blob: 029ed3f35979a45ca9d2edc4dcdcff64c27dca63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart' hide Element;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/source_buffer.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/util.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart' as engine;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/hint_codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/syntactic_errors.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_core.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/range_factory.dart';
* An enumeration of possible statement completion kinds.
class DartStatementCompletion {
static const NO_COMPLETION =
const StatementCompletionKind('No_COMPLETION', 'No completion available');
static const SIMPLE_ENTER = const StatementCompletionKind(
'SIMPLE_ENTER', "Insert a newline at the end of the current line");
static const SIMPLE_SEMICOLON = const StatementCompletionKind(
'SIMPLE_SEMICOLON', "Add a semicolon and newline");
static const COMPLETE_CLASS_DECLARATION = const StatementCompletionKind(
'COMPLETE_CLASS_DECLARATION', "Complete class declaration");
static const COMPLETE_CONTROL_FLOW_BLOCK = const StatementCompletionKind(
'COMPLETE_CONTROL_FLOW_BLOCK', "Complete control flow block");
static const COMPLETE_DO_STMT = const StatementCompletionKind(
'COMPLETE_DO_STMT', "Complete do-statement");
static const COMPLETE_IF_STMT = const StatementCompletionKind(
'COMPLETE_IF_STMT', "Complete if-statement");
static const COMPLETE_FOR_STMT = const StatementCompletionKind(
'COMPLETE_FOR_STMT', "Complete for-statement");
static const COMPLETE_FOR_EACH_STMT = const StatementCompletionKind(
'COMPLETE_FOR_EACH_STMT', "Complete for-each-statement");
static const COMPLETE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION = const StatementCompletionKind(
'COMPLETE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION', "Complete function declaration");
static const COMPLETE_SWITCH_STMT = const StatementCompletionKind(
'COMPLETE_SWITCH_STMT', "Complete switch-statement");
static const COMPLETE_TRY_STMT = const StatementCompletionKind(
'COMPLETE_TRY_STMT', "Complete try-statement");
static const COMPLETE_VARIABLE_DECLARATION = const StatementCompletionKind(
'COMPLETE_VARIABLE_DECLARATION', "Complete variable declaration");
static const COMPLETE_WHILE_STMT = const StatementCompletionKind(
'COMPLETE_WHILE_STMT', "Complete while-statement");
* A description of a statement completion.
* Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class StatementCompletion {
* A description of the assist being proposed.
final StatementCompletionKind kind;
* The change to be made in order to apply the assist.
final SourceChange change;
* Initialize a newly created completion to have the given [kind] and [change].
StatementCompletion(this.kind, this.change);
* The context for computing a statement completion.
class StatementCompletionContext {
final String file;
final LineInfo lineInfo;
final int selectionOffset;
final CompilationUnit unit;
final CompilationUnitElement unitElement;
final List<engine.AnalysisError> errors;
StatementCompletionContext(this.file, this.lineInfo, this.selectionOffset,
this.unit, this.unitElement, this.errors) {
if (unitElement.context == null) {
throw new Error(); // not reached; see getStatementCompletion()
* A description of a class of statement completions. Instances are intended to
* hold the information that is common across a number of completions and to be
* shared by those completions.
* Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class StatementCompletionKind {
* The name of this kind of statement completion, used for debugging.
final String name;
* A human-readable description of the changes that will be applied by this
* kind of statement completion.
final String message;
* Initialize a newly created kind of statement completion to have the given
* [name] and [message].
const StatementCompletionKind(, this.message);
String toString() => name;
* The computer for Dart statement completions.
class StatementCompletionProcessor {
static final NO_COMPLETION = new StatementCompletion(
DartStatementCompletion.NO_COMPLETION, new SourceChange("", edits: []));
final StatementCompletionContext statementContext;
final CorrectionUtils utils;
AstNode node;
StatementCompletion completion;
SourceChange change = new SourceChange('statement-completion');
List errors = <engine.AnalysisError>[];
final Map<String, LinkedEditGroup> linkedPositionGroups =
<String, LinkedEditGroup>{};
Position exitPosition = null;
: utils = new CorrectionUtils(statementContext.unit);
String get eol => utils.endOfLine;
String get file => statementContext.file;
LineInfo get lineInfo => statementContext.lineInfo;
int get requestLine => lineInfo.getLocation(selectionOffset).lineNumber;
int get selectionOffset => statementContext.selectionOffset;
Source get source => statementContext.unitElement.source;
CompilationUnit get unit => statementContext.unit;
CompilationUnitElement get unitElement => statementContext.unitElement;
Future<StatementCompletion> compute() async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
node = _selectedNode();
if (node == null) {
node = node
.getAncestor((n) => n is Statement || _isNonStatementDeclaration(n));
if (node == null) {
return _complete_simpleEnter() ? completion : NO_COMPLETION;
if (node is Block) {
Block blockNode = node;
if (blockNode.statements.isNotEmpty) {
node = blockNode.statements.last;
if (_isEmptyStatement(node)) {
node = node.parent;
for (engine.AnalysisError error in statementContext.errors) {
if (error.offset >= node.offset &&
error.offset <= node.offset + node.length) {
if (error.errorCode is! HintCode) {
if (node is Statement) {
if (errors.isEmpty) {
if (_complete_ifStatement() ||
_complete_forStatement() ||
_complete_forEachStatement() ||
_complete_whileStatement() ||
_complete_controlFlowBlock()) {
return completion;
} else {
if (_complete_ifStatement() ||
_complete_doStatement() ||
_complete_forStatement() ||
_complete_forEachStatement() ||
_complete_functionDeclarationStatement() ||
_complete_switchStatement() ||
_complete_tryStatement() ||
_complete_whileStatement() ||
_complete_controlFlowBlock() ||
_complete_simpleSemicolon() ||
_complete_methodCall()) {
return completion;
} else if (node is Declaration) {
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
if (_complete_classDeclaration() ||
_complete_functionDeclaration() ||
_complete_variableDeclaration()) {
return completion;
if (_complete_simpleEnter()) {
return completion;
void _addInsertEdit(int offset, String text) {
SourceEdit edit = new SourceEdit(offset, 0, text);
doSourceChange_addElementEdit(change, unitElement, edit);
void _addReplaceEdit(SourceRange range, String text) {
SourceEdit edit = new SourceEdit(range.offset, range.length, text);
doSourceChange_addElementEdit(change, unitElement, edit);
void _appendEmptyBraces(SourceBuilder sb, [bool needsExitMark = false]) {
String indent = utils.getLinePrefix(selectionOffset);
if (needsExitMark && sb.exitOffset == null) {
int _appendNewlinePlusIndent() {
return _appendNewlinePlusIndentAt(selectionOffset);
int _appendNewlinePlusIndentAt(int offset) {
// Append a newline plus proper indent and another newline.
// Return the position before the second newline.
String indent = utils.getLinePrefix(offset);
int loc = utils.getLineNext(offset);
_addInsertEdit(loc, indent + eol);
return loc + indent.length;
String _baseNodeText(AstNode astNode) {
String text = utils.getNodeText(astNode);
if (text.endsWith(eol)) {
text = text.substring(0, text.length - eol.length);
return text;
void _checkExpressions() {
// Note: This may queue edits that have to be accounted for later.
// See _lengthOfInsertions().
AstNode errorMatching(errorCode, {partialMatch = null}) {
var error = _findError(errorCode, partialMatch: partialMatch);
if (error == null) {
return null;
AstNode expr = _selectedNode();
return (expr.getAncestor((n) => n is StringInterpolation) == null)
? expr
: null;
var expr = errorMatching(ScannerErrorCode.UNTERMINATED_STRING_LITERAL);
if (expr != null) {
String source = utils.getNodeText(expr);
String content = source;
int char = content.codeUnitAt(0);
if (char == 'r'.codeUnitAt(0)) {
content = source.substring(1);
char = content.codeUnitAt(0);
String delimiter;
int loc;
if (content.length >= 3 &&
char == content.codeUnitAt(1) &&
char == content.codeUnitAt(2)) {
// multi-line string
delimiter = content.substring(0, 3);
int newlineLoc = source.indexOf(eol, selectionOffset - expr.offset);
if (newlineLoc < 0) {
newlineLoc = source.length;
loc = newlineLoc + expr.offset;
} else {
// add first char of src
delimiter = content.substring(0, 1);
loc = expr.offset + source.length;
_addInsertEdit(loc, delimiter);
expr = errorMatching(ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "']'") ??
errorMatching(ScannerErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "']'");
if (expr != null) {
expr = expr.getAncestor((n) => n is ListLiteral);
if (expr != null) {
ListLiteral lit = expr;
if (lit.rightBracket.isSynthetic) {
String src = utils.getNodeText(expr).trim();
int loc = expr.offset + src.length;
if (src.contains(eol)) {
String indent = utils.getNodePrefix(node);
_addInsertEdit(loc, ',' + eol + indent + ']');
} else {
_addInsertEdit(loc, ']');
_removeError(ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "']'");
_removeError(ScannerErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "']'");
var ms =
_findError(ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "';'");
if (ms != null) {
// Ensure the semicolon gets inserted in the correct location.
ms.offset = loc - 1;
// The following code is similar to the code for ']' but does not work well.
// A closing brace is recognized as belong to the map even if it is intended
// to close a block of code.
expr = errorMatching(ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "'}'");
if (expr != null) {
expr = expr.getAncestor((n) => n is MapLiteral);
if (expr != null) {
MapLiteral lit = expr;
String src = utils.getNodeText(expr).trim();
int loc = expr.offset + src.length;
if (lit.entries.last.separator.isSynthetic) {
_addInsertEdit(loc, ': ');
if (!src.endsWith('}')/*lit.rightBracket.isSynthetic*/) {
_addInsertEdit(loc, '}');
_removeError(ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "'}'");
var ms =
_findError(ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "';'");
if (ms != null) {
// Ensure the semicolon gets inserted in the correct location.
ms.offset = loc - 1;
bool _complete_classDeclaration() {
if (node is! ClassDeclaration) {
return false;
ClassDeclaration decl = node;
if (decl.leftBracket.isSynthetic && errors.length == 1) {
// The space before the left brace is assumed to exist, even if it does not.
SourceBuilder sb = new SourceBuilder(file, decl.end - 1);
sb.append(' ');
_appendEmptyBraces(sb, true);
return true;
return false;
bool _complete_controlFlowBlock() {
Expression expr = (node is ExpressionStatement)
? (node as ExpressionStatement).expression
: (node is ReturnStatement
? (node as ReturnStatement).expression
: null);
if (!(node is ReturnStatement || expr is ThrowExpression)) {
return false;
if (node.parent is! Block) {
return false;
AstNode outer = node.parent.parent;
if (!(outer is DoStatement ||
outer is ForStatement ||
outer is ForEachStatement ||
outer is IfStatement ||
outer is WhileStatement)) {
return false;
int previousInsertions = _lengthOfInsertions();
int delta = 0;
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
var error =
_findError(ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "';'");
if (error != null) {
int insertOffset;
// Fasta scanner reports unterminated string literal errors
// and generates a synthetic string token with non-zero length.
// Because of this, check for length == 0 rather than isSynthetic.
if (expr == null || expr.length == 0) {
if (node is ReturnStatement) {
insertOffset = (node as ReturnStatement).returnKeyword.end;
} else if (node is ExpressionStatement) {
insertOffset =
((node as ExpressionStatement).expression as ThrowExpression)
} else {
insertOffset = node.end; // Not reached.
} else {
insertOffset = expr.end;
//TODO(messick) Uncomment the following line when error location is fixed.
//insertOffset = error.offset + error.length;
_addInsertEdit(insertOffset, ';');
delta = 1;
int offset = _appendNewlinePlusIndentAt(node.parent.end);
exitPosition = new Position(file, offset + delta + previousInsertions);
return true;
bool _complete_doStatement() {
if (node is! DoStatement) {
return false;
DoStatement statement = node;
SourceBuilder sb = _sourceBuilderAfterKeyword(statement.doKeyword);
bool hasWhileKeyword = statement.whileKeyword.lexeme == "while";
int exitDelta = 0;
if (!_statementHasValidBody(statement.doKeyword, statement.body)) {
String text = utils.getNodeText(statement.body);
int delta = 0;
if (text.startsWith(';')) {
delta = 1;
_addReplaceEdit(range.startLength(statement.body, delta), '');
if (hasWhileKeyword) {
text = utils.getNodeText(statement);
if (text.indexOf(new RegExp(r'do\s*;\s*while')) == 0) {
int end = text.indexOf('while');
int start = text.indexOf(';') + 1;
delta += end - start - 1;
new SourceRange(start + statement.offset, end - start), ' ');
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, sb.offset + delta);
sb.append(' ');
!(hasWhileKeyword && _isSyntheticExpression(statement.condition)));
if (delta != 0) {
exitDelta = sb.length - delta;
} else if (_isEmptyBlock(statement.body)) {
sb = new SourceBuilder(sb.file, statement.body.end);
SourceBuilder sb2;
if (hasWhileKeyword) {
var stmt = new _KeywordConditionBlockStructure(
sb2 = _complete_keywordCondition(stmt);
if (sb2 == null) {
return false;
if (sb2.length == 0) {
// true if condition is '()'
if (exitPosition != null) {
if (statement.semicolon.isSynthetic) {
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, exitPosition.offset + 1);
} else {
if (sb.exitOffset == null && sb2?.exitOffset != null) {
sb = sb2;
} else {
} else {
sb.append(" while (");
if (exitDelta != 0) {
exitPosition =
new Position(exitPosition.file, exitPosition.offset + exitDelta);
return true;
bool _complete_forEachStatement() {
if (node is! ForEachStatement) {
return false;
ForEachStatement forNode = node;
if (forNode.inKeyword.isSynthetic) {
return false; // Can't happen -- would be parsed as a for-statement.
SourceBuilder sb =
new SourceBuilder(file, forNode.rightParenthesis.offset + 1);
AstNode name = forNode.identifier;
name ??= forNode.loopVariable;
String src = utils.getNodeText(forNode);
if (name == null) {
exitPosition = new Position(file, forNode.leftParenthesis.offset + 1);
src = src.substring(forNode.leftParenthesis.offset - forNode.offset);
if (src.startsWith(new RegExp(r'\(\s*in\s*\)'))) {
range.startOffsetEndOffset(forNode.leftParenthesis.offset + 1,
' in ');
} else if (src.startsWith(new RegExp(r'\(\s*in'))) {
forNode.leftParenthesis.offset + 1, forNode.inKeyword.offset),
' ');
} else if (_isSyntheticExpression(forNode.iterable)) {
exitPosition = new Position(file, forNode.rightParenthesis.offset + 1);
src = src.substring(forNode.inKeyword.offset - forNode.offset);
if (src.startsWith(new RegExp(r'in\s*\)'))) {
forNode.inKeyword.offset + forNode.inKeyword.length,
' ');
if (!_statementHasValidBody(forNode.forKeyword, forNode.body)) {
sb.append(' ');
_appendEmptyBraces(sb, exitPosition == null);
return true;
bool _complete_forStatement() {
if (node is! ForStatement) {
return false;
ForStatement forNode = node;
SourceBuilder sb;
int replacementLength = 0;
if (forNode.leftParenthesis.isSynthetic) {
if (!forNode.rightParenthesis.isSynthetic) {
return false;
// keywordOnly (unit test name suffix that exercises this branch)
sb = _sourceBuilderAfterKeyword(forNode.forKeyword);
} else {
if (!forNode.rightSeparator.isSynthetic) {
// Fully-defined init, cond, updaters so nothing more needed here.
// emptyParts, noError
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, forNode.rightParenthesis.offset + 1);
} else if (!forNode.leftSeparator.isSynthetic) {
if (_isSyntheticExpression(forNode.condition)) {
String text = utils
.substring(forNode.leftSeparator.offset - forNode.offset);
Match match =
new RegExp(r';\s*(/\*.*\*/\s*)?\)[ \t]*').matchAsPrefix(text);
if (match != null) {
// emptyCondition, emptyInitializersEmptyCondition
replacementLength = match.end - match.start;
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, forNode.leftSeparator.offset);
sb.append('; ${ == null ? '' :}; )');
String suffix = text.substring(match.end);
if (suffix.trim().isNotEmpty) {
sb.append(' ');
replacementLength += suffix.length;
if (suffix.endsWith(eol)) {
// emptyCondition
replacementLength -= eol.length;
exitPosition = _newPosition(forNode.leftSeparator.offset + 2);
} else {
return false; // Line comment in condition
} else {
// emptyUpdaters
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, forNode.rightParenthesis.offset);
replacementLength = 1;
sb.append('; )');
exitPosition = _newPosition(forNode.rightSeparator.offset + 2);
} else if (_isSyntheticExpression(forNode.initialization)) {
// emptyInitializers
exitPosition = _newPosition(forNode.rightParenthesis.offset);
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, forNode.rightParenthesis.offset);
} else {
int start = forNode.condition.offset + forNode.condition.length;
String text =
utils.getNodeText(forNode).substring(start - forNode.offset);
if (text.startsWith(new RegExp(r'\s*\)'))) {
// missingLeftSeparator
int end = text.indexOf(')');
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, start);
_addReplaceEdit(new SourceRange(start, end), '; ; ');
exitPosition = new Position(file, start - (end - '; '.length));
} else {
// Not possible; any comment following init is attached to init.
exitPosition = _newPosition(forNode.rightParenthesis.offset);
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, forNode.rightParenthesis.offset);
if (!_statementHasValidBody(forNode.forKeyword, forNode.body)) {
// keywordOnly, noError
sb.append(' ');
_appendEmptyBraces(sb, true /*exitPosition == null*/);
} else if (forNode.body is Block) {
Block body = forNode.body;
if (body.rightBracket.end <= selectionOffset) {
// emptyInitializersAfterBody
errors = []; // Ignore errors; they are for previous statement.
return false; // If cursor is after closing brace just add newline.
_insertBuilder(sb, replacementLength);
return true;
bool _complete_functionDeclaration() {
if (node is! MethodDeclaration && node is! FunctionDeclaration) {
return false;
bool needsParen = false;
int computeExitPos(FormalParameterList parameters) {
if (needsParen = parameters.rightParenthesis.isSynthetic) {
var error = _findError(ParserErrorCode.MISSING_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS);
if (error != null) {
return error.offset - 1;
return node.end - 1;
int paramListEnd;
if (node is FunctionDeclaration) {
FunctionDeclaration func = node;
paramListEnd = computeExitPos(func.functionExpression.parameters);
} else {
MethodDeclaration meth = node;
paramListEnd = computeExitPos(meth.parameters);
SourceBuilder sb = new SourceBuilder(file, paramListEnd);
if (needsParen) {
sb.append(' ');
_appendEmptyBraces(sb, true);
return true;
bool _complete_functionDeclarationStatement() {
if (node is! FunctionDeclarationStatement) {
return false;
var error = _findError(ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "';'");
if (error != null) {
FunctionDeclarationStatement stmt = node;
String src = utils.getNodeText(stmt);
int insertOffset = stmt.functionDeclaration.end - 1;
if (stmt.functionDeclaration.functionExpression.body
is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
ExpressionFunctionBody fnb =
int fnbOffset = fnb.functionDefinition.offset;
String fnSrc = src.substring(fnbOffset - stmt.offset);
if (!fnSrc.startsWith('=>')) {
return false;
int delta = 0;
if (fnb.expression.isSynthetic) {
if (!fnSrc.startsWith('=> ')) {
_addInsertEdit(insertOffset, ' ');
delta = 1;
_addInsertEdit(insertOffset, ';');
} else {
delta = 1;
_addInsertEdit(insertOffset, ';');
insertOffset = _appendNewlinePlusIndent();
DartStatementCompletion.SIMPLE_SEMICOLON, insertOffset + delta);
return true;
return false;
bool _complete_ifOrWhileStatement(
_KeywordConditionBlockStructure statement, StatementCompletionKind kind) {
if (_statementHasValidBody(statement.keyword, statement.block)) {
return false;
SourceBuilder sb = _complete_keywordCondition(statement);
if (sb == null) {
return false;
int overshoot = _lengthOfDeletions();
sb.append(' ');
_appendEmptyBraces(sb, exitPosition == null);
if (overshoot != 0) {
exitPosition = _newPosition(exitPosition.offset - overshoot);
return true;
bool _complete_ifStatement() {
if (node is! IfStatement) {
return false;
IfStatement ifNode = node;
if (ifNode.elseKeyword != null) {
if (selectionOffset >= ifNode.elseKeyword.end &&
ifNode.elseStatement is EmptyStatement) {
SourceBuilder sb = new SourceBuilder(file, selectionOffset);
String src = utils.getNodeText(ifNode);
if (!src
.substring(ifNode.elseKeyword.end - node.offset)
.startsWith(new RegExp(r'[ \t]'))) {
sb.append(' ');
_appendEmptyBraces(sb, true);
return true;
return false;
var stmt = new _KeywordConditionBlockStructure(
return _complete_ifOrWhileStatement(
stmt, DartStatementCompletion.COMPLETE_IF_STMT);
SourceBuilder _complete_keywordCondition(
_KeywordConditionBlockStructure statement) {
SourceBuilder sb;
if (statement.leftParenthesis.isSynthetic) {
if (!statement.rightParenthesis.isSynthetic) {
// Quite unlikely to see this so don't try to fix it.
return null;
sb = _sourceBuilderAfterKeyword(statement.keyword);
} else {
if (_isSyntheticExpression(statement.condition)) {
exitPosition = _newPosition(statement.leftParenthesis.offset + 1);
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, statement.rightParenthesis.offset + 1);
} else if (statement.rightParenthesis.isSynthetic) {
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, statement.condition.end);
} else {
int afterParen = statement.rightParenthesis.offset + 1;
if (utils
.substring(afterParen - node.offset)
.startsWith(new RegExp(r'[ \t]'))) {
_addReplaceEdit(new SourceRange(afterParen, 1), '');
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, afterParen + 1);
} else {
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, afterParen);
return sb;
bool _complete_methodCall() {
var parenError =
_findError(ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "')'") ??
_findError(ScannerErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "')'");
if (parenError == null) {
return false;
AstNode argList = _selectedNode(at: selectionOffset)
.getAncestor((n) => n is ArgumentList);
if (argList == null) {
argList = _selectedNode(at: parenError.offset)
.getAncestor((n) => n is ArgumentList);
if (argList?.getAncestor((n) => n == node) == null) {
return false;
int previousInsertions = _lengthOfInsertions();
int loc = min(selectionOffset, argList.end - 1);
int delta = 1;
var semicolonError =
_findError(ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "';'");
if (semicolonError == null) {
loc += 1;
delta = 0;
_addInsertEdit(loc, ')');
if (semicolonError != null) {
_addInsertEdit(loc, ';');
String indent = utils.getLinePrefix(selectionOffset);
int exit = utils.getLineNext(selectionOffset);
_addInsertEdit(exit, indent + eol);
exit += indent.length + eol.length + previousInsertions;
_setCompletionAt(DartStatementCompletion.SIMPLE_ENTER, exit + delta);
return true;
bool _complete_simpleEnter() {
int offset;
if (!errors.isEmpty) {
offset = selectionOffset;
} else {
String indent = utils.getLinePrefix(selectionOffset);
int loc = utils.getLineNext(selectionOffset);
_addInsertEdit(loc, indent + eol);
offset = loc + indent.length;
_setCompletionAt(DartStatementCompletion.SIMPLE_ENTER, offset);
return true;
bool _complete_simpleSemicolon() {
if (errors.length != 1) {
return false;
var error = _findError(ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_TOKEN, partialMatch: "';'");
if (error != null) {
int previousInsertions = _lengthOfInsertions();
// TODO(messick) Fix this to find the correct place in all cases.
int insertOffset = error.offset + error.length;
_addInsertEdit(insertOffset, ';');
int offset = _appendNewlinePlusIndent() + 1 /*';'*/ + previousInsertions;
_setCompletionAt(DartStatementCompletion.SIMPLE_SEMICOLON, offset);
return true;
return false;
bool _complete_switchStatement() {
if (node is! SwitchStatement) {
return false;
SourceBuilder sb;
SwitchStatement switchNode = node;
if (switchNode.leftParenthesis.isSynthetic &&
switchNode.rightParenthesis.isSynthetic) {
exitPosition = new Position(file, switchNode.switchKeyword.end + 2);
String src = utils.getNodeText(switchNode);
if (src
.substring(switchNode.switchKeyword.end - switchNode.offset)
.startsWith(new RegExp(r'[ \t]+'))) {
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, switchNode.switchKeyword.end + 1);
} else {
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, switchNode.switchKeyword.end);
sb.append(' ');
} else if (switchNode.leftParenthesis.isSynthetic ||
switchNode.rightParenthesis.isSynthetic) {
return false;
} else {
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, switchNode.rightParenthesis.offset + 1);
if (_isSyntheticExpression(switchNode.expression)) {
exitPosition =
new Position(file, switchNode.leftParenthesis.offset + 1);
if (switchNode
.leftBracket.isSynthetic /*&& switchNode.rightBracket.isSynthetic*/) {
// See
sb.append(' ');
_appendEmptyBraces(sb, exitPosition == null);
} else {
SwitchMember member = _findInvalidElement(switchNode.members);
if (member != null) {
if (member.colon.isSynthetic) {
int loc =
member is SwitchCase ? member.expression.end : member.keyword.end;
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, loc);
sb.append(': ');
exitPosition = new Position(file, loc + 2);
return true;
bool _complete_tryStatement() {
if (node is! TryStatement) {
return false;
TryStatement tryNode = node;
SourceBuilder sb;
CatchClause catchNode;
bool addSpace = true;
if (tryNode.body.leftBracket.isSynthetic) {
String src = utils.getNodeText(tryNode);
if (src
.substring(tryNode.tryKeyword.end - tryNode.offset)
.startsWith(new RegExp(r'[ \t]+'))) {
// keywordSpace
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, tryNode.tryKeyword.end + 1);
} else {
// keywordOnly
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, tryNode.tryKeyword.end);
sb.append(' ');
_appendEmptyBraces(sb, true);
sb = null;
} else if ((catchNode = _findInvalidElement(tryNode.catchClauses)) !=
null) {
if (catchNode.onKeyword != null) {
if (catchNode.exceptionType.length == 0 ||
null !=
partialMatch: "name 'catch")) {
String src = utils.getNodeText(catchNode);
if (src.startsWith(new RegExp(r'on[ \t]+'))) {
if (src.startsWith(new RegExp(r'on[ \t][ \t]+'))) {
// onSpaces
exitPosition = new Position(file, catchNode.onKeyword.end + 1);
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, catchNode.onKeyword.end + 2);
addSpace = false;
} else {
// onSpace
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, catchNode.onKeyword.end + 1);
} else {
// onOnly
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, catchNode.onKeyword.end);
sb.append(' ');
} else {
// onType
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, catchNode.exceptionType.end);
if (catchNode.catchKeyword != null) {
// catchOnly
var struct = new _KeywordConditionBlockStructure(
if (sb != null) {
// onCatch
sb = _complete_keywordCondition(struct);
if (sb == null) {
return false;
if (catchNode.body.leftBracket.isSynthetic) {
// onOnly and others
if (addSpace) {
sb.append(' ');
_appendEmptyBraces(sb, exitPosition == null);
} else if (tryNode.finallyKeyword != null) {
if (tryNode.finallyBlock.leftBracket.isSynthetic) {
// finallyOnly
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, tryNode.finallyKeyword.end);
sb.append(' ');
_appendEmptyBraces(sb, true);
return true;
bool _complete_variableDeclaration() {
if (node is! VariableDeclaration) {
return false;
_addInsertEdit(node.end, ';');
exitPosition = new Position(file, _appendNewlinePlusIndentAt(node.end) + 1);
return true;
bool _complete_whileStatement() {
if (node is! WhileStatement) {
return false;
WhileStatement whileNode = node;
if (whileNode != null) {
var stmt = new _KeywordConditionBlockStructure(
return _complete_ifOrWhileStatement(
stmt, DartStatementCompletion.COMPLETE_WHILE_STMT);
return false;
engine.AnalysisError _findError(ErrorCode code, {partialMatch: null}) {
return errors.firstWhere(
(err) =>
err.errorCode == code &&
(partialMatch == null ? true : err.message.contains(partialMatch)),
orElse: () => null);
T _findInvalidElement<T extends AstNode>(NodeList<T> list) {
return list.firstWhere(
(item) => selectionOffset >= item.offset && selectionOffset <= item.end,
orElse: () => null);
LinkedEditGroup _getLinkedPosition(String groupId) {
LinkedEditGroup group = linkedPositionGroups[groupId];
if (group == null) {
group = new LinkedEditGroup.empty();
linkedPositionGroups[groupId] = group;
return group;
void _insertBuilder(SourceBuilder builder, [int length = 0]) {
SourceRange range = new SourceRange(builder.offset, length);
String text = builder.toString();
_addReplaceEdit(range, text);
// add linked positions
builder.linkedPositionGroups.forEach((String id, LinkedEditGroup group) {
LinkedEditGroup fixGroup = _getLinkedPosition(id);
group.positions.forEach((Position position) {
fixGroup.addPosition(position, group.length);
group.suggestions.forEach((LinkedEditSuggestion suggestion) {
// add exit position
int exitOffset = builder.exitOffset;
if (exitOffset != null) {
exitPosition = _newPosition(exitOffset);
bool _isEmptyBlock(AstNode stmt) {
return stmt is Block && stmt.statements.isEmpty;
bool _isEmptyStatement(AstNode stmt) {
return stmt is EmptyStatement || _isEmptyBlock(stmt);
bool _isNonStatementDeclaration(AstNode n) {
if (n is! Declaration) {
return false;
if (n is! VariableDeclaration && n is! FunctionDeclaration) {
return true;
AstNode p = n.parent;
return p is! Statement && p?.parent is! Statement;
bool _isSyntheticExpression(Expression expr) {
return expr is SimpleIdentifier && expr.isSynthetic;
int _lengthOfDeletions() {
if (change.edits.isEmpty) {
return 0;
int length = 0;
for (SourceFileEdit edit in change.edits) {
for (SourceEdit srcEdit in edit.edits) {
if (srcEdit.length > 0) {
length += srcEdit.length - srcEdit.replacement.length;
return length;
int _lengthOfInsertions() {
// Any _complete_*() that may follow changes made by _checkExpressions()
// must cache the result of this method and add that value to its
// exit position. That's assuming all edits are done in increasing position.
// There are currently no editing sequences that produce both insertions and
// deletions, but if there were this approach would have to be generalized.
if (change.edits.isEmpty) {
return 0;
int length = 0;
for (SourceFileEdit edit in change.edits) {
for (SourceEdit srcEdit in edit.edits) {
if (srcEdit.length == 0) {
length += srcEdit.replacement.length;
return length;
Position _newPosition(int offset) {
return new Position(file, offset);
void _removeError(errorCode, {partialMatch = null}) {
var error = _findError(errorCode, partialMatch: partialMatch);
if (error != null) {
AstNode _selectedNode({int at: null}) =>
new NodeLocator(at == null ? selectionOffset : at).searchWithin(unit);
void _setCompletion(StatementCompletionKind kind, [List args]) {
assert(exitPosition != null);
change.selection = exitPosition;
change.message = formatList(kind.message, args);
.forEach((group) => change.addLinkedEditGroup(group));
completion = new StatementCompletion(kind, change);
void _setCompletionAt(StatementCompletionKind kind, int offset, [List args]) {
exitPosition = _newPosition(offset);
_setCompletion(kind, args);
SourceBuilder _sourceBuilderAfterKeyword(Token keyword) {
SourceBuilder sb;
String text = _baseNodeText(node);
text = text.substring(keyword.offset - node.offset);
int len = keyword.length;
if (text.length == len || // onCatchComment
!text.substring(len, len + 1).contains(new RegExp(r'[ \t]'))) {
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, keyword.offset + len);
sb.append(' ');
} else {
sb = new SourceBuilder(file, keyword.offset + len + 1);
return sb;
bool _statementHasValidBody(Token keyword, Statement body) {
// A "valid" body is either a non-synthetic block or a single statement
// on the same line as the parent statement, similar to dart_style.
if (body.isSynthetic) {
return false;
if (body is Block) {
Block block = body;
return (!(block.leftBracket.isSynthetic));
return (lineInfo.getLocation(keyword.offset) ==
// Encapsulate common structure of if-statement and while-statement.
class _KeywordConditionBlockStructure {
final Token keyword;
final Token leftParenthesis, rightParenthesis;
final Expression condition;
final Statement block;
_KeywordConditionBlockStructure(this.keyword, this.leftParenthesis,
this.condition, this.rightParenthesis, this.block);
int get offset => keyword.offset;