blob: e0f4f54624bf4b27b4bf6d551464f10356e109e6 [file] [log] [blame]
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
static const field core::List<core::String> listWithUnevaluatedUnevaluatedFirst = #C10;
static const field core::List<core::String> listWithUnevaluatedUnevaluatedMiddle = #C22;
static const field core::Set<core::String> setWithUnevaluatedUnevaluatedFirst = #C26;
static const field core::Set<core::String> setWithUnevaluatedUnevaluatedMiddle = #C31;
static const field core::Map<core::String, core::int> mapWithUnevaluatedUnevaluatedFirst = #C36;
static const field core::Map<core::String, core::int> mapWithUnevaluatedUnevaluatedMiddle = #C41;
constants {
#C1 = "foo"
#C2 = eval const core::String::fromEnvironment(#C1)
#C3 = eval const <dynamic>[#C2]
#C4 = "bar"
#C5 = eval const core::String::fromEnvironment(#C4)
#C6 = eval const <dynamic>[#C5]
#C7 = "hello"
#C8 = "world"
#C9 = <core::String>[#C7, #C8]
#C10 = eval #C3 + #C6 + #C9
#C11 = "A"
#C12 = "few"
#C13 = "strings"
#C14 = <core::String>[#C11, #C12, #C13]
#C15 = eval const core::String::fromEnvironment(#C1)
#C16 = eval const <dynamic>[#C15]
#C17 = eval const core::String::fromEnvironment(#C4)
#C18 = eval const <dynamic>[#C17]
#C19 = "and"
#C20 = "more"
#C21 = <core::String>[#C7, #C8, #C19, #C20]
#C22 = eval #C14 + #C16 + #C18 + #C21
#C23 = eval const core::String::fromEnvironment(#C1)
#C24 = eval const <dynamic>{#C23}
#C25 = <core::String>{#C7, #C8}
#C26 = eval #C24 + #C25
#C27 = <core::String>{#C11, #C12, #C13}
#C28 = eval const core::String::fromEnvironment(#C1)
#C29 = eval const <dynamic>{#C28}
#C30 = <core::String>{#C7, #C8, #C19, #C20}
#C31 = eval #C27 + #C29 + #C30
#C32 = eval const core::String::fromEnvironment(#C1)
#C33 = 42
#C34 = eval const <dynamic, dynamic>{#C32: #C33}
#C35 = <core::String, core::int>{#C7:#C33, #C8:#C33}
#C36 = eval #C34 + #C35
#C37 = <core::String, core::int>{#C11:#C33, #C12:#C33, #C13:#C33}
#C38 = eval const core::String::fromEnvironment(#C1)
#C39 = eval const <dynamic, dynamic>{#C38: #C33}
#C40 = <core::String, core::int>{#C7:#C33, #C8:#C33, #C19:#C33, #C20:#C33}
#C41 = eval #C37 + #C39 + #C40
Extra constant evaluation status:
Evaluated with empty environment: ConstantExpression @ org-dartlang-testcase:///const_collections_2.dart:5:58 -> ListConstant(const <String>["", "", "hello", "world"])
Evaluated with empty environment: ConstantExpression @ org-dartlang-testcase:///const_collections_2.dart:12:59 -> ListConstant(const <String>["A", "few", "strings", "", "", "hello", "world", "and", "more"])
Evaluated with empty environment: ConstantExpression @ org-dartlang-testcase:///const_collections_2.dart:24:56 -> SetConstant(const <String>{"", "hello", "world"})
Evaluated with empty environment: ConstantExpression @ org-dartlang-testcase:///const_collections_2.dart:32:57 -> SetConstant(const <String>{"A", "few", "strings", "", "hello", "world", "and", "more"})
Evaluated with empty environment: ConstantExpression @ org-dartlang-testcase:///const_collections_2.dart:45:61 -> MapConstant(const <String, int>{"": 42, "hello": 42, "world": 42})
Evaluated with empty environment: ConstantExpression @ org-dartlang-testcase:///const_collections_2.dart:53:62 -> MapConstant(const <String, int>{"A": 42, "few": 42, "strings": 42, "": 42, "hello": 42, "world": 42, "and": 42, "more": 42})
Extra constant evaluation: evaluated: 6, effectively constant: 6