blob: ddd5cbfcc1924027e1fab13b61463992f2fa219e [file] [log] [blame]
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
static const field core::bool b = #C1;
static const field core::double d = #C2;
static const field core::int i = #C3;
static const field Null n = #C4;
static const field core::String s = #C5;
static const field core::String e = #C6;
static method main() dynamic {
self::expect("<true>", #C7);
self::expect("<3.5>", #C8);
self::expect("<42>", #C9);
self::expect("<null>", #C10);
self::expect("<foo>", #C11);
self::expect("<bar>", #C12);
self::expect("<true>", #C7);
self::expect("<3.5>", #C8);
self::expect("<42>", #C9);
self::expect("<null>", #C10);
self::expect("<foo>", #C11);
static method expect(dynamic expected, dynamic actual) dynamic {
if(!core::identical(expected, actual)) {
throw "Expected ${expected} to identical to ${actual}";
constants {
#C1 = true
#C2 = 3.5
#C3 = 42
#C4 = null
#C5 = "foo"
#C6 = "bar"
#C7 = "<true>"
#C8 = "<3.5>"
#C9 = "<42>"
#C10 = "<null>"
#C11 = "<foo>"
#C12 = "<bar>"