blob: c10c1d70ab143779c71e20f1aa1bd4771cfc4b2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:61:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Class?'.
// - 'Class' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// var topLevel3 = c2<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:62:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'GetterCall'.
// - 'GetterCall' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// var topLevel4 = c3<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:63:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'int?'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// var topLevel5 = i2<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:64:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a non-null generic function type but is 'void Function<T>()?'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// var topLevel6 = f1<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:65:18: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Never'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// var topLevel7 = n<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:66:18: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'dynamic'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// var topLevel8 = d<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:67:18: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'String'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// var topLevel9 = a<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:68:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'double'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// var topLevel10 = b<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:69:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'bool'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// var topLevel11 = c<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:70:20: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'FutureOr<Class>'.
// - 'Class' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// var topLevel12 = f2<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:71:20: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Function'.
// - 'Function' is from 'dart:core'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// var topLevel13 = f3<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:29:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Class?'.
// - 'Class' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// c1<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:30:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'GetterCall'.
// - 'GetterCall' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// c2<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:31:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'int?'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// i<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:32:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'T'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// t1<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:33:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'T?'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// t2<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:34:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'S?'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// s<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:35:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a non-null generic function type but is 'void Function<T>()?'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// f1<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:36:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Never'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// n<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:37:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'dynamic'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// d<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:38:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'String'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// a<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:39:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'double'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// b<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:40:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'bool'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// c<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:41:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'FutureOr<Class>'.
// - 'Class' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// f2<int>; // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:42:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Function'.
// - 'Function' is from 'dart:core'.
// Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
// f3<int>; // error
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "dart:async";
class Class extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Class
: super core::Object::•()
method call<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() dynamic {}
class GetterCall extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::GetterCall
: super core::Object::•()
get call() <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() void
return <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() void {};
extension Extension on core::int {
method call = self::Extension|call;
tearoff call = self::Extension|get#call;
extension ExtensionGetter on core::double {
get call = self::ExtensionGetter|get#call;
extension ExtensionSetter on core::bool {
set call = self::ExtensionSetter|set#call;
extension Ambiguous1 on core::String {
method call = self::Ambiguous1|call;
tearoff call = self::Ambiguous1|get#call;
extension Ambiguous2 on core::String {
method call = self::Ambiguous2|call;
tearoff call = self::Ambiguous2|get#call;
static field self::Class c1 = new self::Class::•();
static field self::Class? c2;
static field self::GetterCall c3 = new self::GetterCall::•();
static field core::int i1 = 0;
static field core::int? i2 = null;
static field <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() →? void f1 = null;
static field Never n = throw "";
static field dynamic d = null;
static field core::String a = "";
static field core::double b = 0.5;
static field core::bool c = true;
static field FutureOr<self::Class>f2 = new self::Class::•();
static field core::Function f3 = () Null {};
static field () dynamic topLevel1 = self::c1.{self::Class::call}{<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() dynamic}<core::int>;
static field () dynamic topLevel2 = self::Extension|get#call(self::i1)<core::int>;
static field invalid-type topLevel3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:61:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Class?'.
- 'Class' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
var topLevel3 = c2<int>; // error
static field invalid-type topLevel4 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:62:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'GetterCall'.
- 'GetterCall' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
var topLevel4 = c3<int>; // error
static field invalid-type topLevel5 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:63:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'int?'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
var topLevel5 = i2<int>; // error
static field invalid-type topLevel6 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:64:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a non-null generic function type but is 'void Function<T>()?'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
var topLevel6 = f1<int>; // error
static field invalid-type topLevel7 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:65:18: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Never'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
var topLevel7 = n<int>; // error
static field invalid-type topLevel8 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:66:18: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'dynamic'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
var topLevel8 = d<int>; // error
static field invalid-type topLevel9 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:67:18: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'String'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
var topLevel9 = a<int>; // error
static field invalid-type topLevel10 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:68:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'double'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
var topLevel10 = b<int>; // error
static field invalid-type topLevel11 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:69:19: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'bool'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
var topLevel11 = c<int>; // error
static field invalid-type topLevel12 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:70:20: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'FutureOr<Class>'.
- 'Class' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
var topLevel12 = f2<int>; // error
static field invalid-type topLevel13 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:71:20: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Function'.
- 'Function' is from 'dart:core'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
var topLevel13 = f3<int>; // error
static method method<T extends self::Class, S extends core::int>(self::Class c, core::int i, self::method::T t, self::method::S s) dynamic {
c.{self::Class::call}{<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() dynamic}<core::int>;
t.{self::Class::call}{<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() dynamic}<core::int>;
static method test<T extends self::Class?, S extends core::int>(self::Class? c1, self::GetterCall c2, core::int? i, self::test::T% t1, self::test::T? t2, self::test::S? s, <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() →? void f1, Never n, dynamic d, core::String a, core::double b, core::bool c, FutureOr<self::Class>f2, core::Function f3) dynamic {
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:29:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Class?'.
- 'Class' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
c1<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:30:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'GetterCall'.
- 'GetterCall' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
c2<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:31:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'int?'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
i<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:32:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'T'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
t1<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:33:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'T?'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
t2<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:34:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'S?'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
s<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:35:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a non-null generic function type but is 'void Function<T>()?'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
f1<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:36:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Never'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
n<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:37:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'dynamic'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
d<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:38:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'String'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
a<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:39:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'double'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
b<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:40:4: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'bool'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
c<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:41:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'FutureOr<Class>'.
- 'Class' is from 'pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
f2<int>; // error
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/constructor_tearoffs/callable_instantiation.dart:42:5: Error: The static type of the explicit instantiation operand must be a generic function type but is 'Function'.
- 'Function' is from 'dart:core'.
Try changing the operand or remove the type arguments.
f3<int>; // error
static method Extension|call<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(lowered final core::int #this) → dynamic {}
static method Extension|get#call(lowered final core::int #this) → <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() → dynamic
return <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() dynamic => self::Extension|call<T%>(#this);
static method ExtensionGetter|get#call(lowered final core::double #this) → <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() → void
return <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() void {};
static method ExtensionSetter|set#call(lowered final core::bool #this, <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() → void value) → void {}
static method Ambiguous1|call<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(lowered final core::String #this) → dynamic {}
static method Ambiguous1|get#call(lowered final core::String #this) → <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() → dynamic
return <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() dynamic => self::Ambiguous1|call<T%>(#this);
static method Ambiguous2|call<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(lowered final core::String #this) → dynamic {}
static method Ambiguous2|get#call(lowered final core::String #this) → <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() → dynamic
return <T extends core::Object? = dynamic>() dynamic => self::Ambiguous2|call<T%>(#this);
static method main() dynamic {
self::method<self::Class, core::int>(new self::Class::•(), 0, new self::Class::•(), 0);