blob: e6d0d591fece9169c33220e0a3bc1eeddd21295c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library source.caching_pub_package_map_provider;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/package_map_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/pub_package_map_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
* The function used to write the cache file.
* Returns the modification stamp for the newly written file.
typedef int WriteFile(File file, String content);
* [PubPackageMapProvider] extension which caches pub list results.
* These results are cached in memory and in a single place on disk that is
* shared cross session and between different simultaneous sessions.
class CachingPubPackageMapProvider extends PubPackageMapProvider {
static const cacheKey = 'pub_list_cache';
static const cacheVersion = 1;
static const cacheVersionKey = 'pub_list_cache_version';
static const pubListResultKey = 'pub_list_result';
static const modificationStampsKey = 'modification_stamps';
* A cache of folder path to pub list information as shown below
* or `null` if the cache has not yet been initialized.
* {
* "path/to/folder": {
* "pub_list_result": {
* "packages": {
* "foo": "path/to/foo",
* "bar": ["path/to/bar1", "path/to/bar2"],
* "myapp": "path/to/myapp", // self link is included
* },
* "input_files": [
* "path/to/myapp/pubspec.lock"
* ]
* },
* "modification_stamps": {
* "path/to/myapp/pubspec.lock": 1424305309
* }
* }
* "path/to/another/folder": {
* ...
* }
* ...
* }
Map<String, Map> _cache;
* The modification time of the cache file
* or `null` if it has not yet been read.
int _cacheModificationTime;
* The function used to write the cache file.
WriteFile _writeFile;
* Construct a new instance.
* [RunPubList] and [WriteFile] implementations may be injected for testing
ResourceProvider resourceProvider, DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk,
[RunPubList runPubList, this._writeFile])
: super(resourceProvider, sdk, runPubList) {
if (_writeFile == null) {
_writeFile = _writeFileDefault;
File get cacheFile => _cacheDir.getChild('cache');
Folder get _cacheDir => resourceProvider.getStateLocation('.pub-list');
File get _touchFile => _cacheDir.getChild('touch');
PackageMapInfo computePackageMap(Folder folder) {
// Return error if folder does not exist, but don't remove previously
// cached result because folder may be only temporarily inaccessible
if (!folder.exists) {
return computePackageMapError(folder);
// Ensure cache is up to date
// Check for cached entry
Map entry = _cache[folder.path];
if (entry != null) {
Map<String, int> modificationStamps = entry[modificationStampsKey];
if (modificationStamps != null) {
// Check to see if any dependencies have changed
// before returning cached result
if (!_haveDependenciesChanged(modificationStamps)) {
return parsePackageMap(entry[pubListResultKey], folder);
int runCount = 0;
PackageMapInfo info;
while (true) {
// Capture the current time so that we can tell if an input file
// has changed while running pub list. This is done
// by writing to a file rather than getting millisecondsSinceEpoch
// because file modification time has different granularity
// on diferent systems.
int startStamp;
try {
startStamp = _writeFile(_touchFile, 'touch');
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
'Exception writing $_touchFile\n$exception\n$stackTrace');
startStamp = new;
// computePackageMap calls parsePackageMap which caches the result
info = super.computePackageMap(folder);
if (!_haveDependenciesChangedSince(info, startStamp)) {
// If no dependencies have changed while running pub then finished
if (runCount == 4) {
// Don't run forever
.logInformation('pub list called $runCount times: $folder');
return info;
PackageMapInfo parsePackageMap(Map obj, Folder folder) {
PackageMapInfo info = super.parsePackageMap(obj, folder);
Map<String, int> modificationStamps = new Map<String, int>();
for (String path in info.dependencies) {
Resource res = resourceProvider.getResource(path);
if (res is File && res.exists) {
modificationStamps[path] = res.createSource().modificationStamp;
// Assumes entry has been initialized by computePackageMap
_cache[folder.path] = <String, Map>{
pubListResultKey: obj,
modificationStampsKey: modificationStamps
return info;
* Determine if any of the dependencies have changed.
bool _haveDependenciesChanged(Map<String, int> modificationStamps) {
for (String path in modificationStamps.keys) {
Resource res = resourceProvider.getResource(path);
if (res is File) {
if (!res.exists ||
res.createSource().modificationStamp != modificationStamps[path]) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
return false;
* Determine if any of the dependencies have changed since the given time.
bool _haveDependenciesChangedSince(PackageMapInfo info, int startStamp) {
for (String path in info.dependencies) {
Resource res = resourceProvider.getResource(path);
if (res is File) {
int modStamp = res.createSource().modificationStamp;
if (modStamp != null && modStamp >= startStamp) {
return true;
return false;
* Read the cache from disk if it has not been read before.
void _readCache() {
// TODO(danrubel) This implementation assumes that
// two separate processes are not accessing the cache file at the same time
Source source = cacheFile.createSource();
if (source.exists() &&
(_cache == null ||
_cacheModificationTime != source.modificationStamp)) {
try {
TimestampedData<String> data = source.contents;
Map map = JSON.decode(;
if (map[cacheVersionKey] == cacheVersion) {
_cache = map[cacheKey];
_cacheModificationTime = data.modificationTime;
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
'Exception reading $cacheFile\n$exception\n$stackTrace');
if (_cache == null) {
_cache = new Map<String, Map>();
* Write the cache to disk.
void _writeCache() {
try {
_cacheModificationTime = _writeFile(cacheFile,
JSON.encode({cacheVersionKey: cacheVersion, cacheKey: _cache}));
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
'Exception writing $cacheFile\n$exception\n$stackTrace');
* Update the given file with the specified content.
int _writeFileDefault(File cacheFile, String content) {
// TODO(danrubel) This implementation assumes that
// two separate processes are not accessing the cache file at the same time
io.File file = new io.File(cacheFile.path);
if (!file.parent.existsSync()) {
file.parent.createSync(recursive: true);
file.writeAsStringSync(content, flush: true);
return file.lastModifiedSync().millisecondsSinceEpoch;