blob: 32074fc90fbd20bb3479b8148d5a21c5cd091b42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.command.serve;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import '../barback/asset_environment.dart';
import '../barback/pub_package_provider.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../utils.dart';
import 'barback.dart';
final _arrow = getSpecial('\u2192', '=>');
/// Handles the `serve` pub command.
class ServeCommand extends BarbackCommand {
String get name => "serve";
String get description =>
'Run a local web development server.\n\n'
'By default, this serves "web/" and "test/", but an explicit list of \n'
'directories to serve can be provided as well.';
String get invocation => "pub serve [directories...]";
String get docUrl => "";
PubPackageProvider _provider;
String get hostname => argResults['hostname'];
/// The base port for the servers.
/// This will print a usage error and exit if the specified port is invalid.
int get port => parseInt(argResults['port'], 'port');
/// The port for the admin UI.
/// This will print a usage error and exit if the specified port is invalid.
int get adminPort {
var adminPort = argResults['admin-port'];
return adminPort == null ? null : parseInt(adminPort, 'admin port');
/// `true` if Dart entrypoints should be compiled to JavaScript.
bool get useDart2JS => argResults['dart2js'];
/// `true` if the admin server URL should be displayed on startup.
bool get logAdminUrl => argResults['log-admin-url'];
BarbackMode get defaultMode => BarbackMode.DEBUG;
List<String> get defaultSourceDirectories => ["web", "test"];
/// This completer is used to keep pub running (by not completing) and to
/// pipe fatal errors to pub's top-level error-handling machinery.
final _completer = new Completer();
ServeCommand() {
argParser.addOption('hostname', defaultsTo: 'localhost',
help: 'The hostname to listen on.');
argParser.addOption('port', defaultsTo: '8080',
help: 'The base port to listen on.');
// TODO(rnystrom): A hidden option to print the URL that the admin server
// is bound to on startup. Since this is currently only used for the Web
// Socket interface, we don't want to show it to users, but the tests and
// Editor need this logged to know what port to bind to.
// Remove this (and always log) when #16954 is fixed.
argParser.addFlag('log-admin-url', defaultsTo: false, hide: true);
// TODO(nweiz): Make this public when issue 16954 is fixed.
argParser.addOption('admin-port', hide: true);
argParser.addFlag('dart2js', defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Compile Dart to JavaScript.');
argParser.addFlag('force-poll', defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Force the use of a polling filesystem watcher.');
Future onRunTransformerCommand() async {
var port = parseInt(argResults['port'], 'port');
var adminPort = argResults['admin-port'] == null ? null :
parseInt(argResults['admin-port'], 'admin port');
var watcherType = argResults['force-poll'] ?
WatcherType.POLLING : WatcherType.AUTO;
var environment = await AssetEnvironment.create(entrypoint, mode,
watcherType: watcherType, hostname: hostname, basePort: port,
useDart2JS: useDart2JS);
var directoryLength = => dir.length)
var server = await environment.startAdminServer(adminPort);
server.results.listen((_) {
// The admin server produces no result values.
}, onError: _fatalError);
if (logAdminUrl) {
log.message("Running admin server on "
// Start up the servers. We pause updates while this is happening so
// that we don't log spurious build results in the middle of listing
// out the bound servers.
for (var directory in sourceDirectories) {
await _startServer(environment, directory, directoryLength);
// Now that the servers are up and logged, send them to barback.
environment.barback.errors.listen((error) {
log.error("Build error:\n$error"));
environment.barback.results.listen((result) {
if (result.succeeded) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Report using growl/inotify-send where available.
log.message("Build completed ${'successfully')}");
} else {
log.message("Build completed with "
"${} errors.");
}, onError: _fatalError);
await _completer.future;
Future _startServer(AssetEnvironment environment, String rootDirectory,
int directoryLength) async {
var server = await environment.serveDirectory(rootDirectory);
// In release mode, strip out .dart files since all relevant ones have
// been compiled to JavaScript already.
if (mode == BarbackMode.RELEASE) {
server.allowAsset = (url) => !url.path.endsWith(".dart");
// Add two characters to account for "[" and "]".
var prefix = log.gray(
padRight("[${server.rootDirectory}]", directoryLength + 2));
server.results.listen((result) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write("$prefix ");
if (result.isSuccess) {
"${'GET')} ${result.url.path} $_arrow ${}");
} else {
buffer.write("${'GET')} ${result.url.path} $_arrow");
var error = result.error.toString();
if (error.contains("\n")) {
} else {
buffer.write(" $error");
}, onError: _fatalError);
log.message("Serving ${} "
"${padRight(server.rootDirectory, directoryLength)} "
"on ${log.bold('http://$hostname:${server.port}')}");
/// Reports [error] and exits the server.
void _fatalError(error, [stackTrace]) {
if (_completer.isCompleted) return;
_completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);