blob: 3bd84c80fa1f053428e85848275fff3ceea8887f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
[ $compiler == dart2wasm ]
Language/Expressions/Constants/Constant_Contexts/constant_context_A02_t01: SkipByDesign # dart:mirrors is not supported.
Language/Expressions/Spawning_an_Isolate/new_isolate_t01: SkipByDesign # dart:isolate is not supported.
Language/Libraries_and_Scripts/Scripts/top_level_main_t01: SkipByDesign # dart:io is not supported.
Language/Libraries_and_Scripts/Scripts/top_level_main_t06: SkipByDesign # dart:io is not supported.
Language/Types/Interface_Types/subtype_t27: Skip #
LanguageFeatures/FinalizationRegistry/ffi/*: SkipByDesign # dart:ffi is not supported.
LibTest/ffi/*: SkipByDesign # dart:ffi is not supported.
LibTest/html/*: SkipByDesign # dart:html is not supported.
LibTest/io/*: SkipByDesign # dart:io is not supported.
LibTest/isolate/*: SkipByDesign # dart:isolate is not supported.
LibTest/mirrors/*: SkipByDesign # dart:mirrors is not supported.