blob: ae6c8685db218bb73b49fb96af7eddc59159a0d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Instead modify 'pkg/analyzer/messages.yaml' and run
// 'dart run pkg/analyzer/tool/messages/generate.dart' to update.
import "package:analyzer/error/error.dart";
import "package:analyzer/src/error/analyzer_error_code.dart";
// It is hard to visually separate each code's _doc comment_ from its published
// _documentation comment_ when each is written as an end-of-line comment.
// ignore_for_file: slash_for_doc_comments
class FfiCode extends AnalyzerErrorCode {
* No parameters.
static const FfiCode ABI_SPECIFIC_INTEGER_INVALID = FfiCode(
"Classes extending 'AbiSpecificInteger' must have exactly one const "
"constructor, no other members, and no type arguments.",
"Try removing all type arguments, removing all members, and adding one "
"const constructor.",
* No parameters.
"Classes extending 'AbiSpecificInteger' must have exactly one "
"'AbiSpecificIntegerMapping' annotation specifying the mapping from "
"ABI to a 'NativeType' integer with a fixed size.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the extra annotation.",
* No parameters.
"Classes extending 'AbiSpecificInteger' must have exactly one "
"'AbiSpecificIntegerMapping' annotation specifying the mapping from "
"ABI to a 'NativeType' integer with a fixed size.",
correctionMessage: "Try adding an annotation.",
* No parameters.
"Only mappings to 'Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int64', 'Uint8', 'Uint16', "
"'UInt32', and 'Uint64' are supported.",
"Try changing the value to 'Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int64', 'Uint8', "
"'Uint16', 'UInt32', or 'Uint64'.",
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field that's declared in a
// subclass of `Struct` and has the type `Pointer` also has an annotation
// associated with it.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `p`, which
// has the type `Pointer` and is declared in a subclass of `Struct`, has the
// annotation `@Double()`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// [!@Double()!]
// external Pointer<Int8> p;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the annotations from the field:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Int8> p;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode ANNOTATION_ON_POINTER_FIELD = FfiCode(
"Fields in a struct class whose type is 'Pointer' shouldn't have any "
correctionMessage: "Try removing the annotation.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the argument
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation of either
// `Pointer.asFunction` or `DynamicLibrary.lookupFunction` has an `isLeaf`
// argument whose value isn't a constant expression.
// The analyzer also produces this diagnostic when the value of the
// `exceptionalReturn` argument of `Pointer.fromFunction`.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of the
// `isLeaf` argument is a parameter, and hence isn't a constant:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// int Function(int) fromPointer(
// Pointer<NativeFunction<Int8 Function(Int8)>> p, bool isLeaf) {
// return p.asFunction(isLeaf: [!isLeaf!]);
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If there's a suitable constant that can be used, then replace the argument
// with a constant:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// const isLeaf = false;
// int Function(int) fromPointer(Pointer<NativeFunction<Int8 Function(Int8)>> p) {
// return p.asFunction(isLeaf: isLeaf);
// }
// ```
// If there isn't a suitable constant, then replace the argument with a
// boolean literal:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// int Function(int) fromPointer(Pointer<NativeFunction<Int8 Function(Int8)>> p) {
// return p.asFunction(isLeaf: true);
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode ARGUMENT_MUST_BE_A_CONSTANT = FfiCode(
"Argument '{0}' must be a constant.",
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the value with a literal or const.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the struct or union class
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a subclass of either `Struct`
// or `Union` implements `Finalizable`.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `S`
// implements `Finalizable`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class [!S!] extends Struct implements Finalizable {
// external Pointer notEmpty;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Try removing the implements clause from the class:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class S extends Struct {
// external Pointer notEmpty;
// }
// ```
"The class '{0}' can't implement Finalizable.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the implements clause from '{0}'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a subclass of either `Struct`
// or `Union` is instantiated using a generative constructor.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `C` is being
// instantiated using a generative constructor:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int32()
// external int a;
// }
// void f() {
// [!C!]();
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you need to allocate the structure described by the class, then use the
// `ffi` package to do so:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int32()
// external int a;
// }
// void f() {
// final pointer = calloc.allocate<C>(4);
// final c = pointer.ref;
// print(c);
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode CREATION_OF_STRUCT_OR_UNION = FfiCode(
"Subclasses of 'Struct' and 'Union' are backed by native memory, and can't "
"be instantiated by a generative constructor.",
"Try allocating it via allocation, or load from a 'Pointer'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the subclass
* 1: the name of the superclass
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a subclass of `Struct` or
// `Union` doesn't have any fields. Having an empty `Struct` or `Union`
// isn't supported.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `C`, which
// extends `Struct`, doesn't declare any fields:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class [!C!] extends Struct {}
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the class is intended to be a struct, then declare one or more fields:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int32()
// external int x;
// }
// ```
// If the class is intended to be used as a type argument to `Pointer`, then
// make it a subclass of `Opaque`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Opaque {}
// ```
// If the class isn't intended to be a struct, then remove or change the
// extends clause:
// ```dart
// class C {}
// ```
static const FfiCode EMPTY_STRUCT = FfiCode(
"The class '{0}' can't be empty because it's a subclass of '{1}'.",
"Try adding a field to '{0}' or use a different superclass.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field in a subclass of
// `Struct` has more than one annotation describing the native type of the
// field.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `x` has two
// annotations describing the native type of the field:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int32()
// [!@Int16()!]
// external int x;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove all but one of the annotations:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int32()
// external int x;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode EXTRA_ANNOTATION_ON_STRUCT_FIELD = FfiCode(
"Fields in a struct class must have exactly one annotation indicating the "
"native type.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the extra annotation.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field in a subclass of
// `Struct` has more than one annotation describing the size of the native
// array.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `a0` has two
// annotations that specify the size of the native array:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Array(4)
// [!@Array(8)!]
// external Array<Uint8> a0;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove all but one of the annotations:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Array(8)
// external Array<Uint8> a0;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode EXTRA_SIZE_ANNOTATION_CARRAY = FfiCode(
"'Array's must have exactly one 'Array' annotation.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the extra annotation.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
static const FfiCode FFI_NATIVE_MUST_BE_EXTERNAL = FfiCode(
"FfiNative functions must be declared external.",
correctionMessage: "Add the `external` keyword to the function.",
* No parameters.
static const FfiCode
"Only classes extending NativeFieldWrapperClass1 can be passed as Pointer.",
correctionMessage: "Pass as Handle instead.",
* Parameters:
* 0: the expected number of parameters
* 1: the actual number of parameters
"Unexpected number of FfiNative annotation parameters. Expected {0} but "
"has {1}.",
correctionMessage: "Make sure parameters match the function annotated.",
* Parameters:
* 0: the expected number of parameters
* 1: the actual number of parameters
static const FfiCode
"Unexpected number of FfiNative annotation parameters. Expected {0} but "
"has {1}. FfiNative instance method annotation must have receiver as "
"first argument.",
"Make sure parameters match the function annotated, including an extra "
"first parameter for the receiver.",
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor in a subclass of
// either `Struct` or `Union` has one or more field initializers.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `C` has a
// constructor with an initializer for the field `f`:
// ```dart
// // @dart = 2.9
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int32()
// int f;
// C() : [!f = 0!];
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the field initializer:
// ```dart
// // @dart = 2.9
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int32()
// int f;
// C();
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode FIELD_INITIALIZER_IN_STRUCT = FfiCode(
"Constructors in subclasses of 'Struct' and 'Union' can't have field "
"Try removing the field initializer and marking the field as external.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field in a subclass of
// `Struct` has an initializer.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `p` has an
// initializer:
// ```dart
// // @dart = 2.9
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// Pointer [!p!] = nullptr;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the initializer:
// ```dart
// // @dart = 2.9
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// Pointer p;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode FIELD_IN_STRUCT_WITH_INITIALIZER = FfiCode(
"Fields in subclasses of 'Struct' and 'Union' can't have initializers.",
"Try removing the initializer and marking the field as external.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field in a subclass of either
// `Struct` or `Union` isn't marked as being `external`.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `a` isn't
// marked as being `external`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int16()
// int [!a!];
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Add the required `external` modifier:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int16()
// external int a;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode FIELD_MUST_BE_EXTERNAL_IN_STRUCT = FfiCode(
"Fields of 'Struct' and 'Union' subclasses must be marked external.",
correctionMessage: "Try adding the 'external' modifier.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the struct class
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a subclass of either `Struct`
// or `Union` has a type parameter.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `S` defines
// the type parameter `T`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class [!S!]<T> extends Struct {
// external Pointer notEmpty;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the type parameters from the class:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class S extends Struct {
// external Pointer notEmpty;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode GENERIC_STRUCT_SUBCLASS = FfiCode(
"The class '{0}' can't extend 'Struct' or 'Union' because '{0}' is "
correctionMessage: "Try removing the type parameters from '{0}'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation of the method
// `Pointer.fromFunction` has a second argument (the exceptional return
// value) and the type to be returned from the invocation is either `void`,
// `Handle` or `Pointer`.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because a second argument is
// provided when the return type of `f` is `void`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// typedef T = Void Function(Int8);
// void f(int i) {}
// void g() {
// Pointer.fromFunction<T>(f, [!42!]);
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the exception value:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// typedef T = Void Function(Int8);
// void f(int i) {}
// void g() {
// Pointer.fromFunction<T>(f);
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode INVALID_EXCEPTION_VALUE = FfiCode(
"The method 'Pointer.fromFunction' can't have an exceptional return value "
"(the second argument) when the return type of the function is either "
"'void', 'Handle' or 'Pointer'.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the exceptional return value.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the type of the field
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field in a subclass of
// `Struct` has a type other than `int`, `double`, `Array`, `Pointer`, or
// subtype of `Struct` or `Union`.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `str` has
// the type `String`, which isn't one of the allowed types for fields in a
// subclass of `Struct`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// external [!String!] s;
// @Int32()
// external int i;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Use one of the allowed types for the field:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
// class C extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Utf8> s;
// @Int32()
// external int i;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode INVALID_FIELD_TYPE_IN_STRUCT = FfiCode(
"Fields in struct classes can't have the type '{0}'. They can only be "
"declared as 'int', 'double', 'Array', 'Pointer', or subtype of "
"'Struct' or 'Union'.",
"Try using 'int', 'double', 'Array', 'Pointer', or subtype of 'Struct' "
"or 'Union'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value of the `isLeaf`
// argument in an invocation of either `Pointer.asFunction` or
// `DynamicLibrary.lookupFunction` is `true` and the function that would be
// returned would have a return type of `Handle`.
// The analyzer also produces this diagnostic when the value of the `isLeaf`
// argument in an `FfiNative` annotation is `true` and the type argument on
// the annotation is a function type whose return type is `Handle`.
// In all of these cases, leaf calls are only supported for the types `bool`,
// `int`, `float`, `double`, and, as a return type `void`.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the function `p`
// returns a `Handle`, but the `isLeaf` argument is `true`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// void f(Pointer<NativeFunction<Handle Function()>> p) {
// [!p.asFunction<Object Function()>(isLeaf: true)!];
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the function returns a handle, then remove the `isLeaf` argument:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// void f(Pointer<NativeFunction<Handle Function()>> p) {
// p.asFunction<Object Function()>();
// }
// ```
// If the function returns one of the supported types, then correct the type
// information:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// void f(Pointer<NativeFunction<Int32 Function()>> p) {
// p.asFunction<int Function()>(isLeaf: true);
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode LEAF_CALL_MUST_NOT_RETURN_HANDLE = FfiCode(
"FFI leaf call can't return a 'Handle'.",
correctionMessage: "Try changing the return type to primitive or struct.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value of the `isLeaf`
// argument in an invocation of either `Pointer.asFunction` or
// `DynamicLibrary.lookupFunction` is `true` and the function that would be
// returned would have a parameter of type `Handle`.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the function `p` has a
// parameter of type `Handle`, but the `isLeaf` argument is `true`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// void f(Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Handle)>> p) {
// [!p.asFunction<void Function(Object)>(isLeaf: true)!];
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the function has at least one parameter of type `Handle`, then remove
// the `isLeaf` argument:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// void f(Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Handle)>> p) {
// p.asFunction<void Function(Object)>();
// }
// ```
// If none of the function's parameters are `Handle`s, then correct the type
// information:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// void f(Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Int8)>> p) {
// p.asFunction<void Function(int)>(isLeaf: true);
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode LEAF_CALL_MUST_NOT_TAKE_HANDLE = FfiCode(
"FFI leaf call can't take arguments of type 'Handle'.",
correctionMessage: "Try changing the argument type to primitive or struct.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the annotation on a field in a
// subclass of `Struct` or `Union` doesn't match the Dart type of the field.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the annotation
// `Double` doesn't match the Dart type `int`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// [!@Double()!]
// external int x;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the type of the field is correct, then change the annotation to match:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int32()
// external int x;
// }
// ```
// If the annotation is correct, then change the type of the field to match:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Double()
// external double x;
// }
// ```
"The annotation doesn't match the declared type of the field.",
"Try using a different annotation or changing the declared type to "
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the type that is missing a native type annotation
* 1: the superclass which is extended by this field's class
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field in a subclass of
// `Struct` or `Union` whose type requires an annotation doesn't have one.
// The Dart types `int`, `double`, and `Array` are used to represent multiple
// C types, and the annotation specifies which of the compatible C types the
// field represents.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `x` doesn't
// have an annotation indicating the underlying width of the integer value:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// external [!int!] x;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Add an appropriate annotation to the field:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int64()
// external int x;
// }
// ```
"Fields of type '{0}' in a subclass of '{1}' must have an annotation "
"indicating the native type.",
correctionMessage: "Try adding an annotation.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation of the method
// `Pointer.fromFunction` doesn't have a second argument (the exceptional
// return value) when the type to be returned from the invocation is neither
// `void`, `Handle`, nor `Pointer`.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the type returned by
// `f` is expected to be an 8-bit integer but the call to `fromFunction`
// doesn't include an exceptional return argument:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// int f(int i) => i * 2;
// void g() {
// Pointer.[!fromFunction!]<Int8 Function(Int8)>(f);
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Add an exceptional return type:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// int f(int i) => i * 2;
// void g() {
// Pointer.fromFunction<Int8 Function(Int8)>(f, 0);
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode MISSING_EXCEPTION_VALUE = FfiCode(
"The method 'Pointer.fromFunction' must have an exceptional return value "
"(the second argument) when the return type of the function is neither "
"'void', 'Handle', nor 'Pointer'.",
correctionMessage: "Try adding an exceptional return value.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the type of the field
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field in a subclass of
// `Struct` or `Union` doesn't have a type annotation. Every field must have
// an explicit type, and the type must either be `int`, `double`, `Pointer`,
// or a subclass of either `Struct` or `Union`.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `str`
// doesn't have a type annotation:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// external var [!str!];
// @Int32()
// external int i;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Explicitly specify the type of the field:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
// class C extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Utf8> str;
// @Int32()
// external int i;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode MISSING_FIELD_TYPE_IN_STRUCT = FfiCode(
"Fields in struct classes must have an explicitly declared type of 'int', "
"'double' or 'Pointer'.",
correctionMessage: "Try using 'int', 'double' or 'Pointer'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a field in a subclass of either
// `Struct` or `Union` has a type of `Array` but doesn't have a single
// `Array` annotation indicating the dimensions of the array.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `a0` doesn't
// have an `Array` annotation:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// external [!Array<Uint8>!] a0;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Ensure that there's exactly one `Array` annotation on the field:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Array(8)
// external Array<Uint8> a0;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode MISSING_SIZE_ANNOTATION_CARRAY = FfiCode(
"Fields of type 'Array' must have exactly one 'Array' annotation.",
"Try adding an 'Array' annotation, or removing all but one of the "
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the type that should be a valid dart:ffi native type.
* 1: the name of the function whose invocation depends on this relationship
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation of either
// `Pointer.fromFunction` or `DynamicLibrary.lookupFunction` has a type
// argument(whether explicit or inferred) that isn't a native function type.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the type `T` can be
// any subclass of `Function` but the type argument for `fromFunction` is
// required to be a native function type:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// int f(int i) => i * 2;
// class C<T extends Function> {
// void g() {
// Pointer.fromFunction<[!T!]>(f, 0);
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Use a native function type as the type argument to the invocation:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// int f(int i) => i * 2;
// class C<T extends Function> {
// void g() {
// Pointer.fromFunction<Int32 Function(Int32)>(f, 0);
// }
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode MUST_BE_A_NATIVE_FUNCTION_TYPE = FfiCode(
"The type '{0}' given to '{1}' must be a valid 'dart:ffi' native function "
"Try changing the type to only use members for 'dart:ffi'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the type that should be a subtype
* 1: the supertype that the subtype is compared to
* 2: the name of the function whose invocation depends on this relationship
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic in two cases:
// - In an invocation of `Pointer.fromFunction` where the type argument
// (whether explicit or inferred) isn't a supertype of the type of the
// function passed as the first argument to the method.
// - In an invocation of `DynamicLibrary.lookupFunction` where the first type
// argument isn't a supertype of the second type argument.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the type of the
// function `f` (`String Function(int)`) isn't a subtype of the type
// argument `T` (`Int8 Function(Int8)`):
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// typedef T = Int8 Function(Int8);
// double f(double i) => i;
// void g() {
// Pointer.fromFunction<T>([!f!], 5.0);
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the function is correct, then change the type argument to match:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// typedef T = Float Function(Float);
// double f(double i) => i;
// void g() {
// Pointer.fromFunction<T>(f, 5.0);
// }
// ```
// If the type argument is correct, then change the function to match:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// typedef T = Int8 Function(Int8);
// int f(int i) => i;
// void g() {
// Pointer.fromFunction<T>(f, 5);
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode MUST_BE_A_SUBTYPE = FfiCode(
"The type '{0}' must be a subtype of '{1}' for '{2}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try changing one or both of the type arguments.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the function, method, or constructor having type arguments
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type arguments to a method
// are required to be known at compile time, but a type parameter, whose
// value can't be known at compile time, is used as a type argument.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the type argument to
// `Pointer.asFunction` must be known at compile time, but the type parameter
// `R`, which isn't known at compile time, is being used as the type
// argument:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// typedef T = int Function(int);
// class C<R extends T> {
// void m(Pointer<NativeFunction<T>> p) {
// p.asFunction<[!R!]>();
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove any uses of type parameters:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C {
// void m(Pointer<NativeFunction<Int64 Function(Int64)>> p) {
// p.asFunction<int Function(int)>();
// }
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode NON_CONSTANT_TYPE_ARGUMENT = FfiCode(
"The type arguments to '{0}' must be known at compile time, so they can't "
"be type parameters.",
correctionMessage: "Try changing the type argument to be a constant type.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the type that should be a valid dart:ffi native type.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the method `asFunction` is
// invoked on a pointer to a native function, but the signature of the native
// function isn't a valid C function signature.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because function signature
// associated with the pointer `p` (`FNative`) isn't a valid C function
// signature:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// typedef FNative = int Function(int);
// typedef F = int Function(int);
// class C {
// void f(Pointer<NativeFunction<FNative>> p) {
// p.asFunction<[!F!]>();
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Make the `NativeFunction` signature a valid C signature:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// typedef FNative = Int8 Function(Int8);
// typedef F = int Function(int);
// class C {
// void f(Pointer<NativeFunction<FNative>> p) {
// p.asFunction<F>();
// }
// }
// ```
"Can't invoke 'asFunction' because the function signature '{0}' for the "
"pointer isn't a valid C function signature.",
"Try changing the function argument in 'NativeFunction' to only use "
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a dimension given in an `Array`
// annotation is less than or equal to zero (`0`).
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because an array dimension of
// `-1` was provided:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class MyStruct extends Struct {
// @Array([!-8!])
// external Array<Uint8> a0;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Change the dimension to be a positive integer:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class MyStruct extends Struct {
// @Array(8)
// external Array<Uint8> a0;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode NON_POSITIVE_ARRAY_DIMENSION = FfiCode(
"Array dimensions must be positive numbers.",
correctionMessage: "Try changing the input to a positive number.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the type of the field
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type argument for the class
// `Array` isn't one of the valid types: either a native integer, `Float`,
// `Double`, `Pointer`, or subtype of `Struct`, `Union`, or
// `AbiSpecificInteger`.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the type argument to
// `Array` is `Void`, and `Void` isn't one of the valid types:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Array(8)
// external Array<[!Void!]> a0;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Change the type argument to one of the valid types:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Array(8)
// external Array<Uint8> a0;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode NON_SIZED_TYPE_ARGUMENT = FfiCode(
"The type '{1}' isn't a valid type argument for '{0}'. The type argument "
"must be a native integer, 'Float', 'Double', 'Pointer', or subtype of "
"'Struct', 'Union', or 'AbiSpecificInteger'.",
"Try using a native integer, 'Float', 'Double', 'Pointer', or subtype "
"of 'Struct', 'Union', or 'AbiSpecificInteger'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a subclass of `Struct` has more
// than one `Packed` annotation.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `C`, which
// is a subclass of `Struct`, has two `Packed` annotations:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// @Packed(1)
// [!@Packed(1)!]
// class C extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Uint8> notEmpty;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove all but one of the annotations:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// @Packed(1)
// class C extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Uint8> notEmpty;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode PACKED_ANNOTATION = FfiCode(
"Structs must have at most one 'Packed' annotation.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing extra 'Packed' annotations.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the argument to the `Packed`
// annotation isn't one of the allowed values: 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the argument to the
// `Packed` annotation (`3`) isn't one of the allowed values:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// @Packed([!3!])
// class C extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Uint8> notEmpty;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Change the alignment to be one of the allowed values:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// @Packed(4)
// class C extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Uint8> notEmpty;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode PACKED_ANNOTATION_ALIGNMENT = FfiCode(
"Only packing to 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 bytes is supported.",
"Try changing the 'Packed' annotation alignment to 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the outer struct
* 1: the name of the struct being nested
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a subclass of `Struct` that is
// annotated as being `Packed` declares a field whose type is also a subclass
// of `Struct` and the field's type is either not packed or is packed less
// tightly.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `Outer`,
// which is a subclass of `Struct` and is packed on 1-byte boundaries,
// declared a field whose type (`Inner`) is packed on 8-byte boundaries:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// @Packed(8)
// class Inner extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Uint8> notEmpty;
// }
// @Packed(1)
// class Outer extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Uint8> notEmpty;
// external [!Inner!] nestedLooselyPacked;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the inner struct should be packed more tightly, then change the
// argument to the inner struct's `Packed` annotation:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// @Packed(1)
// class Inner extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Uint8> notEmpty;
// }
// @Packed(1)
// class Outer extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Uint8> notEmpty;
// external Inner nestedLooselyPacked;
// }
// ```
// If the outer struct should be packed less tightly, then change the
// argument to the outer struct's `Packed` annotation:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// @Packed(8)
// class Inner extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Uint8> notEmpty;
// }
// @Packed(8)
// class Outer extends Struct {
// external Pointer<Uint8> notEmpty;
// external Inner nestedLooselyPacked;
// }
// ```
// If the inner struct doesn't have an annotation and should be packed, then
// add an annotation.
// If the inner struct doesn't have an annotation and the outer struct
// shouldn't be packed, then remove its annotation.
static const FfiCode PACKED_NESTING_NON_PACKED = FfiCode(
"Nesting the non-packed or less tightly packed struct '{0}' in a packed "
"struct '{1}' isn't supported.",
"Try packing the nested struct or packing the nested struct more "
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the number of dimensions
// specified in an `Array` annotation doesn't match the number of nested
// arrays specified by the type of a field.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `a0` has a
// type with three nested arrays, but only two dimensions are given in the
// `Array` annotation:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// [!@Array(8, 8)!]
// external Array<Array<Array<Uint8>>> a0;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the type of the field is correct, then fix the annotation to have the
// required number of dimensions:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Array(8, 8, 4)
// external Array<Array<Array<Uint8>>> a0;
// }
// ```
// If the type of the field is wrong, then fix the type of the field:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Array(8, 8)
// external Array<Array<Uint8>> a0;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode SIZE_ANNOTATION_DIMENSIONS = FfiCode(
"'Array's must have an 'Array' annotation that matches the dimensions.",
correctionMessage: "Try adjusting the arguments in the 'Array' annotation.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the subclass
* 1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class extends any FFI class
// other than `Struct` or `Union`, or implements or mixes in any FFI class.
// `Struct` and `Union` are the only FFI classes that can be subtyped, and
// then only by extending them.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `C` extends
// `Double`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends [!Double!] {}
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the class should extend either `Struct` or `Union`, then change the
// declaration of the class:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class C extends Struct {
// @Int32()
// external int i;
// }
// ```
// If the class shouldn't extend either `Struct` or `Union`, then remove any
// references to FFI classes:
// ```dart
// class C {}
// ```
static const FfiCode SUBTYPE_OF_FFI_CLASS_IN_EXTENDS = FfiCode(
"The class '{0}' can't extend '{1}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try extending 'Struct' or 'Union'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the subclass
* 1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
static const FfiCode SUBTYPE_OF_FFI_CLASS_IN_IMPLEMENTS = FfiCode(
"The class '{0}' can't implement '{1}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try implementing 'Allocator' or 'Finalizable'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the subclass
* 1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
static const FfiCode SUBTYPE_OF_FFI_CLASS_IN_WITH = FfiCode(
"The class '{0}' can't mix in '{1}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try extending 'Struct' or 'Union'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the subclass
* 1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class extends, implements, or
// mixes in a class that extends either `Struct` or `Union`. Classes can only
// extend either `Struct` or `Union` directly.
// For more information about FFI, see [C interop using dart:ffi][].
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `C` extends
// `S`, and `S` extends `Struct`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class S extends Struct {
// external Pointer f;
// }
// class C extends [!S!] {
// external Pointer g;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you're trying to define a struct or union that shares some fields
// declared by a different struct or union, then extend `Struct` or `Union`
// directly and copy the shared fields:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:ffi';
// class S extends Struct {
// external Pointer f;
// }
// class C extends Struct {
// external Pointer f;
// external Pointer g;
// }
// ```
static const FfiCode SUBTYPE_OF_STRUCT_CLASS_IN_EXTENDS = FfiCode(
"The class '{0}' can't extend '{1}' because '{1}' is a subtype of "
"'Struct', 'Union', or 'AbiSpecificInteger'.",
"Try extending 'Struct', 'Union', or 'AbiSpecificInteger' directly.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the subclass
* 1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
"The class '{0}' can't implement '{1}' because '{1}' is a subtype of "
"'Struct', 'Union', or 'AbiSpecificInteger'.",
"Try extending 'Struct', 'Union', or 'AbiSpecificInteger' directly.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the subclass
* 1: the name of the class being extended, implemented, or mixed in
static const FfiCode SUBTYPE_OF_STRUCT_CLASS_IN_WITH = FfiCode(
"The class '{0}' can't mix in '{1}' because '{1}' is a subtype of "
"'Struct', 'Union', or 'AbiSpecificInteger'.",
"Try extending 'Struct', 'Union', or 'AbiSpecificInteger' directly.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
/// Initialize a newly created error code to have the given [name].
const FfiCode(
String name,
String problemMessage, {
String? correctionMessage,
bool hasPublishedDocs = false,
bool isUnresolvedIdentifier = false,
String? uniqueName,
}) : super(
correctionMessage: correctionMessage,
hasPublishedDocs: hasPublishedDocs,
isUnresolvedIdentifier: isUnresolvedIdentifier,
name: name,
problemMessage: problemMessage,
uniqueName: 'FfiCode.${uniqueName ?? name}',
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorType.COMPILE_TIME_ERROR.severity;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.COMPILE_TIME_ERROR;