blob: e2f71e299abb5fe599c22b90ab2dac1fb79080e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of sample_profiler;
abstract class CallTreeNode<NodeT extends M.CallTreeNode>
implements M.CallTreeNode {
final List<NodeT> children;
final int count;
final int inclusiveNativeAllocations;
final int exclusiveNativeAllocations;
double get percentage => _percentage;
double _percentage = 0.0;
final Set<String> attributes = new Set<String>();
// Either a ProfileCode or a ProfileFunction.
Object get profileData;
String get name;
CallTreeNode(this.children, this.count, this.inclusiveNativeAllocations,
class CodeCallTreeNode extends CallTreeNode<CodeCallTreeNode>
implements M.CodeCallTreeNode {
final ProfileCode profileCode;
Object get profileData => profileCode;
String get name =>;
final Set<String> attributes = new Set<String>();
CodeCallTreeNode(this.profileCode, int count, int inclusiveNativeAllocations,
int exclusiveNativeAllocations)
: super(new List<CodeCallTreeNode>(), count, inclusiveNativeAllocations,
exclusiveNativeAllocations) {
class CallTree<NodeT extends CallTreeNode> {
final bool inclusive;
final NodeT root;
CallTree(this.inclusive, this.root);
class CodeCallTree extends CallTree<CodeCallTreeNode>
implements M.CodeCallTree {
CodeCallTree(bool inclusive, CodeCallTreeNode root) : super(inclusive, root) {
if ((root.inclusiveNativeAllocations != null) &&
(root.inclusiveNativeAllocations != 0)) {
_setCodeMemoryPercentage(null, root);
} else {
_setCodePercentage(null, root);
CodeCallTree filtered(CallTreeNodeFilter filter) {
var treeFilter = new _FilteredCodeCallTreeBuilder(filter, this);;
if ((treeFilter.filtered.root.inclusiveNativeAllocations != null) &&
(treeFilter.filtered.root.inclusiveNativeAllocations != 0)) {
_setCodeMemoryPercentage(null, treeFilter.filtered.root);
} else {
_setCodePercentage(null, treeFilter.filtered.root);
return treeFilter.filtered;
_setCodePercentage(CodeCallTreeNode parent, CodeCallTreeNode node) {
assert(node != null);
var parentPercentage = 1.0;
var parentCount = node.count;
if (parent != null) {
parentPercentage = parent._percentage;
parentCount = parent.count;
if (inclusive) {
node._percentage = parentPercentage * (node.count / parentCount);
} else {
node._percentage = (node.count / parentCount);
for (var child in node.children) {
_setCodePercentage(node, child);
_setCodeMemoryPercentage(CodeCallTreeNode parent, CodeCallTreeNode node) {
assert(node != null);
var parentPercentage = 1.0;
var parentMemory = node.inclusiveNativeAllocations;
if (parent != null) {
parentPercentage = parent._percentage;
parentMemory = parent.inclusiveNativeAllocations;
if (inclusive) {
node._percentage =
parentPercentage * (node.inclusiveNativeAllocations / parentMemory);
} else {
node._percentage = (node.inclusiveNativeAllocations / parentMemory);
for (var child in node.children) {
_setCodeMemoryPercentage(node, child);
node.children.sort((a, b) {
return b.inclusiveNativeAllocations - a.inclusiveNativeAllocations;
CodeCallTreeNode caller, CodeCallTreeNode callee) {
if (caller != null) {
caller.profileCode._recordCallee(callee.profileCode, callee.count);
callee.profileCode._recordCaller(caller.profileCode, caller.count);
for (var child in callee.children) {
_recordCallerAndCalleesInner(callee, child);
_recordCallerAndCallees() {
for (var child in root.children) {
_recordCallerAndCalleesInner(null, child);
class FunctionCallTreeNodeCode {
final ProfileCode code;
final int ticks;
FunctionCallTreeNodeCode(this.code, this.ticks);
class FunctionCallTreeNode extends CallTreeNode<FunctionCallTreeNode>
implements M.FunctionCallTreeNode {
final ProfileFunction profileFunction;
final codes = new List<FunctionCallTreeNodeCode>();
int _totalCodeTicks = 0;
int get totalCodesTicks => _totalCodeTicks;
String get name => M.getFunctionFullName(profileFunction.function);
Object get profileData => profileFunction;
FunctionCallTreeNode(this.profileFunction, int count,
inclusiveNativeAllocations, exclusiveNativeAllocations)
: super(new List<FunctionCallTreeNode>(), count,
inclusiveNativeAllocations, exclusiveNativeAllocations) {
// Does this function have an optimized version of itself?
bool hasOptimizedCode() {
for (var nodeCode in codes) {
var profileCode = nodeCode.code;
if (!profileCode.code.isDartCode) {
if (profileCode.code.function != profileFunction.function) {
if (profileCode.code.isOptimized) {
return true;
return false;
// Does this function have an unoptimized version of itself?
bool hasUnoptimizedCode() {
for (var nodeCode in codes) {
var profileCode = nodeCode.code;
if (!profileCode.code.isDartCode) {
if (profileCode.code.kind == M.CodeKind.stub) {
if (!profileCode.code.isOptimized) {
return true;
return false;
// Has this function been inlined in another function?
bool isInlined() {
for (var nodeCode in codes) {
var profileCode = nodeCode.code;
if (!profileCode.code.isDartCode) {
if (profileCode.code.kind == M.CodeKind.stub) {
// If the code's function isn't this function.
if (profileCode.code.function != profileFunction.function) {
return true;
return false;
setCodeAttributes() {}
/// Predicate filter function. Returns true if path from root to [node] and all
/// of [node]'s children should be added to the filtered tree.
typedef bool CallTreeNodeFilter(CallTreeNode node);
/// Build a filter version of a FunctionCallTree.
abstract class _FilteredCallTreeBuilder<NodeT extends CallTreeNode> {
/// The filter.
final CallTreeNodeFilter filter;
/// The unfiltered tree.
final CallTree _unfilteredTree;
/// The filtered tree (construct by [build]).
final CallTree filtered;
final List _currentPath = [];
/// Construct a filtered tree builder using [filter] and [tree].
_FilteredCallTreeBuilder(this.filter, CallTree tree, this.filtered)
: _unfilteredTree = tree;
/// Build the filtered tree.
build() {
assert(filtered != null);
assert(filter != null);
assert(_unfilteredTree != null);
CallTreeNode _findInChildren(CallTreeNode current, CallTreeNode needle) {
for (var child in current.children) {
if ((child as CallTreeNode).profileData ==
(needle as CallTreeNode).profileData) {
return child;
return null;
NodeT _copyNode(NodeT node);
/// Add all nodes in [_currentPath].
FunctionCallTreeNode _addCurrentPath() {
FunctionCallTreeNode current = filtered.root;
// Tree root is always the first element of the current path.
assert(_unfilteredTree.root == _currentPath[0]);
// Assert that unfiltered tree's root and filtered tree's root are different.
assert(_unfilteredTree.root != current);
for (var i = 1; i < _currentPath.length; i++) {
// toAdd is from the unfiltered tree.
var toAdd = _currentPath[i];
// See if we already have a node for toAdd in the filtered tree.
var child = _findInChildren(current, toAdd);
if (child == null) {
// New node.
child = _copyNode(toAdd);
current = child;
assert(current.count == toAdd.count);
return current;
/// Starting at [current] append [next] and all of [next]'s sub-trees
_appendTree(CallTreeNode current, CallTreeNode next) {
if (next == null) {
var child = _findInChildren(current, next);
if (child == null) {
child = _copyNode(next);
current = child;
for (var nextChild in next.children) {
_appendTree(current, nextChild);
/// Add path from root to [child], [child], and all of [child]'s sub-trees
/// to filtered tree.
_addTree(CallTreeNode child) {
var current = _addCurrentPath();
_appendTree(current, child);
/// Descend further into the tree. [current] is from the unfiltered tree.
_descend(CallTreeNode current) {
if (current == null) {
if (filter(current)) {
// Filter matched.
if (current.children.length == 0) {
// Have no children. Add this path.
} else {
// Add all child trees.
for (var child in current.children) {
} else {
// Did not match, descend to each child.
for (var child in current.children) {
var last = _currentPath.removeLast();
assert(current == last);
class _FilteredFunctionCallTreeBuilder
extends _FilteredCallTreeBuilder<FunctionCallTreeNode> {
CallTreeNodeFilter filter, FunctionCallTree tree)
: super(
new FunctionCallTree(
new FunctionCallTreeNode(
(tree.root as CallTreeNode).profileData,
(tree.root as CallTreeNode).count,
_copyNode(FunctionCallTreeNode node) {
return new FunctionCallTreeNode(node.profileData, node.count,
node.inclusiveNativeAllocations, node.exclusiveNativeAllocations);
class _FilteredCodeCallTreeBuilder
extends _FilteredCallTreeBuilder<CodeCallTreeNode> {
_FilteredCodeCallTreeBuilder(CallTreeNodeFilter filter, CodeCallTree tree)
: super(
new CodeCallTree(
new CodeCallTreeNode(
_copyNode(CodeCallTreeNode node) {
return new CodeCallTreeNode(node.profileData, node.count,
node.inclusiveNativeAllocations, node.exclusiveNativeAllocations);
class FunctionCallTree extends CallTree<FunctionCallTreeNode>
implements M.FunctionCallTree {
FunctionCallTree(bool inclusive, FunctionCallTreeNode root)
: super(inclusive, root) {
if ((root.inclusiveNativeAllocations != null) &&
(root.inclusiveNativeAllocations != 0)) {
_setFunctionMemoryPercentage(null, root);
} else {
_setFunctionPercentage(null, root);
FunctionCallTree filtered(CallTreeNodeFilter filter) {
var treeFilter = new _FilteredFunctionCallTreeBuilder(filter, this);;
if ((treeFilter.filtered.root.inclusiveNativeAllocations != null) &&
(treeFilter.filtered.root.inclusiveNativeAllocations != 0)) {
_setFunctionMemoryPercentage(null, treeFilter.filtered.root);
} else {
_setFunctionPercentage(null, treeFilter.filtered.root);
return treeFilter.filtered;
void _setFunctionPercentage(
FunctionCallTreeNode parent, FunctionCallTreeNode node) {
assert(node != null);
var parentPercentage = 1.0;
var parentCount = node.count;
if (parent != null) {
parentPercentage = parent._percentage;
parentCount = parent.count;
if (inclusive) {
node._percentage = parentPercentage * (node.count / parentCount);
} else {
node._percentage = (node.count / parentCount);
for (var child in node.children) {
_setFunctionPercentage(node, child);
void _setFunctionMemoryPercentage(
FunctionCallTreeNode parent, FunctionCallTreeNode node) {
assert(node != null);
var parentPercentage = 1.0;
var parentMemory = node.inclusiveNativeAllocations;
if (parent != null) {
parentPercentage = parent._percentage;
parentMemory = parent.inclusiveNativeAllocations;
if (inclusive) {
node._percentage =
parentPercentage * (node.inclusiveNativeAllocations / parentMemory);
} else {
node._percentage = (node.inclusiveNativeAllocations / parentMemory);
for (var child in node.children) {
_setFunctionMemoryPercentage(node, child);
node.children.sort((a, b) {
return b.inclusiveNativeAllocations - a.inclusiveNativeAllocations;
FunctionCallTreeNode caller, FunctionCallTreeNode callee) {
if (caller != null) {
._recordCallee(callee.profileFunction, callee.count);
._recordCaller(caller.profileFunction, caller.count);
for (var child in callee.children) {
_markFunctionCallsInner(callee, child);
_markFunctionCalls() {
for (var child in root.children) {
_markFunctionCallsInner(null, child as FunctionCallTreeNode);
class CodeTick {
final int exclusiveTicks;
final int inclusiveTicks;
CodeTick(this.exclusiveTicks, this.inclusiveTicks);
class InlineIntervalTick {
final int startAddress;
int _inclusiveTicks = 0;
int get inclusiveTicks => _inclusiveTicks;
int _exclusiveTicks = 0;
int get exclusiveTicks => _exclusiveTicks;
class ProfileCode implements M.ProfileCode {
final SampleProfile profile;
final Code code;
int exclusiveTicks;
int inclusiveTicks;
int exclusiveNativeAllocations;
int inclusiveNativeAllocations;
double normalizedExclusiveTicks = 0.0;
double normalizedInclusiveTicks = 0.0;
final addressTicks = new Map<int, CodeTick>();
final intervalTicks = new Map<int, InlineIntervalTick>();
String formattedInclusiveTicks = '';
String formattedExclusiveTicks = '';
String formattedExclusivePercent = '';
String formattedCpuTime = '';
String formattedOnStackTime = '';
final Set<String> attributes = new Set<String>();
final Map<ProfileCode, int> callers = new Map<ProfileCode, int>();
final Map<ProfileCode, int> callees = new Map<ProfileCode, int>();
void _processTicks(List<dynamic> profileTicks) {
assert(profileTicks != null);
assert((profileTicks.length % 3) == 0);
for (var i = 0; i < profileTicks.length; i += 3) {
// TODO(observatory): Address is not necessarily representable as a JS
// integer.
var address = int.parse(profileTicks[i] as String, radix: 16);
var exclusive = profileTicks[i + 1] as int;
var inclusive = profileTicks[i + 2] as int;
var tick = new CodeTick(exclusive, inclusive);
addressTicks[address] = tick;
var interval = code.findInterval(address);
if (interval != null) {
var intervalTick = intervalTicks[interval.start];
if (intervalTick == null) {
// Insert into map.
intervalTick = new InlineIntervalTick(interval.start);
intervalTicks[interval.start] = intervalTick;
intervalTick._inclusiveTicks += inclusive;
intervalTick._exclusiveTicks += exclusive;
ProfileCode.fromMap(this.profile, this.code, Map data) {
assert(profile != null);
assert(code != null);
code.profile = this;
if (code.kind == M.CodeKind.stub) {
} else if (code.kind == M.CodeKind.dart) {
if (code.isNative) {
attributes.add('ffi'); // Not to be confused with a C function.
} else {
if (code.hasIntrinsic) {
if (code.isOptimized) {
} else {
} else if (code.kind == M.CodeKind.tag) {
} else if (code.kind == M.CodeKind.native) {
inclusiveTicks = data['inclusiveTicks'];
exclusiveTicks = data['exclusiveTicks'];
normalizedExclusiveTicks = exclusiveTicks / profile.sampleCount;
normalizedInclusiveTicks = inclusiveTicks / profile.sampleCount;
var ticks = data['ticks'];
if (ticks != null) {
if (data.containsKey('exclusiveNativeAllocations') &&
data.containsKey('inclusiveNativeAllocations')) {
exclusiveNativeAllocations =
inclusiveNativeAllocations =
formattedExclusivePercent =
Utils.formatPercent(exclusiveTicks, profile.sampleCount);
formattedCpuTime = Utils.formatTimeMilliseconds(
formattedOnStackTime = Utils.formatTimeMilliseconds(
formattedInclusiveTicks =
'${Utils.formatPercent(inclusiveTicks, profile.sampleCount)} '
formattedExclusiveTicks =
'${Utils.formatPercent(exclusiveTicks, profile.sampleCount)} '
_recordCaller(ProfileCode caller, int count) {
var r = callers[caller];
if (r == null) {
r = 0;
callers[caller] = r + count;
_recordCallee(ProfileCode callee, int count) {
var r = callees[callee];
if (r == null) {
r = 0;
callees[callee] = r + count;
class ProfileFunction implements M.ProfileFunction {
final SampleProfile profile;
final ServiceFunction function;
// List of compiled code objects containing this function.
final List<ProfileCode> profileCodes = new List<ProfileCode>();
final Map<ProfileFunction, int> callers = new Map<ProfileFunction, int>();
final Map<ProfileFunction, int> callees = new Map<ProfileFunction, int>();
// Absolute ticks:
int exclusiveTicks = 0;
int inclusiveTicks = 0;
// Global percentages:
double normalizedExclusiveTicks = 0.0;
double normalizedInclusiveTicks = 0.0;
// Native allocations:
int exclusiveNativeAllocations = 0;
int inclusiveNativeAllocations = 0;
String formattedInclusiveTicks = '';
String formattedExclusiveTicks = '';
String formattedExclusivePercent = '';
String formattedCpuTime = '';
String formattedOnStackTime = '';
final Set<String> attributes = new Set<String>();
int _sortCodes(ProfileCode a, ProfileCode b) {
if (a.code.isOptimized == b.code.isOptimized) {
return b.code.profile.exclusiveTicks - a.code.profile.exclusiveTicks;
if (a.code.isOptimized) {
return -1;
return 1;
// Does this function have an optimized version of itself?
bool hasOptimizedCode() {
for (var profileCode in profileCodes) {
if (profileCode.code.function != function) {
if (profileCode.code.isOptimized) {
return true;
return false;
// Does this function have an unoptimized version of itself?
bool hasUnoptimizedCode() {
for (var profileCode in profileCodes) {
if (profileCode.code.kind == M.CodeKind.stub) {
if (!profileCode.code.isDartCode) {
if (!profileCode.code.isOptimized) {
return true;
return false;
// Has this function been inlined in another function?
bool isInlined() {
for (var profileCode in profileCodes) {
if (profileCode.code.kind == M.CodeKind.stub) {
if (!profileCode.code.isDartCode) {
// If the code's function isn't this function.
if (profileCode.code.function != function) {
return true;
return false;
void _addKindBasedAttributes(Set<String> attribs) {
if (function.kind == M.FunctionKind.tag) {
} else if (function.kind == M.FunctionKind.stub) {
} else if (function.kind == M.FunctionKind.native) {
} else if (M.isSyntheticFunction(function.kind)) {
} else if (function.isNative) {
attribs.add('ffi'); // Not to be confused with a C function.
} else {
if (function.hasIntrinsic == true) {
ProfileFunction.fromMap(this.profile, this.function, Map data) {
function.profile = this;
for (var codeIndex in data['codes']) {
var profileCode =[codeIndex];
exclusiveTicks = data['exclusiveTicks'];
inclusiveTicks = data['inclusiveTicks'];
normalizedExclusiveTicks = exclusiveTicks / profile.sampleCount;
normalizedInclusiveTicks = inclusiveTicks / profile.sampleCount;
if (data.containsKey('exclusiveNativeAllocations') &&
data.containsKey('inclusiveNativeAllocations')) {
exclusiveNativeAllocations =
inclusiveNativeAllocations =
formattedExclusivePercent =
Utils.formatPercent(exclusiveTicks, profile.sampleCount);
formattedCpuTime = Utils.formatTimeMilliseconds(
formattedOnStackTime = Utils.formatTimeMilliseconds(
formattedInclusiveTicks =
'${Utils.formatPercent(inclusiveTicks, profile.sampleCount)} '
formattedExclusiveTicks =
'${Utils.formatPercent(exclusiveTicks, profile.sampleCount)} '
_recordCaller(ProfileFunction caller, int count) {
var r = callers[caller];
if (r == null) {
r = 0;
callers[caller] = r + count;
_recordCallee(ProfileFunction callee, int count) {
var r = callees[callee];
if (r == null) {
r = 0;
callees[callee] = r + count;
class SampleProfile extends M.SampleProfile {
Isolate isolate;
int sampleCount = 0;
int samplePeriod = 0;
double sampleRate = 0.0;
int stackDepth = 0;
double timeSpan = 0.0;
final Map<String, List> tries = <String, List>{};
final List<ProfileCode> codes = new List<ProfileCode>();
bool _builtCodeCalls = false;
final List<ProfileFunction> functions = new List<ProfileFunction>();
bool _builtFunctionCalls = false;
CodeCallTree loadCodeTree(M.ProfileTreeDirection direction) {
switch (direction) {
case M.ProfileTreeDirection.inclusive:
return _loadCodeTree(true, tries['inclusiveCodeTrie']);
case M.ProfileTreeDirection.exclusive:
return _loadCodeTree(false, tries['exclusiveCodeTrie']);
throw new Exception('Unknown ProfileTreeDirection');
FunctionCallTree loadFunctionTree(M.ProfileTreeDirection direction) {
switch (direction) {
case M.ProfileTreeDirection.inclusive:
return _loadFunctionTree(true, tries['inclusiveFunctionTrie']);
case M.ProfileTreeDirection.exclusive:
return _loadFunctionTree(false, tries['exclusiveFunctionTrie']);
throw new Exception('Unknown ProfileTreeDirection');
buildCodeCallerAndCallees() {
if (_builtCodeCalls) {
_builtCodeCalls = true;
var tree = loadCodeTree(M.ProfileTreeDirection.inclusive);
buildFunctionCallerAndCallees() {
if (_builtFunctionCalls) {
_builtFunctionCalls = true;
var tree = loadFunctionTree(M.ProfileTreeDirection.inclusive);
clear() {
sampleCount = 0;
samplePeriod = 0;
sampleRate = 0.0;
stackDepth = 0;
timeSpan = 0.0;
_builtCodeCalls = false;
_builtFunctionCalls = false;
Future load(ServiceObjectOwner owner, ServiceMap profile) async {
await loadProgress(owner, profile).last;
static Future sleep([Duration duration = const Duration(microseconds: 0)]) {
final Completer completer = new Completer();
new Timer(duration, () => completer.complete());
return completer.future;
Stream<double> loadProgress(ServiceObjectOwner owner, ServiceMap profile) {
var progress = new StreamController<double>.broadcast();
(() async {
final Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
int count = 0;
var needToUpdate = () {
if (((count % 256) == 0) && (watch.elapsedMilliseconds > 16)) {
return true;
return false;
var signal = (double p) {
return sleep();
try {
if (profile == null) {
if ((owner != null) && (owner is Isolate)) {
isolate = owner;
sampleCount = profile['sampleCount'];
samplePeriod = profile['samplePeriod'];
sampleRate = (Duration.microsecondsPerSecond / samplePeriod);
stackDepth = profile['stackDepth'];
timeSpan = profile['timeSpan'];
num length = profile['codes'].length + profile['functions'].length;
// Process code table.
for (var codeRegion in profile['codes']) {
if (needToUpdate()) {
await signal(count * 100.0 / length);
Code code = codeRegion['code'];
assert(code != null);
codes.add(new ProfileCode.fromMap(this, code, codeRegion));
// Process function table.
for (var profileFunction in profile['functions']) {
if (needToUpdate()) {
await signal(count * 100 / length);
ServiceFunction function = profileFunction['function'];
assert(function != null);
new ProfileFunction.fromMap(this, function, profileFunction));
tries['exclusiveCodeTrie'] =
new Uint32List.fromList(profile['exclusiveCodeTrie']);
tries['inclusiveCodeTrie'] =
new Uint32List.fromList(profile['inclusiveCodeTrie']);
tries['exclusiveFunctionTrie'] =
new Uint32List.fromList(profile['exclusiveFunctionTrie']);
tries['inclusiveFunctionTrie'] =
new Uint32List.fromList(profile['inclusiveFunctionTrie']);
} finally {
// Data shared across calls to _read*TrieNode.
int _dataCursor = 0;
// The code trie is serialized as a list of integers. Each node
// is recreated by consuming some portion of the list. The format is as
// follows:
// [0] index into codeTable of code object.
// [1] tick count (number of times this stack frame occured).
// [2] child node count
// Reading the trie is done by recursively reading the tree depth-first
// pre-order.
CodeCallTree _loadCodeTree(bool inclusive, List<int> data) {
if (data == null) {
return null;
if (data.length < 3) {
// Not enough for root node.
return null;
// Read the tree, returns the root node.
var root = _readCodeTrie(data);
return new CodeCallTree(inclusive, root);
CodeCallTreeNode _readCodeTrieNode(List<int> data) {
// Lookup code object.
var codeIndex = data[_dataCursor++];
var code = codes[codeIndex];
// Node tick counter.
var count = data[_dataCursor++];
// Child node count.
var children = data[_dataCursor++];
// Inclusive native allocations.
var inclusiveNativeAllocations = data[_dataCursor++];
// Exclusive native allocations.
var exclusiveNativeAllocations = data[_dataCursor++];
// Create node.
var node = new CodeCallTreeNode(
code, count, inclusiveNativeAllocations, exclusiveNativeAllocations);
node.children.length = children;
return node;
CodeCallTreeNode _readCodeTrie(List<int> data) {
final nodeStack = new List<CodeCallTreeNode>();
final childIndexStack = new List<int>();
_dataCursor = 0;
// Read root.
var root = _readCodeTrieNode(data);
// Push root onto stack.
if (root.children.length > 0) {
while (nodeStack.length > 0) {
var lastIndex = nodeStack.length - 1;
// Pop parent from stack.
var parent = nodeStack[lastIndex];
var childIndex = childIndexStack[lastIndex];
// Read child node.
assert(childIndex < parent.children.length);
var node = _readCodeTrieNode(data);
parent.children[childIndex++] = node;
// If parent still has children, update child index.
if (childIndex < parent.children.length) {
childIndexStack[lastIndex] = childIndex;
} else {
// Finished processing parent node.
// If node has children, push onto stack.
if (node.children.length > 0) {
return root;
FunctionCallTree _loadFunctionTree(bool inclusive, List<int> data) {
if (data == null) {
return null;
if (data.length < 3) {
// Not enough integers for 1 node.
return null;
// Read the tree, returns the root node.
var root = _readFunctionTrie(data);
return new FunctionCallTree(inclusive, root);
FunctionCallTreeNode _readFunctionTrieNode(List<int> data) {
// Read index into function table.
var index = data[_dataCursor++];
// Lookup function object.
var function = functions[index];
// Counter.
var count = data[_dataCursor++];
// Inclusive native allocations.
var inclusiveNativeAllocations = data[_dataCursor++];
// Exclusive native allocations.
var exclusiveNativeAllocations = data[_dataCursor++];
// Create node.
var node = new FunctionCallTreeNode(function, count,
inclusiveNativeAllocations, exclusiveNativeAllocations);
// Number of code index / count pairs.
var codeCount = data[_dataCursor++]; = codeCount;
var totalCodeTicks = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
var codeIndex = data[_dataCursor++];
var code = codes[codeIndex];
assert(code != null);
var codeTicks = data[_dataCursor++];
totalCodeTicks += codeTicks;
var nodeCode = new FunctionCallTreeNodeCode(code, codeTicks);[i] = nodeCode;
node._totalCodeTicks = totalCodeTicks;
// Number of children.
var childCount = data[_dataCursor++];
node.children.length = childCount;
return node;
FunctionCallTreeNode _readFunctionTrie(List<int> data) {
final nodeStack = new List<FunctionCallTreeNode>();
final childIndexStack = new List<int>();
_dataCursor = 0;
// Read root.
var root = _readFunctionTrieNode(data);
// Push root onto stack.
if (root.children.length > 0) {
while (nodeStack.length > 0) {
var lastIndex = nodeStack.length - 1;
// Pop parent from stack.
var parent = nodeStack[lastIndex];
var childIndex = childIndexStack[lastIndex];
// Read child node.
assert(childIndex < parent.children.length);
var node = _readFunctionTrieNode(data);
parent.children[childIndex++] = node;
// If parent still has children, update child index.
if (childIndex < parent.children.length) {
childIndexStack[lastIndex] = childIndex;
} else {
// Finished processing parent node.
// If node has children, push onto stack.
if (node.children.length > 0) {
return root;
int approximateMillisecondsForCount(count) {
return (count * samplePeriod) ~/ Duration.microsecondsPerMillisecond;
double approximateSecondsForCount(count) {
return (count * samplePeriod) / Duration.microsecondsPerSecond;