blob: 5fdc519b6abbe369bd9e96a99addbb0489daecf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.command.barback;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../command.dart';
import '../io.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../utils.dart';
final _arrow = getSpecial('\u2192', '=>');
/// The set of top level directories in the entrypoint package that are built
/// when the user does "--all".
final _allSourceDirectories =
new Set<String>.from(["benchmark", "bin", "example", "test", "web"]);
/// Shared base class for [BuildCommand] and [ServeCommand].
abstract class BarbackCommand extends PubCommand {
/// The build mode.
BarbackMode get mode => new BarbackMode(argResults["mode"]);
/// The directories in the entrypoint package that should be added to the
/// build environment.
final sourceDirectories = new Set<String>();
/// The default build mode.
BarbackMode get defaultMode => BarbackMode.RELEASE;
/// Override this to specify the default source directories if none are
/// provided on the command line.
List<String> get defaultSourceDirectories;
BarbackCommand() {
defaultsTo: defaultMode.toString(),
help: "Mode to run transformers in.");
help: "Use all default source directories.",
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false);
Future run() {
// Switch to JSON output if specified. We need to do this before parsing
// the source directories so an error will be correctly reported in JSON
// format.
log.json.enabled =
argResults.options.contains("format") && argResults["format"] == "json";
return onRunTransformerCommand();
/// Override this to run the actual command.
Future onRunTransformerCommand();
/// Parses the command-line arguments to determine the set of source
/// directories to add to the build environment.
/// If there are no arguments, this will just be [defaultSourceDirectories].
/// If the `--all` flag is set, then it will be all default directories
/// that exist.
/// Otherwise, all arguments should be the paths of directories to include.
/// Throws an exception if the arguments are invalid.
void _parseSourceDirectories() {
if (argResults["all"]) {
// If no directories were specified, use the defaults.
if ( {
// Prohibit "lib".
var disallowed = sourceDirectories.where((dir) {
var parts = path.split(path.normalize(dir));
return parts.isNotEmpty && parts.first == "lib";
if (disallowed.isNotEmpty) {
_directorySentence(disallowed, "is", "are", "not allowed"));
// Make sure the source directories don't reach out of the package.
var invalid = sourceDirectories.where((dir) => !path.isWithin('.', dir));
if (invalid.isNotEmpty) {
_directorySentence(invalid, "isn't", "aren't", "in this package"));
// Make sure all of the source directories exist.
var missing =
sourceDirectories.where((dir) => !dirExists(entrypoint.root.path(dir)));
if (missing.isNotEmpty) {
dataError(_directorySentence(missing, "does", "do", "not exist"));
// Make sure the directories don't overlap.
var sources = sourceDirectories.toList();
var overlapping = new Set();
for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
for (var j = i + 1; j < sources.length; j++) {
if (path.isWithin(sources[i], sources[j]) ||
path.isWithin(sources[j], sources[i])) {
if (overlapping.isNotEmpty) {
_directorySentence(overlapping, "cannot", "cannot", "overlap"));
/// Handles "--all" by adding all default source directories that are
/// present.
void _addAllDefaultSources() {
if ( {
usageException('Directory names are not allowed if "--all" is passed.');
// Include every build directory that exists in the package.
var dirs =
_allSourceDirectories.where((dir) => dirExists(entrypoint.root.path(dir)));
if (dirs.isEmpty) {
var defaultDirs =
toSentence( => '"$name"'));
'There are no source directories present.\n'
'The default directories are $defaultDirs.');
/// Adds the default sources that should be used if no directories are passed
/// on the command line.
void _addDefaultSources() {
defaultSourceDirectories.where((dir) => dirExists(entrypoint.root.path(dir))));
// TODO(rnystrom): Hackish. Assumes there will only be one or two
// default sources. That's true for pub build and serve, but isn't as
// general as it could be.
if (sourceDirectories.isEmpty) {
var defaults;
if (defaultSourceDirectories.length == 1) {
defaults = 'a "${defaultSourceDirectories.first}" directory';
} else {
defaults =
'"${defaultSourceDirectories[0]}" and/or '
'"${defaultSourceDirectories[1]}" directories';
"Your package must have $defaults,\n"
"or you must specify the source directories.");
/// Converts a list of [directoryNames] to a sentence.
/// After the list of directories, [singularVerb] will be used if there is
/// only one directory and [pluralVerb] will be used if there are more than
/// one. Then [suffix] is added to the end of the sentence, and, finally, a
/// period is added.
String _directorySentence(Iterable<String> directoryNames,
String singularVerb, String pluralVerb, String suffix) {
var directories =
pluralize('Directory', directoryNames.length, plural: 'Directories');
var names = toSentence( => '"$dir"'));
var verb =
pluralize(singularVerb, directoryNames.length, plural: pluralVerb);
var result = "$directories $names $verb";
if (suffix != null) result += " $suffix";
result += ".";
return result;