blob: 41251361c964f9d82709bd21b92bae408369c1c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/class_modifiers/base/typedef/main.dart:7:50: Error: The class 'A' can't be implemented outside of its library because it's a base class.
// base class ImplementsBaseClassTypedef implements ATypeDef {}
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/class_modifiers/base/typedef/main.dart:9:51: Error: The class 'A' can't be implemented outside of its library because it's a base class.
// base class ImplementsBaseClassTypedef2 implements ATypeDef2 {}
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/class_modifiers/base/typedef/main.dart:11:50: Error: The mixin 'M' can't be implemented outside of its library because it's a base mixin.
// base class ImplementsBaseMixinTypeDef implements MTypeDef {}
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/class_modifiers/base/typedef/main.dart:13:51: Error: The mixin 'M' can't be implemented outside of its library because it's a base mixin.
// base class ImplementsBaseMixinTypeDef2 implements MTypeDef2 {}
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/class_modifiers/base/typedef/main.dart:19:57: Error: The class 'A' can't be implemented outside of its library because it's a base class.
// base class ImplementsBaseClassTypedefOutside implements AOutsideTypedef {}
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/class_modifiers/base/typedef/main.dart:21:57: Error: The mixin 'M' can't be implemented outside of its library because it's a base mixin.
// base class ImplementsBaseMixinTypeDefOutside implements MOutsideTypedef {}
// ^
import self as self;
import "main_lib.dart" as mai;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "org-dartlang-testcase:///main_lib.dart";
typedef AOutsideTypedef = mai::A;
typedef MOutsideTypedef = mai::M;
base class ImplementsBaseClassTypedef extends core::Object implements mai::A {
synthetic constructor •() self::ImplementsBaseClassTypedef
base class ImplementsBaseClassTypedef2 extends core::Object implements mai::A {
synthetic constructor •() self::ImplementsBaseClassTypedef2
base class ImplementsBaseMixinTypeDef extends core::Object implements mai::M {
synthetic constructor •() self::ImplementsBaseMixinTypeDef
base class ImplementsBaseMixinTypeDef2 extends core::Object implements mai::M {
synthetic constructor •() self::ImplementsBaseMixinTypeDef2
base class ImplementsBaseClassTypedefOutside extends core::Object implements mai::A {
synthetic constructor •() self::ImplementsBaseClassTypedefOutside
base class ImplementsBaseMixinTypeDefOutside extends core::Object implements mai::M {
synthetic constructor •() self::ImplementsBaseMixinTypeDefOutside
import self as mai;
import "dart:core" as core;
typedef ATypeDef = mai::A;
typedef ATypeDef2 = mai::A;
typedef MTypeDef = mai::M;
typedef MTypeDef2 = mai::M;
base class A extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() mai::A
abstract base class M extends core::Object /*isMixinDeclaration*/ {