blob: 966b68f6d7f6efb6b980c407cc3d531ad787f646 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.executable;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'barback/asset_environment.dart';
import 'entrypoint.dart';
import 'exit_codes.dart' as exit_codes;
import 'io.dart';
import 'log.dart' as log;
import 'utils.dart';
/// Runs [executable] from [package] reachable from [entrypoint].
/// The executable string is a relative Dart file path using native path
/// separators with or without a trailing ".dart" extension. It is contained
/// within [package], which should either be the entrypoint package or an
/// immediate dependency of it.
/// Arguments from [args] will be passed to the spawned Dart application.
/// If [mode] is passed, it's used as the barback mode; it defaults to
/// [BarbackMode.RELEASE].
/// Returns the exit code of the spawned app.
Future<int> runExecutable(Entrypoint entrypoint, String package,
String executable, Iterable<String> args, {bool isGlobal: false,
BarbackMode mode}) async {
if (mode == null) mode = BarbackMode.RELEASE;
// Make sure the package is an immediate dependency of the entrypoint or the
// entrypoint itself.
if ( != package &&
.any((dep) => == package)) {
var graph = await entrypoint.loadPackageGraph();
if (graph.packages.containsKey(package)) {
dataError('Package "$package" is not an immediate dependency.\n'
'Cannot run executables in transitive dependencies.');
} else {
dataError('Could not find package "$package". Did you forget to add a '
// Unless the user overrides the verbosity, we want to filter out the
// normal pub output shown while loading the environment.
if (log.verbosity == log.Verbosity.NORMAL) {
log.verbosity = log.Verbosity.WARNING;
// Ignore a trailing extension.
if (p.extension(executable) == ".dart") {
executable = p.withoutExtension(executable);
var localSnapshotPath = p.join(".pub", "bin", package,
if (!isGlobal && fileExists(localSnapshotPath) &&
// Dependencies are only snapshotted in release mode, since that's the
// default mode for them to run. We can't run them in a different mode
// using the snapshot.
mode == BarbackMode.RELEASE) {
return _runCachedExecutable(entrypoint, localSnapshotPath, args);
// If the command has a path separator, then it's a path relative to the
// root of the package. Otherwise, it's implicitly understood to be in
// "bin".
var rootDir = "bin";
var parts = p.split(executable);
if (parts.length > 1) {
assert(!isGlobal && package ==;
rootDir = parts.first;
} else {
executable = p.join("bin", executable);
var assetPath = "${p.url.joinAll(p.split(executable))}.dart";
var id = new AssetId(package, assetPath);
// TODO(nweiz): Use [packages] to only load assets from packages that the
// executable might load.
var environment = await AssetEnvironment.create(entrypoint, mode,
useDart2JS: false, entrypoints: [id]);
environment.barback.errors.listen((error) {
log.error("Build error:\n$error"));
var server;
if (package == {
// Serve the entire root-most directory containing the entrypoint. That
// ensures that, for example, things like `import '../../utils.dart';`
// will work from within some deeply nested script.
server = await environment.serveDirectory(rootDir);
} else {
// For other packages, always use the "bin" directory.
server = await environment.servePackageBinDirectory(package);
try {
await environment.barback.getAssetById(id);
} on AssetNotFoundException catch (error, stackTrace) {
var message = "Could not find ${log.bold(executable + ".dart")}";
if (package != {
message += " in package ${log.bold(server.package)}";
log.fine(new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace));
return exit_codes.NO_INPUT;
var vmArgs = [];
// Run in checked mode.
// TODO(rnystrom): Make this configurable.
// Get the URL of the executable, relative to the server's root directory.
var relativePath = p.url.relative(assetPath,
from: p.url.joinAll(p.split(server.rootDirectory)));
var process = await Process.start(Platform.executable, vmArgs);
// Note: we're not using process.std___.pipe(std___) here because
// that prevents pub from also writing to the output streams.
return process.exitCode;
/// Runs the snapshot at [path] with [args] and hooks its stdout, stderr, and
/// sdtin to this process's.
/// If [recompile] is passed, it's called if the snapshot is out-of-date. It's
/// expected to regenerate a snapshot at [path], after which the snapshot will
/// be re-run. It may return a Future.
/// If [checked] is set, runs the snapshot in checked mode.
/// Returns the snapshot's exit code.
/// This doesn't do any validation of the snapshot's SDK version.
Future<int> runSnapshot(String path, Iterable<String> args, {recompile(),
bool checked: false}) async {
var vmArgs = [path]..addAll(args);
// TODO(nweiz): pass a flag to silence the "Wrong full snapshot version"
// message when issue 20784 is fixed.
if (checked) vmArgs.insert(0, "--checked");
// We need to split stdin so that we can send the same input both to the
// first and second process, if we start more than one.
var stdin1;
var stdin2;
if (recompile == null) {
stdin1 = stdin;
} else {
var pair = tee(stdin);
stdin1 = pair.first;
stdin2 = pair.last;
runProcess(input) async {
var process = await Process.start(Platform.executable, vmArgs);
// Note: we're not using process.std___.pipe(std___) here because
// that prevents pub from also writing to the output streams.
return process.exitCode;
var exitCode = await runProcess(stdin1);
if (recompile == null || exitCode != 255) return exitCode;
// Exit code 255 indicates that the snapshot version was out-of-date. If we
// can recompile, do so.
await recompile();
return runProcess(stdin2);
/// Runs the executable snapshot at [snapshotPath].
Future<int> _runCachedExecutable(Entrypoint entrypoint, String snapshotPath,
List<String> args) {
return runSnapshot(snapshotPath, args, checked: true, recompile: () {
log.fine("Precompiled executable is out of date.");
return entrypoint.precompileExecutables();