blob: fdd01bbb70b209ad7a77a43988b63d0a3fd1c4c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue45519.dart:13:3: Error: Inferred type argument 'G<C<dynamic>>' doesn't conform to the bound 'C<X> Function(C<X>)' of the type variable 'X' on 'A'.
// - 'C' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue45519.dart'.
// Try specifying type arguments explicitly so that they conform to the bounds.
// A a = throw 42; // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue45519.dart:7:11: Context: This is the type variable whose bound isn't conformed to.
// typedef A<X extends G<C<X>>> = C<X>;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue45519.dart:13:3: Context: If you want 'A<G<C<dynamic>>>' to be a super-bounded type, note that the inverted type 'A<G<C<Never>>>' must then satisfy its bounds, which it does not.
// - 'C' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue45519.dart'.
// A a = throw 42; // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue45519.dart:14:3: Error: Inferred type argument 'H<dynamic>' doesn't conform to the bound 'C<X Function(X)>' of the type variable 'X' on 'B'.
// - 'C' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue45519.dart'.
// Try specifying type arguments explicitly so that they conform to the bounds.
// B b = throw 42; // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue45519.dart:10:11: Context: This is the type variable whose bound isn't conformed to.
// typedef B<X extends H<X>> = C<X>;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/nonfunction_type_aliases/issue45519.dart:14:3: Context: If you want 'B<H<dynamic>>' to be a super-bounded type, note that the inverted type 'B<H<Never>>' must then satisfy its bounds, which it does not.
// B b = throw 42; // Error.
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
typedef G<invariant X extends core::Object? = dynamic> = (X%) X%;
typedef A<X extends (self::C<X>) self::C<X> = (self::C<dynamic>) self::C<dynamic>> = self::C<X>;
typedef H<invariant X extends core::Object? = dynamic> = self::C<(X%) X%>;
typedef B<X extends self::C<(X) X> = self::C<(dynamic) dynamic>> = self::C<X>;
class C<X extends core::Object? = dynamic> extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::C<self::C::X%>
: super core::Object::•()
static method test() dynamic {
self::C<(self::C<dynamic>) self::C<dynamic>> a = throw 42;
self::C<self::C<(dynamic) dynamic>> b = throw 42;
static method main() dynamic {}
static method _#A#new#tearOff<X extends (self::C<self::_#A#new#tearOff::X>) → self::C<self::_#A#new#tearOff::X> = (self::C<dynamic>) → self::C<dynamic>>() → self::C<self::_#A#new#tearOff::X>
return new self::C::•<self::_#A#new#tearOff::X>();
static method _#H#new#tearOff<invariant X extends core::Object? = dynamic>() → self::C<(self::_#H#new#tearOff::X%) → self::_#H#new#tearOff::X%>
return new self::C::•<(self::_#H#new#tearOff::X%) → self::_#H#new#tearOff::X%>();
static method _#B#new#tearOff<X extends self::C<(self::_#B#new#tearOff::X) → self::_#B#new#tearOff::X> = self::C<(dynamic) → dynamic>>() → self::C<self::_#B#new#tearOff::X>
return new self::C::•<self::_#B#new#tearOff::X>();