_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e8708b..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/diagnose_ambiguous_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/compiler_new.dart' show Diagnostic;
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-void main() {
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-        memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-        diagnosticHandler: collector,
-        options: ['--analyze-all', Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-    List<String> diagnostics = <String>[];
-    collector.messages.forEach((CollectedMessage message) {
-      if (message.kind == Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO) return;
-      diagnostics.add(message.toString());
-    });
-    diagnostics.sort();
-    var expected = [
-      "MessageKind.AMBIGUOUS_LOCATION:"
-          "memory:exporter.dart:43:49:'hest' is defined here.:info",
-      "MessageKind.AMBIGUOUS_LOCATION:"
-          "memory:library.dart:41:47:'hest' is defined here.:info",
-      "MessageKind.DUPLICATE_IMPORT:"
-          "memory:main.dart:86:92:Duplicate import of 'hest'.:warning",
-      "MessageKind.IMPORTED_HERE:"
-          "memory:main.dart:0:22:'hest' is imported here.:info",
-      "MessageKind.IMPORTED_HERE:"
-          "memory:main.dart:23:46:'hest' is imported here.:info",
-    ];
-    print(">>\n$diagnostics\n<<");
-    Expect.listEquals(expected, diagnostics);
-    Expect.isTrue(result.isSuccess);
-  });
-const Map MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
-  'main.dart': """
-import 'library.dart';
-import 'exporter.dart';
-main() {
-  Fisk x = null;
-  fisk();
-  hest();
-  'library.dart': """
-library lib;
-class Fisk {
-fisk() {}
-hest() {}
-  'exporter.dart': """
-library exporter;
-export 'library.dart';
-hest() {}
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/duplicate_library_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/duplicate_library_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index ea030a3..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/duplicate_library_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that duplicate library names result in different messages depending
-// on whether the libraries are based on the same resource.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart' show MessageKind;
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-void check(String kind, Iterable<CollectedMessage> messages,
-    List<MessageKind> expectedMessageKinds) {
-  Expect.equals(expectedMessageKinds.length, messages.length,
-      "Unexpected $kind count: $messages");
-  int i = 0;
-  messages.forEach((CollectedMessage message) {
-    Expect.equals(expectedMessageKinds[i++], message.messageKind);
-  });
-Future test(Map<String, String> source,
-    {List<MessageKind> warnings: const <MessageKind>[],
-    List<MessageKind> hints: const <MessageKind>[]}) async {
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  await runCompiler(
-      memorySourceFiles: source,
-      diagnosticHandler: collector,
-      showDiagnostics: true,
-      options: [Flags.analyzeOnly, Flags.analyzeAll, Flags.useOldFrontend],
-      packageRoot: Uri.parse('memory:pkg/'));
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.isEmpty);
-  check('warning', collector.warnings, warnings);
-  check('hint', collector.hints, hints);
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.infos.isEmpty);
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(runTests);
-Future runTests() async {
-  await test({
-    'main.dart': """
-library main;
-import 'package:lib/foo.dart';
-import 'pkg/lib/foo.dart';
-    'pkg/lib/foo.dart': """
-  }, warnings: [
-  ], hints: []);
-  await test({
-    'main.dart': """
-library main;
-import 'package:lib/bar.dart';
-import 'pkg/foo.dart';
-    'pkg/foo.dart': """
-library foo;
-import 'lib/bar.dart';
-    'pkg/lib/bar.dart': """
-  }, warnings: [
-  ], hints: []);
-  await test({
-    'main.dart': """
-library main;
-import 'foo.dart';
-import 'pkg/lib/baz.dart';
-    'foo.dart': """
-library foo;
-import 'package:lib/baz.dart';
-    'pkg/lib/baz.dart': """
-library lib.baz;
-  }, warnings: [
-  ], hints: []);
-  await test({
-    'main.dart': """
-library main;
-import 'foo.dart';
-import 'pkg/bar.dart';
-    'foo.dart': """
-library foo;
-import 'package:lib/boz.dart';
-    'pkg/bar.dart': """
-library bar;
-import 'lib/boz.dart';
-    'pkg/lib/boz.dart': """
-library lib.boz;
-  }, warnings: [
-  ], hints: []);
-  await test({
-    'main.dart': """
-library main;
-import 'package:lib/qux.dart';
-import 'pkg/lib/qux.dart';
-    'pkg/lib/qux.dart': """
-// No library tag.
-  }, hints: [
-  ]);
-  await test({
-    'main.dart': """
-library main;
-import 'foo.dart';
-import 'bar.dart';
-    'foo.dart': """
-library lib;
-    'bar.dart': """
-library lib;
-  }, warnings: [
-  ], hints: []);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/embedded_category_api_boundary_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/embedded_category_api_boundary_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fcf124..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/embedded_category_api_boundary_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Fletch project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
-/// Tests that analyzing everything from the libraries that are public from the
-/// embedded category does not cause elements from other libraries to be
-/// processed.
-library embedded_category_boundary_test;
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
-import 'package:sdk_library_metadata/libraries.dart';
-import 'analyze_helper.dart';
-main() async {
-  List<Uri> uriList = new List<Uri>();
-  libraries.forEach((String name, LibraryInfo info) {
-    if (info.categories.contains(Category.embedded)) {
-      uriList.add(new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: name));
-    }
-  });
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    await analyze(uriList, {},
-        checkResults: checkResults, mode: AnalysisMode.MAIN);
-  });
-/// These elements are currently escaping from dart:async via
-/// `core._Resource#_readAsStream`.
-Set<String> whiteList = new Set.from([
-  "function(StreamController#addError)",
-  "getter(StreamController#stream)",
-  "setter(StreamController#onListen)"
-bool checkResults(Compiler compiler, CollectingDiagnosticHandler handler) {
-  return compiler.enqueuer.resolution.processedEntities.every((_element) {
-    MemberElement element = _element;
-    if (whiteList.contains("$element")) return true;
-    LibraryInfo info = libraries[element.library.canonicalUri.path];
-    bool isAllowedInEmbedded =
-        info.isInternal || info.categories.contains(Category.embedded);
-    if (!isAllowedInEmbedded) {
-      print(
-          'Disallowed element: $element from ${element.library.canonicalUri}');
-    }
-    return isAllowedInEmbedded;
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/erroneous_element_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/erroneous_element_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fee336..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/erroneous_element_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart' show MessageKind;
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/modelx.dart' show ErroneousElementX;
-void main() {
-  ErroneousElement e = new ErroneousElementX(
-      MessageKind.GENERIC, {'text': 'error'}, 'foo', null);
-  Expect.stringEquals('<foo: error>', '$e');
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/error_token_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/error_token_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index fb0854e..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/error_token_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that we don't report invalid modifier on error tokens.
-library dart2js.test.error_token;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import "package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart";
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-Future runTest(String code,
-    {MessageKind error, int expectedWarningCount: 0}) async {
-  DiagnosticCollector diagnostics = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  OutputCollector output = new OutputCollector();
-  await runCompiler(
-      entryPoint: Uri.parse('memory:main.dart'),
-      memorySourceFiles: {'main.dart': code},
-      diagnosticHandler: diagnostics,
-      outputProvider: output,
-      options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-  Expect.equals(error != null ? 1 : 0, diagnostics.errors.length);
-  if (error != null)
-    Expect.equals(error, diagnostics.errors.first.message.kind);
-  Expect.equals(expectedWarningCount, diagnostics.warnings.length);
-  Expect.equals(0, diagnostics.hints.length);
-  Expect.equals(0, diagnostics.infos.length);
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    await runTest('''
-main() {;}
-class Foo {
-	static void bar() {
-		baz());
-	}
-''', error: MessageKind.MISSING_TOKEN_AFTER_THIS, expectedWarningCount: 1);
-    await runTest('''
-main() {new C(v);}
-class C {
-  C(v) {
-    throw '');
-  }
-}''', error: MessageKind.MISSING_TOKEN_AFTER_THIS, expectedWarningCount: 1);
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/find_my_name_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/find_my_name_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 72063ed..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/find_my_name_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import "package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart";
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/entity_utils.dart' as utils;
-import "mock_compiler.dart";
-import "parser_helper.dart";
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/modelx.dart';
-String TEST_0 = '''
-class Foo {
-  Foo();
-  Foo.named();
-  factory Foo._internal() => null;
-  operator+(other) => null;
-String TEST_1 = '''
-class Bar {
-  const Bar();
-  const Bar.named();
-  Map<int, List<int>> baz() => null;
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() => MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-        testClass(TEST_0, compiler);
-        testClass(TEST_1, compiler);
-      }));
-testClass(String code, MockCompiler compiler) {
-  int skip = code.indexOf('{');
-  ClassElementX cls = parseUnit(code, compiler, compiler.mainApp).head;
-  cls.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  cls.forEachLocalMember((Element e) {
-    String name =;
-    if (e.isConstructor) {
-      ConstructorElement c = e;
-      name = utils.reconstructConstructorName(c).replaceFirst(r'$', '.');
-    }
-    Expect.equals(code.indexOf(name, skip), e.position.charOffset);
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/flatten_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/flatten_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e08375..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/flatten_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library flatten_test;
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import '../type_test_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
-import "package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart" show ClassElement;
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-      abstract class F<T> implements Future<T> {}
-      abstract class G<T> implements Future<G<T>> {}
-      abstract class H<T> implements Future<H<H<T>>> {}
-      """).then((env) {
-        void check(
-            ResolutionDartType T, ResolutionDartType expectedFlattenedType) {
-          ResolutionDartType flattenedType = env.flatten(T);
-          Expect.equals(
-              expectedFlattenedType,
-              flattenedType,
-              "Unexpected flattening of '$T' = '$flattenedType',"
-              "expected '$expectedFlattenedType'.");
-        }
-        ClassElement Future_ = env.getElement('Future');
-        ClassElement F = env.getElement('F');
-        ClassElement G = env.getElement('G');
-        ClassElement H = env.getElement('H');
-        ResolutionDartType int_ = env['int'];
-        ResolutionDartType dynamic_ = env['dynamic'];
-        ResolutionDartType Future_int = instantiate(Future_, [int_]);
-        ResolutionDartType F_int = instantiate(F, [int_]);
-        ResolutionDartType G_int = instantiate(G, [int_]);
-        ResolutionDartType H_int = instantiate(H, [int_]);
-        ResolutionDartType H_H_int = instantiate(H, [H_int]);
-        // flatten(int) = int
-        check(int_, int_);
-        // flatten(Future) = dynamic
-        check(Future_.rawType, dynamic_);
-        // flatten(Future<int>) = int
-        check(Future_int, int_);
-        // flatten(Future<Future<int>>) = int
-        check(instantiate(Future_, [Future_int]), int_);
-        // flatten(F) = dynamic
-        check(F.rawType, dynamic_);
-        // flatten(F<int>) = int
-        check(F_int, int_);
-        // flatten(F<Future<int>>) = Future<int>
-        check(instantiate(F, [Future_int]), Future_int);
-        // flatten(G) = G
-        check(G.rawType, G.rawType);
-        // flatten(G<int>) = G<int>
-        check(G_int, G_int);
-        // flatten(H) = H<H>
-        check(H.rawType, instantiate(H, [H.rawType]));
-        // flatten(H<int>) = H<H<int>>
-        check(H_int, H_H_int);
-        // flatten(Future<F<int>>) = int
-        check(instantiate(Future_, [F_int]), int_);
-        // flatten(Future<G<int>>) = int
-        check(instantiate(Future_, [G_int]), G_int);
-        // flatten(Future<H<int>>) = int
-        check(instantiate(Future_, [H_int]), H_H_int);
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/frontend_checker.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/frontend_checker.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fc1552..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/frontend_checker.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Checks that dart2js produces the expected static type warnings and
-// compile-time errors for the provided multitests.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/util/uri_extras.dart' show relativize;
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-import '../../../../tools/testing/dart/multitest.dart'
-    show extractTestsFromMultitest;
-import '../../../../tools/testing/dart/path.dart' show Path;
-/// Check the analysis of the multitests in [testFiles] to result in the
-/// expected static warnings and compile-time errors.
-/// [testFiles] is a map of the test files to be checked together with their
-/// associated white listing.
-/// For instance if [testFiles] contain the mapping
-///     'language/async_await_syntax_test.dart': const ['a03b', 'a04b']
-/// the multitests in 'language/async_await_syntax_test.dart' are checked but
-/// the subtests 'a03b' and 'a04c' are expected to fail.
-void check(Map<String, List<String>> testFiles,
-    {List<String> arguments: const <String>[],
-    List<String> options: const <String>[]}) {
-  bool outcomeMismatch = false;
-  bool verbose = arguments.contains('-v');
-  var cachedCompiler;
-  asyncTest(() => Future.forEach(testFiles.keys, (String testFile) {
-        Map<String, String> testSources = {};
-        Map<String, Set<String>> testOutcomes = {};
-        String fileName = 'tests/$testFile';
-        extractTestsFromMultitest(
-            new Path(fileName), testSources, testOutcomes);
-        return Future.forEach(testSources.keys, (String testName) async {
-          String testFileName = '$fileName/$testName';
-          Set<String> expectedOutcome = testOutcomes[testName];
-          bool expectFailure = testFiles[testFile].contains(testName);
-          DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-          CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-              entryPoint: Uri.parse('memory:$testFileName'),
-              memorySourceFiles: {testFileName: testSources[testName]},
-              diagnosticHandler: collector,
-              options: [Flags.analyzeOnly, Flags.useOldFrontend]
-                ..addAll(options),
-              showDiagnostics: verbose,
-              cachedCompiler: cachedCompiler);
-          var compiler = result.compiler;
-          bool unexpectedResult = false;
-          if (expectedOutcome.contains('compile-time error') ||
-              expectedOutcome.contains('syntax error')) {
-            if (collector.errors.isEmpty) {
-              print('$testFileName: Missing compile-time error.');
-              unexpectedResult = true;
-            }
-          } else if (expectedOutcome.contains('static type warning')) {
-            if (collector.warnings.isEmpty) {
-              print('$testFileName: Missing static type warning.');
-              unexpectedResult = true;
-            }
-          } else {
-            // Expect ok.
-            if (!collector.errors.isEmpty || !collector.warnings.isEmpty) {
-              collector.errors.forEach((message) {
-                print('$testFileName: Unexpected error: ${message.message}');
-              });
-              collector.warnings.forEach((message) {
-                print('$testFileName: Unexpected warning: ${message.message}');
-              });
-              unexpectedResult = true;
-            }
-          }
-          if (expectFailure) {
-            if (unexpectedResult) {
-              unexpectedResult = false;
-            } else {
-              print('$testFileName: The test is white-listed '
-                  'and therefore expected to fail.');
-              unexpectedResult = true;
-            }
-          }
-          if (unexpectedResult) {
-            outcomeMismatch = true;
-          }
-          cachedCompiler = compiler;
-        });
-      }).then((_) {
-        if (outcomeMismatch) {
-          String testFileName =
-              relativize(Uri.base, Platform.script, Platform.isWindows);
-          print('''
-=== ERROR: Unexpected result of analysis.
-=== Please update the white-listing in $testFileName
-          exit(1);
-        }
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/generic_method_type_usage_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/generic_method_type_usage_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d352c0..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/generic_method_type_usage_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// Dart test verifying that method type variables are considered to denote
-/// the type `dynamic`.
-/// NB: This test is intended to succeed with a `dart2js` with the option
-/// '--generic-method-syntax', but it should fail with a full implementation
-/// of generic method support, and it should fail with every other tool than
-/// `dart2js`.
-library dart2js.test.generic_method_type_usage;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import "package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart";
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
-  'type_variable_is_dynamic.dart': '''
-class C {
-  bool aMethod<X>(X x) {
-    // `dynamic` is assignable to both `int` and `String`: no warnings.
-    int i = x;
-    String s = x;
-    try {
-      // Only `dynamic` allows unknown member lookup without a warning.
-      var y = x.undefinedMember;
-    } on NoSuchMethodError catch (_) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-bool aFunction<X>(X x) {
-  // `dynamic` is assignable to both `int` and `String`: no warnings.
-  int i = x;
-  String s = x;
-  try {
-    // Only `dynamic` allows unknown member lookup without a warning.
-    var y = x.undefinedMember;
-  } on NoSuchMethodError catch (_) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-main() {
-  print(new C().aMethod<Set>(null));
-  print(aFunction<Set>(null));
-  'cannot_new_method_type_variable.dart': '''
-class C {
-  X aMethod<X>() => new X();
-main() {
-  new C().aMethod<Set>();
-  'cannot_new_function_type_variable.dart': '''
-X aFunction<X>() => new X(42);
-main() {
-  aFunction<Set>();
-  'dynamic_as_type_argument.dart': '''
-main() {
-  method<dynamic>();
-method<T>() {}
-  'malformed_type_argument.dart': '''
-main() {
-  method<Unresolved>();
-method<T>() {}
-Future runTest(Uri main, {MessageKind warning, MessageKind info}) async {
-  print("----\nentry-point: $main\n");
-  DiagnosticCollector diagnostics = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  OutputCollector output = new OutputCollector();
-  await runCompiler(
-      entryPoint: main,
-      options: const <String>["--generic-method-syntax", Flags.useOldFrontend],
-      memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-      diagnosticHandler: diagnostics,
-      outputProvider: output);
-  Expect.isFalse(output.hasExtraOutput);
-  Expect.equals(0, diagnostics.errors.length, "Unexpected errors.");
-  Expect.equals(warning != null ? 1 : 0, diagnostics.warnings.length);
-  if (warning != null) {
-    Expect.equals(warning, diagnostics.warnings.first.message.kind);
-  }
-  Expect.equals(info != null ? 1 : 0, diagnostics.infos.length);
-  if (info != null) {
-    Expect.equals(info, diagnostics.infos.first.message.kind);
-  }
-  Expect.equals(0, diagnostics.hints.length);
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:type_variable_is_dynamic.dart'));
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:cannot_new_method_type_variable.dart'),
-        warning: MessageKind.CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_TYPE_VARIABLE);
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:cannot_new_function_type_variable.dart'),
-        warning: MessageKind.CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_TYPE_VARIABLE);
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:dynamic_as_type_argument.dart'));
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:malformed_type_argument.dart'),
-        warning: MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE_TYPE);
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/import_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/import_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 59f5362..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/import_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that the compiler can handle missing files used in imports, exports,
-// part tags or as the main source file.
-library dart2js.test.import;
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
-  'main.dart': '''
-library main;
-import 'dart:thisLibraryShouldNotExist';
-import 'package:thisPackageShouldNotExist/thisPackageShouldNotExist.dart';
-export 'foo.dart';
-part 'bar.dart';
-main() {
-  int i = "";
-  'part.dart': '''
-part of lib;
-main() {}
-  'lib.dart': '''
-library lib;
-import 'part.dart';
-part 'part.dart';
-testEntryPointIsPart() async {
-  var collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  await runCompiler(
-      entryPoint: Uri.parse('memory:part.dart'),
-      memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-      diagnosticHandler: collector,
-      options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-  collector.checkMessages([const Expected.error(MessageKind.MAIN_HAS_PART_OF)]);
-testImportPart() async {
-  var collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  await runCompiler(
-      entryPoint: Uri.parse('memory:lib.dart'),
-      memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-      diagnosticHandler: collector,
-      options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-  collector.checkMessages([
-    const Expected.error(MessageKind.IMPORT_PART_OF),
-    const
-  ]);
-testMissingImports() async {
-  var collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  await runCompiler(
-      memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-      diagnosticHandler: collector,
-      options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-  collector.checkMessages([
-    const Expected.error(MessageKind.READ_URI_ERROR),
-    const Expected.error(MessageKind.LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND),
-    const Expected.error(MessageKind.LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND),
-    const Expected.error(MessageKind.READ_URI_ERROR),
-    const Expected.warning(MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE)
-  ]);
-testMissingMain() async {
-  var collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  await runCompiler(
-      entryPoint: Uri.parse('memory:missing.dart'),
-      diagnosticHandler: collector,
-      options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-  collector.checkMessages([const Expected.error(MessageKind.READ_SELF_ERROR)]);
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    await testEntryPointIsPart();
-    await testImportPart();
-    await testMissingImports();
-    await testMissingMain();
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/least_upper_bound_language_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/least_upper_bound_language_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 53d5900..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/least_upper_bound_language_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that dart2js produces the expected static type warnings for least upper
-// bound language tests. This ensures that the analyzer and dart2js agrees
-// on these tests.
-import 'warnings_checker.dart';
-/// Map from test files to a map of their expected status. If the status map is
-/// `null` no warnings must be missing or unexpected, otherwise the status map
-/// can contain a list of line numbers for keys 'missing' and 'unexpected' for
-/// the warnings of each category.
-const Map<String, dynamic> TESTS = const {
-  'language/least_upper_bound_test.dart': null,
-  'language/least_upper_bound_expansive_test.dart': null,
-void main() {
-  checkWarnings(TESTS);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/least_upper_bound_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/least_upper_bound_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index bb2f12d..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/least_upper_bound_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,851 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library least_upper_bound_test;
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart' show ClassElement;
-import '../type_test_helper.dart';
-void main() {
-  testInterface1();
-  testInterface2();
-  testGeneric();
-  testMixin();
-  testFunction();
-  testTypeVariable();
-void testInterface1() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-      class A {} // A and B have equal depth.
-      class B {}
-      class I implements A, B {}
-      class J implements A, B {}
-      """).then((env) {
-        ResolutionDartType Object_ = env['Object'];
-        ResolutionDartType A = env['A'];
-        ResolutionDartType B = env['B'];
-        ResolutionDartType I = env['I'];
-        ResolutionDartType J = env['J'];
-        checkLub(ResolutionDartType a, ResolutionDartType b,
-            ResolutionDartType expect) {
-          ResolutionDartType lub = env.computeLeastUpperBound(a, b);
-          Expect.equals(
-              expect, lub, 'Unexpected lub($a,$b) = $lub, expected $expect.');
-        }
-        checkLub(Object_, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, I, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, J, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, A, A);
-        checkLub(A, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, I, A);
-        checkLub(A, J, A);
-        checkLub(B, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, B, B);
-        checkLub(B, I, B);
-        checkLub(B, J, B);
-        checkLub(I, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(I, A, A);
-        checkLub(I, B, B);
-        checkLub(I, I, I);
-        checkLub(I, J, Object_);
-        checkLub(J, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(J, A, A);
-        checkLub(J, B, B);
-        checkLub(J, I, Object_);
-        checkLub(J, J, J);
-      }));
-void testInterface2() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-      class A {}
-      class B {}
-      class C extends B {} // This makes C have higher depth than A.
-      class I implements A, C {}
-      class J implements A, C {}
-      """).then((env) {
-        ResolutionDartType Object_ = env['Object'];
-        ResolutionDartType A = env['A'];
-        ResolutionDartType B = env['B'];
-        ResolutionDartType C = env['C'];
-        ResolutionDartType I = env['I'];
-        ResolutionDartType J = env['J'];
-        checkLub(ResolutionDartType a, ResolutionDartType b,
-            ResolutionDartType expectedLub) {
-          ResolutionDartType lub = env.computeLeastUpperBound(a, b);
-          Expect.equals(expectedLub, lub,
-              'Unexpected lub($a,$b) = $lub, expected $expectedLub');
-        }
-        checkLub(Object_, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, I, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, J, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, A, A);
-        checkLub(A, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, I, A);
-        checkLub(A, J, A);
-        checkLub(B, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, B, B);
-        checkLub(B, C, B);
-        checkLub(B, I, B);
-        checkLub(B, J, B);
-        checkLub(C, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, B, B);
-        checkLub(C, C, C);
-        checkLub(C, I, C);
-        checkLub(C, J, C);
-        checkLub(I, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(I, A, A);
-        checkLub(I, B, B);
-        checkLub(I, C, C);
-        checkLub(I, I, I);
-        checkLub(I, J, C);
-        checkLub(J, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(J, A, A);
-        checkLub(J, B, B);
-        checkLub(J, C, C);
-        checkLub(J, I, C);
-        checkLub(J, J, J);
-      }));
-void testGeneric() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-      class A {}
-      class B {}
-      class C extends B {}
-      class I<T> {}
-      """).then((env) {
-        ResolutionDartType Object_ = env['Object'];
-        ResolutionDartType A = env['A'];
-        ResolutionDartType B = env['B'];
-        ResolutionDartType C = env['C'];
-        ClassElement I = env.getElement('I');
-        ResolutionDartType I_A = instantiate(I, [A]);
-        ResolutionDartType I_B = instantiate(I, [B]);
-        ResolutionDartType I_C = instantiate(I, [C]);
-        checkLub(ResolutionDartType a, ResolutionDartType b,
-            ResolutionDartType expectedLub) {
-          ResolutionDartType lub = env.computeLeastUpperBound(a, b);
-          Expect.equals(expectedLub, lub,
-              'Unexpected lub($a,$b) = $lub, expected $expectedLub');
-        }
-        checkLub(Object_, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, I_A, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, I_B, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, I_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, A, A);
-        checkLub(A, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, I_A, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, I_B, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, I_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, B, B);
-        checkLub(B, C, B);
-        checkLub(B, I_A, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, I_B, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, I_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, B, B);
-        checkLub(C, C, C);
-        checkLub(C, I_A, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, I_B, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, I_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_A, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_A, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_A, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_A, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_A, I_A, I_A);
-        checkLub(I_A, I_B, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_A, I_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_B, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_B, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_B, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_B, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_B, I_A, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_B, I_B, I_B);
-        checkLub(I_B, I_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_C, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_C, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_C, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_C, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_C, I_A, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_C, I_B, Object_);
-        checkLub(I_C, I_C, I_C);
-      }));
-void testMixin() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-      class A {}
-      class B {}
-      class C extends B {}
-      class D extends C {} // This makes D have higher depth than Object+A.
-      class I extends Object with A, B implements A, D {}
-      class I2 extends Object with A, B implements A, D {}
-      class J extends Object with B, A implements A, D {}
-      """).then((env) {
-        ResolutionDartType Object_ = env['Object'];
-        ResolutionDartType A = env['A'];
-        ResolutionDartType B = env['B'];
-        ResolutionDartType C = env['C'];
-        ResolutionDartType D = env['D'];
-        ResolutionDartType I = env['I'];
-        ResolutionDartType I2 = env['I2'];
-        ResolutionDartType J = env['J'];
-        checkLub(ResolutionDartType a, ResolutionDartType b,
-            ResolutionDartType expectedLub) {
-          ResolutionDartType lub = env.computeLeastUpperBound(a, b);
-          Expect.equals(expectedLub, lub,
-              'Unexpected lub($a,$b) = $lub, expected $expectedLub');
-        }
-        checkLub(Object_, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, D, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, I, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, I2, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, J, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, A, A);
-        checkLub(A, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, D, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, I, A);
-        checkLub(A, I2, A);
-        checkLub(A, J, A);
-        checkLub(B, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, B, B);
-        checkLub(B, C, B);
-        checkLub(B, D, B);
-        checkLub(B, I, B);
-        checkLub(B, I2, B);
-        checkLub(B, J, B);
-        checkLub(C, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, B, B);
-        checkLub(C, C, C);
-        checkLub(C, D, C);
-        checkLub(C, I, C);
-        checkLub(C, I2, C);
-        checkLub(C, J, C);
-        checkLub(D, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(D, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(D, B, B);
-        checkLub(D, C, C);
-        checkLub(D, D, D);
-        checkLub(D, I, D);
-        checkLub(D, I2, D);
-        checkLub(D, J, D);
-        checkLub(I, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(I, A, A);
-        checkLub(I, B, B);
-        checkLub(I, C, C);
-        checkLub(I, D, D);
-        checkLub(I, I, I);
-        checkLub(I, I2, D);
-        checkLub(I, J, D);
-        checkLub(I2, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(I2, A, A);
-        checkLub(I2, B, B);
-        checkLub(I2, C, C);
-        checkLub(I2, D, D);
-        checkLub(I2, I, D);
-        checkLub(I2, I2, I2);
-        checkLub(I2, J, D);
-        checkLub(J, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(J, A, A);
-        checkLub(J, B, B);
-        checkLub(J, C, C);
-        checkLub(J, D, D);
-        checkLub(J, I, D);
-        checkLub(J, I2, D);
-        checkLub(J, J, J);
-      }));
-void testFunction() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-      class A {}
-      class B {}
-      class C extends B {}
-      typedef dynamic__();
-      typedef void void__();
-      typedef A A__();
-      typedef B B__();
-      typedef C C__();
-      typedef void void__A_B(A a, B b);
-      typedef void void__A_C(A a, C b);
-      typedef void void__B_A(B a, A b);
-      typedef void void__B_C(B a, C b);
-      typedef void void___B([B a]);
-      typedef void void___B_C([B a, C b]);
-      typedef void void___C_C([C a, C b]);
-      typedef void void____B({B a});
-      typedef void void____B_C({B a, C b});
-      typedef void void____C_C({C a, C b});
-      """).then((env) {
-        ResolutionDartType Object_ = env['Object'];
-        ResolutionDartType Function_ = env['Function'];
-        ResolutionDartType dynamic__ = env['dynamic__'];
-        ResolutionDartType void__ = env['void__'];
-        ResolutionDartType A__ = env['A__'];
-        ResolutionDartType B__ = env['B__'];
-        ResolutionDartType C__ = env['C__'];
-        ResolutionDartType void__A_B = env['void__A_B'];
-        ResolutionDartType void__A_C = env['void__A_C'];
-        ResolutionDartType void__B_A = env['void__B_A'];
-        ResolutionDartType void__B_C = env['void__B_C'];
-        ResolutionDartType void___B = env['void___B'];
-        ResolutionDartType void___B_C = env['void___B_C'];
-        ResolutionDartType void___C_C = env['void___C_C'];
-        ResolutionDartType void____B = env['void____B'];
-        ResolutionDartType void____B_C = env['void____B_C'];
-        ResolutionDartType void____C_C = env['void____C_C'];
-        // Types used only for checking results.
-        ResolutionDartType void_ = env['void'];
-        ResolutionDartType B = env['B'];
-        ResolutionDartType C = env['C'];
-        ResolutionFunctionType Object__ = env.functionType(Object_, []);
-        ResolutionFunctionType void__Object_Object =
-            env.functionType(void_, [Object_, Object_]);
-        ResolutionFunctionType void__Object_B =
-            env.functionType(void_, [Object_, B]);
-        ResolutionFunctionType void__Object_C =
-            env.functionType(void_, [Object_, C]);
-        ResolutionFunctionType void__B_Object =
-            env.functionType(void_, [B, Object_]);
-        checkLub(ResolutionDartType a, ResolutionDartType b,
-            ResolutionDartType expectedLub) {
-          ResolutionDartType lub = env.computeLeastUpperBound(a, b);
-          if (a != b) {
-            expectedLub = expectedLub.unaliased;
-            lub = lub.unaliased;
-          }
-          Expect.equals(
-              expectedLub,
-              lub,
-              'Unexpected lub(${a.unaliased},'
-              '${b.unaliased} = '
-              '${lub}, expected ${expectedLub}');
-        }
-        checkLub(Object_, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, Function_, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, dynamic__, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, void__, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, A__, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, B__, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, C__, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, void__A_B, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, void__A_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, void__B_A, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, void__B_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, void___B, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, void___B_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, void___C_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, void____B, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, void____B_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, void____C_C, Object_);
-        checkLub(Function_, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(Function_, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, dynamic__, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, void__, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, A__, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, B__, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, C__, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, void___B, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, void___B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, void___C_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, void____B, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, void____B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(Function_, void____C_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, dynamic__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, void__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, A__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, B__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, C__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, void___B, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, void___B_C, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, void___C_C, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, void____B, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, void____B_C, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(dynamic__, void____C_C, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(void__, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(void__, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__, dynamic__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(void__, void__, void__);
-        checkLub(void__, A__, void__);
-        checkLub(void__, B__, void__);
-        checkLub(void__, C__, void__);
-        checkLub(void__, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__, void___B, void__);
-        checkLub(void__, void___B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void__, void___C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void__, void____B, void__);
-        checkLub(void__, void____B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void__, void____C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(A__, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(A__, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(A__, dynamic__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(A__, void__, void__);
-        checkLub(A__, A__, A__);
-        checkLub(A__, B__, Object__);
-        checkLub(A__, C__, Object__);
-        checkLub(A__, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(A__, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(A__, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(A__, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(A__, void___B, void__);
-        checkLub(A__, void___B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(A__, void___C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(A__, void____B, void__);
-        checkLub(A__, void____B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(A__, void____C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(B__, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(B__, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(B__, dynamic__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(B__, void__, void__);
-        checkLub(B__, A__, Object__);
-        checkLub(B__, B__, B__);
-        checkLub(B__, C__, B__);
-        checkLub(B__, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(B__, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(B__, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(B__, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(B__, void___B, void__);
-        checkLub(B__, void___B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(B__, void___C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(B__, void____B, void__);
-        checkLub(B__, void____B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(B__, void____C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(C__, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(C__, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(C__, dynamic__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(C__, void__, void__);
-        checkLub(C__, A__, Object__);
-        checkLub(C__, B__, B__);
-        checkLub(C__, C__, C__);
-        checkLub(C__, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(C__, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(C__, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(C__, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(C__, void___B, void__);
-        checkLub(C__, void___B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(C__, void___C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(C__, void____B, void__);
-        checkLub(C__, void____B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(C__, void____C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, dynamic__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, void__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, A__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, B__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, C__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, void__A_B, void__A_B);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, void__A_C, void__A_B);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, void__B_A, void__Object_Object);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, void__B_C, void__Object_B);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, void___B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, void___B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, void___C_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, void____B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, void____B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_B, void____C_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, dynamic__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, void__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, A__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, B__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, C__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, void__A_B, void__A_B);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, void__A_C, void__A_C);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, void__B_A, void__Object_Object);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, void__B_C, void__Object_C);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, void___B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, void___B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, void___C_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, void____B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, void____B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__A_C, void____C_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, dynamic__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, void__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, A__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, B__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, C__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, void__A_B, void__Object_Object);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, void__A_C, void__Object_Object);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, void__B_A, void__B_A);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, void__B_C, void__B_Object);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, void___B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, void___B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, void___C_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, void____B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, void____B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_A, void____C_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, dynamic__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, void__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, A__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, B__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, C__, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, void__A_B, void__Object_B);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, void__A_C, void__Object_C);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, void__B_A, void__B_Object);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, void__B_C, void__B_C);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, void___B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, void___B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, void___C_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, void____B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, void____B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void__B_C, void____C_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___B, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(void___B, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___B, dynamic__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(void___B, void__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B, A__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B, B__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B, C__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___B, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___B, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___B, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___B, void___B, void___B);
-        checkLub(void___B, void___B_C, void___B);
-        checkLub(void___B, void___C_C, void___B);
-        checkLub(void___B, void____B, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B, void____B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B, void____C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, dynamic__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, void__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, A__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, B__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, C__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, void___B, void___B);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, void___B_C, void___B_C);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, void___C_C, void___B_C);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, void____B, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, void____B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void___B_C, void____C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, dynamic__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, void__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, A__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, B__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, C__, void__);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, void___B, void___B);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, void___B_C, void___B_C);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, void___C_C, void___C_C);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, void____B, void__);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, void____B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void___C_C, void____C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(void____B, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____B, dynamic__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(void____B, void__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B, A__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B, B__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B, C__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____B, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____B, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____B, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____B, void___B, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B, void___B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B, void___C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B, void____B, void____B);
-        checkLub(void____B, void____B_C, void____B);
-        checkLub(void____B, void____C_C, void____B);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, dynamic__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, void__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, A__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, B__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, C__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, void___B, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, void___B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, void___C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, void____B, void____B);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, void____B_C, void____B_C);
-        checkLub(void____B_C, void____C_C, void____B_C);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, Function_, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, dynamic__, dynamic__);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, void__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, A__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, B__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, C__, void__);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, void__A_B, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, void__A_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, void__B_A, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, void__B_C, Function_);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, void___B, void__);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, void___B_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, void___C_C, void__);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, void____B, void____B);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, void____B_C, void____B_C);
-        checkLub(void____C_C, void____C_C, void____C_C);
-      }));
-void testTypeVariable() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-      class A {}
-      class B {}
-      class C extends B {}
-      class I<S extends A,
-              T extends B,
-              U extends C,
-              V extends T,
-              W extends V,
-              X extends T> {}
-      """).then((env) {
-        //  A     B
-        //  |    / \
-        //  S   T   C
-        //     / \   \
-        //    V   X   U
-        //   /
-        //  W
-        ResolutionDartType Object_ = env['Object'];
-        ResolutionDartType A = env['A'];
-        ResolutionDartType B = env['B'];
-        ResolutionDartType C = env['C'];
-        ClassElement I = env.getElement('I');
-        ResolutionDartType S = I.typeVariables[0];
-        ResolutionDartType T = I.typeVariables[1];
-        ResolutionDartType U = I.typeVariables[2];
-        ResolutionDartType V = I.typeVariables[3];
-        ResolutionDartType W = I.typeVariables[4];
-        ResolutionDartType X = I.typeVariables[5];
-        checkLub(ResolutionDartType a, ResolutionDartType b,
-            ResolutionDartType expectedLub) {
-          ResolutionDartType lub = env.computeLeastUpperBound(a, b);
-          Expect.equals(expectedLub, lub,
-              'Unexpected lub($a,$b) = $lub, expected $expectedLub');
-        }
-        checkLub(Object_, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, S, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, T, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, U, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, V, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, W, Object_);
-        checkLub(Object_, X, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, A, A);
-        checkLub(A, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, S, A);
-        checkLub(A, T, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, U, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, V, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, W, Object_);
-        checkLub(A, X, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, B, B);
-        checkLub(B, C, B);
-        checkLub(B, S, Object_);
-        checkLub(B, T, B);
-        checkLub(B, U, B);
-        checkLub(B, V, B);
-        checkLub(B, W, B);
-        checkLub(B, X, B);
-        checkLub(C, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, B, B);
-        checkLub(C, C, C);
-        checkLub(C, S, Object_);
-        checkLub(C, T, B);
-        checkLub(C, U, C);
-        checkLub(C, V, B);
-        checkLub(C, W, B);
-        checkLub(C, X, B);
-        checkLub(S, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(S, A, A);
-        checkLub(S, B, Object_);
-        checkLub(S, C, Object_);
-        checkLub(S, S, S);
-        checkLub(S, T, Object_);
-        checkLub(S, U, Object_);
-        checkLub(S, V, Object_);
-        checkLub(S, W, Object_);
-        checkLub(S, X, Object_);
-        checkLub(T, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(T, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(T, B, B);
-        checkLub(T, C, B);
-        checkLub(T, S, Object_);
-        checkLub(T, T, T);
-        checkLub(T, U, B);
-        checkLub(T, V, T);
-        checkLub(T, W, T);
-        checkLub(T, X, T);
-        checkLub(U, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(U, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(U, B, B);
-        checkLub(U, C, C);
-        checkLub(U, S, Object_);
-        checkLub(U, T, B);
-        checkLub(U, U, U);
-        checkLub(U, V, B);
-        checkLub(U, W, B);
-        checkLub(U, X, B);
-        checkLub(V, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(V, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(V, B, B);
-        checkLub(V, C, B);
-        checkLub(V, S, Object_);
-        checkLub(V, T, T);
-        checkLub(V, U, B);
-        checkLub(V, V, V);
-        checkLub(V, W, V);
-        checkLub(V, X, T);
-        checkLub(W, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(W, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(W, B, B);
-        checkLub(W, C, B);
-        checkLub(W, S, Object_);
-        checkLub(W, T, T);
-        checkLub(W, U, B);
-        checkLub(W, V, V);
-        checkLub(W, W, W);
-        checkLub(W, X, T);
-        checkLub(X, Object_, Object_);
-        checkLub(X, A, Object_);
-        checkLub(X, B, B);
-        checkLub(X, C, B);
-        checkLub(X, S, Object_);
-        checkLub(X, T, T);
-        checkLub(X, U, B);
-        checkLub(X, V, T);
-        checkLub(X, W, T);
-        checkLub(X, X, X);
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/library_resolution_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/library_resolution_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 86250d2..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/library_resolution_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// Check that relative URIs are resolved against the canonical name of a
-/// library. This only matters for dart:-libraries, so this test mocks up two
-/// dart:-libraries.
-import "dart:async";
-import "../memory_source_file_helper.dart";
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart' show Expect;
-import 'package:compiler/compiler_new.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart'
-    show MessageKind, MessageTemplate;
-import 'package:compiler/src/library_loader.dart' show LoadedLibraries;
-import 'package:compiler/src/null_compiler_output.dart' show NullCompilerOutput;
-import 'package:compiler/src/old_to_new_api.dart'
-    show LegacyCompilerDiagnostics, LegacyCompilerInput;
-import 'package:compiler/src/options.dart' show CompilerOptions;
-Uri sdkRoot = Uri.base.resolve("sdk/");
-Uri mock1LibraryUri = sdkRoot.resolve("lib/mock1.dart");
-Uri mock2LibraryUri = sdkRoot.resolve("lib/mock2.dart");
-class CustomCompiler extends CompilerImpl {
-  CustomCompiler(provider, handler, libraryRoot, packageConfig)
-      : super(
-            provider,
-            const NullCompilerOutput(),
-            handler,
-            new CompilerOptions()
-              ..libraryRoot = libraryRoot
-              ..useKernel = false
-              ..packageConfig = packageConfig);
-main() async {
-  Uri packageConfig = Uri.base.resolve('.packages');
-  var provider = new MemorySourceFileProvider(MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES);
-  var handler = new FormattingDiagnosticHandler(provider);
-  Future wrappedProvider(Uri uri) async {
-    if (uri == mock1LibraryUri) {
-      uri = Uri.parse('memory:mock1.dart');
-    }
-    if (uri == mock2LibraryUri) {
-      uri = Uri.parse('memory:mock2.dart');
-    }
-    Input input = await provider.readBytesFromUri(uri, InputKind.UTF8);
-    return;
-  }
-  String expectedMessage = MessageTemplate
-      .message({'resolvedUri': 'dart:mock2.dart'}).computeMessage();
-  int actualMessageCount = 0;
-  wrappedHandler(Uri uri, int begin, int end, String message, kind) {
-    if (message == expectedMessage) {
-      actualMessageCount++;
-    } else {
-      return handler(uri, begin, end, message, kind);
-    }
-  }
-  checkLibraries(LoadedLibraries libraries) {
-    Expect.equals(1, actualMessageCount);
-  }
-  CompilerImpl compiler = new CustomCompiler(
-      new LegacyCompilerInput(wrappedProvider),
-      new LegacyCompilerDiagnostics(wrappedHandler),
-      sdkRoot,
-      packageConfig);
-  asyncStart();
-  await compiler.setupSdk();
-  // TODO(het): Find cleaner way to do this
-  compiler.resolvedUriTranslator.sdkLibraries['m_o_c_k_1'] = mock1LibraryUri;
-  compiler.resolvedUriTranslator.sdkLibraries['m_o_c_k_2'] = mock2LibraryUri;
-  var libraries =
-      await compiler.libraryLoader.loadLibrary(Uri.parse("dart:m_o_c_k_1"));
-  await checkLibraries(libraries);
-  asyncSuccess(null);
-const Map MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
-  "mock1.dart": "library mock1; import 'mock2.dart';",
-  "mock2.dart": "library mock2;",
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/lookup_member_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/lookup_member_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 30d58c7..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/lookup_member_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library lookup_member_test;
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import '../type_test_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
-import "package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart"
-    show ClassElement, MemberSignature;
-import "package:compiler/src/elements/names.dart";
-void main() {
-  test();
-void test() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-      class A<T> {
-        T foo;
-      }
-      class B<S> extends A<A<S>> {
-        S bar;
-      }
-      class C<U> extends B<String> with D<B<U>> {
-        U baz;
-      }
-      class D<V> {
-        V boz;
-      }
-      """).then((env) {
-        void expect(ResolutionInterfaceType receiverType, String memberName,
-            ResolutionDartType expectedType) {
-          MemberSignature member =
-              receiverType.lookupInterfaceMember(new PublicName(memberName));
-          Expect.isNotNull(member);
-          ResolutionDartType memberType = member.type;
-          Expect.equals(expectedType, memberType,
-              'Wrong member type for $receiverType.$memberName.');
-        }
-        ResolutionDartType int_ = env['int'];
-        ResolutionDartType String_ = env['String'];
-        ClassElement A = env.getElement('A');
-        ResolutionDartType T = A.typeVariables.first;
-        ResolutionDartType A_T = A.thisType;
-        expect(A_T, 'foo', T);
-        ResolutionDartType A_int = instantiate(A, [int_]);
-        expect(A_int, 'foo', int_);
-        ClassElement B = env.getElement('B');
-        ResolutionDartType S = B.typeVariables.first;
-        ResolutionDartType B_S = B.thisType;
-        expect(B_S, 'foo', instantiate(A, [S]));
-        expect(B_S, 'bar', S);
-        ResolutionDartType B_int = instantiate(B, [int_]);
-        expect(B_int, 'foo', A_int);
-        expect(B_int, 'bar', int_);
-        ClassElement C = env.getElement('C');
-        ResolutionDartType U = C.typeVariables.first;
-        ResolutionDartType C_U = C.thisType;
-        expect(C_U, 'foo', instantiate(A, [String_]));
-        expect(C_U, 'bar', String_);
-        expect(C_U, 'baz', U);
-        expect(C_U, 'boz', instantiate(B, [U]));
-        ResolutionDartType C_int = instantiate(C, [int_]);
-        expect(C_int, 'foo', instantiate(A, [String_]));
-        expect(C_int, 'bar', String_);
-        expect(C_int, 'baz', int_);
-        expect(C_int, 'boz', instantiate(B, [int_]));
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/malformed_uri_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/malformed_uri_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index d5affd7..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/malformed_uri_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that the compiler can handle missing files used in imports, exports,
-// part tags or as the main source file.
-library dart2js.test.malformed_uri;
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
-  'main.dart': '''
-import '../../Udyn[mic ils/expect.dart';
-main () { print("Hi"); }
-testMalformedUri() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    var collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-    await runCompiler(
-        memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-        diagnosticHandler: collector,
-        options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-    Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  });
-void main() {
-  testMalformedUri();
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/members_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/members_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ca4b90..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/members_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,754 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library members_test;
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import '../type_test_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
-import "package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart"
-    show ClassElement, MemberSignature;
-import "package:compiler/src/elements/names.dart";
-import "package:compiler/src/resolution/class_members.dart"
-    show MembersCreator, DeclaredMember, ErroneousMember, SyntheticMember;
-void main() {
-  testClassMembers();
-  testInterfaceMembers();
-  testClassVsInterfaceMembers();
-  testMixinMembers();
-  testMixinMembersWithoutImplements();
-MemberSignature getMember(ResolutionInterfaceType cls, String name,
-    {bool isSetter: false, int checkType: CHECK_INTERFACE}) {
-  Name memberName = new Name(name, cls.element.library, isSetter: isSetter);
-  MemberSignature member = checkType == CHECK_CLASS
-      ? cls.element.lookupClassMember(memberName)
-      : cls.element.lookupInterfaceMember(memberName);
-  if (member != null) {
-    Expect.equals(memberName,;
-  }
-  return member;
-/// Check interface member only.
-const int CHECK_INTERFACE = 0;
-/// Check class member only.
-const int CHECK_CLASS = 1;
-/// Check that there is no class member for the interface member.
-const int NO_CLASS_MEMBER = 2;
-/// Check that the interface member is also a class member.
-const int ALSO_CLASS_MEMBER = 3;
- * Checks [member] or interface member [name] of the declaration of [cls].
- *
- * If [inheritFrom] is set, the member from [cls] must be identical to the
- * member from [inheritedFrom].
- *
- * Otherwise, the properties of member are checked against the values of
- * [isStatic], [isSetter], [isGetter], [declarer], [type] and
- * [functionType].
- *
- * If [synthesizedFrom] or [erroneousFrom] is not `null`, the member is checked
- * to be synthesized for the corresponding members found on the type is
- * [synthesizedFrom] or  or [erroneousFrom], respectively.
- * Otherwise, if [declarer] is `null`, the declarer is checked to be [cls], and
- * if [declarer] is not `null`, the declarer is checked to be [declarer].
- * If [type] is `null` it is checked that the type of the member is also the
- * member type, otherwise the type is checked to be [type].
- *
- * If [isClassMember] is `true` it is checked that the member is also a class
- * member.
- */
-MemberSignature checkMember(ResolutionInterfaceType cls, String name,
-    {bool isStatic: false,
-    bool isSetter: false,
-    bool isGetter: false,
-    ResolutionInterfaceType declarer,
-    ResolutionDartType type,
-    ResolutionFunctionType functionType,
-    ResolutionInterfaceType inheritedFrom,
-    List<ResolutionInterfaceType> synthesizedFrom,
-    List<ResolutionInterfaceType> erroneousFrom,
-    int checkType: ALSO_CLASS_MEMBER}) {
-  String memberKind = checkType == CHECK_CLASS ? 'class' : 'interface';
-  MemberSignature member =
-      getMember(cls, name, isSetter: isSetter, checkType: checkType);
-  Expect.isNotNull(member, "No $memberKind member '$name' in $cls.");
-  Name memberName =;
-  if (checkType == ALSO_CLASS_MEMBER) {
-    MemberSignature classMember = cls.element.lookupClassMember(memberName);
-    Expect.isNotNull(classMember, "No class member '$memberName' in $cls.");
-    Expect.equals(member, classMember);
-  } else if (checkType == NO_CLASS_MEMBER) {
-    Expect.isNull(cls.element.lookupClassMember(memberName));
-  }
-  if (inheritedFrom != null) {
-    DeclaredMember inherited = checkType == CHECK_CLASS
-        ? inheritedFrom.element.lookupClassMember(memberName)
-        : inheritedFrom.element.lookupInterfaceMember(memberName);
-    Expect.isNotNull(
-        inherited, "No $memberKind member '$memberName' in $inheritedFrom.");
-    Expect.equals(inherited.inheritFrom(inheritedFrom), member);
-  } else {
-    if (erroneousFrom != null || synthesizedFrom != null) {
-      Expect.notEquals(
-          checkType,
-          CHECK_CLASS,
-          "Arguments 'erroneousFrom' and 'synthesizedFrom' only apply "
-          "to interface members.");
-      if (synthesizedFrom != null) {
-        Expect.isTrue(
-            member is SyntheticMember, "Member '$member' is not synthesized.");
-      } else {
-        Expect.isTrue(
-            member is ErroneousMember, "Member '$member' is not erroneous.");
-      }
-      Set<MemberSignature> members = new Set<MemberSignature>();
-      List from = synthesizedFrom != null ? synthesizedFrom : erroneousFrom;
-      for (ResolutionInterfaceType type in from) {
-        DeclaredMember inheritedMember =
-            type.element.lookupInterfaceMember(memberName);
-        Expect.isNotNull(inheritedMember);
-        members.add(inheritedMember.inheritFrom(type));
-      }
-      Expect.setEquals(members, member.declarations);
-    } else if (declarer != null) {
-      DeclaredMember declared = member;
-      Expect.equals(
-          declarer,
-          declared.declarer,
-          "Unexpected declarer '${declared.declarer}' of $memberKind member "
-          "'$member'. Expected '${declarer}'.");
-    } else {
-      DeclaredMember declared = member;
-      Expect.equals(cls.element, declared.element.enclosingClass);
-      Expect.equals(cls, declared.declarer);
-    }
-    Expect.equals(isSetter, member.isSetter);
-    Expect.equals(isGetter, member.isGetter);
-    if (type != null) {
-      Expect.equals(type, member.type,
-          "Unexpected type of $memberKind member '$member'.");
-    }
-    if (functionType != null) {
-      if (type == null) {
-        Expect.equals(member.type, member.functionType,
-            "Unexpected type of $memberKind member '$member'.");
-      }
-      Expect.equals(functionType, member.functionType,
-          "Unexpected member type of $memberKind member '$member'.");
-    }
-  }
-  return member;
-void checkMemberCount(ResolutionInterfaceType cls, int expectedCount,
-    {bool interfaceMembers: true}) {
-  int count = 0;
-  if (interfaceMembers) {
-    cls.element.forEachInterfaceMember((_) => count++);
-  } else {
-    cls.element.forEachClassMember((_) => count++);
-  }
-  Expect.equals(expectedCount, count);
-void testClassMembers() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-    abstract class A {
-      int field;
-      final finalField = 0;
-      static var staticField;
-      int get getter => 0;
-      get abstractGetter;
-      void set setter(int _) {}
-      set abstractSetter(_);
-      method() {}
-      abstractMethod();
-      static staticMethod() {}
-    }
-    class B<T> {
-      T field;
-      void method(T t) {}
-      static staticMethod() {}
-      toString([T t]) {}
-    }
-    class C<S> extends B<S> {}
-    class D extends C<int> {}
-    class E extends D {}
-    """,
-          options: [Flags.useOldFrontend],
-          compileMode: CompileMode.memory).then((env) {
-        ResolutionInterfaceType bool_ = env['bool'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType String_ = env['String'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType int_ = env['int'];
-        ResolutionDynamicType dynamic_ = env['dynamic'];
-        ResolutionVoidType void_ = env['void'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType Type_ = env['Type'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType Invocation_ = env['Invocation'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType Object_ = env['Object'];
-        checkMemberCount(Object_, 5 /*declared*/, interfaceMembers: true);
-        checkMemberCount(Object_, 5 /*declared*/, interfaceMembers: false);
-        checkMember(Object_, '==',
-            functionType: env.functionType(bool_, [dynamic_]));
-        checkMember(Object_, 'hashCode',
-            isGetter: true,
-            type: int_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(int_, []));
-        checkMember(Object_, 'noSuchMethod',
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, [Invocation_]));
-        checkMember(Object_, 'runtimeType',
-            isGetter: true,
-            type: Type_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(Type_, []));
-        checkMember(Object_, 'toString',
-            functionType: env.functionType(String_, []));
-        ResolutionInterfaceType A = env['A'];
-        MembersCreator.computeAllClassMembers(env.resolution, A.element);
-        checkMemberCount(A, 5 /*inherited*/ + 9 /*non-static declared*/,
-            interfaceMembers: true);
-        checkMemberCount(
-            A,
-            5 /*inherited*/ +
-                9 /*non-abstract declared*/ +
-                3 /* abstract declared */,
-            interfaceMembers: false);
-        checkMember(A, '==', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(A, 'hashCode', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(A, 'noSuchMethod', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(A, 'runtimeType', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(A, 'toString', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(A, 'field',
-            isGetter: true,
-            type: int_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(int_, []));
-        checkMember(A, 'field',
-            isSetter: true,
-            type: int_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(void_, [int_]));
-        checkMember(A, 'finalField',
-            isGetter: true,
-            type: dynamic_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []));
-        checkMember(A, 'staticField',
-            isGetter: true,
-            isStatic: true,
-            checkType: CHECK_CLASS,
-            type: dynamic_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []));
-        checkMember(A, 'staticField',
-            isSetter: true,
-            isStatic: true,
-            checkType: CHECK_CLASS,
-            type: dynamic_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(void_, [dynamic_]));
-        checkMember(A, 'getter',
-            isGetter: true,
-            type: int_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(int_, []));
-        checkMember(A, 'abstractGetter',
-            isGetter: true,
-            type: dynamic_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []));
-        checkMember(A, 'setter',
-            isSetter: true,
-            type: int_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(void_, [int_]));
-        checkMember(A, 'abstractSetter',
-            isSetter: true,
-            type: dynamic_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, [dynamic_]));
-        checkMember(A, 'method', functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []));
-        checkMember(A, 'abstractMethod',
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []));
-        checkMember(A, 'staticMethod',
-            checkType: CHECK_CLASS,
-            isStatic: true,
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []));
-        ClassElement B = env.getElement('B');
-        MembersCreator.computeAllClassMembers(env.resolution, B);
-        ResolutionInterfaceType B_this = B.thisType;
-        ResolutionTypeVariableType B_T = B_this.typeArguments.first;
-        checkMemberCount(B_this, 4 /*inherited*/ + 4 /*non-static declared*/,
-            interfaceMembers: true);
-        checkMemberCount(B_this, 4 /*inherited*/ + 5 /*declared*/,
-            interfaceMembers: false);
-        checkMember(B_this, '==', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(B_this, 'hashCode', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(B_this, 'noSuchMethod', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(B_this, 'runtimeType', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(B_this, 'field',
-            isGetter: true, type: B_T, functionType: env.functionType(B_T, []));
-        checkMember(B_this, 'field',
-            isSetter: true,
-            type: B_T,
-            functionType: env.functionType(void_, [B_T]));
-        checkMember(B_this, 'method',
-            functionType: env.functionType(void_, [B_T]));
-        checkMember(B_this, 'staticMethod',
-            checkType: CHECK_CLASS,
-            isStatic: true,
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []));
-        checkMember(B_this, 'toString',
-            functionType:
-                env.functionType(dynamic_, [], optionalParameters: [B_T]));
-        ClassElement C = env.getElement('C');
-        MembersCreator.computeAllClassMembers(env.resolution, C);
-        ResolutionInterfaceType C_this = C.thisType;
-        ResolutionTypeVariableType C_S = C_this.typeArguments.first;
-        checkMemberCount(C_this, 8 /*inherited*/, interfaceMembers: true);
-        checkMemberCount(C_this, 8 /*inherited*/, interfaceMembers: false);
-        ResolutionInterfaceType B_S = instantiate(B, [C_S]);
-        checkMember(C_this, '==', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(C_this, 'hashCode', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(C_this, 'noSuchMethod', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(C_this, 'runtimeType', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(C_this, 'field',
-            isGetter: true,
-            declarer: B_S,
-            type: C_S,
-            functionType: env.functionType(C_S, []));
-        checkMember(C_this, 'field',
-            isSetter: true,
-            declarer: B_S,
-            type: C_S,
-            functionType: env.functionType(void_, [C_S]));
-        checkMember(C_this, 'method',
-            declarer: B_S, functionType: env.functionType(void_, [C_S]));
-        checkMember(C_this, 'toString',
-            declarer: B_S,
-            functionType:
-                env.functionType(dynamic_, [], optionalParameters: [C_S]));
-        ResolutionInterfaceType D = env['D'];
-        MembersCreator.computeAllClassMembers(env.resolution, D.element);
-        checkMemberCount(D, 8 /*inherited*/, interfaceMembers: true);
-        checkMemberCount(D, 8 /*inherited*/, interfaceMembers: false);
-        ResolutionInterfaceType B_int = instantiate(B, [int_]);
-        checkMember(D, '==', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(D, 'hashCode', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(D, 'noSuchMethod', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(D, 'runtimeType', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(D, 'field',
-            isGetter: true,
-            declarer: B_int,
-            type: int_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(int_, []));
-        checkMember(D, 'field',
-            isSetter: true,
-            declarer: B_int,
-            type: int_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(void_, [int_]));
-        checkMember(D, 'method',
-            declarer: B_int, functionType: env.functionType(void_, [int_]));
-        checkMember(D, 'toString',
-            declarer: B_int,
-            functionType:
-                env.functionType(dynamic_, [], optionalParameters: [int_]));
-        ResolutionInterfaceType E = env['E'];
-        MembersCreator.computeAllClassMembers(env.resolution, E.element);
-        checkMemberCount(E, 8 /*inherited*/, interfaceMembers: true);
-        checkMemberCount(E, 8 /*inherited*/, interfaceMembers: false);
-        checkMember(E, '==', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(E, 'hashCode', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(E, 'noSuchMethod', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(E, 'runtimeType', inheritedFrom: Object_);
-        checkMember(E, 'field',
-            isGetter: true,
-            declarer: B_int,
-            type: int_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(int_, []));
-        checkMember(E, 'field',
-            isSetter: true,
-            declarer: B_int,
-            type: int_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(void_, [int_]));
-        checkMember(E, 'method',
-            declarer: B_int, functionType: env.functionType(void_, [int_]));
-        checkMember(E, 'toString',
-            declarer: B_int,
-            functionType:
-                env.functionType(dynamic_, [], optionalParameters: [int_]));
-      }));
-void testInterfaceMembers() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-    abstract class A {
-      num method1();
-      void method2();
-      void method3();
-      void method4();
-      method5(a);
-      method6(a);
-      method7(a);
-      method8(a, b);
-      method9(a, b, c);
-      method10(a, {b, c});
-      method11(a, {b, c});
-      num get getter1;
-      num get getter2;
-      void set setter1(num _);
-      void set setter2(num _);
-      void set setter3(num _);
-      get getterAndMethod;
-    }
-    abstract class B {
-      int method1();
-      int method2();
-      num method3();
-      num method4();
-      method5([a]);
-      method6([a, b]);
-      method7(a, [b]);
-      method8([a]);
-      method9(a, [b]);
-      method10(a, {c, d});
-      method11(a, b, {c, d});
-      num get getter1;
-      int get getter2;
-      void set setter1(num _);
-      set setter2(num _);
-      void set setter3(int _);
-      getterAndMethod();
-    }
-    abstract class C {
-      int method3();
-      num method4();
-    }
-    abstract class D implements A, B, C {}
-    """, options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]).then((env) {
-        ResolutionDynamicType dynamic_ = env['dynamic'];
-        ResolutionVoidType void_ = env['void'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType num_ = env['num'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType A = env['A'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType B = env['B'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType C = env['C'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType D = env['D'];
-        // Ensure that members have been computed on all classes.
-        MembersCreator.computeAllClassMembers(env.resolution, D.element);
-        // A: num method1()
-        // B: int method1()
-        // D: dynamic method1() -- synthesized from A and B.
-        checkMember(D, 'method1',
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []),
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: void method2()
-        // B: int method2()
-        // D: int method2() -- inherited from B
-        checkMember(D, 'method2', inheritedFrom: B, checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: void method3()
-        // B: num method3()
-        // C: int method3()
-        // D: dynamic method3() -- synthesized from A, B, and C.
-        checkMember(D, 'method3',
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B, C],
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []),
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: void method4()
-        // B: num method4()
-        // C: num method4()
-        // D: num method4() -- synthesized from B and C.
-        checkMember(D, 'method4',
-            synthesizedFrom: [B, C],
-            functionType: env.functionType(num_, []),
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: method5(a)
-        // B: method5([a])
-        // D: method5([a]) -- inherited from B
-        checkMember(D, 'method5', inheritedFrom: B, checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: method6(a)
-        // B: method6([a, b])
-        // D: method6([a, b]) -- inherited from B
-        checkMember(D, 'method6', inheritedFrom: B, checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: method7(a)
-        // B: method7(a, [b])
-        // D: method7(a, [b]) -- inherited from B
-        checkMember(D, 'method7', inheritedFrom: B, checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: method8(a, b)
-        // B: method8([a])
-        // D: method8([a, b]) -- synthesized from A and B.
-        checkMember(D, 'method8',
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, [],
-                optionalParameters: [dynamic_, dynamic_]),
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: method9(a, b, c)
-        // B: method9(a, [b])
-        // D: method9(a, [b, c]) -- synthesized from A and B.
-        checkMember(D, 'method9',
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, [dynamic_],
-                optionalParameters: [dynamic_, dynamic_]),
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: method10(a, {b, c})
-        // B: method10(a, {c, d})
-        // D: method10(a, {b, c, d}) -- synthesized from A and B.
-        checkMember(D, 'method10',
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, [dynamic_],
-                namedParameters: {'b': dynamic_, 'c': dynamic_, 'd': dynamic_}),
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: method11(a, {b, c})
-        // B: method11(a, b, {c, d})
-        // D: method11(a, [b], {c, d}) -- synthesized from A and B.
-        // TODO(johnniwinther): Change to check synthesized member when function
-        // types with both optional and named parameters are supported.
-        Expect.isNull(getMember(D, 'method11'));
-        /*checkMember(D, 'method11',
-        synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-        functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, [dynamic_],
-                                       optionalParameters: [dynamic_],
-                                       namedParameters: {'c': dynamic_,
-                                                         'd': dynamic_,}),
-        checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);*/
-        // A: num get getter1
-        // B: num get getter1
-        // D: num get getter1 -- synthesized from A and B.
-        checkMember(D, 'getter1',
-            isGetter: true,
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-            type: num_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(num_, []),
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: num get getter2
-        // B: int get getter2
-        // D: dynamic get getter2 -- synthesized from A and B.
-        checkMember(D, 'getter2',
-            isGetter: true,
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-            type: dynamic_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []),
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: void set setter1(num _)
-        // B: void set setter1(num _)
-        // D: void set setter1(num _) -- synthesized from A and B.
-        checkMember(D, 'setter1',
-            isSetter: true,
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-            type: num_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(void_, [num_]),
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: void set setter2(num _)
-        // B: set setter2(num _)
-        // D: dynamic set setter2(dynamic _) -- synthesized from A and B.
-        checkMember(D, 'setter2',
-            isSetter: true,
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-            type: dynamic_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, [dynamic_]),
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: void set setter3(num _)
-        // B: void set setter3(int _)
-        // D: dynamic set setter3(dynamic _) -- synthesized from A and B.
-        checkMember(D, 'setter3',
-            isSetter: true,
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-            type: dynamic_,
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, [dynamic_]),
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-        // A: get getterAndMethod
-        // B: getterAndMethod()
-        // D: nothing inherited
-        checkMember(D, 'getterAndMethod',
-            erroneousFrom: [A, B], checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER);
-      }));
-void testClassVsInterfaceMembers() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-    class A {
-      method1() {}
-      method2() {}
-    }
-    abstract class B {
-      method1();
-      method2(a);
-    }
-    abstract class C extends A implements B {}
-    """, options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]).then((env) {
-        ResolutionDynamicType dynamic_ = env['dynamic'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType A = env['A'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType B = env['B'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType C = env['C'];
-        // Ensure that members have been computed on all classes.
-        MembersCreator.computeAllClassMembers(env.resolution, C.element);
-        // A: method1()
-        // B: method1()
-        // C class: method1() -- inherited from A.
-        // C interface: dynamic method1() -- synthesized from A and B.
-        MemberSignature interfaceMember = checkMember(C, 'method1',
-            checkType: CHECK_INTERFACE,
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []));
-        MemberSignature classMember =
-            checkMember(C, 'method1', checkType: CHECK_CLASS, inheritedFrom: A);
-        Expect.notEquals(interfaceMember, classMember);
-        // A: method2()
-        // B: method2(a)
-        // C class: method2() -- inherited from A.
-        // C interface: dynamic method2([a]) -- synthesized from A and B.
-        interfaceMember = checkMember(C, 'method2',
-            checkType: CHECK_INTERFACE,
-            synthesizedFrom: [A, B],
-            functionType:
-                env.functionType(dynamic_, [], optionalParameters: [dynamic_]));
-        classMember =
-            checkMember(C, 'method2', checkType: CHECK_CLASS, inheritedFrom: A);
-        Expect.notEquals(interfaceMember, classMember);
-      }));
-void testMixinMembers() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-    class A<T> {
-      method1() {}
-      method2() {}
-      method3(T a) {}
-      method4(T a) {}
-    }
-    abstract class B<S> {
-      method1();
-      method2(a);
-      method3(S a) {}
-    }
-    abstract class C<U, V> extends Object with A<U> implements B<V> {}
-    """, options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]).then((env) {
-        ResolutionDynamicType dynamic_ = env['dynamic'];
-        ClassElement A = env.getElement('A');
-        ClassElement B = env.getElement('B');
-        ClassElement C = env.getElement('C');
-        ResolutionInterfaceType C_this = C.thisType;
-        ResolutionTypeVariableType C_U = C_this.typeArguments[0];
-        ResolutionTypeVariableType C_V = C_this.typeArguments[1];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType A_U = instantiate(A, [C_U]);
-        ResolutionInterfaceType B_V = instantiate(B, [C_V]);
-        // Ensure that members have been computed on all classes.
-        MembersCreator.computeAllClassMembers(env.resolution, C);
-        // A: method1()
-        // B: method1()
-        // C class: method1() -- inherited from A.
-        // C interface: dynamic method1() -- synthesized from A and B.
-        MemberSignature interfaceMember = checkMember(C_this, 'method1',
-            checkType: CHECK_INTERFACE,
-            synthesizedFrom: [A_U, B_V],
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []));
-        MemberSignature classMember = checkMember(C_this, 'method1',
-            checkType: CHECK_CLASS, inheritedFrom: A_U);
-        Expect.notEquals(interfaceMember, classMember);
-        // A: method2()
-        // B: method2(a)
-        // C class: method2() -- inherited from A.
-        // C interface: dynamic method2([a]) -- synthesized from A and B.
-        interfaceMember = checkMember(C_this, 'method2',
-            checkType: CHECK_INTERFACE,
-            synthesizedFrom: [A_U, B_V],
-            functionType:
-                env.functionType(dynamic_, [], optionalParameters: [dynamic_]));
-        classMember = checkMember(C_this, 'method2',
-            checkType: CHECK_CLASS, inheritedFrom: A_U);
-        Expect.notEquals(interfaceMember, classMember);
-        // A: method3(U a)
-        // B: method3(V a)
-        // C class: method3(U a) -- inherited from A.
-        // C interface: dynamic method3(a) -- synthesized from A and B.
-        interfaceMember = checkMember(C_this, 'method3',
-            checkType: CHECK_INTERFACE,
-            synthesizedFrom: [A_U, B_V],
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, [dynamic_]));
-        classMember = checkMember(C_this, 'method3',
-            checkType: CHECK_CLASS, inheritedFrom: A_U);
-        Expect.notEquals(interfaceMember, classMember);
-        // A: method4(U a)
-        // B: --
-        // C class: method4(U a) -- inherited from A.
-        // C interface: method4(U a) -- inherited from A.
-        checkMember(C_this, 'method4',
-            checkType: ALSO_CLASS_MEMBER, inheritedFrom: A_U);
-      }));
-void testMixinMembersWithoutImplements() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-    abstract class A {
-      m();
-    }
-    abstract class B implements A {
-    }
-    abstract class C extends Object with B {}
-    """, options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]).then((env) {
-        ResolutionDynamicType dynamic_ = env['dynamic'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType A = env['A'];
-        ResolutionInterfaceType C = env['C'];
-        // Ensure that members have been computed on all classes.
-        MembersCreator.computeAllClassMembers(env.resolution, C.element);
-        checkMember(C, 'm',
-            checkType: NO_CLASS_MEMBER,
-            inheritedFrom: A,
-            functionType: env.functionType(dynamic_, []));
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/message_kind_helper.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/message_kind_helper.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f869e39..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/message_kind_helper.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library dart2js.test.message_kind_helper;
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart' show Compiler;
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart'
-    show MessageKind, MessageTemplate;
-import 'package:compiler/compiler_new.dart' show Diagnostic;
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-const String ESCAPE_REGEXP = r'[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]';
-/// Most examples generate a single diagnostic.
-/// Add an exception here if a single diagnostic cannot be produced.
-/// However, consider that a single concise diagnostic is easier to understand,
-/// so try to change error reporting logic before adding an exception.
-final Set<MessageKind> kindsWithExtraMessages = new Set<MessageKind>.from([
-  // See
-  MessageKind.CANNOT_MIXIN,
-  MessageKind.HIDDEN_IMPORT,
-/// Most messages can be tested without causing a fatal error. Add an exception
-/// here if a fatal error is unavoidable and leads to pending classes.
-/// Try to avoid adding exceptions here; a fatal error causes the compiler to
-/// stop before analyzing all input, and it isn't safe to reuse it.
-final Set<MessageKind> kindsWithPendingClasses = new Set<MessageKind>.from([
-  // If you add something here, please file a *new* bug report.
-Future<Compiler> check(MessageTemplate template, Compiler cachedCompiler) {
-  Expect.isFalse(template.examples.isEmpty);
-  return Future.forEach(template.examples, (example) {
-    if (example is String) {
-      example = {'main.dart': example};
-    } else {
-      Expect.isTrue(
-          example is Map, "Example must be either a String or a Map.");
-      Expect.isTrue(example.containsKey('main.dart'),
-          "Example map must contain a 'main.dart' entry.");
-    }
-    DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-    Compiler compiler = compilerFor(
-        memorySourceFiles: example,
-        diagnosticHandler: collector,
-        options: [
-          Flags.analyzeOnly,
-          Flags.enableExperimentalMirrors,
-          Flags.useOldFrontend
-        ]..addAll(template.options),
-        cachedCompiler: cachedCompiler);
-    return'memory:main.dart')).then((_) {
-      Iterable<CollectedMessage> messages = collector.filterMessagesByKinds([
-        Diagnostic.ERROR,
-        Diagnostic.WARNING,
-        Diagnostic.HINT,
-        Diagnostic.CRASH
-      ]);
-      Expect.isFalse(messages.isEmpty, 'No messages in """$example"""');
-      String expectedText = !template.hasHowToFix
-          ? template.template
-          : '${template.template}\n${template.howToFix}';
-      String pattern = expectedText.replaceAllMapped(
-          new RegExp(ESCAPE_REGEXP), (m) => '\\${m[0]}');
-      pattern = pattern.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'#\\\{[^}]*\\\}'), '.*');
-      bool checkMessage(CollectedMessage message) {
-        if (message.message.kind != MessageKind.GENERIC) {
-          return message.message.kind == template.kind;
-        } else {
-          return new RegExp('^$pattern\$').hasMatch(message.text);
-        }
-      }
-      // TODO(johnniwinther): Extend MessageKind to contain information on
-      // where info messages are expected.
-      bool messageFound = false;
-      List unexpectedMessages = [];
-      for (CollectedMessage message in messages) {
-        if (!messageFound && checkMessage(message)) {
-          messageFound = true;
-        } else {
-          unexpectedMessages.add(message);
-        }
-      }
-      Expect.isTrue(
-          messageFound,
-          '${template.kind}} does not match any in\n '
-          '${messages.join('\n ')}\n'
-          'Consider searching for ${template.kind} in\n'
-          '  pkg/compiler/lib/src/diagnostics/messages.dart\n'
-          'and removing the associated example');
-      dynamic reporter = compiler.reporter;
-      Expect.isFalse(reporter.hasCrashed);
-      if (!unexpectedMessages.isEmpty) {
-        for (CollectedMessage message in unexpectedMessages) {
-          print("Unexpected message: $message");
-        }
-        if (!kindsWithExtraMessages.contains(template.kind)) {
-          // Try changing the error reporting logic before adding an exception
-          // to [kindsWithExtraMessages].
-          throw 'Unexpected messages found.';
-        }
-      }
-      bool pendingStuff = false;
-      for (var e in compiler.resolver.pendingClassesToBePostProcessed) {
-        pendingStuff = true;
-        compiler.reporter.reportInfo(e, MessageKind.GENERIC,
-            {'text': 'Pending class to be post-processed.'});
-      }
-      for (var e in compiler.resolver.pendingClassesToBeResolved) {
-        pendingStuff = true;
-        compiler.reporter.reportInfo(
-            e, MessageKind.GENERIC, {'text': 'Pending class to be resolved.'});
-      }
-      Expect
-          .isTrue(!pendingStuff || kindsWithPendingClasses.contains(template));
-      if (!pendingStuff) {
-        // If there is pending stuff, or the compiler was cancelled, we
-        // shouldn't reuse the compiler.
-        cachedCompiler = compiler;
-      }
-    });
-  }).then((_) => cachedCompiler);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/message_kind_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/message_kind_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index c397ede..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/message_kind_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'dart:async';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart'
-    show MessageKind, MessageTemplate;
-import 'message_kind_helper.dart';
-main(List<String> arguments) {
-  List<MessageTemplate> examples = <MessageTemplate>[];
-  for (var kind in MessageKind.values) {
-    MessageTemplate template = MessageTemplate.TEMPLATES[kind];
-    Expect.isNotNull(template, "No template for $kind.");
-    Expect.equals(kind, template.kind,
-        "Invalid MessageTemplate.kind for $kind, found ${template.kind}.");
-    String name = '${kind.toString()}'.substring('MessageKind.'.length);
-    if (!arguments.isEmpty && !arguments.contains(name)) continue;
-    if (name == 'GENERIC' // Shouldn't be used.
-        // We can't provoke a crash.
-        ||
-        name == 'COMPILER_CRASHED' ||
-        name == 'PLEASE_REPORT_THE_CRASH'
-        // We cannot provide examples for patch errors.
-        ||
-        name.startsWith('PATCH_') ||
-        name == 'LIBRARY_NOT_SUPPORTED'
-        // TODO(johnniwinther): Remove these when [Compiler.reportUnusedCode] is
-        // reenabled.
-        ||
-        name == 'UNUSED_METHOD' ||
-        name == 'UNUSED_CLASS' ||
-        name == 'UNUSED_TYPEDEF' ||
-        // Fasta no longer generates EXTRANEOUS_MODIFIER_REPLACE.
-        // Fasta just reports EXTRANEOUS_MODIFIER.
-        name == 'FORMAL_DECLARED_STATIC' ||
-        // Additional warning from dart2js.
-        name == 'VOID_NOT_ALLOWED') continue;
-    if (template.examples != null) {
-      examples.add(template);
-    } else {
-      print("No example in '$name'");
-    }
-  }
-  ;
-  var cachedCompiler;
-  asyncTest(() => Future.forEach(examples, (MessageTemplate template) {
-        print("Checking '${template.kind}'.");
-        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch()..start();
-        return check(template, cachedCompiler).then((var compiler) {
-          cachedCompiler = compiler;
-          sw.stop();
-          print("Checked '${template.kind}' in ${sw.elapsedMilliseconds}ms.");
-        });
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/message_span_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/message_span_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d774bc..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/message_span_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:convert' show json, utf8;
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/io/source_file.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-import '../memory_source_file_helper.dart';
-const List<Test> TESTS = const <Test>[
-  const Test('''
-class A { A(b); }
-class B extends A {
-  a() {}
-  lot() {}
-  of() {}
-  var members;
-main() => new B();''', const {
-class B extends A {
-  }),
-  const Test('''
-class I {}
-class A { A(b); }
-class B extends A implements I {
-  a() {}
-  lot() {}
-  of() {}
-  var members;
-main() => new B();''', const {
-class B extends A implements I {
-  }),
-  const Test('''
-class M<T> {}
-class A { A(b); }
-class B extends A with M<int> {
-  a() {}
-  lot() {}
-  of() {}
-  var members;
-main() => new B();''', const {
-class B extends A with M<int> {
-  }),
-  const Test('''
-class A { A(b); }
-class B
-    extends A {
-  a() {}
-  lot() {}
-  of() {}
-  var members;
-main() => new B();''', const {
-class B
-    extends A {
-  }),
-  const Test('''
-void foo(int a) {
-  // a
-  // non-empty
-  // body
-main() => foo('');''', const {
-    MessageKind.THIS_IS_THE_METHOD: '''
-void foo(int a) {
-  }),
-  const Test('''
-void foo(int a,
-         int b) {
-  // a
-  // non-empty
-  // body
-main() => foo('', 0);''', const {
-    MessageKind.THIS_IS_THE_METHOD: '''
-void foo(int a,
-         int b) {
-  }),
-  const Test('''
-class A {
-  int foo() {
-    // a
-    // non-empty
-    // body
-  }
-class B extends A {
-  int get foo {
-    // a
-    // non-empty
-    // body
-    return 0;
-  }
-main() => new B();''', const {
-  int get foo {
-  ^^^^^^^^^^^''',
-  int foo() {
-  ^^^^^^^^^'''
-  }),
-class Test {
-  final String code;
-  final Map<MessageKind, String> kindToSpan;
-  const Test(this.code, this.kindToSpan);
-const String MARKER = '---marker---';
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    var cachedCompiler;
-    for (Test test in TESTS) {
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-      CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-          memorySourceFiles: {'main.dart': test.code},
-          options: [Flags.analyzeOnly, Flags.useOldFrontend],
-          diagnosticHandler: collector,
-          cachedCompiler: cachedCompiler);
-      cachedCompiler = result.compiler;
-      MemorySourceFileProvider provider = cachedCompiler.provider;
-      Map<MessageKind, String> kindToSpan =
-          new Map<MessageKind, String>.from(test.kindToSpan);
-      for (CollectedMessage message in collector.messages) {
-        String expectedSpanText = kindToSpan[message.messageKind];
-        if (expectedSpanText != null) {
-          SourceFile sourceFile = provider.getUtf8SourceFile(message.uri);
-          String locationMessage =
-              sourceFile.getLocationMessage(MARKER, message.begin, message.end);
-          // Remove `filename:line:column:` and message.
-          String strippedLocationMessage = locationMessage
-              .substring(locationMessage.indexOf(MARKER) + MARKER.length + 1);
-          // Using jsonEncode to add string quotes and backslashes.
-          String expected = json.encode(
-              utf8.decode(expectedSpanText.codeUnits, allowMalformed: true));
-          String actual = json.encode(utf8
-              .decode(strippedLocationMessage.codeUnits, allowMalformed: true));
-          Expect.equals(
-              expectedSpanText,
-              strippedLocationMessage,
-              "Unexpected span for ${message.messageKind} in\n${test.code}"
-              "\nExpected: $expected"
-              "\nActual  : $actual");
-          kindToSpan.remove(message.messageKind);
-        }
-      }
-      kindToSpan.forEach((MessageKind kind, _) {
-"Missing message kin $kind in\n${test.code}");
-      });
-    }
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/metadata_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/metadata_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f24dcf22..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/metadata_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/constants/values.dart'
-    show ConstantValue, StringConstantValue;
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../compiler_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/parser/partial_elements.dart'
-    show PartialMetadataAnnotation;
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/diagnostic_listener.dart'
-    show DiagnosticReporter;
-void checkPosition(Spannable spannable, Node node, String source,
-    DiagnosticReporter reporter) {
-  SourceSpan span = reporter.spanFromSpannable(spannable);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      span.begin < span.end, 'begin = ${span.begin}; end = ${span.end}');
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      span.end < source.length, 'end = ${span.end}; length = ${source.length}');
-  String yield = source.substring(span.begin, span.end);
-  // TODO(ahe): The node does not include "@". Fix that.
-  Expect.stringEquals('@$node', yield);
-void checkAnnotation(String name, String declaration,
-    {bool isTopLevelOnly: false}) {
-  // Ensure that a compile-time constant can be resolved from an
-  // annotation.
-  var source1 = """const native = 'xyz';
-                   @native
-                   $declaration
-                   main() {}""";
-  analyzeAndCheck(source1, name, (compiler, element) {
-    compiler.enqueuer.resolution.queueIsClosed = false;
-    Expect.equals(
-        1, element.metadata.length, 'Unexpected metadata count on $element.');
-    PartialMetadataAnnotation annotation = element.metadata.first;
-    annotation.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-    ConstantValue value =
-        compiler.constants.getConstantValue(annotation.constant);
-    Expect.isTrue(value is StringConstantValue);
-    Expect.stringEquals('xyz', (value as StringConstantValue).stringValue);
-    checkPosition(
-        annotation, annotation.cachedNode, source1, compiler.reporter);
-  });
-  // Ensure that each repeated annotation has a unique instance of
-  // [MetadataAnnotation].
-  var source2 = """const native = 'xyz';
-                   @native @native
-                   $declaration
-                   main() {}""";
-  analyzeAndCheck(source2, name, (compiler, element) {
-    compiler.enqueuer.resolution.queueIsClosed = false;
-    Expect.equals(2, element.metadata.length);
-    PartialMetadataAnnotation annotation1 = element.metadata.elementAt(0);
-    PartialMetadataAnnotation annotation2 = element.metadata.elementAt(1);
-    annotation1.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-    annotation2.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-    Expect.isFalse(
-        identical(annotation1, annotation2), 'expected unique instances');
-    Expect.notEquals(annotation1, annotation2, 'expected unequal instances');
-    ConstantValue value1 =
-        compiler.constants.getConstantValue(annotation1.constant);
-    ConstantValue value2 =
-        compiler.constants.getConstantValue(annotation2.constant);
-    Expect.identical(value1, value2, 'expected same compile-time constant');
-    Expect.isTrue(value1 is StringConstantValue);
-    Expect.isTrue(value2 is StringConstantValue);
-    Expect.stringEquals('xyz', (value1 as StringConstantValue).stringValue);
-    Expect.stringEquals('xyz', (value2 as StringConstantValue).stringValue);
-    checkPosition(
-        annotation1, annotation1.cachedNode, source2, compiler.reporter);
-    checkPosition(
-        annotation2, annotation2.cachedNode, source2, compiler.reporter);
-  });
-  if (isTopLevelOnly) return;
-  // Ensure that a compile-time constant can be resolved from an
-  // annotation.
-  var source3 = """const native = 'xyz';
-                   class Foo {
-                     @native
-                     $declaration
-                   }
-                   main() {}""";
-  analyzeAndCheck(source3, 'Foo', (compiler, dynamic element) {
-    compiler.enqueuer.resolution.queueIsClosed = false;
-    Expect.equals(0, element.metadata.length);
-    element.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-    Expect.equals(0, element.metadata.length);
-    element = element.lookupLocalMember(name);
-    Expect.equals(1, element.metadata.length);
-    PartialMetadataAnnotation annotation = element.metadata.first;
-    annotation.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-    ConstantValue value =
-        compiler.constants.getConstantValue(annotation.constant);
-    Expect.isTrue(value is StringConstantValue);
-    Expect.stringEquals('xyz', (value as StringConstantValue).stringValue);
-    checkPosition(
-        annotation, annotation.cachedNode, source3, compiler.reporter);
-  });
-  // Ensure that each repeated annotation has a unique instance of
-  // [MetadataAnnotation].
-  var source4 = """const native = 'xyz';
-                   class Foo {
-                     @native @native
-                     $declaration
-                   }
-                   main() {}""";
-  analyzeAndCheck(source4, 'Foo', (compiler, dynamic element) {
-    compiler.enqueuer.resolution.queueIsClosed = false;
-    Expect.equals(0, element.metadata.length);
-    element.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-    Expect.equals(0, element.metadata.length);
-    element = element.lookupLocalMember(name);
-    Expect.equals(2, element.metadata.length);
-    PartialMetadataAnnotation annotation1 = element.metadata.elementAt(0);
-    PartialMetadataAnnotation annotation2 = element.metadata.elementAt(1);
-    annotation1.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-    annotation2.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-    Expect.isFalse(
-        identical(annotation1, annotation2), 'expected unique instances');
-    Expect.notEquals(annotation1, annotation2, 'expected unequal instances');
-    ConstantValue value1 =
-        compiler.constants.getConstantValue(annotation1.constant);
-    ConstantValue value2 =
-        compiler.constants.getConstantValue(annotation2.constant);
-    Expect.identical(value1, value2, 'expected same compile-time constant');
-    Expect.isTrue(value1 is StringConstantValue);
-    Expect.isTrue(value2 is StringConstantValue);
-    Expect.stringEquals('xyz', (value1 as StringConstantValue).stringValue);
-    Expect.stringEquals('xyz', (value2 as StringConstantValue).stringValue);
-    checkPosition(
-        annotation1, annotation1.cachedNode, source4, compiler.reporter);
-    checkPosition(
-        annotation1, annotation2.cachedNode, source4, compiler.reporter);
-  });
-void testClassMetadata() {
-  checkAnnotation('Foo', 'class Foo {}', isTopLevelOnly: true);
-void testTopLevelMethodMetadata() {
-  checkAnnotation('foo', 'foo() {}');
-void testTopLevelFieldMetadata() {
-  checkAnnotation('foo', 'var foo;');
-  checkAnnotation('bar', 'var foo, bar;');
-void testLibraryTags() {
-  void compileAndCheckLibrary(String source,
-      List<MetadataAnnotation> extractMetadata(LibraryElement element)) {
-    Uri partUri = new Uri(scheme: 'source', path: 'part.dart');
-    String partSource = '@native part of foo;';
-    Uri libUri = new Uri(scheme: 'source', path: 'lib.dart');
-    String libSource = 'library lib;';
-    Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'source', path: 'main.dart');
-    var compiler = mockCompilerFor(source, uri, analyzeOnly: true)
-      ..registerSource(partUri, partSource)
-      ..registerSource(libUri, libSource);
-    asyncTest(() => {
-          compiler.enqueuer.resolution.queueIsClosed = false;
-          LibraryElement element = compiler.libraryLoader.lookupLibrary(uri);
-          Expect.isNotNull(element, 'Cannot find $uri');
-          List<MetadataAnnotation> metadata = extractMetadata(element);
-          Expect.equals(1, metadata.length);
-          PartialMetadataAnnotation annotation = metadata.first;
-          annotation.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-          ConstantValue value =
-              compiler.constants.getConstantValue(annotation.constant);
-          Expect.isTrue(value is StringConstantValue);
-          Expect.stringEquals(
-              'xyz', (value as StringConstantValue).stringValue);
-          checkPosition(
-              annotation, annotation.cachedNode, source, compiler.reporter);
-        }));
-  }
-  var source;
-  source = """@native
-              library foo;
-              const native = 'xyz';
-              main() {}""";
-  compileAndCheckLibrary(source, (dynamic e) => e.libraryTag.metadata);
-  source = """@native
-              import 'lib.dart';
-              const native = 'xyz';
-              main() {}""";
-  compileAndCheckLibrary(source, (dynamic e) => e.tags.single.metadata);
-  source = """@native
-              export 'lib.dart';
-              const native = 'xyz';
-              main() {}""";
-  compileAndCheckLibrary(source, (dynamic e) => e.tags.single.metadata);
-  source = """@native
-              part 'part.dart';
-              const native = 'xyz';
-              main() {}""";
-  compileAndCheckLibrary(source, (dynamic e) => e.tags.single.metadata);
-  source = """@native
-              part 'part.dart';
-              const native = 'xyz';
-              main() {}""";
-  compileAndCheckLibrary(
-      source, (dynamic e) => e.compilationUnits.first.partTag.metadata);
-void main() {
-  testClassMetadata();
-  testTopLevelMethodMetadata();
-  testTopLevelFieldMetadata();
-  testLibraryTags();
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/method_type_variable_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/method_type_variable_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 00a037a..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/method_type_variable_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-runTest(String code,
-    {List<MessageKind> expectedWarnings: const <MessageKind>[],
-    List<MessageKind> expectedHints: const <MessageKind>[]}) async {
-  print('--test--------------------------------------------------------------');
-  print(code);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  await runCompiler(
-      memorySourceFiles: {'main.dart': code},
-      diagnosticHandler: collector,
-      options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length, "Unexpected errors.");
-  Expect.listEquals(
-      expectedWarnings,
- => m.messageKind).toList(),
-      "Unexpected warnings.");
-  Expect.listEquals(expectedHints,
- => m.messageKind).toList(), "Unexpected hints.");
-class Test {
-  final String code;
-  final List<MessageKind> warnings;
-  final List<MessageKind> hints;
-  const Test(this.code,
-      {this.warnings: const <MessageKind>[],
-      this.hints: const <MessageKind>[]});
-const List<Test> tests = const <Test>[
-  /// Is-test on method type variable in unused static method.
-  const Test('''
-method<T>(T t) => t is T;
-main() {}
-  /// Is-test on method type variable in used static method.
-  const Test('''
-method<T>(T t) => t is T;
-main() => method<int>(0);
-''', warnings: const <MessageKind>[
-  ]),
-  /// Is-test on method type variable in unused instance method.
-  const Test('''
-class C {
-  method<T>(T t) => t is T;
-main() => new C();
-  /// Is-test on method type variable in used instance method.
-  const Test('''
-class C {
-  method<T>(T t) => t is T;
-main() => new C().method<int>(0);
-''', warnings: const <MessageKind>[
-  ]),
-  /// As-cast on method type variable in unused static method.
-  const Test('''
-method<T>(T t) => t as T;
-main() {}
-  /// As-cast on method type variable in used static method.
-  const Test('''
-method<T>(T t) => t as T;
-main() => method<int>(0);
-''', hints: const <MessageKind>[
-  ]),
-  /// As-cast on method type variable in unused instance method.
-  const Test('''
-class C {
-  method<T>(T t) => t as T;
-main() => new C();
-  /// As-cast on method type variable in used instance method.
-  const Test('''
-class C {
-  method<T>(T t) => t as T;
-main() => new C().method<int>(0);
-''', hints: const <MessageKind>[
-  ]),
-  /// Method type variable literal in unused static method.
-  const Test('''
-method<T>() => T;
-main() {}
-  /// Method type variable literal in used static method.
-  const Test('''
-method<T>() => T;
-main() => method<int>();
-''', warnings: const <MessageKind>[
-  ]),
-  /// Method type variable literal in unused instance method.
-  const Test('''
-class C {
-  method<T>() => T;
-main() => new C();
-  /// Method type variable literal in used instance method.
-  const Test('''
-class C {
-  method<T>() => T;
-main() => new C().method<int>();
-''', warnings: const <MessageKind>[
-  ]),
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    for (Test test in tests) {
-      await runTest(
-        test.code,
-        expectedWarnings: test.warnings,
-        expectedHints: test.hints,
-      );
-    }
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/minimal_resolution_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/minimal_resolution_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index c266e93..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/minimal_resolution_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that elements are not needlessly required by dart2js.
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/common/names.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/enqueue.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    await analyze('main() {}');
-    await analyze('main() => proxy;', proxyConstantComputed: true);
-    await analyze('@deprecated main() {}');
-    await analyze('@deprecated main() => deprecated;', deprecatedClass: true);
-    await analyze('main() => deprecated;', deprecatedClass: true);
-  });
-void checkInstantiated(Compiler compiler, ClassElement cls, bool expected) {
-  ResolutionEnqueuer enqueuer = compiler.enqueuer.resolution;
-  bool isInstantiated =
-      enqueuer.worldBuilder.directlyInstantiatedClasses.contains(cls);
-  bool isProcessed = enqueuer.processedClasses.contains(cls);
-  Expect.equals(expected, isInstantiated,
-      'Unexpected instantiation state of class $cls.');
-  Expect.equals(
-      expected, isProcessed, 'Unexpected processing state of class $cls.');
-analyze(String code,
-    {bool proxyConstantComputed: false, bool deprecatedClass: false}) async {
-  CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-      memorySourceFiles: {'main.dart': code},
-      options: ['--analyze-only', Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-  Expect.isTrue(result.isSuccess);
-  Compiler compiler = result.compiler;
-  Expect.equals(
-      proxyConstantComputed,
-      compiler.resolution.wasProxyConstantComputedTestingOnly,
-      "Unexpected computation of proxy constant.");
-  LibraryElement coreLibrary =
-      compiler.frontendStrategy.commonElements.coreLibrary;
-  checkInstantiated(
-      compiler, coreLibrary.find('_Proxy'), proxyConstantComputed);
-  checkInstantiated(compiler, coreLibrary.find('Deprecated'), deprecatedClass);
-  LibraryElement jsHelperLibrary =
-      compiler.libraryLoader.lookupLibrary(Uris.dart__js_helper);
-  jsHelperLibrary.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
-    Uri uri = element.compilationUnit.script.resourceUri;
-    if (element.isClass && uri.path.endsWith('annotations.dart')) {
-      checkInstantiated(compiler, element, false);
-    }
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/missing_file_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/missing_file_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fdbb8a..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/missing_file_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that the compiler can handle imports when package root has not been set.
-library dart2js.test.missing_file;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import "package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart";
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
-  'main.dart': '''
-import 'foo.dart';
-main() {}
-  'bar.dart': '''
-import 'dart:foo';
-main() {}
-  'baz.dart': '''
-import 'dart:io';
-main() {}
-Future runTest(Uri main, {MessageKind error, MessageKind info}) async {
-  print("----\nentry-point: $main\n");
-  DiagnosticCollector diagnostics = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  OutputCollector output = new OutputCollector();
-  await runCompiler(
-      entryPoint: main,
-      memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-      diagnosticHandler: diagnostics,
-      outputProvider: output,
-      options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-  Expect.isFalse(output.hasExtraOutput);
-  Expect.equals(error != null ? 1 : 0, diagnostics.errors.length);
-  if (error != null) {
-    Expect.equals(error, diagnostics.errors.first.message.kind);
-  }
-  Expect.equals(info != null ? 1 : 0, diagnostics.infos.length);
-  if (info != null) {
-    Expect.equals(info, diagnostics.infos.first.message.kind);
-  }
-  Expect.equals(0, diagnostics.warnings.length);
-  Expect.equals(0, diagnostics.hints.length);
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:main.dart'),
-        error: MessageKind.READ_URI_ERROR);
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:foo.dart'),
-        error: MessageKind.READ_SELF_ERROR);
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('dart:foo'), error: MessageKind.LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND);
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('dart:_mirror_helper'),
-        error: MessageKind.INTERNAL_LIBRARY,
-        info: MessageKind.DISALLOWED_LIBRARY_IMPORT);
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:bar.dart'),
-        error: MessageKind.LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND);
-    // Importing dart:io is temporarily allowed as a stopgap measure for the
-    // lack of config specific imports. Once that is added, this will be
-    // disallowed again.
-    //await runTest(Uri.parse('dart:io'),
-    //    error: MessageKind.LIBRARY_NOT_SUPPORTED,
-    //    info: MessageKind.DISALLOWED_LIBRARY_IMPORT);
-    //await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:baz.dart'),
-    //    error: MessageKind.LIBRARY_NOT_SUPPORTED,
-    //    info: MessageKind.DISALLOWED_LIBRARY_IMPORT);
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/mixin_language_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/mixin_language_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 89b4e0f..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/mixin_language_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that dart2js produces the expected static type warnings for these
-// language tests. This ensures that the analyzer and dart2js agrees on the
-// tests.
-import 'warnings_checker.dart';
-/// Map from test files to a map of their expected status. If the status map is
-/// `null` no warnings must be missing or unexpected, otherwise the status map
-/// can contain a list of line numbers for keys 'missing' and 'unexpected' for
-/// the warnings of each category.
-const Map<String, dynamic> TESTS = const {
-  'language_2/typevariable_substitution2_test.dart': null,
-void main(List<String> arguments) {
-  checkWarnings(TESTS, arguments);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/no_such_method_codegen_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/no_such_method_codegen_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c531f5..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/no_such_method_codegen_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// The mock compiler of dart2js used to make the compiler crash on
-// this program.
-// The SSA backend generates a call to a throwNoSuchMethod helper for
-// the access to `foo`, and we used to not infer return types of
-// helpers, so we did not know throwNoSuchMethod was not returning.
-// As a consequence, all operator[] had to be compiled, and due to
-// missing backend dependencies, some of them were not resolved.
-import '../compiler_helper.dart';
-const String TEST = '''
-main() => foo[42];
-main() {
-  Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'source');
-  var compiler = mockCompilerFor(TEST, uri);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/null_is_bottom_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/null_is_bottom_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d2ca6b..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/null_is_bottom_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that dart2js produces the expected static type warnings for proxy
-// language tests. This ensures that the analyzer and dart2js agrees on these
-// tests.
-import 'warnings_checker.dart';
-/// Map from test files to a map of their expected status. If the status map is
-/// `null` no warnings must be missing or unexpected, otherwise the status map
-/// can contain a list of line numbers for keys 'missing' and 'unexpected' for
-/// the warnings of each category.
-const Map<String, dynamic> TESTS = const {
-  'language/null_is_bottom_type_test.dart': null,
-void main(List<String> args) {
-  checkWarnings(TESTS, args);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/override_inheritance_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/override_inheritance_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 271b498..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/override_inheritance_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1610 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import '../compiler_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/class_members.dart' show MembersCreator;
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() => Future.wait([
-        testRequiredParameters(),
-        testPositionalParameters(),
-        testNamedParameters(),
-        testNotSubtype(),
-        testGetterNotSubtype(),
-        testSetterNotSubtype(),
-        testGenericNotSubtype(),
-        testFieldNotSubtype(),
-        testMixedOverride(),
-        testAbstractMethods(),
-        testNoSuchMethod(),
-      ]));
-Future check(String source, {errors, warnings, hints, infos}) {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    compiler.diagnosticHandler = createHandler(compiler, source);
-    compiler.parseScript(source);
-    dynamic mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-    var cls = mainApp.find('Class');
-    cls.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-    MembersCreator.computeAllClassMembers(compiler.resolution, cls);
-    toList(o) => o == null ? [] : o is List ? o : [o];
-    compareMessageKinds(
-        source, toList(errors), compiler.diagnosticCollector.errors, 'error');
-    compareMessageKinds(source, toList(warnings),
-        compiler.diagnosticCollector.warnings, 'warning');
-    if (infos != null) {
-      compareMessageKinds(
-          source, toList(infos), compiler.diagnosticCollector.infos, 'info');
-    }
-    if (hints != null) {
-      compareMessageKinds(
-          source, toList(hints), compiler.diagnosticCollector.hints, 'hint');
-    }
-  });
-Future testRequiredParameters() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() => null; // testRequiredParameters:0
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method() => null; // testRequiredParameters:1
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(a) => null; // testRequiredParameters:2
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method(b) => null; // testRequiredParameters:3
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(a, b, c, d) => null; // testRequiredParameters:3
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method(b, a, d, c) => null; // testRequiredParameters:4
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() => null; // testRequiredParameters:5
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method(a) => null; // testRequiredParameters:6
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() => null; // testRequiredParameters:7
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-            method(a) => null; // testRequiredParameters:8
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(a, b, c) => null; // testRequiredParameters:9
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method(a, b, c, d) => null; // testRequiredParameters:10
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-  ]);
-Future testPositionalParameters() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method([a]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:1
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method([a]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:2
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method([a, b]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:3
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method([b, a]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:4
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method([a, b, c]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:5
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method([b, d, a, c]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:6
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method([a]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:7
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method([a]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:8
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(a) => null; // testPositionalParameters:9
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method() => null; // testPositionalParameters:10
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(a, [b]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:11
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method(a) => null; // testPositionalParameters:12
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(a, [b]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:13
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method([a]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:14
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(a, b, [c, d, e]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:15
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method([a, b, c, d]) => null; // testPositionalParameters:16
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-  ]);
-Future testNamedParameters() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method({a}) => null; // testNamedParameters:1
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method({a}) => null; // testNamedParameters:2
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method({a, b}) => null; // testNamedParameters:3
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method({b, a}) => null; // testNamedParameters:4
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method({a, b, c}) => null; // testNamedParameters:5
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method({b, c, a, d}) => null; // testNamedParameters:6
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(d, {a, b, c}) => null; // testNamedParameters:7
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method(e, {b, c, a, d}) => null; // testNamedParameters:8
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method({a}) => null; // testNamedParameters:9
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method() => null; // testNamedParameters:10
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method({a, b}) => null; // testNamedParameters:11
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method({b}) => null; // testNamedParameters:12
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method({a, b, c, d}) => null; // testNamedParameters:13
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method({a, e, d, c}) => null; // testNamedParameters:14
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-  ]);
-Future testNotSubtype() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(int a) => null; // testNotSubtype:1
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method(int a) => null; // testNotSubtype:2
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(int a) => null; // testNotSubtype:3
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method(num a) => null; // testNotSubtype:4
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            void method() {} // testNotSubtype:5
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method() => null; // testNotSubtype:6
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() => null; // testNotSubtype:7
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            void method() {} // testNotSubtype:8
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            void method() {} // testNotSubtype:9
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            int method() => null; // testNotSubtype:10
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int method() => null; // testNotSubtype:11
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            void method() {} // testNotSubtype:12
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(int a) => null; // testNotSubtype:13
-          }
-          class B extends A {
-            method(num a) => null; // testNotSubtype:14
-          }
-          class Class extends B {
-            method(double a) => null; // testNotSubtype:15
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(int a) => null; // testNotSubtype:16
-          }
-          class B extends A {
-            method(a) => null; // testNotSubtype:17
-          }
-          class Class extends B {
-            method(String a) => null; // testNotSubtype:18
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(int a) => null; // testNotSubtype:19
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method(String a) => null; // testNotSubtype:20
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): These are unclear. Issue 16443 has been filed.
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(int a) => null; // testNotSubtype:23
-          }
-          class B {
-            method(num a) => null; // testNotSubtype:24
-          }
-          abstract class C implements A, B {
-          }
-          class Class implements C {
-            method(double a) => null; // testNotSubtype:25
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(num a) => null; // testNotSubtype:29
-          }
-          class B {
-            method(int a) => null; // testNotSubtype:30
-          }
-          abstract class C implements A, B {
-          }
-          class Class implements C {
-            method(double a) => null; // testNotSubtype:31
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method(int a) => null; // testNotSubtype:26
-          }
-          class B {
-            method(num a) => null; // testNotSubtype:27
-          }
-          abstract class C implements A, B {
-          }
-          class Class implements C {
-            method(String a) => null; // testNotSubtype:28
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-  ]);
-Future testGetterNotSubtype() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:1
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:2
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            num get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:3
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            num get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:4
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            num get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:5
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            int get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:6
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:7
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            num get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:8
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:9
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            double get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:10
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_GETTER,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_GETTER),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:11
-          }
-          class B extends A {
-            num get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:12
-          }
-          class Class extends B {
-            double get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:13
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:14
-          }
-          class B {
-            num get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:15
-          }
-          class Class extends A implements B {
-            double get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:16
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_GETTER,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_GETTER),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:17
-          }
-          class B {
-            String get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:18
-          }
-          class Class extends A implements B {
-            double get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:19
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:20
-          }
-          class B {
-            String get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:21
-          }
-          class Class implements A, B {
-            double get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:22
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): These are unclear. Issue 16443 has been filed.
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:23
-          }
-          class B {
-            num get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:24
-          }
-          abstract class C implements A, B {
-          }
-          class Class implements C {
-            double get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:25
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_GETTER,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_GETTER),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:26
-          }
-          class B {
-            num get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:27
-          }
-          abstract class C implements A, B {
-          }
-          class Class implements C {
-            String get getter => null; // testGetterNotSubtype:28
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-  ]);
-Future testGenericNotSubtype() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("""
-          class A<T> {
-            method(T t) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:1
-          }
-          class Class<S> extends A<S> {
-            method(S s) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:2
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A<T> {
-            method(T t) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:3
-          }
-          class Class extends A<num> {
-            method(int i) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:4
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A<T> {
-            method(T t) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:5
-          }
-          class B<S> {
-            method(S s) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:6
-          }
-          class Class extends A<double> implements B<int> {
-            method(num i) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:7
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A<T> {
-            method(T t) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:8
-          }
-          class Class<S> extends A<S> {
-            method(int i) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:9
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A<T> {
-            method(T t) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:10
-          }
-          class B<S> extends A<S> {
-          }
-          class Class<U> extends B<U> {
-            method(U u) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:11
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A<T> {
-            method(T t) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:12
-          }
-          class B<S> {
-            method(S s) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:13
-          }
-          class Class<U> extends A<U> implements B<num> {
-            method(int i) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:14
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A<T> {
-            method(T t) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:15
-          }
-          class B<S> {
-            method(S s) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:16
-          }
-          class Class extends A<int> implements B<String> {
-            method(double d) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:17
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-    check("""
-          class A<T> {
-            method(T t) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:18
-          }
-          class B<S> {
-            method(S s) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:19
-          }
-          class Class implements A<int>, B<String> {
-            method(double d) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:20
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): These are unclear. Issue 16443 has been filed.
-    check("""
-          class A<T> {
-            method(T t) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:21
-          }
-          class B<S> {
-            method(S s) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:22
-          }
-          abstract class C implements A<int>, B<num> {
-          }
-          class Class implements C {
-            method(double d) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:23
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_METHOD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD),
-    check("""
-          class A<T> {
-            method(T t) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:24
-          }
-          class B<S> {
-            method(S s) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:25
-          }
-          abstract class C implements A<int>, B<num> {
-          }
-          class Class implements C {
-            method(String s) => null; // testGenericNotSubtype:26
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-  ]);
-Future testSetterNotSubtype() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(_) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:1
-        }
-        class Class extends A {
-          set setter(_) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:2
-        }
-        """),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          void set setter(_) {} // testSetterNotSubtype:3
-        }
-        class Class extends A {
-          set setter(_) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:4
-        }
-        """),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(_) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:5
-        }
-        class Class extends A {
-          void set setter(_) {} // testSetterNotSubtype:6
-        }
-        """),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(_) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:7
-        }
-        class Class extends A {
-          void set setter(_) {} // testSetterNotSubtype:8
-        }
-        """),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(num _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:9
-        }
-        class Class extends A {
-          set setter(num _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:10
-        }
-        """),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(num _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:11
-        }
-        class Class extends A {
-          set setter(int _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:12
-        }
-        """),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(int _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:13
-        }
-        class Class extends A {
-          set setter(num _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:14
-        }
-        """),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(int _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:15
-        }
-        class Class extends A {
-          set setter(double _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:16
-        }
-        """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_SETTER,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_SETTER),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(int _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:17
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          set setter(num _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:18
-        }
-        class Class extends B {
-          set setter(double _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:19
-        }
-        """),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(int _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:20
-        }
-        class B {
-          set setter(num _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:21
-        }
-        class Class extends A implements B {
-          set setter(double _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:22
-        }
-        """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_SETTER,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_SETTER),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(int _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:23
-        }
-        class B {
-          set setter(String _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:24
-        }
-        class Class extends A implements B {
-          set setter(double _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:25
-        }
-        """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(int _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:26
-        }
-        class B {
-          set setter(String _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:27
-        }
-        class Class implements A, B {
-          set setter(double _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:28
-        }
-        """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): These are unclear. Issue 16443 has been filed.
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(int _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:29
-        }
-        class B {
-          set setter(num _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:30
-        }
-        abstract class C implements A, B {
-        }
-        class Class implements C {
-          set setter(double _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:31
-        }
-        """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_SETTER,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_SETTER),
-    check("""
-        class A {
-          set setter(int _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:32
-        }
-        class B {
-          set setter(num _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:33
-        }
-        abstract class C implements A, B {
-        }
-        class Class implements C {
-          set setter(String _) => null; // testSetterNotSubtype:34
-        }
-        """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-  ]);
-Future testFieldNotSubtype() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int field; // testFieldNotSubtype:1
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            int field; // testFieldNotSubtype:2
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            num field; // testFieldNotSubtype:3
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            int field; // testFieldNotSubtype:4
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int field; // testFieldNotSubtype:5
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            num field; // testFieldNotSubtype:6
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int field; // testFieldNotSubtype:7
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            double field; // testFieldNotSubtype:8
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_FIELD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_FIELD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int field; // testFieldNotSubtype:9
-          }
-          class B extends A {
-            num field; // testFieldNotSubtype:10
-          }
-          class Class extends B {
-            double field; // testFieldNotSubtype:11
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            num field; // testFieldNotSubtype:12
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            int get field => null; // testFieldNotSubtype:13
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            num field; // testFieldNotSubtype:14
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            String get field => null; // testFieldNotSubtype:15
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_FIELD_WITH_GETTER,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_FIELD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            num get field => null; // testFieldNotSubtype:16
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            String field; // testFieldNotSubtype:17
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_GETTER_WITH_FIELD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_GETTER),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            num field; // testFieldNotSubtype:18
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            set field(int _) {} // testFieldNotSubtype:19
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            num field; // testFieldNotSubtype:19
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            void set field(int _) {} // testFieldNotSubtype:20
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            set field(int _) {} // testFieldNotSubtype:21
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            num field; // testFieldNotSubtype:22
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            void set field(int _) {} // testFieldNotSubtype:23
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            num field; // testFieldNotSubtype:24
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            num field; // testFieldNotSubtype:25
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            set field(String _) {} // testFieldNotSubtype:26
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_FIELD_WITH_SETTER,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_FIELD),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            set field(num _) {} // testFieldNotSubtype:27
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            String field; // testFieldNotSubtype:28
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDE_SETTER_WITH_FIELD,
-        infos: MessageKind.INVALID_OVERRIDDEN_SETTER),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            int field; // testFieldNotSubtype:29
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-            String get field => null; // testFieldNotSubtype:30
-            void set field(String s) {} // testFieldNotSubtype:31
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            String get field => null; // testFieldNotSubtype:32
-            void set field(String s) {} // testFieldNotSubtype:33
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-            int field; // testFieldNotSubtype:34
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-  ]);
-Future testMixedOverride() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            var member; // testMixedOverride:1
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            member() {} // testMixedOverride:2
-          }
-          """,
-        errors: MessageKind.CANNOT_OVERRIDE_FIELD_WITH_METHOD,
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            member() {} // testMixedOverride:3
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            var member; // testMixedOverride:4
-          }
-          """,
-        errors: MessageKind.CANNOT_OVERRIDE_METHOD_WITH_FIELD,
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            get member => null; // testMixedOverride:5
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            member() {} // testMixedOverride:6
-          }
-          """,
-        errors: MessageKind.CANNOT_OVERRIDE_GETTER_WITH_METHOD,
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            member() {} // testMixedOverride:7
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            get member => null; // testMixedOverride:8
-          }
-          """,
-        errors: MessageKind.CANNOT_OVERRIDE_METHOD_WITH_GETTER,
-    check("""
-          abstract class A {
-            var member; // testMixedOverride:9
-          }
-          abstract class B {
-            get member; // testMixedOverride:10
-          }
-          abstract class Class implements A, B {
-          }
-          """),
-    check(
-        """
-          abstract class A {
-            var member; // testMixedOverride:11
-          }
-          abstract class B {
-            member() {} // testMixedOverride:12
-          }
-          abstract class Class implements A, B {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INHERIT_GETTER_AND_METHOD,
-        infos: [
-          MessageKind.INHERITED_METHOD,
-        ]),
-    check(
-        """
-          abstract class A {
-            get member; // testMixedOverride:13
-          }
-          abstract class B {
-            member() {} // testMixedOverride:14
-          }
-          abstract class Class implements A, B {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INHERIT_GETTER_AND_METHOD,
-        infos: [
-          MessageKind.INHERITED_METHOD,
-        ]),
-    check(
-        """
-          abstract class A {
-            get member; // testMixedOverride:15
-          }
-          abstract class B {
-            member() {} // testMixedOverride:16
-          }
-          abstract class C {
-            var member; // testMixedOverride:17
-          }
-          abstract class D {
-            member() {} // testMixedOverride:18
-          }
-          abstract class E {
-            get member; // testMixedOverride:19
-          }
-          abstract class Class implements A, B, C, D, E {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INHERIT_GETTER_AND_METHOD,
-        infos: [
-          MessageKind.INHERITED_METHOD,
-          MessageKind.INHERITED_METHOD,
-        ]),
-    check(
-        """
-          abstract class A {
-            get member; // testMixedOverride:20
-          }
-          abstract class B {
-            member() {} // testMixedOverride:21
-          }
-          abstract class C implements A, B {
-          }
-          class Class extends C {
-            member() {} // testMixedOverride:22
-          }
-          """,
-        errors: MessageKind.CANNOT_OVERRIDE_GETTER_WITH_METHOD,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INHERIT_GETTER_AND_METHOD,
-        infos: [
-          MessageKind.INHERITED_METHOD,
-        ]),
-    check(
-        """
-          abstract class A {
-            get member; // testMixedOverride:23
-          }
-          abstract class B {
-            member() {} // testMixedOverride:24
-          }
-          abstract class C implements A, B {
-          }
-          class Class extends C {
-            get member => null; // testMixedOverride:25
-          }
-          """,
-        errors: MessageKind.CANNOT_OVERRIDE_METHOD_WITH_GETTER,
-        warnings: MessageKind.INHERIT_GETTER_AND_METHOD,
-        infos: [
-          MessageKind.INHERITED_METHOD,
-        ]),
-  ]);
-Future testAbstractMethods() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("""
-          abstract class Class {
-            method(); // testAbstractMethod:1
-          }
-          """),
-    check(
-        """
-          class Class {
-            method(); // testAbstractMethod:2
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.ABSTRACT_METHOD,
-        infos: []),
-    check(
-        """
-          class Class {
-            get getter; // testAbstractMethod:3
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.ABSTRACT_GETTER,
-        infos: []),
-    check(
-        """
-          class Class {
-            set setter(_); // testAbstractMethod:4
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.ABSTRACT_SETTER,
-        infos: []),
-    check("""
-          abstract class A {
-            method(); // testAbstractMethod:5
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method() {} // testAbstractMethod:6
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          abstract class A {
-            method(); // testAbstractMethod:7
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method([a]) {} // testAbstractMethod:8
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          abstract class A {
-            method(); // testAbstractMethod:9
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_CONT),
-    check("""
-          abstract class A {
-            get getter; // testAbstractMethod:10
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_GETTER_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_EXPLICIT_GETTER),
-    check("""
-          abstract class A {
-            set setter(_); // testAbstractMethod:11
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_SETTER_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_EXPLICIT_SETTER),
-    check(
-        """
-          abstract class A {
-            method(); // testAbstractMethod:12
-          }
-          class B {
-            method() {} // testAbstractMethod:13
-          }
-          class Class extends A implements B {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD,
-        infos: [
-        ]),
-    check(
-        """
-          class Class implements Function {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_ONE,
-        infos: []),
-    check(
-        """
-          abstract class A {
-            get getter; // testAbstractMethod:14
-          }
-          class B {
-            get getter => 0; // testAbstractMethod:15
-          }
-          class Class extends A implements B {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_GETTER,
-        infos: [
-        ]),
-    check(
-        """
-          abstract class A {
-            set setter(_); // testAbstractMethod:16
-          }
-          class B {
-            set setter(_) {} // testAbstractMethod:17
-          }
-          class Class extends A implements B {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_SETTER,
-        infos: [
-        ]),
-    check(
-        """
-          abstract class A {
-            get field; // testAbstractMethod:18
-          }
-          class B {
-            var field; // testAbstractMethod:19
-          }
-          class Class extends A implements B {
-            set field(_) {} // testAbstractMethod:20
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_GETTER,
-        infos: [
-        ]),
-    check(
-        """
-          abstract class A {
-            set field(_); // testAbstractMethod:21
-          }
-          class B {
-            var field; // testAbstractMethod:22
-          }
-          class Class extends A implements B {
-            get field => 0; // testAbstractMethod:23
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_SETTER,
-        infos: [
-        ]),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() {} // testAbstractMethod:24
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-            method() {} // testAbstractMethod:25
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() {} // testAbstractMethod:26
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-            method([a]) {} // testAbstractMethod:27
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() {} // testAbstractMethod:28
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_CONT),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() {} // testAbstractMethod:29
-          }
-          class B {
-            method() {} // testAbstractMethod:30
-          }
-          class Class extends A implements B {
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            var member; // testAbstractMethod:31
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            var member; // testAbstractMethod:32
-          }
-          class B {
-            get member => null; // testAbstractMethod:33
-            set member(_) {} // testAbstractMethod:34
-          }
-          class Class implements A, B {
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            var member; // testAbstractMethod:35
-          }
-          class B {
-            var member; // testAbstractMethod:36
-          }
-          class Class implements A, B {
-          }
-          """, warnings: [
-    ], infos: [
-    ]),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            get member => 0; // testAbstractMethod:37
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_GETTER_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_EXPLICIT_GETTER),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            set member(_) {} // testAbstractMethod:38
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_SETTER_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_EXPLICIT_SETTER),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            var member; // testAbstractMethod:39
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-            get member => 0;
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_SETTER_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_IMPLICIT_SETTER),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            var field; // testAbstractMethod:40
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-            final field = 0; // testAbstractMethod:41
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_SETTER_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_IMPLICIT_SETTER),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            var member; // testAbstractMethod:42
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-            set member(_) {}
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_GETTER_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_IMPLICIT_GETTER),
-    check("""
-          abstract class A {
-            method() {} // testAbstractMethod:43
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            method();
-          }
-          """),
-  ]);
-Future testNoSuchMethod() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    check(
-        """
-          class Class {
-            method(); // testNoSuchMethod:1
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.ABSTRACT_METHOD,
-        infos: []),
-    check(
-        """
-          @proxy
-          class Class {
-            method(); // testNoSuchMethod:2
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.ABSTRACT_METHOD,
-        infos: []),
-    check("""
-          class Class {
-            noSuchMethod(_) => null;
-            method(); // testNoSuchMethod:3
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class Class {
-            noSuchMethod(_, [__]) => null;
-            method(); // testNoSuchMethod:4
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class Class {
-            noSuchMethod(_);
-            method(); // testNoSuchMethod:5
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          abstract class A {
-            method(); // testNoSuchMethod:6
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_CONT),
-    check("""
-          abstract class A {
-            method(); // testNoSuchMethod:7
-          }
-          @proxy
-          class Class extends A {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_CONT),
-    check("""
-          abstract class A {
-            method(); // testNoSuchMethod:8
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-            noSuchMethod(_) => null;
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() {} // testNoSuchMethod:9
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_CONT),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() {} // testNoSuchMethod:10
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_CONT),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() {} // testNoSuchMethod:11
-          }
-          @proxy
-          class Class implements A {
-          }
-          """,
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_ONE,
-        infos: MessageKind.UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD_CONT),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            method() {} // testNoSuchMethod:12
-          }
-          class Class implements A {
-            noSuchMethod(_) => null;
-          }
-          """),
-    check("""
-          class A {
-            noSuchMethod(_) => null;
-            method(); // testNoSuchMethod:13
-          }
-          class Class extends A {
-          }
-          """),
-  ]);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/package_root_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/package_root_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 793d17f..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/package_root_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that the compiler can handle imports when package root has not been set.
-library dart2js.test.package_root;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/compiler.dart' show PackagesDiscoveryProvider;
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart' show MessageKind;
-import 'package:package_config/packages.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-import '../memory_source_file_helper.dart';
-const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
-  'main.dart': '''
-import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
-main() {}
-  'package.config': '''
-final Uri PACKAGE_CONFIG_URI = Uri.parse('memory:package.config');
-Future runTest(Uri main, MessageKind expectedMessageKind,
-    {Uri packageRoot,
-    Uri packageConfig,
-    PackagesDiscoveryProvider packagesDiscoveryProvider}) async {
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-  await runCompiler(
-      entryPoint: main,
-      memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
-      diagnosticHandler: collector,
-      packageRoot: packageRoot,
-      packageConfig: packageConfig,
-      packagesDiscoveryProvider: packagesDiscoveryProvider,
-      options: [Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-  Expect.equals(
-      1, collector.errors.length, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-  Expect.equals(expectedMessageKind, collector.errors.first.message.kind,
-      "Unexpected error: ${collector.errors.first}");
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    Uri script = currentDirectory.resolveUri(Platform.script);
-    Uri packageRoot = script.resolve('./packages/');
-    PackagesDiscoveryProvider noPackagesDiscovery = (Uri uri) {
-      return new Future.value(Packages.noPackages);
-    };
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:main.dart'), MessageKind.READ_URI_ERROR,
-        packageRoot: packageRoot);
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:main.dart'), MessageKind.LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND,
-        packageConfig: PACKAGE_CONFIG_URI);
-    await runTest(Uri.parse('memory:main.dart'), MessageKind.LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND,
-        packagesDiscoveryProvider: noPackagesDiscovery);
-    await runTest(
-        Uri.parse('package:foo/foo.dart'), MessageKind.READ_SELF_ERROR,
-        packageRoot: packageRoot);
-    await runTest(
-        Uri.parse('package:foo/foo.dart'), MessageKind.LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND,
-        packageConfig: PACKAGE_CONFIG_URI);
-    await runTest(
-        Uri.parse('package:foo/foo.dart'), MessageKind.LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND,
-        packagesDiscoveryProvider: noPackagesDiscovery);
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/parser_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/parser_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index c4f9881..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/parser_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-import 'parser_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/tree/tree.dart';
-void testStatement(String statement) {
-  Node node = parseStatement(statement);
-  Expect.isNotNull(node.toString());
-void testGenericTypes() {
-  testStatement('List<T> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<T>> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<T>>> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<T>>>> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<List<T>>>>> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<T> > t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<T> >> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<T> >>> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<List<T> >>>> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<T> > > t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<T> > >> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<List<T> > >>> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<T> > > > t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<List<T> > > >> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<List<T> > > > > t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<List<T> >> >> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<List<T> >>> > t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<List<T >>> >> t;');
-  testStatement('List<T> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<T>> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<T>>> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<T>>>> t;');
-  testStatement('List<List<List<List<List<T>>>>> t;');
-void testPrefixedGenericTypes() {
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<T> > t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<T> >> t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<List<T> >>> t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<List<List<T> >>>> t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<T> > > t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<List<T> > >> t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<List<List<T> > >>> t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<List<T> > > > t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<List<List<T> > > >> t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<List<List<T> > > > > t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<List<List<T> >> >> t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<List<List<T> >>> > t;');
-  testStatement('lib.List<List<List<List<List<T >>> >> t;');
-void testUnaryExpression() {
-  testStatement('x++;');
-  // TODO(ahe): reenable following test.
-  // testStatement('++x++;');
-  testStatement('++x;');
-  testStatement('print(x++);');
-  // TODO(ahe): reenable following test.
-  // testStatement('print(++x++);'); // Accepted by parser, rejected later.
-  testStatement('print(++x);');
-void testChainedMethodCalls() {
-  testStatement(';');
-  // TODO(ahe): reenable following test.
-  // testStatement(';'); // Accepted by parser, rejected later.
-  testStatement('a.b.c.d();');
-void testFunctionStatement() {
-  testStatement('int f() {}');
-  testStatement('void f() {}');
-void testDoStatement() {
-  testStatement('do fisk(); while (hest());');
-  testStatement('do { fisk(); } while (hest());');
-void testWhileStatement() {
-  testStatement('while (fisk()) hest();');
-  testStatement('while (fisk()) { hest(); }');
-void testConditionalExpression() {
-  ExpressionStatement node = parseStatement("a ? b : c;");
-  Conditional conditional = node.expression;
-  node = parseStatement("a ? b ? c : d : e;");
-  // Should parse as: a ? ( b ? c : d ) : e.
-  conditional = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.thenExpression.asConditional());
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.elseExpression.asSend());
-  node = parseStatement("a ? b : c ? d : e;");
-  // Should parse as: a ? b : (c ? d : e).
-  conditional = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.thenExpression.asSend());
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.elseExpression.asConditional());
-  node = parseStatement("a ? b ? c : d : e ? f : g;");
-  // Should parse as: a ? (b ? c : d) : (e ? f : g).
-  conditional = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.thenExpression.asConditional());
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.elseExpression.asConditional());
-  node = parseStatement("a = b ? c : d;");
-  // Should parse as: a = (b ? c : d).
-  SendSet sendSet = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet.arguments.head.asConditional());
-  node = parseStatement("a ? b : c = d;");
-  // Should parse as: a ? b : (c = d).
-  conditional = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNull(conditional.thenExpression.asSendSet());
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.elseExpression.asSendSet());
-  node = parseStatement("a ? b = c : d;");
-  // Should parse as: a ? (b = c) : d.
-  conditional = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.thenExpression.asSendSet());
-  Expect.isNull(conditional.elseExpression.asSendSet());
-  node = parseStatement("a ? b = c : d = e;");
-  // Should parse as: a ? (b = c) : (d = e).
-  conditional = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.thenExpression.asSendSet());
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.elseExpression.asSendSet());
-  node = parseStatement("a ?? b ? c : d;");
-  // Should parse as: (a ?? b) ? c : d;
-  conditional = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.condition.asSend());
-  Expect.isTrue(conditional.condition.asSend().isIfNull);
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.thenExpression.asSend());
-  Expect.isNotNull(conditional.elseExpression.asSend());
-void testNullOperators() {
-  ExpressionStatement statement = parseStatement("a ?? b;");
-  Expression node = statement.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(node.asSend());
-  Expect.isTrue(node.asSend().isIfNull);
-  statement = parseStatement("a ??= b;");
-  node = statement.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(node.asSendSet());
-  Expect.isTrue(node.asSendSet().isIfNullAssignment);
-  statement = parseStatement("a?.b;");
-  node = statement.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(node.asSend());
-  Expect.isTrue(node.asSend().isConditional);
-  statement = parseStatement("a?.m();");
-  node = statement.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(node.asSend());
-  Expect.isTrue(node.asSend().isConditional);
-void testAssignment() {
-  ExpressionStatement node;
-  Expression expression;
-  SendSet sendSet;
-  node = parseStatement("a = b;");
-  expression = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(expression.asSendSet());
-  node = parseStatement("a = b = c;");
-  // Should parse as: a = (b = c).
-  expression = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = expression.asSendSet());
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet());
-  node = parseStatement("a = b = c = d;");
-  // Should parse as: a = (b = (c = d)).
-  expression = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = expression.asSendSet());
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet());
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet());
-  node = parseStatement("a.b = c;");
-  // Should parse as: receiver = a, selector = b, arguments = c.
-  expression = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = expression.asSendSet());
-  Expect.stringEquals("a", sendSet.receiver.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("b", sendSet.selector.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("c", sendSet.arguments.head.toString());
-  node = parseStatement("a.b = c.d;");
-  // Should parse as: a.b = (c.d).
-  expression = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = expression.asSendSet());
-  Expect.stringEquals("a", sendSet.receiver.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("b", sendSet.selector.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("c.d", sendSet.arguments.head.toString());
-  node = parseStatement("a.b = c.d = e.f;");
-  // Should parse as: a.b = (c.d = (e.f)).
-  expression = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = expression.asSendSet());
-  Expect.stringEquals("a", sendSet.receiver.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("b", sendSet.selector.toString());
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet());
-  Expect.stringEquals("c", sendSet.receiver.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("d", sendSet.selector.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("e.f", sendSet.arguments.head.toString());
-void testIndex() {
-  ExpressionStatement node;
-  Expression expression;
-  Send send;
-  SendSet sendSet;
-  node = parseStatement("a[b];");
-  // Should parse as: (a)[b].
-  expression = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(send = expression.asSend());
-  Expect.stringEquals("a", send.receiver.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("[]", send.selector.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("b", send.arguments.head.toString());
-  node = parseStatement("a[b] = c;");
-  // Should parse as: (a)[b] = c.
-  expression = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = expression.asSendSet());
-  Expect.stringEquals("a", sendSet.receiver.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("[]", sendSet.selector.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("=", sendSet.assignmentOperator.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("b", sendSet.arguments.head.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("c", sendSet.arguments.tail.head.toString());
-  node = parseStatement("a.b[c];");
-  // Should parse as: (a.b)[c].
-  expression = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(send = expression.asSend());
-  Expect.stringEquals("a.b", send.receiver.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("[]", send.selector.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("c", send.arguments.head.toString());
-  node = parseStatement("a.b[c] = d;");
-  // Should parse as: (a.b)[] = (c, d).
-  expression = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = expression.asSendSet());
-  Expect.isNotNull(send = sendSet.receiver.asSend());
-  Expect.stringEquals("a.b", send.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("[]", sendSet.selector.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("=", sendSet.assignmentOperator.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("c", sendSet.arguments.head.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("d", sendSet.arguments.tail.head.toString());
-void testPostfix() {
-  ExpressionStatement node;
-  Expression expression;
-  SendSet sendSet;
-  node = parseStatement("a.b++;");
-  // Should parse as: (a.b)++.
-  expression = node.expression;
-  Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = expression.asSendSet());
-  Expect.stringEquals("a", sendSet.receiver.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("b", sendSet.selector.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals("++", sendSet.assignmentOperator.toString());
-  Expect.isTrue(sendSet.arguments.isEmpty);
-void testOperatorParse() {
-  FunctionExpression function = parseMember('operator -() => null;');
-  Send name =;
-  Expect.isNotNull(name);
-  Expect.stringEquals('operator', name.receiver.toString());
-  Expect.stringEquals('-', name.selector.toString());
-  Expect.isTrue(function.parameters.isEmpty);
-  Expect.isNull(function.returnType);
-  Expect.isNull(function.getOrSet);
-class Collector extends DiagnosticReporter {
-  int token = -1;
-  void reportFatalError(Token token) {
-    this.token = token.kind;
-    throw this;
-  }
-  void reportError(DiagnosticMessage message,
-      [List<DiagnosticMessage> infos = const <DiagnosticMessage>[]]) {
-    assert(token != -1);
-    throw this;
-  }
-  spanFromToken(Token token) {
-    this.token = token.kind;
-  }
-  void log(message) {
-    print(message);
-  }
-  noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
-    throw 'unsupported operation';
-  }
-  @override
-  DiagnosticMessage createMessage(spannable, messageKind,
-      [arguments = const {}]) {
-    return new DiagnosticMessage(null, spannable, null);
-  }
-void testMissingCloseParen() {
-  final String source = '''foo(x {  // <= missing closing ")"
-  return x;
-  parse() {
-    parseMember(source, reporter: new Collector());
-  }
-  check(exn) {
-    Collector c = exn;
-    Expect.equals(OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN, c.token);
-    return true;
-  }
-  Expect.throws(parse, check);
-void testMissingCloseBraceInClass() {
-  final String source = 'class Foo {'; // Missing close '}'.
-  parse() {
-    fullParseUnit(source, reporter: new Collector());
-  }
-  check(exn) {
-    Collector c = exn;
-    Expect.equals(BAD_INPUT_TOKEN, c.token);
-    return true;
-  }
-  Expect.throws(parse, check);
-void main() {
-  testGenericTypes();
-  // TODO(ahe): Enable this test when we handle library prefixes.
-  // testPrefixedGenericTypes();
-  testUnaryExpression();
-  testChainedMethodCalls();
-  testFunctionStatement();
-  testDoStatement();
-  testWhileStatement();
-  testConditionalExpression();
-  testNullOperators();
-  testAssignment();
-  testIndex();
-  testPostfix();
-  testOperatorParse();
-  testMissingCloseParen();
-  testMissingCloseBraceInClass();
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/part_of_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/part_of_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c7bfee..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/part_of_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library part_of_test;
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart' show MessageKind;
-import 'mock_compiler.dart';
-final libraryUri = Uri.parse('test:library.dart');
-const String LIBRARY_SOURCE = '''
-library foo;
-part 'part.dart';
-final partUri = Uri.parse('test:part.dart');
-const String PART_SOURCE = '''
-part of bar;
-void main() {
-  MockCompiler compiler = new MockCompiler.internal();
-  compiler.registerSource(libraryUri, LIBRARY_SOURCE);
-  compiler.registerSource(partUri, PART_SOURCE);
-  asyncTest(
-      () => compiler.libraryLoader.loadLibrary(libraryUri).then((libraries) {
-            compiler.processLoadedLibraries(libraries);
-            DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-            print('errors: ${collector.errors}');
-            print('warnings: ${collector.warnings}');
-            Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.isEmpty);
-            Expect.equals(1, collector.warnings.length);
-            Expect.equals(MessageKind.LIBRARY_NAME_MISMATCH,
-                collector.warnings.first.messageKind);
-            Expect.equals(
-                'foo',
-                collector.warnings.first.message.arguments['libraryName']
-                    .toString());
-          }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/partial_parser_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/partial_parser_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8f619..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/partial_parser_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-import 'parser_helper.dart';
-void main() {
-  testSkipExpression();
-void testSkipExpression() {
-  PartialParser parser = new PartialParser(new Listener());
-  Token token = scan('a < b;');
-  token = parser.skipExpression(parser.syntheticPreviousToken(token)).next;
-  Expect.equals(';', token.lexeme);
-  token = scan('[a < b]');
-  token = parser.skipExpression(token).next;
-  Expect.equals(']', token.lexeme);
-  token = scan('a < b,');
-  token = parser.skipExpression(parser.syntheticPreviousToken(token)).next;
-  Expect.equals(',', token.lexeme);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/patch_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/patch_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c8dbfd..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/patch_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1068 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart' show MessageKind;
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/modelx.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/names.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/tree/tree.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/types/types.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/universe/call_structure.dart' show CallStructure;
-import 'package:compiler/src/universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
-import 'package:compiler/src/world.dart';
-import 'mock_compiler.dart';
-import 'mock_libraries.dart';
-Future<Compiler> applyPatch(String script, String patch,
-    {bool analyzeAll: false,
-    bool analyzeOnly: false,
-    bool runCompiler: false,
-    String main: ""}) async {
-  Map<String, String> core = <String, String>{'script': script};
-  MockCompiler compiler = new MockCompiler.internal(
-      coreSource: core, analyzeAll: analyzeAll, analyzeOnly: analyzeOnly);
-  compiler.diagnosticHandler = createHandler(compiler, '');
-  var uri = Uri.parse("patch:core");
-  compiler.registerSource(uri, "$DEFAULT_PATCH_CORE_SOURCE\n$patch");
-  if (runCompiler) {
-    await, main);
-  } else {
-    await compiler.init(main);
-  }
-  return compiler;
-void expectHasBody(compiler, ElementX element) {
-  dynamic node = element.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  Expect.isNotNull(node, "Element isn't parseable, when a body was expected");
-  Expect.isNotNull(node.body);
-  // If the element has a body it is either a Block or a Return statement,
-  // both with different begin and end tokens.
-  Expect.isTrue(node.body is Block || node.body is Return);
-  Expect.notEquals(node.body.getBeginToken(), node.body.getEndToken());
-void expectHasNoBody(compiler, ElementX element) {
-  dynamic node = element.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  Expect.isNotNull(node, "Element isn't parseable, when a body was expected");
-  Expect.isFalse(node.hasBody);
-Element ensure(compiler, String name, Element lookup(String name),
-    {bool expectIsPatched: false,
-    bool expectIsPatch: false,
-    bool checkHasBody: false,
-    bool expectIsGetter: false,
-    bool expectIsFound: true,
-    bool expectIsRegular: false}) {
-  dynamic element = lookup(name);
-  if (!expectIsFound) {
-    Expect.isNull(element);
-    return element;
-  }
-  Expect.isNotNull(element);
-  if (expectIsGetter) {
-    Expect.isTrue(element is AbstractFieldElement);
-    Expect.isNotNull(element.getter);
-    element = element.getter;
-  }
-  Expect.equals(expectIsPatched, element.isPatched,
-      'Unexpected: $element.isPatched = ${element.isPatched}');
-  if (expectIsPatched) {
-    Expect.isNull(element.origin);
-    Expect.isNotNull(element.patch);
-    Expect.equals(element, element.declaration);
-    Expect.equals(element.patch, element.implementation);
-    if (checkHasBody) {
-      expectHasNoBody(compiler, element);
-      expectHasBody(compiler, element.patch);
-    }
-  } else {
-    Expect.isTrue(element.isImplementation);
-  }
-  Expect.equals(expectIsPatch, element.isPatch);
-  if (expectIsPatch) {
-    Expect.isNotNull(element.origin);
-    Expect.isNull(element.patch);
-    Expect.equals(element.origin, element.declaration);
-    Expect.equals(element, element.implementation);
-    if (checkHasBody) {
-      expectHasBody(compiler, element);
-      expectHasNoBody(compiler, element.origin);
-    }
-  } else {
-    Expect.isTrue(element.isDeclaration);
-  }
-  if (expectIsRegular) {
-    Expect.isNull(element.origin);
-    Expect.isNull(element.patch);
-    Expect.equals(element, element.declaration);
-    Expect.equals(element, element.implementation);
-    if (checkHasBody) {
-      expectHasBody(compiler, element);
-    }
-  }
-  Expect.isFalse(element.isPatched && element.isPatch);
-  return element;
-Future testPatchFunction() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch(
-      "external test();", "@patch test() { return 'string'; } ");
-  ensure(compiler, "test", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "test",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      expectIsPatch: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-Future testPatchFunctionMetadata() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      const a = 0;
-      @a external test();
-      """, """
-      const _b = 1;
-      @patch @_b test() {}
-      """);
-  Element origin = ensure(
-      compiler, "test", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  Element patch = ensure(compiler, "test",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      expectIsPatch: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-  Expect.equals(1, origin.metadata.length,
-      "Unexpected origin metadata: ${origin.metadata}.");
-  Expect.equals(3, patch.metadata.length,
-      "Unexpected patch metadata: ${patch.metadata}.");
-Future testPatchFunctionGeneric() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch(
-      "external T test<T>();", "@patch T test<T>() { return null; } ");
-  Element origin = ensure(
-      compiler, "test", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "test",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      expectIsPatch: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  compiler.resolver.resolve(origin);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-Future testPatchFunctionGenericExtraTypeVariable() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch(
-      "external T test<T>();", "@patch T test<T, S>() { return null; } ");
-  Element origin = ensure(
-      compiler, "test", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "test",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      expectIsPatch: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  compiler.resolver.resolve(origin);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.first.message.kind ==
-Future testPatchFunctionGenericDifferentNames() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch(
-      "external T test<T, S>();", "@patch T test<S, T>() { return null; } ");
-  Element origin = ensure(
-      compiler, "test", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "test",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      expectIsPatch: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  compiler.resolver.resolve(origin);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.first.message.kind ==
-Future testPatchConstructor() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class Class {
-        external Class();
-      }
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {
-        @patch Class();
-      }
-      """);
-  dynamic classOrigin = ensure(
-      compiler, "Class", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  classOrigin.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  dynamic classPatch = ensure(compiler, "Class",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      expectIsPatch: true);
-  Expect.equals(classPatch, classOrigin.patch);
-  Expect.equals(classOrigin, classPatch.origin);
-  dynamic constructorOrigin = ensure(
-      compiler, "", (name) => classOrigin.localLookup(name),
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  dynamic constructorPatch = ensure(
-      compiler, "", (name) => classPatch.localLookup(name),
-      expectIsPatch: true);
-  Expect.equals(constructorPatch, constructorOrigin.patch);
-  Expect.equals(constructorOrigin, constructorPatch.origin);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-Future testPatchRedirectingConstructor() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class Class {
-        Class(x) : this._(x, false);
-        external Class._(x, y);
-      }
-      """, r"""
-      @patch class Class {
-        @patch Class._(x, y) { print('$x,$y'); }
-      }
-      """);
-  dynamic classOrigin = ensure(
-      compiler, "Class", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  classOrigin.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  dynamic classPatch = ensure(compiler, "Class",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      expectIsPatch: true);
-  Expect.equals(classOrigin, classPatch.origin);
-  Expect.equals(classPatch, classOrigin.patch);
-  dynamic constructorRedirecting =
-      ensure(compiler, "", (name) => classOrigin.localLookup(name));
-  dynamic constructorOrigin = ensure(
-      compiler, "_", (name) => classOrigin.localLookup(name),
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  dynamic constructorPatch = ensure(
-      compiler, "_", (name) => classPatch.localLookup(name),
-      expectIsPatch: true);
-  Expect.equals(constructorOrigin, constructorPatch.origin);
-  Expect.equals(constructorPatch, constructorOrigin.patch);
-  compiler.resolver.resolve(constructorRedirecting);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-Future testPatchMember() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class Class {
-        external String toString();
-      }
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {
-        @patch String toString() => 'string';
-      }
-      """);
-  dynamic container = ensure(
-      compiler, "Class", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  container.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  ensure(compiler, "Class",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      expectIsPatch: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "toString", container.lookupLocalMember,
-      expectIsPatched: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "toString", container.patch.lookupLocalMember,
-      expectIsPatch: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-Future testPatchGetter() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class Class {
-        external int get field;
-      }
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {
-        @patch int get field => 5;
-      }
-      """);
-  dynamic container = ensure(
-      compiler, "Class", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  container.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  ensure(compiler, "field", container.lookupLocalMember,
-      expectIsGetter: true, expectIsPatched: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "field", container.patch.lookupLocalMember,
-      expectIsGetter: true, expectIsPatch: true, checkHasBody: true);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-Future testRegularMember() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class Class {
-        void regular() {}
-      }
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {
-      }
-      """);
-  dynamic container = ensure(
-      compiler, "Class", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  container.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  ensure(compiler, "Class",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      expectIsPatch: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "regular", container.lookupLocalMember,
-      checkHasBody: true, expectIsRegular: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "regular", container.patch.lookupLocalMember,
-      checkHasBody: true, expectIsRegular: true);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-Future testInjectedMember() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class Class {
-      }
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {
-        void _injected() {}
-      }
-      """);
-  dynamic container = ensure(
-      compiler, "Class", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  container.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  ensure(compiler, "Class",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      expectIsPatch: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "_injected", container.lookupLocalMember,
-      expectIsFound: false);
-  ensure(compiler, "_injected", container.patch.lookupLocalMember,
-      checkHasBody: true, expectIsRegular: true);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-Future testInjectedPublicMember() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class Class {
-      }
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {
-        void injected() {}
-      }
-      """);
-  dynamic container = ensure(
-      compiler, "Class", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  container.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  ensure(compiler, "Class",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      expectIsPatch: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "injected", container.lookupLocalMember,
-      expectIsFound: false);
-  ensure(compiler, "injected", container.patch.lookupLocalMember,
-      checkHasBody: true, expectIsRegular: true);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.equals(
-      1, collector.errors.length, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.first.message.kind ==
-Future testInjectedFunction() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("", "int _function() => 5;");
-  ensure(compiler, "_function",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsFound: false);
-  ensure(compiler, "_function",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      checkHasBody: true, expectIsRegular: true);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-Future testInjectedPublicFunction() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("", "int function() => 5;");
-  ensure(
-      compiler, "function", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsFound: false);
-  ensure(compiler, "function",
-      compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.patch.find,
-      checkHasBody: true, expectIsRegular: true);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  Expect.equals(
-      1, collector.errors.length, "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}");
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.first.message.kind ==
-Future testPatchSignatureCheck() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class Class {
-        external String method1();
-        external void method2(String str);
-        external void method3(String s1);
-        external void method4([String str]);
-        external void method5({String str});
-        external void method6({String str});
-        external void method7([String s1]);
-        external void method8({String s1});
-        external void method9(String str);
-        external void method10([String str]);
-        external void method11({String str});
-      }
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {
-        @patch int method1() => 0;
-        @patch void method2() {}
-        @patch void method3(String s2) {}
-        @patch void method4([String str, int i]) {}
-        @patch void method5() {}
-        @patch void method6([String str]) {}
-        @patch void method7([String s2]) {}
-        @patch void method8({String s2}) {}
-        @patch void method9(int str) {}
-        @patch void method10([int str]) {}
-        @patch void method11({int str}) {}
-      }
-      """);
-  dynamic container = ensure(
-      compiler, "Class", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  container.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  container.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  void expect(String methodName, List infos, List errors) {
-    collector.clear();
-    compiler.resolver.resolveMethodElement(ensure(
-        compiler, methodName, container.lookupLocalMember,
-        expectIsPatched: true, checkHasBody: true));
-    Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-    Expect.equals(infos.length, collector.infos.length,
-        "Unexpected infos: ${collector.infos} on $methodName");
-    for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) {
-      Expect.equals(infos[i], collector.infos.elementAt(i).message.kind);
-    }
-    Expect.equals(errors.length, collector.errors.length,
-        "Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors} on $methodName");
-    for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
-      Expect.equals(errors[i], collector.errors.elementAt(i).message.kind);
-    }
-  }
-  expect("method1", [], [MessageKind.PATCH_RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH]);
-  expect("method2", [], [MessageKind.PATCH_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_COUNT_MISMATCH]);
-  expect("method3", [MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_PARAMETER],
-  expect("method4", [], [MessageKind.PATCH_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_COUNT_MISMATCH]);
-  expect("method5", [], [MessageKind.PATCH_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_COUNT_MISMATCH]);
-  expect("method6", [], [MessageKind.PATCH_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_NAMED_MISMATCH]);
-  expect("method7", [MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_PARAMETER],
-  expect("method8", [MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_PARAMETER],
-  expect("method9", [MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_PARAMETER],
-  expect("method10", [MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_PARAMETER],
-  expect("method11", [MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_PARAMETER],
-Future testExternalWithoutImplementationTopLevel() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      external void foo();
-      """, """
-      // @patch void foo() {}
-      """);
-  dynamic function = ensure(
-      compiler, "foo", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find);
-  compiler.resolver.resolve(function);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  print('testExternalWithoutImplementationTopLevel:${collector.errors}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.first.message.kind ==
-  Expect.stringEquals('External method without an implementation.',
-      collector.errors.first.message.toString());
-Future testExternalWithoutImplementationMember() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class Class {
-        external void foo();
-      }
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {
-        // @patch void foo() {}
-      }
-      """);
-  dynamic container = ensure(
-      compiler, "Class", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  container.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  collector.clear();
-  compiler.resolver.resolveMethodElement(
-      ensure(compiler, "foo", container.lookupLocalMember));
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  print('testExternalWithoutImplementationMember:${collector.errors}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.first.message.kind ==
-  Expect.stringEquals('External method without an implementation.',
-      collector.errors.first.message.toString());
-Future testIsSubclass() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class A {}
-      """, """
-      @patch class A {}
-      """);
-  ClassElement cls = ensure(
-      compiler, "A", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  ClassElement patch = cls.patch;
-  Expect.isTrue(cls != patch);
-  Expect.isTrue(cls.isSubclassOf(patch));
-  Expect.isTrue(patch.isSubclassOf(cls));
-Future testPatchNonExistingTopLevel() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      // class Class {}
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {}
-      """);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  print('testPatchNonExistingTopLevel:${collector.errors}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_NON_EXISTING);
-Future testPatchNonExistingMember() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class Class {}
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {
-        @patch void foo() {}
-      }
-      """);
-  dynamic container = ensure(
-      compiler, "Class", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  container.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  print('testPatchNonExistingMember:${collector.errors}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_NON_EXISTING);
-Future testPatchNonPatchablePatch() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      external get foo;
-      """, """
-      @patch var foo;
-      """);
-  ensure(compiler, "foo", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  print('testPatchNonPatchablePatch:${collector.errors}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_NONPATCHABLE);
-Future testPatchNonPatchableOrigin() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      external var foo;
-      """, """
-      @patch get foo => 0;
-      """);
-  ensure(compiler, "foo", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.warnings.isEmpty, "Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}");
-  print('testPatchNonPatchableOrigin:${collector.errors}');
-  Expect.equals(2, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.equals(
-      MessageKind.EXTRANEOUS_MODIFIER, collector.errors.first.message.kind);
-  Expect.equals(
-      // TODO(ahe): Eventually, this error should be removed as it will be
-      // handled by the regular parser.
-      MessageKind.PATCH_NONPATCHABLE,
-      collector.errors.elementAt(1).message.kind);
-Future testPatchNonExternalTopLevel() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      void foo() {}
-      """, """
-      @patch void foo() {}
-      """);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  print('testPatchNonExternalTopLevel.errors:${collector.errors}');
-  print('testPatchNonExternalTopLevel.warnings:${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_NON_EXTERNAL);
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.infos.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.infos.first.message.kind ==
-      MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_FUNCTION);
-Future testPatchNonExternalMember() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class Class {
-        void foo() {}
-      }
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {
-        @patch void foo() {}
-      }
-      """);
-  dynamic container = ensure(
-      compiler, "Class", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  container.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  print('testPatchNonExternalMember.errors:${collector.errors}');
-  print('testPatchNonExternalMember.warnings:${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_NON_EXTERNAL);
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.infos.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.infos.first.message.kind ==
-      MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_FUNCTION);
-Future testPatchNonClass() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      external void Class() {}
-      """, """
-      @patch class Class {}
-      """);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  print('testPatchNonClass.errors:${collector.errors}');
-  print('testPatchNonClass.warnings:${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_NON_CLASS);
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.infos.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.infos.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_CLASS);
-Future testPatchNonGetter() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      external void foo() {}
-      """, """
-      @patch get foo => 0;
-      """);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  print('testPatchNonClass.errors:${collector.errors}');
-  print('testPatchNonClass.warnings:${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_NON_GETTER);
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.infos.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.infos.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_GETTER);
-Future testPatchNoGetter() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      external set foo(var value) {}
-      """, """
-      @patch get foo => 0;
-      """);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  print('testPatchNonClass.errors:${collector.errors}');
-  print('testPatchNonClass.warnings:${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_NO_GETTER);
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.infos.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.infos.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_GETTER);
-Future testPatchNonSetter() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      external void foo() {}
-      """, """
-      @patch set foo(var value) {}
-      """);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  print('testPatchNonClass.errors:${collector.errors}');
-  print('testPatchNonClass.warnings:${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_NON_SETTER);
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.infos.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.infos.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_SETTER);
-Future testPatchNoSetter() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      external get foo;
-      """, """
-      @patch set foo(var value) {}
-      """);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  print('testPatchNonClass.errors:${collector.errors}');
-  print('testPatchNonClass.warnings:${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_NO_SETTER);
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.infos.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.infos.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_SETTER);
-Future testPatchNonFunction() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      external get foo;
-      """, """
-      @patch void foo() {}
-      """);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  print('testPatchNonClass.errors:${collector.errors}');
-  print('testPatchNonClass.warnings:${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.first.message.kind == MessageKind.PATCH_NON_FUNCTION);
-  Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.infos.length);
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.infos.first.message.kind ==
-      MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_FUNCTION);
-Future testPatchAndSelector() async {
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch("""
-      class A {
-        external void clear();
-      }
-      class B extends A {
-      }
-      """, """
-      @patch class A {
-        int method() => 0;
-        @patch void clear() {}
-      }
-      """, main: """
-      main () {
-        new A(); // ensure A and B are instantiated
-        new B();
-      }
-      """, runCompiler: true, analyzeOnly: true);
-  compiler.closeResolution(
-      compiler.frontendStrategy.elementEnvironment.mainFunction);
-  ClosedWorld world = compiler.resolutionWorldBuilder.closedWorldForTesting;
-  ClassElement cls = ensure(
-      compiler, "A", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find,
-      expectIsPatched: true);
-  cls.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  ensure(compiler, "method", cls.patch.lookupLocalMember,
-      checkHasBody: true, expectIsRegular: true);
-  ensure(compiler, "clear", cls.lookupLocalMember,
-      checkHasBody: true, expectIsPatched: true);
-  compiler.phase = Compiler.PHASE_DONE_RESOLVING;
-  // Check that a method just in the patch class is a target for a
-  // typed selector.
-  Selector selector =
-      new PublicName('method'), CallStructure.NO_ARGS);
-  TypeMask typeMask = new TypeMask.exact(cls, world);
-  MethodElement method = cls.implementation.lookupLocalMember('method');
-  method.computeType(compiler.resolution);
-  Expect.isTrue(selector.applies(method));
-  Expect.isTrue(typeMask.canHit(method, selector, world));
-  // Check that the declaration method in the declaration class is a target
-  // for a typed selector.
-  selector =
-      new PublicName('clear'), CallStructure.NO_ARGS);
-  typeMask = new TypeMask.exact(cls, world);
-  method = cls.lookupLocalMember('clear');
-  method.computeType(compiler.resolution);
-  Expect.isTrue(selector.applies(method));
-  Expect.isTrue(typeMask.canHit(method, selector, world));
-  // Check that the declaration method in the declaration class is a target
-  // for a typed selector on a subclass.
-  cls = ensure(
-      compiler, "B", compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find);
-  cls.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  typeMask = new TypeMask.exact(cls, world);
-  Expect.isTrue(selector.applies(method));
-  Expect.isTrue(typeMask.canHit(method, selector, world));
-Future testAnalyzeAllInjectedMembers() async {
-  Future expect(String patchText, [expectedWarnings]) async {
-    if (expectedWarnings == null) expectedWarnings = [];
-    if (expectedWarnings is! List) {
-      expectedWarnings = <MessageKind>[expectedWarnings];
-    }
-    dynamic compiler =
-        await applyPatch('', patchText, analyzeAll: true, analyzeOnly: true);
-    compiler.librariesToAnalyzeWhenRun = [Uri.parse('dart:core')];
-    await;
-    DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-    compareWarningKinds(patchText, expectedWarnings, collector.warnings);
-  }
-  await expect('String s = 0;', MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  await expect('void method() { String s = 0; }', MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  await expect('''
-         class Class {
-           String s = 0;
-         }
-         ''', MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  await expect('''
-         class Class {
-           void method() {
-             String s = 0;
-           }
-         }
-         ''', MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-Future testEffectiveTarget() async {
-  String origin = """
-    class A {
-      A() : super();
-      factory A.forward() = B.patchTarget;
-      factory A.forwardOne() = B.patchFactory;
-      factory A.forwardTwo() = B.reflectBack;
-      factory A.forwardThree() = B.patchInjected;
-    }
-    class B extends A {
-      B() : super();
-      external B.patchTarget();
-      external factory B.patchFactory();
-      external factory B.reflectBack();
-      B.originTarget() : super();
-      external factory B.patchInjected();
-    }
-    """;
-  String patch = """
-    @patch class B {
-      @patch
-      B.patchTarget() : super();
-      @patch
-      factory B.patchFactory() => new B.patchTarget();
-      @patch
-      factory B.reflectBack() = B.originTarget;
-      @patch
-      factory B.patchInjected() = _C.injected;
-    }
-    class _C extends B {
-      _C.injected() : super.patchTarget();
-    }
-    """;
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch(origin, patch,
-      analyzeAll: true, analyzeOnly: true, runCompiler: true);
-  ClassElement clsA = compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find("A");
-  ClassElement clsB = compiler.resolution.commonElements.coreLibrary.find("B");
-  Expect.isNotNull(clsB);
-  ConstructorElement forward = clsA.lookupConstructor("forward");
-  ConstructorElement target = forward.effectiveTarget;
-  Expect.isTrue(target.isPatched, "Unexpected target $target for $forward");
-  Expect.isFalse(target.isPatch, "Unexpected target $target for $forward");
-  Expect.equals("patchTarget",;
-  ConstructorElement forwardOne = clsA.lookupConstructor("forwardOne");
-  target = forwardOne.effectiveTarget;
-  Expect.isFalse(forwardOne.isMalformed);
-  Expect.isFalse(target.isPatch, "Unexpected target $target for $forwardOne");
-  Expect.equals("patchFactory",;
-  ConstructorElement forwardTwo = clsA.lookupConstructor("forwardTwo");
-  target = forwardTwo.effectiveTarget;
-  Expect.isFalse(forwardTwo.isMalformed);
-  Expect.isFalse(target.isPatch, "Unexpected target $target for $forwardTwo");
-  Expect.equals("originTarget",;
-  ConstructorElement forwardThree = clsA.lookupConstructor("forwardThree");
-  target = forwardThree.effectiveTarget;
-  Expect.isFalse(forwardThree.isMalformed);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      target.isInjected, "Unexpected target $target for $forwardThree");
-  Expect.equals("injected",;
-Future testTypecheckPatchedMembers() async {
-  String originText = "external void method();";
-  String patchText = """
-                     @patch void method() {
-                       String s = 0;
-                     }
-                     """;
-  dynamic compiler = await applyPatch(originText, patchText,
-      analyzeAll: true, analyzeOnly: true);
-  compiler.librariesToAnalyzeWhenRun = [Uri.parse('dart:core')];
-  await;
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  compareWarningKinds(
-      patchText, [MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE], collector.warnings);
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    await testPatchConstructor();
-    await testPatchRedirectingConstructor();
-    await testPatchFunction();
-    await testPatchFunctionMetadata();
-    await testPatchFunctionGeneric();
-    await testPatchFunctionGenericExtraTypeVariable();
-    await testPatchFunctionGenericDifferentNames();
-    await testPatchMember();
-    await testPatchGetter();
-    await testRegularMember();
-    await testInjectedMember();
-    await testInjectedPublicMember();
-    await testInjectedFunction();
-    await testInjectedPublicFunction();
-    await testPatchSignatureCheck();
-    await testExternalWithoutImplementationTopLevel();
-    await testExternalWithoutImplementationMember();
-    await testIsSubclass();
-    await testPatchNonExistingTopLevel();
-    await testPatchNonExistingMember();
-    await testPatchNonPatchablePatch();
-    await testPatchNonPatchableOrigin();
-    await testPatchNonExternalTopLevel();
-    await testPatchNonExternalMember();
-    await testPatchNonClass();
-    await testPatchNonGetter();
-    await testPatchNoGetter();
-    await testPatchNonSetter();
-    await testPatchNoSetter();
-    await testPatchNonFunction();
-    await testPatchAndSelector();
-    await testEffectiveTarget();
-    await testAnalyzeAllInjectedMembers();
-    await testTypecheckPatchedMembers();
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/platform_consistency_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/platform_consistency_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 59b257c..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/platform_consistency_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Fletch project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
-import "package:compiler/src/platform_configuration.dart";
-import "package:compiler/src/source_file_provider.dart";
-import "package:compiler/compiler_new.dart";
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-main() async {
-  CompilerInput input = new CompilerSourceFileProvider();
-  Map<String, Uri> client =
-      await load(Uri.base.resolve("sdk/lib/dart_client.platform"), input);
-  Map<String, Uri> server =
-      await load(Uri.base.resolve("sdk/lib/dart_server.platform"), input);
-  Map<String, Uri> shared =
-      await load(Uri.base.resolve("sdk/lib/dart_shared.platform"), input);
-  Expect.setEquals(new Set.from(shared.keys), new Set.from(client.keys));
-  Expect.setEquals(new Set.from(shared.keys), new Set.from(server.keys));
-  for (String libraryName in shared.keys) {
-    test(Map<String, Uri> m) {
-      if (m[libraryName].scheme != 'unsupported' &&
-          shared[libraryName].scheme != 'unsupported') {
-        Expect.equals(shared[libraryName], m[libraryName]);
-      }
-    }
-    test(client);
-    test(server);
-  }
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/private_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/private_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 569485d..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/private_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart' show MessageKind;
-import 'package:compiler/src/io/source_file.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/old_to_new_api.dart';
-import 'mock_compiler.dart';
-const String PRIVATE_SOURCE_URI = 'src:private';
-const String PRIVATE_SOURCE = '''
-var _privateVariable;
-void _privateFunction() {}
-class _PrivateClass {
-  _PrivateClass();
-  _PrivateClass.publicConstructor();
-  _PrivateClass._privateConstructor();
-  var _privateField;
-  get _privateGetter => null;
-  void set _privateSetter(var value) {}
-  void _privateMethod() {}
-  var publicField;
-  get publicGetter => null;
-  void set publicSetter(var value) {}
-  void publicMethod() {}
-class PublicClass extends _PrivateClass {
-  PublicClass() : super();
-  PublicClass.publicConstructor() : super.publicConstructor();
-  PublicClass._privateConstructor() : super._privateConstructor();
-  _PrivateClass get private => this;
-analyze(String text, [expectedWarnings]) {
-  return () {
-    if (expectedWarnings == null) expectedWarnings = [];
-    if (expectedWarnings is! List) expectedWarnings = [expectedWarnings];
-    MockCompiler compiler = new MockCompiler.internal(analyzeOnly: true);
-    compiler.registerSource(Uri.parse(PRIVATE_SOURCE_URI), PRIVATE_SOURCE);
-    compiler.diagnosticHandler = new LegacyCompilerDiagnostics(
-        (uri, int begin, int end, String message, kind) {
-      SourceFile sourceFile = compiler.sourceFiles[uri.toString()];
-      if (sourceFile != null) {
-        print(sourceFile.getLocationMessage(message, begin, end));
-      } else {
-        print(message);
-      }
-    });
-    String source = '''
-                    library public;
-                    import '$PRIVATE_SOURCE_URI';
-                    void main() {
-                      PublicClass publicClass;
-                      $text
-                    }
-                    ''';
-    Uri uri = Uri.parse('src:public');
-    compiler.registerSource(uri, source);
-    return {
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      compareWarningKinds(text, expectedWarnings, collector.warnings);
-    });
-  };
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() => Future.forEach([
-        // Read from private variable.
-        analyze('var value = _privateVariable;', MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE),
-        // Write to private variable.
-        analyze('_privateVariable = 0;', MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE),
-        // Access private function.
-        analyze('var value = _privateFunction;', MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE),
-        // Call private function.
-        analyze('_privateFunction();', MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE),
-        // Call unnamed (public) constructor on private class.
-        analyze('new _PrivateClass();', MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE),
-        // Call public constructor on private class.
-        analyze('new _PrivateClass.publicConstructor();',
-            MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE),
-        // Call private constructor on private class.
-        analyze('new _PrivateClass._privateConstructor();',
-            MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE),
-        // Call public getter of private type.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass.private;'),
-        // Read from private field on private class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass.private._privateField;',
-            MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Write to private field on private class.
-        analyze('publicClass.private._privateField = 0;',
-            MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Call private getter on private class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass.private._privateGetter;',
-            MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Call private setter on private class.
-        analyze('publicClass.private._privateSetter = 0;',
-            MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Access private method on private class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass.private._privateMethod;',
-            MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Call private method on private class.
-        analyze('publicClass.private._privateMethod();',
-            MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Read from public field on private class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass.private.publicField;'),
-        // Write to public field on private class.
-        analyze('publicClass.private.publicField = 0;'),
-        // Call public getter on private class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass.private.publicGetter;'),
-        // Call public setter on private class.
-        analyze('publicClass.private.publicSetter = 0;'),
-        // Access public method on private class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass.private.publicMethod;'),
-        // Call public method on private class.
-        analyze('publicClass.private.publicMethod();'),
-        // Call unnamed (public) constructor on public class.
-        analyze('publicClass = new PublicClass();'),
-        // Call public constructor on public class.
-        analyze('publicClass = new PublicClass.publicConstructor();'),
-        // Call private constructor on public class.
-        analyze('publicClass = new PublicClass._privateConstructor();',
-            MessageKind.CANNOT_FIND_CONSTRUCTOR),
-        // Read from private field on public class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass._privateField;',
-            MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Write to private field on public class.
-        analyze('publicClass._privateField = 0;', MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Call private getter on public class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass._privateGetter;',
-            MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Call private setter on public class.
-        analyze('publicClass._privateSetter = 0;', MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Access private method on public class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass._privateMethod;',
-            MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Call private method on public class.
-        analyze('publicClass._privateMethod();', MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS),
-        // Read from public field on public class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass.publicField;'),
-        // Write to public field on public class.
-        analyze('publicClass.publicField = 0;'),
-        // Call public getter on public class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass.publicGetter;'),
-        // Call public setter on public class.
-        analyze('publicClass.publicSetter = 0;'),
-        // Access public method on public class.
-        analyze('var value = publicClass.publicMethod;'),
-        // Call public method on public class.
-        analyze('publicClass.publicMethod();'),
-      ], (f) => f()));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/proxy_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/proxy_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0131db9..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/proxy_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that dart2js produces the expected static type warnings for proxy
-// language tests. This ensures that the analyzer and dart2js agrees on these
-// tests.
-import 'warnings_checker.dart';
-/// Map from test files to a map of their expected status. If the status map is
-/// `null` no warnings must be missing or unexpected, otherwise the status map
-/// can contain a list of line numbers for keys 'missing' and 'unexpected' for
-/// the warnings of each category.
-const Map<String, dynamic> TESTS = const {
-  'language/proxy_test.dart': null,
-  'language/proxy2_test.dart': null,
-  'language/proxy3_test.dart': null,
-  'language/proxy4_test.dart': null,
-  'language/proxy5_test.dart': null,
-void main(List<String> args) {
-  checkWarnings(TESTS, args);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/reexport_handled_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/reexport_handled_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index c8c0ad4..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/reexport_handled_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library reexport_handled_test;
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart' show LibraryElement;
-import 'mock_compiler.dart';
-final exportingLibraryUri = Uri.parse('exporting.dart');
-library exporting;
-var foo;
-final reexportingLibraryUri = Uri.parse('reexporting.dart');
-library reexporting;
-export 'exporting.dart';
-void main() {
-  MockCompiler compiler;
-  asyncTest(() => MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler c) {
-        compiler = c;
-        compiler.registerSource(exportingLibraryUri, EXPORTING_LIBRARY_SOURCE);
-        compiler.registerSource(
-            reexportingLibraryUri, REEXPORTING_LIBRARY_SOURCE);
-        return compiler.libraryLoader.loadLibrary(exportingLibraryUri);
-      }).then((loadedLibraries) {
-        compiler.processLoadedLibraries(loadedLibraries);
-        LibraryElement exportingLibrary = loadedLibraries.rootLibrary;
-        Expect.isTrue(exportingLibrary.exportsHandled);
-        var foo = exportingLibrary.findExported('foo');
-        Expect.isNotNull(foo);
-        Expect.isTrue(foo.isField);
-        // Load reexporting library when exports are handled on the exporting library.
-        return compiler.libraryLoader.loadLibrary(reexportingLibraryUri);
-      }).then((dynamic loadedLibraries) {
-        compiler.processLoadedLibraries(loadedLibraries);
-        var foo = loadedLibraries.rootLibrary.findExported('foo');
-        Expect.isNotNull(foo);
-        Expect.isTrue(foo.isField);
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/related_types.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/related_types.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 26f9607..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/related_types.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library related_types;
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/common_elements.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/diagnostic_listener.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/names.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/filenames.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/semantic_visitor.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/tree/tree.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/universe/call_structure.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/universe/selector.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/world.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-main(List<String> arguments) async {
-  if (arguments.isNotEmpty) {
-    Uri entryPoint = Uri.base.resolve(nativeToUriPath(arguments.last));
-    CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-        entryPoint: entryPoint,
-        options: [
-          Flags.analyzeOnly,
-          '--categories=Client,Server',
-          Flags.useOldFrontend
-        ]);
-    if (result.isSuccess) {
-      checkRelatedTypes(result.compiler);
-    }
-  } else {
-    print('Usage dart related_types.dart <entry-point>');
-  }
-/// Check all loaded libraries in [compiler] for unrelated types.
-void checkRelatedTypes(Compiler compiler) {
-  compiler.closeResolution(
-      compiler.frontendStrategy.elementEnvironment.mainFunction);
-  for (LibraryElement library in compiler.libraryLoader.libraries) {
-    checkLibraryElement(compiler, library);
-  }
-/// Check [library] for unrelated types.
-void checkLibraryElement(Compiler compiler, LibraryElement library) {
-  library.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
-    if (element.isClass) {
-      ClassElement cls = element;
-      cls.forEachLocalMember((_member) {
-        MemberElement member = _member;
-        checkMemberElement(compiler, member);
-      });
-    } else if (!element.isTypedef) {
-      checkMemberElement(compiler, element);
-    }
-  });
-/// Check [member] for unrelated types.
-void checkMemberElement(Compiler compiler, MemberElement member) {
-  if (!compiler.resolution.hasBeenResolved(member)) return;
-  ResolvedAst resolvedAst = member.resolvedAst;
-  if (resolvedAst.kind == ResolvedAstKind.PARSED) {
-    RelatedTypesChecker relatedTypesChecker =
-        new RelatedTypesChecker(compiler, resolvedAst);
-    compiler.reporter.withCurrentElement(member.implementation, () {
-      relatedTypesChecker.apply(resolvedAst.node);
-    });
-  }
-class RelatedTypesChecker
-    extends TraversalVisitor<ResolutionDartType, dynamic> {
-  final Compiler compiler;
-  final ResolvedAst resolvedAst;
-  RelatedTypesChecker(this.compiler, ResolvedAst resolvedAst)
-      : this.resolvedAst = resolvedAst,
-        super(resolvedAst.elements);
-  ClosedWorld get world =>
-      compiler.resolutionWorldBuilder.closedWorldForTesting;
-  CommonElements get commonElements => compiler.resolution.commonElements;
-  DiagnosticReporter get reporter => compiler.reporter;
-  ResolutionInterfaceType get thisType =>
-      resolvedAst.element.enclosingClass.thisType;
-  /// Returns `true` if there exists no common subtype of [left] and [right].
-  bool hasEmptyIntersection(ResolutionDartType left, ResolutionDartType right) {
-    if (left == right) return false;
-    if (left == null || right == null) return false;
-    ClassElement leftClass = const ClassFinder().findClass(left);
-    ClassElement rightClass = const ClassFinder().findClass(right);
-    if (leftClass != null && rightClass != null) {
-      return !world.haveAnyCommonSubtypes(leftClass, rightClass);
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  /// Checks that there exists a common subtype of [left] and [right] or report
-  /// a hint otherwise.
-  void checkRelated(
-      Node node, ResolutionDartType left, ResolutionDartType right) {
-    if (hasEmptyIntersection(left, right)) {
-      reporter.reportHintMessage(
-          node, MessageKind.NO_COMMON_SUBTYPES, {'left': left, 'right': right});
-    }
-  }
-  /// Check weakly typed collection methods, like `Map.containsKey`,
-  /// `Map.containsValue` and `Iterable.contains`.
-  void checkDynamicInvoke(Node node, ResolutionDartType receiverType,
-      List<ResolutionDartType> argumentTypes, Selector selector) {
-    if ( == 'containsKey' &&
-        selector.callStructure == CallStructure.ONE_ARG) {
-      ResolutionInterfaceType mapType = findMapType(receiverType);
-      if (mapType != null) {
-        ResolutionDartType keyType = findMapKeyType(mapType);
-        checkRelated(node, keyType, argumentTypes.first);
-      }
-    } else if ( == 'containsValue' &&
-        selector.callStructure == CallStructure.ONE_ARG) {
-      ResolutionInterfaceType mapType = findMapType(receiverType);
-      if (mapType != null) {
-        ResolutionDartType valueType = findMapValueType(mapType);
-        checkRelated(node, valueType, argumentTypes.first);
-      }
-    } else if ( == 'contains' &&
-        selector.callStructure == CallStructure.ONE_ARG) {
-      ResolutionInterfaceType iterableType = findIterableType(receiverType);
-      if (iterableType != null) {
-        ResolutionDartType elementType = findIterableElementType(iterableType);
-        checkRelated(node, elementType, argumentTypes.first);
-      }
-    } else if ( == 'remove' &&
-        selector.callStructure == CallStructure.ONE_ARG) {
-      ResolutionInterfaceType mapType = findMapType(receiverType);
-      if (mapType != null) {
-        ResolutionDartType keyType = findMapKeyType(mapType);
-        checkRelated(node, keyType, argumentTypes.first);
-      }
-      ResolutionInterfaceType listType = findListType(receiverType);
-      if (listType != null) {
-        ResolutionDartType valueType = findListElementType(listType);
-        checkRelated(node, valueType, argumentTypes.first);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /// Return the interface type implemented by [type] or `null` if no interface
-  /// type is implied by [type].
-  ResolutionInterfaceType findInterfaceType(ResolutionDartType type) {
-    return Types.computeInterfaceType(compiler.resolution, type);
-  }
-  /// Returns the supertype of [receiver] that implements [cls], if any.
-  ResolutionInterfaceType findClassType(
-      ResolutionDartType receiver, ClassElement cls) {
-    ResolutionInterfaceType interfaceType = findInterfaceType(receiver);
-    if (interfaceType == null) return null;
-    ResolutionInterfaceType mapType = interfaceType.asInstanceOf(cls);
-    if (mapType == null) return null;
-    return mapType;
-  }
-  /// Returns the supertype of [receiver] that implements `Iterable`, if any.
-  ResolutionInterfaceType findIterableType(ResolutionDartType receiver) {
-    return findClassType(receiver, commonElements.iterableClass);
-  }
-  /// Returns the element type of the supertype of [receiver] that implements
-  /// `Iterable`, if any.
-  ResolutionDartType findIterableElementType(
-      ResolutionInterfaceType iterableType) {
-    if (iterableType == null) return null;
-    return iterableType.typeArguments[0];
-  }
-  /// Returns the supertype of [receiver] that implements `Map`, if any.
-  ResolutionInterfaceType findMapType(ResolutionDartType receiver) {
-    return findClassType(receiver, commonElements.mapClass);
-  }
-  /// Returns the key type of the supertype of [receiver] that implements
-  /// `Map`, if any.
-  ResolutionDartType findMapKeyType(ResolutionInterfaceType mapType) {
-    if (mapType == null) return null;
-    return mapType.typeArguments[0];
-  }
-  /// Returns the value type of the supertype of [receiver] that implements
-  /// `Map`, if any.
-  ResolutionDartType findMapValueType(ResolutionInterfaceType mapType) {
-    if (mapType == null) return null;
-    return mapType.typeArguments[1];
-  }
-  /// Returns the supertype of [receiver] that implements `List`, if any.
-  ResolutionInterfaceType findListType(ResolutionDartType receiver) {
-    return findClassType(receiver, commonElements.listClass);
-  }
-  /// Returns the element type of the supertype of [receiver] that implements
-  /// `List`, if any.
-  ResolutionDartType findListElementType(ResolutionInterfaceType listType) {
-    if (listType == null) return null;
-    return listType.typeArguments[0];
-  }
-  /// Returns the implied return type of [type] or `dynamic` if no return type
-  /// is implied.
-  ResolutionDartType findReturnType(ResolutionDartType type) {
-    if (type is ResolutionFunctionType) {
-      return type.returnType;
-    }
-    return const ResolutionDynamicType();
-  }
-  /// Visits [arguments] and returns the list of their corresponding types.
-  List<ResolutionDartType> findArgumentTypes(NodeList arguments) {
-    List<ResolutionDartType> argumentTypes = <ResolutionDartType>[];
-    for (Node argument in arguments) {
-      argumentTypes.add(apply(argument));
-    }
-    return argumentTypes;
-  }
-  /// Finds the [MemberSignature] of the [name] property on [type], if any.
-  MemberSignature lookupInterfaceMember(ResolutionDartType type, Name name) {
-    ResolutionInterfaceType interfaceType = findInterfaceType(type);
-    if (interfaceType == null) return null;
-    return interfaceType.lookupInterfaceMember(name);
-  }
-  /// Returns the type of an access of the [name] property on [type], or
-  /// `dynamic` if no property was found.
-  ResolutionDartType lookupInterfaceMemberAccessType(
-      ResolutionDartType type, Name name) {
-    MemberSignature member = lookupInterfaceMember(type, name);
-    if (member == null) return const ResolutionDynamicType();
-    return member.type;
-  }
-  /// Returns the function type of the [name] property on [type], or
-  /// `dynamic` if no property was found.
-  ResolutionFunctionType lookupInterfaceMemberInvocationType(
-      ResolutionDartType type, Name name) {
-    MemberSignature member = lookupInterfaceMember(type, name);
-    if (member == null) return null;
-    return member.functionType;
-  }
-  ResolutionDartType apply(Node node, [_]) {
-    ResolutionDartType type = node.accept(this);
-    if (type == null) {
-      type = const ResolutionDynamicType();
-    }
-    return type;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionInterfaceType visitEquals(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
-    ResolutionDartType leftType = apply(left);
-    ResolutionDartType rightType = apply(right);
-    checkRelated(node, leftType, rightType);
-    return commonElements.boolType;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionInterfaceType visitNotEquals(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
-    ResolutionDartType leftType = apply(left);
-    ResolutionDartType rightType = apply(right);
-    checkRelated(node, leftType, rightType);
-    return commonElements.boolType;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitIndex(Send node, Node receiver, Node index, _) {
-    ResolutionDartType receiverType = apply(receiver);
-    ResolutionDartType indexType = apply(index);
-    ResolutionInterfaceType mapType = findMapType(receiverType);
-    ResolutionDartType keyType = findMapKeyType(mapType);
-    ResolutionDartType valueType = findMapValueType(mapType);
-    checkRelated(index, keyType, indexType);
-    return valueType;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionInterfaceType visitLiteralInt(LiteralInt node) {
-    return commonElements.intType;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionInterfaceType visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) {
-    return commonElements.stringType;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionInterfaceType visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) {
-    return commonElements.boolType;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
-    return elements.getType(node);
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
-    return elements.getType(node);
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) {
-    return elements.getType(node);
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitLocalVariableGet(
-      Send node, LocalVariableElement variable, _) {
-    return variable.type;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitLocalFunctionGet(
-      Send node, LocalFunctionElement function, _) {
-    return function.type;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitParameterGet(
-      Send node, ParameterElement parameter, _) {
-    return parameter.type;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitThisPropertyGet(Send node, Name name, _) {
-    return lookupInterfaceMemberAccessType(thisType, name);
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitDynamicPropertyGet(
-      Send node, Node receiver, Name name, _) {
-    ResolutionDartType receiverType = apply(receiver);
-    return lookupInterfaceMemberAccessType(receiverType, name);
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyGet(
-      Send node, Node receiver, Name name, _) {
-    ResolutionDartType receiverType = apply(receiver);
-    return lookupInterfaceMemberAccessType(receiverType, name);
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitStaticFieldGet(Send node, FieldElement field, _) {
-    return field.type;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitTopLevelFieldGet(Send node, FieldElement field, _) {
-    return field.type;
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitDynamicPropertyInvoke(
-      Send node, Node receiver, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, _) {
-    ResolutionDartType receiverType = apply(receiver);
-    List<ResolutionDartType> argumentTypes = findArgumentTypes(arguments);
-    ResolutionFunctionType methodType =
-        lookupInterfaceMemberInvocationType(receiverType, selector.memberName);
-    checkDynamicInvoke(node, receiverType, argumentTypes, selector);
-    return findReturnType(methodType);
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitThisPropertyInvoke(
-      Send node, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, _) {
-    ResolutionDartType receiverType = thisType;
-    List<ResolutionDartType> argumentTypes = findArgumentTypes(arguments);
-    ResolutionFunctionType methodType =
-        lookupInterfaceMemberInvocationType(receiverType, selector.memberName);
-    checkDynamicInvoke(node, receiverType, argumentTypes, selector);
-    return findReturnType(methodType);
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyInvoke(
-      Send node, Node receiver, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, _) {
-    ResolutionDartType receiverType = apply(receiver);
-    List<ResolutionDartType> argumentTypes = findArgumentTypes(arguments);
-    ResolutionFunctionType methodType =
-        lookupInterfaceMemberInvocationType(receiverType, selector.memberName);
-    checkDynamicInvoke(node, receiverType, argumentTypes, selector);
-    return findReturnType(methodType);
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitTopLevelFunctionInvoke(
-      Send node,
-      MethodElement function,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      _) {
-    apply(arguments);
-    return findReturnType(function.type);
-  }
-  @override
-  ResolutionDartType visitStaticFunctionInvoke(
-      Send node,
-      MethodElement function,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      _) {
-    apply(arguments);
-    return findReturnType(function.type);
-  }
-/// Computes the [ClassElement] implied by a type.
-// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle type variables, function types and typedefs.
-class ClassFinder extends BaseResolutionDartTypeVisitor<ClassElement, dynamic> {
-  const ClassFinder();
-  ClassElement findClass(ResolutionDartType type) => type.accept(this, null);
-  @override
-  ClassElement visitType(ResolutionDartType type, _) => null;
-  @override
-  ClassElement visitInterfaceType(ResolutionInterfaceType type, _) {
-    return type.element;
-  }
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/related_types_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/related_types_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 963afa2..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/related_types_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library related_types.test;
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/common_elements.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-import 'related_types.dart';
-const String CODE = '''
-Map<String, int> topLevelMap;
-List<String> topLevelList;
-Map<String, int> getTopLevelMap() => null;
-List<String> getTopLevelList() => null;
-class Class {
-  Map<String, int> instanceMap;
-  List<String> instanceList;
-  Map<String, int> getInstanceMap() => null;
-  List<String> getInstanceList() => null;
-  static Map<String, int> staticMap;
-  static List<String> staticList;
-  static Map<String, int> getStaticMap() => null;
-  static List<String> getStaticList() => null;
-  test_instanceMapIndex() {
-    instanceMap[0];
-  }
-  test_instanceMapContainsKey() {
-    instanceMap.containsKey(0);
-  }
-  test_instanceMapContainsValue() {
-    instanceMap.containsValue('');
-  }
-  test_instanceMapRemove() {
-    instanceMap.remove(0);
-  }
-  test_instanceListContains() {
-    instanceList.contains(0);
-  }
-  test_instanceListRemove() {
-    instanceList.remove(0);
-  }
-  test_getInstanceMapIndex() {
-    getInstanceMap()[0];
-  }
-  test_getInstanceMapContainsKey() {
-    getInstanceMap().containsKey(0);
-  }
-  test_getInstanceMapContainsValue() {
-    getInstanceMap().containsValue('');
-  }
-  test_getInstanceMapRemove() {
-    getInstanceMap().remove(0);
-  }
-  test_getInstanceListContains() {
-    getInstanceList().contains(0);
-  }
-  test_getInstanceListRemove() {
-    getInstanceList().remove(0);
-  }
-  static test_staticMapIndex() {
-    staticMap[0];
-  }
-  static test_staticMapContainsKey() {
-    staticMap.containsKey(0);
-  }
-  static test_staticMapContainsValue() {
-    staticMap.containsValue('');
-  }
-  static test_staticMapRemove() {
-    staticMap.remove(0);
-  }
-  static test_staticListContains() {
-    staticList.contains(0);
-  }
-  static test_staticListRemove() {
-    staticList.remove(0);
-  }
-  static test_getStaticMapIndex() {
-    getStaticMap()[0];
-  }
-  static test_getStaticMapContainsKey() {
-    getStaticMap().containsKey(0);
-  }
-  static test_getStaticMapContainsValue() {
-    getStaticMap().containsValue('');
-  }
-  static test_getStaticMapRemove() {
-    getStaticMap().remove(0);
-  }
-  static test_getStaticListContains() {
-    getStaticList().contains(0);
-  }
-  static test_getStaticListRemove() {
-    getStaticList().remove(0);
-  }
-main() {}
-test_equals() => 0 == '';
-test_notEquals() => 0 != '';
-test_index() => <String, int>{}[0];
-test_localMapIndex() {
-  Map<String, int> map;
-  map[0];
-test_localMapContainsKey() {
-  Map<String, int> map;
-  map.containsKey(0);
-test_localMapContainsValue() {
-  Map<String, int> map;
-  map.containsValue('');
-test_localMapRemove() {
-  Map<String, int> map;
-  map.remove(0);
-test_localListContains() {
-  List<String> list;
-  list.contains(0);
-test_localListRemove() {
-  List<String> list;
-  list.remove(0);
-test_topLevelMapIndex() {
-  topLevelMap[0];
-test_topLevelMapContainsKey() {
-  topLevelMap.containsKey(0);
-test_topLevelMapContainsValue() {
-  topLevelMap.containsValue('');
-test_topLevelMapRemove() {
-  topLevelMap.remove(0);
-test_topLevelListContains() {
-  topLevelList.contains(0);
-test_topLevelListRemove() {
-  topLevelList.remove(0);
-test_getTopLevelMapIndex() {
-  getTopLevelMap()[0];
-test_getTopLevelMapContainsKey() {
-  getTopLevelMap().containsKey(0);
-test_getTopLevelMapContainsValue() {
-  getTopLevelMap().containsValue('');
-test_getTopLevelMapRemove() {
-  getTopLevelMap().remove(0);
-test_getTopLevelListContains() {
-  getTopLevelList().contains(0);
-test_getTopLevelListRemove() {
-  getTopLevelList().remove(0);
-test_staticMapIndex() {
-  Class.staticMap[0];
-test_staticMapContainsKey() {
-  Class.staticMap.containsKey(0);
-test_staticMapContainsValue() {
-  Class.staticMap.containsValue('');
-test_staticMapRemove() {
-  Class.staticMap.remove(0);
-test_staticListContains() {
-  Class.staticList.contains(0);
-test_staticListRemove() {
-  Class.staticList.remove(0);
-test_getStaticMapIndex() {
-  Class.getStaticMap()[0];
-test_getStaticMapContainsKey() {
-  Class.getStaticMap().containsKey(0);
-test_getStaticMapContainsValue() {
-  Class.getStaticMap().containsValue('');
-test_getStaticMapRemove() {
-  Class.getStaticMap().remove(0);
-test_getStaticListContains() {
-  Class.getStaticList().contains(0);
-test_getStaticListRemove() {
-  Class.getStaticList().remove(0);
-test_instanceMapIndex(Class c) {
-  c.instanceMap[0];
-test_instanceMapContainsKey(Class c) {
-  c.instanceMap.containsKey(0);
-test_instanceMapContainsValue(Class c) {
-  c.instanceMap.containsValue('');
-test_instanceMapRemove(Class c) {
-  c.instanceMap.remove(0);
-test_instanceListContains(Class c) {
-  c.instanceList.contains(0);
-test_instanceListRemove(Class c) {
-  c.instanceList.remove(0);
-test_getInstanceMapIndex(Class c) {
-  c.getInstanceMap()[0];
-test_getInstanceMapContainsKey(Class c) {
-  c.getInstanceMap().containsKey(0);
-test_getInstanceMapContainsValue(Class c) {
-  c.getInstanceMap().containsValue('');
-test_getInstanceMapRemove(Class c) {
-  c.getInstanceMap().remove(0);
-test_getInstanceListContains(Class c) {
-  c.getInstanceList().contains(0);
-test_getInstanceListRemove(Class c) {
-  c.getInstanceList().remove(0);
-main(List<String> arguments) {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-    CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-        memorySourceFiles: {'main.dart': CODE},
-        options: [Flags.analyzeOnly, Flags.analyzeMain, Flags.useOldFrontend],
-        diagnosticHandler: collector);
-    Expect.isFalse(
-        collector.hasRegularMessages, "Unexpected analysis messages.");
-    Compiler compiler = result.compiler;
-    ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment =
-        compiler.frontendStrategy.elementEnvironment;
-    compiler.closeResolution(elementEnvironment.mainFunction);
-    void checkMember(Element element) {
-      MemberElement member = element;
-      if (!'test_')) return;
-      collector.clear();
-      checkMemberElement(compiler, member);
-      Expect.equals(
-          1, collector.hints.length, "Unexpected hint count for $member.");
-      Expect.equals(
-          MessageKind.NO_COMMON_SUBTYPES,
-          collector.hints.first.message.kind,
-          "Unexpected message kind ${collector.hints.first.message.kind} "
-          "for $member.");
-    }
-    LibraryElement mainApp = elementEnvironment.mainLibrary;
-    mainApp.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
-      if (element.isClass) {
-        ClassElement cls = element;
-        cls.forEachLocalMember(checkMember);
-      } else {
-        checkMember(element);
-      }
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/resolution_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/resolution_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index ed0c2c9..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/resolution_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that resolution does not resolve things we know will not be
-// needed by the backend.
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/apiimpl.dart';
-import '../compiler_helper.dart';
-const String NO_RUNTIME_TYPE = r"""
-import 'dart:core' as prefix;
-class A {
-  A();
-  A.z();
-  static var bar;
-  static foo() {}
-main() {
-  var print = prefix.print;
-  // Check when accessing a static field.
-  print(;
-  print(;
-  // Check when calling a static method.
-  print(;
-  print(;
-  // Check when using a constructor.
-  print(new A());
-  // Check when using a named constructor.
-  print(new A.z());
-  // Check when using a type annotation.
-  A a = new A();
-  // Check when using a prefix.
-  print(prefix.double.nan);
-  print(prefix.double.nan());
-  print(prefix.double.parse(''));
-  print(prefix.double.parse);
-  print(new prefix.DateTime(0));
-  print(new prefix.DateTime.utc(0));
-  prefix.DateTime c = new prefix.DateTime(0);
- = 0;
-const String HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_1 = r"""
-class A {
-main() {
-  print(A);
-const String HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_2 = r"""
-class A {
-main() {
-  print(2 + A);
-const String HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_3 = r"""
-class A {
-main() {
-  print(A[0]);
-const String HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_4 = r"""
-class A {
-main() {
-  var c = A;
-const String HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_5 = r"""
-import 'dart:core' as prefix;
-main() {
-  prefix.print(prefix.Object);
-const String HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_6 = r"""
-class A {
-  static var foo;
-main() {
-  (A).foo;
-void test(String code, void check(CompilerImpl compiler)) {
-  Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'source');
-  dynamic compiler = mockCompilerFor(code, uri);
-  asyncTest(() => {
-        check(compiler);
-      }));
-void testHasRuntimeType(String code) {
-  test(code, (compiler) {
-    var element = compiler.resolution.commonElements.createRuntimeType;
-    Expect.isTrue(
-        compiler.enqueuer.resolution.processedEntities.contains(element));
-  });
-main() {
-  test(NO_RUNTIME_TYPE, (compiler) {
-    var element = compiler.resolution.commonElements.createRuntimeType;
-    Expect.isFalse(
-        compiler.enqueuer.resolution.processedEntities.contains(element));
-  });
-  testHasRuntimeType(HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_1);
-  testHasRuntimeType(HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_2);
-  testHasRuntimeType(HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_3);
-  testHasRuntimeType(HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_4);
-  testHasRuntimeType(HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_5);
-  testHasRuntimeType(HAS_RUNTIME_TYPE_6);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/resolver_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/resolver_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 41a7f81..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/resolver_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1530 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:collection';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/constants/expressions.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/modelx.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/types.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/constructors.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/members.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/registry.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/resolution_result.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/scope.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/tree_elements.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/universe/use.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/universe/world_impact.dart';
-import '../compiler_helper.dart';
-import '../link_helper.dart';
-import 'parser_helper.dart';
-Node buildIdentifier(String name) => new Identifier(scan(name));
-Node buildInitialization(String name) => parseBodyCode(
-    '$name = 1',
-    (parser, tokens) => parser.parseOptionallyInitializedIdentifier(
-        parser.syntheticPreviousToken(tokens)));
-createLocals(List variables) {
-  var locals = <Node>[];
-  for (final variable in variables) {
-    String name = variable[0];
-    bool init = variable[1];
-    if (init) {
-      locals.add(buildInitialization(name));
-    } else {
-      locals.add(buildIdentifier(name));
-    }
-  }
-  var definitions = new NodeList(null, LinkFromList(locals), null, null);
-  return new VariableDefinitions(null, Modifiers.EMPTY, definitions);
-Future<MockCompiler> testLocals(List variables) {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    ResolverVisitor visitor = compiler.resolverVisitor();
-    ResolutionResult result = visitor.visit(createLocals(variables));
-    // A VariableDefinitions does not have an element.
-    Expect.equals(const NoneResult(), result);
-    Expect.equals(variables.length, map(visitor).length);
-    for (final variable in variables) {
-      final name = variable[0];
-      Identifier id = buildIdentifier(name);
-      ResolutionResult result = visitor.visit(id);
-      final VariableElement variableElement = result.element;
-      MethodScope scope = visitor.scope;
-      Expect.equals(variableElement, scope.elements[name]);
-    }
-    return compiler;
-  });
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() => Future.forEach([
-        testLocalsOne,
-        testLocalsTwo,
-        testLocalsThree,
-        testLocalsFour,
-        testLocalsFive,
-        testParametersOne,
-        testFor,
-        testTypeAnnotation,
-        testSuperclass,
-        // testVarSuperclass, // The parser crashes with 'class Foo extends var'.
-        // testOneInterface, // Generates unexpected error message.
-        // testTwoInterfaces, // Generates unexpected error message.
-        testFunctionExpression,
-        testNewExpression,
-        testTopLevelFields,
-        testClassHierarchy,
-        testEnumDeclaration,
-        testInitializers,
-        testThis,
-        testSuperCalls,
-        testSwitch,
-        testTypeVariables,
-        testToString,
-        testIndexedOperator,
-        testIncrementsAndDecrements,
-        testOverrideHashCodeCheck,
-        testSupertypeOrder,
-        testConstConstructorAndNonFinalFields,
-        testCantAssignMethods,
-        testCantAssignFinalAndConsts,
-        testAwaitHint,
-        testConstantExpressions,
-      ], (f) => f()));
-Future testSupertypeOrder() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""
-class I1 {}
-class I2 {}
-class J1 extends K1 {}
-class J2 implements K2 {}
-class K1 {}
-class K2 {}
-class L1 {}
-class A implements I1, I2 {}
-class B extends A implements J1, J2 {}
-class C extends B implements L1 {}
-      compiler.resolveStatement("C c;");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      ClassElement classA = mainApp.find("A");
-      ClassElement classB = mainApp.find("B");
-      ClassElement classC = mainApp.find("C");
-      Expect.equals('[ I2, I1, Object ]', classA.allSupertypes.toString());
-      Expect.equals('[ A, J2, J1, I2, I1, K2, K1, Object ]',
-          classB.allSupertypes.toString());
-      Expect.equals('[ B, L1, A, J2, J1, I2, I1, K2, K1, Object ]',
-          classC.allSupertypes.toString());
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""
-class X<T> {}
-class Foo extends X<Foo> {}
-class Bar extends Foo implements X<Bar> {}
-      compiler.resolveStatement("Bar bar;");
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-      Expect.equals(
-          MessageKind.MULTI_INHERITANCE, collector.errors.first.message.kind);
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.crashes.length);
-    }),
-  ]);
-Future testTypeVariables() {
-  matchResolvedTypes(visitor, text, name, expectedElements) {
-    VariableDefinitions definition = parseStatement(text);
-    visitor.visit(definition.type);
-    ResolutionInterfaceType type =
-        visitor.registry.mapping.getType(definition.type);
-    NominalTypeAnnotation annotation = definition.type;
-    Expect.equals(
-        annotation.typeArguments.slowLength(), type.typeArguments.length);
-    int index = 0;
-    for (ResolutionDartType argument in type.typeArguments) {
-      Expect.equals(true, index < expectedElements.length);
-      Expect.equals(expectedElements[index], argument.element);
-      index++;
-    }
-    Expect.equals(index, expectedElements.length);
-  }
-  return Future.wait([
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      ResolverVisitor visitor = compiler.resolverVisitor();
-      compiler.parseScript('class Foo<T, U> {}');
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      ClassElement foo = mainApp.find('Foo');
-      matchResolvedTypes(visitor, 'Foo<int, String> x;', 'Foo', [
-        compiler.resolution.commonElements.intClass,
-        compiler.resolution.commonElements.stringClass
-      ]);
-      matchResolvedTypes(visitor, 'Foo<Foo, Foo> x;', 'Foo', [foo, foo]);
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript('class Foo<T, U> {}');
-      compiler.resolveStatement('Foo<notype, int> x;');
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(1, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE_TYPE,
-          collector.warnings.first.message.kind);
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length);
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript('class Foo<T, U> {}');
-      compiler.resolveStatement('var x = new Foo<notype, int>();');
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(1, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length);
-      Expect.equals(MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE_TYPE,
-          collector.warnings.first.message.kind);
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript('class Foo<T> {'
-          '  Foo<T> t;'
-          '  foo(Foo<T> f) {}'
-          '  bar() { g(Foo<T> f) {}; g(); }'
-          '}');
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      ClassElement foo = mainApp.find('Foo');
-      foo.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-      MemberElement tMember = foo.lookupLocalMember('t');
-      tMember.computeType(compiler.resolution);
-      MemberElement fooMember = foo.lookupLocalMember('foo');
-      fooMember.computeType(compiler.resolution);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(foo.lookupLocalMember('bar'));
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length);
-    }),
-  ]);
-Future testSuperCalls() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    String script = """class A { foo() {} }
-                       class B extends A { foo() =>; }""";
-    compiler.parseScript(script);
-    compiler.resolveStatement("B b;");
-    LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-    ClassElement classB = mainApp.find("B");
-    FunctionElement fooB = classB.lookupLocalMember("foo");
-    ClassElement classA = mainApp.find("A");
-    FunctionElement fooA = classA.lookupLocalMember("foo");
-    ResolverVisitor visitor = new ResolverVisitor(
-        compiler.resolution,
-        fooB,
-        new ResolutionRegistry(
-  , new CollectingTreeElements(fooB)),
-        scope: new MockTypeVariablesScope(classB.buildScope()));
-    FunctionExpression node =
-        (fooB as FunctionElementX).parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-    visitor.visit(node.body);
-    Map mapping = map(visitor);
-    Send superCall = node.body.asReturn().expression;
-    FunctionElement called = mapping[superCall];
-    Expect.isNotNull(called);
-    Expect.equals(fooA, called);
-  });
-Future testSwitch() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    compiler.parseScript("class Foo { foo() {"
-        "switch (null) { case '': break; case 2: break; } } }");
-    compiler.resolveStatement("Foo foo;");
-    LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-    ClassElement fooElement = mainApp.find("Foo");
-    MethodElement funElement = fooElement.lookupLocalMember("foo");
-    compiler.enqueuer.resolution.applyImpact(new WorldImpactBuilderImpl()
-      ..registerStaticUse(new StaticUse.implicitInvoke(funElement)));
-    compiler.processQueue(compiler.frontendStrategy.elementEnvironment,
-        compiler.enqueuer.resolution, null, compiler.libraryLoader.libraries);
-    DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-    Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-    Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-    Expect.equals(MessageKind.SWITCH_CASE_TYPES_NOT_EQUAL,
-        collector.errors.first.message.kind);
-    Expect.equals(2, collector.infos.length);
-    Expect.equals(MessageKind.SWITCH_CASE_TYPES_NOT_EQUAL_CASE,
-        collector.infos.first.message.kind);
-    Expect.equals(MessageKind.SWITCH_CASE_TYPES_NOT_EQUAL_CASE,
-        collector.infos.elementAt(1).message.kind);
-  });
-Future testThis() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("class Foo { foo() { return this; } }");
-      compiler.resolveStatement("Foo foo;");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      ClassElement fooElement = mainApp.find("Foo");
-      FunctionElement funElement = fooElement.lookupLocalMember("foo");
-      ResolverVisitor visitor = new ResolverVisitor(
-          compiler.resolution,
-          funElement,
-          new ResolutionRegistry(
-    , new CollectingTreeElements(funElement)),
-          scope: new MockTypeVariablesScope(fooElement.buildScope()));
-      FunctionExpression function =
-          (funElement as FunctionElementX).parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-      visitor.visit(function.body);
-      Map mapping = map(visitor);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, mapping.length);
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.resolveStatement("main() { return this; }");
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-      Expect.equals(MessageKind.NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE,
-          collector.errors.first.message.kind);
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("class Foo { static foo() { return this; } }");
-      compiler.resolveStatement("Foo foo;");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      ClassElement fooElement = mainApp.find("Foo");
-      FunctionElement funElement = fooElement.lookupLocalMember("foo");
-      ResolverVisitor visitor = new ResolverVisitor(
-          compiler.resolution,
-          funElement,
-          new ResolutionRegistry(
-    , new CollectingTreeElements(funElement)),
-          scope: new MockTypeVariablesScope(fooElement.buildScope()));
-      FunctionExpression function =
-          (funElement as FunctionElementX).parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-      visitor.visit(function.body);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-      Expect.equals(MessageKind.NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE,
-          collector.errors.first.message.kind);
-    }),
-  ]);
-Future testLocalsOne() {
-  return Future.forEach([
-    () => testLocals([
-          ["foo", false]
-        ]),
-    () => testLocals([
-          ["foo", false],
-          ["bar", false]
-        ]),
-    () => testLocals([
-          ["foo", false],
-          ["bar", false],
-          ["foobar", false]
-        ]),
-    () => testLocals([
-          ["foo", true]
-        ]),
-    () => testLocals([
-          ["foo", false],
-          ["bar", true]
-        ]),
-    () => testLocals([
-          ["foo", true],
-          ["bar", true]
-        ]),
-    () => testLocals([
-          ["foo", false],
-          ["bar", false],
-          ["foobar", true]
-        ]),
-    () => testLocals([
-          ["foo", false],
-          ["bar", true],
-          ["foobar", true]
-        ]),
-    () => testLocals([
-          ["foo", true],
-          ["bar", true],
-          ["foobar", true]
-        ]),
-    () => testLocals([
-          ["foo", false],
-          ["foo", false]
-        ]).then((MockCompiler compiler) {
-          DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-          Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-          Expect.equals(
-              new Message(
-                  MessageTemplate.TEMPLATES[MessageKind.DUPLICATE_DEFINITION],
-                  {'name': 'foo'},
-                  false),
-              collector.errors.first.message);
-        })
-  ], (f) => f());
-Future testLocalsTwo() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    ResolverVisitor visitor = compiler.resolverVisitor();
-    Node tree = parseStatement("if (true) { var a = 1; var b = 2; }");
-    ResolutionResult result = visitor.visit(tree);
-    Expect.equals(const NoneResult(), result);
-    MethodScope scope = visitor.scope;
-    Expect.equals(0, scope.elements.length);
-    Expect.equals(2, map(visitor).length);
-    List<Element> elements = new List<Element>.from(map(visitor).values);
-    Expect.notEquals(elements[0], elements[1]);
-  });
-Future testLocalsThree() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    ResolverVisitor visitor = compiler.resolverVisitor();
-    Node tree = parseStatement("{ var a = 1; if (true) { a; } }");
-    ResolutionResult result = visitor.visit(tree);
-    Expect.equals(const NoneResult(), result);
-    MethodScope scope = visitor.scope;
-    Expect.equals(0, scope.elements.length);
-    Expect.equals(2, map(visitor).length);
-    List<Element> elements = map(visitor).values.toList();
-    Expect.equals(elements[0], elements[1]);
-  });
-Future testLocalsFour() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    ResolverVisitor visitor = compiler.resolverVisitor();
-    Node tree = parseStatement("{ var a = 1; if (true) { var a = 1; } }");
-    ResolutionResult result = visitor.visit(tree);
-    Expect.equals(const NoneResult(), result);
-    MethodScope scope = visitor.scope;
-    Expect.equals(0, scope.elements.length);
-    Expect.equals(2, map(visitor).length);
-    List<Element> elements = map(visitor).values.toList();
-    Expect.notEquals(elements[0], elements[1]);
-  });
-Future testLocalsFive() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    ResolverVisitor visitor = compiler.resolverVisitor();
-    If tree =
-        parseStatement("if (true) { var a = 1; a; } else { var a = 2; a;}");
-    ResolutionResult result = visitor.visit(tree);
-    Expect.equals(const NoneResult(), result);
-    MethodScope scope = visitor.scope;
-    Expect.equals(0, scope.elements.length);
-    Expect.equals(4, map(visitor).length);
-    Block thenPart = tree.thenPart;
-    List statements1 = thenPart.statements.nodes.toList();
-    Node def1 = statements1[0].definitions.nodes.head;
-    Node id1 = statements1[1].expression;
-    Expect.equals(
-        visitor.registry.mapping[def1], visitor.registry.mapping[id1]);
-    Block elsePart = tree.elsePart;
-    List statements2 = elsePart.statements.nodes.toList();
-    Node def2 = statements2[0].definitions.nodes.head;
-    Node id2 = statements2[1].expression;
-    Expect.equals(
-        visitor.registry.mapping[def2], visitor.registry.mapping[id2]);
-    Expect.notEquals(
-        visitor.registry.mapping[def1], visitor.registry.mapping[def2]);
-    Expect.notEquals(
-        visitor.registry.mapping[id1], visitor.registry.mapping[id2]);
-  });
-Future testParametersOne() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    ResolverVisitor visitor = compiler.resolverVisitor();
-    FunctionExpression tree =
-        parseFunction("void foo(int a) { return a; }", compiler);
-    visitor.visit(tree);
-    // Check that an element has been created for the parameter.
-    VariableDefinitions vardef = tree.parameters.nodes.head;
-    Node param = vardef.definitions.nodes.head;
-    Expect.equals(ElementKind.PARAMETER, visitor.registry.mapping[param].kind);
-    // Check that 'a' in 'return a' is resolved to the parameter.
-    Block body = tree.body;
-    Return ret = body.statements.nodes.head;
-    Send use = ret.expression;
-    Expect.equals(ElementKind.PARAMETER, visitor.registry.mapping[use].kind);
-    Expect.equals(
-        visitor.registry.mapping[param], visitor.registry.mapping[use]);
-  });
-Future testFor() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    ResolverVisitor visitor = compiler.resolverVisitor();
-    For tree = parseStatement("for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) { i = 5; }");
-    visitor.visit(tree);
-    MethodScope scope = visitor.scope;
-    Expect.equals(0, scope.elements.length);
-    Expect.equals(5, map(visitor).length);
-    VariableDefinitions initializer = tree.initializer;
-    Node iNode = initializer.definitions.nodes.head;
-    Element iElement = visitor.registry.mapping[iNode];
-    // Check that we have the expected nodes. This test relies on the mapping
-    // field to be a linked hash map (preserving insertion order).
-    Expect.isTrue(map(visitor) is LinkedHashMap);
-    List<Node> nodes = map(visitor).keys.toList();
-    List<Element> elements = map(visitor).values.toList();
-    // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) { i = 5; };
-    //          ^^^^^
-    checkSendSet(iElement, nodes[0], elements[0]);
-    // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) { i = 5; };
-    //                 ^
-    checkSend(iElement, nodes[1], elements[1]);
-    // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) { i = 5; };
-    //                             ^
-    checkSend(iElement, nodes[2], elements[2]);
-    // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) { i = 5; };
-    //                         ^^^^^^^^^
-    checkSendSet(iElement, nodes[3], elements[3]);
-    // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) { i = 5; };
-    //                                      ^^^^^
-    checkSendSet(iElement, nodes[4], elements[4]);
-  });
-checkIdentifier(Element expected, Node node, Element actual) {
-  Expect.isTrue(node is Identifier, node.toDebugString());
-  Expect.equals(expected, actual);
-checkSend(Element expected, Node node, Element actual) {
-  Expect.isTrue(node is Send, node.toDebugString());
-  Expect.isTrue(node is! SendSet, node.toDebugString());
-  Expect.equals(expected, actual);
-checkSendSet(Element expected, Node node, Element actual) {
-  Expect.isTrue(node is SendSet, node.toDebugString());
-  Expect.equals(expected, actual);
-Future testTypeAnnotation() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    String statement = "Foo bar;";
-    // Test that we get a warning when Foo is not defined.
-    Map mapping = compiler.resolveStatement(statement).map;
-    Expect.equals(1, mapping.length); // Only [bar] has an element.
-    DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-    Expect.equals(1, collector.warnings.length);
-    Expect.equals(
-        new Message(MessageTemplate.TEMPLATES[MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE_TYPE],
-            {'typeName': 'Foo'}, false),
-        collector.warnings.first.message);
-    collector.clear();
-    // Test that there is no warning after defining Foo.
-    compiler.parseScript("class Foo {}");
-    mapping = compiler.resolveStatement(statement).map;
-    Expect.equals(1, mapping.length);
-    Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-    // Test that 'var' does not create a warning.
-    mapping = compiler.resolveStatement("var foo;").map;
-    Expect.equals(1, mapping.length);
-    Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-  });
-Future testSuperclass() {
-  return Future.wait([
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("class Foo extends Bar {}");
-      compiler.resolveStatement("Foo bar;");
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-      var cannotResolveBar = new Message(
-          MessageTemplate.TEMPLATES[MessageKind.CANNOT_EXTEND_MALFORMED],
-          {'className': 'Foo', 'malformedType': 'Bar'},
-          false);
-      Expect.equals(cannotResolveBar, collector.errors.first.message);
-      collector.clear();
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("class Foo extends Bar {}");
-      compiler.parseScript("class Bar {}");
-      Map mapping = compiler.resolveStatement("Foo bar;").map;
-      Expect.equals(1, mapping.length);
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      ClassElement fooElement = mainApp.find('Foo');
-      ClassElement barElement = mainApp.find('Bar');
-      Expect.equals(
-          barElement.computeType(compiler.resolution), fooElement.supertype);
-      Expect.isTrue(fooElement.interfaces.isEmpty);
-      Expect.isTrue(barElement.interfaces.isEmpty);
-    }),
-  ]);
-Future testVarSuperclass() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    compiler.parseScript("class Foo extends var {}");
-    compiler.resolveStatement("Foo bar;");
-    DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-    Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-    Expect.equals(
-        new Message(MessageTemplate.TEMPLATES[MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE_TYPE],
-            {'typeName': 'var'}, false),
-        collector.errors.first.message);
-    collector.clear();
-  });
-Future testOneInterface() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    compiler.parseScript("class Foo implements Bar {}");
-    compiler.resolveStatement("Foo bar;");
-    DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-    Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-    Expect.equals(
-        new Message(MessageTemplate.TEMPLATES[MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE_TYPE],
-            {'typeName': 'bar'}, false),
-        collector.errors.first.message);
-    collector.clear();
-    // Add the abstract class to the world and make sure everything is setup
-    // correctly.
-    compiler.parseScript("abstract class Bar {}");
-    compiler.resolveStatement("Foo bar;");
-    LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-    ClassElement fooElement = mainApp.find('Foo');
-    ClassElement barElement = mainApp.find('Bar');
-    Expect.equals(null, barElement.supertype);
-    Expect.isTrue(barElement.interfaces.isEmpty);
-    Expect.equals(barElement.computeType(compiler.resolution),
-        fooElement.interfaces.head);
-    Expect.equals(1, length(fooElement.interfaces));
-  });
-Future testTwoInterfaces() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    compiler.parseScript("""abstract class I1 {}
-           abstract class I2 {}
-           class C implements I1, I2 {}""");
-    compiler.resolveStatement("Foo bar;");
-    LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-    ClassElement c = mainApp.find('C');
-    ClassElement i1 = mainApp.find('I1');
-    ClassElement i2 = mainApp.find('I2');
-    Expect.equals(2, length(c.interfaces));
-    Expect.equals(i1.computeType(compiler.resolution), at(c.interfaces, 0));
-    Expect.equals(i2.computeType(compiler.resolution), at(c.interfaces, 1));
-  });
-Future testFunctionExpression() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    var mapping = compiler.resolveStatement("int f() {}").map;
-    Expect.equals(2, mapping.length);
-    Element element;
-    Node node;
-    mapping.forEach((Node n, Element e) {
-      if (n is FunctionExpression) {
-        element = e;
-        node = n;
-      }
-    });
-    Expect.equals(ElementKind.FUNCTION, element.kind);
-    Expect.equals('f',;
-    Expect.equals((element as FunctionElement).node, node);
-  });
-Future testNewExpression() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    compiler.parseScript("class A {} foo() { print(new A()); }");
-    LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-    ClassElement aElement = mainApp.find('A');
-    FunctionElement fooElement = mainApp.find('foo');
-    compiler.resolver.resolve(fooElement);
-    Expect.isNotNull(aElement);
-    Expect.isNotNull(fooElement);
-    fooElement.node;
-    compiler.resolver.resolve(fooElement);
-    TreeElements elements = compiler.resolveStatement("new A();");
-    NewExpression expression =
-        compiler.parsedTree.asExpressionStatement().expression;
-    Element element = elements[expression.send];
-    Expect.equals(ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR, element.kind);
-    Expect.isTrue(element.isSynthesized);
-  });
-Future testTopLevelFields() {
-  return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-    compiler.parseScript("int a;");
-    LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-    VariableElementX element = mainApp.find("a");
-    Expect.equals(ElementKind.FIELD, element.kind);
-    VariableDefinitions node =
-        element.variables.parseNode(element, compiler.parsingContext);
-    NominalTypeAnnotation annotation = node.type;
-    Identifier typeName = annotation.typeName;
-    Expect.equals(typeName.source, 'int');
-    compiler.parseScript("var b, c;");
-    VariableElementX bElement = mainApp.find("b");
-    VariableElementX cElement = mainApp.find("c");
-    Expect.equals(ElementKind.FIELD, bElement.kind);
-    Expect.equals(ElementKind.FIELD, cElement.kind);
-    Expect.isTrue(bElement != cElement);
-    VariableDefinitions bNode =
-        bElement.variables.parseNode(bElement, compiler.parsingContext);
-    VariableDefinitions cNode =
-        cElement.variables.parseNode(cElement, compiler.parsingContext);
-    Expect.equals(bNode, cNode);
-    Expect.isNull(bNode.type);
-    Expect.isTrue(bNode.modifiers.isVar);
-  });
-Future resolveConstructor(String script, String statement, String className,
-    String constructor, int expectedElementCount,
-    {List expectedWarnings: const [],
-    List expectedErrors: const [],
-    List expectedInfos: const [],
-    Map<String, String> corelib}) {
-  MockCompiler compiler = new MockCompiler.internal(coreSource: corelib);
-  return compiler.init().then((_) {
-    compiler.parseScript(script);
-    compiler.resolveStatement(statement);
-    LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-    ClassElement classElement = mainApp.find(className);
-    Element element;
-    element = classElement.lookupConstructor(constructor);
-    FunctionExpression tree = (element as FunctionElement).node;
-    ResolverVisitor visitor = new ResolverVisitor(
-        compiler.resolution,
-        element,
-        new ResolutionRegistry(
-  , new CollectingTreeElements(element)),
-        scope: classElement.buildScope());
-    new InitializerResolver(visitor, element, tree).resolveInitializers();
-    visitor.visit(tree.body);
-    Expect.equals(expectedElementCount, map(visitor).length,
-        "${map(visitor).values} for '$statement' in context of `$script`");
-    DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-    compareWarningKinds(script, expectedWarnings, collector.warnings);
-    compareWarningKinds(script, expectedErrors, collector.errors);
-    compareWarningKinds(script, expectedInfos, collector.infos);
-  });
-Future testClassHierarchy() {
-  final MAIN = "main";
-  return Future.wait([
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""class A extends A {}
-                              main() { return new A(); }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-      Expect.equals(MessageKind.CYCLIC_CLASS_HIERARCHY,
-          collector.errors.first.message.kind);
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""class A extends B {}
-                              class B extends A {}
-                              main() { return new A(); }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(2, collector.errors.length);
-      Expect.equals(MessageKind.CYCLIC_CLASS_HIERARCHY,
-          collector.errors.first.message.kind);
-      Expect.equals(MessageKind.CANNOT_FIND_UNNAMED_CONSTRUCTOR,
-          collector.errors.elementAt(1).message.kind);
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""abstract class A extends B {}
-                              abstract class B extends A {}
-                              class C implements A {}
-                              main() { return new C(); }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-      Expect.equals(MessageKind.CYCLIC_CLASS_HIERARCHY,
-          collector.errors.first.message.kind);
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""class A extends B {}
-                              class B extends C {}
-                              class C {}
-                              main() { return new A(); }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length);
-      ClassElement aElement = mainApp.find("A");
-      Link<InterfaceType> supertypes = aElement.allSupertypes;
-      Expect.equals(<String>['B', 'C', 'Object'].toString(),
-          asSortedStrings(supertypes).toString());
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""class A<T> {}
-                              class B<Z,W> extends A<int>
-                                  implements I<Z,List<W>> {}
-                              class I<X,Y> {}
-                              class C extends B<bool,String> {}
-                              main() { return new C(); }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length);
-      ClassElement aElement = mainApp.find("C");
-      Link<InterfaceType> supertypes = aElement.allSupertypes;
-      // Object is once per inheritance path, that is from both A and I.
-      Expect.equals(
-          <String>[
-            'A<int>',
-            'B<bool, String>',
-            'I<bool, List<String>>',
-            'Object'
-          ].toString(),
-          asSortedStrings(supertypes).toString());
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""class A<T> {}
-                              class D extends A<E> {}
-                              class E extends D {}
-                              main() { return new E(); }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length);
-      ClassElement aElement = mainApp.find("E");
-      Link<InterfaceType> supertypes = aElement.allSupertypes;
-      Expect.equals(<String>['A<E>', 'D', 'Object'].toString(),
-          asSortedStrings(supertypes).toString());
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""class A<T> {}
-                              class D extends A<int> implements A<double> {}
-                              main() { return new D(); }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(1, collector.errors.length);
-      Expect.equals(
-          MessageKind.MULTI_INHERITANCE, collector.errors.first.message.kind);
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.crashes.length);
-    }),
-  ]);
-Future testEnumDeclaration() {
-  final MAIN = "main";
-  return Future.wait([
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""enum Enum {}
-                              main() { Enum e; }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length,
-          'Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}');
-      Expect.equals(
-          1, collector.errors.length, 'Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}');
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""enum Enum { A }
-                              main() { Enum e = Enum.A; }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length,
-          'Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}');
-      Expect.equals(
-          0, collector.errors.length, 'Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}');
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""enum Enum { A }
-                              main() { Enum e = Enum.B; }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(1, collector.warnings.length,
-          'Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}');
-      Expect.equals(
-          MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER, collector.warnings.first.message.kind);
-      Expect.equals(
-          0, collector.errors.length, 'Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}');
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""enum Enum { A }
-                              main() { List values = Enum.values; }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length,
-          'Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}');
-      Expect.equals(
-          0, collector.errors.length, 'Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}');
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""enum Enum { A }
-                              main() { new Enum(0, ''); }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length,
-          'Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}');
-      Expect.equals(
-          1, collector.errors.length, 'Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}');
-      Expect.equals(MessageKind.CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_ENUM,
-          collector.errors.first.message.kind);
-    }),
-    MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      compiler.parseScript("""enum Enum { A }
-                              main() { const Enum(0, ''); }""");
-      LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-      FunctionElement mainElement = mainApp.find(MAIN);
-      compiler.resolver.resolve(mainElement);
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length,
-          'Unexpected warnings: ${collector.warnings}');
-      Expect.equals(
-          1, collector.errors.length, 'Unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}');
-      Expect.equals(MessageKind.CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_ENUM,
-          collector.errors.first.message.kind);
-    }),
-  ]);
-Future testInitializers() {
-  return Future.forEach([
-    () {
-      String script = """class A {
-                    int foo; int bar;
-                    A() : = 1, bar = 2;
-                  }""";
-      return resolveConstructor(script, "A a = new A();", "A", "", 2);
-    },
-    () {
-      String script = """class A {
-               int foo; A a;
-               A() : = 1;
-             }""";
-      return resolveConstructor(script, "A a = new A();", "A", "", 0,
-          expectedWarnings: [],
-          expectedErrors: [MessageKind.INVALID_RECEIVER_IN_INITIALIZER]);
-    },
-    () {
-      String script = """class A {
-               int foo;
-               A() : = 1, = 2;
-             }""";
-      return resolveConstructor(script, "A a = new A();", "A", "", 2,
-          expectedInfos: [MessageKind.ALREADY_INITIALIZED],
-          expectedErrors: [MessageKind.DUPLICATE_INITIALIZER]);
-    },
-    () {
-      String script = """class A {
-               A() : = 1;
-             }""";
-      return resolveConstructor(script, "A a = new A();", "A", "", 1,
-          expectedWarnings: [], expectedErrors: [MessageKind.CANNOT_RESOLVE]);
-    },
-    () {
-      String script = """class A {
-               int foo;
-               int bar;
-               A() : = bar;
-             }""";
-      return resolveConstructor(script, "A a = new A();", "A", "", 2,
-          expectedWarnings: [],
-          expectedErrors: [MessageKind.NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE]);
-    },
-    () {
-      String script = """class A {
-               int foo() => 42;
-               A() : foo();
-             }""";
-      return resolveConstructor(script, "A a = new A();", "A", "", 0,
-          expectedWarnings: [],
-          expectedErrors: [MessageKind.CONSTRUCTOR_CALL_EXPECTED]);
-    },
-    () {
-      String script = """class A {
-               int i;
-               A.a() : this.b(0);
-               A.b(int i);
-             }""";
-      return resolveConstructor(script, "A a = new A.a();", "A", "a", 1);
-    },
-    () {
-      String script = """class A {
-               int i;
-               A.a() : i = 42, this(0);
-               A(int i);
-             }""";
-      return resolveConstructor(script, "A a = new A.a();", "A", "a", 2,
-          expectedWarnings: [],
-          expectedErrors: [
-          ]);
-    },
-    () {
-      String script = """class A {
-               int i;
-               A(i);
-             }
-             class B extends A {
-               B() : super(0);
-             }""";
-      return resolveConstructor(script, "B a = new B();", "B", "", 1);
-    },
-    () {
-      String script = """class A {
-               int i;
-               A(i);
-             }
-             class B extends A {
-               B() : super(0), super(1);
-             }""";
-      return resolveConstructor(script, "B b = new B();", "B", "", 2,
-          expectedWarnings: [],
-          expectedErrors: [MessageKind.DUPLICATE_SUPER_INITIALIZER]);
-    },
-    () {
-      String script = "";
-      final INVALID_OBJECT = const {
-        'Object': 'class Object { Object() : super(); }'
-      };
-      return resolveConstructor(
-          script, "Object o = new Object();", "Object", "", 1,
-          expectedWarnings: [],
-          expectedErrors: [MessageKind.SUPER_INITIALIZER_IN_OBJECT],
-          corelib: INVALID_OBJECT);
-    },
-  ], (f) => f());
-Future testConstantExpressions() {
-  const Map<String, List<String>> testedConstants = const {
-    'null': const ['null'],
-    'true': const ['true'],
-    '0': const ['0'],
-    '0.0': const ['0.0'],
-    '"foo"': const ['"foo"'],
-    '#a': const ['#a'],
-    '0 + 1': const ['0', '1', '0 + 1'],
-    '0 * 1': const ['0', '1', '0 * 1'],
-    '0 * 1 + 2': const ['0', '1', '0 * 1', '2', '0 * 1 + 2'],
-    '0 + 1 * 2': const ['0', '1', '2', '1 * 2', '0 + 1 * 2'],
-    '-(1)': const ['1', '-1'],
-    '-(1 * 4)': const ['1', '4', '1 * 4', '-(1 * 4)'],
-    'true ? 0 : 1': const ['true', '0', '1', 'true ? 0 : 1'],
-    '"a" "b"': const ['"a"', '"b"', '"ab"'],
-    '"a" "b" "c"': const ['"a"', '"b"', '"c"', '"bc"', r'"a${"bc"}"'],
-    r'"a${0}b"': const ['"a"', '0', '"b"', r'"a${0}b"'],
-    r'"a${0}b${1}"': const ['"a"', '0', '"b"', '1', '""', r'"a${0}b${1}"'],
-    'true || false': const ['true', 'false', 'true || false'],
-    'true && false': const ['true', 'false', 'true && false'],
-    '!true': const ['true', '!true'],
-    'const []': const ['const []'],
-    'const <int>[]': const ['const <int>[]'],
-    'const [0, 1, 2]': const ['0', '1', '2', 'const [0, 1, 2]'],
-    'const <int>[0, 1, 2]': const ['0', '1', '2', 'const <int>[0, 1, 2]'],
-    'const {}': const ['const {}'],
-    'const <String, int>{}': const ['const <String, int>{}'],
-    'const {"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 2}': const [
-      '"a"',
-      '0',
-      '"b"',
-      '1',
-      '"c"',
-      '2',
-      'const {"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 2}'
-    ],
-    'const <String, int>{"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 2}': const [
-      '"a"',
-      '0',
-      '"b"',
-      '1',
-      '"c"',
-      '2',
-      'const <String, int>{"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 2}'
-    ],
-  };
-  return Future.forEach(testedConstants.keys, (String constant) {
-    return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-      CollectingTreeElements elements =
-          compiler.resolveStatement("main() => $constant;");
-      List<String> expectedConstants = testedConstants[constant];
-      DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-      Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length);
-      List<ConstantExpression> constants = elements.constants;
-      String constantsText =
-          '[${ => c.toDartText()).join(', ')}]';
-      Expect.equals(
-          expectedConstants.length,
-          constants.length,
-          "Expected ${expectedConstants.length} constants for `${constant}` "
-          "found $constantsText.");
-      for (int index = 0; index < expectedConstants.length; index++) {
-        Expect.equals(
-            expectedConstants[index],
-            constants[index].toDartText(),
-            "Expected ${expectedConstants} for `$constant`, "
-            "found $constantsText.");
-      }
-    });
-  });
-map(ResolverVisitor visitor) {
-  CollectingTreeElements elements = visitor.registry.mapping;
-  return;
-at(Link link, int index) => (index == 0) ? link.head : at(link.tail, index - 1);
-List<String> asSortedStrings(Link link) {
-  List<String> result = <String>[];
-  for (; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) result.add(link.head.toString());
-  result.sort((s1, s2) => s1.compareTo(s2));
-  return result;
-Future compileScript(String source) {
-  Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'source');
-  MockCompiler compiler = mockCompilerFor(source, uri);
-  compiler.diagnosticHandler = createHandler(compiler, source);
-  return {
-    return compiler;
-  });
-checkMemberResolved(compiler, className, memberName) {
-  ClassElement cls = findElement(compiler, className);
-  MemberElement memberElement = cls.lookupLocalMember(memberName);
-  Expect.isNotNull(memberElement);
-  Expect.isTrue(compiler.resolutionWorldBuilder.isMemberUsed(memberElement));
-testToString() {
-  final script = r"class C { toString() => 'C'; } main() { '${new C()}'; }";
-  asyncTest(() => compileScript(script).then((compiler) {
-        checkMemberResolved(compiler, 'C', 'toString');
-      }));
-operatorName(op, isUnary) {
-  return Elements.constructOperatorName(op, isUnary);
-testIndexedOperator() {
-  final script = r"""
-      class C {
-        operator[](ix) => ix;
-        operator[]=(ix, v) {}
-      }
-      main() { var c = new C(); c[0]++; }""";
-  asyncTest(() => compileScript(script).then((compiler) {
-        checkMemberResolved(compiler, 'C', operatorName('[]', false));
-        checkMemberResolved(compiler, 'C', operatorName('[]=', false));
-      }));
-testIncrementsAndDecrements() {
-  final script = r"""
-      class A { operator+(o)=>null; }
-      class B { operator+(o)=>null; }
-      class C { operator-(o)=>null; }
-      class D { operator-(o)=>null; }
-      main() {
-        var a = new A();
-        a++;
-        var b = new B();
-        ++b;
-        var c = new C();
-        c--;
-        var d = new D();
-        --d;
-      }""";
-  asyncTest(() => compileScript(script).then((compiler) {
-        checkMemberResolved(compiler, 'A', operatorName('+', false));
-        checkMemberResolved(compiler, 'B', operatorName('+', false));
-        checkMemberResolved(compiler, 'C', operatorName('-', false));
-        checkMemberResolved(compiler, 'D', operatorName('-', false));
-      }));
-testOverrideHashCodeCheck() {
-  final script = r"""
-      class A {
-        operator==(other) => true;
-      }
-      class B {
-        operator==(other) => true;
-        get hashCode => 0;
-      }
-      main() {
-        new A() == new B();
-      }""";
-  asyncTest(() => compileScript(script).then((compiler) {
-        DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-        Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-        Expect.equals(0, collector.infos.length);
-        Expect.equals(1, collector.hints.length);
-        Expect.equals(MessageKind.OVERRIDE_EQUALS_NOT_HASH_CODE,
-            collector.hints.first.message.kind);
-        Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length);
-      }));
-testConstConstructorAndNonFinalFields() {
-  void expect(compiler, List errors, List infos) {
-    DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-    Expect.equals(errors.length, collector.errors.length);
-    for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
-      Expect.equals(errors[i], collector.errors.elementAt(i).message.kind);
-    }
-    Expect.equals(0, collector.warnings.length);
-    Expect.equals(infos.length, collector.infos.length);
-    for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) {
-      Expect.equals(infos[i], collector.infos.elementAt(i).message.kind);
-    }
-  }
-  final script1 = r"""
-      class A {
-        var a;
-        const A(this.a);
-      }
-      main() {
-        new A(0);
-      }""";
-  asyncTest(() => compileScript(script1).then((compiler) {
-        expect(compiler, [MessageKind.CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_NONFINAL_FIELDS],
-      }));
-  final script2 = r"""
-      class A {
-        var a;
-        var b;
-        const A(this.a, this.b);
-        const A.named(this.a, this.b);
-      }
-      main() {
-        new A(0, 1);
-      }""";
-  asyncTest(() => compileScript(script2).then((compiler) {
-        expect(compiler, [
-        ], [
-        ]);
-      }));
-testCantAssignMethods() {
-  // Can't override local functions
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() {
-        mname() { mname = 2; };
-        mname();
-      }
-      ''', [MessageKind.ASSIGNING_METHOD]);
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() {
-        mname() { };
-        mname = 3;
-      }
-      ''', [MessageKind.ASSIGNING_METHOD]);
-  // Can't override top-level functions
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      m() {}
-      main() { m = 4; }
-      ''', [
-    MessageKind.ASSIGNING_METHOD,
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid duplicate warnings.
-    MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE
-  ]);
-  // Can't override instance methods
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() { new B().bar(); }
-      class B {
-        mname() {}
-        bar() {
-          mname = () => null;
-        }
-      }
-      ''', [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_SETTER]);
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() { new B().bar(); }
-      class B {
-        mname() {}
-        bar() {
-          this.mname = () => null;
-        }
-      }
-      ''', [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_SETTER]);
-  // Can't override super methods
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() { new B().bar(); }
-      class A {
-        mname() {}
-      }
-      class B extends A {
-        bar() {
-          super.mname = () => 6;
-        }
-      }
-      ''', [
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid duplicate warnings.
-  ]);
-  // But index operators should be OK
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() { new B().bar(); }
-      class B {
-        operator[]=(x, y) {}
-        bar() {
-          this[1] = 3; // This is OK
-        }
-      }
-      ''', []);
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() { new B().bar(); }
-      class A {
-        operator[]=(x, y) {}
-      }
-      class B extends A {
-        bar() {
-          super[1] = 3; // This is OK
-        }
-      }
-      ''', []);
-testCantAssignFinalAndConsts() {
-  // Can't write final or const locals.
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() {
-        final x = 1;
-        x = 2;
-      }
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() {
-        const x = 1;
-        x = 2;
-      }
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      final x = 1;
-      main() { x = 3; }
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      const x = 1;
-      main() { x = 3; }
-  // Detect assignments to final fields:
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() => new B().m();
-      class B {
-        final x = 1;
-        m() { x = 2; }
-      }
-      ''', [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_SETTER]);
-  // ... even if 'this' is explicit:
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() => new B().m();
-      class B {
-        final x = 1;
-        m() { this.x = 2; }
-      }
-      ''', [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_SETTER]);
-  // ... and in super class:
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() => new B().m();
-      class A {
-        final x = 1;
-      }
-      class B extends A {
-        m() { super.x = 2; }
-      }
-      ''', [
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid duplicate warnings.
-  ]);
-  // But non-final fields are OK:
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() => new B().m();
-      class A {
-        int x = 1;
-      }
-      class B extends A {
-        m() { super.x = 2; }
-      }
-      ''', []);
-  // Check getter without setter.
-  checkWarningOn('''
-      main() => new B().m();
-      class A {
-        get x => 1;
-      }
-      class B extends A {
-        m() { super.x = 2; }
-      }
-      ''', [
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid duplicate warnings.
-  ]);
-/// Helper to test that [script] produces all the given [warnings].
-checkWarningOn(String script, List<MessageKind> warnings) {
-  Expect.isTrue(warnings.length >= 0 && warnings.length <= 2);
-  asyncTest(() => compileScript(script).then((compiler) {
-        DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-        Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length,
-            'Unexpected errors in\n$script\n${collector.errors}');
-        Expect.equals(
-            warnings.length,
-            collector.warnings.length,
-            'Unexpected warnings in\n$script\n'
-            'Expected:$warnings\nFound:${collector.warnings}');
-        for (int i = 0; i < warnings.length; i++) {
-          Expect.equals(
-              warnings[i], collector.warnings.elementAt(i).message.kind);
-        }
-      }));
-testAwaitHint() {
-  check(String script, {String className, String functionName}) {
-    var prefix = className == null
-        ? "Cannot resolve 'await'"
-        : "No member named 'await' in class '$className'";
-    var where =
-        functionName == null ? 'the enclosing function' : "'$functionName'";
-    asyncTest(() => compileScript(script).then((compiler) {
-          DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-          Expect.equals(0, collector.errors.length);
-          Expect.equals(1, collector.warnings.length);
-          Expect.equals(
-              "$prefix.\n"
-              "Did you mean to add the 'async' marker to $where?",
-              '${collector.warnings.first.message}');
-        }));
-  }
-  check('main() { await -3; }', functionName: 'main');
-  check('main() { () => await -3; }');
-  check('foo() => await -3; main() => foo();', functionName: 'foo');
-  check('''
-    class A {
-      m() => await - 3;
-    }
-    main() => new A().m();
-  ''', className: 'A', functionName: 'm');
-  check('''
-    class A {
-      static m() => await - 3;
-    }
-    main() => A.m();
-  ''', functionName: 'm');
-  check('''
-    class A {
-      m() => () => await - 3;
-    }
-    main() => new A().m();
-  ''', className: 'A');
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/scanner_offset_length_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/scanner_offset_length_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index fe30615..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/scanner_offset_length_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/scanner.dart';
-Token scan(String text) =>
-    new StringScanner(text, includeComments: true).tokenize();
-check(String text) {
-  Token token = scan(text);
-  while (token.kind != EOF_TOKEN) {
-    Expect.equals(token.lexeme.length, token.charCount);
-    var start = token.charOffset;
-    var end = token.charOffset + token.charCount;
-    Expect.isTrue(start < text.length,
-        'start=$start < text.length=${text.length}: $text');
-    Expect.isTrue(
-        end <= text.length, 'end=$end <= text.length=${text.length}: $text');
-    Expect.isTrue(start <= end, 'start=$end <= end=$end: $text');
-    var substring = text.substring(start, end);
-    Expect.stringEquals(
-        token.lexeme,
-        substring,
-        'token.value=${token.lexeme} == '
-        'text.substring(start,end)=${substring}: $text');
-    print('$text: [$start,$end]:$token');
-    token =;
-  }
-main() {
-  check('foo'); // identifier
-  check('\'\''); // empty string
-  check('\'foo\''); // simple string
-  check('\'\$foo\''); // interpolation, identifier
-  check('\'\${foo}\''); // interpolation, expression
-  check('//'); // single line comment
-  check('/**/'); // multi line comment
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/scanner_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/scanner_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cd8ba1..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/scanner_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/scanner.dart';
-import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/scanner/characters.dart';
-import 'package:front_end/src/scanner/token.dart' show TokenType;
-import 'dart:typed_data';
-Token scan(List<int> bytes) {
-  List<int> zeroTerminated = new Uint8List(bytes.length + 1);
-  zeroTerminated.setRange(0, bytes.length, bytes);
-  zeroTerminated[bytes.length] = 0;
-  return new Utf8BytesScanner(zeroTerminated).tokenize();
-Token scanUTF8(List<int> bytes) {
-  int l = bytes.length;
-  List<int> stringLiteral = new Uint8List(l + 3);
-  stringLiteral[0] = 0x27; // single quote
-  stringLiteral[l + 1] = 0x27; // single quote
-  // The bytes given to the scanner must be 0-terminated.
-  stringLiteral[l + 2] = $EOF;
-  for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
-    stringLiteral[i + 1] = bytes[i];
-  }
-  return new Utf8BytesScanner(stringLiteral).tokenize();
-bool isRunningOnJavaScript() => identical(1, 1.0);
-main() {
-  // Google favorite: "Îñţérñåţîöñåļîžåţîờñ".
-  Token token = scanUTF8([
-    0xc3,
-    0x8e,
-    0xc3,
-    0xb1,
-    0xc5,
-    0xa3,
-    0xc3,
-    0xa9,
-    0x72,
-    0xc3,
-    0xb1,
-    0xc3,
-    0xa5,
-    0xc5,
-    0xa3,
-    0xc3,
-    0xae,
-    0xc3,
-    0xb6,
-    0xc3,
-    0xb1,
-    0xc3,
-    0xa5,
-    0xc4,
-    0xbc,
-    0xc3,
-    0xae,
-    0xc5,
-    0xbe,
-    0xc3,
-    0xa5,
-    0xc5,
-    0xa3,
-    0xc3,
-    0xae,
-    0xe1,
-    0xbb,
-    0x9d,
-    0xc3,
-    0xb1
-  ]);
-  Expect.stringEquals("'Îñţérñåţîöñåļîžåţîờñ'", token.lexeme);
-  // Blueberry porridge in Danish: "blåbærgrød".
-  token = scanUTF8([
-    0x62,
-    0x6c,
-    0xc3,
-    0xa5,
-    0x62,
-    0xc3,
-    0xa6,
-    0x72,
-    0x67,
-    0x72,
-    0xc3,
-    0xb8,
-    0x64
-  ]);
-  Expect.stringEquals("'blåbærgrød'", token.lexeme);
-  // "சிவா அணாமாைல", that is "Siva Annamalai" in Tamil.
-  token = scanUTF8([
-    0xe0,
-    0xae,
-    0x9a,
-    0xe0,
-    0xae,
-    0xbf,
-    0xe0,
-    0xae,
-    0xb5,
-    0xe0,
-    0xae,
-    0xbe,
-    0x20,
-    0xe0,
-    0xae,
-    0x85,
-    0xe0,
-    0xae,
-    0xa3,
-    0xe0,
-    0xae,
-    0xbe,
-    0xe0,
-    0xae,
-    0xae,
-    0xe0,
-    0xae,
-    0xbe,
-    0xe0,
-    0xaf,
-    0x88,
-    0xe0,
-    0xae,
-    0xb2
-  ]);
-  Expect.stringEquals("'சிவா அணாமாைல'", token.lexeme);
-  // "िसवा अणामालै", that is "Siva Annamalai" in Devanagari.
-  token = scanUTF8([
-    0xe0,
-    0xa4,
-    0xbf,
-    0xe0,
-    0xa4,
-    0xb8,
-    0xe0,
-    0xa4,
-    0xb5,
-    0xe0,
-    0xa4,
-    0xbe,
-    0x20,
-    0xe0,
-    0xa4,
-    0x85,
-    0xe0,
-    0xa4,
-    0xa3,
-    0xe0,
-    0xa4,
-    0xbe,
-    0xe0,
-    0xa4,
-    0xae,
-    0xe0,
-    0xa4,
-    0xbe,
-    0xe0,
-    0xa4,
-    0xb2,
-    0xe0,
-    0xa5,
-    0x88
-  ]);
-  Expect.stringEquals("'िसवा अणामालै'", token.lexeme);
-  if (!isRunningOnJavaScript()) {
-    // DESERET CAPITAL LETTER BEE, unicode 0x10412(0xD801+0xDC12)
-    // UTF-8: F0 90 90 92
-    token = scanUTF8([0xf0, 0x90, 0x90, 0x92]);
-    Expect.stringEquals("'𐐒'", token.lexeme);
-  } else {
-    print('Skipping non-BMP character test');
-  }
-  // Regression test for issue 1761.
-  // "#!"
-  token = scan([0x23, 0x21]);
-  Expect.equals(token.type, TokenType.SCRIPT_TAG); // Treated as a comment.
-  // Regression test for issue 1761.
-  // "#! Hello, World!"
-  token = scan([
-    0x23,
-    0x21,
-    0x20,
-    0x48,
-    0x65,
-    0x6c,
-    0x6c,
-    0x6f,
-    0x2c,
-    0x20,
-    0x57,
-    0x6f,
-    0x72,
-    0x6c,
-    0x64,
-    0x21
-  ]);
-  Expect.equals(token.type, TokenType.SCRIPT_TAG); // Treated as a comment.
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ce95aa..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library dart2js.semantics_visitor_test;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/constants/expressions.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/spannable.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart' show MessageKind;
-import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/names.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/operators.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/semantic_visitor.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/tree_elements.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/tree/tree.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/universe/call_structure.dart' show CallStructure;
-import 'package:compiler/src/universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-part 'semantic_visitor_test_send_data.dart';
-part 'semantic_visitor_test_send_visitor.dart';
-part 'semantic_visitor_test_decl_data.dart';
-part 'semantic_visitor_test_decl_visitor.dart';
-class Visit {
-  final VisitKind method;
-  final element;
-  final rhs;
-  final arguments;
-  final receiver;
-  final name;
-  final expression;
-  final left;
-  final right;
-  final type;
-  final operator;
-  final index;
-  final getter;
-  final setter;
-  final constant;
-  final selector;
-  final parameters;
-  final body;
-  final target;
-  final targetType;
-  final initializers;
-  final error;
-  const Visit(this.method,
-      {this.element,
-      this.rhs,
-      this.arguments,
-      this.receiver,
-      this.expression,
-      this.left,
-      this.right,
-      this.type,
-      this.operator,
-      this.index,
-      this.getter,
-      this.setter,
-      this.constant,
-      this.selector,
-      this.parameters,
-      this.body,
-      this.targetType,
-      this.initializers,
-      this.error});
-  int get hashCode => toString().hashCode;
-  bool operator ==(other) => '$this' == '$other';
-  String toString() {
-    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-    sb.write('method=$method');
-    if (element != null) {
-      sb.write(',element=$element');
-    }
-    if (rhs != null) {
-      sb.write(',rhs=$rhs');
-    }
-    if (arguments != null) {
-      sb.write(',arguments=$arguments');
-    }
-    if (receiver != null) {
-      sb.write(',receiver=$receiver');
-    }
-    if (name != null) {
-      sb.write(',name=$name');
-    }
-    if (expression != null) {
-      sb.write(',expression=$expression');
-    }
-    if (left != null) {
-      sb.write(',left=$left');
-    }
-    if (right != null) {
-      sb.write(',right=$right');
-    }
-    if (type != null) {
-      sb.write(',type=$type');
-    }
-    if (operator != null) {
-      sb.write(',operator=$operator');
-    }
-    if (index != null) {
-      sb.write(',index=$index');
-    }
-    if (getter != null) {
-      sb.write(',getter=$getter');
-    }
-    if (setter != null) {
-      sb.write(',setter=$setter');
-    }
-    if (constant != null) {
-      sb.write(',constant=$constant');
-    }
-    if (selector != null) {
-      sb.write(',selector=$selector');
-    }
-    if (parameters != null) {
-      sb.write(',parameters=$parameters');
-    }
-    if (body != null) {
-      sb.write(',body=$body');
-    }
-    if (target != null) {
-      sb.write(',target=$target');
-    }
-    if (targetType != null) {
-      sb.write(',targetType=$targetType');
-    }
-    if (initializers != null) {
-      sb.write(',initializers=$initializers');
-    }
-    if (error != null) {
-      sb.write(',error=$error');
-    }
-    return sb.toString();
-  }
-class Test {
-  final String codeByPrefix;
-  final bool isDeferred;
-  final String code;
-  final /*Visit | List<Visit>*/ expectedVisits;
-  final String cls;
-  final String method;
-  const Test(this.code, this.expectedVisits)
-      : cls = null,
-        method = 'm',
-        codeByPrefix = null,
-        isDeferred = false;
-  const Test.clazz(this.code, this.expectedVisits,
-      {this.cls: 'C', this.method: 'm'})
-      : codeByPrefix = null,
-        isDeferred = false;
-  const Test.prefix(this.codeByPrefix, this.code, this.expectedVisits,
-      {this.isDeferred: false})
-      : cls = null,
-        method = 'm';
-  String toString() {
-    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-    sb.writeln();
-    sb.writeln(code);
-    if (codeByPrefix != null) {
-      sb.writeln('imported by prefix:');
-      sb.writeln(codeByPrefix);
-    }
-    return sb.toString();
-  }
-const List<VisitKind> UNTESTABLE_KINDS = const <VisitKind>[
-  // A final field shadowing a non-final field is currently not supported in
-  // resolution.
-  // Combination of method and setter with the same name is currently not
-  // supported by the element model.
-  // The only undefined unary, `+`, is currently handled and skipped in the
-  // parser.
-  // Constant expression are currently not computed during resolution.
-main(List<String> arguments) {
-  Set<VisitKind> kinds = new Set<VisitKind>.from(VisitKind.values);
-  asyncTest(() => Future.forEach([
-        () {
-          return test(kinds, arguments, SEND_TESTS,
-              (elements) => new SemanticSendTestVisitor(elements));
-        },
-        () {
-          return test(kinds, arguments, DECL_TESTS,
-              (elements) => new SemanticDeclarationTestVisitor(elements));
-        },
-        () {
-          Set<VisitKind> unvisitedKindSet = kinds.toSet()
-            ..removeAll(UNTESTABLE_KINDS);
-          List<VisitKind> unvisitedKindList = unvisitedKindSet.toList();
-          unvisitedKindList..sort((a, b) => a.index.compareTo(b.index));
-          Expect.isTrue(unvisitedKindList.isEmpty,
-              "Untested visit kinds:\n  ${unvisitedKindList.join(',\n  ')},\n");
-          Set<VisitKind> testedUntestableKinds = UNTESTABLE_KINDS.toSet()
-            ..removeAll(kinds);
-          Expect.isTrue(
-              testedUntestableKinds.isEmpty,
-              "Tested untestable visit kinds (remove from UNTESTABLE_KINDS):\n  "
-              "${testedUntestableKinds.join(',\n  ')},\n");
-        },
-        () {
-          ClassMirror mirror1 = reflectType(SemanticSendTestVisitor);
-          Set<Symbol> symbols1 = mirror1.declarations.keys.toSet();
-          ClassMirror mirror2 = reflectType(SemanticSendVisitor);
-          Set<Symbol> symbols2 = mirror2.declarations.values
-              .where((m) =>
-                  m is MethodMirror &&
-                  !m.isConstructor &&
-                  m.simpleName != #apply)
-              .map((m) => m.simpleName)
-              .toSet();
-          symbols2.removeAll(symbols1);
-          Expect.isTrue(symbols2.isEmpty,
-              "Untested visit methods:\n  ${symbols2.join(',\n  ')},\n");
-        }
-      ], (f) => f()));
-Future test(
-    Set<VisitKind> unvisitedKinds,
-    List<String> arguments,
-    Map<String, List<Test>> TESTS,
-    SemanticTestVisitor createVisitor(TreeElements elements)) async {
-  Map<String, String> sourceFiles = {};
-  Map<String, Test> testMap = {};
-  StringBuffer mainSource = new StringBuffer();
-  int index = 0;
-  TESTS.forEach((String group, List<Test> tests) {
-    if (arguments.isNotEmpty && !arguments.contains(group)) return;
-    tests.forEach((Test test) {
-      StringBuffer testSource = new StringBuffer();
-      if (test.codeByPrefix != null) {
-        String prefixFilename = 'pre$index.dart';
-        sourceFiles[prefixFilename] = test.codeByPrefix;
-        if (test.isDeferred) {
-          testSource.writeln("import '$prefixFilename' deferred as p;");
-        } else {
-          testSource.writeln("import '$prefixFilename' as p;");
-        }
-      }
-      String filename = 'lib$index.dart';
-      testSource.writeln(test.code);
-      sourceFiles[filename] = testSource.toString();
-      mainSource.writeln("import '$filename';");
-      testMap[filename] = test;
-      index++;
-    });
-  });
-  mainSource.writeln("main() {}");
-  sourceFiles['main.dart'] = mainSource.toString();
-  CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
-      memorySourceFiles: sourceFiles,
-      options: [Flags.analyzeAll, Flags.analyzeOnly, Flags.useOldFrontend]);
-  Compiler compiler = result.compiler;
-  testMap.forEach((String filename, Test test) {
-    LibraryElement library =
-        compiler.libraryLoader.lookupLibrary(Uri.parse('memory:$filename'));
-    Element element;
-    String cls = test.cls;
-    String method = test.method;
-    if (cls == null) {
-      element = library.find(method);
-    } else {
-      ClassElement classElement = library.find(cls);
-      Expect.isNotNull(
-          classElement,
-          "Class '$cls' not found in:\n"
-          "${library.compilationUnit.script.text}");
-      element = classElement.localLookup(method);
-    }
-    var expectedVisits = test.expectedVisits;
-    if (expectedVisits == null) {
-      Expect.isTrue(
-          element.isMalformed,
-          "Element '$method' expected to be have parse errors in:\n"
-          "${library.compilationUnit.script.text}");
-      return;
-    } else if (expectedVisits is! List) {
-      expectedVisits = [expectedVisits];
-    }
-    Expect.isFalse(
-        element.isMalformed,
-        "Element '$method' is not expected to be have parse errors in:\n"
-        "${library.compilationUnit.script.text}");
-    void testAstElement(AstElement astElement) {
-      Expect.isNotNull(
-          astElement,
-          "Element '$method' not found in:\n"
-          "${library.compilationUnit.script.text}");
-      ResolvedAst resolvedAst = astElement.resolvedAst;
-      SemanticTestVisitor visitor = createVisitor(resolvedAst.elements);
-      try {
-        compiler.reporter.withCurrentElement(resolvedAst.element, () {
-          //print(resolvedAst.node.toDebugString());
-          resolvedAst.node.accept(visitor);
-        });
-      } catch (e, s) {
-"$e:\n$s\nIn test:\n"
-            "${library.compilationUnit.script.text}");
-      }
-      Expect.listEquals(
-          expectedVisits,
-          visitor.visits,
-          "In test:\n"
-          "${library.compilationUnit.script.text}\n\n"
-          "Expected: $expectedVisits\n"
-          "Found: ${visitor.visits}");
-      unvisitedKinds.removeAll( => visit.method));
-    }
-    if (element.isAbstractField) {
-      AbstractFieldElement abstractFieldElement = element;
-      if (abstractFieldElement.getter != null) {
-        testAstElement(abstractFieldElement.getter);
-      } else if (abstractFieldElement.setter != null) {
-        testAstElement(abstractFieldElement.setter);
-      }
-    } else {
-      testAstElement(element);
-    }
-  });
-abstract class SemanticTestVisitor extends TraversalVisitor {
-  List<Visit> visits = <Visit>[];
-  SemanticTestVisitor(TreeElements elements) : super(elements);
-  apply(Node node, arg) => node.accept(this);
-  internalError(Spannable spannable, String message) {
-    throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(spannable, message);
-  }
-enum VisitKind {
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_decl_data.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_decl_data.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a51b43..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_decl_data.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,625 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-part of dart2js.semantics_visitor_test;
-const Map<String, List<Test>> DECL_TESTS = const {
-  'Function declarations': const [
-    const Test('''
-        m(a, b) {}
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '(a,b)', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#b)', index: 1),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a, [b]) {}
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '(a,[b])', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#b)', index: 1, constant: 'null'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a, [b = null]) {}
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '(a,[b=null])', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#b)', constant: 'null', index: 1),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a, [b = 42]) {}
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '(a,[b=42])', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#b)', constant: 42, index: 1),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a, {b}) {}
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '(a,{b})', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_NAMED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#b)', constant: 'null'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a, {b: null}) {}
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '(a,{b: null})', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_NAMED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#b)', constant: 'null'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a, {b:42}) {}
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '(a,{b: 42})', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_NAMED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#b)', constant: 42),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        get m => null;
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_DECL,
-          element: 'getter(m)', body: '=>null;'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        set m(a) {}
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_DECL,
-          element: 'setter(m)', parameters: '(a)', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static m(a, b) {}
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(C#m)', parameters: '(a,b)', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#b)', index: 1),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static get m => null;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_DECL,
-          element: 'getter(C#m)', body: '=>null;'),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static set m(a) {}
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_DECL,
-          element: 'setter(C#m)', parameters: '(a)', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          m(a, b) {}
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INSTANCE_METHOD_DECL,
-          element: 'function(C#m)', parameters: '(a,b)', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#b)', index: 1),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          get m => null;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INSTANCE_GETTER_DECL,
-          element: 'getter(C#m)', body: '=>null;'),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          set m(a) {}
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INSTANCE_SETTER_DECL,
-          element: 'setter(C#m)', parameters: '(a)', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        abstract class C {
-          m(a, b);
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_ABSTRACT_METHOD_DECL,
-          element: 'function(C#m)', parameters: '(a,b)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#b)', index: 1),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        abstract class C {
-          get m;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_ABSTRACT_GETTER_DECL, element: 'getter(C#m)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        abstract class C {
-          set m(a);
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_ABSTRACT_SETTER_DECL,
-          element: 'setter(C#m)', parameters: '(a)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a, b) {}
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '(a,b)', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(m#b)', index: 1),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m() {
-          local(a, b) {}
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '()', body: '{local(a,b){}}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m#local)', parameters: '(a,b)', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(local#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(local#b)', index: 1),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m() => (a, b) {};
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '()', body: '=>(a,b){};'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLOSURE_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m#)', parameters: '(a,b)', body: '{}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#b)', index: 1),
-    ]),
-  ],
-  'Constructor declarations': const [
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          C(a, b);
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'generative_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,b)',
-          body: ';'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#b)', index: 1),
-          element: 'generative_constructor(Object#)', type: 'Object'),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var b;
-          C(a, this.b);
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'generative_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,this.b)',
-          body: ';'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-          element: 'initializing_formal(#b)', index: 1),
-          element: 'generative_constructor(Object#)', type: 'Object'),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var b;
-          C(a, [this.b = 42]);
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'generative_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,[this.b=42])',
-          body: ';'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-          element: 'initializing_formal(#b)', constant: 42, index: 1),
-          element: 'generative_constructor(Object#)', type: 'Object'),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var b;
-          C(a, {this.b: 42});
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'generative_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,{this.b: 42})',
-          body: ';'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-          element: 'initializing_formal(#b)', constant: 42),
-          element: 'generative_constructor(Object#)', type: 'Object'),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          C(a, b) : super();
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'generative_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,b)',
-          body: ';'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#b)', index: 1),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-          element: 'generative_constructor(Object#)',
-          type: 'Object',
-          arguments: '()',
-          selector: 'CallStructure(arity=0)'),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var field;
-          C(a, b) : this.field = a;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'generative_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,b)',
-          body: ';'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#b)', index: 1),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FIELD_INITIALIZER,
-          element: 'field(C#field)', rhs: 'a'),
-          element: 'generative_constructor(Object#)', type: 'Object'),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var field1;
-          var field2;
-          C(a, b) : this.field1 = a, this.field2 = b;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'generative_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,b)',
-          body: ';'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#b)', index: 1),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FIELD_INITIALIZER,
-          element: 'field(C#field1)', rhs: 'a'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FIELD_INITIALIZER,
-          element: 'field(C#field2)', rhs: 'b'),
-          element: 'generative_constructor(Object#)', type: 'Object'),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          C(a, b) : this._(a, b);
-          C._(a, b);
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'generative_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,b)',
-          initializers: ':this._(a,b)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#b)', index: 1),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-          element: 'generative_constructor(C#_)',
-          arguments: '(a,b)',
-          selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)'),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          factory C(a, b) => null;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FACTORY_CONSTRUCTOR_DECL,
-          element: 'factory_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,b)',
-          body: '=>null;'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#b)', index: 1),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          factory C(a, b) = C._;
-          C._(a, b);
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'factory_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,b)',
-          target: 'generative_constructor(C#_)',
-          type: 'C'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#b)', index: 1),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          factory C(a, b) = D;
-        }
-        class D<T> {
-          D(a, b);
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'factory_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,b)',
-          target: 'generative_constructor(D#)',
-          type: 'D'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#b)', index: 1),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          factory C(a, b) = D<int>;
-        }
-        class D<T> {
-          D(a, b);
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'factory_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,b)',
-          target: 'generative_constructor(D#)',
-          type: 'D<int>'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#b)', index: 1),
-    ], method: ''),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          factory C(a, b) = D<int>;
-        }
-        class D<T> {
-          factory D(a, b) = E<D<T>>;
-        }
-        class E<S> {
-          E(a, b);
-        }
-        ''', const [
-          element: 'factory_constructor(C#)',
-          parameters: '(a,b)',
-          target: 'factory_constructor(D#)',
-          type: 'D<int>'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#a)', index: 0),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-          element: 'parameter(#b)', index: 1),
-    ], method: ''),
-  ],
-  "Field declarations": const [
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var m;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INSTANCE_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(C#m)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var m, n;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INSTANCE_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(C#m)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INSTANCE_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(C#n)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var m = 42;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INSTANCE_FIELD_DECL,
-          element: 'field(C#m)', rhs: 42),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m() {
-          var local;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '()', body: '{var local;}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_DECL,
-          element: 'variable(m#local)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m() {
-          var local = 42;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '()', body: '{var local=42;}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_DECL,
-          element: 'variable(m#local)', rhs: 42),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m() {
-          const local = 42;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)', parameters: '()', body: '{const local=42;}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_CONSTANT_DECL,
-          element: 'variable(m#local)', constant: 42),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m() {
-          var local1, local2;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)',
-          parameters: '()',
-          body: '{var local1,local2;}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_DECL,
-          element: 'variable(m#local1)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_DECL,
-          element: 'variable(m#local2)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m() {
-          var local1 = 42, local2 = true;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)',
-          parameters: '()',
-          body: '{var local1=42,local2=true;}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_DECL,
-          element: 'variable(m#local1)', rhs: 42),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_DECL,
-          element: 'variable(m#local2)', rhs: true),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m() {
-          const local1 = 42, local2 = true;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-          element: 'function(m)',
-          parameters: '()',
-          body: '{const local1=42,local2=true;}'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_CONSTANT_DECL,
-          element: 'variable(m#local1)', constant: 42),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_CONSTANT_DECL,
-          element: 'variable(m#local2)', constant: true),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static var m;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(C#m)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static var m, n;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(C#m)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(C#n)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static var k, l, m, n;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(C#k)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(C#l)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(C#m)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(C#n)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static var m = 42;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_DECL,
-          element: 'field(C#m)', rhs: 42),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static var m = 42, n = true;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_DECL,
-          element: 'field(C#m)', rhs: 42),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_DECL,
-          element: 'field(C#n)', rhs: true),
-    ]),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static const m = 42;
-        }
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_CONSTANT_DECL,
-          element: 'field(C#m)', constant: 42),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        var m;
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(m)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        var m, n;
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(m)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_DECL, element: 'field(n)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        var m = 42;
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_DECL,
-          element: 'field(m)', rhs: 42),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        const m = 42;
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_CONSTANT_DECL,
-          element: 'field(m)', constant: 42),
-    ]),
-  ],
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_decl_visitor.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_decl_visitor.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 41055c6..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_decl_visitor.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-part of dart2js.semantics_visitor_test;
-class SemanticDeclarationTestVisitor extends SemanticTestVisitor {
-  SemanticDeclarationTestVisitor(TreeElements elements) : super(elements);
-  @override
-  errorUnresolvedSuperConstructorInvoke(
-      Send node, Element element, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, arg) {
-    // TODO: implement errorUnresolvedSuperConstructorInvoke
-  }
-  @override
-  errorUnresolvedThisConstructorInvoke(
-      Send node, Element element, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, arg) {
-    // TODO: implement errorUnresolvedThisConstructorInvoke
-  }
-  @override
-  visitAbstractMethodDeclaration(
-      FunctionExpression node, MethodElement method, NodeList parameters, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_ABSTRACT_METHOD_DECL,
-        element: method, parameters: parameters));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitClosureDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
-      LocalFunctionElement function, NodeList parameters, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLOSURE_DECL,
-        element: function, parameters: parameters, body: body));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFactoryConstructorDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor, NodeList parameters, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FACTORY_CONSTRUCTOR_DECL,
-        element: constructor, parameters: parameters, body: body));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFieldInitializer(
-      SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node initializer, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FIELD_INITIALIZER,
-        element: field, rhs: initializer));
-    apply(initializer, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitGenerativeConstructorDeclaration(
-      FunctionExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      NodeList parameters,
-      NodeList initializers,
-      Node body,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_DECL,
-        element: constructor, parameters: parameters, body: body));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-    applyInitializers(node, arg);
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitInstanceMethodDeclaration(FunctionExpression node, MethodElement method,
-      NodeList parameters, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INSTANCE_METHOD_DECL,
-        element: method, parameters: parameters, body: body));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalFunctionDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
-      LocalFunctionElement function, NodeList parameters, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-        element: function, parameters: parameters, body: body));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitRedirectingFactoryConstructorDeclaration(
-      FunctionExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      NodeList parameters,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType redirectionType,
-      ConstructorElement redirectionTarget,
-      arg) {
-        element: constructor,
-        parameters: parameters,
-        target: redirectionTarget,
-        type: redirectionType));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitRedirectingGenerativeConstructorDeclaration(
-      FunctionExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      NodeList parameters,
-      NodeList initializers,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        element: constructor,
-        parameters: parameters,
-        initializers: initializers));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-    applyInitializers(node, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFunctionDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
-      MethodElement function, NodeList parameters, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_DECL,
-        element: function, parameters: parameters, body: body));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperConstructorInvoke(
-      Send node,
-      ConstructorElement superConstructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-        element: superConstructor,
-        type: type,
-        arguments: arguments,
-        selector: callStructure));
-    super.visitSuperConstructorInvoke(
-        node, superConstructor, type, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitImplicitSuperConstructorInvoke(FunctionExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement superConstructor, ResolutionInterfaceType type, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IMPLICIT_SUPER_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-        element: superConstructor, type: type));
-    super
-        .visitImplicitSuperConstructorInvoke(node, superConstructor, type, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitThisConstructorInvoke(Send node, ConstructorElement thisConstructor,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-        element: thisConstructor,
-        arguments: arguments,
-        selector: callStructure));
-    super.visitThisConstructorInvoke(
-        node, thisConstructor, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFunctionDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
-      MethodElement function, NodeList parameters, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_DECL,
-        element: function, parameters: parameters, body: body));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorUnresolvedFieldInitializer(
-      SendSet node, Element element, Node initializer, arg) {
-    // TODO: implement errorUnresolvedFieldInitializer
-  }
-  @override
-  visitOptionalParameterDeclaration(
-      VariableDefinitions node,
-      Node definition,
-      ParameterElement parameter,
-      ConstantExpression defaultValue,
-      int index,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_DECL,
-        element: parameter,
-        constant: defaultValue != null ? defaultValue.toDartText() : null,
-        index: index));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitParameterDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
-      ParameterElement parameter, int index, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-        element: parameter, index: index));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitInitializingFormalDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
-      InitializingFormalElement initializingFormal, int index, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_REQUIRED_INITIALIZING_FORMAL_DECL,
-        element: initializingFormal, index: index));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalVariableDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
-      LocalVariableElement variable, Node initializer, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_DECL,
-        element: variable, rhs: initializer));
-    if (initializer != null) {
-      apply(initializer, arg);
-    }
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalConstantDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
-      LocalVariableElement variable, ConstantExpression constant, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_CONSTANT_DECL,
-        element: variable, constant: constant.toDartText()));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitNamedInitializingFormalDeclaration(
-      VariableDefinitions node,
-      Node definition,
-      InitializingFormalElement initializingFormal,
-      ConstantExpression defaultValue,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_NAMED_INITIALIZING_FORMAL_DECL,
-        element: initializingFormal,
-        constant: defaultValue != null ? defaultValue.toDartText() : null));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitNamedParameterDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
-      ParameterElement parameter, ConstantExpression defaultValue, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_NAMED_PARAMETER_DECL,
-        element: parameter,
-        constant: defaultValue != null ? defaultValue.toDartText() : null));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitOptionalInitializingFormalDeclaration(
-      VariableDefinitions node,
-      Node definition,
-      InitializingFormalElement initializingFormal,
-      ConstantExpression defaultValue,
-      int index,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_OPTIONAL_INITIALIZING_FORMAL_DECL,
-        element: initializingFormal,
-        constant: defaultValue != null ? defaultValue.toDartText() : null,
-        index: index));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitInstanceFieldDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
-      FieldElement field, Node initializer, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INSTANCE_FIELD_DECL,
-        element: field, rhs: initializer));
-    if (initializer != null) {
-      apply(initializer, arg);
-    }
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticConstantDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
-      FieldElement field, ConstantExpression constant, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_CONSTANT_DECL,
-        element: field, constant: constant.toDartText()));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFieldDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
-      FieldElement field, Node initializer, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_DECL,
-        element: field, rhs: initializer));
-    if (initializer != null) {
-      apply(initializer, arg);
-    }
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelConstantDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
-      FieldElement field, ConstantExpression constant, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_CONSTANT_DECL,
-        element: field, constant: constant.toDartText()));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFieldDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
-      FieldElement field, Node initializer, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_DECL,
-        element: field, rhs: initializer));
-    if (initializer != null) {
-      apply(initializer, arg);
-    }
-  }
-  @override
-  visitAbstractGetterDeclaration(
-      FunctionExpression node, MethodElement getter, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_ABSTRACT_GETTER_DECL, element: getter));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitAbstractSetterDeclaration(
-      FunctionExpression node, MethodElement setter, NodeList parameters, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_ABSTRACT_SETTER_DECL,
-        element: setter, parameters: parameters));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitInstanceGetterDeclaration(
-      FunctionExpression node, MethodElement getter, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INSTANCE_GETTER_DECL,
-        element: getter, body: body));
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitInstanceSetterDeclaration(FunctionExpression node, MethodElement setter,
-      NodeList parameters, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INSTANCE_SETTER_DECL,
-        element: setter, parameters: parameters, body: body));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelGetterDeclaration(
-      FunctionExpression node, MethodElement getter, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_DECL,
-        element: getter, body: body));
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelSetterDeclaration(FunctionExpression node, MethodElement setter,
-      NodeList parameters, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_DECL,
-        element: setter, parameters: parameters, body: body));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticGetterDeclaration(
-      FunctionExpression node, MethodElement getter, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_DECL,
-        element: getter, body: body));
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticSetterDeclaration(FunctionExpression node, MethodElement setter,
-      NodeList parameters, Node body, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_DECL,
-        element: setter, parameters: parameters, body: body));
-    applyParameters(parameters, arg);
-    apply(body, arg);
-  }
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_send_data.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_send_data.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b324d78..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_send_data.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4184 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-part of dart2js.semantics_visitor_test;
-const Map<String, List<Test>> SEND_TESTS = const {
-  'Parameters': const [
-    // Parameters
-    const Test('m(o) => o;',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#o)')),
-    const Test(
-        'm(o) { o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_SET,
-            element: 'parameter(m#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        'm(o) { o(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'parameter(m#o)',
-            arguments: '(null,42)',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        'm(final o) { o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_PARAMETER_SET,
-            element: 'parameter(m#o)', rhs: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Local variables': const [
-    // Local variables
-    const Test(
-        'm() { var o; return o; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_GET,
-            element: 'variable(m#o)')),
-    const Test(
-        'm() { var o; o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_SET,
-            element: 'variable(m#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        'm() { var o; o(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_INVOKE,
-            element: 'variable(m#o)',
-            arguments: '(null,42)',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        'm() { final o = 0; o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_SET,
-            element: 'variable(m#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        'm() { const o = 0; o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_SET,
-            element: 'variable(m#o)', rhs: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Local functions': const [
-    // Local functions
-    const Test(
-        'm() { o(a, b) {}; return o; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_GET,
-            element: 'function(m#o)')),
-    const Test(
-        'm() { o(a, b) {}; o(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-            element: 'function(m#o)',
-            arguments: '(null,42)',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        'm() { o(a) {}; o(null, 42); }',
-            element: 'function(m#o)',
-            arguments: '(null,42)',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        'm() { o(a, b) {}; o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_SET,
-            element: 'function(m#o)', rhs: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Static fields': const [
-    // Static fields
-    const Test('''
-        class C { static var o; }
-        m() => C.o;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_GET, element: 'field(C#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-          m() => o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_GET, element: 'field(C#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-          m() => C.o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_GET, element: 'field(C#o)')),
-    const Test.prefix('''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-        }
-        ''', 'm() => p.C.o;',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_GET, element: 'field(C#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var o;
-          static m() => o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_GET,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE)),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        'm() => p.C.o;',
-        const [
-          const Visit(VisitKind.PREVISIT_DEFERRED_ACCESS, element: 'prefix(p)'),
-          const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_GET, element: 'field(C#o)'),
-        ],
-        isDeferred: true),
-    const Test('''
-        class C {
-          var o;
-        }
-        m() => C.o;
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_GET, name: 'o')),
-    const Test('''
-        class C {
-          var o;
-        }
-        m() { C.o = 42; }
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SET, name: 'o', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test('''
-        class C {
-          C.o();
-        }
-        m() => C.o;
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_GET, name: 'o')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        'm() => p.C.o;',
-        const [
-          const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_GET,
-              receiver: 'p.C', name: 'o'),
-          const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_GET, name: 'C'),
-        ]),
-    const Test.prefix('''
-        class C {
-        }
-        ''', 'm() => p.C.o;',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_GET, name: 'o')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        'm() => p.C.o;',
-        const [
-          const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_GET,
-              receiver: 'p.C', name: 'o'),
-          const Visit(VisitKind.PREVISIT_DEFERRED_ACCESS, element: 'prefix(p)'),
-          const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_GET, name: 'C'),
-        ],
-        isDeferred: true),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-        }
-        ''',
-        'm() => p.C.o;',
-        const [
-          const Visit(VisitKind.PREVISIT_DEFERRED_ACCESS, element: 'prefix(p)'),
-          const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_GET, name: 'o'),
-        ],
-        isDeferred: true),
-    const Test('''
-        class C {}
-        m() => C.this;
-        ''', null),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-        }
-        m() { C.o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-          m() { o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-          m() { C.o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.C.o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var o;
-          static m() { o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_SET,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE, rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-        }
-        m() { C.o(null, 42); }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_INVOKE,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-          m() { o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_INVOKE,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-          m() { C.o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_INVOKE,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var o;
-          static m() { o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INVOKE,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE, arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.C.o(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_INVOKE,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {}
-        m() => C.this(null, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INVOKE,
-            error: MessageKind.THIS_PROPERTY, arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C { static final o = 0; }
-        m() { C.o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static final o = 0;
-          m() { o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static final o = 0;
-          m() { C.o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static final o = 0;
-        }
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.C.o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C { static const o = 0; }
-        m() { C.o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static const o = 0;
-          m() { o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static const o = 0;
-          m() { C.o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static const o = 0;
-        }
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.C.o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Static properties': const [
-    // Static properties
-    const Test('''
-        class C {
-          static get o => null;
-        }
-        m() => C.o;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_GET, element: 'getter(C#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static get o => null;
-          m() => o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_GET, element: 'getter(C#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static get o => null;
-          m() => C.o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_GET, element: 'getter(C#o)')),
-    const Test.prefix('''
-        class C {
-          static get o => null;
-        }
-        ''', 'm() => p.C.o;',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_GET, element: 'getter(C#o)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C { static get o => 42; }
-        m() { C.o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SET,
-            element: 'getter(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get o => 42;
-          m() { o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SET,
-            element: 'getter(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get o => 42;
-          m() { C.o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SET,
-            element: 'getter(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get o => 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.C.o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SET,
-            element: 'getter(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test('''
-        class C {
-          static set o(_) {}
-        }
-        m() => C.o;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_GET, element: 'setter(C#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static set o(_) {}
-          m() => o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_GET, element: 'setter(C#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          static set o(_) {}
-          m() => C.o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_GET, element: 'setter(C#o)')),
-    const Test.prefix('''
-        class C {
-          static set o(_) {}
-        }
-        ''', 'm() => p.C.o;',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_GET, element: 'setter(C#o)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C { static set o(_) {} }
-        m() { C.o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_SET,
-            element: 'setter(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static set o(_) {}
-          m() { o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_SET,
-            element: 'setter(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static set o(_) {}
-          m() { C.o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_SET,
-            element: 'setter(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static set o(_) {}
-        }
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.C.o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_SET,
-            element: 'setter(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C { static get o => null; }
-        m() => C.o(null, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'getter(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get o => null;
-          m() { o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'getter(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get o => null;
-          m() { C.o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'getter(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get o => null;
-        }
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.C.o(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'getter(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C { static set o(_) {} }
-        m() => C.o(null, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'setter(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static set o(_) {}
-          m() { o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'setter(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static set o(_) {}
-          m() { C.o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'setter(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static set o(_) {}
-        }
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.C.o(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'setter(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-  ],
-  'Static functions': const [
-    // Static functions
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C { static o(a, b) {} }
-        m() => C.o;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_GET,
-            element: 'function(C#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static o(a, b) {}
-          m() => o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_GET,
-            element: 'function(C#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static o(a, b) {}
-          m() => C.o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_GET,
-            element: 'function(C#o)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C { static o(a, b) {} }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => p.C.o;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_GET,
-            element: 'function(C#o)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C { static o(a, b) {} }
-        m() { C.o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_SET,
-            element: 'function(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static o(a, b) {}
-          m() { o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_SET,
-            element: 'function(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static o(a, b) {}
-          m() { C.o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_SET,
-            element: 'function(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C { static o(a, b) {} }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() { p.C.o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_SET,
-            element: 'function(C#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C { static o(a, b) {} }
-        m() => C.o(null, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-            element: 'function(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static o(a, b) {}
-          m() { o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-            element: 'function(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static o(a, b) {}
-          m() { C.o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-            element: 'function(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static o(a, b) {}
-        }
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.C.o(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-            element: 'function(C#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C { static o(a, b) {} }
-        m() => C.o(null);
-        ''',
-            element: 'function(C#o)', arguments: '(null)')),
-  ],
-  'Top level fields': const [
-    // Top level fields
-    const Test('''
-        var o;
-        m() => o;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_GET, element: 'field(o)')),
-    const Test.prefix('''
-        var o;
-        ''', 'm() => p.o;',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_GET, element: 'field(o)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        var o;
-        ''',
-        'm() => p.o;',
-        const [
-          const Visit(VisitKind.PREVISIT_DEFERRED_ACCESS, element: 'prefix(p)'),
-          const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_GET, element: 'field(o)'),
-        ],
-        isDeferred: true),
-    const Test.prefix('''
-        ''', 'm() => p.o;',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_GET, name: 'o')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        'm() => p.o;',
-        const [
-          const Visit(VisitKind.PREVISIT_DEFERRED_ACCESS, element: 'prefix(p)'),
-          const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_GET, name: 'o'),
-        ],
-        isDeferred: true),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        'm() => p;',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_GET,
-            error: MessageKind.PREFIX_AS_EXPRESSION)),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        var o;
-        m() { o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        var o;
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        'm() { p = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_SET,
-            error: MessageKind.PREFIX_AS_EXPRESSION, rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        final o = 0;
-        m() { o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        final o = 0;
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        const o = 0;
-        m() { o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        const o = 0;
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        var o;
-        m() { o(null, 42); }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_INVOKE,
-            element: 'field(o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        var o;
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.o(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_INVOKE,
-            element: 'field(o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        'm() { p(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INVOKE,
-            error: MessageKind.PREFIX_AS_EXPRESSION, arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test('''
-        m() => o;
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_GET, name: 'o')),
-    const Test('''
-        m() { o = 42; }
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SET, name: 'o', rhs: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Top level properties': const [
-    // Top level properties
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        get o => null;
-        m() => o;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_GET,
-            element: 'getter(o)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        get o => null;
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => p.o;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_GET,
-            element: 'getter(o)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        set o(_) {}
-        m() => o;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_GET,
-            element: 'setter(o)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        set o(_) {}
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => p.o;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_GET,
-            element: 'setter(o)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        get o => null;
-        m() { o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_SET,
-            element: 'getter(o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        get o => null;
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_SET,
-            element: 'getter(o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        set o(_) {}
-        m() { o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_SET,
-            element: 'setter(o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        set o(_) {}
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_SET,
-            element: 'setter(o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        get o => null;
-        m() => o(null, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'getter(o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        get o => null;
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.o(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'getter(o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        set o(_) {}
-        m() => o(null, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'setter(o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        set o(_) {}
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.o(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'setter(o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-  ],
-  'Top level functions': const [
-    // Top level functions
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        o(a, b) {}
-        m() => o;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_GET,
-            element: 'function(o)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        o(a, b) {}
-        m() => o(null, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-            element: 'function(o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        o(a, b) {}
-        m() => o(null);
-        ''',
-            element: 'function(o)', arguments: '(null)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        o(a, b) {}
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.o(null, 42); }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-            element: 'function(o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => o(null, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_INVOKE,
-            name: 'o', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        o(a, b) {}
-        ''',
-        'm() => p.o(null, 42);',
-        const [
-          const Visit(VisitKind.PREVISIT_DEFERRED_ACCESS, element: 'prefix(p)'),
-          const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-              element: 'function(o)', arguments: '(null,42)'),
-        ],
-        isDeferred: true),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        'm() => p.o(null, 42);',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_INVOKE,
-            name: 'o', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        'm() => p.o(null, 42);',
-        const [
-          const Visit(VisitKind.PREVISIT_DEFERRED_ACCESS, element: 'prefix(p)'),
-          const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_INVOKE,
-              name: 'o', arguments: '(null,42)'),
-        ],
-        isDeferred: true),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        'm() => p(null, 42);',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INVOKE,
-            error: MessageKind.PREFIX_AS_EXPRESSION, arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        o(a, b) {}
-        m() { o = 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_SET,
-            element: 'function(o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        o(a, b) {}
-        ''',
-        'm() { p.o = 42; }',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_SET,
-            element: 'function(o)', rhs: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Dynamic properties': const [
-    // Dynamic properties
-    const Test('m(o) =>;', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_GET,
-          receiver: 'o', name: 'foo'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#o)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('m(o) { = 42; }', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_SET,
-          receiver: 'o', name: 'foo', rhs: '42'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#o)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('m(o) {, 42); }', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_INVOKE,
-          receiver: 'o', name: 'foo', arguments: '(null,42)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#o)'),
-    ]),
-  ],
-  'This access': const [
-    // This access
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          m() => this;
-        }
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_GET)),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          call(a, b) {}
-          m() { this(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_INVOKE, arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          call(a, b) {}
-          static m() { this(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INVOKE,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_THIS_AVAILABLE, arguments: '(null,42)')),
-  ],
-  'This properties': const [
-    // This properties
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var foo;
-          m() => foo;
-        }
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_GET, name: 'foo')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var foo;
-          m() =>;
-        }
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_GET, name: 'foo')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          get foo => null;
-          m() => foo;
-        }
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_GET, name: 'foo')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var foo;
-          static m() =>;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_GET,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_THIS_AVAILABLE)),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          get foo => null;
-          m() =>;
-        }
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_GET, name: 'foo')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var foo;
-          m() { foo = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_SET, name: 'foo', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          var foo;
-          m() { = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_SET, name: 'foo', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          set foo(_) {}
-          m() { foo = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_SET, name: 'foo', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class C {
-          set foo(_) {}
-          m() { = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_SET, name: 'foo', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var foo;
-          m() { foo(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_INVOKE,
-            name: 'foo', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var foo;
-          m() {, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_INVOKE,
-            name: 'foo', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var foo;
-          static m() {, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INVOKE,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_THIS_AVAILABLE, arguments: '(null,42)')),
-  ],
-  'Super fields': const [
-    // Super fields
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class B {
-          var o;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_GET, element: 'field(B#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          var o;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() { super.o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(B#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          final o = 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() { super.o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_SUPER_FIELD_SET,
-            element: 'field(B#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          var o;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() { super.o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_INVOKE,
-            element: 'field(B#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.o;
-        }
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_GET)),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-    class B {
-    }
-    class C extends B {
-      m() => super.o = 42;
-    }
-    ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_SET, rhs: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Super properties': const [
-    // Super properties
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class B {
-          get o => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_GET, element: 'getter(B#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class B {
-          set o(_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_SETTER_GET, element: 'setter(B#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          get o => 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() { super.o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SET,
-            element: 'getter(B#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          set o(_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() { super.o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_SETTER_SET,
-            element: 'setter(B#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          get o => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() { super.o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'getter(B#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          set o(_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() { super.o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_SETTER_INVOKE,
-            element: 'setter(B#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-  ],
-  'Super methods': const [
-    // Super methods
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          o(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.o;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_GET,
-            element: 'function(B#o)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          o(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() { super.o = 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_SET,
-            element: 'function(B#o)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          o(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() { super.o(null, 42); }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_INVOKE,
-            element: 'function(B#o)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          o(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() { super.o(null); }
-        }
-        ''',
-            element: 'function(B#o)', arguments: '(null)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-            class B {
-            }
-            class C extends B {
-              m() => super.o(null, 42);
-            }
-            ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_INVOKE,
-            arguments: '(null,42)')),
-  ],
-  'Expression invoke': const [
-    // Expression invoke
-    const Test(
-        'm() => (a, b){}(null, 42);',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_EXPRESSION_INVOKE,
-            receiver: '(a,b){}', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-  ],
-  'Class type literals': const [
-    // Class type literals
-    const Test('''
-        class C {}
-        m() => C;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_GET, constant: 'C')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {}
-        m() => C(null, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_INVOKE,
-            constant: 'C', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {}
-        m() => C = 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_SET,
-            constant: 'C', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {}
-        m() => C += 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_COMPOUND,
-            constant: 'C', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {}
-        m() => C ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_SET_IF_NULL,
-            constant: 'C', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {}
-        m() => ++C;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_PREFIX,
-            constant: 'C', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {}
-        m() => C--;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_POSTFIX,
-            constant: 'C', operator: '--')),
-    const Test('''
-        class C {}
-        m() => (C).hashCode;
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_GET,
-          receiver: '(C)', name: 'hashCode'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_GET, constant: 'C'),
-    ]),
-  ],
-  'Typedef type literals': const [
-    // Typedef type literals
-    const Test('''
-        typedef F();
-        m() => F;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_GET, constant: 'F')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        typedef F();
-        m() => F(null, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_INVOKE,
-            constant: 'F', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        typedef F();
-        m() => F = 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_SET,
-            constant: 'F', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        typedef F();
-        m() => F += 42;
-        ''',
-            constant: 'F', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        typedef F();
-        m() => F ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_SET_IF_NULL,
-            constant: 'F', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        typedef F();
-        m() => ++F;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_PREFIX,
-            constant: 'F', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        typedef F();
-        m() => F--;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_POSTFIX,
-            constant: 'F', operator: '--')),
-  ],
-  'Type variable type literals': const [
-    // Type variable type literals
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          m() => T;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPE_VARIABLE_TYPE_LITERAL_GET,
-            element: 'type_variable(C#T)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          m() => T(null, 42);
-        }
-        ''',
-            element: 'type_variable(C#T)', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          m() => T = 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPE_VARIABLE_TYPE_LITERAL_SET,
-            element: 'type_variable(C#T)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          m() => T += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            element: 'type_variable(C#T)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          m() => T ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            element: 'type_variable(C#T)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          m() => ++T;
-        }
-        ''',
-            element: 'type_variable(C#T)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          m() => T--;
-        }
-        ''',
-            element: 'type_variable(C#T)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          static m() => T;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_GET,
-            error: MessageKind.TYPE_VARIABLE_WITHIN_STATIC_MEMBER)),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          static m() => T(null, 42);
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INVOKE,
-            error: MessageKind.TYPE_VARIABLE_WITHIN_STATIC_MEMBER,
-            arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          static m() => T ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_SET_IF_NULL,
-            error: MessageKind.TYPE_VARIABLE_WITHIN_STATIC_MEMBER, rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          static m() => T ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_SET_IF_NULL,
-            error: MessageKind.TYPE_VARIABLE_WITHIN_STATIC_MEMBER, rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          static m() => ++T;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_PREFIX,
-            error: MessageKind.TYPE_VARIABLE_WITHIN_STATIC_MEMBER,
-            operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C<T> {
-          static m() => T--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_POSTFIX,
-            error: MessageKind.TYPE_VARIABLE_WITHIN_STATIC_MEMBER,
-            operator: '--')),
-  ],
-  'Dynamic type literals': const [
-    // Dynamic type literals
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => dynamic;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_GET,
-            constant: 'dynamic')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() { dynamic(null, 42); }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_INVOKE,
-            constant: 'dynamic', arguments: '(null,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => dynamic = 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_SET,
-            constant: 'dynamic', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => dynamic += 42;
-        ''',
-            constant: 'dynamic', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => dynamic ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_SET_IF_NULL,
-            constant: 'dynamic', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => ++dynamic;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_PREFIX,
-            constant: 'dynamic', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => dynamic--;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_POSTFIX,
-            constant: 'dynamic', operator: '--')),
-  ],
-  'Assert': const [
-    // Assert
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() { assert(m()); }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-            element: 'function(m)', arguments: '()')),
-  ],
-  'Logical and': const [
-    // Logical and
-    const Test('''
-        m() => true && false;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOGICAL_AND, left: 'true', right: 'false')),
-  ],
-  'Logical or': const [
-    // Logical or
-    const Test('''
-        m() => true || false;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOGICAL_OR, left: 'true', right: 'false')),
-  ],
-  'Is test': const [
-    // Is test
-    const Test('''
-        class C {}
-        m() => 0 is C;
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IS, expression: '0', type: 'C')),
-  ],
-  'Is not test': const [
-    // Is not test
-    const Test('''
-        class C {}
-        m() => 0 is! C;
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IS_NOT, expression: '0', type: 'C')),
-  ],
-  'As test': const [
-    // As test
-    const Test('''
-        class C {}
-        m() => 0 as C;
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_AS, expression: '0', type: 'C')),
-  ],
-  'Binary operators': const [
-    // Binary operators
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 + 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '+', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 - 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '-', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 * 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '*', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 / 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '/', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 ~/ 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '~/', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 % 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '%', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 << 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '<<', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 >> 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '>>', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 <= 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '<=', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 < 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '<', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 >= 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '>=', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 > 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '>', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 & 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '&', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 | 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '|', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 ^ 3;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-            left: '2', operator: '^', right: '3')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator +(_) => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super + 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_BINARY,
-            element: 'function(B#+)', operator: '+', right: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {}
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super + 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_BINARY,
-            operator: '+', right: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 === 3;
-        ''',
-            left: '2', operator: '===', right: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2 !== 3;
-        ''',
-            left: '2', operator: '!==', right: '3')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator +(_) => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          static m() => super + 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_BINARY,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_SUPER_IN_STATIC, operator: '+', right: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Index': const [
-    // Index
-    const Test('''
-        m() => 2[3];
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INDEX, receiver: '2', index: '3')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => --2[3];
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INDEX_PREFIX,
-            receiver: '2', index: '3', operator: '--')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 2[3]++;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INDEX_POSTFIX,
-            receiver: '2', index: '3', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[42];
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_INDEX,
-            element: 'function(B#[])', index: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[42];
-        }
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_INDEX, index: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          static m() => super[42];
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INDEX,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_SUPER_IN_STATIC, index: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) => null;
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => ++super[42];
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_INDEX_PREFIX,
-            getter: 'function(B#[])',
-            setter: 'function(B#[]=)',
-            index: '42',
-            operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => ++super[42];
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'function(B#[]=)', index: '42', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => ++super[42];
-        }
-        ''',
-            index: '42', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => ++super[42];
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'function(B#[])', index: '42', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) => null;
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          static m() => ++super[42];
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INDEX_PREFIX,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_SUPER_IN_STATIC,
-            index: '42',
-            operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) => null;
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[42]--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_INDEX_POSTFIX,
-            getter: 'function(B#[])',
-            setter: 'function(B#[]=)',
-            index: '42',
-            operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[42]--;
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'function(B#[]=)', index: '42', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[42]--;
-        }
-        ''',
-            index: '42', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[42]--;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'function(B#[])', index: '42', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) => null;
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          static m() => super[42]--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INDEX_POSTFIX,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_SUPER_IN_STATIC,
-            index: '42',
-            operator: '--')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => [][42] ??= 0;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INDEX_SET_IF_NULL,
-            receiver: '[] ', index: '42', rhs: '0')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) => null;
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[42] ??= 0;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_INDEX_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'function(B#[])',
-            setter: 'function(B#[]=)',
-            index: '42',
-            rhs: '0')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[42] ??= 0;
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'function(B#[]=)', index: '42', rhs: '0')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[42] ??= 0;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'function(B#[])', index: '42', rhs: '0')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[42] ??= 0;
-        }
-        ''',
-            index: '42', rhs: '0')),
-  ],
-  'Equals': const [
-    // Equals
-    const Test('''
-        m() => 2 == 3;
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_EQUALS, left: '2', right: '3')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator ==(_) => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super == 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_EQUALS,
-            element: 'function(B#==)', right: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator ==(_) => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          static m() => super == 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_EQUALS,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_SUPER_IN_STATIC, right: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Not equals': const [
-    // Not equals
-    const Test('''
-        m() => 2 != 3;
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_NOT_EQUALS, left: '2', right: '3')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator ==(_) => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super != 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_NOT_EQUALS,
-            element: 'function(B#==)', right: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator ==(_) => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          static m() => super != 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_NOT_EQUALS,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_SUPER_IN_STATIC, right: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Unary expression': const [
-    // Unary expression
-    const Test('''
-        m() => -false;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNARY, expression: 'false', operator: '-')),
-    const Test('''
-        m() => ~false;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNARY, expression: 'false', operator: '~')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator -() => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => -super;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_UNARY,
-            element: 'function(B#unary-)', operator: '-')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => -super;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_UNARY, operator: '-')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator ~() => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => ~super;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_UNARY,
-            element: 'function(B#~)', operator: '~')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator -() => null;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          static m() => -super;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_UNARY,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_SUPER_IN_STATIC, operator: '-')),
-    const Test('''
-        m() => !0;
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_NOT, expression: '0')),
-  ],
-  'Index set': const [
-    // Index set
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 0[1] = 2;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INDEX_SET,
-            receiver: '0', index: '1', rhs: '2')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[1] = 2;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_INDEX_SET,
-            element: 'function(B#[]=)', index: '1', rhs: '2')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[1] = 2;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_INDEX_SET,
-            index: '1', rhs: '2')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          static m() => super[1] = 2;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INDEX_SET,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_SUPER_IN_STATIC, index: '1', rhs: '2')),
-  ],
-  'Compound assignment': const [
-    // Compound assignment
-    const Test('''
-        m(a) => a.b += 42;
-        ''', const [
-          receiver: 'a', name: 'b', operator: '+=', rhs: '42'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)')
-    ]),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m(a) => a += 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'parameter(m#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m(final a) => a += 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_PARAMETER_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'parameter(m#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          var a;
-          a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'variable(m#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          final a = 0;
-          a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            element: 'variable(m#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          a() {}
-          a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'function(m#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        var a;
-        m() => a += 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'field(a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        get a => 0;
-        set a(_) {}
-        m() => a += 42;
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(a)',
-            setter: 'setter(a)',
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-        }
-        m() => C.a += 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-          m() => C.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-          m() => a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => p.C.a += 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var o;
-          static m() { o += 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_COMPOUND,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE,
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() { p += 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_COMPOUND,
-            error: MessageKind.PREFIX_AS_EXPRESSION,
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        m() => C.a += 42;
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)',
-            setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => C.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)',
-            setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)',
-            setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => p.C.a += 42;
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)',
-            setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): Enable these when dart2js supports method and setter
-    // with the same name.
-    /*const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a() {}
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        m() => C.a += 42;
-        ''',
-            getter: 'function(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a() {}
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => C.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'function(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a() {}
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'function(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a() {}
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => p.C.a += 42;
-        ''',
-            getter: 'function(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),*/
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var a;
-          m() => a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_COMPOUND,
-            operator: '+=', name: 'a', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var a = 0;
-          m() => this.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_COMPOUND,
-            name: 'a', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          var a = 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'field(B#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          final a = 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FINAL_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'field(B#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          get a => 0;
-          set a (_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)',
-            setter: 'setter(B#a)',
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          get a => 0;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          set a (_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-            getter: 'getter(A#a)',
-            setter: 'setter(B#a)',
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          var a;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          get a => 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)',
-            setter: 'field(A#a)',
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          var a;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          set a(_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-            getter: 'field(A#a)',
-            setter: 'setter(B#a)',
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          var a;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          final a = 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        // TODO(johnniwinther): Change this to
-        // [VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_FIELD_COMPOUND] when dart2js supports shadow
-        // setters.
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FINAL_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'field(B#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          a() {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'function(B#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_COMPOUND,
-            operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          set a(_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(B#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          get a => 42;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static set a(var value) { }
-          m() => a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(C#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 42;
-          m() => C.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static final a = 42;
-          m() => C.a += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a(var value) { }
-        }
-        m() => C.a += 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'function(C#a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        set a(var value) { }
-        m() => a += 42;
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        get a => 42;
-        m() => a += 42;
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        a(var value) { }
-        m() => a += 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'function(a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        final a = 42;
-        m() => a += 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FINAL_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-            element: 'field(a)', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => unresolved += 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_COMPOUND,
-            operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Compound index assignment': const [
-    // Compound index assignment
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => 0[1] += 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_COMPOUND_INDEX_SET,
-            receiver: '0', index: '1', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) {}
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[1] += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_COMPOUND_INDEX_SET,
-            getter: 'function(B#[])',
-            setter: 'function(B#[]=)',
-            index: '1',
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[1] += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'function(B#[]=)', index: '1', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[1] += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            index: '1', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super[1] += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'function(B#[])', index: '1', operator: '+=', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          operator [](_) {}
-          operator []=(a, b) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          static m() => super[1] += 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_COMPOUND_INDEX_SET,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_SUPER_IN_STATIC,
-            index: '1',
-            operator: '+=',
-            rhs: '42')),
-  ],
-  'Prefix expression': const [
-    // Prefix expression
-    const Test('''
-        m(a) => --a.b;
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_PREFIX,
-          receiver: 'a', name: 'b', operator: '--'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)')
-    ]),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m(a) => ++a;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_PREFIX,
-            element: 'parameter(m#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m(final a) => ++a;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_PARAMETER_PREFIX,
-            element: 'parameter(m#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          var a;
-          --a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_PREFIX,
-            element: 'variable(m#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          final a = 42;
-          --a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_PREFIX,
-            element: 'variable(m#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          a() {}
-          --a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_PREFIX,
-            element: 'function(m#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        var a;
-        m() => ++a;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'field(a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        get a => 0;
-        set a(_) {}
-        m() => --a;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_SETTER_PREFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(a)', setter: 'setter(a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-        }
-        m() => ++C.a;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-          m() => ++C.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-          m() => --a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => --p.C.a;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var o;
-          static m() { ++o; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_PREFIX,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE, operator: '++')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() { ++p; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_PREFIX,
-            error: MessageKind.PREFIX_AS_EXPRESSION, operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        m() => ++C.a;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_PREFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => --C.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_PREFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => --a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_PREFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => ++p.C.a;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_PREFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var a;
-          m() => --a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_PREFIX,
-            name: 'a', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var a = 0;
-          m() => ++this.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_PREFIX,
-            name: 'a', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          var a = 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => --super.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'field(B#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          final a = 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => --super.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FINAL_FIELD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'field(B#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          get a => 0;
-          set a (_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => --super.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_PREFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)', setter: 'setter(B#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          get a => 0;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          set a (_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => ++super.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_PREFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(A#a)', setter: 'setter(B#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          var a;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          get a => 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => --super.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_FIELD_PREFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)', setter: 'field(A#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          var a;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          set a(_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => ++super.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SETTER_PREFIX,
-            getter: 'field(A#a)', setter: 'setter(B#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          a() {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => ++super.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'function(B#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => ++super.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_PREFIX, operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          set a(_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => ++super.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(B#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          get a => 42;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => ++super.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static set a(var value) { }
-          m() => ++a;
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 42;
-          m() => ++C.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static final a = 42;
-          m() => ++C.a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a(var value) { }
-        }
-        m() => ++C.a;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'function(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        set a(var value) { }
-        m() => ++a;
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        get a => 42;
-        m() => ++a;
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        a(var value) { }
-        m() => ++a;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'function(a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        final a = 42;
-        m() => ++a;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FINAL_FIELD_PREFIX,
-            element: 'field(a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test('''
-        m() => ++unresolved;
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_PREFIX, operator: '++')),
-  ],
-  'Postfix expression': const [
-    // Postfix expression
-    const Test('''
-        m(a) => a.b--;
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_POSTFIX,
-          receiver: 'a', name: 'b', operator: '--'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)')
-    ]),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m(a) => a++;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'parameter(m#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m(final a) => a++;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_PARAMETER_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'parameter(m#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          var a;
-          a--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'variable(m#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          final a = 42;
-          a--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'variable(m#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          a() {}
-          a--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'function(m#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        var a;
-        m() => a++;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'field(a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        get a => 0;
-        set a(_) {}
-        m() => a--;
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(a)', setter: 'setter(a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-        }
-        m() => C.a++;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-          m() => C.a++;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-          m() => a--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => p.C.a--;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var o;
-          static m() { o--; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_POSTFIX,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE, operator: '--')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() { p--; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_POSTFIX,
-            error: MessageKind.PREFIX_AS_EXPRESSION, operator: '--')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        m() => C.a++;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => C.a--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => a--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => p.C.a++;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var a;
-          m() => a--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_POSTFIX,
-            name: 'a', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var a = 0;
-          m() => this.a++;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_POSTFIX,
-            name: 'a', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          var a = 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'field(B#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          final a = 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FINAL_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'field(B#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          get a => 0;
-          set a (_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)', setter: 'setter(B#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          get a => 0;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          set a (_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a++;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(A#a)', setter: 'setter(B#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          var a;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          get a => 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a--;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)', setter: 'field(A#a)', operator: '--')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          var a;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          set a(_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a++;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-            getter: 'field(A#a)', setter: 'setter(B#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          a() {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a++;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'function(B#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz('''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a++;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_POSTFIX, operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          set a(_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a++;
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(B#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          get a => 42;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a++;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static set a(var value) { }
-          m() => a++;
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 42;
-          m() => C.a++;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static final a = 42;
-          m() => C.a++;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a(var value) { }
-        }
-        m() => C.a++;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'function(C#a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        set a(var value) { }
-        m() => a++;
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        get a => 42;
-        m() => a++;
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        a(var value) { }
-        m() => a++;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'function(a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        final a = 42;
-        m() => a++;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FINAL_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-            element: 'field(a)', operator: '++')),
-    const Test('''
-        m() => unresolved++;
-        ''', const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_POSTFIX, operator: '++')),
-  ],
-  'Constructor invocations': const [
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          const Class(a, b);
-        }
-        m() => const Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-            constant: 'const Class(true, 42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => const bool.fromEnvironment('foo');
-        ''',
-            constant: 'const bool.fromEnvironment("foo")')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => const bool.fromEnvironment('foo', defaultValue: true);
-        ''',
-            constant: 'const bool.fromEnvironment("foo", defaultValue: true)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => const int.fromEnvironment('foo');
-        ''',
-            constant: 'const int.fromEnvironment("foo")')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => const String.fromEnvironment('foo');
-        ''',
-            constant: 'const String.fromEnvironment("foo")')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          Class(a, b);
-        }
-        m() => const Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-            element: 'generative_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {}
-        m() => new Class();
-        ''',
-            element: 'generative_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '()',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=0)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          Class(a, b);
-        }
-        m() => new Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-            element: 'generative_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          Class.named(a, b);
-        }
-        m() => new Class.named(true, 42);
-        ''',
-            element: 'generative_constructor(Class#named)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {}
-        m() => new Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-            element: 'generative_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          Class(a, b) : this._(a, b);
-          Class._(a, b);
-        }
-        m() => new Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-            element: 'generative_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          Class() : this._(true, 42);
-          Class._(a, b);
-        }
-        m() => new Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-            element: 'generative_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          factory Class(a, b) => new Class._(a, b);
-          Class._(a, b);
-        }
-        m() => new Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FACTORY_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-            element: 'factory_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          factory Class() => new Class._(true, 42);
-          Class._(a, b);
-        }
-        m() => new Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-            element: 'factory_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class<T> {
-          factory Class(a, b) = Class<int>.a;
-          factory Class.a(a, b) = Class<Class<T>>.b;
-          Class.b(a, b);
-        }
-        m() => new Class<double>(true, 42);
-        ''',
-            element: 'factory_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class<double>',
-            target: 'generative_constructor(Class#b)',
-            targetType: 'Class<Class<int>>',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class<T> {
-          factory Class(a) = Class<int>.a;
-          factory Class.a(a, [b]) = Class<Class<T>>.b;
-          Class.b(a, [b]);
-        }
-        m() => new Class<double>(true, 42);
-        ''',
-            element: 'factory_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class<double>',
-            target: 'generative_constructor(Class#b)',
-            targetType: 'Class<Class<int>>',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          factory Class() = Class._;
-          Class._();
-        }
-        m() => new Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(
-            element: 'factory_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class<T> {
-          factory Class(a, b) = Class<int>.a;
-          factory Class.a(a, b) = Class<Class<T>>.b;
-          Class.b(a);
-        }
-        m() => new Class<double>(true, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(
-            element: 'factory_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class<double>',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          Class(a, b);
-        }
-        m() => new Class.unresolved(true, 42);
-        ''',
-            arguments: '(true,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => new Unresolved(true, 42);
-        ''',
-            arguments: '(true,42)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        abstract class AbstractClass {}
-        m() => new AbstractClass();
-        ''',
-            element: 'generative_constructor(AbstractClass#)',
-            type: 'AbstractClass',
-            arguments: '()',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=0)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          factory Class(a, b) = Unresolved;
-        }
-        m() => new Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(
-            element: 'factory_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          factory Class(a, b) = Class.named;
-        }
-        m() => new Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(
-            element: 'factory_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class Class {
-          factory Class(a, b) = Class.named;
-          factory Class.named(a, b) = Class.unresolved;
-        }
-        m() => new Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(
-            element: 'factory_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        abstract class AbstractClass {
-          AbstractClass(a, b);
-        }
-        class Class {
-          factory Class(a, b) = AbstractClass;
-        }
-        m() => new Class(true, 42);
-        ''',
-        const Visit(
-            element: 'factory_constructor(Class#)',
-            arguments: '(true,42)',
-            type: 'Class',
-            selector: 'CallStructure(arity=2)')),
-  ],
-  'If not null expressions': const [
-    const Test('''
-        m(a) => a?.b;
-        ''', const [
-          receiver: 'a', name: 'b'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        class C {
-          static var b;
-        }
-        m(a) => C?.b;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_GET, element: 'field(C#b)')),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a) => a?.b = 42;
-        ''', const [
-          receiver: 'a', name: 'b', rhs: '42'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a) => a?.b(42, true);
-        ''', const [
-          receiver: 'a',
-          arguments: '(42,true)',
-          selector: 'Selector(call, b, arity=2)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a) => ++a?.b;
-        ''', const [
-          receiver: 'a', name: 'b', operator: '++'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a) => a?.b--;
-        ''', const [
-          receiver: 'a', name: 'b', operator: '--'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a) => a?.b *= 42;
-        ''', const [
-          receiver: 'a', name: 'b', operator: '*=', rhs: '42'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a) => a?.b ??= 42;
-        ''', const [
-          receiver: 'a', name: 'b', rhs: '42'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test('''
-        m(a, b) => a ?? b;
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IF_NULL, left: 'a', right: 'b'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#b)'),
-    ]),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m(a) => a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'parameter(m#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        var o;
-        ''',
-        'm() => p?.o;',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_GET,
-            error: MessageKind.PREFIX_AS_EXPRESSION)),
-  ],
-  'Set if null': const [
-    const Test('''
-        m(a) => a.b ??= 42;
-        ''', const [
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_SET_IF_NULL,
-          receiver: 'a', name: 'b', rhs: '42'),
-      const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: 'parameter(m#a)')
-    ]),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m(a) => a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'parameter(m#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m(final a) => a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_PARAMETER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'parameter(m#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          var a;
-          a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'variable(m#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          final a = 0;
-          a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'variable(m#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() {
-          a() {}
-          a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'function(m#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        var a;
-        m() => a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'field(a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        get a => 0;
-        set a(_) {}
-        m() => a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(a)', setter: 'setter(a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-        }
-        m() => C.a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-          m() => C.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-          m() => a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static var a;
-        }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => p.C.a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var o;
-          static m() { o ??= 42; }
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_SET_IF_NULL,
-            error: MessageKind.NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE, rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() { p ??= 42; }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_SET_IF_NULL,
-            error: MessageKind.PREFIX_AS_EXPRESSION, rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        m() => C.a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => C.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 0;
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => p.C.a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): Enable these when dart2js supports method and setter
-    // with the same name.
-    /*const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a() {}
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        m() => C.a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'function(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a() {}
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => C.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'function(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a() {}
-          static set a(_) {}
-          m() => a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'function(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.prefix(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a() {}
-          static set a(_) {}
-        }
-        ''',
-        '''
-        m() => p.C.a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'function(C#a)', setter: 'setter(C#a)',
-            rhs: '42')),*/
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var a;
-          m() => a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_SET_IF_NULL,
-            name: 'a', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          var a = 0;
-          m() => this.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_SET_IF_NULL,
-            name: 'a', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          var a = 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'field(B#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          final a = 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FINAL_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'field(B#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          get a => 0;
-          set a (_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)', setter: 'setter(B#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          get a => 0;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          set a (_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'getter(A#a)', setter: 'setter(B#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          var a;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          get a => 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)', setter: 'field(A#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          var a;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          set a(_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            getter: 'field(A#a)', setter: 'setter(B#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class A {
-          var a;
-        }
-        class B extends A {
-          final a = 0;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        // TODO(johnniwinther): Change this to
-        // [VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL] when dart2js supports shadow
-        // setters.
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FINAL_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'field(B#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          a() {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'function(B#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_SET_IF_NULL,
-            name: 'a', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          set a(_) {}
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(B#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class B {
-          get a => 42;
-        }
-        class C extends B {
-          m() => super.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(B#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static set a(var value) { }
-          m() => a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static get a => 42;
-          m() => C.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test.clazz(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static final a = 42;
-          m() => C.a ??= 42;
-        }
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'field(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        class C {
-          static a(var value) { }
-        }
-        m() => C.a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'function(C#a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        set a(var value) { }
-        m() => a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-            setter: 'setter(a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        get a => 42;
-        m() => a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-            getter: 'getter(a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        a(var value) { }
-        m() => a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'function(a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        final a = 42;
-        m() => a ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FINAL_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-            element: 'field(a)', rhs: '42')),
-    const Test(
-        '''
-        m() => unresolved ??= 42;
-        ''',
-        const Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SET_IF_NULL,
-            name: 'unresolved', rhs: '42')),
-  ],
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_send_visitor.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_send_visitor.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 4077d2d..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/semantic_visitor_test_send_visitor.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2499 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-part of dart2js.semantics_visitor_test;
-class SemanticSendTestVisitor extends SemanticTestVisitor {
-  SemanticSendTestVisitor(TreeElements elements) : super(elements);
-  @override
-  visitAs(Send node, Node expression, ResolutionDartType type, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_AS, expression: expression, type: type));
-    apply(expression, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidCompound(Send node, ErroneousElement error,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_COMPOUND,
-        error: error.messageKind, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    super.errorInvalidCompound(node, error, operator, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidGet(Send node, ErroneousElement error, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_GET, error: error.messageKind));
-    super.errorInvalidGet(node, error, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidInvoke(Send node, ErroneousElement error, NodeList arguments,
-      Selector selector, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INVOKE,
-        error: error.messageKind, arguments: arguments));
-    super.errorInvalidInvoke(node, error, arguments, selector, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidPostfix(
-      Send node, ErroneousElement error, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_POSTFIX,
-        error: error.messageKind, operator: operator));
-    super.errorInvalidPostfix(node, error, operator, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidPrefix(
-      Send node, ErroneousElement error, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_PREFIX,
-        error: error.messageKind, operator: operator));
-    super.errorInvalidPrefix(node, error, operator, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidSet(Send node, ErroneousElement error, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_SET,
-        error: error.messageKind, rhs: rhs));
-    super.errorInvalidSet(node, error, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidSetIfNull(Send node, ErroneousElement error, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_SET_IF_NULL,
-        error: error.messageKind, rhs: rhs));
-    super.errorInvalidSetIfNull(node, error, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidUnary(
-      Send node, UnaryOperator operator, ErroneousElement error, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_UNARY,
-        error: error.messageKind, operator: operator));
-    super.errorInvalidUnary(node, operator, error, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidEquals(Send node, ErroneousElement error, Node right, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_EQUALS,
-        error: error.messageKind, right: right));
-    super.errorInvalidEquals(node, error, right, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidNotEquals(Send node, ErroneousElement error, Node right, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_NOT_EQUALS,
-        error: error.messageKind, right: right));
-    super.errorInvalidNotEquals(node, error, right, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidBinary(Send node, ErroneousElement error, BinaryOperator operator,
-      Node right, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_BINARY,
-        error: error.messageKind, operator: operator, right: right));
-    super.errorInvalidBinary(node, error, operator, right, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidIndex(Send node, ErroneousElement error, Node index, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INDEX,
-        error: error.messageKind, index: index));
-    super.errorInvalidIndex(node, error, index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidIndexSet(
-      Send node, ErroneousElement error, Node index, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INDEX_SET,
-        error: error.messageKind, index: index, rhs: rhs));
-    super.errorInvalidIndexSet(node, error, index, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidCompoundIndexSet(Send node, ErroneousElement error, Node index,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_COMPOUND_INDEX_SET,
-        error: error.messageKind, index: index, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    super.errorInvalidCompoundIndexSet(node, error, index, operator, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidIndexPrefix(Send node, ErroneousElement error, Node index,
-      IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INDEX_PREFIX,
-        error: error.messageKind, index: index, operator: operator));
-    super.errorInvalidIndexPrefix(node, error, index, operator, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidIndexPostfix(Send node, ErroneousElement error, Node index,
-      IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_INDEX_POSTFIX,
-        error: error.messageKind, index: index, operator: operator));
-    super.errorInvalidIndexPostfix(node, error, index, operator, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitBinary(Send node, Node left, BinaryOperator operator, Node right, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_BINARY,
-        left: left, operator: operator, right: right));
-    super.visitBinary(node, left, operator, right, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorUndefinedBinaryExpression(
-      Send node, Node left, Operator operator, Node right, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_UNDEFINED_BINARY_EXPRESSION,
-        left: left, operator: operator, right: right));
-    super.errorUndefinedBinaryExpression(node, left, operator, right, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIndex(Send node, Node receiver, Node index, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INDEX, receiver: receiver, index: index));
-    apply(receiver, arg);
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitClassTypeLiteralGet(Send node, ConstantExpression constant, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_GET,
-        constant: constant.toDartText()));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitClassTypeLiteralInvoke(Send node, ConstantExpression constant,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_INVOKE,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitClassTypeLiteralSet(
-      SendSet node, ConstantExpression constant, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_SET,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitClassTypeLiteralSet(node, constant, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitNotEquals(Send node, Node left, Node right, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_NOT_EQUALS, left: left, right: right));
-    apply(left, arg);
-    apply(right, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicPropertyPrefix(
-      Send node, Node receiver, Name name, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_PREFIX,
-        receiver: receiver, operator: operator, name: name));
-    super.visitDynamicPropertyPrefix(node, receiver, name, operator, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicPropertyPostfix(
-      Send node, Node receiver, Name name, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_POSTFIX,
-        receiver: receiver, operator: operator, name: name));
-    super.visitDynamicPropertyPostfix(node, receiver, name, operator, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicPropertyGet(Send node, Node receiver, Name name, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_GET,
-        receiver: receiver, name: name));
-    super.visitDynamicPropertyGet(node, receiver, name, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicPropertyInvoke(
-      Send node, Node receiver, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_INVOKE,
-        receiver: receiver, name:, arguments: arguments));
-    super.visitDynamicPropertyInvoke(node, receiver, arguments, selector, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicPropertySet(
-      SendSet node, Node receiver, Name name, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_SET,
-        receiver: receiver, name: name, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitDynamicPropertySet(node, receiver, name, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicTypeLiteralGet(Send node, ConstantExpression constant, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_GET,
-        constant: constant.toDartText()));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicTypeLiteralInvoke(Send node, ConstantExpression constant,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_INVOKE,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), arguments: arguments));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicTypeLiteralSet(
-      Send node, ConstantExpression constant, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_SET,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitDynamicTypeLiteralSet(node, constant, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitExpressionInvoke(Send node, Node expression, NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_EXPRESSION_INVOKE,
-        receiver: expression, arguments: arguments));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIs(Send node, Node expression, ResolutionDartType type, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IS, expression: expression, type: type));
-    apply(expression, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIsNot(Send node, Node expression, ResolutionDartType type, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IS_NOT, expression: expression, type: type));
-    apply(expression, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLogicalAnd(Send node, Node left, Node right, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOGICAL_AND, left: left, right: right));
-    apply(left, arg);
-    apply(right, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLogicalOr(Send node, Node left, Node right, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOGICAL_OR, left: left, right: right));
-    apply(left, arg);
-    apply(right, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalFunctionGet(Send node, LocalFunctionElement function, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_GET, element: function));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalFunctionSet(
-      SendSet node, LocalFunctionElement function, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_SET,
-        element: function, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitLocalFunctionSet(node, function, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalFunctionInvoke(Send node, LocalFunctionElement function,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-        element: function, arguments: arguments, selector: callStructure));
-    super.visitLocalFunctionInvoke(
-        node, function, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalFunctionIncompatibleInvoke(Send node, LocalFunctionElement function,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-        element: function, arguments: arguments, selector: callStructure));
-    super.visitLocalFunctionInvoke(
-        node, function, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalVariableGet(Send node, LocalVariableElement variable, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_GET, element: variable));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalVariableInvoke(Send node, LocalVariableElement variable,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_INVOKE,
-        element: variable, arguments: arguments, selector: callStructure));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalVariableSet(
-      SendSet node, LocalVariableElement variable, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_SET,
-        element: variable, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitLocalVariableSet(node, variable, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalLocalVariableSet(
-      SendSet node, LocalVariableElement variable, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_SET,
-        element: variable, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitFinalLocalVariableSet(node, variable, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitParameterGet(Send node, ParameterElement parameter, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_GET, element: parameter));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitParameterInvoke(Send node, ParameterElement parameter,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_INVOKE,
-        element: parameter, arguments: arguments, selector: callStructure));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitParameterSet(SendSet node, ParameterElement parameter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_SET, element: parameter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitParameterSet(node, parameter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalParameterSet(
-      SendSet node, ParameterElement parameter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_PARAMETER_SET,
-        element: parameter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitFinalParameterSet(node, parameter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFieldGet(Send node, FieldElement field, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_GET, element: field));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFieldInvoke(Send node, FieldElement field, NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_INVOKE,
-        element: field, arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFieldSet(SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_SET, element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitStaticFieldSet(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalStaticFieldSet(SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_STATIC_FIELD_SET,
-        element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitFinalStaticFieldSet(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFunctionGet(Send node, MethodElement function, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_GET, element: function));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFunctionSet(SendSet node, MethodElement function, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_SET,
-        element: function, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitStaticFunctionSet(node, function, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFunctionInvoke(Send node, MethodElement function,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-        element: function, arguments: arguments));
-    super.visitStaticFunctionInvoke(
-        node, function, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFunctionIncompatibleInvoke(Send node, MethodElement function,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-        element: function, arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticGetterGet(Send node, FunctionElement getter, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_GET, element: getter));
-    super.visitStaticGetterGet(node, getter, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticGetterSet(SendSet node, MethodElement getter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SET,
-        element: getter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitStaticGetterSet(node, getter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticGetterInvoke(Send node, FunctionElement getter, NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_INVOKE,
-        element: getter, arguments: arguments));
-    super.visitStaticGetterInvoke(node, getter, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticSetterInvoke(Send node, FunctionElement setter, NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_INVOKE,
-        element: setter, arguments: arguments));
-    super.visitStaticSetterInvoke(node, setter, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticSetterGet(Send node, FunctionElement getter, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_GET, element: getter));
-    super.visitStaticSetterGet(node, getter, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticSetterSet(SendSet node, FunctionElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_SETTER_SET,
-        element: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitStaticSetterSet(node, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperBinary(Send node, FunctionElement function, BinaryOperator operator,
-      Node argument, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_BINARY,
-        element: function, operator: operator, right: argument));
-    apply(argument, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperBinary(
-      Send node, Element element, BinaryOperator operator, Node argument, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_BINARY,
-        operator: operator, right: argument));
-    apply(argument, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperIndex(Send node, FunctionElement function, Node index, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_INDEX,
-        element: function, index: index));
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperIndex(Send node, Element element, Node index, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_INDEX, index: index));
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperNotEquals(Send node, FunctionElement function, Node argument, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_NOT_EQUALS,
-        element: function, right: argument));
-    apply(argument, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitThisGet(Identifier node, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_GET));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitThisInvoke(
-      Send node, NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_INVOKE, arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitThisPropertyGet(Send node, Name name, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_GET, name: name));
-    super.visitThisPropertyGet(node, name, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitThisPropertyInvoke(
-      Send node, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_INVOKE,
-        name:, arguments: arguments));
-    super.visitThisPropertyInvoke(node, arguments, selector, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitThisPropertySet(SendSet node, Name name, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_SET, name: name, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitThisPropertySet(node, name, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFieldGet(Send node, FieldElement field, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_GET, element: field));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFieldInvoke(Send node, FieldElement field, NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_INVOKE,
-        element: field, arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFieldSet(SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_SET,
-        element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTopLevelFieldSet(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalTopLevelFieldSet(SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_SET,
-        element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitFinalTopLevelFieldSet(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFunctionGet(Send node, MethodElement function, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_GET, element: function));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFunctionSet(
-      SendSet node, MethodElement function, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_SET,
-        element: function, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTopLevelFunctionSet(node, function, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFunctionInvoke(Send node, MethodElement function,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_INVOKE,
-        element: function, arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFunctionIncompatibleInvoke(Send node, MethodElement function,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-        element: function, arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelGetterGet(Send node, FunctionElement getter, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_GET, element: getter));
-    super.visitTopLevelGetterGet(node, getter, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelSetterGet(Send node, FunctionElement setter, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_GET, element: setter));
-    super.visitTopLevelSetterGet(node, setter, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelGetterInvoke(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_INVOKE,
-        element: getter, arguments: arguments));
-    super
-        .visitTopLevelGetterInvoke(node, getter, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelSetterInvoke(Send node, FunctionElement setter,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_INVOKE,
-        element: setter, arguments: arguments));
-    super
-        .visitTopLevelSetterInvoke(node, setter, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelGetterSet(SendSet node, FunctionElement getter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_SET,
-        element: getter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTopLevelGetterSet(node, getter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelSetterSet(SendSet node, FunctionElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_SET,
-        element: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTopLevelSetterSet(node, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralGet(Send node, TypeVariableElement element, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPE_VARIABLE_TYPE_LITERAL_GET,
-        element: element));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralInvoke(Send node, TypeVariableElement element,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPE_VARIABLE_TYPE_LITERAL_INVOKE,
-        element: element, arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralSet(
-      SendSet node, TypeVariableElement element, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPE_VARIABLE_TYPE_LITERAL_SET,
-        element: element, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralSet(node, element, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypedefTypeLiteralGet(Send node, ConstantExpression constant, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_GET,
-        constant: constant.toDartText()));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypedefTypeLiteralInvoke(Send node, ConstantExpression constant,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_INVOKE,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypedefTypeLiteralSet(
-      SendSet node, ConstantExpression constant, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_SET,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTypedefTypeLiteralSet(node, constant, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnary(Send node, UnaryOperator operator, Node expression, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNARY,
-        expression: expression, operator: operator));
-    super.visitUnary(node, operator, expression, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorUndefinedUnaryExpression(
-      Send node, Operator operator, Node expression, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_UNDEFINED_UNARY_EXPRESSION,
-        expression: expression, operator: operator));
-    super.errorUndefinedUnaryExpression(node, operator, expression, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitNot(Send node, Node expression, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_NOT, expression: expression));
-    apply(expression, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldGet(Send node, FieldElement field, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_GET, element: field));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperGet(Send node, Element element, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_GET));
-    return super.visitUnresolvedSuperGet(node, element, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperSet(Send node, Element element, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_SET, rhs: rhs));
-    return super.visitUnresolvedSuperSet(node, element, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldInvoke(Send node, FieldElement field, NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_INVOKE,
-        element: field, arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperInvoke(
-      Send node, Element element, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_INVOKE,
-        arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldSet(SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SET, element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitSuperFieldSet(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalSuperFieldSet(SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_SUPER_FIELD_SET,
-        element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitFinalSuperFieldSet(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodGet(Send node, MethodElement method, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_GET, element: method));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodSet(SendSet node, MethodElement method, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_SET, element: method, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitSuperMethodSet(node, method, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodInvoke(Send node, MethodElement method, NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_INVOKE,
-        element: method, arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodIncompatibleInvoke(Send node, MethodElement method,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_INCOMPATIBLE_INVOKE,
-        element: method, arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperGetterGet(Send node, FunctionElement getter, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_GET, element: getter));
-    super.visitSuperGetterGet(node, getter, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperSetterGet(Send node, FunctionElement setter, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_SETTER_GET, element: setter));
-    super.visitSuperSetterGet(node, setter, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperGetterInvoke(Send node, FunctionElement getter, NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_INVOKE,
-        element: getter, arguments: arguments));
-    super.visitSuperGetterInvoke(node, getter, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperSetterInvoke(Send node, FunctionElement setter, NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_SETTER_INVOKE,
-        element: setter, arguments: arguments));
-    super.visitSuperSetterInvoke(node, setter, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperGetterSet(SendSet node, FunctionElement getter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SET, element: getter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitSuperGetterSet(node, getter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperSetterSet(SendSet node, FunctionElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_SETTER_SET, element: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitSuperSetterSet(node, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperUnary(
-      Send node, UnaryOperator operator, FunctionElement function, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_UNARY,
-        element: function, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperUnary(
-      Send node, UnaryOperator operator, Element element, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_UNARY, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitEquals(Send node, Node left, Node right, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_EQUALS, left: left, right: right));
-    apply(left, arg);
-    apply(right, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperEquals(Send node, FunctionElement function, Node argument, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_EQUALS,
-        element: function, right: argument));
-    apply(argument, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIndexSet(Send node, Node receiver, Node index, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INDEX_SET,
-        receiver: receiver, index: index, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(receiver, arg);
-    apply(index, arg);
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperIndexSet(
-      Send node, FunctionElement function, Node index, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_INDEX_SET,
-        element: function, index: index, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(index, arg);
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicPropertyCompound(Send node, Node receiver, Name name,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_COMPOUND,
-        receiver: receiver, operator: operator, rhs: rhs, name: name));
-    super
-        .visitDynamicPropertyCompound(node, receiver, name, operator, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalLocalVariableCompound(Send node, LocalVariableElement variable,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_COMPOUND,
-        element: variable, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalLocalVariablePrefix(
-      Send node, LocalVariableElement variable, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_PREFIX,
-        element: variable, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalLocalVariablePostfix(
-      Send node, LocalVariableElement variable, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POSTFIX,
-        element: variable, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalParameterCompound(Send node, ParameterElement parameter,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_PARAMETER_COMPOUND,
-        element: parameter, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalParameterPrefix(
-      Send node, ParameterElement parameter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_PARAMETER_PREFIX,
-        element: parameter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalParameterPostfix(
-      Send node, ParameterElement parameter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_PARAMETER_POSTFIX,
-        element: parameter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalStaticFieldCompound(Send node, FieldElement field,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-        element: field, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalStaticFieldPostfix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalStaticFieldPrefix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_PREFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalSuperFieldCompound(Send node, FieldElement field,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FINAL_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-        element: field, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalTopLevelFieldCompound(Send node, FieldElement field,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FINAL_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-        element: field, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalTopLevelFieldPostfix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FINAL_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalTopLevelFieldPrefix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FINAL_FIELD_PREFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalFunctionCompound(Send node, LocalFunctionElement function,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_COMPOUND,
-        element: function, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalVariableCompound(Send node, LocalVariableElement variable,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_COMPOUND,
-        element: variable, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitParameterCompound(Send node, ParameterElement parameter,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_COMPOUND,
-        element: parameter, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFieldCompound(Send node, FieldElement field,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-        element: field, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticGetterSetterCompound(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-        operator: operator, rhs: rhs, getter: getter, setter: setter));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldCompound(Send node, FieldElement field,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-        element: field, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperGetterSetterCompound(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-        operator: operator, rhs: rhs, getter: getter, setter: setter));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitThisPropertyCompound(
-      Send node, Name name, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_COMPOUND,
-        name: name, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitThisPropertyCompound(node, name, operator, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFieldCompound(Send node, FieldElement field,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-        element: field, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelGetterSetterCompound(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-        operator: operator, rhs: rhs, getter: getter, setter: setter));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticMethodSetterCompound(Send node, FunctionElement method,
-      FunctionElement setter, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-        operator: operator, rhs: rhs, getter: method, setter: setter));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldSetterCompound(Send node, FieldElement field,
-      FunctionElement setter, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-        operator: operator, rhs: rhs, getter: field, setter: setter));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperGetterFieldCompound(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FieldElement field, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-        operator: operator, rhs: rhs, getter: getter, setter: field));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodSetterCompound(Send node, FunctionElement method,
-      FunctionElement setter, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-        getter: method, setter: setter, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodCompound(Send node, FunctionElement method,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_COMPOUND,
-        element: method, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodPrefix(
-      Send node, FunctionElement method, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_PREFIX,
-        element: method, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodPostfix(
-      Send node, FunctionElement method, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_POSTFIX,
-        element: method, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperCompound(
-      Send node, Element element, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_COMPOUND,
-        operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperPrefix(
-      Send node, Element element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_PREFIX, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperPostfix(
-      Send node, Element element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_POSTFIX,
-        operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelMethodSetterCompound(Send node, FunctionElement method,
-      FunctionElement setter, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-        getter: method, setter: setter, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitCompoundIndexSet(Send node, Node receiver, Node index,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_COMPOUND_INDEX_SET,
-        receiver: receiver, index: index, rhs: rhs, operator: operator));
-    apply(receiver, arg);
-    apply(index, arg);
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperCompoundIndexSet(
-      Send node,
-      FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter,
-      Node index,
-      AssignmentOperator operator,
-      Node rhs,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_COMPOUND_INDEX_SET,
-        getter: getter,
-        setter: setter,
-        index: index,
-        rhs: rhs,
-        operator: operator));
-    apply(index, arg);
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitClassTypeLiteralCompound(Send node, ConstantExpression constant,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_COMPOUND,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicTypeLiteralCompound(Send node, ConstantExpression constant,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_COMPOUND,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralCompound(Send node, TypeVariableElement element,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPE_VARIABLE_TYPE_LITERAL_COMPOUND,
-        element: element, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypedefTypeLiteralCompound(Send node, ConstantExpression constant,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_COMPOUND,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalFunctionPrefix(
-      Send node, LocalFunctionElement function, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_PREFIX,
-        element: function, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitClassTypeLiteralPrefix(
-      Send node, ConstantExpression constant, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_PREFIX,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicTypeLiteralPrefix(
-      Send node, ConstantExpression constant, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_PREFIX,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalVariablePrefix(
-      Send node, LocalVariableElement variable, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_PREFIX,
-        element: variable, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitParameterPrefix(
-      Send node, ParameterElement parameter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_PREFIX,
-        element: parameter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFieldPrefix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticGetterSetterPrefix(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_PREFIX,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticMethodSetterPrefix(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_SETTER_PREFIX,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldFieldCompound(Send node, FieldElement readField,
-      FieldElement writtenField, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_FIELD_COMPOUND,
-        getter: readField, setter: writtenField, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldFieldPrefix(Send node, FieldElement readField,
-      FieldElement writtenField, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_FIELD_PREFIX,
-        getter: readField, setter: writtenField, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldPrefix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_PREFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalSuperFieldPrefix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FINAL_FIELD_PREFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldSetterPrefix(Send node, FieldElement field,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SETTER_PREFIX,
-        getter: field, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperGetterFieldPrefix(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_FIELD_PREFIX,
-        getter: getter, setter: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperGetterSetterPrefix(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_PREFIX,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodSetterPrefix(Send node, FunctionElement method,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_SETTER_PREFIX,
-        getter: method, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitThisPropertyPrefix(Send node, Name name, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_PREFIX,
-        name: name, operator: operator));
-    super.visitThisPropertyPrefix(node, name, operator, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFieldPrefix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_PREFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelGetterSetterPrefix(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_SETTER_PREFIX,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelMethodSetterPrefix(Send node, FunctionElement method,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_SETTER_PREFIX,
-        getter: method, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralPrefix(
-      Send node, TypeVariableElement element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPE_VARIABLE_TYPE_LITERAL_PREFIX,
-        element: element, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypedefTypeLiteralPrefix(
-      Send node, ConstantExpression constant, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_PREFIX,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalFunctionPostfix(
-      Send node, LocalFunctionElement function, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_POSTFIX,
-        element: function, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitClassTypeLiteralPostfix(
-      Send node, ConstantExpression constant, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_POSTFIX,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicTypeLiteralPostfix(
-      Send node, ConstantExpression constant, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_POSTFIX,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalVariablePostfix(
-      Send node, LocalVariableElement variable, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_POSTFIX,
-        element: variable, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitParameterPostfix(
-      Send node, ParameterElement parameter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_POSTFIX,
-        element: parameter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFieldPostfix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticGetterSetterPostfix(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticMethodSetterPostfix(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldFieldPostfix(Send node, FieldElement readField,
-      FieldElement writtenField, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-        getter: readField, setter: writtenField, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldPostfix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalSuperFieldPostfix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FINAL_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldSetterPostfix(Send node, FieldElement field,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-        getter: field, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperGetterFieldPostfix(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-        getter: getter, setter: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperGetterSetterPostfix(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodSetterPostfix(Send node, FunctionElement method,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-        getter: method, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitThisPropertyPostfix(Send node, Name name, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_POSTFIX,
-        name: name, operator: operator));
-    super.visitThisPropertyPostfix(node, name, operator, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFieldPostfix(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_POSTFIX,
-        element: field, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelGetterSetterPostfix(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelMethodSetterPostfix(Send node, FunctionElement method,
-      FunctionElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-        getter: method, setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralPostfix(
-      Send node, TypeVariableElement element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPE_VARIABLE_TYPE_LITERAL_POSTFIX,
-        element: element, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypedefTypeLiteralPostfix(
-      Send node, ConstantExpression constant, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_POSTFIX,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedCompound(Send node, ErroneousElement element,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_COMPOUND,
-        operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedGet(Send node, Element element, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_GET, name:;
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSet(Send node, Element element, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SET,
-        name:, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedSet(node, element, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedInvoke(
-      Send node, Element element, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_INVOKE,
-        name:, arguments: arguments));
-    super.visitUnresolvedInvoke(node, element, arguments, selector, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedPostfix(
-      Send node, ErroneousElement element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_POSTFIX, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedPrefix(
-      Send node, ErroneousElement element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits
-        .add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_PREFIX, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperCompoundIndexSet(Send node, Element element, Node index,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_COMPOUND_INDEX_SET,
-        index: index, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(index, arg);
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperGetterCompoundIndexSet(
-      Send node,
-      Element element,
-      MethodElement setter,
-      Node index,
-      AssignmentOperator operator,
-      Node rhs,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        setter: setter,
-        index: index,
-        operator: operator,
-        rhs: rhs));
-    apply(index, arg);
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperSetterCompoundIndexSet(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, Node index, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        getter: getter,
-        index: index,
-        operator: operator,
-        rhs: rhs));
-    apply(index, arg);
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperIndexSet(
-      Send node, ErroneousElement element, Node index, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_INDEX_SET,
-        index: index, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(index, arg);
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperIndexPostfix(
-      Send node, Element element, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_INDEX_POSTFIX,
-        index: index, operator: operator));
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperGetterIndexPostfix(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-        setter: setter, index: index, operator: operator));
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperSetterIndexPostfix(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-        getter: getter, index: index, operator: operator));
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperIndexPrefix(
-      Send node, Element element, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_INDEX_PREFIX,
-        index: index, operator: operator));
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperGetterIndexPrefix(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-        setter: setter, index: index, operator: operator));
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperSetterIndexPrefix(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-        getter: getter, index: index, operator: operator));
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIndexPostfix(
-      Send node, Node receiver, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INDEX_POSTFIX,
-        receiver: receiver, index: index, operator: operator));
-    apply(receiver, arg);
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIndexPrefix(
-      Send node, Node receiver, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INDEX_PREFIX,
-        receiver: receiver, index: index, operator: operator));
-    apply(receiver, arg);
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperIndexPostfix(
-      Send node,
-      FunctionElement indexFunction,
-      FunctionElement indexSetFunction,
-      Node index,
-      IncDecOperator operator,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_INDEX_POSTFIX,
-        getter: indexFunction,
-        setter: indexSetFunction,
-        index: index,
-        operator: operator));
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperIndexPrefix(
-      Send node,
-      FunctionElement indexFunction,
-      FunctionElement indexSetFunction,
-      Node index,
-      IncDecOperator operator,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_INDEX_PREFIX,
-        getter: indexFunction,
-        setter: indexSetFunction,
-        index: index,
-        operator: operator));
-    apply(index, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedClassConstructorInvoke(NewExpression node, Element constructor,
-      ResolutionDartType type, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, arg) {
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): Test [type] when it is not `dynamic`.
-        arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedConstructorInvoke(NewExpression node, Element constructor,
-      ResolutionDartType type, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, arg) {
-    // TODO(johnniwinther): Test [type] when it is not `dynamic`.
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-        arguments: arguments));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitConstConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node, ConstructedConstantExpression constant, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-        constant: constant.toDartText()));
-    super.visitConstConstructorInvoke(node, constant, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitBoolFromEnvironmentConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node, BoolFromEnvironmentConstantExpression constant, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        constant: constant.toDartText()));
-    super.visitBoolFromEnvironmentConstructorInvoke(node, constant, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIntFromEnvironmentConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node, IntFromEnvironmentConstantExpression constant, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        constant: constant.toDartText()));
-    super.visitIntFromEnvironmentConstructorInvoke(node, constant, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStringFromEnvironmentConstructorInvoke(NewExpression node,
-      StringFromEnvironmentConstantExpression constant, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        constant: constant.toDartText()));
-    super.visitStringFromEnvironmentConstructorInvoke(node, constant, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorNonConstantConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      Element element,
-      ResolutionDartType type,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_NON_CONSTANT_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-        element: element,
-        type: type,
-        arguments: arguments,
-        selector: callStructure));
-    super.errorNonConstantConstructorInvoke(
-        node, element, type, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitConstructorIncompatibleInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CONSTRUCTOR_INCOMPATIBLE_INVOKE,
-        element: constructor,
-        type: type,
-        arguments: arguments,
-        selector: callStructure));
-    super.visitConstructorIncompatibleInvoke(
-        node, constructor, type, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFactoryConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FACTORY_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-        element: constructor,
-        type: type,
-        arguments: arguments,
-        selector: callStructure));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitGenerativeConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-        element: constructor,
-        type: type,
-        arguments: arguments,
-        selector: callStructure));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitRedirectingFactoryConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      ConstructorElement effectiveTarget,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType effectiveTargetType,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      arg) {
-        element: constructor,
-        type: type,
-        target: effectiveTarget,
-        targetType: effectiveTargetType,
-        arguments: arguments,
-        selector: callStructure));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitRedirectingGenerativeConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        element: constructor,
-        type: type,
-        arguments: arguments,
-        selector: callStructure));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitAbstractClassConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_ABSTRACT_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOKE,
-        element: constructor,
-        type: type,
-        arguments: arguments,
-        selector: callStructure));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedRedirectingFactoryConstructorInvoke(
-      NewExpression node,
-      ConstructorElement constructor,
-      ResolutionInterfaceType type,
-      NodeList arguments,
-      CallStructure callStructure,
-      arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        element: constructor,
-        type: type,
-        arguments: arguments,
-        selector: callStructure));
-    apply(arguments, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedStaticGetterCompound(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_STATIC_GETTER_COMPOUND,
-        setter: setter, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedTopLevelGetterCompound(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-        setter: setter, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedStaticSetterCompound(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_STATIC_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-        getter: getter, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedTopLevelSetterCompound(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-        getter: getter, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticMethodCompound(Send node, MethodElement method,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_COMPOUND,
-        element: method, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelMethodCompound(Send node, MethodElement method,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_COMPOUND,
-        element: method, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedStaticGetterPrefix(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_STATIC_GETTER_PREFIX,
-        setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedTopLevelGetterPrefix(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_PREFIX,
-        setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedStaticSetterPrefix(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_STATIC_SETTER_PREFIX,
-        getter: getter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedTopLevelSetterPrefix(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_PREFIX,
-        getter: getter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticMethodPrefix(
-      Send node, MethodElement method, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_PREFIX,
-        element: method, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelMethodPrefix(
-      Send node, MethodElement method, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_PREFIX,
-        element: method, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedStaticGetterPostfix(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_STATIC_GETTER_POSTFIX,
-        setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedTopLevelGetterPostfix(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_POSTFIX,
-        setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedStaticSetterPostfix(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_STATIC_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-        getter: getter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedTopLevelSetterPostfix(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_TOP_LEVEL_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-        getter: getter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticMethodPostfix(
-      Send node, MethodElement method, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_POSTFIX,
-        element: method, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelMethodPostfix(
-      Send node, MethodElement method, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_POSTFIX,
-        element: method, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperGetterCompound(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_GETTER_COMPOUND,
-        setter: setter, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperGetterPostfix(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_GETTER_POSTFIX,
-        setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperGetterPrefix(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_GETTER_PREFIX,
-        setter: setter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperSetterCompound(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_SETTER_COMPOUND,
-        getter: getter, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    apply(rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperSetterPostfix(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_SETTER_POSTFIX,
-        getter: getter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperSetterPrefix(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_SETTER_PREFIX,
-        getter: getter, operator: operator));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyGet(Send node, Node receiver, Name name, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IF_NOT_NULL_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_GET,
-        receiver: receiver, name: name));
-    super.visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyGet(node, receiver, name, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertySet(
-      Send node, Node receiver, Name name, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IF_NOT_NULL_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_SET,
-        receiver: receiver, name: name, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertySet(node, receiver, name, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyInvoke(
-      Send node, Node receiver, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IF_NOT_NULL_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_INVOKE,
-        receiver: receiver, selector: selector, arguments: arguments));
-    super.visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyInvoke(
-        node, receiver, arguments, selector, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyPrefix(
-      Send node, Node receiver, Name name, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IF_NOT_NULL_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_PREFIX,
-        receiver: receiver, name: name, operator: operator));
-    super.visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyPrefix(
-        node, receiver, name, operator, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyPostfix(
-      Send node, Node receiver, Name name, IncDecOperator operator, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IF_NOT_NULL_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_POSTFIX,
-        receiver: receiver, name: name, operator: operator));
-    super.visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyPostfix(
-        node, receiver, name, operator, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyCompound(Send node, Node receiver, Name name,
-      AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IF_NOT_NULL_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_COMPOUND,
-        receiver: receiver, name: name, operator: operator, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyCompound(
-        node, receiver, name, operator, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIfNull(Send node, Node left, Node right, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_IF_NULL, left: left, right: right));
-    super.visitIfNull(node, left, right, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitConstantGet(Send node, ConstantExpression constant, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CONSTANT_GET,
-        constant: constant.toDartText()));
-    super.visitConstantGet(node, constant, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitConstantInvoke(Send node, ConstantExpression constant,
-      NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CONSTANT_INVOKE,
-        constant: constant.toDartText()));
-    super.visitConstantInvoke(node, constant, arguments, callStructure, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  previsitDeferredAccess(Send node, PrefixElement prefix, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.PREVISIT_DEFERRED_ACCESS, element: prefix));
-  }
-  @override
-  visitClassTypeLiteralSetIfNull(
-      Send node, ConstantExpression constant, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_CLASS_TYPE_LITERAL_SET_IF_NULL,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitClassTypeLiteralSetIfNull(node, constant, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicPropertySetIfNull(
-      Send node, Node receiver, Name name, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_SET_IF_NULL,
-        receiver: receiver, name: name, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitDynamicPropertySetIfNull(node, receiver, name, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitDynamicTypeLiteralSetIfNull(
-      Send node, ConstantExpression constant, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_DYNAMIC_TYPE_LITERAL_SET_IF_NULL,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitDynamicTypeLiteralSetIfNull(node, constant, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalLocalVariableSetIfNull(
-      Send node, LocalVariableElement variable, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_LOCAL_VARIABLE_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: variable, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitFinalLocalVariableSetIfNull(node, variable, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalParameterSetIfNull(
-      Send node, ParameterElement parameter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_FINAL_PARAMETER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: parameter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitFinalParameterSetIfNull(node, parameter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalStaticFieldSetIfNull(Send node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitFinalStaticFieldSetIfNull(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalSuperFieldSetIfNull(Send node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FINAL_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitFinalSuperFieldSetIfNull(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitFinalTopLevelFieldSetIfNull(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FINAL_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitFinalTopLevelFieldSetIfNull(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertySetIfNull(
-      Send node, Node receiver, Name name, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        receiver: receiver,
-        name: name,
-        rhs: rhs));
-    super
-        .visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertySetIfNull(node, receiver, name, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalFunctionSetIfNull(
-      Send node, LocalFunctionElement function, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_FUNCTION_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: function, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitLocalFunctionSetIfNull(node, function, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitLocalVariableSetIfNull(
-      Send node, LocalVariableElement variable, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_LOCAL_VARIABLE_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: variable, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitLocalVariableSetIfNull(node, variable, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitParameterSetIfNull(
-      Send node, ParameterElement parameter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_PARAMETER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: parameter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitParameterSetIfNull(node, parameter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticFieldSetIfNull(Send node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitStaticFieldSetIfNull(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticGetterSetterSetIfNull(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_GETTER_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitStaticGetterSetterSetIfNull(node, getter, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticMethodSetIfNull(Send node, FunctionElement method, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: method, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitStaticMethodSetIfNull(node, method, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitStaticMethodSetterSetIfNull(
-      Send node, MethodElement method, MethodElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_STATIC_METHOD_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: method, setter: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitStaticMethodSetterSetIfNull(node, method, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldFieldSetIfNull(Send node, FieldElement readField,
-      FieldElement writtenField, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: readField, setter: writtenField, rhs: rhs));
-    super
-        .visitSuperFieldFieldSetIfNull(node, readField, writtenField, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldSetIfNull(Send node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitSuperFieldSetIfNull(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperFieldSetterSetIfNull(
-      Send node, FieldElement field, FunctionElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_FIELD_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: field, setter: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitSuperFieldSetterSetIfNull(node, field, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperGetterFieldSetIfNull(
-      Send node, FunctionElement getter, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: getter, setter: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitSuperGetterFieldSetIfNull(node, getter, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperGetterSetterSetIfNull(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_GETTER_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitSuperGetterSetterSetIfNull(node, getter, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodSetIfNull(Send node, FunctionElement method, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: method, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitSuperMethodSetIfNull(node, method, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperMethodSetterSetIfNull(Send node, FunctionElement method,
-      FunctionElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_METHOD_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: method, setter: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitSuperMethodSetterSetIfNull(node, method, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitThisPropertySetIfNull(Send node, Name name, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_THIS_PROPERTY_SET_IF_NULL,
-        name: name, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitThisPropertySetIfNull(node, name, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelFieldSetIfNull(Send node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_FIELD_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: field, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTopLevelFieldSetIfNull(node, field, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelGetterSetterSetIfNull(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
-      FunctionElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_GETTER_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTopLevelGetterSetterSetIfNull(node, getter, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelMethodSetIfNull(
-      Send node, FunctionElement method, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: method, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTopLevelMethodSetIfNull(node, method, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTopLevelMethodSetterSetIfNull(Send node, FunctionElement method,
-      FunctionElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: method, setter: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTopLevelMethodSetterSetIfNull(node, method, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralSetIfNull(
-      Send node, TypeVariableElement element, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPE_VARIABLE_TYPE_LITERAL_SET_IF_NULL,
-        element: element, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralSetIfNull(node, element, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitTypedefTypeLiteralSetIfNull(
-      Send node, ConstantExpression constant, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_TYPEDEF_TYPE_LITERAL_SET_IF_NULL,
-        constant: constant.toDartText(), rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitTypedefTypeLiteralSetIfNull(node, constant, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSetIfNull(Send node, Element element, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SET_IF_NULL,
-        name:, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedSetIfNull(node, element, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedStaticGetterSetIfNull(
-      Send node, Element element, MethodElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_STATIC_GETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        setter: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedStaticGetterSetIfNull(node, element, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedStaticSetterSetIfNull(
-      Send node, MethodElement getter, Element element, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_STATIC_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: getter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedStaticSetterSetIfNull(node, getter, element, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperGetterSetIfNull(
-      Send node, Element element, MethodElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_GETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        setter: setter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedSuperGetterSetIfNull(node, element, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperSetIfNull(Send node, Element element, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        name:, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedSuperSetIfNull(node, element, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperSetterSetIfNull(
-      Send node, MethodElement getter, Element element, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_SETTER_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: getter, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedSuperSetterSetIfNull(node, getter, element, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedTopLevelGetterSetIfNull(
-      Send node, Element element, MethodElement setter, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        setter: setter,
-        rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedTopLevelGetterSetIfNull(
-        node, element, setter, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedTopLevelSetterSetIfNull(
-      Send node, MethodElement getter, Element element, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        getter: getter,
-        rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedTopLevelSetterSetIfNull(
-        node, getter, element, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitIndexSetIfNull(SendSet node, Node receiver, Node index, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_INDEX_SET_IF_NULL,
-        receiver: receiver, index: index, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitIndexSetIfNull(node, receiver, index, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitSuperIndexSetIfNull(SendSet node, MethodElement getter,
-      MethodElement setter, Node index, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_SUPER_INDEX_SET_IF_NULL,
-        getter: getter, setter: setter, index: index, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitSuperIndexSetIfNull(node, getter, setter, index, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperGetterIndexSetIfNull(Send node, Element element,
-      MethodElement setter, Node index, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        setter: setter,
-        index: index,
-        rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedSuperGetterIndexSetIfNull(
-        node, element, setter, index, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperSetterIndexSetIfNull(Send node, MethodElement getter,
-      Element element, Node index, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(
-        getter: getter,
-        index: index,
-        rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedSuperSetterIndexSetIfNull(
-        node, getter, element, index, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  visitUnresolvedSuperIndexSetIfNull(
-      Send node, Element element, Node index, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(new Visit(VisitKind.VISIT_UNRESOLVED_SUPER_INDEX_SET_IF_NULL,
-        index: index, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedSuperIndexSetIfNull(node, element, index, rhs, arg);
-  }
-  @override
-  errorInvalidIndexSetIfNull(
-      SendSet node, ErroneousElement error, Node index, Node rhs, arg) {
-    visits.add(
-        new Visit(VisitKind.ERROR_INVALID_SET_IF_NULL, index: index, rhs: rhs));
-    super.visitUnresolvedSuperIndexSetIfNull(node, error, index, rhs, arg);
-  }
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/size_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/size_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 95a1946..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/size_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import "../compiler_helper.dart";
-const String TEST = "main() => [];";
-const Map<String, String> DEFAULT_CORELIB_WITH_LIST = const <String, String>{
-  'Object': 'class Object { const Object(); }',
-  'bool': 'class bool {}',
-  'List': 'abstract class List<E> {}',
-  'num': 'class num {}',
-  'int': 'class int {}',
-  'double': 'class double {}',
-  'String': 'class String {}',
-  'Function': 'class Function {}',
-  'Null': 'class Null {}',
-  'Type': 'class Type {}',
-  'Map': 'class Map {}',
-  'StackTrace': 'class StackTrace {}',
-  'identical': 'identical(a, b) => true;',
-  'proxy': 'const proxy = 0;',
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() =>
-      compileAll(TEST, coreSource: DEFAULT_CORELIB_WITH_LIST).then((generated) {
-        return MockCompiler.create((MockCompiler compiler) {
-          // Make sure no class is emitted.
-          Expect.isFalse(generated.contains('finishClasses'), generated);
-        });
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/space_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/space_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ffc6471..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/space_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:compiler/src/dart2js.dart' as dart2js;
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-main() {
-  Uri currentDirectory = Uri.base;
-  Uri script = currentDirectory.resolveUri(Platform.script);
-  Uri libraryRoot = script.resolve('../../../../sdk/');
-  Directory.current = script.resolve("../path with spaces").toFilePath();
-  return dart2js.main([
-    "--library-root=${libraryRoot.toFilePath()}",
-    Flags.analyzeOnly,
-    Flags.useOldFrontend,
-    "file with spaces.dart"
-  ]);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/tag_mapping_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/tag_mapping_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eff042..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/tag_mapping_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test of import tag to library mapping.
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import '../compiler_helper.dart';
-const MAIN_CODE = """
-import 'library.dart';
-main() {
-const LIB_CODE = """
-library lib;
-void main() {
-  var sources = <String, String>{
-    'main.dart': MAIN_CODE,
-    'library.dart': LIB_CODE,
-  };
-  asyncTest(() => compileSources(sources, (MockCompiler compiler) {
-        LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.libraryLoader
-            .lookupLibrary(Uri.parse('source:/main.dart'));
-        LibraryElement lib = compiler.libraryLoader
-            .lookupLibrary(Uri.parse('source:/library.dart'));
-        Expect.isNotNull(mainApp, 'Could not find main.dart library');
-        Expect.isNotNull(lib, 'Could not find library.dart library');
-        ImportElement import = mainApp.imports.single;
-        Expect.isNotNull(import, 'Could not find import tag in $mainApp');
-        // Test that we can get from the import tag in main.dart to the
-        // library element representing library.dart.
-        Expect.identical(lib, import.importedLibrary);
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_checker_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_checker_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f4bcd5..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_checker_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2621 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/diagnostics/messages.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/modelx.dart'
-    show ClassElementX, CompilationUnitElementX, ElementX;
-import 'package:compiler/src/io/source_file.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/resolution/tree_elements.dart'
-    show TreeElements, TreeElementMapping;
-import 'package:compiler/src/parser/element_listener.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/tree/tree.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/typechecker.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/script.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/util/util.dart';
-import 'mock_compiler.dart';
-import 'parser_helper.dart';
-final MessageKind NOT_ASSIGNABLE = MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE;
-main() {
-  List tests = [
-    testSimpleTypes,
-    testReturn,
-    testFor,
-    testSyncForIn,
-    testAsyncForIn,
-    testWhile,
-    testTry,
-    testSwitch,
-    testEnumSwitch,
-    testOperators,
-    testConstructorInvocationArgumentCount,
-    testConstructorInvocationArgumentTypes,
-    testMethodInvocationArgumentCount,
-    testMethodInvocations,
-    testMethodInvocationsInClass,
-    testGetterSetterInvocation,
-    // testNewExpression,
-    testConditionalExpression,
-    testIfStatement,
-    testThis,
-    testSuper,
-    testOperatorsAssignability,
-    testFieldInitializers,
-    testTypeVariableExpressions,
-    testTypeVariableLookup1,
-    testTypeVariableLookup2,
-    testTypeVariableLookup3,
-    testFunctionTypeLookup,
-    testTypedefLookup,
-    testTypeLiteral,
-    testInitializers,
-    testTypePromotionHints,
-    testFunctionCall,
-    testCascade,
-    testAwait,
-    testAsyncReturn
-  ];
-  asyncTest(() => Future.forEach(tests, (test) => setup(test)));
-testSimpleTypes(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  checkType(ResolutionInterfaceType type, String code) {
-    Expect.equals(type, analyzeType(compiler, code));
-  }
-  checkType(compiler.resolution.commonElements.intType, "3");
-  checkType(compiler.resolution.commonElements.boolType, "false");
-  checkType(compiler.resolution.commonElements.boolType, "true");
-  checkType(compiler.resolution.commonElements.stringType, "'hestfisk'");
-Future testReturn(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  Future check(String code, [expectedWarnings]) {
-    return analyzeTopLevel(code, expectedWarnings);
-  }
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("void foo() { return 3; }", MessageKind.RETURN_VALUE_IN_VOID),
-    check("int bar() { return 'hest'; }", NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check("void baz() { var x; return x; }"),
-    check(returnWithType("int", "'string'"), NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check(returnWithType("", "'string'")),
-    check(returnWithType("Object", "'string'")),
-    check(returnWithType("String", "'string'")),
-    check(returnWithType("String", null)),
-    check(returnWithType("int", null)),
-    check(returnWithType("void", "")),
-    check(returnWithType("void", 1), MessageKind.RETURN_VALUE_IN_VOID),
-    check(returnWithType("void", null)),
-    check(returnWithType("String", ""), MessageKind.RETURN_NOTHING),
-    check(arrowReturnWithType("void", "4")),
-    check("void set foo(x) => 5;"),
-    // check("String foo() {};"), // Should probably fail.
-  ]);
-testFor(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  check("for (var x;true;x = x + 1) {}");
-  check("for (var x;null;x = x + 1) {}");
-  check("for (var x;0;x = x + 1) {}", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("for (var x;'';x = x + 1) {}", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("for (;true;) {}");
-  check("for (;null;) {}");
-  check("for (;0;) {}", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("for (;'';) {}", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // Foreach tests
-//  TODO(karlklose): for each is not yet implemented.
-//  check("{ List<String> strings = ['1','2','3']; " +
-//        "for (String s in strings) {} }");
-//  check("{ List<int> ints = [1,2,3]; for (String s in ints) {} }",
-//        NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-//  check("for (String s in true) {}", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-testSyncForIn(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  String script = """
-class HasUntypedIterator {
-  get iterator => null;
-class HasIntIterator {
-  Iterator<int> get iterator => null;
-class HasNoIterator {
-class HasCustomIntIterator {
-  CustomIntIterator get iterator => null;
-class CustomIntIterator {
-  int current;
-class HasCustomNoCurrentIterator {
-  CustomNoCurrentIterator get iterator => null;
-class CustomNoCurrentIterator {
-var topLevelDyn;
-String topLevelString;
-int topLevelInt;
-class Class {
-  void forIn() {}
-  var instanceDyn;
-  String instanceString;
-  int instanceInt;
-  static var staticDyn;
-  static String staticString;
-  static int staticInt;
-  compiler.parseScript(script);
-  LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-  ClassElement foo = mainApp.find("Class");
-  foo.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  FunctionElement method = foo.lookupLocalMember('forIn');
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (var e in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (String e in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (int e in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (int e in []) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (var e in new HasUntypedIterator()) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (String e in new HasUntypedIterator()) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (int e in new HasUntypedIterator()) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (var e in new HasIntIterator()) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (String e in new HasIntIterator()) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (int e in new HasIntIterator()) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (var e in new HasNoIterator()) {} 
-  }""",
-      warnings: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (String e in new HasNoIterator()) {} 
-  }""",
-      warnings: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (int e in new HasNoIterator()) {} 
-  }""",
-      warnings: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (var e in new HasCustomIntIterator()) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (String e in new HasCustomIntIterator()) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (int e in new HasCustomIntIterator()) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (var e in new HasCustomNoCurrentIterator()) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (String e in new HasCustomNoCurrentIterator()) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (int e in new HasCustomNoCurrentIterator()) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      var localDyn; 
-      for (localDyn in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      String localString; 
-      for (localString in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      int localInt; 
-      for (localInt in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (topLevelDyn in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (topLevelString in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (topLevelInt in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (instanceDyn in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (instanceString in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (instanceInt in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (staticDyn in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      for (staticString in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      for (staticInt in <String>[]) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-testAsyncForIn(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  String script = """
-abstract class CustomStream<T> implements Stream<T> {}
-abstract class StringStream implements Stream<String> {}
-var topLevelDyn;
-String topLevelString;
-int topLevelInt;
-class Class {
-  void forIn() async {}
-  var instanceDyn;
-  String instanceString;
-  int instanceInt;
-  static var staticDyn;
-  static String staticString;
-  static int staticInt;
-  compiler.parseScript(script);
-  LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-  ClassElement foo = mainApp.find("Class");
-  foo.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  FunctionElement method = foo.lookupLocalMember('forIn');
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{
-      var stream;
-      await for (var e in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      var stream;
-      await for (String e in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      var stream;
-      await for (int e in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      await for (var e in []) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (var e in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (String e in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (int e in stream) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      CustomStream<String> stream;
-      await for (var e in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      CustomStream<String> stream;
-      await for (String e in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      CustomStream<String> stream;
-      await for (int e in stream) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      StringStream stream;
-      await for (var e in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      StringStream stream;
-      await for (String e in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      StringStream stream;
-      await for (int e in stream) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      var localDyn; 
-      await for (localDyn in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      String localString; 
-      await for (localString in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      int localInt; 
-      await for (localInt in stream) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (topLevelDyn in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (topLevelString in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (topLevelInt in stream) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (instanceDyn in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (instanceString in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (instanceInt in stream) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (staticDyn in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (staticString in stream) {} 
-  }""");
-  analyzeIn(
-      compiler,
-      method,
-      """{ 
-      Stream<String> stream;
-      await for (staticInt in stream) {} 
-  }""",
-      hints: MessageKind.FORIN_NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-testWhile(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  check("while (true) {}");
-  check("while (null) {}");
-  check("while (0) {}", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("while ('') {}", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("do {} while (true);");
-  check("do {} while (null);");
-  check("do {} while (0);", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("do {} while ('');", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("do { int i = 0.5; } while (true);", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("do { int i = 0.5; } while (null);", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-testTry(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  check("try {} finally {}");
-  check("try {} catch (e) { int i = e;} finally {}");
-  check("try {} catch (e, s) { int i = e; StackTrace j = s; } finally {}");
-  check("try {} on String catch (e) {} finally {}");
-  check("try { int i = ''; } finally {}", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("try {} finally { int i = ''; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("try {} on String catch (e) { int i = e; } finally {}",
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("try {} catch (e, s) { int i = e; int j = s; } finally {}",
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("try {} on String catch (e, s) { int i = e; int j = s; } finally {}",
-testSwitch(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  check("switch (0) { case 1: break; case 2: break; }");
-  check("switch (0) { case 1: int i = ''; break; case 2: break; }",
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("switch (0) { case '': break; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("switch ('') { case 1: break; case 2: break; }",
-  check("switch (1.5) { case 1: break; case 2: break; }",
-testEnumSwitch(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  String DECLARATIONS = """
-enum Enum { A, B, C }
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    MockCompiler compiler = new MockCompiler.internal();
-    return compiler.init(DECLARATIONS).then((_) {
-      analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings, flushDeferred: true);
-    });
-  }
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-default: break;
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-case Enum.A: break;
-default: break;
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-case Enum.A: break;
-case Enum.B: break;
-default: break;
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-case Enum.A: break;
-case Enum.B: break;
-case Enum.C: break;
-default: break;
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-case Enum.A: break;
-case Enum.B: break;
-case Enum.C: break;
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-case Enum.B: break;
-case Enum.C: break;
-}""", warnings: MessageKind.MISSING_ENUM_CASES);
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-case Enum.A: break;
-case Enum.C: break;
-}""", warnings: MessageKind.MISSING_ENUM_CASES);
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-case Enum.A: break;
-case Enum.B: break;
-}""", warnings: MessageKind.MISSING_ENUM_CASES);
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-case Enum.A: break;
-}""", warnings: MessageKind.MISSING_ENUM_CASES);
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-case Enum.B: break;
-}""", warnings: MessageKind.MISSING_ENUM_CASES);
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-case Enum.C: break;
-}""", warnings: MessageKind.MISSING_ENUM_CASES);
-  check("""
-switch (Enum.A) {
-}""", warnings: MessageKind.MISSING_ENUM_CASES);
-testOperators(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  // TODO(karlklose): add the DartC tests for operators when we can parse
-  // classes with operators.
-  for (final op in ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '~/', '|', '&']) {
-    check("{ var i = 1 ${op} 2; }");
-    check("{ var i = 1; i ${op}= 2; }");
-    check("{ int i; var j = (i = true) ${op} 2; }",
-        warnings: [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, MessageKind.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR]);
-    check("{ int i; var j = 1 ${op} (i = true); }",
-        warnings: [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  }
-  for (final op in ['-', '~']) {
-    check("{ var i = ${op}1; }");
-    check("{ int i; var j = ${op}(i = true); }",
-        warnings: [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, MessageKind.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR]);
-  }
-  for (final op in ['++', '--']) {
-    check("{ int i = 1; int j = i${op}; }");
-    check("{ int i = 1; bool j = i${op}; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check("{ bool b = true; bool j = b${op}; }",
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR);
-    check("{ bool b = true; int j = ${op}b; }",
-        warnings: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR);
-  }
-  for (final op in ['||', '&&']) {
-    check("{ bool b = (true ${op} false); }");
-    check("{ int b = true ${op} false; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check("{ bool b = (1 ${op} false); }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check("{ bool b = (true ${op} 2); }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  }
-  for (final op in ['>', '<', '<=', '>=']) {
-    check("{ bool b = 1 ${op} 2; }");
-    check("{ int i = 1 ${op} 2; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check("{ int i; bool b = (i = true) ${op} 2; }",
-        warnings: [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, MessageKind.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR]);
-    check("{ int i; bool b = 1 ${op} (i = true); }",
-        warnings: [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  }
-  for (final op in ['==', '!=']) {
-    check("{ bool b = 1 ${op} 2; }");
-    check("{ int i = 1 ${op} 2; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check("{ int i; bool b = (i = true) ${op} 2; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check("{ int i; bool b = 1 ${op} (i = true); }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  }
-void testConstructorInvocationArgumentCount(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  compiler.parseScript("""
-     class C1 { C1(x, y); }
-     class C2 { C2(int x, int y); }
-  """);
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  // calls to untyped constructor C1
-  check("new C1(1, 2);");
-  check("new C1();", warnings: MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-  check("new C1(1);", warnings: MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-  check("new C1(1, 2, 3);", warnings: MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
-  // calls to typed constructor C2
-  check("new C2(1, 2);");
-  check("new C2();", warnings: MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-  check("new C2(1);", warnings: MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-  check("new C2(1, 2, 3);", warnings: MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
-void testConstructorInvocationArgumentTypes(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  compiler.parseScript("""
-    class C1 { C1(x); }
-    class C2 { C2(int x); }
-    class C3 {
-      int field;
-      C3(this.field);
-      C3.named(this.field);
-    }
-  """);
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  check("new C1(42);");
-  check("new C1('string');");
-  check("new C2(42);");
-  check("new C2('string');", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("new C3(42);");
-  check("new C3('string');", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("new C3.named(42);");
-  check("new C3.named('string');", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-void testMethodInvocationArgumentCount(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  compiler.parseScript(CLASS_WITH_METHODS);
-  check(String text, [expectedWarnings]) {
-    analyze(compiler, "{ ClassWithMethods c; $text }",
-        warnings: expectedWarnings);
-  }
-  check("c.untypedNoArgumentMethod(1);", MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
-  check("c.untypedOneArgumentMethod();", MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-  check("c.untypedOneArgumentMethod(1, 1);", MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
-  check("c.untypedTwoArgumentMethod();", MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-  check(
-      "c.untypedTwoArgumentMethod(1, 2, 3);", MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
-  check("c.intNoArgumentMethod(1);", MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentMethod();", MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentMethod(1, 1);", MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
-  check("c.intTwoArgumentMethod();", MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-  check("c.intTwoArgumentMethod(1, 2, 3);", MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
-  // check("c.untypedField();");
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod();", [MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT]);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod(0);");
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod(0, 1);");
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod(0, 1, 2);",
-      [MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT]);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod(0, 1, c: 2);",
-      [MessageKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NOT_FOUND]);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod(0, b: 1);",
-      [MessageKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NOT_FOUND]);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod(a: 0, b: 1);", [
-  ]);
-  check("c.intTwoOptionalMethod();");
-  check("c.intTwoOptionalMethod(0);");
-  check("c.intTwoOptionalMethod(0, 1);");
-  check("c.intTwoOptionalMethod(0, 1, 2);", [MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT]);
-  check(
-      "c.intTwoOptionalMethod(a: 0);", [MessageKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NOT_FOUND]);
-  check("c.intTwoOptionalMethod(0, b: 1);",
-      [MessageKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NOT_FOUND]);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod();", [MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT]);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod(0);");
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod(0, b: 1);");
-  check(
-      "c.intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod(b: 1);", [MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT]);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod(0, b: 1, c: 2);",
-      [MessageKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NOT_FOUND]);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod(0, 1);",
-      [MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT]);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod(0, 1, c: 2);",
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod(a: 1, b: 1);",
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod();");
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(a: 0);");
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(b: 1);");
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(a: 0, b: 1);");
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(b: 1, a: 0);");
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(0);", [MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT]);
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(c: 2);", [MessageKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NOT_FOUND]);
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(a: 0, c: 2);",
-      [MessageKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NOT_FOUND]);
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(a: 0, b: 1, c: 2);",
-      [MessageKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NOT_FOUND]);
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(c: 2, b: 1, a: 0);",
-      [MessageKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT_NOT_FOUND]);
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(0, b: 1);", [MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT]);
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(0, 1);",
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(0, c: 2);",
-void testMethodInvocations(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  compiler.parseScript(CLASS_WITH_METHODS);
-  check(String text, [expectedWarnings]) {
-    analyze(
-        compiler,
-        """{
-               ClassWithMethods c;
-               SubClass d;
-               var e;
-               int i;
-               int j;
-               int localMethod(String str) { return 0; }
-               $text
-               }
-               """,
-        warnings: expectedWarnings);
-  }
-  check("int k = c.untypedNoArgumentMethod();");
-  check("ClassWithMethods x = c.untypedNoArgumentMethod();");
-  check("ClassWithMethods x = d.untypedNoArgumentMethod();");
-  check("int k = d.intMethod();");
-  check("int k = c.untypedOneArgumentMethod(c);");
-  check("ClassWithMethods x = c.untypedOneArgumentMethod(1);");
-  check("int k = c.untypedOneArgumentMethod('string');");
-  check("int k = c.untypedOneArgumentMethod(i);");
-  check("int k = d.untypedOneArgumentMethod(d);");
-  check("ClassWithMethods x = d.untypedOneArgumentMethod(1);");
-  check("int k = d.untypedOneArgumentMethod('string');");
-  check("int k = d.untypedOneArgumentMethod(i);");
-  check("int k = c.untypedTwoArgumentMethod(1, 'string');");
-  check("int k = c.untypedTwoArgumentMethod(i, j);");
-  check("ClassWithMethods x = c.untypedTwoArgumentMethod(i, c);");
-  check("int k = d.untypedTwoArgumentMethod(1, 'string');");
-  check("int k = d.untypedTwoArgumentMethod(i, j);");
-  check("ClassWithMethods x = d.untypedTwoArgumentMethod(i, d);");
-  check("int k = c.intNoArgumentMethod();");
-  check("ClassWithMethods x = c.intNoArgumentMethod();", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k = c.intOneArgumentMethod(c);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("ClassWithMethods x = c.intOneArgumentMethod(1);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k = c.intOneArgumentMethod('string');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k = c.intOneArgumentMethod(i);");
-  check("int k = c.intTwoArgumentMethod(1, 'string');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k = c.intTwoArgumentMethod(i, j);");
-  check("ClassWithMethods x = c.intTwoArgumentMethod(i, j);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("c.functionField();");
-  check("d.functionField();");
-  check("c.functionField(1);");
-  check("d.functionField('string');");
-  check("c.intField();", MessageKind.NOT_CALLABLE);
-  check("d.intField();", MessageKind.NOT_CALLABLE);
-  check("c.untypedField();");
-  check("d.untypedField();");
-  check("c.untypedField(1);");
-  check("d.untypedField('string');");
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod('');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod('', '');",
-  check("c.intTwoOptionalMethod('');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("c.intTwoOptionalMethod('', '');", [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod('');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("c.intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod('', b: '');",
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(a: '');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(b: '');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(a: '', b: '');", [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  check("c.intTwoNamedMethod(b: '', a: '');", [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  // Invocation of dynamic variable.
-  check("e();");
-  check("e(1);");
-  check("e('string');");
-  // Invocation on local method.
-  check("localMethod();", MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-  check("localMethod(1);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("localMethod('string');");
-  check("int k = localMethod('string');");
-  check("String k = localMethod('string');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // Invocation on parenthesized expressions.
-  check("(e)();");
-  check("(e)(1);");
-  check("(e)('string');");
-  check("(foo)();");
-  check("(foo)(1);");
-  check("(foo)('string');");
-  // Invocations on function expressions.
-  check("(foo){}();", MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-  check("(foo){}(1);");
-  check("(foo){}('string');");
-  check("(int foo){}('string');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("(String foo){}('string');");
-  check("int k = int bar(String foo){ return 0; }('string');");
-  check("int k = String bar(String foo){ return foo; }('string');",
-  // Static invocations.
-  check("ClassWithMethods.staticMethod();", MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-  check("ClassWithMethods.staticMethod(1);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("ClassWithMethods.staticMethod('string');");
-  check("int k = ClassWithMethods.staticMethod('string');");
-  check("String k = ClassWithMethods.staticMethod('string');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // Invocation on dynamic variable.
-  check(";");
-  check(";");
-  check("'string');");
-  // Invocation on unresolved variable.
-  check("foo();");
-  check("foo(1);");
-  check("foo('string');");
-  check("foo(a: 'string');");
-  check("foo(a: localMethod(1));", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-Future testMethodInvocationsInClass(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  MockCompiler compiler = new MockCompiler.internal();
-  return compiler.init(CLASS_WITH_METHODS).then((_) {
-    LibraryElement library = compiler.mainApp;
-    compiler.parseScript(CLASS_WITH_METHODS, library);
-    ClassElement ClassWithMethods = library.find("ClassWithMethods");
-    ClassWithMethods.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-    Element c = ClassWithMethods.lookupLocalMember('method');
-    assert(c != null);
-    ClassElement SubClass = library.find("SubClass");
-    SubClass.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-    Element d = SubClass.lookupLocalMember('method');
-    assert(d != null);
-    check(Element element, String text, [expectedWarnings]) {
-      analyzeIn(
-          compiler,
-          element,
-          """{
-                     var e;
-                     int i;
-                     int j;
-                     int localMethod(String str) { return 0; }
-                     $text
-                   }""",
-          warnings: expectedWarnings);
-    }
-    check(c, "int k = untypedNoArgumentMethod();");
-    check(c, "ClassWithMethods x = untypedNoArgumentMethod();");
-    check(d, "ClassWithMethods x = untypedNoArgumentMethod();");
-    check(d, "int k = intMethod();");
-    check(c, "int k = untypedOneArgumentMethod(this);");
-    check(c, "ClassWithMethods x = untypedOneArgumentMethod(1);");
-    check(c, "int k = untypedOneArgumentMethod('string');");
-    check(c, "int k = untypedOneArgumentMethod(i);");
-    check(d, "int k = untypedOneArgumentMethod(this);");
-    check(d, "ClassWithMethods x = untypedOneArgumentMethod(1);");
-    check(d, "int k = untypedOneArgumentMethod('string');");
-    check(d, "int k = untypedOneArgumentMethod(i);");
-    check(c, "int k = untypedTwoArgumentMethod(1, 'string');");
-    check(c, "int k = untypedTwoArgumentMethod(i, j);");
-    check(c, "ClassWithMethods x = untypedTwoArgumentMethod(i, this);");
-    check(d, "int k = untypedTwoArgumentMethod(1, 'string');");
-    check(d, "int k = untypedTwoArgumentMethod(i, j);");
-    check(d, "ClassWithMethods x = untypedTwoArgumentMethod(i, this);");
-    check(c, "int k = intNoArgumentMethod();");
-    check(c, "ClassWithMethods x = intNoArgumentMethod();", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "int k = intOneArgumentMethod('');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "ClassWithMethods x = intOneArgumentMethod(1);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "int k = intOneArgumentMethod('string');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "int k = intOneArgumentMethod(i);");
-    check(c, "int k = intTwoArgumentMethod(1, 'string');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "int k = intTwoArgumentMethod(i, j);");
-    check(
-        c, "ClassWithMethods x = intTwoArgumentMethod(i, j);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "functionField();");
-    check(d, "functionField();");
-    check(c, "functionField(1);");
-    check(d, "functionField('string');");
-    check(c, "intField();", MessageKind.NOT_CALLABLE);
-    check(d, "intField();", MessageKind.NOT_CALLABLE);
-    check(c, "untypedField();");
-    check(d, "untypedField();");
-    check(c, "untypedField(1);");
-    check(d, "untypedField('string');");
-    check(c, "intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod('');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod('', '');",
-    check(c, "intTwoOptionalMethod('');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "intTwoOptionalMethod('', '');", [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-    check(c, "intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod('');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod('', b: '');",
-    check(c, "intTwoNamedMethod(a: '');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "intTwoNamedMethod(b: '');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "intTwoNamedMethod(a: '', b: '');",
-    check(c, "intTwoNamedMethod(b: '', a: '');",
-    // Invocation of dynamic variable.
-    check(c, "e();");
-    check(c, "e(1);");
-    check(c, "e('string');");
-    // Invocation on local method.
-    check(c, "localMethod();", MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-    check(c, "localMethod(1);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "localMethod('string');");
-    check(c, "int k = localMethod('string');");
-    check(c, "String k = localMethod('string');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    // Invocation on parenthesized expressions.
-    check(c, "(e)();");
-    check(c, "(e)(1);");
-    check(c, "(e)('string');");
-    check(c, "(foo)();", UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-    check(c, "(foo)(1);", UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-    check(c, "(foo)('string');", UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-    // Invocations on function expressions.
-    check(c, "(foo){}();", MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-    check(c, "(foo){}(1);");
-    check(c, "(foo){}('string');");
-    check(c, "(int foo){}('string');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "(String foo){}('string');");
-    check(c, "int k = int bar(String foo){ return 0; }('string');");
-    check(c, "int k = String bar(String foo){ return foo; }('string');",
-    // Static invocations.
-    check(c, "staticMethod();", MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-    check(c, "staticMethod(1);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(c, "staticMethod('string');");
-    check(c, "int k = staticMethod('string');");
-    check(c, "String k = staticMethod('string');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check(d, "staticMethod();", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-    check(d, "staticMethod(1);", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-    check(d, "staticMethod('string');", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-    check(d, "int k = staticMethod('string');", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-    check(
-        d, "String k = staticMethod('string');", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-    // Invocation on dynamic variable.
-    check(c, ";");
-    check(c, ";");
-    check(c, "'string');");
-    // Invocation on unresolved variable.
-    check(c, "foo();", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-    check(c, "foo(1);", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-    check(c, "foo('string');", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-    check(c, "foo(a: 'string');", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-    check(c, "foo(a: localMethod(1));",
-  });
-void testFunctionCall(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  compiler.parseScript(CLASS_WITH_METHODS);
-  check(String text, [expectedWarnings]) {
-    analyze(
-        compiler,
-        """{
-               ClassWithMethods x;
-               int localMethod(String str) { return 0; }
-               String2Int string2int;
-               Function function;
-               SubFunction subFunction;
-               $text
-               }
-               """,
-        warnings: expectedWarnings);
-  }
-  check("int k ='');");
-  check("String k ='');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k =;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k ='');");
-  check("String k ='');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k =;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k ='');");
-  check("String k ='');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k =;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k ='');");
-  check("String k ='');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k =;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("((String s) { return 0; }).call('');");
-  check("((String s) { return 0; }).call(0);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("(int f(String x)) { int i =''); } (null);");
-  check("(int f(String x)) { String s =''); } (null);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("(int f(String x)) { int i =; } (null);", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k ='');");
-  check("String k ='');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k =;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k ='');");
-  check("String k ='');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k =;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("int k ='');");
-  check("String k ='');");
-  check("int k =;");
-  check("int k ='');");
-  check("String k ='');");
-  check("int k =;");
-testNewExpression(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  compiler.parseScript("class A {}");
-  analyze(compiler, "A a = new A();");
-  analyze(compiler, "int i = new A();", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-// TODO(karlklose): constructors are not yet implemented.
-//  compiler.parseScript(
-//    "class Foo {\n" +
-//    "  Foo(int x) {}\n" +
-//    " {}\n" +
-//    "[int i = null]) {}\n" +
-//    "}\n" +
-//    "abstract class Bar<T> {\n" +
-//    "  factory Bar.make() => new Baz<T>.make();\n" +
-//    "}\n" +
-//    "class Baz {\n" +
-//    "  factory Bar<S>.make(S x) { return null; }\n" +
-//    "}");
-//  analyze("Foo x = new Foo(0);");
-//  analyze("Foo x = new Foo();", MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT);
-//  analyze("Foo x = new Foo('');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-//  analyze("Foo x = new Foo(0, null);", MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
-//  analyze("Foo x = new;");
-//  analyze("Foo x = new;", MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
-//  analyze("Foo x = new;");
-//  analyze("Foo x = new;");
-//  analyze("Foo x = new'');", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-//  analyze("Foo x = new, null);",
-//          MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT);
-//  analyze("Bar<String> x = new Bar<String>.make('');");
-testConditionalExpression(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  check("int i = true ? 2 : 1;");
-  check("int i = true ? 'hest' : 1;");
-  check("int i = true ? 'hest' : 'fisk';", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("String s = true ? 'hest' : 'fisk';");
-  check("true ? 1 : 2;");
-  check("null ? 1 : 2;");
-  check("0 ? 1 : 2;", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("'' ? 1 : 2;", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("{ int i; true ? i = 2.7 : 2; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("{ int i; true ? 2 : i = 2.7; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("{ int i; i = true ? 2.7 : 2; }");
-  compiler.parseScript("""
-    bool cond() => true;
-    void f1() {}
-    void f2() {}""");
-  check("{ cond() ? f1() : f2(); }");
-testIfStatement(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  check("if (true) {}");
-  check("if (null) {}");
-  check("if (0) {}", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("if ('') {}", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("{ int i = 27; if (true) { i = 2.7; } else {} }",
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("{ int i = 27; if (true) {} else { i = 2.7; } }",
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-testThis(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  String script = """class Foo {
-                       void method() {}
-                     }""";
-  compiler.parseScript(script);
-  LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-  ClassElement foo = mainApp.find("Foo");
-  foo.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  Element method = foo.lookupLocalMember('method');
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ int i = this; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ Object o = this; }");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ Foo f = this; }");
-testSuper(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  String script = r'''
-    class A {
-      String field = "42";
-    }
-    class B extends A {
-      Object field = 42;
-      void method() {}
-    }
-    ''';
-  compiler.parseScript(script);
-  LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-  ClassElement B = mainApp.find("B");
-  B.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  Element method = B.lookupLocalMember('method');
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ int i = super.field; }",
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ Object o = super.field; }");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ String s = super.field; }");
-const String CLASSES_WITH_OPERATORS = '''
-class Operators {
-  Operators operator +(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator -(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator -() => this;
-  Operators operator *(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator /(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator %(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator ~/(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator &(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator |(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator ^(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator ~() => this;
-  Operators operator <(Operators other) => true;
-  Operators operator >(Operators other) => false;
-  Operators operator <=(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator >=(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator <<(Operators other) => this;
-  Operators operator >>(Operators other) => this;
-  bool operator ==(Operators other) => true;
-  Operators operator [](Operators key) => this;
-  void operator []=(Operators key, Operators value) {}
-class MismatchA {
-  int operator+(MismatchA other) => 0;
-  MismatchA operator-(int other) => this;
-  MismatchA operator[](int key) => this;
-  void operator[]=(int key, MismatchA value) {}
-class MismatchB {
-  MismatchB operator+(MismatchB other) => this;
-  MismatchB operator[](int key) => this;
-  void operator[]=(String key, MismatchB value) {}
-class MismatchC {
-  MismatchC operator+(MismatchC other) => this;
-  MismatchC operator[](int key) => this;
-  void operator[]=(int key, String value) {}
-testOperatorsAssignability(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  compiler.parseScript(CLASSES_WITH_OPERATORS);
-  // Tests against Operators.
-  String header = """{
-      bool z;
-      Operators a;
-      Operators b;
-      Operators c;
-      """;
-  check(String text, [expectedWarnings]) {
-    analyze(compiler, '$header $text }', warnings: expectedWarnings);
-  }
-  // Positive tests on operators.
-  check('c = a + b;');
-  check('c = a - b;');
-  check('c = -a;');
-  check('c = a * b;');
-  check('c = a / b;');
-  check('c = a % b;');
-  check('c = a ~/ b;');
-  check('c = a & b;');
-  check('c = a | b;');
-  check('c = a ^ b;');
-  check('c = ~a;');
-  check('c = a < b;');
-  check('c = a > b;');
-  check('c = a <= b;');
-  check('c = a >= b;');
-  check('c = a << b;');
-  check('c = a >> b;');
-  check('c = a[b];');
-  check('a[b] = c;');
-  check('a[b] += c;');
-  check('a[b] -= c;');
-  check('a[b] *= c;');
-  check('a[b] /= c;');
-  check('a[b] %= c;');
-  check('a[b] ~/= c;');
-  check('a[b] <<= c;');
-  check('a[b] >>= c;');
-  check('a[b] &= c;');
-  check('a[b] |= c;');
-  check('a[b] ^= c;');
-  check('a += b;');
-  check('a -= b;');
-  check('a *= b;');
-  check('a /= b;');
-  check('a %= b;');
-  check('a ~/= b;');
-  check('a <<= b;');
-  check('a >>= b;');
-  check('a &= b;');
-  check('a |= b;');
-  check('a ^= b;');
-  // Negative tests on operators.
-  // For the sake of brevity we misuse the terminology in comments:
-  //  'e1 is not assignable to e2' should be read as
-  //     'the type of e1 is not assignable to the type of e2', and
-  //  'e1 is not assignable to operator o on e2' should be read as
-  //     'the type of e1 is not assignable to the argument type of operator o
-  //      on e2'.
-  // `0` is not assignable to operator + on `a`.
-  check('c = a + 0;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `a + b` is not assignable to `z`.
-  check('z = a + b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `-a` is not assignable to `z`.
-  check('z = -a;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `0` is not assignable to operator [] on `a`.
-  check('c = a[0];', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `a[b]` is not assignable to `z`.
-  check('z = a[b];', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `0` is not assignable to operator [] on `a`.
-  // Warning suppressed for `0` is not assignable to operator []= on `a`.
-  check('a[0] *= c;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `z` is not assignable to operator * on `a[0]`.
-  check('a[b] *= z;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('b = a++;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('b = ++a;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('b = a--;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('b = --a;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('c = a[b]++;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('c = ++a[b];', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('c = a[b]--;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('c = --a[b];', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('z = a == b;');
-  check('z = a != b;');
-  for (String o in ['&&', '||']) {
-    check('z = z $o z;');
-    check('z = a $o z;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check('z = z $o b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-    check('z = a $o b;', [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  }
-  check('z = !z;');
-  check('z = !a;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('a = !z;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('a = !a;', [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  // Tests against MismatchA.
-  header = """{
-      MismatchA a;
-      MismatchA b;
-      MismatchA c;
-      """;
-  // Tests against int operator +(MismatchA other) => 0;
-  // `a + b` is not assignable to `c`.
-  check('c = a + b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `a + b` is not assignable to `a`.
-  check('a += b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `a[0] + b` is not assignable to `a[0]`.
-  check('a[0] += b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // 1 is not applicable to operator +.
-  check('b = a++;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // 1 is not applicable to operator +.
-  // `++a` of type int is not assignable to `b`.
-  check('b = ++a;', [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  // 1 is not applicable to operator +.
-  check('b = a[0]++;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // 1 is not applicable to operator +.
-  // `++a[0]` of type int is not assignable to `b`.
-  check('b = ++a[0];', [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  // Tests against: MismatchA operator -(int other) => this;
-  // `a - b` is not assignable to `c`.
-  check('c = a + b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `a - b` is not assignable to `a`.
-  check('a += b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `a[0] - b` is not assignable to `a[0]`.
-  check('a[0] += b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('b = a--;');
-  check('b = --a;');
-  check('b = a[0]--;');
-  check('b = --a[0];');
-  // Tests against MismatchB.
-  header = """{
-      MismatchB a;
-      MismatchB b;
-      MismatchB c;
-      """;
-  // Tests against:
-  // MismatchB operator [](int key) => this;
-  // void operator []=(String key, MismatchB value) {}
-  // `0` is not applicable to operator []= on `a`.
-  check('a[0] = b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `0` is not applicable to operator []= on `a`.
-  check('a[0] += b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `""` is not applicable to operator [] on `a`.
-  check('a[""] += b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `c` is not applicable to operator [] on `a`.
-  // `c` is not applicable to operator []= on `a`.
-  check('a[c] += b;', [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  // Tests against MismatchB.
-  header = """{
-      MismatchC a;
-      MismatchC b;
-      MismatchC c;
-      """;
-  // Tests against:
-  // MismatchC operator[](int key) => this;
-  // void operator[]=(int key, String value) {}
-  // `b` is not assignable to `a[0]`.
-  check('a[0] += b;', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // `0` is not applicable to operator + on `a[0]`.
-  check('a[0] += "";', [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  // `true` is not applicable to operator + on `a[0]`.
-  // `true` is not assignable to `a[0]`.
-  check('a[0] += true;', [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-Future testFieldInitializers(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  Future check(String code, [expectedWarnings]) {
-    return analyzeTopLevel(code, expectedWarnings);
-  }
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("""int i = 0;"""),
-    check("""int i = '';""", NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check("""class Class {
-               int i = 0;
-             }"""),
-    check("""class Class {
-               int i = '';
-             }""", NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-  ]);
-void testTypeVariableExpressions(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  String script = """class Foo<T> {
-                       void method() {}
-                     }""";
-  compiler.parseScript(script);
-  LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-  ClassElement foo = mainApp.find("Foo");
-  foo.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  Element method = foo.lookupLocalMember('method');
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ Type type = T; }");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ T type = T; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ int type = T; }", warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ String typeName = T.toString(); }");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{; }", warnings: UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ = 0; }",
-      warnings: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_SETTER);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{; }",
-      warnings: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ T + 1; }",
-      warnings: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR);
-void testTypeVariableLookup1(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  String script = """
-class Foo {
-  int field;
-  void method(int argument) {}
-  int operator +(Foo foo) {}
-  int get getter => 21;
-class Test<S extends Foo, T> {
-  S s;
-  T t;
-  test() {}
-  compiler.parseScript(script);
-  LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-  ClassElement classTest = mainApp.find("Test");
-  classTest.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  FunctionElement methodTest = classTest.lookupLocalMember("test");
-  test(String expression, [message]) {
-    analyzeIn(compiler, methodTest, "{ $expression; }", warnings: message);
-  }
-  test('s.field');
-  test('s.method(1)');
-  test('s + s');
-  test('s.getter');
-  test('t.toString');
-  test('t.field', UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  test('t.method(1)', MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-  test('t + t', MessageKind.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR);
-  test('t.getter', UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  test('s.field = "hest"', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  test('s.method("hest")', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  test('s + "hest"', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  test('String v = s.getter', NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-void testTypeVariableLookup2(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  String script = """
-class Foo {
-  int field;
-  void method(int argument) {}
-  int operator +(Foo foo) {}
-  int get getter => 21;
-class Test<S extends T, T extends Foo> {
-  S s;
-  test() {}
-  compiler.parseScript(script);
-  LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-  ClassElement classTest = mainApp.find("Test");
-  classTest.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  FunctionElement methodTest = classTest.lookupLocalMember("test");
-  test(String expression, [message]) {
-    analyzeIn(compiler, methodTest, "{ $expression; }", warnings: message);
-  }
-  test('s.field');
-  test('s.method(1)');
-  test('s + s');
-  test('s.getter');
-void testTypeVariableLookup3(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  String script = """
-class Test<S extends T, T extends S> {
-  S s;
-  test() {}
-  compiler.parseScript(script);
-  LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-  ClassElement classTest = mainApp.find("Test");
-  classTest.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  FunctionElement methodTest = classTest.lookupLocalMember("test");
-  test(String expression, [message]) {
-    analyzeIn(compiler, methodTest, "{ $expression; }", warnings: message);
-  }
-  test('s.toString');
-  test('s.field', UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  test('s.method(1)', MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-  test('s + s', MessageKind.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR);
-  test('s.getter', UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-void testFunctionTypeLookup(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  check('(int f(int)) => f.toString;');
-  check('(int f(int)) => f.toString();');
-  check('(int f(int)) =>;', warnings: UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  check('(int f(int)) =>;', warnings: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-void testTypedefLookup(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  compiler.parseScript("typedef int F(int);");
-  check('(F f) => f.toString;');
-  check('(F f) => f.toString();');
-  check('(F f) =>;', warnings: UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  check('(F f) =>;', warnings: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-void testTypeLiteral(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  check(String code, {warnings}) {
-    analyze(compiler, code, warnings: warnings);
-  }
-  final String source = r"""class Class {
-                              static var field = null;
-                              static method() {}
-                            }""";
-  compiler.parseScript(source);
-  // Check direct access.
-  check('Type m() => int;');
-  check('int m() => int;', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // Check access in assignment.
-  check('m(Type val) => val = Class;');
-  check('m(int val) => val = Class;', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('m(Type val) => val = dynamic;');
-  check('m(int val) => val = dynamic;', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // Check access as argument.
-  check('m(Type val) => m(int);');
-  check('m(int val) => m(int);', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // Check access as argument in member access.
-  check('m(Type val) => m(int).foo;');
-  check('m(int val) => m(int).foo;', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // Check static property access.
-  check('m() => Class.field;');
-  check('m() => (Class).field;', warnings: UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  // Check static method access.
-  check('m() => Class.method();');
-  check('m() => (Class).method();', warnings: MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD);
-  // Check access in invocation.
-  check('m() => Class();', warnings: MessageKind.NOT_CALLABLE);
-  check('m() => dynamic();', warnings: MessageKind.NOT_CALLABLE);
-Future testInitializers(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  Future check(String text, [expectedWarnings]) {
-    return analyzeTopLevel(text, expectedWarnings);
-  }
-  return Future.wait([
-    // Check initializers.
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                var a;
-                Class(this.a);
-              }
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                int a;
-                Class(this.a);
-              }
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                var a;
-                Class(int this.a);
-              }
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                String a;
-                Class(int this.a);
-              }
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                var a;
-                Class(int a) : this.a = a;
-              }
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                String a;
-                Class(int a) : this.a = a;
-              }
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    // Check this-calls.
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                var a;
-                Class(this.a);
-                Class.named(int a) : this(a);
-              }
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                String a;
-                Class(this.a);
-                Class.named(int a) : this(a);
-              }
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                String a;
-                Class(var a) : this.a = a;
-                Class.named(int a) : this(a);
-              }
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                String a;
-                Class(String a) : this.a = a;
-                Class.named(int a) : this(a);
-              }
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    // Check super-calls.
-    check(r'''class Super {
-                var a;
-                Super(this.a);
-              }
-              class Class extends Super {
-                Class.named(int a) : super(a);
-              }
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Super {
-                String a;
-                Super(this.a);
-              }
-              class Class extends Super {
-                Class.named(int a) : super(a);
-              }
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check(r'''class Super {
-                String a;
-                Super(var a) : this.a = a;
-              }
-              class Class extends Super {
-                Class.named(int a) : super(a);
-              }
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Super {
-                String a;
-                Super(String a) : this.a = a;
-              }
-              class Class extends Super {
-                Class.named(int a) : super(a);
-              }
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    // Check super-calls involving generics.
-    check(r'''class Super<T> {
-                var a;
-                Super(this.a);
-              }
-              class Class extends Super<String> {
-                Class.named(int a) : super(a);
-              }
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Super<T> {
-                T a;
-                Super(this.a);
-              }
-              class Class extends Super<String> {
-                Class.named(int a) : super(a);
-              }
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check(r'''class Super<T> {
-                T a;
-                Super(var a) : this.a = a;
-              }
-              class Class extends Super<String> {
-                Class.named(int a) : super(a);
-              }
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Super<T> {
-                T a;
-                Super(T a) : this.a = a;
-              }
-              class Class extends Super<String> {
-                Class.named(int a) : super(a);
-              }
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    // Check instance creations.
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                var a;
-                Class(this.a);
-              }
-              method(int a) => new Class(a);
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                String a;
-                Class(this.a);
-              }
-              method(int a) => new Class(a);
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                String a;
-                Class(var a) : this.a = a;
-              }
-              method(int a) => new Class(a);
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Class {
-                String a;
-                Class(String a) : this.a = a;
-              }
-              method(int a) => new Class(a);
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    // Check instance creations involving generics.
-    check(r'''class Class<T> {
-                var a;
-                Class(this.a);
-              }
-              method(int a) => new Class<String>(a);
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Class<T> {
-                T a;
-                Class(this.a);
-              }
-              method(int a) => new Class<String>(a);
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check(r'''class Class<T> {
-                T a;
-                Class(var a) : this.a = a;
-              }
-              method(int a) => new Class<String>(a);
-              '''),
-    check(r'''class Class<T> {
-                T a;
-                Class(String a) : this.a = a;
-              }
-              method(int a) => new Class<String>(a);
-              ''', NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-  ]);
-void testGetterSetterInvocation(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  compiler.parseScript(r'''int get variable => 0;
-                           void set variable(String s) {}
-                           class Class {
-                             int get instanceField => 0;
-                             void set instanceField(String s) {}
-                             static int get staticField => 0;
-                             static void set staticField(String s) {}
-                             int overriddenField;
-                             int get getterField => 0;
-                             void set setterField(int v) {}
-                           }
-                           class GetterClass extends Class {
-                             int get overriddenField => super.overriddenField;
-                             int get setterField => 0;
-                           }
-                           class SetterClass extends Class {
-                             void set overriddenField(int v) {}
-                             void set getterField(int v) {}
-                           }
-                           Class c;
-                           GetterClass gc;
-                           SetterClass sc;
-                           ''');
-  check(String text, [expectedWarnings]) {
-    analyze(compiler, '{ $text }', warnings: expectedWarnings);
-  }
-  check("variable = '';");
-  check("int v = variable;");
-  check("variable = 0;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("String v = variable;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // num is not assignable to String (the type of the setter).
-  check("variable += 0;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // String is not assignable to int (the argument type of the operator + on the
-  // getter) and num (the result type of the operation) is not assignable to
-  // String (the type of the setter).
-  check("variable += '';", [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  check("c.instanceField = '';");
-  check("int v = c.instanceField;");
-  check("c.instanceField = 0;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("String v = c.instanceField;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // num is not assignable to String (the type of the setter).
-  check("c.instanceField += 0;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // String is not assignable to int (the argument type of the operator + on the
-  // getter) and num (the result type of the operation) is not assignable to
-  // String (the type of the setter).
-  check("c.instanceField += '';", [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  check("Class.staticField = '';");
-  check("int v = Class.staticField;");
-  check("Class.staticField = 0;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check("String v = Class.staticField;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // num is not assignable to String (the type of the setter).
-  check("Class.staticField += 0;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  // String is not assignable to int (the argument type of the operator + on the
-  // getter) and num (the result type of the operation) is not assignable to
-  // String (the type of the setter).
-  check("Class.staticField += '';", [NOT_ASSIGNABLE, NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-  check("int v = c.overriddenField;");
-  check("c.overriddenField = 0;");
-  check("int v = c.getterField;");
-  check("c.getterField = 0;", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_SETTER);
-  check("int v = c.setterField;",
-  check("c.setterField = 0;");
-  check("int v = gc.overriddenField;");
-  check("gc.overriddenField = 0;");
-  check("int v = gc.setterField;");
-  check("gc.setterField = 0;");
-  check("int v = gc.getterField;");
-  check("gc.getterField = 0;", MessageKind.UNDEFINED_SETTER);
-  check("int v = sc.overriddenField;");
-  check("sc.overriddenField = 0;");
-  check("int v = sc.getterField;");
-  check("sc.getterField = 0;");
-  check("int v = sc.setterField;",
-  check("sc.setterField = 0;");
-testTypePromotionHints(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  compiler.parseScript(r'''class A {
-                             var a = "a";
-                           }
-                           class B extends A {
-                             var b = "b";
-                           }
-                           class C {
-                             var c = "c";
-                           }
-                           class D<T> {
-                             T d;
-                           }
-                           class E<T> extends D<T> {
-                             T e;
-                           }
-                           class F<S, U> extends E<S> {
-                             S f;
-                           }
-                           class G<V> extends F<V, V> {
-                             V g;
-                           }
-                           ''');
-  check(String text, {warnings, hints, infos}) {
-    analyze(compiler, '{ $text }',
-        warnings: warnings, hints: hints, infos: infos);
-  }
-  check(r'''
-            A a = new B();
-            if (a is C) {
-              var x = a.c;
-            }''',
-      warnings: [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER],
-      hints: [MessageKind.NOT_MORE_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE],
-      infos: []);
-  check(r'''
-            A a = new B();
-            if (a is C) {
-              var x = '${a.c}${a.c}';
-            }''',
-      warnings: [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER, MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER],
-      hints: [MessageKind.NOT_MORE_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE],
-      infos: []);
-  check(r'''
-            A a = new B();
-            if (a is C) {
-              var x = '${a.d}${a.d}'; // Type promotion wouldn't help.
-            }''',
-      warnings: [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER, MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER],
-      hints: [],
-      infos: []);
-  check('''
-           D<int> d = new E();
-           if (d is E) { // Suggest E<int>.
-             var x = d.e;
-           }''', warnings: [
-  ], hints: [
-    checkMessage(MessageKind.NOT_MORE_SPECIFIC_SUGGESTION,
-        {'shownTypeSuggestion': 'E<int>'})
-  ], infos: []);
-  check('''
-           D<int> d = new F();
-           if (d is F) { // Suggest F<int, dynamic>.
-             var x = d.f;
-           }''', warnings: [
-  ], hints: [
-    checkMessage(MessageKind.NOT_MORE_SPECIFIC_SUGGESTION,
-        {'shownTypeSuggestion': 'F<int, dynamic>'})
-  ], infos: []);
-  check('''
-           D<int> d = new G();
-           if (d is G) { // Suggest G<int>.
-             var x = d.f;
-           }''', warnings: [
-  ], hints: [
-    checkMessage(MessageKind.NOT_MORE_SPECIFIC_SUGGESTION,
-        {'shownTypeSuggestion': 'G<int>'})
-  ], infos: []);
-  check('''
-           F<double, int> f = new G();
-           if (f is G) { // Cannot suggest a more specific type.
-             var x = f.g;
-           }''',
-      warnings: [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER],
-      hints: [MessageKind.NOT_MORE_SPECIFIC],
-      infos: []);
-  check('''
-           D<int> d = new E();
-           if (d is E) {
-             var x = d.f; // Type promotion wouldn't help.
-           }''',
-      warnings: [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER], hints: [], infos: []);
-  check('''
-           A a = new B();
-           if (a is B) {
-             a = null;
-             var x = a.b;
-           }''',
-      warnings: [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER],
-      hints: [MessageKind.POTENTIAL_MUTATION],
-      infos: [MessageKind.POTENTIAL_MUTATION_HERE]);
-  check('''
-           A a = new B();
-           if (a is B) {
-             a = null;
-             var x = a.c; // Type promotion wouldn't help.
-           }''',
-      warnings: [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER], hints: [], infos: []);
-  check('''
-           A a = new B();
-           local() { a = new A(); }
-           if (a is B) {
-             var x = a.b;
-           }''',
-      warnings: [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER],
-      hints: [MessageKind.POTENTIAL_MUTATION_IN_CLOSURE],
-      infos: [MessageKind.POTENTIAL_MUTATION_IN_CLOSURE_HERE]);
-  check('''
-           A a = new B();
-           local() { a = new A(); }
-           if (a is B) {
-             var x = a.c; // Type promotion wouldn't help.
-           }''',
-      warnings: [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER], hints: [], infos: []);
-  check('''
-           A a = new B();
-           if (a is B) {
-             var x = () => a;
-             var y = a.b;
-           }
-           a = new A();''', warnings: [
-  ], hints: [
-  ], infos: [
-  ]);
-  check('''
-           A a = new B();
-           if (a is B) {
-             var x = () => a;
-             var y = a.c; // Type promotion wouldn't help.
-           }
-           a = new A();''',
-      warnings: [MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER], hints: [], infos: []);
-void testCascade(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  compiler.parseScript(r'''typedef A AFunc();
-                           typedef Function FuncFunc();
-                           class A {
-                             A a;
-                             B b;
-                             C c;
-                             AFunc afunc() => null;
-                             FuncFunc funcfunc() => null;
-                             C operator [](_) => null;
-                             void operator []=(_, C c) {}
-                           }
-                           class B {
-                             B b;
-                             C c;
-                           }
-                           class C {
-                             C c;
-                             AFunc afunc() => null;
-                           }
-                           ''');
-  check(String text, {warnings, hints, infos}) {
-    analyze(compiler, '{ $text }',
-        warnings: warnings, hints: hints, infos: infos);
-  }
-  check('A a = new A()..a;');
-  check('A a = new A()..b;');
-  check('A a = new A()..a..b;');
-  check('A a = new A()..b..c..a;');
-  check('B b = new A()..a;', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('B b = new A()..b;', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('B b = new A().b;');
-  check('new A().b..b;');
-  check('new A().b..a;', warnings: UNDEFINED_GETTER);
-  check('B b = new A().b..c;');
-  check('C c = new A().b..c;', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('A a = new A()..a = new A();');
-  check('A a = new A()..b = new B();');
-  check('B b = new A()..b = new B();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('A a = new A()..b = new A();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('AFunc a = new C().afunc();');
-  check('AFunc a = new C()..afunc();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('C c = new C()..afunc();');
-  check('A a = new C().afunc()();');
-  check('A a = new C()..afunc()();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('AFunc a = new C()..afunc()();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('FuncFunc f = new A().funcfunc();');
-  check('A a = new A().funcfunc();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('FuncFunc f = new A()..funcfunc();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('A a = new A()..funcfunc();');
-  check('FuncFunc f = new A()..funcfunc()();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('A a = new A()..funcfunc()();');
-  check('FuncFunc f = new A()..funcfunc()()();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('A a = new A()..funcfunc()()();');
-  check('''A a;
-           a = new A()..a = a = new A()..c.afunc();''');
-  check('''A a = new A()..b = new B()..c.afunc();''');
-  check('''A a = new A()..b = new A()..c.afunc();''', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('''A a = new A()..b = new A()..c.afunc()();''',
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('''A a = new A()..b = new A()..c.afunc()().b;''',
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('A a = new A().afunc()()[0].afunc();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('C c = new A().afunc()()[0].afunc();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('AFunc a = new A().afunc()()[0].afunc();');
-  check('A a = new A()..afunc()()[0].afunc();');
-  check('C c = new A()..afunc()()[0].afunc();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('AFunc a = new A()..afunc()()[0].afunc();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('A a = new A().afunc()()[0]..afunc();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('C c = new A().afunc()()[0]..afunc();');
-  check('AFunc a = new A().afunc()()[0]..afunc();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('A a = new A()..afunc()()[0]..afunc();');
-  check('C c = new A()..afunc()()[0]..afunc();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('AFunc a = new A()..afunc()()[0]..afunc();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('new A()[0] = new A();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('new A()[0] = new C();');
-  check('new A().a[0] = new A();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('new A().a[0] = new C();');
-  check('new A()..a[0] = new A();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('new A()..a[0] = new C();');
-  check('new A()..afunc()()[0] = new A();', warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  check('new A()..afunc()()[0] = new C();');
-testAwait(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  String script = """class Foo {
-                       void method() async {}
-                       Future<int> asyncInt() => new Future<int>.value(0);
-                       Foo self() => this;
-                     }""";
-  compiler.parseScript(script);
-  LibraryElement mainApp = compiler.mainApp;
-  ClassElement foo = mainApp.find("Foo");
-  foo.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  FunctionElement method = foo.lookupLocalMember('method');
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ await 0; }");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ int i = await 0; }");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ String s = await 0; }",
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ await asyncInt(); }");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ int i = await asyncInt(); }");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ String s = await asyncInt(); }",
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ Foo f = self(); }");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ Foo f = await self(); }");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ Foo f = await self().asyncInt(); }",
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ int i = await self().asyncInt(); }");
-  analyzeIn(compiler, method, "{ String s = await self().asyncInt(); }",
-      warnings: NOT_ASSIGNABLE);
-testAsyncReturn(MockCompiler compiler) {
-  Future check(String code, [expectedWarnings]) {
-    return analyzeTopLevel(code, expectedWarnings);
-  }
-  return Future.wait([
-    check("Future<int> foo() async { return; }"),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async { return null; }"),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async { return 0; }"),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async { return ''; }", NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async { return new Future.value(); }"),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async { return new Future<int>.value(); }"),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async { return new Future<String>.value(); }",
-    check("""
-          Future<int> foo() async { return new Future<Future<int>>.value(); }
-          """),
-    check("void foo() async { return; }"),
-    check("void foo() async { return 0; }", MessageKind.RETURN_VALUE_IN_VOID),
-    check("void foo() async { return new Future.value(); }",
-        MessageKind.RETURN_VALUE_IN_VOID),
-    check("int foo() async { return; }"),
-    check("int foo() async { return 0; }", NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check(
-        "int foo() async { return new Future<int>.value(); }", NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async => null;"),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async => 0;"),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async => '';", NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async => new Future.value();"),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async => new Future<int>.value();"),
-    check("Future<int> foo() async => new Future<String>.value();",
-    check("""
-    Future<int> foo() async => new Future<Future<int>>.value();
-    """),
-    check("void foo() async { return 0; }", MessageKind.RETURN_VALUE_IN_VOID),
-    check("void foo() async { return new Future.value(); }",
-        MessageKind.RETURN_VALUE_IN_VOID),
-    check("int foo() async => 0;", NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check("int foo() async => new Future<int>.value();", NOT_ASSIGNABLE),
-    check("Iterable<int> foo() sync* { return; }"),
-    check("Stream<int> foo() async* { return; }"),
-  ]);
-typedef int String2Int(String s);
-int topLevelMethod(String s) {}
-class ClassWithMethods {
-  untypedNoArgumentMethod() {}
-  untypedOneArgumentMethod(argument) {}
-  untypedTwoArgumentMethod(argument1, argument2) {}
-  int intNoArgumentMethod() {}
-  int intOneArgumentMethod(int argument) {}
-  int intTwoArgumentMethod(int argument1, int argument2) {}
-  void intOneArgumentOneOptionalMethod(int a, [int b]) {}
-  void intTwoOptionalMethod([int a, int b]) {}
-  void intOneArgumentOneNamedMethod(int a, {int b}) {}
-  void intTwoNamedMethod({int a, int b}) {}
-  Function functionField;
-  var untypedField;
-  int intField;
-  static int staticMethod(String str) {}
-  int instanceMethod(String str) {}
-  void method() {}
-  String2Int string2int;
-class I {
-  int intMethod();
-class SubClass extends ClassWithMethods implements I {
-  void method() {}
-class SubFunction implements Function {}''';
-String returnWithType(String type, expression) {
-  return "$type foo() { return $expression; }";
-String arrowReturnWithType(String type, expression) {
-  return "$type foo() => $expression;";
-Node parseExpression(String text) => parseBodyCode(
-    text,
-    (parser, token) =>
-        parser.parseExpression(parser.syntheticPreviousToken(token)).next);
-const Map<String, String> ALT_SOURCE = const <String, String>{
-  'num': r'''
-      abstract class num {
-        num operator +(num other);
-        num operator -(num other);
-        num operator *(num other);
-        num operator %(num other);
-        double operator /(num other);
-        int operator ~/(num other);
-        num operator -();
-        bool operator <(num other);
-        bool operator <=(num other);
-        bool operator >(num other);
-        bool operator >=(num other);
-      }
-      ''',
-  'int': r'''
-      abstract class int extends num {
-        int operator &(int other);
-        int operator |(int other);
-        int operator ^(int other);
-        int operator ~();
-        int operator <<(int shiftAmount);
-        int operator >>(int shiftAmount);
-        int operator -();
-      }
-      ''',
-  'String': r'''
-      class String implements Pattern {
-        String operator +(String other) => this;
-      }
-      ''',
-Future setup(test(MockCompiler compiler)) {
-  MockCompiler compiler =
-      new MockCompiler.internal(coreSource: ALT_SOURCE, enableAsyncAwait: true);
-  return compiler.init("import 'dart:async';").then((_) => test(compiler));
-ResolutionDartType analyzeType(MockCompiler compiler, String text) {
-  var node = parseExpression(text);
-  TypeCheckerVisitor visitor = new TypeCheckerVisitor(
-      compiler, new TreeElementMapping(null), compiler.resolution.types);
-  return visitor.analyze(node);
-analyzeTopLevel(String text, [expectedWarnings]) {
-  if (expectedWarnings == null) expectedWarnings = [];
-  if (expectedWarnings is! List) expectedWarnings = [expectedWarnings];
-  MockCompiler compiler = new MockCompiler.internal(enableAsyncAwait: true);
-  compiler.diagnosticHandler = createHandler(compiler, text);
-  return compiler.init("import 'dart:async';").then((_) {
-    LibraryElement library = compiler.mainApp;
-    Link<Element> topLevelElements =
-        parseUnit(text, compiler, library).reverse();
-    ElementX element = null;
-    Node node;
-    TreeElements mapping;
-    // Resolve all declarations and members.
-    for (Link<Element> elements = topLevelElements;
-        !elements.isEmpty;
-        elements = elements.tail) {
-      element = elements.head;
-      if (element.isClass) {
-        ClassElementX classElement = element;
-        classElement.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-        classElement.forEachLocalMember((Element e) {
-          if (!e.isSynthesized) {
-            element = e;
-            node = element.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-            compiler.resolver.resolve(element);
-            mapping = element.treeElements;
-          }
-        });
-      } else {
-        node = element.parseNode(compiler.parsingContext);
-        compiler.resolver.resolve(element);
-        mapping = element.treeElements;
-      }
-    }
-    // Type check last class declaration or member.
-    TypeCheckerVisitor checker =
-        new TypeCheckerVisitor(compiler, mapping, compiler.resolution.types);
-    DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-    collector.clear();
-    checker.analyze(node, mustHaveType: false);
-    compareWarningKinds(text, expectedWarnings, collector.warnings);
-    compiler.diagnosticHandler = null;
-  });
- * Analyze the statement [text] and check messages from the type checker.
- * [errors] and [warnings] can be either [:null:], a single [MessageKind] or
- * a list of [MessageKind]s. If [hints] and [infos] are [:null:] the
- * corresponding message kinds are ignored.
- */
-analyze(MockCompiler compiler, String text,
-    {errors, warnings, List hints, List infos, bool flushDeferred: false}) {
-  if (warnings == null) warnings = [];
-  if (warnings is! List) warnings = [warnings];
-  if (errors == null) errors = [];
-  if (errors is! List) errors = [errors];
-  compiler.diagnosticHandler = createHandler(compiler, text);
-  Token tokens = scan(text);
-  NodeListener listener =
-      new NodeListener(const ScannerOptions(), compiler.reporter, null);
-  Parser parser = new Parser(listener);
-  parser.parseStatement(parser.syntheticPreviousToken(tokens));
-  Node node = listener.popNode();
-  Element compilationUnit = new CompilationUnitElementX(
-      new Script(null, null, null), compiler.mainApp);
-  Element function = new MockElement(compilationUnit);
-  TreeElements elements = compiler.resolveNodeStatement(node, function);
-  compiler.enqueuer.resolution.emptyDeferredQueueForTesting();
-  TypeCheckerVisitor checker =
-      new TypeCheckerVisitor(compiler, elements, compiler.resolution.types);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  collector.clear();
-  checker.analyze(node, mustHaveType: false);
-  if (flushDeferred) {
-    compiler.enqueuer.resolution.emptyDeferredQueueForTesting();
-  }
-  compareWarningKinds(text, warnings, collector.warnings);
-  compareWarningKinds(text, errors, collector.errors);
-  if (hints != null) compareWarningKinds(text, hints, collector.hints);
-  if (infos != null) compareWarningKinds(text, infos, collector.infos);
-  compiler.diagnosticHandler = null;
-void generateOutput(MockCompiler compiler, String text) {
-  for (CollectedMessage message in compiler.diagnosticCollector.warnings) {
-    int begin = message.begin;
-    int end = message.end;
-    SourceFile sourceFile = new StringSourceFile.fromName('analysis', text);
-    print(
-        sourceFile.getLocationMessage(message.message.toString(), begin, end));
-  }
-analyzeIn(MockCompiler compiler, FunctionElement element, String text,
-    {warnings, hints}) {
-  if (warnings == null) warnings = [];
-  if (warnings is! List) warnings = [warnings];
-  if (hints == null) hints = [];
-  if (hints is! List) hints = [hints];
-  compiler.resolver.resolve(element);
-  Token tokens = scan(text);
-  NodeListener listener =
-      new NodeListener(const ScannerOptions(), compiler.reporter, null);
-  Parser parser = new Parser(listener)
-    ..asyncState = element.asyncMarker.asyncParserState;
-  parser.parseStatement(parser.syntheticPreviousToken(tokens));
-  Node node = listener.popNode();
-  TreeElements elements = compiler.resolveNodeStatement(node, element);
-  TypeCheckerVisitor checker =
-      new TypeCheckerVisitor(compiler, elements, compiler.resolution.types);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  collector.clear();
-  checker.analyze(node, mustHaveType: false);
-  generateOutput(compiler, text);
-  compareWarningKinds(text, warnings, collector.warnings);
-  compareWarningKinds(text, hints, collector.hints);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_equals_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_equals_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f36b82e..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_equals_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
-import "../compiler_helper.dart";
-test(compiler, String name1, String name2, {bool expect}) {
-  Expect.isTrue((expect != null), 'required parameter "expect" not given');
-  dynamic clazz = findElement(compiler, "Class");
-  clazz.ensureResolved(compiler.resolution);
-  dynamic element1 = clazz.buildScope().lookup(name1);
-  dynamic element2 = clazz.buildScope().lookup(name2);
-  Expect.isNotNull(element1);
-  Expect.isNotNull(element2);
-  Expect.equals(element1.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION);
-  Expect.equals(element2.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION);
-  element1.computeType(compiler.resolution);
-  element2.computeType(compiler.resolution);
-  FunctionSignature signature1 = element1.functionSignature;
-  FunctionSignature signature2 = element2.functionSignature;
-  // Function signatures are used to be to provide void types (only occurring as
-  // as return types) and (inlined) function types (only occurring as method
-  // parameter types).
-  //
-  // Only a single type is used from each signature. That is, it is not the
-  // intention to check the whole signatures against eachother.
-  ResolutionDartType type1;
-  ResolutionDartType type2;
-  if (signature1.requiredParameterCount == 0) {
-    // If parameters is empty, use return type.
-    type1 = signature1.type.returnType;
-  } else {
-    // Otherwise use the first argument type.
-    type1 = signature1.requiredParameters.first.type;
-  }
-  if (signature2.requiredParameterCount == 0) {
-    // If parameters is empty, use return type.
-    type2 = signature2.type.returnType;
-  } else {
-    // Otherwise use the first argument type.
-    type2 = signature2.requiredParameters.first.type;
-  }
-  if (expect) {
-    Expect.equals(type1, type2, "$type1 != $type2");
-  } else {
-    Expect.notEquals(type1, type2, "$type1 == $type2");
-  }
-void main() {
-  var uri = new Uri(scheme: 'source');
-  var compiler = mockCompilerFor(r"""
-      typedef int Typedef1<X,Y>(String s1);
-      typedef void Typedef2<Z>(T t1, S s1);
-      class Class<T,S> {
-        void void1() {}
-        void void2() {}
-        void int1(int a) {}
-        void int2(int b) {}
-        void String1(String a) {}
-        void String2(String b) {}
-        void ListInt1(List<int> a) {}
-        void ListInt2(List<int> b) {}
-        void ListString1(List<String> a) {}
-        void ListString2(List<String> b) {}
-        void MapIntString1(Map<int,String> a) {}
-        void MapIntString2(Map<int,String> b) {}
-        void TypeVar1(T t1, S s1) {}
-        void TypeVar2(T t2, S s2) {}
-        void Function1a(int a(String s1)) {}
-        void Function2a(int b(String s2)) {}
-        void Function1b(void a(T t1, S s1)) {}
-        void Function2b(void b(T t2, S s2)) {}
-        void Typedef1a(Typedef1<int,String> a) {}
-        void Typedef2a(Typedef1<int,String> b) {}
-        void Typedef1b(Typedef2<T> a) {}
-        void Typedef2b(Typedef2<T> b) {}
-        void Typedef1c(Typedef2<S> a) {}
-        void Typedef2c(Typedef2<S> b) {}
-      }
-      void main() {}
-      """, uri, analyzeAll: true, analyzeOnly: true);
-  asyncTest(() => {
-        test(compiler, "void1", "void2", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "int1", "int2", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "String1", "String2", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "ListInt1", "ListInt2", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "ListString1", "ListString2", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "MapIntString1", "MapIntString2", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "TypeVar1", "TypeVar2", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "Function1a", "Function2a", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "Function1b", "Function2b", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "Typedef1a", "Typedef2a", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "Typedef1b", "Typedef2b", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "Typedef1c", "Typedef2c", expect: true);
-        test(compiler, "void1", "int1", expect: false);
-        test(compiler, "int1", "String1", expect: false);
-        test(compiler, "String1", "ListInt1", expect: false);
-        test(compiler, "ListInt1", "ListString1", expect: false);
-        test(compiler, "ListString1", "MapIntString1", expect: false);
-        test(compiler, "MapIntString1", "TypeVar1", expect: false);
-        test(compiler, "TypeVar1", "Function1a", expect: false);
-        test(compiler, "Function1a", "Function1b", expect: false);
-        test(compiler, "Function1b", "Typedef1a", expect: false);
-        test(compiler, "Typedef1a", "Typedef1b", expect: false);
-        test(compiler, "Typedef1b", "Typedef1c", expect: false);
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_order_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_order_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index be592dc..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_order_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library type_order_test;
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import '../type_test_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
-import "package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart"
-    show ClassElement, TypedefElement;
-void main() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-      class A<AT, AS> {}
-      typedef BS B<BT, BS>(BT t);
-      class C<CT, CS> extends A<CS, CT> {}
-      class X {}
-      class Y {}
-      class Z {}
-      """).then((env) {
-        var types = <ResolutionDartType>[];
-        ResolutionDartType add(ResolutionDartType type) {
-          types.add(type);
-          return type;
-        }
-        ResolutionDartType dynamic_ = add(env['dynamic']);
-        ResolutionDartType void_ = add(env['void']);
-        ClassElement A = env.getElement('A');
-        TypedefElement B = env.getElement('B');
-        ClassElement C = env.getElement('C');
-        ResolutionDartType X = add(env['X']);
-        ResolutionDartType Y = add(env['Y']);
-        ResolutionDartType Z = add(env['Z']);
-        ResolutionInterfaceType A_this = add(A.thisType);
-        ResolutionInterfaceType A_raw = add(A.rawType);
-        ResolutionTypeVariableType AT = add(A_this.typeArguments[0]);
-        ResolutionTypeVariableType AS = add(A_this.typeArguments[1]);
-        ResolutionInterfaceType A_X_Y = add(instantiate(A, [X, Y]));
-        ResolutionInterfaceType A_Y_X = add(instantiate(A, [Y, X]));
-        ResolutionTypedefType B_this =
-            add(B.computeType(env.compiler.resolution));
-        ResolutionTypedefType B_raw = add(B.rawType);
-        ResolutionTypeVariableType BT = add(B_this.typeArguments[0]);
-        ResolutionTypeVariableType BS = add(B_this.typeArguments[1]);
-        ResolutionFunctionType B_this_alias = add(B.alias);
-        ResolutionTypedefType B_X_Y = add(instantiate(B, [X, Y]));
-        ResolutionFunctionType B_X_Y_alias = add(B_X_Y.unaliased);
-        ResolutionTypedefType B_Y_X = add(instantiate(B, [Y, X]));
-        ResolutionFunctionType B_Y_X_alias = add(B_Y_X.unaliased);
-        ResolutionInterfaceType C_this = add(C.thisType);
-        ResolutionInterfaceType C_raw = add(C.rawType);
-        ResolutionTypeVariableType CT = add(C_this.typeArguments[0]);
-        ResolutionTypeVariableType CS = add(C_this.typeArguments[1]);
-        Expect.listEquals(<ResolutionDartType>[
-          void_,
-          dynamic_,
-          A_raw,
-          A_this,
-          A_X_Y,
-          A_Y_X,
-          AT,
-          AS,
-          B_raw,
-          B_this,
-          B_X_Y,
-          B_Y_X,
-          BT,
-          BS,
-          C_raw,
-          C_this,
-          CT,
-          CS,
-          X,
-          Y,
-          Z,
-          B_this_alias,
-          B_Y_X_alias,
-          B_X_Y_alias,
-        ], Types.sorted(types));
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_promotion_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_promotion_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index c09089f..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_promotion_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that dart2js produces the expected static type warnings for type
-// promotion language tests. This ensures that the analyzer and dart2js agrees
-// on these tests.
-import 'warnings_checker.dart';
-/// Map from test files to a map of their expected status. If the status map is
-/// `null` no warnings must be missing or unexpected, otherwise the status map
-/// can contain a list of line numbers for keys 'missing' and 'unexpected' for
-/// the warnings of each category.
-const Map<String, dynamic> TESTS = const {
-  'language/type_promotion_assign_test.dart': null,
-  'language/type_promotion_closure_test.dart': null,
-  'language/type_promotion_functions_test.dart': const {
-    'missing': const [65, 66, 67]
-  }, // Issue 14933.
-  'language/type_promotion_local_test.dart': null,
-  'language/type_promotion_logical_and_test.dart': null,
-  'language/type_promotion_more_specific_test.dart': null,
-  'language/type_promotion_multiple_test.dart': null,
-  'language/type_promotion_parameter_test.dart': null,
-void main() {
-  checkWarnings(TESTS);
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_variable_bound_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_variable_bound_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index e01e18e..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_variable_bound_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:async';
-import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
-import '../compiler_helper.dart';
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-Future compile(String source) {
-  Uri uri = Uri.parse('test:code');
-  var compiler = mockCompilerFor(source, uri,
-      analyzeOnly: true, enableTypeAssertions: true);
-  compiler.diagnosticHandler = createHandler(compiler, source);
-  return {
-    return compiler;
-  });
-Future test(String source, {var errors, var warnings}) async {
-  if (errors == null) errors = [];
-  if (errors is! List) errors = [errors];
-  if (warnings == null) warnings = [];
-  if (warnings is! List) warnings = [warnings];
-  var compiler = await compile(source);
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.equals(!errors.isEmpty, compiler.compilationFailed);
-  Expect.equals(
-      errors.length,
-      collector.errors.length,
-      'unexpected error count: ${collector.errors.length} '
-      'expected ${errors.length}');
-  Expect.equals(
-      warnings.length,
-      collector.warnings.length,
-      'unexpected warning count: ${collector.warnings.length} '
-      'expected ${warnings.length}');
-  for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
-    Expect.equals(errors[i], collector.errors.elementAt(i).message.kind);
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < warnings.length; i++) {
-    Expect.equals(warnings[i], collector.warnings.elementAt(i).message.kind);
-  }
-Future test1() async {
-  var compiler = await compile(r"""
-class A<T extends T> {}
-void main() {
-  new A();
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isFalse(compiler.compilationFailed);
-  Expect.isTrue(
-      collector.errors.isEmpty, 'unexpected errors: ${collector.errors}');
-  Expect.equals(1, collector.warnings.length,
-      'expected exactly one warning, but got ${collector.warnings}');
-  print(collector.warnings.elementAt(0));
-  Expect.equals(MessageKind.CYCLIC_TYPE_VARIABLE,
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(0).message.kind);
-  Expect.equals("T",
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(0).message.arguments['typeVariableName']);
-Future test2() async {
-  var compiler = await compile(r"""
-class B<T extends S, S extends T> {}
-void main() {
-  new B();
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isFalse(compiler.compilationFailed);
-  print(collector.errors);
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.isEmpty, 'unexpected errors');
-  Expect.equals(2, collector.warnings.length,
-      'expected exactly two errors, but got ${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(MessageKind.CYCLIC_TYPE_VARIABLE,
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(0).message.kind);
-  Expect.equals("T",
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(0).message.arguments['typeVariableName']);
-  Expect.equals(MessageKind.CYCLIC_TYPE_VARIABLE,
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(1).message.kind);
-  Expect.equals("S",
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(1).message.arguments['typeVariableName']);
-Future test3() async {
-  var compiler = await compile(r"""
-class C<T extends S, S extends U, U extends T> {}
-void main() {
-  new C();
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isFalse(compiler.compilationFailed);
-  print(collector.errors);
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.isEmpty, 'unexpected errors');
-  Expect.equals(3, collector.warnings.length,
-      'expected exactly one error, but got ${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(MessageKind.CYCLIC_TYPE_VARIABLE,
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(0).message.kind);
-  Expect.equals("T",
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(0).message.arguments['typeVariableName']);
-  Expect.equals(MessageKind.CYCLIC_TYPE_VARIABLE,
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(1).message.kind);
-  Expect.equals("S",
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(1).message.arguments['typeVariableName']);
-  Expect.equals(MessageKind.CYCLIC_TYPE_VARIABLE,
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(2).message.kind);
-  Expect.equals("U",
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(2).message.arguments['typeVariableName']);
-Future test4() async {
-  var compiler = await compile(r"""
-class D<T extends S, S extends U, U extends S> {}
-void main() {
-  new D();
-  DiagnosticCollector collector = compiler.diagnosticCollector;
-  Expect.isFalse(compiler.compilationFailed);
-  print(collector.errors);
-  Expect.isTrue(collector.errors.isEmpty, 'unexpected errors');
-  Expect.equals(2, collector.warnings.length,
-      'expected exactly one error, but got ${collector.warnings}');
-  Expect.equals(MessageKind.CYCLIC_TYPE_VARIABLE,
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(0).message.kind);
-  Expect.equals("S",
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(0).message.arguments['typeVariableName']);
-  Expect.equals(MessageKind.CYCLIC_TYPE_VARIABLE,
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(1).message.kind);
-  Expect.equals("U",
-      collector.warnings.elementAt(1).message.arguments['typeVariableName']);
-Future test5() {
-  return test(r"""
-class A<T extends num> {}
-void main() {
-  new A();
-  new A<num>();
-  new A<dynamic>();
-  new A<int>();
-  new A<double>();
-Future test6() {
-  return test(r"""
-class A<T extends num> {}
-void main() {
-  new A<String>();
-""", warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_TYPE_VARIABLE_BOUND);
-Future test7() {
-  return test(r"""
-class A<T extends num> {}
-class B<T> extends A<T> {} // Warning produced here.
-void main() {
-  new B(); // No warning produced here.
-  new B<String>(); // No warning produced here.
-""", warnings: MessageKind.INVALID_TYPE_VARIABLE_BOUND);
-Future test8() {
-  return test(r"""
-class B<T extends B<T>> {}
-class C<T extends B<T>> extends B<T> {}
-class D<T extends C<T>> extends C<T> {}
-class E<T extends E<T>> extends D<T> {}
-class F extends E<F> {}
-void main() {
-  new B();
-  new B<dynamic>();
-  new B<F>();
-  new B<B<F>>();
-  new C();
-  new C<dynamic>();
-  new C<B<F>>();
-  new D();
-  new D<dynamic>();
-  new D<C<F>>();
-  new E();
-  new E<dynamic>();
-  new E<E<F>>();
-  new F();
-Future test9() {
-  return test(r"""
-class B<T extends B<T>> {}
-class C<T extends B<T>> extends B<T> {}
-class D<T extends C<T>> extends C<T> {}
-class E<T extends E<T>> extends D<T> {}
-class F extends E<F> {}
-void main() {
-  new D<B<F>>(); // Warning: B<F> is not a subtype of C<T>.
-  new E<D<F>>(); // Warning: E<F> is not a subtype of E<T>.
-""", warnings: [
-  ]);
-Future test10() {
-  return test(r"""
-class A {
-  const A();
-class Test<T extends A> {
-  final T x = const A();
-  const Test();
-main() {
-  print(const Test<A>());
-// TODO(het): The error is reported twice because both the Dart and JS constant
-// compilers are run on the const constructor, investigate why.
-Future test11() {
-  return test(r"""
-class A {
-  const A();
-class B extends A {
-  const B();
-class Test<T extends A> {
-  final T x = const A();
-  const Test();
-main() {
-  print(const Test<B>());
-""", errors: [MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE]);
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    await test1();
-    await test2();
-    await test3();
-    await test4();
-    await test5();
-    await test6();
-    await test7();
-    await test8();
-    await test9();
-    await test10();
-    await test11();
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_variable_occurrence_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_variable_occurrence_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index ac88d12..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/type_variable_occurrence_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library type_variable_occurrence_test;
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart' show ClassElement;
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/resolution_types.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/elements/types.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import '../type_test_helper.dart';
-void main() {
-  testTypeVariableOccurrence();
-testTypeVariableOccurrence() {
-  asyncTest(() => TypeEnvironment.create(r"""
-      typedef S Typedef1<S>();
-      typedef void Typedef2<S>(S s);
-      typedef void Typedef3<S>(A<S> a);
-      class A<T> {
-        int field1;
-        T field2;
-        A<int> field3;
-        A<T> field4;
-        A<A<int>> field5;
-        A<A<T>> field6;
-        Typedef1 field7;
-        Typedef1<int> field8;
-        Typedef1<T> field9;
-        Typedef1<Typedef1<T>> field10;
-        Typedef2 field11;
-        Typedef2<int> field12;
-        Typedef2<T> field13;
-        Typedef2<Typedef1<T>> field14;
-        Typedef3 field15;
-        Typedef3<int> field16;
-        Typedef3<T> field17;
-        Typedef3<Typedef1<T>> field18;
-        void method1() {}
-        T method2() => null;
-        A<T> method3() => null;
-        void method4(T t) {}
-        void method5(A<T> t) {}
-        void method6(void foo(T t)) {}
-        void method7([T t]) {}
-        void method8({T t}) {}
-      }
-      """).then((env) {
-        ClassElement A = env.getElement('A');
-        expect(bool expectResult, String memberName) {
-          ResolutionDartType memberType = env.getMemberType(memberName, A);
-          ResolutionTypeVariableType typeVariable =
-              memberType.typeVariableOccurrence;
-          if (expectResult) {
-            Expect.isNotNull(typeVariable);
-            Expect.equals(A, DartTypes.getClassContext(memberType));
-          } else {
-            Expect.isNull(typeVariable);
-            Expect.isNull(DartTypes.getClassContext(memberType));
-          }
-        }
-        // int field1;
-        expect(false, 'field1');
-        // T field2;
-        expect(true, 'field2');
-        // A<int> field3;
-        expect(false, 'field3');
-        // A<T> field4;
-        expect(true, 'field4');
-        // A<A<int>> field5;
-        expect(false, 'field5');
-        // A<A<T>> field6;
-        expect(true, 'field6');
-        // Typedef1 field7;
-        expect(false, 'field7');
-        // Typedef1<int> field8;
-        expect(false, 'field8');
-        // Typedef1<T> field9;
-        expect(true, 'field9');
-        // Typedef1<Typedef1<T>> field10;
-        expect(true, 'field10');
-        // Typedef2 field11;
-        expect(false, 'field11');
-        // Typedef2<int> field12;
-        expect(false, 'field12');
-        // Typedef2<T> field13;
-        expect(true, 'field13');
-        // Typedef2<Typedef1<T>> field14;
-        expect(true, 'field14');
-        // Typedef3 field15;
-        expect(false, 'field15');
-        // Typedef3<int> field16;
-        expect(false, 'field16');
-        // Typedef3<T> field17;
-        expect(true, 'field17');
-        // Typedef3<Typedef1<T>> field18;
-        expect(true, 'field18');
-        // void method1() {}
-        expect(false, 'method1');
-        // T method2() => null;
-        expect(true, 'method2');
-        // A<T> method3() => null;
-        expect(true, 'method3');
-        // void method4(T t) {}
-        expect(true, 'method4');
-        // void method5(A<T> t) {}
-        expect(true, 'method5');
-        // void method6(void foo(T t)) {}
-        expect(true, 'method6');
-        // void method7([T t]);
-        expect(true, 'method7');
-        // void method8({T t});
-        expect(true, 'method8');
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/unparser2_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/unparser2_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 458b6f3..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/unparser2_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import "package:expect/expect.dart";
-import "package:compiler/src/parser/element_listener.dart";
-import "package:compiler/src/parser/node_listener.dart";
-import "package:front_end/src/fasta/parser.dart";
-import "package:front_end/src/fasta/scanner.dart";
-import "package:compiler/src/tree/tree.dart";
-import "package:compiler/src/diagnostics/diagnostic_listener.dart";
-import "package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart"
-    show CompilationUnitElement, LibraryElement;
-import "package:compiler/src/elements/modelx.dart"
-    show CompilationUnitElementX, LibraryElementX;
-import "package:compiler/src/script.dart";
-main() {
-  testClassDef();
-  testClass1Field();
-  testClass2Fields();
-  testClass1Field1Method();
-  testClass1Field2Method();
-  testClassDefTypeParam();
-  testEnumDef();
-  testEnum1Value();
-  testEnum2Value();
-  testEnum3Value();
-  testEnum3CommaValue();
-testClassDef() {
-  compareCode('class T{}');
-testClass1Field() {
-  compareCode('class T{var x;}');
-testClass2Fields() {
-  compareCode('class T{var x;var y;}');
-testClass1Field1Method() {
-  compareCode('class T{var x;m(){}}');
-testClass1Field2Method() {
-  compareCode('class T{a(){}b(){}}');
-testClassDefTypeParam() {
-  compareCode('class T<X>{}');
-testEnumDef() {
-  compareCode('enum T {}');
-testEnum1Value() {
-  compareCode('enum T {A}');
-testEnum2Value() {
-  compareCode('enum T {A,B}');
-testEnum3Value() {
-  compareCode('enum T {A,B,C}');
-testEnum3CommaValue() {
-  compareCode('enum T {A,B,C,}', expectedResult: 'enum T {A,B,C}');
-void compareCode(String code, {String expectedResult}) {
-  if (expectedResult == null) {
-    expectedResult = code;
-  }
-  Expect.equals(expectedResult, doUnparse(code));
-String doUnparse(String source) {
-  MessageCollector diagnosticListener = new MessageCollector();
-  Script script = new Script(null, null, null);
-  LibraryElement lib = new LibraryElementX(script);
-  CompilationUnitElement element = new CompilationUnitElementX(script, lib);
-  StringScanner scanner = new StringScanner(source);
-  Token beginToken = scanner.tokenize();
-  NodeListener listener =
-      new NodeListener(const ScannerOptions(), diagnosticListener, element);
-  Parser parser = new Parser(listener);
-  parser.parseUnit(beginToken);
-  Node node = listener.popNode();
-  Expect.isTrue(listener.nodes.isEmpty);
-  return unparse(node);
-class MessageCollector extends DiagnosticReporter {
-  List<String> messages;
-  MessageCollector() {
-    messages = [];
-  }
-  void internalError(node, covariant String reason) {
-    messages.add(reason);
-    throw reason;
-  }
-  void log(message) {
-    messages.add(message);
-  }
-  noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => throw 'unsupported operation';
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/unparser_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/unparser_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index cd815c8..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/unparser_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'parser_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/tree/tree.dart';
-testUnparse(String statement) {
-  Node node = parseStatement(statement);
-  Expect.equals(statement, unparse(node));
-testUnparseMember(String member) {
-  Node node = parseMember(member);
-  Expect.equals(member, unparse(node));
-testUnparseUnit(String code) {
-  Node node = fullParseUnit(code);
-  Expect.equals(code, unparse(node));
-testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(String code) {
-  testUnparseUnit(code);
-  // TODO(ahe): Enable when supported.
-  // testUnparseUnit('@foo $code');
-testSignedConstants() {
-  testUnparse('var x=-42;');
-  testUnparse('var x=-.42;');
-  testUnparse('var x=-0;');
-  testUnparse('var x=-0.0;');
-  testUnparse('var x=-.0;');
-testGenericTypes() {
-  testUnparse('var x=new List<List<int>>();');
-  testUnparse('var x=new List<List<List<int>>>();');
-  testUnparse('var x=new List<List<List<List<int>>>>();');
-  testUnparse('var x=new List<List<List<List<List<int>>>>>();');
-testForLoop() {
-  testUnparse('for(;i<100;i++ ){}');
-  testUnparse('for(i=0;i<100;i++ ){}');
-testEmptyList() {
-  testUnparse('var x=[] ;');
-testClosure() {
-  testUnparse('var x=(var x)=>x;');
-testIndexedOperatorDecl() {
-  testUnparseMember('operator[](int i)=>null;');
-  testUnparseMember('operator[]=(int i,int j)=>null;');
-testNativeMethods() {
-  testUnparseMember('foo()native;');
-  testUnparseMember('foo()native "bar";');
-  testUnparseMember('foo()native "this.x = 41";');
-testPrefixIncrements() {
-  testUnparse(' ++i;');
-  testUnparse(' ++a[i];');
-  testUnparse(' ++a[ ++b[i]];');
-testConstModifier() {
-  testUnparse('foo([var a=const[] ]){}');
-  testUnparse('foo([var a=const{}]){}');
-  testUnparse('foo(){var a=const[] ;var b=const{};}');
-  testUnparse('foo([var a=const[const{"a":const[1,2,3]}]]){}');
-testSimpleObjectInstantiation() {
-  testUnparse('main(){new Object();}');
-testLibraryName() {
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('library com;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('library com.example;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('library com.example.dart;');
-testImport() {
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest";');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" as fiskehest;');
-testExport() {
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest";');
-testConditionalImport() {
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" if("other";');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" if(id=="some str")"other";');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest"'
-      ' if(id=="some str")"other"'
-      ' if(id)"other2";');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" if("other" as fiskehest;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" if(id=="some str")"other" as fiskehest;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest"'
-      ' if(id=="some str")"other"'
-      ' if(id)"other2"'
-      ' as fiskehest;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" if("other" deferred as fiskehest;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" if(id=="some str")"other" deferred as fiskehest;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest"'
-      ' if(id=="some str")"other"'
-      ' if(id)"other2"'
-      ' deferred as fiskehest;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest"'
-      ' if(id=="some str")"other"'
-      ' if(id)"other2"'
-      ' deferred as fiskehest'
-      ' show foo,bar;');
-testConditionalExport() {
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" if("other";');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" if(id=="some str")"other";');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest"'
-      ' if(id=="some str")"other"'
-      ' if(id)"other2";');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest"'
-      ' if(id=="some str")"other"'
-      ' if(id)"other2"'
-      ' show foo,bar;');
-testPart() {
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('part "søhest";');
-testPartOf() {
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('part of com;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('part of com.example;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('part of com.example.dart;');
-testCombinators() {
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" as fiskehest show a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" as fiskehest show hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" as fiskehest show show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" as fiskehest show a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" as fiskehest show a,show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" as fiskehest hide a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" as fiskehest hide hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" as fiskehest hide show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" as fiskehest hide a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "søhest" as fiskehest hide a,show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest show a hide a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest show hide hide hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest show show hide show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest show a,hide hide a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest show a,show hide a,show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest hide a show a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest hide hide show hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest hide show show show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest hide a,hide show a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest hide a,show show a,show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest show a show a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest show hide show hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest show show show show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest show a,hide show a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest show a,show show a,show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest hide a hide a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest hide hide hide hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest hide show hide show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest hide a,hide hide a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata(
-      'import "søhest" as fiskehest hide a,show hide a,show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show a,show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide a,show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show a hide a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show hide hide hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show show hide show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show a,hide hide a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show a,show hide a,show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide a show a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide hide show hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide show show show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide a,hide show a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide a,show show a,show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show a show a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show hide show hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show show show show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show a,hide show a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" show a,show show a,show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide a hide a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide hide hide hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide show hide show;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide a,hide hide a,hide;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('export "søhest" hide a,show hide a,show;');
-testDeferredImport() {
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "lib.dart" as a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "lib.dart" deferred as a;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "lib.dart" deferred as a show b;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('import "lib.dart" deferred as a hide b;');
-testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(String code) {
-  testUnparseMember(code);
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class Foo{$code}');
-testRedirectingFactoryConstructors() {
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=Bar;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=Bar.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=Bar<T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=Bar<List<T>,T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=Bar<T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=Bar<List<T>,T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=prefix.Bar;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=prefix.Bar.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<List<T>,T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<List<T>,T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("const factory Foo()=Bar;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("const factory Foo()=Bar.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("const factory Foo()=Bar<T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("const factory Foo()=Bar<List<T>,T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("const factory Foo()=Bar<T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("const factory Foo()=Bar<List<T>,T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<List<T>,T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<List<T>,T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external factory Foo()=Bar;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external factory Foo()=Bar.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external factory Foo()=Bar<T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external factory Foo()=Bar<List<T>,T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external factory Foo()=Bar<T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "external factory Foo()=Bar<List<T>,T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external factory Foo()=prefix.Bar;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external factory Foo()=prefix.Bar.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "external factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<List<T>,T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "external factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "external factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<List<T>,T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external const factory Foo()=Bar;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external const factory Foo()=Bar.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external const factory Foo()=Bar<T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "external const factory Foo()=Bar<List<T>,T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external const factory Foo()=Bar<T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "external const factory Foo()=Bar<List<T>,T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo("external const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "external const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "external const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "external const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<List<T>,T>;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "external const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<T>.baz;");
-  testUnparseMemberAndAsMemberOfFoo(
-      "external const factory Foo()=prefix.Bar<List<T>,T>.baz;");
-testClassDeclarations() {
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class Foo{}');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('abstract class Foo{}');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class Fisk{operator-(x){}}');
-testMixinApplications() {
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class C = S with M;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class C = S with M1,M2;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class C = S with M1,M2,M3;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class C<A> = S with M;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class C<A,B> = S with M;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class C = S<A> with M;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class C = S<A,B> with M;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class C = S with M<A>;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class C = S with M<A,B>;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class C = S with M1<A>,M2;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('class C = S with M1,M2<A,B>;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('abstract class C = S with M;');
-  testUnparseTopLevelWithMetadata('abstract class C<A> = S<A> with M<A>;');
-testUnparseParameters(List<String> variableDeclarations) {
-  var sb = new StringBuffer();
-  sb.write('Constructor(');
-  int index = 0;
-  for (String variableDeclaration in variableDeclarations) {
-    if (index != 0) {
-      sb.write(', ');
-    }
-    sb.write(variableDeclaration);
-    index++;
-  }
-  sb.write(');');
-  FunctionExpression node = parseMember(sb.toString());
-  index = 0;
-  for (VariableDefinitions parameter in node.parameters.nodes) {
-    Expect.equals(variableDeclarations[index], unparse(parameter));
-    index++;
-  }
-testParameters() {
-  testUnparseParameters(["foo", "bar=0", "int baz", "int boz=0"]);
-  testUnparseParameters(
-      ["", "", "int this.baz", "int this.boz=0"]);
-  testUnparseParameters(
-      ["foo()", "void bar()", "int baz(a)", "int boz(int a,int b)=null"]);
-  testUnparseParameters([
-    "",
-    //"void", // Commented out due to Issue 7852
-    //"int this.baz(a)", // Commented out due to Issue 7852
-    //"int this.boz(int a,int b)=null" // Commented out due to Issue 7852
-  ]);
-  testUnparseParameters(
-      ["@a foo", "@b @c bar=0", "@D(0) int baz", "@E([f],{g:h}) int boz=0"]);
-testSymbolLiterals() {
-  testUnparse("#+;");
-  testUnparse("#-;");
-  testUnparse("#*;");
-  testUnparse("#/;");
-  testUnparse("#~/;");
-  testUnparse("#%;");
-  testUnparse("#<;");
-  testUnparse("#<=;");
-  testUnparse("#>;");
-  testUnparse("#>=;");
-  testUnparse("#==;");
-  testUnparse("#&;");
-  testUnparse("#|;");
-  testUnparse("#^;");
-  testUnparse("#a;");
-  testUnparse("#a.b;");
-  testUnparse("#a.b.c;");
-  testUnparse(";");
-main() {
-  testSignedConstants();
-  testGenericTypes();
-  testForLoop();
-  testEmptyList();
-  testClosure();
-  testIndexedOperatorDecl();
-  testNativeMethods();
-  testPrefixIncrements();
-  testConstModifier();
-  testSimpleObjectInstantiation();
-  testLibraryName();
-  testImport();
-  testExport();
-  testConditionalImport();
-  testConditionalExport();
-  testPart();
-  testPartOf();
-  testCombinators();
-  testDeferredImport();
-  testRedirectingFactoryConstructors();
-  testClassDeclarations();
-  testMixinApplications();
-  testParameters();
-  testSymbolLiterals();
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/warnings_checker.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/warnings_checker.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bb7c4e..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/warnings_checker.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test that dart2js produces the expected static type warnings to ensures that
-// the analyzer and dart2js agrees on the tests.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import '../memory_compiler.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/filenames.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/io/source_file.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/source_file_provider.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/util/uri_extras.dart';
-import 'dart:convert';
-final _multiTestRegExpSeperator = new RegExp(r"//[#/]");
-void checkWarnings(Map<String, dynamic> tests, [List<String> arguments]) {
-  bool isWindows = Platform.isWindows;
-  bool warningsMismatch = false;
-  bool verbose = arguments != null && arguments.contains('-v');
-  asyncTest(() => Future.forEach(tests.keys, (String test) async {
-        Uri uri = Uri.base.resolve('tests/$test');
-        String source = utf8.decode(readAll(uriPathToNative(uri.path)));
-        SourceFile file = new StringSourceFile(
-            uri, relativize(currentDirectory, uri, isWindows), source);
-        Map<int, String> expectedWarnings = {};
-        int lineNo = 0;
-        for (String line in source.split('\n')) {
-          if (line.contains(_multiTestRegExpSeperator) &&
-              (line.contains('static type warning') ||
-                  line.contains('static warning'))) {
-            expectedWarnings[lineNo] = line;
-          }
-          lineNo++;
-        }
-        Set<int> unseenWarnings = new Set<int>.from(expectedWarnings.keys);
-        DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
-        await runCompiler(
-            entryPoint: uri,
-            diagnosticHandler: collector,
-            options: [Flags.analyzeOnly, Flags.useOldFrontend],
-            showDiagnostics: verbose);
-        Map<String, List<int>> statusMap = tests[test];
-        // Line numbers with known unexpected warnings.
-        List<int> unexpectedStatus = [];
-        if (statusMap != null && statusMap.containsKey('unexpected')) {
-          unexpectedStatus = statusMap['unexpected'];
-        }
-        // Line numbers with known missing warnings.
-        List<int> missingStatus = [];
-        if (statusMap != null && statusMap.containsKey('missing')) {
-          missingStatus = statusMap['missing'];
-        }
-        for (CollectedMessage message in collector.warnings) {
-          Expect.equals(uri, message.uri);
-          int lineNo = file.getLocation(message.begin).line - 1;
-          if (expectedWarnings.containsKey(lineNo)) {
-            unseenWarnings.remove(lineNo);
-          } else if (!unexpectedStatus.contains(lineNo + 1)) {
-            warningsMismatch = true;
-            print(file.getLocationMessage(
-                'Unexpected warning: ${message.message}',
-                message.begin,
-                message.end));
-          }
-        }
-        if (!unseenWarnings.isEmpty) {
-          for (int lineNo in unseenWarnings) {
-            if (!missingStatus.contains(lineNo + 1)) {
-              warningsMismatch = true;
-              String line = expectedWarnings[lineNo];
-              print('$uri [${lineNo+1}]: Missing static type warning.');
-              print(line);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }).then((_) {
-        Expect.isFalse(warningsMismatch);
-      }));
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/zero_termination_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/zero_termination_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0165af1..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/old_frontend/zero_termination_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// A regression test for issue 22667.
-// Makes sure that we don't print a '\0' character for files that are not
-// properly new-line terminated.
-library zero_termination_test;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
-import '../end_to_end/launch_helper.dart' show launchDart2Js;
-Uri pathOfData = Platform.script;
-Directory tempDir;
-String outFilePath;
-_sendNotFound(HttpResponse response) {
-  response.statusCode = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND;
-  response.close();
-Future handleRequest(HttpRequest request) {
-  final String path = request.uri.path.substring(1);
-  final Uri requestPath = pathOfData.resolve(path);
-  final File file = new File(requestPath.toFilePath());
-  return file.exists().then((bool found) {
-    if (found) {
-      file.openRead().pipe(request.response).catchError((e) {
-        _sendNotFound(request.response);
-      });
-    } else {
-      _sendNotFound(request.response);
-    }
-  });
-void cleanup() {
-  File outFile = new File(outFilePath);
-  if (outFile.existsSync()) {
-    outFile.deleteSync();
-  }
-void check(ProcessResult result) {
-  Expect.notEquals(0, result.exitCode);
-  List<int> stdout = result.stdout;
-  String stdoutString = utf8.decode(stdout);
-  Expect.isTrue(stdoutString.contains("Error"), "stdout:\n$stdoutString");
-  // Make sure the "499" from the last line is in the output.
-  Expect.isTrue(stdoutString.contains("499"), "stdout:\n$stdoutString");
-  // Make sure that the output does not contain any 0 character.
-  Expect.isFalse(stdout.contains(0));
-Future testFile() async {
-  String inFilePath =
-      pathOfData.resolve('data/one_line_dart_program.dart').path;
-  List<String> args = [
-    inFilePath,
-    "--out=" + outFilePath,
-    Flags.useOldFrontend
-  ];
-  await cleanup();
-  check(await launchDart2Js(args, noStdoutEncoding: true));
-  await cleanup();
-Future serverRunning(HttpServer server) async {
-  int port = server.port;
-  String inFilePath = "$port/data/one_line_dart_program.dart";
-  List<String> args = [
-    inFilePath,
-    "--out=" + outFilePath,
-    Flags.useOldFrontend
-  ];
-  server.listen(handleRequest);
-  try {
-    await cleanup();
-    check(await launchDart2Js(args, noStdoutEncoding: true));
-  } finally {
-    await server.close();
-    await cleanup();
-  }
-Future testHttp() {
-  return HttpServer
-      .bind(InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4, 0)
-      .then((HttpServer server) => serverRunning(server));
-runTests() async {
-  tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('directory_test');
-  outFilePath = path.join(tempDir.path, "out.js");
-  try {
-    await testFile();
-    await testHttp();
-  } finally {
-    await tempDir.delete(recursive: true);
-  }
-main() {
-  asyncTest(() async {
-    await runTests();
-  });
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/path with spaces/file with spaces.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/path with spaces/file with spaces.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b0cc204..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/path with spaces/file with spaces.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'library space/lib with spaces.dart';
-main() {
-  if (foo() != 499) throw "bad value";
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/path with spaces/library space/lib with spaces.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/path with spaces/library space/lib with spaces.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 16da6e3..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/path with spaces/library space/lib with spaces.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library spaces;
-part "part space/part space.dart";
-foo() => bar();
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/path with spaces/library space/part space/part space.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/path with spaces/library space/part space/part space.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 58aff0f..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/path with spaces/library space/part space/part space.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-part of spaces;
-bar() => 499;
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/http_launch_main.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/http_launch_main.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b2359a9..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/http_launch_main.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'lib1.dart';
-main() {
-  print(foo());
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/http_launch_main_package.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/http_launch_main_package.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 03ffa18..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/http_launch_main_package.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// ignore: URI_DOES_NOT_EXIST
-import 'package:simple/simple.dart';
-main() {
-  print(foo());
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/lib1.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/lib1.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e4ab7e..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/lib1.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-foo() => "hello http tester";
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/packages/simple/simple.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/packages/simple/simple.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e4ab7e..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/packages/simple/simple.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-foo() => "hello http tester";
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/pkcert/README b/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/pkcert/README
deleted file mode 100644
index fe764a9..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/pkcert/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-This is a certificate database used by Dart for testing purposes.
-It is created as a certificate database by NSS (Network Security Services),
-a library from Mozilla, using the certutil tool.  It uses a cert9.db file,
-rather than a cert8.db file, so the database directory must be specified with
-"sql:" in front of the directory path, or the environment variable
-NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE must be set to "sql".
-The password for the key database is "dartdart".
-The database contains a root certificate from Equifax, used to verify the
-client https connection to  It contains a self-signed
-certificate for a local certificate authority myauthority_cert, and a
-server certificate for localhost called localhost_cert, signed by
-myauthority_cert.  It contains the key for localhost_cert, but
-not the key for myauthority_cert.
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/pkcert/cert9.db b/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/pkcert/cert9.db
deleted file mode 100644
index 497fca6..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/pkcert/cert9.db
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/pkcert/key4.db b/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/pkcert/key4.db
deleted file mode 100644
index fc06432..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_launch_data/pkcert/key4.db
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_test.dart b/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 309fc5f..0000000
--- a/tests/compiler/dart2js/quarantined/http_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Test:
-//   *) Compiling a script fetched over HTTP.
-//   *) Importing a library fetched over HTTP.
-//   *) Automatically resolving package_root when script is fetched over HTTP.
-library http_launch_test;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
-import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
-import '../end_to_end/launch_helper.dart' show launchDart2Js;
-Uri pathOfData = Platform.script.resolve('http_launch_data/');
-Directory tempDir;
-String outFilePath;
-_sendNotFound(HttpResponse response) {
-  response.statusCode = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND;
-  response.close();
-Future handleRequest(HttpRequest request) {
-  final String path = request.uri.path.substring(1);
-  final Uri requestPath = pathOfData.resolve(path);
-  final File file = new File(requestPath.toFilePath());
-  return file.exists().then((bool found) {
-    if (found) {
-      file.openRead().pipe(request.response).catchError((e) {
-        _sendNotFound(request.response);
-      });
-    } else {
-      _sendNotFound(request.response);
-    }
-  });
-void check(ProcessResult result) {
-  Expect.equals(0, result.exitCode);
-  File outFile = new File(outFilePath);
-  Expect.isTrue(outFile.existsSync());
-  Expect.isTrue(outFile.readAsStringSync().contains("hello http tester"));
-void checkNotFound(ProcessResult result, String filename) {
-  Expect.notEquals(0, result.exitCode);
-  Expect.isTrue(result.stdout.contains("404"));
-  Expect.isTrue(result.stdout.contains(filename));
-cleanup() {
-  File outFile = new File(outFilePath);
-  if (outFile.existsSync()) {
-    outFile.deleteSync();
-  }
-Future testNonHttp() {
-  String inFilePath = pathOfData.resolve('http_launch_main.dart').toFilePath();
-  List<String> args = [inFilePath, "--out=" + outFilePath];
-  return launchDart2Js(args).then(check).then((_) {
-    cleanup();
-  });
-Future testHttpMain(String serverUrl) {
-  String inFilePath = '$serverUrl/http_launch_main.dart';
-  List<String> args = [inFilePath, "--out=" + outFilePath];
-  return launchDart2Js(args).then(check).then((_) {
-    cleanup();
-  });
-Future testHttpLib(String serverUrl) {
-  File file = new File(path.join(tempDir.path, "in.dart"));
-  file.writeAsStringSync("""
-  import '$serverUrl/lib1.dart';
-  main() { print(foo()); }
-  """);
-  String inFilePath = file.path;
-  List<String> args = [inFilePath, "--out=" + outFilePath];
-  return launchDart2Js(args)
-      .then(check)
-      .whenComplete(file.deleteSync)
-      .then((_) {
-    cleanup();
-  });
-Future testHttpPackage(String serverUrl) {
-  String inFilePath =
-      pathOfData.resolve('http_launch_main_package.dart').toFilePath();
-  String packageRoot = '$serverUrl/packages/';
-  List<String> args = [
-    inFilePath,
-    "--out=" + outFilePath,
-    "--package-root=" + packageRoot
-  ];
-  return launchDart2Js(args).then(check).then((_) {
-    cleanup();
-  });
-Future testBadHttp(String serverUrl) {
-  File file = new File(path.join(tempDir.path, "in_bad.dart"));
-  file.writeAsStringSync("""
-  import '$serverUrl/not_existing.dart';
-  main() { print(foo()); }
-  """);
-  String inFilePath = file.path;
-  List<String> args = [inFilePath, "--out=" + outFilePath];
-  return launchDart2Js(args)
-      .then((pr) => checkNotFound(pr, "not_existing.dart"))
-      .whenComplete(file.deleteSync)
-      .then((_) {
-    cleanup();
-  });
-Future testBadHttp2(String serverUrl) {
-  String inFilePath = '$serverUrl/not_found.dart';
-  List<String> args = [inFilePath, "--out=" + outFilePath];
-  return launchDart2Js(args)
-      .then((processResult) => checkNotFound(processResult, "not_found.dart"))
-      .then((_) {
-    cleanup();
-  });
-serverRunning(HttpServer server, String scheme) {
-  tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('directory_test');
-  outFilePath = path.join(tempDir.path, "out.js");
-  int port = server.port;
-  String serverUrl = "$scheme://$port";
-  asyncStart();
-  server.listen(handleRequest);
-  return new Future.value()
-      .then((_) => cleanup()) // Make sure we start fresh.
-      .then((_) => testNonHttp())
-      .then((_) => testHttpMain(serverUrl))
-      .then((_) => testHttpLib(serverUrl))
-      .then((_) => testHttpPackage(serverUrl))
-      .then((_) => testBadHttp(serverUrl))
-      .then((_) => testBadHttp2(serverUrl))
-      .whenComplete(() => tempDir.delete(recursive: true))
-      .whenComplete(server.close)
-      .then((_) => asyncEnd());
-Future testHttp() {
-  return HttpServer
-      .bind(InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4, 0)
-      .then((HttpServer server) => serverRunning(server, "http"));
-void initializeSSL() {
-  Uri pathOfPkcert = pathOfData.resolve('pkcert');
-  String testPkcertDatabase = pathOfPkcert.toFilePath();
-  // Issue 29926.
-  // ignore: UNDEFINED_METHOD
-  SecureSocket.initialize(database: testPkcertDatabase, password: 'dartdart');
-Future testHttps() {
-  initializeSSL();
-  return HttpServer
-      // Issue 29926.
-      .bindSecure(InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4, 0,
-          // Issue 29926.
-          // ignore: UNDEFINED_NAMED_PARAMETER
-          certificateName: 'localhost_cert')
-      .then((HttpServer server) => serverRunning(server, "https"));
-main() {
-  asyncStart();
-  testHttp().then((_) => testHttps).whenComplete(asyncEnd);