blob: 9795af82491cdde12319f59c98e3ce824fe6707d [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/records/type_record.dart:66:7: Error: The argument type 'Record' can't be assigned to the parameter type '(int, String)'.
// foo(record); // Error.
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
typedef R = core::Record;
typedef AR = self::A<core::Record>;
typedef RR = core::Record;
typedef AR2 = self::A<core::Record>;
typedef AR3 = self::A<core::Record>;
typedef AR4 = self::A<self::A<core::Record>>;
abstract mixin class A<X extends core::Object? = dynamic> extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::A<self::A::X%>
: super core::Object::•()
abstract class A1 extends self::A<core::Record> {
synthetic constructor •() self::A1
: super self::A::•()
abstract class A2 extends core::Object implements self::A<core::Record> {
synthetic constructor •() self::A2
: super core::Object::•()
abstract class _A3&Object&A extends core::Object implements self::A<core::Record> /*isAnonymousMixin,isEliminatedMixin,hasConstConstructor*/ {
const synthetic constructor •() self::_A3&Object&A
: super core::Object::•()
abstract class A3 extends self::_A3&Object&A {
synthetic constructor •() self::A3
: super self::_A3&Object&A::•()
abstract class A4 extends self::A<core::Record> {
synthetic constructor •() self::A4
: super self::A::•()
abstract class A5 extends self::A<core::Record> {
synthetic constructor •() self::A5
: super self::A::•()
abstract class A6 extends self::A<core::Record> {
synthetic constructor •() self::A6
: super self::A::•()
abstract class A7 extends self::A<self::A<core::Record>> {
synthetic constructor •() self::A7
: super self::A::•()
static method foo1() core::Record
return throw "";
static method foo2() dynamic
return core::_GrowableList::•<core::Record>(0);
static method foo3() dynamic
return #C1;
static method foo4() dynamic
return #C2;
static method foo5(core::Record r) dynamic
return null;
static method foo6({required core::Record r = #C3}) → dynamic
return null;
static method foo7() core::List<core::Record>
return throw "";
static method foo8(core::List<core::Record> l) dynamic
return null;
static method foo9() core::Record
return throw "";
static method foo10() self::A<core::Record>
return throw "";
static method foo11() core::Record
return throw "";
static method foo12(core::Record r) dynamic
return null;
static method foo13(self::A<core::Record> l) dynamic
return null;
static method foo14(core::Record l) dynamic
return null;
static method foo((core::int, core::String) record) dynamic {
static method bar(core::Record record) dynamic {
self::foo(invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/records/type_record.dart:66:7: Error: The argument type 'Record' can't be assigned to the parameter type '(int, String)'.
foo(record); // Error.
^" in record as{TypeError} (core::int, core::String));
static method main() dynamic {}
constants {
#C1 = TypeLiteralConstant(core::Record)
#C2 = TypeLiteralConstant(core::List<core::Record>)
#C3 = null