blob: 858e83f09a3bf186ac2e4a976820a9275ea3a56e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.generated.resolver;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_resolution_map.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart' show ConstructorMember;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/inheritance_manager.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/scope.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/error_verifier.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/static_type_analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/element_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
export 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/inheritance_manager.dart';
export 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/scope.dart';
export 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart';
* A visitor that will re-write an AST to support the optional `new` and `const`
* feature.
class AstRewriteVisitor extends ScopedVisitor {
final bool addConstKeyword;
* Initialize a newly created visitor.
AstRewriteVisitor(LibraryElement definingLibrary, Source source,
TypeProvider typeProvider, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener,
{Scope nameScope, this.addConstKeyword: false})
: super(definingLibrary, source, typeProvider, errorListener,
nameScope: nameScope);
Object visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
SimpleIdentifier methodName = node.methodName;
if (methodName.isSynthetic) {
// This isn't a constructor invocation because the method name is
// synthetic.
return null;
Expression target =;
if (target == null) {
// Possible cases: C() or C<>()
if (node.realTarget != null) {
// This isn't a constructor invocation because it's in a cascade.
return null;
Element element = nameScope.lookup(methodName, definingLibrary);
if (element is ClassElement) {
ConstructorElement constructorElement = element.unnamedConstructor;
AstFactory astFactory = new AstFactoryImpl();
TypeName typeName = astFactory.typeName(methodName, node.typeArguments);
ConstructorName constructorName =
astFactory.constructorName(typeName, null, null);
InstanceCreationExpression instanceCreationExpression =
_getKeyword(node), constructorName, node.argumentList);
DartType type = _getType(element, node.typeArguments);
methodName.staticElement = element;
methodName.staticType = type;
typeName.type = type;
constructorName.staticElement = constructorElement;
instanceCreationExpression.staticType = type;
instanceCreationExpression.staticElement = constructorElement;
NodeReplacer.replace(node, instanceCreationExpression);
} else if (target is SimpleIdentifier) {
// Possible cases: C.n(), p.C() or p.C<>()
if (node.operator.type == TokenType.QUESTION_PERIOD) {
// This isn't a constructor invocation because a null aware operator is
// being used.
Element element = nameScope.lookup(target, definingLibrary);
if (element is ClassElement) {
// Possible case: C.n()
var constructorElement = element.getNamedConstructor(;
if (constructorElement != null) {
AstFactory astFactory = new AstFactoryImpl();
TypeName typeName = astFactory.typeName(target, node.typeArguments);
ConstructorName constructorName =
astFactory.constructorName(typeName, node.operator, methodName);
InstanceCreationExpression instanceCreationExpression =
_getKeyword(node), constructorName, node.argumentList);
DartType type = _getType(element, node.typeArguments);
methodName.staticElement = element;
methodName.staticType = type;
typeName.type = type;
constructorName.staticElement = constructorElement;
instanceCreationExpression.staticType = type;
instanceCreationExpression.staticElement = constructorElement;
NodeReplacer.replace(node, instanceCreationExpression);
} else if (element is PrefixElement) {
// Possible cases: p.C() or p.C<>()
AstFactory astFactory = new AstFactoryImpl();
Identifier identifier = astFactory.prefixedIdentifier(
Element prefixedElement = nameScope.lookup(identifier, definingLibrary);
if (prefixedElement is ClassElement) {
ConstructorElement constructorElement =
TypeName typeName = astFactory.typeName(
astFactory.prefixedIdentifier(target, node.operator, methodName),
ConstructorName constructorName =
astFactory.constructorName(typeName, null, null);
InstanceCreationExpression instanceCreationExpression =
_getKeyword(node), constructorName, node.argumentList);
DartType type = _getType(prefixedElement, node.typeArguments);
methodName.staticElement = element;
methodName.staticType = type;
typeName.type = type;
constructorName.staticElement = constructorElement;
instanceCreationExpression.staticType = type;
instanceCreationExpression.staticElement = constructorElement;
NodeReplacer.replace(node, instanceCreationExpression);
} else if (target is PrefixedIdentifier) {
// Possible case: p.C.n()
Element prefixElement = nameScope.lookup(target.prefix, definingLibrary);
if (prefixElement is PrefixElement) {
Element element = nameScope.lookup(target, definingLibrary);
if (element is ClassElement) {
var constructorElement = element.getNamedConstructor(;
if (constructorElement != null) {
AstFactory astFactory = new AstFactoryImpl();
TypeName typeName = astFactory.typeName(target, node.typeArguments);
ConstructorName constructorName =
astFactory.constructorName(typeName, node.operator, methodName);
InstanceCreationExpression instanceCreationExpression =
_getKeyword(node), constructorName, node.argumentList);
DartType type = _getType(element, node.typeArguments);
methodName.staticElement = element;
methodName.staticType = type;
typeName.type = type;
constructorName.staticElement = constructorElement;
instanceCreationExpression.staticType = type;
instanceCreationExpression.staticElement = constructorElement;
NodeReplacer.replace(node, instanceCreationExpression);
return null;
* Return the token that should be used in the [InstanceCreationExpression]
* that corresponds to the given invocation [node].
Token _getKeyword(MethodInvocation node) {
return addConstKeyword
? new KeywordToken(Keyword.CONST, node.offset)
: null;
* Return the type of the given class [element] after substituting any type
* arguments from the list of [typeArguments] for the class' type parameters.
DartType _getType(ClassElement element, TypeArgumentList typeArguments) {
DartType type = element.type;
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
if (typeArguments != null &&
typeParameters != null &&
typeArguments.arguments.length == typeParameters.length) {
List<DartType> argumentTypes = typeArguments.arguments
.map((TypeAnnotation argument) => argument.type)
List<DartType> parameterTypes = typeParameters
.map((TypeParameterElement parameter) => parameter.type)
type = type.substitute2(argumentTypes, parameterTypes);
return type;
* Instances of the class `BestPracticesVerifier` traverse an AST structure looking for
* violations of Dart best practices.
class BestPracticesVerifier extends RecursiveAstVisitor<Object> {
// static String _HASHCODE_GETTER_NAME = "hashCode";
static String _NULL_TYPE_NAME = "Null";
static String _TO_INT_METHOD_NAME = "toInt";
static final _testDir = '${path.separator}test${path.separator}';
static final _testingDir = '${path.separator}testing${path.separator}';
* The class containing the AST nodes being visited, or `null` if we are not in the scope of
* a class.
ClassElementImpl _enclosingClass;
* A flag indicating whether a surrounding member (compilation unit or class)
* is deprecated.
bool inDeprecatedMember;
* The error reporter by which errors will be reported.
final ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
* The type [Null].
final InterfaceType _nullType;
* The type Future<Null>, which is needed for determining whether it is safe
* to have a bare "return;" in an async method.
final InterfaceType _futureNullType;
* The type system primitives
TypeSystem _typeSystem;
* The current library
LibraryElement _currentLibrary;
* The inheritance manager used to find overridden methods.
InheritanceManager _manager;
* Create a new instance of the [BestPracticesVerifier].
* @param errorReporter the error reporter
BestPracticesVerifier(this._errorReporter, TypeProvider typeProvider,
this._currentLibrary, this._manager,
{TypeSystem typeSystem})
: _nullType = typeProvider.nullType,
_futureNullType = typeProvider.futureNullType,
_typeSystem = typeSystem ?? new TypeSystemImpl(typeProvider) {
inDeprecatedMember = _currentLibrary.hasDeprecated;
Object visitAnnotation(Annotation node) {
ElementAnnotation element =
if (element?.isFactory == true) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is MethodDeclaration) {
} else {
.reportErrorForNode(HintCode.INVALID_FACTORY_ANNOTATION, node, []);
} else if (element?.isImmutable == true) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is! ClassDeclaration) {
return super.visitAnnotation(node);
Object visitArgumentList(ArgumentList node) {
for (Expression argument in node.arguments) {
ParameterElement parameter = argument.bestParameterElement;
if (parameter?.isOptionalPositional == true) {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(parameter, argument);
return super.visitArgumentList(node);
Object visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
return super.visitAsExpression(node);
Object visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
TokenType operatorType = node.operator.type;
if (operatorType == TokenType.EQ) {
_checkForInvalidAssignment(node.leftHandSide, node.rightHandSide);
} else {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(node.bestElement, node);
return super.visitAssignmentExpression(node);
Object visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(node.bestElement, node);
return super.visitBinaryExpression(node);
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
ClassElementImpl outerClass = _enclosingClass;
bool wasInDeprecatedMember = inDeprecatedMember;
ClassElement element = AbstractClassElementImpl.getImpl(node.element);
if (element != null && element.hasDeprecated) {
inDeprecatedMember = true;
try {
_enclosingClass = element;
// Commented out until we decide that we want this hint in the analyzer
// checkForOverrideEqualsButNotHashCode(node);
return super.visitClassDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_enclosingClass = outerClass;
inDeprecatedMember = wasInDeprecatedMember;
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
if (resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByConstructorDeclaration(node).isFactory) {
if (node.body is BlockFunctionBody) {
// Check the block for a return statement, if not, create the hint.
if (!ExitDetector.exits(node.body)) {
HintCode.MISSING_RETURN, node, []);
return super.visitConstructorDeclaration(node);
Object visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(node.uriElement, node);
return super.visitExportDirective(node);
Object visitFormalParameterList(FormalParameterList node) {
return super.visitFormalParameterList(node);
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
bool wasInDeprecatedMember = inDeprecatedMember;
ExecutableElement element = node.element;
if (element != null && element.hasDeprecated) {
inDeprecatedMember = true;
try {
_checkForMissingReturn(node.returnType, node.functionExpression.body);
return super.visitFunctionDeclaration(node);
} finally {
inDeprecatedMember = wasInDeprecatedMember;
Object visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(node.uriElement, node);
ImportElement importElement = node.element;
if (importElement != null && importElement.isDeferred) {
_checkForLoadLibraryFunction(node, importElement);
return super.visitImportDirective(node);
Object visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(node.bestElement, node);
return super.visitIndexExpression(node);
Object visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(node.staticElement, node);
return super.visitInstanceCreationExpression(node);
Object visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
return super.visitIsExpression(node);
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
bool wasInDeprecatedMember = inDeprecatedMember;
ExecutableElement element = node.element;
if (element != null && element.hasDeprecated) {
inDeprecatedMember = true;
try {
// This was determined to not be a good hint, see:
_checkForMissingReturn(node.returnType, node.body);
return super.visitMethodDeclaration(node);
} finally {
inDeprecatedMember = wasInDeprecatedMember;
Object visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
Expression realTarget = node.realTarget;
_checkForAbstractSuperMemberReference(realTarget, node.methodName);
_checkForNullAwareHints(node, node.operator);
DartType staticInvokeType = node.staticInvokeType;
if (staticInvokeType is InterfaceType) {
MethodElement methodElement = staticInvokeType.lookUpMethod(
FunctionElement.CALL_METHOD_NAME, _currentLibrary);
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(methodElement, node);
return super.visitMethodInvocation(node);
Object visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(node.bestElement, node);
return super.visitPostfixExpression(node);
Object visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(node.bestElement, node);
return super.visitPrefixExpression(node);
Object visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
Expression realTarget = node.realTarget;
_checkForAbstractSuperMemberReference(realTarget, node.propertyName);
_checkForNullAwareHints(node, node.operator);
return super.visitPropertyAccess(node);
Object visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(
RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(node.staticElement, node);
return super.visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(node);
Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
return super.visitSimpleIdentifier(node);
Object visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(node.staticElement, node);
return super.visitSuperConstructorInvocation(node);
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
_checkForInvalidAssignment(, node.initializer);
return super.visitVariableDeclaration(node);
* Check for the passed is expression for the unnecessary type check hint codes as well as null
* checks expressed using an is expression.
* @param node the is expression to check
* @return `true` if and only if a hint code is generated on the passed node
bool _checkAllTypeChecks(IsExpression node) {
Expression expression = node.expression;
TypeAnnotation typeName = node.type;
DartType lhsType = expression.staticType;
DartType rhsType = typeName.type;
if (lhsType == null || rhsType == null) {
return false;
String rhsNameStr = typeName is TypeName ? : null;
// if x is dynamic
if (rhsType.isDynamic && rhsNameStr == Keyword.DYNAMIC.lexeme) {
if (node.notOperator == null) {
// the is case
} else {
// the is not case
return true;
Element rhsElement = rhsType.element;
LibraryElement libraryElement = rhsElement?.library;
if (libraryElement != null && libraryElement.isDartCore) {
// if x is Object or null is Null
if (rhsType.isObject ||
(expression is NullLiteral && rhsNameStr == _NULL_TYPE_NAME)) {
if (node.notOperator == null) {
// the is case
} else {
// the is not case
return true;
} else if (rhsNameStr == _NULL_TYPE_NAME) {
if (node.notOperator == null) {
// the is case
_errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(HintCode.TYPE_CHECK_IS_NULL, node);
} else {
// the is not case
return true;
return false;
void _checkForAbstractSuperMemberReference(
Expression target, SimpleIdentifier name) {
if (target is SuperExpression &&
!_currentLibrary.context.analysisOptions.enableSuperMixins) {
Element element = name.staticElement;
if (element is ExecutableElement && element.isAbstract) {
ExecutableElement concrete = null;
if (element.kind == ElementKind.METHOD) {
concrete = _enclosingClass.lookUpInheritedConcreteMethod(
element.displayName, _currentLibrary);
} else if (element.kind == ElementKind.GETTER) {
concrete = _enclosingClass.lookUpInheritedConcreteGetter(
element.displayName, _currentLibrary);
} else if (element.kind == ElementKind.SETTER) {
concrete = _enclosingClass.lookUpInheritedConcreteSetter(
element.displayName, _currentLibrary);
if (concrete == null) {
* This verifies that the passed expression can be assigned to its corresponding parameters.
* This method corresponds to ErrorVerifier.checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignable.
* TODO (jwren) In the ErrorVerifier there are other warnings that we could have a corresponding
* hint for: see other callers of ErrorVerifier.checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignable(..).
* @param expression the expression to evaluate
* @param expectedStaticType the expected static type of the parameter
* @param actualStaticType the actual static type of the argument
* @param expectedPropagatedType the expected propagated type of the parameter, may be
* `null`
* @param actualPropagatedType the expected propagated type of the parameter, may be `null`
* @return `true` if and only if an hint code is generated on the passed node
bool _checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignable(
Expression expression,
DartType expectedStaticType,
DartType actualStaticType,
DartType expectedPropagatedType,
DartType actualPropagatedType,
ErrorCode hintCode) {
// Warning case: test static type information
if (actualStaticType != null && expectedStaticType != null) {
if (!_typeSystem.isAssignableTo(actualStaticType, expectedStaticType)) {
// A warning was created in the ErrorVerifier, return false, don't
// create a hint when a warning has already been created.
return false;
// Hint case: test propagated type information
// Compute the best types to use.
DartType expectedBestType = expectedPropagatedType ?? expectedStaticType;
DartType actualBestType = actualPropagatedType ?? actualStaticType;
if (actualBestType != null && expectedBestType != null) {
if (!_typeSystem.isAssignableTo(actualBestType, expectedBestType)) {
hintCode, expression, [actualBestType, expectedBestType]);
return true;
return false;
* This verifies that the passed argument can be assigned to its corresponding parameter.
* This method corresponds to ErrorCode.checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableForArgument.
* @param argument the argument to evaluate
* @return `true` if and only if an hint code is generated on the passed node
bool _checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableForArgument(Expression argument) {
if (argument == null) {
return false;
ParameterElement staticParameterElement = argument.staticParameterElement;
DartType staticParameterType = staticParameterElement?.type;
ParameterElement propagatedParameterElement =
DartType propagatedParameterType = propagatedParameterElement?.type;
return _checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableWithExpectedTypes(
* This verifies that the passed expression can be assigned to its corresponding parameters.
* This method corresponds to ErrorCode.checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableWithExpectedTypes.
* @param expression the expression to evaluate
* @param expectedStaticType the expected static type
* @param expectedPropagatedType the expected propagated type, may be `null`
* @return `true` if and only if an hint code is generated on the passed node
bool _checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableWithExpectedTypes(
Expression expression,
DartType expectedStaticType,
DartType expectedPropagatedType,
ErrorCode errorCode) =>
* This verifies that the passed arguments can be assigned to their corresponding parameters.
* This method corresponds to ErrorCode.checkForArgumentTypesNotAssignableInList.
* @param node the arguments to evaluate
* @return `true` if and only if an hint code is generated on the passed node
bool _checkForArgumentTypesNotAssignableInList(ArgumentList argumentList) {
if (argumentList == null) {
return false;
bool problemReported = false;
for (Expression argument in argumentList.arguments) {
if (_checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableForArgument(argument)) {
problemReported = true;
return problemReported;
* Given some [Element], look at the associated metadata and report the use of the member if
* it is declared as deprecated.
* @param element some element to check for deprecated use of
* @param node the node use for the location of the error
void _checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(Element element, AstNode node) {
bool isDeprecated(Element element) {
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement && element.isSynthetic) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Why isn't this the implementation for PropertyAccessorElement?
Element variable = element.variable;
if (variable == null) {
return false;
return variable.hasDeprecated;
return element.hasDeprecated;
bool isLocalParameter(Element element, AstNode node) {
if (element is ParameterElement) {
ExecutableElement definingFunction = element.enclosingElement;
FunctionBody body =
node.getAncestor((ancestor) => ancestor is FunctionBody);
while (body != null) {
ExecutableElement enclosingFunction;
AstNode parent = body.parent;
if (parent is ConstructorDeclaration) {
enclosingFunction = parent.element;
} else if (parent is FunctionExpression) {
enclosingFunction = parent.element;
} else if (parent is MethodDeclaration) {
enclosingFunction = parent.element;
if (enclosingFunction == definingFunction) {
return true;
body = parent?.getAncestor((ancestor) => ancestor is FunctionBody);
return false;
if (!inDeprecatedMember &&
element != null &&
isDeprecated(element) &&
!isLocalParameter(element, node)) {
String displayName = element.displayName;
if (element is ConstructorElement) {
// TODO(jwren) We should modify ConstructorElement.getDisplayName(),
// or have the logic centralized elsewhere, instead of doing this logic
// here.
displayName = element.enclosingElement.displayName;
if (!element.displayName.isEmpty) {
displayName = "$displayName.${element.displayName}";
} else if (displayName == FunctionElement.CALL_METHOD_NAME &&
node is MethodInvocation &&
node.staticInvokeType is InterfaceType) {
displayName = "${resolutionMap
HintCode.DEPRECATED_MEMBER_USE, node, [displayName]);
* For [SimpleIdentifier]s, only call [checkForDeprecatedMemberUse]
* if the node is not in a declaration context.
* Also, if the identifier is a constructor name in a constructor invocation, then calls to the
* deprecated constructor will be caught by
* [visitInstanceCreationExpression] and
* [visitSuperConstructorInvocation], and can be ignored by
* this visit method.
* @param identifier some simple identifier to check for deprecated use of
* @return `true` if and only if a hint code is generated on the passed node
void _checkForDeprecatedMemberUseAtIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
if (identifier.inDeclarationContext()) {
AstNode parent = identifier.parent;
if ((parent is ConstructorName && identical(identifier, ||
(parent is ConstructorDeclaration &&
identical(identifier, parent.returnType)) ||
(parent is SuperConstructorInvocation &&
identical(identifier, parent.constructorName)) ||
parent is HideCombinator) {
_checkForDeprecatedMemberUse(identifier.bestElement, identifier);
* Check for the passed binary expression for the [HintCode.DIVISION_OPTIMIZATION].
* @param node the binary expression to check
* @return `true` if and only if a hint code is generated on the passed node
bool _checkForDivisionOptimizationHint(BinaryExpression node) {
// Return if the operator is not '/'
if (node.operator.type != TokenType.SLASH) {
return false;
// Return if the '/' operator is not defined in core, or if we don't know
// its static or propagated type
MethodElement methodElement = node.bestElement;
if (methodElement == null) {
return false;
LibraryElement libraryElement = methodElement.library;
if (libraryElement != null && !libraryElement.isDartCore) {
return false;
// Report error if the (x/y) has toInt() invoked on it
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ParenthesizedExpression) {
ParenthesizedExpression parenthesizedExpression =
AstNode grandParent = parenthesizedExpression.parent;
if (grandParent is MethodInvocation) {
grandParent.argumentList.arguments.isEmpty) {
return true;
return false;
void _checkForImmutable(ClassDeclaration node) {
* Return `true` if the given class [element] is annotated with the
* `@immutable` annotation.
bool isImmutable(ClassElement element) {
for (ElementAnnotation annotation in element.metadata) {
if (annotation.isImmutable) {
return true;
return false;
* Return `true` if the given class [element] or any superclass of it is
* annotated with the `@immutable` annotation.
bool isOrInheritsImmutable(
ClassElement element, HashSet<ClassElement> visited) {
if (visited.add(element)) {
if (isImmutable(element)) {
return true;
for (InterfaceType interface in element.mixins) {
if (isOrInheritsImmutable(interface.element, visited)) {
return true;
for (InterfaceType mixin in element.interfaces) {
if (isOrInheritsImmutable(mixin.element, visited)) {
return true;
if (element.supertype != null) {
return isOrInheritsImmutable(element.supertype.element, visited);
return false;
* Return `true` if the given class [element] defines a non-final instance
* field.
bool hasNonFinalInstanceField(ClassElement element) {
for (FieldElement field in element.fields) {
if (!field.isSynthetic && !field.isFinal && !field.isStatic) {
return true;
return false;
* Return `true` if the given class [element] defines or inherits a
* non-final field.
bool hasOrInheritsNonFinalInstanceField(
ClassElement element, HashSet<ClassElement> visited) {
if (visited.add(element)) {
if (hasNonFinalInstanceField(element)) {
return true;
for (InterfaceType mixin in element.mixins) {
if (hasNonFinalInstanceField(mixin.element)) {
return true;
if (element.supertype != null) {
return hasOrInheritsNonFinalInstanceField(
element.supertype.element, visited);
return false;
ClassElement element = node.element;
if (isOrInheritsImmutable(element, new HashSet<ClassElement>()) &&
element, new HashSet<ClassElement>())) {
/// Produces a hint if [identifier] is accessed from an invalid location. In
/// particular:
/// * if the given identifier is a protected closure, field or
/// getter/setter, method closure or invocation accessed outside a subclass,
/// or accessed outside the library wherein the identifier is declared, or
/// * if the given identifier is a closure, field, getter, setter, method
/// closure or invocation which is annotated with `visibleForTesting`, and
/// is accessed outside of the defining library, and the current library
/// does not have the word 'test' in its name.
void _checkForInvalidAccess(SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
if (identifier.inDeclarationContext()) {
bool isProtected(Element element) {
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement &&
element.enclosingElement is ClassElement &&
(element.hasProtected || element.variable.hasProtected)) {
return true;
if (element is MethodElement &&
element.enclosingElement is ClassElement &&
element.hasProtected) {
return true;
return false;
bool isVisibleForTesting(Element element) {
if (element == null) {
return false;
if (element.hasVisibleForTesting) {
return true;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement &&
element.enclosingElement is ClassElement &&
element.variable.hasVisibleForTesting) {
return true;
return false;
bool inCommentReference(SimpleIdentifier identifier) =>
identifier.getAncestor((AstNode node) => node is CommentReference) !=
bool inCurrentLibrary(Element element) =>
element.library == _currentLibrary;
bool inExportDirective(SimpleIdentifier identifier) =>
identifier.parent is Combinator &&
identifier.parent.parent is ExportDirective;
bool inTestDirectory(LibraryElement library) =>
library.definingCompilationUnit.source.fullName.contains(_testDir) ||
Element element = identifier.bestElement;
if (!isProtected(element) && !isVisibleForTesting(element)) {
if (isProtected(element)) {
if (inCurrentLibrary(element) || inCommentReference(identifier)) {
// The access is valid; even if [element] is also marked
// `visibleForTesting`, the "visibilities" are unioned.
ClassElement definingClass = element.enclosingElement;
ClassDeclaration accessingClass =
identifier.getAncestor((AstNode node) => node is ClassDeclaration);
if (_hasTypeOrSuperType(accessingClass?.element, definingClass.type)) {
if (isVisibleForTesting(element)) {
if (inCurrentLibrary(element) ||
inTestDirectory(_currentLibrary) ||
inExportDirective(identifier) ||
inCommentReference(identifier)) {
// The access is valid; even if [element] is also marked
// `protected`, the "visibilities" are unioned.
// At this point, [identifier] was not cleared as protected access, nor
// cleared as access for testing. Report the appropriate violation(s).
Element definingClass = element.enclosingElement;
if (isProtected(element)) {
if (isVisibleForTesting(element)) {
* This verifies that the passed left hand side and right hand side represent a valid assignment.
* This method corresponds to ErrorVerifier.checkForInvalidAssignment.
* @param lhs the left hand side expression
* @param rhs the right hand side expression
* @return `true` if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool _checkForInvalidAssignment(Expression lhs, Expression rhs) {
if (lhs == null || rhs == null) {
return false;
VariableElement leftVariableElement = ErrorVerifier.getVariableElement(lhs);
DartType leftType = (leftVariableElement == null)
? ErrorVerifier.getStaticType(lhs)
: leftVariableElement.type;
DartType staticRightType = ErrorVerifier.getStaticType(rhs);
if (!_typeSystem.isAssignableTo(staticRightType, leftType,
isDeclarationCast: true)) {
// The warning was generated on this rhs
return false;
// Test for, and then generate the hint
DartType bestRightType = rhs.bestType;
if (leftType != null && bestRightType != null) {
if (!_typeSystem.isAssignableTo(bestRightType, leftType,
isDeclarationCast: true)) {
HintCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT, rhs, [bestRightType, leftType]);
return true;
return false;
void _checkForInvalidFactory(MethodDeclaration decl) {
// Check declaration.
// Note that null return types are expected to be flagged by other analyses.
DartType returnType = decl.returnType?.type;
if (returnType is VoidType) {
_errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(HintCode.INVALID_FACTORY_METHOD_DECL,, []);
// Check implementation.
FunctionBody body = decl.body;
if (body is EmptyFunctionBody) {
// Abstract methods are OK.
// `new Foo()` or `null`.
bool factoryExpression(Expression expression) =>
expression is InstanceCreationExpression || expression is NullLiteral;
if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody && factoryExpression(body.expression)) {
} else if (body is BlockFunctionBody) {
NodeList<Statement> statements = body.block.statements;
if (statements.isNotEmpty) {
Statement last = statements.last;
if (last is ReturnStatement && factoryExpression(last.expression)) {
_errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(HintCode.INVALID_FACTORY_METHOD_IMPL,, []);
* Check that the imported library does not define a loadLibrary function. The import has already
* been determined to be deferred when this is called.
* @param node the import directive to evaluate
* @param importElement the [ImportElement] retrieved from the node
* @return `true` if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool _checkForLoadLibraryFunction(
ImportDirective node, ImportElement importElement) {
LibraryElement importedLibrary = importElement.importedLibrary;
if (importedLibrary == null) {
return false;
if (importedLibrary.hasLoadLibraryFunction) {
return true;
return false;
* Generate a hint for functions or methods that have a return type, but do not have a return
* statement on all branches. At the end of blocks with no return, Dart implicitly returns
* `null`, avoiding these implicit returns is considered a best practice.
* Note: for async functions/methods, this hint only applies when the
* function has a return type that Future<Null> is not assignable to.
* @param node the binary expression to check
* @param body the function body
* @return `true` if and only if a hint code is generated on the passed node
* See [HintCode.MISSING_RETURN].
void _checkForMissingReturn(TypeAnnotation returnType, FunctionBody body) {
// Check that the method or function has a return type, and a function body
if (returnType == null || body == null) {
// Check that the body is a BlockFunctionBody
if (body is BlockFunctionBody) {
// Generators are never required to have a return statement.
if (body.isGenerator) {
// Check that the type is resolvable, and is not "void"
DartType returnTypeType = returnType.type;
if (returnTypeType == null ||
returnTypeType.isVoid ||
(body.isAsynchronous && _isFutureVoid(returnTypeType))) {
// For async, give no hint if the return type does not matter, i.e.
// dynamic, Future<Null> or Future<dynamic>.
if (body.isAsynchronous) {
if (returnTypeType.isDynamic) {
if (returnTypeType is InterfaceType &&
returnTypeType.isDartAsyncFuture) {
DartType futureArgument = returnTypeType.typeArguments[0];
if (futureArgument.isDynamic ||
futureArgument.isDartCoreNull ||
futureArgument.isVoid ||
futureArgument.isObject) {
// Check the block for a return statement, if not, create the hint
if (!ExitDetector.exits(body)) {
HintCode.MISSING_RETURN, returnType, [returnTypeType.displayName]);
* Produce several null-aware related hints.
void _checkForNullAwareHints(Expression node, Token operator) {
if (operator == null || operator.type != TokenType.QUESTION_PERIOD) {
// childOfParent is used to know from which branch node comes.
var childOfParent = node;
var parent = node.parent;
while (parent is ParenthesizedExpression) {
childOfParent = parent;
parent = parent.parent;
if (parent is MethodInvocation &&
parent.operator.type != TokenType.QUESTION_PERIOD &&
_nullType.lookUpMethod(, _currentLibrary) ==
null) {
HintCode.CAN_BE_NULL_AFTER_NULL_AWARE, childOfParent);
if (parent is PropertyAccess &&
parent.operator.type != TokenType.QUESTION_PERIOD &&
_nullType.lookUpGetter(, _currentLibrary) ==
null) {
HintCode.CAN_BE_NULL_AFTER_NULL_AWARE, childOfParent);
if (parent is CascadeExpression && == childOfParent) {
HintCode.CAN_BE_NULL_AFTER_NULL_AWARE, childOfParent);
if (parent is IfStatement && parent.condition == childOfParent ||
parent is ForStatement && parent.condition == childOfParent ||
parent is DoStatement && parent.condition == childOfParent ||
parent is WhileStatement && parent.condition == childOfParent ||
parent is ConditionalExpression && parent.condition == childOfParent ||
parent is AssertStatement && parent.condition == childOfParent) {
HintCode.NULL_AWARE_IN_CONDITION, childOfParent);
if (parent is PrefixExpression && parent.operator.type == TokenType.BANG ||
parent is BinaryExpression &&
.contains(parent.operator.type)) {
if (parent is BinaryExpression &&
![TokenType.EQ_EQ, TokenType.BANG_EQ, TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION]
.contains(parent.operator.type) &&
parent.leftOperand == childOfParent) {
* Check for the passed as expression for the [HintCode.UNNECESSARY_CAST] hint code.
* @param node the as expression to check
* @return `true` if and only if a hint code is generated on the passed node
bool _checkForUnnecessaryCast(AsExpression node) {
// TODO(jwren) After, revisit this, we should be able to
// remove the (x is! TypeParameterType) checks.
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ConditionalExpression &&
(node == parent.thenExpression || node == parent.elseExpression)) {
Expression thenExpression = parent.thenExpression;
DartType thenType;
if (thenExpression is AsExpression) {
thenType = thenExpression.expression.staticType;
} else {
thenType = thenExpression.staticType;
Expression elseExpression = parent.elseExpression;
DartType elseType;
if (elseExpression is AsExpression) {
elseType = elseExpression.expression.staticType;
} else {
elseType = elseExpression.staticType;
if (thenType != null &&
elseType != null &&
!thenType.isDynamic &&
!elseType.isDynamic &&
!thenType.isMoreSpecificThan(elseType) &&
!elseType.isMoreSpecificThan(thenType)) {
return false;
DartType lhsType = node.expression.staticType;
DartType rhsType = node.type.type;
if (lhsType != null &&
rhsType != null &&
!lhsType.isDynamic &&
!rhsType.isDynamic &&
_typeSystem.isMoreSpecificThan(lhsType, rhsType)) {
_errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(HintCode.UNNECESSARY_CAST, node);
return true;
return false;
* Generate a hint for `noSuchMethod` methods that do nothing except of
* calling another `noSuchMethod` that is not defined by `Object`.
* @return `true` if and only if a hint code is generated on the passed node
bool _checkForUnnecessaryNoSuchMethod(MethodDeclaration node) {
if ( != FunctionElement.NO_SUCH_METHOD_METHOD_NAME) {
return false;
bool isNonObjectNoSuchMethodInvocation(Expression invocation) {
if (invocation is MethodInvocation && is SuperExpression &&
invocation.argumentList.arguments.length == 1) {
SimpleIdentifier name = invocation.methodName;
if ( == FunctionElement.NO_SUCH_METHOD_METHOD_NAME) {
Element methodElement = name.staticElement;
Element classElement = methodElement?.enclosingElement;
return methodElement is MethodElement &&
classElement is ClassElement &&
return false;
FunctionBody body = node.body;
if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
if (isNonObjectNoSuchMethodInvocation(body.expression)) {
return true;
} else if (body is BlockFunctionBody) {
List<Statement> statements = body.block.statements;
if (statements.length == 1) {
Statement returnStatement = statements.first;
if (returnStatement is ReturnStatement &&
isNonObjectNoSuchMethodInvocation(returnStatement.expression)) {
return true;
return false;
void _checkRequiredParameter(FormalParameterList node) {
final requiredParameters =
node.parameters.where((p) => p.element?.hasRequired == true);
final nonNamedParamsWithRequired =
requiredParameters.where((p) => !p.isNamed);
final namedParamsWithRequiredAndDefault = requiredParameters
.where((p) => p.isNamed)
.where((p) => p.element.defaultValueCode != null);
final paramsToHint = [
].expand((e) => e);
for (final param in paramsToHint) {
HintCode.INVALID_REQUIRED_PARAM, param, []);
* Check for the passed class declaration for the
* @param node the class declaration to check
* @return `true` if and only if a hint code is generated on the passed node
// bool _checkForOverrideEqualsButNotHashCode(ClassDeclaration node) {
// ClassElement classElement = node.element;
// if (classElement == null) {
// return false;
// }
// MethodElement equalsOperatorMethodElement =
// classElement.getMethod(sc.TokenType.EQ_EQ.lexeme);
// if (equalsOperatorMethodElement != null) {
// PropertyAccessorElement hashCodeElement =
// classElement.getGetter(_HASHCODE_GETTER_NAME);
// if (hashCodeElement == null) {
// _errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(
// [classElement.displayName]);
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
bool _hasTypeOrSuperType(ClassElement element, InterfaceType type) {
if (element == null) {
return false;
ClassElement typeElement = type.element;
return element == typeElement ||
.any((InterfaceType t) => t.element == typeElement);
* Return `true` if the given [type] represents `Future<void>`.
bool _isFutureVoid(DartType type) {
if (type.isDartAsyncFuture) {
List<DartType> typeArgs = (type as InterfaceType).typeArguments;
if (typeArgs.length == 1 && typeArgs[0].isVoid) {
return true;
return false;
* Given a parenthesized expression, this returns the parent (or recursively grand-parent) of the
* expression that is a parenthesized expression, but whose parent is not a parenthesized
* expression.
* For example given the code `(((e)))`: `(e) -> (((e)))`.
* @param parenthesizedExpression some expression whose parent is a parenthesized expression
* @return the first parent or grand-parent that is a parenthesized expression, that does not have
* a parenthesized expression parent
static ParenthesizedExpression _wrapParenthesizedExpression(
ParenthesizedExpression parenthesizedExpression) {
AstNode parent = parenthesizedExpression.parent;
if (parent is ParenthesizedExpression) {
return _wrapParenthesizedExpression(parent);
return parenthesizedExpression;
* Utilities for [LibraryElementImpl] building.
class BuildLibraryElementUtils {
* Look through all of the compilation units defined for the given [library],
* looking for getters and setters that are defined in different compilation
* units but that have the same names. If any are found, make sure that they
* have the same variable element.
static void patchTopLevelAccessors(LibraryElementImpl library) {
// Without parts getters/setters already share the same variable element.
List<CompilationUnitElement> parts =;
if (parts.isEmpty) {
// Collect getters and setters.
Map<String, PropertyAccessorElement> getters =
new HashMap<String, PropertyAccessorElement>();
List<PropertyAccessorElement> setters = <PropertyAccessorElement>[];
_collectAccessors(getters, setters, library.definingCompilationUnit);
int partLength = parts.length;
for (int i = 0; i < partLength; i++) {
CompilationUnitElement unit = parts[i];
_collectAccessors(getters, setters, unit);
// Move every setter to the corresponding getter's variable (if exists).
int setterLength = setters.length;
for (int j = 0; j < setterLength; j++) {
PropertyAccessorElement setter = setters[j];
PropertyAccessorElement getter = getters[setter.displayName];
if (getter != null) {
TopLevelVariableElementImpl variable = getter.variable;
TopLevelVariableElementImpl setterVariable = setter.variable;
CompilationUnitElementImpl setterUnit = setterVariable.enclosingElement;
setterUnit.replaceTopLevelVariable(setterVariable, variable);
variable.setter = setter;
(setter as PropertyAccessorElementImpl).variable = variable;
* Add all of the non-synthetic [getters] and [setters] defined in the given
* [unit] that have no corresponding accessor to one of the given collections.
static void _collectAccessors(Map<String, PropertyAccessorElement> getters,
List<PropertyAccessorElement> setters, CompilationUnitElement unit) {
List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors = unit.accessors;
int length = accessors.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = accessors[i];
if (accessor.isGetter) {
if (!accessor.isSynthetic && accessor.correspondingSetter == null) {
getters[accessor.displayName] = accessor;
} else {
if (!accessor.isSynthetic && accessor.correspondingGetter == null) {
* Instances of the class `ConstantVerifier` traverse an AST structure looking for additional
* errors and warnings not covered by the parser and resolver. In particular, it looks for errors
* and warnings related to constant expressions.
class ConstantVerifier extends RecursiveAstVisitor<Object> {
* The error reporter by which errors will be reported.
final ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
* The type provider used to access the known types.
final TypeProvider _typeProvider;
* The type system in use.
final TypeSystem _typeSystem;
* The set of variables declared using '-D' on the command line.
final DeclaredVariables declaredVariables;
* The type representing the type 'bool'.
InterfaceType _boolType;
* The type representing the type 'int'.
InterfaceType _intType;
* The type representing the type 'num'.
InterfaceType _numType;
* The type representing the type 'string'.
InterfaceType _stringType;
* The current library that is being analyzed.
final LibraryElement _currentLibrary;
* Initialize a newly created constant verifier.
* @param errorReporter the error reporter by which errors will be reported
ConstantVerifier(this._errorReporter, LibraryElement currentLibrary,
this._typeProvider, this.declaredVariables)
: _currentLibrary = currentLibrary,
_typeSystem = currentLibrary.context.typeSystem {
this._boolType = _typeProvider.boolType;
this._intType = _typeProvider.intType;
this._numType = _typeProvider.numType;
this._stringType = _typeProvider.stringType;
Object visitAnnotation(Annotation node) {
// check annotation creation
Element element = node.element;
if (element is ConstructorElement) {
// should be 'const' constructor
if (!element.isConst) {
return null;
// should have arguments
ArgumentList argumentList = node.arguments;
if (argumentList == null) {
return null;
// arguments should be constants
return null;
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
if (node.constKeyword != null) {
_validateFieldInitializers(node.parent as ClassDeclaration, node);
return super.visitConstructorDeclaration(node);
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
return null;
Object visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
if (node.isConst) {
// We need to evaluate the constant to see if any errors occur during its
// evaluation.
ConstructorElement constructor = node.staticElement;
if (constructor != null) {
ConstantEvaluationEngine evaluationEngine =
new ConstantEvaluationEngine(_typeProvider, declaredVariables,
typeSystem: _typeSystem);
ConstantVisitor constantVisitor =
new ConstantVisitor(evaluationEngine, _errorReporter);
return super.visitInstanceCreationExpression(node);
Object visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
if (node.isConst) {
DartObjectImpl result;
for (Expression element in node.elements) {
result =
_validate(element, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_LIST_ELEMENT);
if (result != null) {
return null;
Object visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
bool isConst = node.isConst;
bool reportEqualKeys = true;
HashSet<DartObject> keys = new HashSet<DartObject>();
List<Expression> invalidKeys = new List<Expression>();
for (MapLiteralEntry entry in node.entries) {
Expression key = entry.key;
if (isConst) {
DartObjectImpl keyResult =
_validate(key, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_MAP_KEY);
Expression valueExpression = entry.value;
DartObjectImpl valueResult = _validate(
valueExpression, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_MAP_VALUE);
if (valueResult != null) {
if (keyResult != null) {
if (keys.contains(keyResult)) {
} else {
DartType type = keyResult.type;
if (_implementsEqualsWhenNotAllowed(type)) {
} else {
// Note: we throw the errors away because this isn't actually a const.
AnalysisErrorListener errorListener =
ErrorReporter subErrorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _errorReporter.source);
DartObjectImpl result = key.accept(new ConstantVisitor(
new ConstantEvaluationEngine(_typeProvider, declaredVariables,
typeSystem: _typeSystem),
if (result != null) {
if (keys.contains(result)) {
} else {
} else {
reportEqualKeys = false;
if (reportEqualKeys) {
int length = invalidKeys.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
StaticWarningCode.EQUAL_KEYS_IN_MAP, invalidKeys[i]);
return null;
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
return null;
Object visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
// TODO(paulberry): to minimize error messages, it would be nice to
// compare all types with the most popular type rather than the first
// type.
NodeList<SwitchMember> switchMembers = node.members;
bool foundError = false;
DartType firstType = null;
for (SwitchMember switchMember in switchMembers) {
if (switchMember is SwitchCase) {
Expression expression = switchMember.expression;
DartObjectImpl caseResult = _validate(
expression, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_CASE_EXPRESSION);
if (caseResult != null) {
DartObject value = caseResult;
if (firstType == null) {
firstType = value.type;
} else {
DartType nType = value.type;
if (firstType != nType) {
[expression.toSource(), firstType.displayName]);
foundError = true;
if (!foundError) {
_checkForCaseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals(node, firstType);
return super.visitSwitchStatement(node);
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
Expression initializer = node.initializer;
if (initializer != null && (node.isConst || node.isFinal)) {
VariableElementImpl element = node.element as VariableElementImpl;
EvaluationResultImpl result = element.evaluationResult;
if (result == null) {
// Variables marked "const" should have had their values computed by
// ConstantValueComputer. Other variables will only have had their
// values computed if the value was needed (e.g. final variables in a
// class containing const constructors).
return null;
return null;
* This verifies that the passed switch statement does not have a case expression with the
* operator '==' overridden.
* @param node the switch statement to evaluate
* @param type the common type of all 'case' expressions
* @return `true` if and only if an error code is generated on the passed node
bool _checkForCaseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals(
SwitchStatement node, DartType type) {
if (!_implementsEqualsWhenNotAllowed(type)) {
return false;
// report error
return true;
* @return `true` if given [Type] implements operator <i>==</i>, and it is not
* <i>int</i> or <i>String</i>.
bool _implementsEqualsWhenNotAllowed(DartType type) {
// ignore int or String
if (type == null || type == _intType || type == _typeProvider.stringType) {
return false;
} else if (type == _typeProvider.doubleType) {
return true;
// prepare ClassElement
Element element = type.element;
if (element is ClassElement) {
// lookup for ==
MethodElement method =
element.lookUpConcreteMethod("==", _currentLibrary);
if (method == null || method.enclosingElement.type.isObject) {
return false;
// there is == that we don't like
return true;
return false;
* Given some computed [Expression], this method generates the passed [ErrorCode] on
* the node if its' value consists of information from a deferred library.
* @param expression the expression to be tested for a deferred library reference
* @param errorCode the error code to be used if the expression is or consists of a reference to a
* deferred library
void _reportErrorIfFromDeferredLibrary(
Expression expression, ErrorCode errorCode) {
DeferredLibraryReferenceDetector referenceDetector =
new DeferredLibraryReferenceDetector();
if (referenceDetector.result) {
_errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(errorCode, expression);
* Report any errors in the given list. Except for special cases, use the given error code rather
* than the one reported in the error.
* @param errors the errors that need to be reported
* @param errorCode the error code to be used
void _reportErrors(List<AnalysisError> errors, ErrorCode errorCode) {
int length = errors.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
AnalysisError data = errors[i];
ErrorCode dataErrorCode = data.errorCode;
if (identical(dataErrorCode,
dataErrorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_IDBZE) ||
identical(dataErrorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_BOOL) ||
identical(dataErrorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_INT) ||
identical(dataErrorCode, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_NUM) ||
CheckedModeCompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION) ||
CheckedModeCompileTimeErrorCode.VARIABLE_TYPE_MISMATCH)) {
} else if (errorCode != null) {
_errorReporter.reportError(new AnalysisError(
data.source, data.offset, data.length, errorCode));
* Validate that the given expression is a compile time constant. Return the value of the compile
* time constant, or `null` if the expression is not a compile time constant.
* @param expression the expression to be validated
* @param errorCode the error code to be used if the expression is not a compile time constant
* @return the value of the compile time constant
DartObjectImpl _validate(Expression expression, ErrorCode errorCode) {
RecordingErrorListener errorListener = new RecordingErrorListener();
ErrorReporter subErrorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _errorReporter.source);
DartObjectImpl result = expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor(
new ConstantEvaluationEngine(_typeProvider, declaredVariables,
typeSystem: _typeSystem),
_reportErrors(errorListener.errors, errorCode);
return result;
* Validate that if the passed arguments are constant expressions.
* @param argumentList the argument list to evaluate
void _validateConstantArguments(ArgumentList argumentList) {
for (Expression argument in argumentList.arguments) {
Expression realArgument =
argument is NamedExpression ? argument.expression : argument;
realArgument, CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_WITH_NON_CONSTANT_ARGUMENT);
* Validates that the expressions of the initializers of the given constant
* [constructor] are all compile time constants.
void _validateConstructorInitializers(ConstructorDeclaration constructor) {
List<ParameterElement> parameterElements =
NodeList<ConstructorInitializer> initializers = constructor.initializers;
for (ConstructorInitializer initializer in initializers) {
if (initializer is AssertInitializer) {
parameterElements, initializer.condition);
Expression message = initializer.message;
if (message != null) {
_validateInitializerExpression(parameterElements, message);
} else if (initializer is ConstructorFieldInitializer) {
parameterElements, initializer.expression);
} else if (initializer is RedirectingConstructorInvocation) {
parameterElements, initializer.argumentList);
} else if (initializer is SuperConstructorInvocation) {
parameterElements, initializer.argumentList);
* Validate that the default value associated with each of the parameters in the given list is a
* compile time constant.
* @param parameters the list of parameters to be validated
void _validateDefaultValues(FormalParameterList parameters) {
if (parameters == null) {
for (FormalParameter parameter in parameters.parameters) {
if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
Expression defaultValue = parameter.defaultValue;
DartObjectImpl result;
if (defaultValue == null) {
result =
new DartObjectImpl(_typeProvider.nullType, NullState.NULL_STATE);
} else {
result = _validate(
defaultValue, CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_DEFAULT_VALUE);
if (result != null) {
VariableElementImpl element = parameter.element as VariableElementImpl;
element.evaluationResult = new EvaluationResultImpl(result);
* Validates that the expressions of any field initializers in the class declaration are all
* compile time constants. Since this is only required if the class has a constant constructor,
* the error is reported at the constructor site.
* @param classDeclaration the class which should be validated
* @param errorSite the site at which errors should be reported.
void _validateFieldInitializers(
ClassDeclaration classDeclaration, ConstructorDeclaration errorSite) {
NodeList<ClassMember> members = classDeclaration.members;
for (ClassMember member in members) {
if (member is FieldDeclaration && !member.isStatic) {
for (VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration
in member.fields.variables) {
Expression initializer = variableDeclaration.initializer;
if (initializer != null) {
// Ignore any errors produced during validation--if the constant
// can't be evaluated we'll just report a single error.
AnalysisErrorListener errorListener =
ErrorReporter subErrorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _errorReporter.source);
DartObjectImpl result = initializer.accept(new ConstantVisitor(
new ConstantEvaluationEngine(_typeProvider, declaredVariables,
typeSystem: _typeSystem),
if (result == null) {
* Validates that the given expression is a compile time constant.
* @param parameterElements the elements of parameters of constant constructor, they are
* considered as a valid potentially constant expressions
* @param expression the expression to validate
void _validateInitializerExpression(
List<ParameterElement> parameterElements, Expression expression) {
RecordingErrorListener errorListener = new RecordingErrorListener();
ErrorReporter subErrorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _errorReporter.source);
DartObjectImpl result = expression.accept(
new _ConstantVerifier_validateInitializerExpression(_typeProvider,
subErrorReporter, this, parameterElements, declaredVariables,
typeSystem: _typeSystem));
if (result != null) {
* Validates that all of the arguments of a constructor initializer are compile time constants.
* @param parameterElements the elements of parameters of constant constructor, they are
* considered as a valid potentially constant expressions
* @param argumentList the argument list to validate
void _validateInitializerInvocationArguments(
List<ParameterElement> parameterElements, ArgumentList argumentList) {
if (argumentList == null) {
for (Expression argument in argumentList.arguments) {
_validateInitializerExpression(parameterElements, argument);
* Validate that if the passed instance creation is 'const' then all its arguments are constant
* expressions.
* @param node the instance creation evaluate
void _validateInstanceCreationArguments(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
if (!node.isConst) {
ArgumentList argumentList = node.argumentList;
if (argumentList == null) {
* Instances of the class `Dart2JSVerifier` traverse an AST structure looking for hints for
* code that will be compiled to JS, such as [HintCode.IS_DOUBLE].
class Dart2JSVerifier extends RecursiveAstVisitor<Object> {
* The name of the `double` type.
static String _DOUBLE_TYPE_NAME = "double";
* The error reporter by which errors will be reported.
final ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
* Create a new instance of the [Dart2JSVerifier].
* @param errorReporter the error reporter
Object visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
return super.visitIsExpression(node);
* Check for instances of `x is double`, `x is int`, `x is! double` and
* `x is! int`.
* @param node the is expression to check
* @return `true` if and only if a hint code is generated on the passed node
* See [HintCode.IS_DOUBLE],
* [HintCode.IS_INT],
* [HintCode.IS_NOT_DOUBLE], and
* [HintCode.IS_NOT_INT].
bool _checkForIsDoubleHints(IsExpression node) {
DartType type = node.type.type;
Element element = type?.element;
if (element != null) {
String typeNameStr =;
LibraryElement libraryElement = element.library;
// if (typeNameStr.equals(INT_TYPE_NAME) && libraryElement != null
// && libraryElement.isDartCore()) {
// if (node.getNotOperator() == null) {
// errorReporter.reportError(HintCode.IS_INT, node);
// } else {
// errorReporter.reportError(HintCode.IS_NOT_INT, node);
// }
// return true;
// } else
if (typeNameStr == _DOUBLE_TYPE_NAME &&
libraryElement != null &&
libraryElement.isDartCore) {
if (node.notOperator == null) {
_errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(HintCode.IS_DOUBLE, node);
} else {
_errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(HintCode.IS_NOT_DOUBLE, node);
return true;
return false;
* A visitor that finds dead code and unused labels.
class DeadCodeVerifier extends RecursiveAstVisitor<Object> {
* The error reporter by which errors will be reported.
final ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
* The type system for this visitor
final TypeSystem _typeSystem;
* The object used to track the usage of labels within a given label scope.
_LabelTracker labelTracker;
* Initialize a newly created dead code verifier that will report dead code to
* the given [errorReporter] and will use the given [typeSystem] if one is
* provided.
DeadCodeVerifier(this._errorReporter, {TypeSystem typeSystem})
: this._typeSystem = typeSystem ?? new TypeSystemImpl(null);
Object visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
Token operator = node.operator;
bool isAmpAmp = operator.type == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND;
bool isBarBar = operator.type == TokenType.BAR_BAR;
if (isAmpAmp || isBarBar) {
Expression lhsCondition = node.leftOperand;
if (!_isDebugConstant(lhsCondition)) {
EvaluationResultImpl lhsResult = _getConstantBooleanValue(lhsCondition);
if (lhsResult != null) {
bool value = lhsResult.value.toBoolValue();
if (value == true && isBarBar) {
// report error on else block: true || !e!
HintCode.DEAD_CODE, node.rightOperand);
// only visit the LHS:
return null;
} else if (value == false && isAmpAmp) {
// report error on if block: false && !e!
HintCode.DEAD_CODE, node.rightOperand);
// only visit the LHS:
return null;
// How do we want to handle the RHS? It isn't dead code, but "pointless"
// or "obscure"...
// Expression rhsCondition = node.getRightOperand();
// ValidResult rhsResult = getConstantBooleanValue(rhsCondition);
// if (rhsResult != null) {
// if (rhsResult == ValidResult.RESULT_TRUE && isBarBar) {
// // report error on else block: !e! || true
// errorReporter.reportError(HintCode.DEAD_CODE, node.getRightOperand());
// // only visit the RHS:
// rhsCondition?.accept(this);
// return null;
// } else if (rhsResult == ValidResult.RESULT_FALSE && isAmpAmp) {
// // report error on if block: !e! && false
// errorReporter.reportError(HintCode.DEAD_CODE, node.getRightOperand());
// // only visit the RHS:
// rhsCondition?.accept(this);
// return null;
// }
// }
return super.visitBinaryExpression(node);
* For each block, this method reports and error on all statements between the
* end of the block and the first return statement (assuming there it is not
* at the end of the block.)
Object visitBlock(Block node) {
NodeList<Statement> statements = node.statements;
return null;
Object visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
return null;
Object visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
Expression conditionExpression = node.condition;
if (!_isDebugConstant(conditionExpression)) {
EvaluationResultImpl result =
if (result != null) {
if (result.value.toBoolValue() == true) {
// report error on else block: true ? 1 : !2!
HintCode.DEAD_CODE, node.elseExpression);
return null;
} else {
// report error on if block: false ? !1! : 2
HintCode.DEAD_CODE, node.thenExpression);
return null;
return super.visitConditionalExpression(node);
Object visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
return null;
Object visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
ExportElement exportElement = node.element;
if (exportElement != null) {
// The element is null when the URI is invalid
LibraryElement library = exportElement.exportedLibrary;
if (library != null && !library.isSynthetic) {
for (Combinator combinator in node.combinators) {
_checkCombinator(library, combinator);
return super.visitExportDirective(node);
Object visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
Expression conditionExpression = node.condition;
if (!_isDebugConstant(conditionExpression)) {
EvaluationResultImpl result =
if (result != null) {
if (result.value.toBoolValue() == true) {
// report error on else block: if(true) {} else {!}
Statement elseStatement = node.elseStatement;
if (elseStatement != null) {
HintCode.DEAD_CODE, elseStatement);
return null;
} else {
// report error on if block: if (false) {!} else {}
HintCode.DEAD_CODE, node.thenStatement);
return null;
return super.visitIfStatement(node);
Object visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
ImportElement importElement = node.element;
if (importElement != null) {
// The element is null when the URI is invalid, but not when the URI is
// valid but refers to a non-existent file.
LibraryElement library = importElement.importedLibrary;
if (library != null && !library.isSynthetic) {
for (Combinator combinator in node.combinators) {
_checkCombinator(library, combinator);
return super.visitImportDirective(node);
Object visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
try {
} finally {
return null;
Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
_checkForDeadStatementsInNodeList(node.statements, allowMandated: true);
return super.visitSwitchCase(node);
Object visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) {
_checkForDeadStatementsInNodeList(node.statements, allowMandated: true);
return super.visitSwitchDefault(node);
Object visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
List<Label> labels = <Label>[];
for (SwitchMember member in node.members) {
try {
} finally {
return null;
Object visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {
NodeList<CatchClause> catchClauses = node.catchClauses;
int numOfCatchClauses = catchClauses.length;
List<DartType> visitedTypes = new List<DartType>();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfCatchClauses; i++) {
CatchClause catchClause = catchClauses[i];
if (catchClause.onKeyword != null) {
// on-catch clause found, verify that the exception type is not a
// subtype of a previous on-catch exception type
DartType currentType = catchClause.exceptionType?.type;
if (currentType != null) {
if (currentType.isObject) {
// Found catch clause clause that has Object as an exception type,
// this is equivalent to having a catch clause that doesn't have an
// exception type, visit the block, but generate an error on any
// following catch clauses (and don't visit them).
if (i + 1 != numOfCatchClauses) {
// this catch clause is not the last in the try statement
CatchClause nextCatchClause = catchClauses[i + 1];
CatchClause lastCatchClause = catchClauses[numOfCatchClauses - 1];
int offset = nextCatchClause.offset;
int length = lastCatchClause.end - offset;
HintCode.DEAD_CODE_CATCH_FOLLOWING_CATCH, offset, length);
return null;
int length = visitedTypes.length;
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
DartType type = visitedTypes[j];
if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(currentType, type)) {
CatchClause lastCatchClause = catchClauses[numOfCatchClauses - 1];
int offset = catchClause.offset;
int length = lastCatchClause.end - offset;
[currentType.displayName, type.displayName]);
return null;
} else {
// Found catch clause clause that doesn't have an exception type,
// visit the block, but generate an error on any following catch clauses
// (and don't visit them).
if (i + 1 != numOfCatchClauses) {
// this catch clause is not the last in the try statement
CatchClause nextCatchClause = catchClauses[i + 1];
CatchClause lastCatchClause = catchClauses[numOfCatchClauses - 1];
int offset = nextCatchClause.offset;
int length = lastCatchClause.end - offset;
HintCode.DEAD_CODE_CATCH_FOLLOWING_CATCH, offset, length);
return null;
return null;
Object visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
Expression conditionExpression = node.condition;
if (!_isDebugConstant(conditionExpression)) {
EvaluationResultImpl result =
if (result != null) {
if (result.value.toBoolValue() == false) {
// report error on if block: while (false) {!}
_errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(HintCode.DEAD_CODE, node.body);
return null;
return null;
* Resolve the names in the given [combinator] in the scope of the given
* [library].
void _checkCombinator(LibraryElement library, Combinator combinator) {
Namespace namespace =
new NamespaceBuilder().createExportNamespaceForLibrary(library);
NodeList<SimpleIdentifier> names;
ErrorCode hintCode;
if (combinator is HideCombinator) {
names = combinator.hiddenNames;
} else {
names = (combinator as ShowCombinator).shownNames;
for (SimpleIdentifier name in names) {
String nameStr =;
Element element = namespace.get(nameStr);
if (element == null) {
element = namespace.get("$nameStr=");
if (element == null) {
.reportErrorForNode(hintCode, name, [library.identifier, nameStr]);
* Given some list of [statements], loop through the list searching for dead
* statements. If [allowMandated] is true, then allow dead statements that are
* mandated by the language spec. This allows for a final break, continue,
* return, or throw statement at the end of a switch case, that are mandated
* by the language spec.
void _checkForDeadStatementsInNodeList(NodeList<Statement> statements,
{bool allowMandated: false}) {
bool statementExits(Statement statement) {
if (statement is BreakStatement) {
return statement.label == null;
} else if (statement is ContinueStatement) {
return statement.label == null;
return ExitDetector.exits(statement);
int size = statements.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Statement currentStatement = statements[i];
if (statementExits(currentStatement) && i != size - 1) {
Statement nextStatement = statements[i + 1];
Statement lastStatement = statements[size - 1];
// If mandated statements are allowed, and only the last statement is
// dead, and it's a BreakStatement, then assume it is a statement
// mandated by the language spec, there to avoid a
if (allowMandated && i == size - 2 && nextStatement is BreakStatement) {
int offset = nextStatement.offset;
int length = lastStatement.end - offset;
_errorReporter.reportErrorForOffset(HintCode.DEAD_CODE, offset, length);
* Given some [expression], return [ValidResult.RESULT_TRUE] if it is `true`,
* [ValidResult.RESULT_FALSE] if it is `false`, or `null` if the expression is
* not a constant boolean value.
EvaluationResultImpl _getConstantBooleanValue(Expression expression) {
if (expression is BooleanLiteral) {
if (expression.value) {
return new EvaluationResultImpl(
new DartObjectImpl(null, BoolState.from(true)));
} else {
return new EvaluationResultImpl(
new DartObjectImpl(null, BoolState.from(false)));
// Don't consider situations where we could evaluate to a constant boolean
// expression with the ConstantVisitor
// else {
// EvaluationResultImpl result = expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor());
// if (result == ValidResult.RESULT_TRUE) {
// return ValidResult.RESULT_TRUE;
// } else if (result == ValidResult.RESULT_FALSE) {
// return ValidResult.RESULT_FALSE;
// }
// return null;
// }
return null;
* Return `true` if the given [expression] is resolved to a constant variable.
bool _isDebugConstant(Expression expression) {
Element element = null;
if (expression is Identifier) {
element = expression.staticElement;
} else if (expression is PropertyAccess) {
element = expression.propertyName.staticElement;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
PropertyInducingElement variable = element.variable;
return variable != null && variable.isConst;
return false;
* Exit the most recently entered label scope after reporting any labels that
* were not referenced within that scope.
void _popLabels() {
for (Label label in labelTracker.unusedLabels()) {
.reportErrorForNode(HintCode.UNUSED_LABEL, label, []);
labelTracker = labelTracker.outerTracker;
* Enter a new label scope in which the given [labels] are defined.
void _pushLabels(List<Label> labels) {
labelTracker = new _LabelTracker(labelTracker, labels);
* A visitor that resolves directives in an AST structure to already built
* elements.
* The resulting AST must have everything resolved that would have been resolved
* by a [DirectiveElementBuilder].
class DirectiveResolver extends SimpleAstVisitor {
final Map<Source, int> sourceModificationTimeMap;
final Map<Source, SourceKind> importSourceKindMap;
final Map<Source, SourceKind> exportSourceKindMap;
final List<AnalysisError> errors = <AnalysisError>[];
LibraryElement _enclosingLibrary;
DirectiveResolver(this.sourceModificationTimeMap, this.importSourceKindMap,
void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
_enclosingLibrary =
for (Directive directive in node.directives) {
void visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
int nodeOffset = node.offset;
node.element = null;
for (ExportElement element in _enclosingLibrary.exports) {
if (element.nameOffset == nodeOffset) {
node.element = element;
// Verify the exported source kind.
LibraryElement exportedLibrary = element.exportedLibrary;
if (exportedLibrary != null) {
Source exportedSource = exportedLibrary.source;
int exportedTime = sourceModificationTimeMap[exportedSource] ?? -1;
if (exportedTime >= 0 &&
exportSourceKindMap[exportedSource] != SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
StringLiteral uriLiteral = node.uri;
errors.add(new AnalysisError(
void visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
int nodeOffset = node.offset;
node.element = null;
for (ImportElement element in _enclosingLibrary.imports) {
if (element.nameOffset == nodeOffset) {
node.element = element;
// Verify the imported source kind.
LibraryElement importedLibrary = element.importedLibrary;
if (importedLibrary != null) {
Source importedSource = importedLibrary.source;
int importedTime = sourceModificationTimeMap[importedSource] ?? -1;
if (importedTime >= 0 &&
importSourceKindMap[importedSource] != SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
StringLiteral uriLiteral = node.uri;
ErrorCode errorCode = element.isDeferred
: CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY;
errors.add(new AnalysisError(
void visitLibraryDirective(LibraryDirective node) {
node.element = _enclosingLibrary;
* Instances of the class `ElementHolder` hold on to elements created while traversing an AST
* structure so that they can be accessed when creating their enclosing element.
class ElementHolder {
List<PropertyAccessorElement> _accessors;
List<ConstructorElement> _constructors;
List<ClassElement> _enums;
List<FieldElement> _fields;
List<FunctionElement> _functions;
List<LabelElement> _labels;
List<LocalVariableElement> _localVariables;
List<MethodElement> _methods;
List<ParameterElement> _parameters;
List<TopLevelVariableElement> _topLevelVariables;
List<ClassElement> _types;
List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> _typeAliases;
List<TypeParameterElement> _typeParameters;
List<PropertyAccessorElement> get accessors {
if (_accessors == null) {
return PropertyAccessorElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<PropertyAccessorElement> result = _accessors;
_accessors = null;
return result;
List<ConstructorElement> get constructors {
if (_constructors == null) {
return ConstructorElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<ConstructorElement> result = _constructors;
_constructors = null;
return result;
List<ClassElement> get enums {
if (_enums == null) {
return ClassElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<ClassElement> result = _enums;
_enums = null;
return result;
List<FieldElement> get fields {
if (_fields == null) {
return FieldElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<FieldElement> result = _fields;
_fields = null;
return result;
List<FieldElement> get fieldsWithoutFlushing {
if (_fields == null) {
return FieldElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<FieldElement> result = _fields;
return result;
List<FunctionElement> get functions {
if (_functions == null) {
return FunctionElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<FunctionElement> result = _functions;
_functions = null;
return result;
List<LabelElement> get labels {
if (_labels == null) {
return LabelElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<LabelElement> result = _labels;
_labels = null;
return result;
List<LocalVariableElement> get localVariables {
if (_localVariables == null) {
return LocalVariableElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<LocalVariableElement> result = _localVariables;
_localVariables = null;
return result;
List<MethodElement> get methods {
if (_methods == null) {
return MethodElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<MethodElement> result = _methods;
_methods = null;
return result;
List<ParameterElement> get parameters {
if (_parameters == null) {
return ParameterElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<ParameterElement> result = _parameters;
_parameters = null;
return result;
List<TopLevelVariableElement> get topLevelVariables {
if (_topLevelVariables == null) {
return TopLevelVariableElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<TopLevelVariableElement> result = _topLevelVariables;
_topLevelVariables = null;
return result;
List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> get typeAliases {
if (_typeAliases == null) {
return FunctionTypeAliasElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> result = _typeAliases;
_typeAliases = null;
return result;
List<TypeParameterElement> get typeParameters {
if (_typeParameters == null) {
return TypeParameterElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<TypeParameterElement> result = _typeParameters;
_typeParameters = null;
return result;
List<ClassElement> get types {
if (_types == null) {
return ClassElement.EMPTY_LIST;
List<ClassElement> result = _types;
_types = null;
return result;
void addAccessor(PropertyAccessorElement element) {
if (_accessors == null) {
_accessors = new List<PropertyAccessorElement>();
void addConstructor(ConstructorElement element) {
if (_constructors == null) {
_constructors = new List<ConstructorElement>();
void addEnum(ClassElement element) {
if (_enums == null) {
_enums = new List<ClassElement>();
void addField(FieldElement element) {
if (_fields == null) {
_fields = new List<FieldElement>();
void addFunction(FunctionElement element) {
if (_functions == null) {
_functions = new List<FunctionElement>();
void addLabel(LabelElement element) {
if (_labels == null) {
_labels = new List<LabelElement>();
void addLocalVariable(LocalVariableElement element) {
if (_localVariables == null) {
_localVariables = new List<LocalVariableElement>();
void addMethod(MethodElement element) {
if (_methods == null) {
_methods = new List<MethodElement>();
void addParameter(ParameterElement element) {
if (_parameters == null) {
_parameters = new List<ParameterElement>();
void addTopLevelVariable(TopLevelVariableElement element) {
if (_topLevelVariables == null) {
_topLevelVariables = new List<TopLevelVariableElement>();
void addType(ClassElement element) {
if (_types == null) {
_types = new List<ClassElement>();
void addTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAliasElement element) {
if (_typeAliases == null) {
_typeAliases = new List<FunctionTypeAliasElement>();
void addTypeParameter(TypeParameterElement element) {
if (_typeParameters == null) {
_typeParameters = new List<TypeParameterElement>();
FieldElement getField(String fieldName, {bool synthetic: false}) {
if (_fields == null) {
return null;
int length = _fields.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
FieldElement field = _fields[i];
if ( == fieldName && field.isSynthetic == synthetic) {
return field;
return null;
TopLevelVariableElement getTopLevelVariable(String variableName) {
if (_topLevelVariables == null) {
return null;
int length = _topLevelVariables.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
TopLevelVariableElement variable = _topLevelVariables[i];
if ( == variableName) {
return variable;
return null;
void validate() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (_accessors != null) {
buffer.write(" accessors");
if (_constructors != null) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer.write("; ");
buffer.write(" constructors");
if (_fields != null) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer.write("; ");
buffer.write(" fields");
if (_functions != null) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer.write("; ");
buffer.write(" functions");
if (_labels != null) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer.write("; ");
buffer.write(" labels");
if (_localVariables != null) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer.write("; ");
buffer.write(" local variables");
if (_methods != null) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer.write("; ");
buffer.write(" methods");
if (_parameters != null) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer.write("; ");
buffer.write(" parameters");
if (_topLevelVariables != null) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer.write("; ");
buffer.write(" top-level variables");
if (_types != null) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer.write("; ");
buffer.write(" types");
if (_typeAliases != null) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer.write("; ");
buffer.write(" type aliases");
if (_typeParameters != null) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer.write("; ");
buffer.write(" type parameters");
if (buffer.length > 0) {
.logError("Failed to capture elements: $buffer");
* Instances of the class `EnumMemberBuilder` build the members in enum declarations.
class EnumMemberBuilder extends RecursiveAstVisitor<Object> {
* The type provider used to access the types needed to build an element model for enum
* declarations.
final TypeProvider _typeProvider;
* Initialize a newly created enum member builder.
* @param typeProvider the type provider used to access the types needed to build an element model
* for enum declarations
Object visitEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration node) {
// Finish building the enum.
EnumElementImpl enumElement = as EnumElementImpl;
InterfaceType enumType = enumElement.type;
// Populate the fields.
List<FieldElement> fields = new List<FieldElement>();
List<PropertyAccessorElement> getters = new List<PropertyAccessorElement>();
InterfaceType intType = _typeProvider.intType;
String indexFieldName = "index";
FieldElementImpl indexField = new FieldElementImpl(indexFieldName, -1);
indexField.isFinal = true;
indexField.isSynthetic = true;
indexField.type = intType;
ConstFieldElementImpl valuesField = new ConstFieldElementImpl("values", -1);
valuesField.isStatic = true;
valuesField.isConst = true;
valuesField.isSynthetic = true;
valuesField.type = _typeProvider.listType.instantiate(<DartType>[enumType]);
// Build the enum constants.
NodeList<EnumConstantDeclaration> constants = node.constants;
List<DartObjectImpl> constantValues = new List<DartObjectImpl>();
int constantCount = constants.length;
for (int i = 0; i < constantCount; i++) {
EnumConstantDeclaration constant = constants[i];
FieldElementImpl constantField =;
// Create a value for the constant.
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldMap =
new HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl>();
fieldMap[indexFieldName] = new DartObjectImpl(intType, new IntState(i));
DartObjectImpl value =
new DartObjectImpl(enumType, new GenericState(fieldMap));
constantField.evaluationResult = new EvaluationResultImpl(value);
// Build the value of the 'values' field.
valuesField.evaluationResult = new EvaluationResultImpl(
new DartObjectImpl(valuesField.type, new ListState(constantValues)));
// Update toString() return type.
MethodElementImpl toStringMethod = enumElement.methods[0];
toStringMethod.returnType = _typeProvider.stringType;
toStringMethod.type = new FunctionTypeImpl(toStringMethod);
// Finish building the enum.
enumElement.fields = fields;
enumElement.accessors = getters;
// Client code isn't allowed to invoke the constructor, so we do not model
// it.
return super.visitEnumDeclaration(node);
* Create a getter that corresponds to the given [field].
PropertyAccessorElement _createGetter(FieldElementImpl field) {
return new PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitGetter(field);
* Instances of the class `ExitDetector` determine whether the visited AST node is guaranteed
* to terminate by executing a `return` statement, `throw` expression, `rethrow`
* expression, or simple infinite loop such as `while(true)`.
class ExitDetector extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<bool> {
* Set to `true` when a `break` is encountered, and reset to `false` when a
* `do`, `while`, `for` or `switch` block is entered.
bool _enclosingBlockContainsBreak = false;
* Set to `true` when a `continue` is encountered, and reset to `false` when a
* `do`, `while`, `for` or `switch` block is entered.
bool _enclosingBlockContainsContinue = false;
* Add node when a labelled `break` is encountered.
Set<AstNode> _enclosingBlockBreaksLabel = new Set<AstNode>();
bool visitArgumentList(ArgumentList node) =>
bool visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) => _nodeExits(node.expression);
bool visitAssertInitializer(AssertInitializer node) => false;
bool visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) => false;
bool visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
Expression leftHandSide = node.leftHandSide;
if (_nodeExits(leftHandSide)) {
return true;
TokenType operatorType = node.operator.type;
if (operatorType == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND_EQ ||
operatorType == TokenType.BAR_BAR_EQ ||
operatorType == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION_EQ) {
return false;
if (leftHandSide is PropertyAccess &&
leftHandSide.operator.type == TokenType.QUESTION_PERIOD) {
return false;
return _nodeExits(node.rightHandSide);
bool visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) =>
bool visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
Expression lhsExpression = node.leftOperand;
Expression rhsExpression = node.rightOperand;
TokenType operatorType = node.operator.type;
// If the operator is ||, then only consider the RHS of the binary
// expression if the left hand side is the false literal.
// TODO(jwren) Do we want to take constant expressions into account,
// evaluate if(false) {} differently than if(<condition>), when <condition>
// evaluates to a constant false value?
if (operatorType == TokenType.BAR_BAR) {
if (lhsExpression is BooleanLiteral) {
if (!lhsExpression.value) {
return _nodeExits(rhsExpression);
return _nodeExits(lhsExpression);
// If the operator is &&, then only consider the RHS of the binary
// expression if the left hand side is the true literal.
if (operatorType == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND) {
if (lhsExpression is BooleanLiteral) {
if (lhsExpression.value) {
return _nodeExits(rhsExpression);
return _nodeExits(lhsExpression);
// If the operator is ??, then don't consider the RHS of the binary
// expression.
if (operatorType == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION) {
return _nodeExits(lhsExpression);
return _nodeExits(lhsExpression) || _nodeExits(rhsExpression);
bool visitBlock(Block node) => _visitStatements(node.statements);
bool visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) => _nodeExits(node.block);
bool visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak = true;
if (node.label != null) {
return false;
bool visitCascadeExpression(CascadeExpression node) =>
_nodeExits( || _visitExpressions(node.cascadeSections);
bool visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
Expression conditionExpression = node.condition;
Expression thenStatement = node.thenExpression;
Expression elseStatement = node.elseExpression;
// TODO(jwren) Do we want to take constant expressions into account,
// evaluate if(false) {} differently than if(<condition>), when <condition>
// evaluates to a constant false value?
if (_nodeExits(conditionExpression)) {
return true;
if (thenStatement == null || elseStatement == null) {
return false;
return thenStatement.accept(this) && elseStatement.accept(this);
bool visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
_enclosingBlockContainsContinue = true;
return false;
bool visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
bool outerBreakValue = _enclosingBlockContainsBreak;
bool outerContinueValue = _enclosingBlockContainsContinue;
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak = false;
_enclosingBlockContainsContinue = false;
try {
bool bodyExits = _nodeExits(node.body);
bool containsBreakOrContinue =
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak || _enclosingBlockContainsContinue;
// Even if we determine that the body "exits", there might be break or
// continue statements that actually mean it _doesn't_ always exit.
if (bodyExits && !containsBreakOrContinue) {
return true;
Expression conditionExpression = node.condition;
if (_nodeExits(conditionExpression)) {
return true;
// TODO(jwren) Do we want to take all constant expressions into account?
if (conditionExpression is BooleanLiteral) {
// If do {} while (true), and the body doesn't break, then return true.
if (conditionExpression.value && !_enclosingBlockContainsBreak) {
return true;
return false;
} finally {
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak = outerBreakValue;
_enclosingBlockContainsContinue = outerContinueValue;
bool visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) => false;
bool visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) =>
bool visitForEachStatement(ForEachStatement node) {
bool outerBreakValue = _enclosingBlockContainsBreak;
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak = false;
try {
return _nodeExits(node.iterable);
} finally {
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak = outerBreakValue;
bool visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
bool outerBreakValue = _enclosingBlockContainsBreak;
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak = false;
try {
if (node.variables != null &&
_visitVariableDeclarations(node.variables.variables)) {
return true;
if (node.initialization != null && _nodeExits(node.initialization)) {
return true;
Expression conditionExpression = node.condition;
if (conditionExpression != null && _nodeExits(conditionExpression)) {
return true;
if (_visitExpressions(node.updaters)) {
return true;
bool blockReturns = _nodeExits(node.body);
// TODO(jwren) Do we want to take all constant expressions into account?
// If for(; true; ) (or for(;;)), and the body doesn't return or the body
// doesn't have a break, then return true.
bool implicitOrExplictTrue = conditionExpression == null ||
(conditionExpression is BooleanLiteral && conditionExpression.value);
if (implicitOrExplictTrue) {
if (blockReturns || !_enclosingBlockContainsBreak) {
return true;
return false;
} finally {
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak = outerBreakValue;
bool visitFunctionDeclarationStatement(FunctionDeclarationStatement node) =>
bool visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) => false;
bool visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) {
if (_nodeExits(node.function)) {
return true;
return node.argumentList.accept(this);
bool visitGenericFunctionType(GenericFunctionType node) => false;
bool visitIdentifier(Identifier node) => false;
bool visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
Expression conditionExpression = node.condition;
Statement thenStatement = node.thenStatement;
Statement elseStatement = node.elseStatement;
if (_nodeExits(conditionExpression)) {
return true;
// TODO(jwren) Do we want to take all constant expressions into account?
if (conditionExpression is BooleanLiteral) {
if (conditionExpression.value) {
// if (true) ...
return _nodeExits(thenStatement);
} else if (elseStatement != null) {
// if (false) ...
return _nodeExits(elseStatement);
bool thenExits = _nodeExits(thenStatement);
bool elseExits = _nodeExits(elseStatement);
if (thenStatement == null || elseStatement == null) {
return false;
return thenExits && elseExits;
bool visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
Expression target = node.realTarget;
if (_nodeExits(target)) {
return true;
if (_nodeExits(node.index)) {
return true;
return false;
bool visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) =>
bool visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) => node.expression.accept(this);
bool visitLabel(Label node) => false;
bool visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
try {
bool statementExits = _nodeExits(node.statement);
bool neverBrokeFromLabel =
return statementExits && neverBrokeFromLabel;
} finally {
bool visitLiteral(Literal node) => false;
bool visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
Expression target = node.realTarget;
if (target != null) {
if (target.accept(this)) {
return true;
if (node.operator.type == TokenType.QUESTION_PERIOD) {
return false;
Element element = node.methodName.staticElement;
if (element != null && element.hasAlwaysThrows) {
return true;
return _nodeExits(node.argumentList);
bool visitNamedExpression(NamedExpression node) =>
bool visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) =>
bool visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) => false;
bool visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) => false;
bool visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
Expression target = node.realTarget;
if (target != null && target.accept(this)) {
return true;
return false;
bool visitRethrowExpression(RethrowExpression node) => true;
bool visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) => true;
bool visitSuperExpression(SuperExpression node) => false;
bool visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) => _visitStatements(node.statements);
bool visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) =>
bool visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
bool outerBreakValue = _enclosingBlockContainsBreak;
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak = false;
try {
bool hasDefault = false;
bool hasNonExitingCase = false;
List<SwitchMember> members = node.members;
for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
SwitchMember switchMember = members[i];
if (switchMember is SwitchDefault) {
hasDefault = true;
// If this is the last member and there are no statements, then it
// does not exit.
if (switchMember.statements.isEmpty && i + 1 == members.length) {
hasNonExitingCase = true;
// For switch members with no statements, don't visit the children.
// Otherwise, if there children statements don't exit, mark this as a
// non-exiting case.
if (!switchMember.statements.isEmpty && !switchMember.accept(this)) {
hasNonExitingCase = true;
if (hasNonExitingCase) {
return false;
// As all cases exit, return whether that list includes `default`.
return hasDefault;
} finally {
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak = outerBreakValue;
bool visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) => false;
bool visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpression node) => true;
bool visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {
if (_nodeExits(node.finallyBlock)) {
return true;
if (!_nodeExits(node.body)) {
return false;
for (CatchClause c in node.catchClauses) {
if (!_nodeExits(c.body)) {
return false;
return true;
bool visitTypeName(TypeName node) => false;
bool visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
Expression initializer = node.initializer;
if (initializer != null) {
return initializer.accept(this);
return false;
bool visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) =>
bool visitVariableDeclarationStatement(VariableDeclarationStatement node) {
NodeList<VariableDeclaration> variables = node.variables.variables;
for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) {
if (variables[i].accept(this)) {
return true;
return false;
bool visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
bool outerBreakValue = _enclosingBlockContainsBreak;
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak = false;
try {
Expression conditionExpression = node.condition;
if (conditionExpression.accept(this)) {
return true;
// TODO(jwren) Do we want to take all constant expressions into account?
if (conditionExpression is BooleanLiteral) {
// If while(true), and the body doesn't have a break, then return true.
// The body might be found to exit, but if there are any break
// statements, then it is a faulty finding. In other words:
// * If the body exits, and does not contain a break statement, then
// it exits.
// * If the body does not exit, and does not contain a break statement,
// then it loops infinitely (also an exit).
// As both conditions forbid any break statements to be found, the logic
// just boils down to checking [_enclosingBlockContainsBreak].
if (conditionExpression.value && !_enclosingBlockContainsBreak) {
return true;
return false;
} finally {
_enclosingBlockContainsBreak = outerBreakValue;
bool visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) => _nodeExits(node.expression);
* Return `true` if the given node exits.
* @param node the node being tested
* @return `true` if the given node exits
bool _nodeExits(AstNode node) {
if (node == null) {
return false;
return node.accept(this);
bool _visitExpressions(NodeList<Expression> expressions) {
for (int i = expressions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (expressions[i].accept(this)) {
return true;
return false;
bool _visitStatements(NodeList<Statement> statements) {
for (int i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) {
if (statements[i].accept(this)) {
return true;
return false;
bool _visitVariableDeclarations(
NodeList<VariableDeclaration> variableDeclarations) {
for (int i = variableDeclarations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (variableDeclarations[i].accept(this)) {
return true;
return false;
* Return `true` if the given [node] exits.
static bool exits(AstNode node) {
return new ExitDetector()._nodeExits(node);
* A visitor that visits ASTs and fills [UsedImportedElements].
class GatherUsedImportedElementsVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
final LibraryElement library;
final UsedImportedElements usedElements = new UsedImportedElements();
void visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
void visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
void visitLibraryDirective(LibraryDirective node) {
void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
_visitIdentifier(node, node.staticElement);
* If the given [identifier] is prefixed with a [PrefixElement], fill the
* corresponding `UsedImportedElements.prefixMap` entry and return `true`.
bool _recordPrefixMap(SimpleIdentifier identifier, Element element) {
bool recordIfTargetIsPrefixElement(Expression target) {
if (target is SimpleIdentifier && target.staticElement is PrefixElement) {
List<Element> prefixedElements = usedElements.prefixMap
.putIfAbsent(target.staticElement, () => <Element>[]);
return true;
return false;
AstNode parent = identifier.parent;
if (parent is MethodInvocation && parent.methodName == identifier) {
return recordIfTargetIsPrefixElement(;
if (parent is PrefixedIdentifier && parent.identifier == identifier) {
return recordIfTargetIsPrefixElement(parent.prefix);
return false;
* Visit identifiers used by the given [directive].
void _visitDirective(Directive directive) {
void _visitIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier identifier, Element element) {
if (element == null) {
// If the element is multiply defined then call this method recursively for
// each of the conflicting elements.
if (element is MultiplyDefinedElement) {
List<Element> conflictingElements = element.conflictingElements;
int length = conflictingElements.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Element elt = conflictingElements[i];
_visitIdentifier(identifier, elt);
// Record `importPrefix.identifier` into 'prefixMap'.
if (_recordPrefixMap(identifier, element)) {
if (element is PrefixElement) {
usedElements.prefixMap.putIfAbsent(element, () => <Element>[]);
} else if (element.enclosingElement is! CompilationUnitElement) {
// Identifiers that aren't a prefix element and whose enclosing element
// isn't a CompilationUnit are ignored- this covers the case the
// identifier is a relative-reference, a reference to an identifier not
// imported by this library.
// Ignore if an unknown library.
LibraryElement containingLibrary = element.library;
if (containingLibrary == null) {
// Ignore if a local element.
if (library == containingLibrary) {
// Remember the element.
* An [AstVisitor] that fills [UsedLocalElements].
class GatherUsedLocalElementsVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
final UsedLocalElements usedElements = new UsedLocalElements();
final LibraryElement _enclosingLibrary;
ClassElement _enclosingClass;
ExecutableElement _enclosingExec;
visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter = node.exceptionParameter;
SimpleIdentifier stackTraceParameter = node.stackTraceParameter;
if (exceptionParameter != null) {
Element element = exceptionParameter.staticElement;
if (stackTraceParameter != null || node.onKeyword == null) {
if (stackTraceParameter != null) {
Element element = stackTraceParameter.staticElement;
visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
ClassElement enclosingClassOld = _enclosingClass;
try {
_enclosingClass = node.element;
} finally {
_enclosingClass = enclosingClassOld;
visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement enclosingExecOld = _enclosingExec;
try {
_enclosingExec = node.element;
} finally {
_enclosingExec = enclosingExecOld;
visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
if (node.parent is! FunctionDeclaration) {
visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement enclosingExecOld = _enclosingExec;
try {
_enclosingExec = node.element;
} finally {
_enclosingExec = enclosingExecOld;
visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (node.inDeclarationContext()) {
Element element = node.staticElement;
bool isIdentifierRead = _isReadIdentifier(node);
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement &&
element.isSynthetic &&
isIdentifierRead &&
element.variable is TopLevelVariableElement) {
} else if (element is LocalVariableElement) {
if (isIdentifierRead) {
} else {
if (element == null ||
element.enclosingElement is ClassElement &&
!identical(element, _enclosingExec)) {
if (isIdentifierRead) {
* Marks an [Element] of [node] as used in the library.
void _useIdentifierElement(Identifier node) {
Element element = node.staticElement;
if (element == null) {
// check if a local element
if (!identical(element.library, _enclosingLibrary)) {
// ignore references to an element from itself
if (identical(element, _enclosingClass)) {
if (identical(element, _enclosingExec)) {
// ignore places where the element is not actually used
if (node.parent is TypeName) {
if (element is ClassElement) {
AstNode parent2 = node.parent.parent;
if (parent2 is IsExpression) {
if (parent2 is VariableDeclarationList) {
// If it's a field's type, it still counts as used.
if (parent2.parent is! FieldDeclaration) {
// OK
static bool _isReadIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
// not reading at all
if (!node.inGetterContext()) {
return false;
// check if useless reading
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent.parent is ExpressionStatement) {
if (parent is PrefixExpression || parent is PostfixExpression) {
// v++;
// ++v;
return false;
if (parent is AssignmentExpression && parent.leftHandSide == node) {
// v ??= doSomething();
// vs.
// v += 2;
TokenType operatorType = parent.operator?.type;
return operatorType == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION_EQ;
// OK
return true;
* Instances of the class `ImportsVerifier` visit all of the referenced libraries in the source code
* verifying that all of the imports are used, otherwise a [HintCode.UNUSED_IMPORT] hint is
* generated with [generateUnusedImportHints].
* Additionally, [generateDuplicateImportHints] generates [HintCode.DUPLICATE_IMPORT] hints and
* [HintCode.UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME] hints.
* While this class does not yet have support for an "Organize Imports" action, this logic built up
* in this class could be used for such an action in the future.
class ImportsVerifier {
* All [ImportDirective]s of the current library.
final List<ImportDirective> _allImports = <ImportDirective>[];
* A list of [ImportDirective]s that the current library imports, but does not use.
* As identifiers are visited by this visitor and an import has been identified as being used
* by the library, the [ImportDirective] is removed from this list. After all the sources in the
* library have been evaluated, this list represents the set of unused imports.
* See [ImportsVerifier.generateUnusedImportErrors].
final List<ImportDirective> _unusedImports = <ImportDirective>[];
* After the list of [unusedImports] has been computed, this list is a proper subset of the
* unused imports that are listed more than once.
final List<ImportDirective> _duplicateImports = <ImportDirective>[];
* The cache of [Namespace]s for [ImportDirective]s.
final HashMap<ImportDirective, Namespace> _namespaceMap =
new HashMap<ImportDirective, Namespace>();
* This is a map between prefix elements and the import directives from which they are derived. In
* cases where a type is referenced via a prefix element, the import directive can be marked as
* used (removed from the unusedImports) by looking at the resolved `lib` in `lib.X`,
* instead of looking at which library the `lib.X` resolves.
* TODO (jwren) Since multiple [ImportDirective]s can share the same [PrefixElement],
* it is possible to have an unreported unused import in situations where two imports use the same
* prefix and at least one import directive is used.
final HashMap<PrefixElement, List<ImportDirective>> _prefixElementMap =
new HashMap<PrefixElement, List<ImportDirective>>();
* A map of identifiers that the current library's imports show, but that the library does not
* use.
* Each import directive maps to a list of the identifiers that are imported via the "show"
* keyword.
* As each identifier is visited by this visitor, it is identified as being used by the library,
* and the identifier is removed from this map (under the import that imported it). After all the
* sources in the library have been evaluated, each list in this map's values present the set of
* unused shown elements.
* See [ImportsVerifier.generateUnusedShownNameHints].
final HashMap<ImportDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>> _unusedShownNamesMap =
new HashMap<ImportDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>>();
* A map of names that are hidden more than once.
final HashMap<NamespaceDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>>
_duplicateHiddenNamesMap =
new HashMap<NamespaceDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>>();
* A map of names that are shown more than once.
final HashMap<NamespaceDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>>
_duplicateShownNamesMap =
new HashMap<NamespaceDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier>>();
void addImports(CompilationUnit node) {
for (Directive directive in node.directives) {
if (directive is ImportDirective) {
LibraryElement libraryElement = directive.uriElement;
if (libraryElement == null) {
// Initialize prefixElementMap
if (directive.asKeyword != null) {
SimpleIdentifier prefixIdentifier = directive.prefix;
if (prefixIdentifier != null) {
Element element = prefixIdentifier.staticElement;
if (element is PrefixElement) {
List<ImportDirective> list = _prefixElementMap[element];
if (list == null) {
list = new List<ImportDirective>();
_prefixElementMap[element] = list;
// TODO (jwren) Can the element ever not be a PrefixElement?
if (directive is NamespaceDirective) {
if (_unusedImports.length > 1) {
// order the list of unusedImports to find duplicates in faster than
// O(n^2) time
List<ImportDirective> importDirectiveArray =
new List<ImportDirective>.from(_unusedImports);
ImportDirective currentDirective = importDirectiveArray[0];
for (int i = 1; i < importDirectiveArray.length; i++) {
ImportDirective nextDirective = importDirectiveArray[i];
if (ImportDirective.COMPARATOR(currentDirective, nextDirective) == 0) {
// Add either the currentDirective or nextDirective depending on which
// comes second, this guarantees that the first of the duplicates
// won't be highlighted.
if (currentDirective.offset < nextDirective.offset) {
} else {
currentDirective = nextDirective;
* Any time after the defining compilation unit has been visited by this visitor, this method can
* be called to report an [HintCode.DUPLICATE_IMPORT] hint for each of the import directives
* in the [duplicateImports] list.
* @param errorReporter the error reporter to report the set of [HintCode.DUPLICATE_IMPORT]
* hints to
void generateDuplicateImportHints(ErrorReporter errorReporter) {
int length = _duplicateImports.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
HintCode.DUPLICATE_IMPORT, _duplicateImports[i].uri);
* Report an [HintCode.UNUSED_IMPORT] hint for each unused import.
* Only call this method after all of the compilation units have been visited by this visitor.
* @param errorReporter the error reporter used to report the set of [HintCode.UNUSED_IMPORT]
* hints
void generateUnusedImportHints(ErrorReporter errorReporter) {
int length = _unusedImports.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ImportDirective unusedImport = _unusedImports[i];
// Check that the imported URI exists and isn't dart:core
ImportElement importElement = unusedImport.element;
if (importElement != null) {
LibraryElement libraryElement = importElement.importedLibrary;
if (libraryElement == null ||
libraryElement.isDartCore ||
libraryElement.isSynthetic) {
StringLiteral uri = unusedImport.uri;
.reportErrorForNode(HintCode.UNUSED_IMPORT, uri, [uri.stringValue]);
* Report an [HintCode.UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME] hint for each unused shown name.
* Only call this method after all of the compilation units have been visited by this visitor.
* @param errorReporter the error reporter used to report the set of [HintCode.UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME]
* hints
void generateUnusedShownNameHints(ErrorReporter reporter) {
(ImportDirective importDirective, List<SimpleIdentifier> identifiers) {
if (_unusedImports.contains(importDirective)) {
// This import is actually wholly unused, not just one or more shown names from it.
// This is then an "unused import", rather than unused shown names.
int length = identifiers.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Identifier identifier = identifiers[i];
HintCode.UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME, identifier, []);
* Report a [HintCode.DUPLICATE_SHOWN_HIDDEN_NAME] hint for each duplicate
* shown or hidden name.
* Only call this method after all of the compilation units have been visited
* by this visitor.
* @param errorReporter the error reporter used to report the set of
* [HintCode.UNUSED_SHOWN_NAME] hints
void generateDuplicateShownHiddenNameHints(ErrorReporter reporter) {
(NamespaceDirective directive, List<SimpleIdentifier> identifiers) {
int length = identifiers.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Identifier identifier = identifiers[i];
HintCode.DUPLICATE_HIDDEN_NAME, identifier, []);
(NamespaceDirective directive, List<SimpleIdentifier> identifiers) {
int length = identifiers.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Identifier identifier = identifiers[i];
HintCode.DUPLICATE_SHOWN_NAME, identifier, []);
* Remove elements from [_unusedImports] using the given [usedElements].
void removeUsedElements(UsedImportedElements usedElements) {
// Stop if all the imports and shown names are known to be used.
if (_unusedImports.isEmpty && _unusedShownNamesMap.isEmpty) {
// Process import prefixes.
.forEach((PrefixElement prefix, List<Element> elements) {
List<ImportDirective> importDirectives = _prefixElementMap[prefix];
if (importDirectives != null) {
int importLength = importDirectives.length;
for (int i = 0; i < importLength; i++) {
ImportDirective importDirective = importDirectives[i];
int elementLength = elements.length;
for (int j = 0; j < elementLength; j++) {
Element element = elements[j];
_removeFromUnusedShownNamesMap(element, importDirective);
// Process top-level elements.
for (Element element in usedElements.elements) {
// Stop if all the imports and shown names are known to be used.
if (_unusedImports.isEmpty && _unusedShownNamesMap.isEmpty) {
// Find import directives using namespaces.
String name =;
for (ImportDirective importDirective in _allImports) {
Namespace namespace = _computeNamespace(importDirective);
if (namespace?.get(name) != null) {
_removeFromUnusedShownNamesMap(element, importDirective);
* Add every shown name from [importDirective] into [_unusedShownNamesMap].
void _addShownNames(ImportDirective importDirective) {
if (importDirective.combinators == null) {
List<SimpleIdentifier> identifiers = new List<SimpleIdentifier>();
_unusedShownNamesMap[importDirective] = identifiers;
for (Combinator combinator in importDirective.combinators) {
if (combinator is ShowCombinator) {
for (SimpleIdentifier name in combinator.shownNames) {
if (name.staticElement != null) {
* Add duplicate shown and hidden names from [directive] into
* [_duplicateHiddenNamesMap] and [_duplicateShownNamesMap].
void _addDuplicateShownHiddenNames(NamespaceDirective directive) {
if (directive.combinators == null) {
for (Combinator combinator in directive.combinators) {
// Use a Set to find duplicates in faster than O(n^2) time.
Set<Element> identifiers = new Set<Element>();
if (combinator is HideCombinator) {
for (SimpleIdentifier name in combinator.hiddenNames) {
if (name.staticElement != null) {
if (!identifiers.add(name.staticElement)) {
// [name] is a duplicate.
List<SimpleIdentifier> duplicateNames = _duplicateHiddenNamesMap
.putIfAbsent(directive, () => new List<SimpleIdentifier>());
} else if (combinator is ShowCombinator) {
for (SimpleIdentifier name in combinator.shownNames) {
if (name.staticElement != null) {
if (!identifiers.add(name.staticElement)) {
// [name] is a duplicate.
List<SimpleIdentifier> duplicateNames = _duplicateShownNamesMap
.putIfAbsent(directive, () => new List<SimpleIdentifier>());
* Lookup and return the [Namespace] from the [_namespaceMap].
* If the map does not have the computed namespace, compute it and cache it in the map. If
* [importDirective] is not resolved or is not resolvable, `null` is returned.
* @param importDirective the import directive used to compute the returned namespace
* @return the computed or looked up [Namespace]
Namespace _computeNamespace(ImportDirective importDirective) {
Namespace namespace = _namespaceMap[importDirective];
if (namespace == null) {
// If the namespace isn't in the namespaceMap, then compute and put it in
// the map.
ImportElement importElement = importDirective.element;
if (importElement != null) {
namespace = importElement.namespace;
_namespaceMap[importDirective] = namespace;
return namespace;
* Remove [element] from the list of names shown by [importDirective].
void _removeFromUnusedShownNamesMap(
Element element, ImportDirective importDirective) {
List<SimpleIdentifier> identifiers = _unusedShownNamesMap[importDirective];
if (identifiers == null) {
int length = identifiers.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Identifier identifier = identifiers[i];
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
// If the getter or setter of a variable is used, then the variable (the
// shown name) is used.
if (identifier.staticElement == element.variable) {
} else {
if (identifier.staticElement == element) {
if (identifiers.isEmpty) {
* Maintains and manages contextual type information used for
* inferring types.
class InferenceContext {
// TODO(leafp): Consider replacing these node properties with a
// hash table help in an instance of this class.
static const String _typeProperty =
* The error listener on which to record inference information.
final ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
* If true, emit hints when types are inferred
final bool _inferenceHints;
* Type provider, needed for type matching.
final TypeProvider _typeProvider;
* The type system in use.
final TypeSystem _typeSystem;
* When no context type is available, this will track the least upper bound
* of all return statements in a lambda.
* This will always be kept in sync with [_returnStack].
final List<DartType> _inferredReturn = <DartType>[];
* A stack of return types for all of the enclosing
* functions and methods.
final List<DartType> _returnStack = <DartType>[];
InferenceContext._(TypeProvider typeProvider, this._typeSystem,
this._inferenceHints, this._errorReporter)
: _typeProvider = typeProvider;
* Get the return type of the current enclosing function, if any.
* The type returned for a function is the type that is expected
* to be used in a return or yield context. For ordinary functions
* this is the same as the return type of the function. For async
* functions returning Future<T> and for generator functions
* returning Stream<T> or Iterable<T>, this is T.
DartType get returnContext =>
_returnStack.isNotEmpty ? _returnStack.last : null;
* Records the type of the expression of a return statement.
* This will be used for inferring a block bodied lambda, if no context
* type was available.
void addReturnOrYieldType(DartType type) {
if (_returnStack.isEmpty) {
DartType inferred = _inferredReturn.last;
inferred = _typeSystem.getLeastUpperBound(type, inferred);
_inferredReturn[_inferredReturn.length - 1] = inferred;
* Pop a return type off of the return stack.
* Also record any inferred return type using [setType], unless this node
* already has a context type. This recorded type will be the least upper
* bound of all types added with [addReturnOrYieldType].
void popReturnContext(FunctionBody node) {
if (_returnStack.isNotEmpty && _inferredReturn.isNotEmpty) {
DartType context = _returnStack.removeLast() ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
DartType inferred = _inferredReturn.removeLast();
if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(inferred, context)) {
setType(node, inferred);
} else {
* Push a block function body's return type onto the return stack.
void pushReturnContext(FunctionBody node) {
* Place an info node into the error stream indicating that a
* [type] has been inferred as the type of [node].
void recordInference(Expression node, DartType type) {
if (!_inferenceHints) {
ErrorCode error;
if (node is Literal) {
error = StrongModeCode.INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL;
} else if (node is InstanceCreationExpression) {
} else if (node is FunctionExpression) {
error = StrongModeCode.INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE;
} else {
error = StrongModeCode.INFERRED_TYPE;
_errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(error, node, [node, type]);
* Clear the type information associated with [node].
static void clearType(AstNode node) {
node?.setProperty(_typeProperty, null);
* Look for contextual type information attached to [node], and returns
* the type if found.
* The returned type may be partially or completely unknown, denoted with an
* unknown type `?`, for example `List<?>` or `(?, int) -> void`.
* You can use [StrongTypeSystemImpl.upperBoundForType] or
* [StrongTypeSystemImpl.lowerBoundForType] if you would prefer a known type
* that represents the bound of the context type.
static DartType getContext(AstNode node) => node?.getProperty(_typeProperty);
* Attach contextual type information [type] to [node] for use during
* inference.
static void setType(AstNode node, DartType type) {
if (type == null || type.isDynamic) {
} else {
node?.setProperty(_typeProperty, type);
* Attach contextual type information [type] to [node] for use during
* inference.
static void setTypeFromNode(AstNode innerNode, AstNode outerNode) {
setType(innerNode, getContext(outerNode));
* The four states of a field initialization state through a constructor
* signature, not initialized, initialized in the field declaration, initialized
* in the field formal, and finally, initialized in the initializers list.
class INIT_STATE implements Comparable<INIT_STATE> {
static const INIT_STATE NOT_INIT = const INIT_STATE('NOT_INIT', 0);
static const List<INIT_STATE> values = const [
* The name of this init state.
final String name;
* The ordinal value of the init state.
final int ordinal;
const INIT_STATE(, this.ordinal);
int get hashCode => ordinal;
int compareTo(INIT_STATE other) => ordinal - other.ordinal;
String toString() => name;
* An AST visitor that is used to re-resolve the initializers of instance
* fields. Although this class is an AST visitor, clients are expected to use
* the method [resolveCompilationUnit] to run it over a compilation unit.
class InstanceFieldResolverVisitor extends ResolverVisitor {
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in an AST node.
* The [definingLibrary] is the element for the library containing the node
* being visited. The [source] is the source representing the compilation unit
* containing the node being visited. The [typeProvider] is the object used to
* access the types from the core library. The [errorListener] is the error
* listener that will be informed of any errors that are found during
* resolution. The [nameScope] is the scope used to resolve identifiers in the
* node that will first be visited. If `null` or unspecified, a new
* [LibraryScope] will be created based on the [definingLibrary].
InstanceFieldResolverVisitor(LibraryElement definingLibrary, Source source,
TypeProvider typeProvider, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener,
{Scope nameScope})
: super(definingLibrary, source, typeProvider, errorListener,
nameScope: nameScope);
* Resolve the instance fields in the given compilation unit [node].
void resolveCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
try {
NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> declarations = node.declarations;
int declarationCount = declarations.length;
for (int i = 0; i < declarationCount; i++) {
CompilationUnitMember declaration = declarations[i];
if (declaration is ClassDeclaration) {
} finally {
* Resolve the instance fields in the given class declaration [node].
void _resolveClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
_enclosingClassDeclaration = node;
ClassElement outerType = enclosingClass;
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
enclosingClass = node.element;
typeAnalyzer.thisType = enclosingClass?.type;
if (enclosingClass == null) {
"Missing element for class declaration ${
.name} in ${definingLibrary.source.fullName}",
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
// Don't try to re-resolve the initializers if we cannot set up the
// right name scope for resolution.
} else {
nameScope = new ClassScope(nameScope, enclosingClass);
NodeList<ClassMember> members = node.members;
int length = members.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ClassMember member = members[i];
if (member is FieldDeclaration) {
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
typeAnalyzer.thisType = outerType?.type;
enclosingClass = outerType;
_enclosingClassDeclaration = null;
* Resolve the instance fields in the given field declaration [node].
void _resolveFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
if (!node.isStatic) {
for (VariableDeclaration field in node.fields.variables) {
if (field.initializer != null) {
FieldElement fieldElement =;
if (fieldElement.initializer != null) {
(fieldElement.initializer as ExecutableElementImpl).returnType =
* Instances of the class `OverrideVerifier` visit all of the declarations in a compilation
* unit to verify that if they have an override annotation it is being used correctly.
class OverrideVerifier extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
* The error reporter used to report errors.
final ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
* The inheritance manager used to find overridden methods.
final InheritanceManager _manager;
* Initialize a newly created verifier to look for inappropriate uses of the override annotation.
* @param errorReporter the error reporter used to report errors
* @param manager the inheritance manager used to find overridden methods
OverrideVerifier(this._errorReporter, this._manager);
visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
for (VariableDeclaration field in node.fields.variables) {
VariableElement fieldElement = field.element;
if (fieldElement is FieldElement && _isOverride(fieldElement)) {
PropertyAccessorElement getter = fieldElement.getter;
PropertyAccessorElement setter = fieldElement.setter;
if (!(getter != null && _getOverriddenMember(getter) != null ||
setter != null && _getOverriddenMember(setter) != null)) {
visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement element = node.element;
if (_isOverride(element)) {
if (_getOverriddenMember(element) == null) {
if (element is MethodElement) {
} else if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
if (element.isGetter) {
} else {
* Return the member that overrides the given member.
* @param member the member that overrides the returned member
* @return the member that overrides the given member
ExecutableElement _getOverriddenMember(ExecutableElement member) {
LibraryElement library = member.library;
if (library == null) {
return null;
ClassElement classElement =
member.getAncestor((element) => element is ClassElement);
if (classElement == null) {
return null;
return _manager.lookupInheritance(classElement,;
* Return `true` if the given element has an override annotation associated with it.
* @param element the element being tested
* @return `true` if the element has an override annotation associated with it
bool _isOverride(Element element) => element != null && element.hasOverride;
* An AST visitor that is used to resolve the some of the nodes within a single
* compilation unit. The nodes that are skipped are those that are within
* function bodies.
class PartialResolverVisitor extends ResolverVisitor {
* The static variables and fields that have an initializer. These are the
* variables that need to be re-resolved after static variables have their
* types inferred. A subset of these variables are those whose types should
* be inferred.
final List<VariableElement> staticVariables = <VariableElement>[];
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in an AST node.
* The [definingLibrary] is the element for the library containing the node
* being visited. The [source] is the source representing the compilation unit
* containing the node being visited. The [typeProvider] is the object used to
* access the types from the core library. The [errorListener] is the error
* listener that will be informed of any errors that are found during
* resolution. The [nameScope] is the scope used to resolve identifiers in the
* node that will first be visited. If `null` or unspecified, a new
* [LibraryScope] will be created based on [definingLibrary] and
* [typeProvider]. The [inheritanceManager] is used to perform inheritance
* lookups. If `null` or unspecified, a new [InheritanceManager] will be
* created based on [definingLibrary]. The [typeAnalyzerFactory] is used to
* create the type analyzer. If `null` or unspecified, a type analyzer of
* type [StaticTypeAnalyzer] will be created.
PartialResolverVisitor(LibraryElement definingLibrary, Source source,
TypeProvider typeProvider, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener,
{Scope nameScope})
: super(definingLibrary, source, typeProvider, errorListener,
nameScope: nameScope);
Object visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) {
if (_shouldBeSkipped(node)) {
return null;
return super.visitBlockFunctionBody(node);
Object visitExpressionFunctionBody(ExpressionFunctionBody node) {
if (_shouldBeSkipped(node)) {
return null;
return super.visitExpressionFunctionBody(node);
Object visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
if (node.isStatic) {
return super.visitFieldDeclaration(node);
Object visitNode(AstNode node) {
return super.visitNode(node);
Object visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(TopLevelVariableDeclaration node) {
return super.visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(node);
* Add all of the [variables] with initializers to the list of variables whose
* type can be inferred. Technically, we only infer the types of variables
* that do not have a static type, but all variables with initializers
* potentially need to be re-resolved after inference because they might
* refer to a field whose type was inferred.
void _addStaticVariables(List<VariableDeclaration> variables) {
int length = variables.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
VariableDeclaration variable = variables[i];
if ( && variable.initializer != null) {
* Return `true` if the given function body should be skipped because it is
* the body of a top-level function, method or constructor.
bool _shouldBeSkipped(FunctionBody body) {
AstNode parent = body.parent;
if (parent is MethodDeclaration) {
return parent.body == body;
if (parent is ConstructorDeclaration) {
return parent.body == body;
if (parent is FunctionExpression) {
AstNode parent2 = parent.parent;
if (parent2 is FunctionDeclaration &&
parent2.parent is! FunctionDeclarationStatement) {
return parent.body == body;
return false;
* Kind of the redirecting constructor.
class RedirectingConstructorKind
implements Comparable<RedirectingConstructorKind> {
static const RedirectingConstructorKind CONST =
const RedirectingConstructorKind('CONST', 0);
static const RedirectingConstructorKind NORMAL =
const RedirectingConstructorKind('NORMAL', 1);
static const List<RedirectingConstructorKind> values = const [CONST, NORMAL];
* The name of this redirecting constructor kind.
final String name;
* The ordinal value of the redirecting constructor kind.
final int ordinal;
const RedirectingConstructorKind(, this.ordinal);
int get hashCode => ordinal;
int compareTo(RedirectingConstructorKind other) => ordinal - other.ordinal;
String toString() => name;
* The enumeration `ResolverErrorCode` defines the error codes used for errors
* detected by the resolver. The convention for this class is for the name of
* the error code to indicate the problem that caused the error to be generated
* and for the error message to explain what is wrong and, when appropriate, how
* the problem can be corrected.
class ResolverErrorCode extends ErrorCode {
static const ResolverErrorCode BREAK_LABEL_ON_SWITCH_MEMBER =
const ResolverErrorCode('BREAK_LABEL_ON_SWITCH_MEMBER',
"Break label resolves to case or default statement");
static const ResolverErrorCode CONTINUE_LABEL_ON_SWITCH =
const ResolverErrorCode('CONTINUE_LABEL_ON_SWITCH',
"A continue label resolves to switch, must be loop or switch member");
static const ResolverErrorCode MISSING_LIBRARY_DIRECTIVE_WITH_PART =
"Libraries that have parts must have a library directive");
* Parts: It is a static warning if the referenced part declaration
* <i>p</i> names a library that does not have a library tag.
* Parameters:
* 0: the URI of the expected library
* 1: the non-matching actual library name from the "part of" declaration
static const ResolverErrorCode PART_OF_UNNAMED_LIBRARY =
const ResolverErrorCode(
"Library is unnamed. Expected a URI not a library name '{0}' in the "
"part-of directive.",
"Try changing the part-of directive to a URI, or try including a"
" different part.");
* Initialize a newly created error code to have the given [name]. The message
* associated with the error will be created from the given [message]
* template. The correction associated with the error will be created from the
* given [correction] template.
const ResolverErrorCode(String name, String message, {String correction})
: super.temporary(name, message, correction: correction);
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => type.severity;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.COMPILE_TIME_ERROR;
* Instances of the class `ResolverVisitor` are used to resolve the nodes within a single
* compilation unit.
class ResolverVisitor extends ScopedVisitor {
* The object used to resolve the element associated with the current node.
ElementResolver elementResolver;
* The object used to compute the type associated with the current node.
StaticTypeAnalyzer typeAnalyzer;
* The type system in use during resolution.
TypeSystem typeSystem;
* The class declaration representing the class containing the current node, or `null` if
* the current node is not contained in a class.
ClassDeclaration _enclosingClassDeclaration = null;
* The function type alias representing the function type containing the current node, or
* `null` if the current node is not contained in a function type alias.
FunctionTypeAlias _enclosingFunctionTypeAlias = null;
* The element representing the function containing the current node, or `null` if the
* current node is not contained in a function.
ExecutableElement _enclosingFunction = null;
InferenceContext inferenceContext = null;
* The object keeping track of which elements have had their types overridden.
TypeOverrideManager _overrideManager = new TypeOverrideManager();
* The object keeping track of which elements have had their types promoted.
TypePromotionManager _promoteManager = new TypePromotionManager();
* A comment before a function should be resolved in the context of the
* function. But when we incrementally resolve a comment, we don't want to
* resolve the whole function.
* So, this flag is set to `true`, when just context of the function should
* be built and the comment resolved.
bool resolveOnlyCommentInFunctionBody = false;
* Body of the function currently being analyzed, if any.
FunctionBody _currentFunctionBody;
* The type of the expression of the immediately enclosing [SwitchStatement],
* or `null` if not in a [SwitchStatement].
DartType _enclosingSwitchStatementExpressionType;
* Are we running in strong mode or not.
bool strongMode;
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in an AST node.
* The [definingLibrary] is the element for the library containing the node
* being visited. The [source] is the source representing the compilation unit
* containing the node being visited. The [typeProvider] is the object used to
* access the types from the core library. The [errorListener] is the error
* listener that will be informed of any errors that are found during
* resolution. The [nameScope] is the scope used to resolve identifiers in the
* node that will first be visited. If `null` or unspecified, a new
* [LibraryScope] will be created based on [definingLibrary] and
* [typeProvider]. The [inheritanceManager] is used to perform inheritance
* lookups. If `null` or unspecified, a new [InheritanceManager] will be
* created based on [definingLibrary]. The [typeAnalyzerFactory] is used to
* create the type analyzer. If `null` or unspecified, a type analyzer of
* type [StaticTypeAnalyzer] will be created.
ResolverVisitor(LibraryElement definingLibrary, Source source,
TypeProvider typeProvider, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener,
{Scope nameScope,
bool propagateTypes: true,
reportConstEvaluationErrors: true})
: super(definingLibrary, source, typeProvider, errorListener,
nameScope: nameScope) {
AnalysisOptions options = definingLibrary.context.analysisOptions;
this.strongMode = options.strongMode;
this.elementResolver = new ElementResolver(this,
reportConstEvaluationErrors: reportConstEvaluationErrors);
this.typeSystem = definingLibrary.context.typeSystem;
bool strongModeHints = false;
if (options is AnalysisOptionsImpl) {
strongModeHints = options.strongModeHints;
this.inferenceContext = new InferenceContext._(
typeProvider, typeSystem, strongModeHints, errorReporter);
this.typeAnalyzer =
new StaticTypeAnalyzer(this, propagateTypes: propagateTypes);
* Return the element representing the function containing the current node, or `null` if
* the current node is not contained in a function.
* @return the element representing the function containing the current node
ExecutableElement get enclosingFunction => _enclosingFunction;
* Return the object keeping track of which elements have had their types overridden.
* @return the object keeping track of which elements have had their types overridden
TypeOverrideManager get overrideManager => _overrideManager;
* Return the object keeping track of which elements have had their types promoted.
* @return the object keeping track of which elements have had their types promoted
TypePromotionManager get promoteManager => _promoteManager;
* Return the propagated element associated with the given expression whose type can be
* overridden, or `null` if there is no element whose type can be overridden.
* @param expression the expression with which the element is associated
* @return the element associated with the given expression
VariableElement getOverridablePropagatedElement(Expression expression) {
Element element = null;
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
element = expression.propagatedElement;
} else if (expression is PrefixedIdentifier) {
element = expression.propagatedElement;
} else if (expression is PropertyAccess) {
element = expression.propertyName.propagatedElement;
if (element is VariableElement) {
return element;
return null;
* Return the static element associated with the given expression whose type can be overridden, or
* `null` if there is no element whose type can be overridden.
* @param expression the expression with which the element is associated
* @return the element associated with the given expression
VariableElement getOverridableStaticElement(Expression expression) {
Element element = null;
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
element = expression.staticElement;
} else if (expression is PrefixedIdentifier) {
element = expression.staticElement;
} else if (expression is PropertyAccess) {
element = expression.propertyName.staticElement;
if (element is VariableElement) {
return element;
return null;
* Return the static element associated with the given expression whose type
* can be promoted, or `null` if there is no element whose type can be
* promoted.
VariableElement getPromotionStaticElement(Expression expression) {
expression = expression?.unParenthesized;
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
Element element = expression.staticElement;
if (element is VariableElement) {
ElementKind kind = element.kind;
if (kind == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE ||
kind == ElementKind.PARAMETER) {
return element;
return null;
* Prepares this [ResolverVisitor] to using it for incremental resolution.
void initForIncrementalResolution() {
* Given a downward inference type [fnType], and the declared
* [typeParameterList] for a function expression, determines if we can enable
* downward inference and if so, returns the function type to use for
* inference.
* This will return null if inference is not possible. This happens when
* there is no way we can find a subtype of the function type, given the
* provided type parameter list.
FunctionType matchFunctionTypeParameters(
TypeParameterList typeParameterList, FunctionType fnType) {
if (typeParameterList == null) {
if (fnType.typeFormals.isEmpty) {
return fnType;
// A non-generic function cannot be a subtype of a generic one.
return null;
NodeList<TypeParameter> typeParameters = typeParameterList.typeParameters;
if (fnType.typeFormals.isEmpty) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this is a legal subtype. We don't currently infer
// here, but we could. This is similar to
// StrongTypeSystemImpl.inferFunctionTypeInstantiation, but we don't
// have the FunctionType yet for the current node, so it's not quite
// straightforward to apply.
return null;
if (fnType.typeFormals.length != typeParameters.length) {
// A subtype cannot have different number of type formals.
return null;
// Same number of type formals. Instantiate the function type so its
// parameter and return type are in terms of the surrounding context.
return fnType.instantiate(typeParameters
.map((TypeParameter t) =>
( as TypeParameterElement).type)
* If it is appropriate to do so, override the current type of the static and propagated elements
* associated with the given expression with the given type. Generally speaking, it is appropriate
* if the given type is more specific than the current type.
* @param expression the expression used to access the static and propagated elements whose types
* might be overridden
* @param potentialType the potential type of the elements
* @param allowPrecisionLoss see @{code overrideVariable} docs
void overrideExpression(Expression expression, DartType potentialType,
bool allowPrecisionLoss, bool setExpressionType) {
VariableElement element = getOverridableStaticElement(expression);
if (element != null) {
DartType newBestType =
overrideVariable(element, potentialType, allowPrecisionLoss);
if (setExpressionType) {
recordPropagatedTypeIfBetter(expression, newBestType);
element = getOverridablePropagatedElement(expression);
if (element != null) {
overrideVariable(element, potentialType, allowPrecisionLoss);
* If it is appropriate to do so, override the current type of the given element with the given
* type.
* @param element the element whose type might be overridden
* @param potentialType the potential type of the element
* @param allowPrecisionLoss true if `potentialType` is allowed to be less precise than the
* current best type
* Return a new better [DartType], or `null` if [potentialType] is not better
* than the current [element] type.
DartType overrideVariable(VariableElement element, DartType potentialType,
bool allowPrecisionLoss) {
// TODO(scheglov) type propagation for instance/top-level fields
// was disabled because it depends on the order or visiting.
// If both field and its client are in the same unit, and we visit
// the client before the field, then propagated type is not set yet.
if (element is PropertyInducingElement) {
return null;
if (potentialType == null ||
potentialType.isBottom ||
potentialType.isDartCoreNull) {
return null;
DartType currentType = _overrideManager.getBestType(element);
if (potentialType == currentType) {
return null;
// If we aren't allowing precision loss then the third and fourth conditions
// check that we aren't losing precision.
// Let [C] be the current type and [P] be the potential type. When we
// aren't allowing precision loss -- which is the case for is-checks -- we
// check that [! (C << P)] or [P << C]. The second check, that [P << C], is
// analogous to part of the Dart Language Spec rule for type promotion under
// is-checks (in the analogy [T] is [P] and [S] is [C]):
// An is-expression of the form [v is T] shows that [v] has type [T] iff
// [T] is more specific than the type [S] of the expression [v] and both
// [T != dynamic] and [S != dynamic].
// It also covers an important case that is not applicable in the spec:
// for union types, we want an is-check to promote from an union type to
// (a subtype of) any of its members.
// The first check, that [! (C << P)], covers the case where [P] and [C] are
// unrelated types; This case is not addressed in the spec for static types.
if (currentType == null ||
allowPrecisionLoss ||
!currentType.isMoreSpecificThan(potentialType) ||
potentialType.isMoreSpecificThan(currentType)) {
_overrideManager.setType(element, potentialType);
return potentialType;
return null;
* A client is about to resolve a member in the given class declaration.
void prepareToResolveMembersInClass(ClassDeclaration node) {
_enclosingClassDeclaration = node;
enclosingClass = node.element;
typeAnalyzer.thisType = enclosingClass?.type;
* If the given [type] is valid, strongly more specific than the
* existing static type of the given [expression], record it as a propagated
* type of the given [expression]. Otherwise, reset it to `null`.
* If [hasOldPropagatedType] is `true` then the existing propagated type
* should also is checked.
void recordPropagatedTypeIfBetter(Expression expression, DartType type,
[bool hasOldPropagatedType = false]) {
// Ensure that propagated type invalid.
if (strongMode ||
type == null ||
type.isBottom ||
type.isDynamic ||
type.isDartCoreNull) {
if (!hasOldPropagatedType) {
expression.propagatedType = null;
// Ensure that propagated type is more specific than the static type.
DartType staticType = expression.staticType;
if (type == staticType || !type.isMoreSpecificThan(staticType)) {
expression.propagatedType = null;
// Ensure that the new propagated type is more specific than the old one.
if (hasOldPropagatedType) {
DartType oldPropagatedType = expression.propagatedType;
if (oldPropagatedType != null &&
!type.isMoreSpecificThan(oldPropagatedType)) {
// OK
expression.propagatedType = type;
* Visit the given [comment] if it is not `null`.
void safelyVisitComment(Comment comment) {
if (comment != null) {
Object visitAnnotation(Annotation node) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (identical(parent, _enclosingClassDeclaration) ||
identical(parent, _enclosingFunctionTypeAlias)) {
return null;
Element element = node.element;
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
InferenceContext.setType(node.arguments, element.type);
ElementAnnotationImpl elementAnnotationImpl = node.elementAnnotation;
if (elementAnnotationImpl == null) {
// Analyzer ignores annotations on "part of" directives.
assert(parent is PartOfDirective);
} else {
elementAnnotationImpl.annotationAst = _createCloner().cloneNode(node);
return null;
Object visitArgumentList(ArgumentList node) {
DartType callerType = InferenceContext.getContext(node);
if (callerType is FunctionType) {
Map<String, DartType> namedParameterTypes =
List<DartType> normalParameterTypes = callerType.normalParameterTypes;
List<DartType> optionalParameterTypes = callerType.optionalParameterTypes;
int normalCount = normalParameterTypes.length;
int optionalCount = optionalParameterTypes.length;
NodeList<Expression> arguments = node.arguments;
Iterable<Expression> positional =
arguments.takeWhile((l) => l is! NamedExpression);
Iterable<Expression> required = positional.take(normalCount);
Iterable<Expression> optional =
Iterable<Expression> named =
arguments.skipWhile((l) => l is! NamedExpression);
//TODO(leafp): Consider using the parameter elements here instead.
//TODO(leafp): Make sure that the parameter elements are getting
// setup correctly with inference.
int index = 0;
for (Expression argument in required) {
InferenceContext.setType(argument, normalParameterTypes[index++]);
index = 0;
for (Expression argument in optional) {
InferenceContext.setType(argument, optionalParameterTypes[index++]);
for (Expression argument in named) {
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
DartType type = namedParameterTypes[];
if (type != null) {
InferenceContext.setType(argument, type);
return super.visitArgumentList(node);
Object visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
// Since an as-statement doesn't actually change the type, we don't
// let it affect the propagated type when it would result in a loss
// of precision.
overrideExpression(node.expression, node.type.type, false, false);
return null;
Object visitAssertInitializer(AssertInitializer node) {
InferenceContext.setType(node.condition, typeProvider.boolType);
return null;
Object visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
InferenceContext.setType(node.condition, typeProvider.boolType);
return null;
Object visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
TokenType operator = node.operator.type;
if (operator == TokenType.EQ ||
operator == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION_EQ) {
node.rightHandSide, node.leftHandSide.staticType);
return null;
Object visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) {
DartType contextType = InferenceContext.getContext(node);
if (contextType != null) {
var futureUnion = _createFutureOr(contextType);
InferenceContext.setType(node.expression, futureUnion);
return super.visitAwaitExpression(node);
Object visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
TokenType operatorType = node.operator.type;
Expression leftOperand = node.leftOperand;
Expression rightOperand = node.rightOperand;
if (operatorType == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND) {
InferenceContext.setType(leftOperand, typeProvider.boolType);
InferenceContext.setType(rightOperand, typeProvider.boolType);
if (rightOperand != null) {
try {
try {
// Type promotion.
// Visit right operand.
} finally {
} finally {
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.BAR_BAR) {
InferenceContext.setType(leftOperand, typeProvider.boolType);
InferenceContext.setType(rightOperand, typeProvider.boolType);
if (rightOperand != null) {
try {
} finally {
} else {
// TODO(leafp): Do downwards inference using the declared type
// of the binary operator for other cases.
if (operatorType == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION) {
InferenceContext.setTypeFromNode(leftOperand, node);
if (operatorType == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION) {
// Set the right side, either from the context, or using the information
// from the left side if it is more precise.
DartType contextType = InferenceContext.getContext(node);
DartType leftType = leftOperand?.staticType;
if (contextType == null || contextType.isDynamic) {
contextType = leftType;
InferenceContext.setType(rightOperand, contextType);
return null;
Object visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) {
try {
} finally {
return null;
Object visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
// We do not visit the label because it needs to be visited in the context
// of the statement.
return null;
Object visitCascadeExpression(CascadeExpression node) {
InferenceContext.setTypeFromNode(, node);
return super.visitCascadeExpression(node);
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
// Resolve the metadata in the library scope.
_enclosingClassDeclaration = node;
// Continue the class resolution.
ClassElement outerType = enclosingClass;
try {
enclosingClass = node.element;
typeAnalyzer.thisType = enclosingClass?.type;
} finally {
typeAnalyzer.thisType = outerType?.type;
enclosingClass = outerType;
_enclosingClassDeclaration = null;
return null;
* Implementation of this method should be synchronized with
* [visitClassDeclaration].
visitClassDeclarationIncrementally(ClassDeclaration node) {
// Resolve the metadata in the library scope.
_enclosingClassDeclaration = node;
// Continue the class resolution.
enclosingClass = node.element;
typeAnalyzer.thisType = enclosingClass?.type;
Object visitComment(Comment node) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is FunctionDeclaration ||
parent is FunctionTypeAlias ||
parent is ConstructorDeclaration ||
parent is MethodDeclaration) {
return null;
return null;
Object visitCommentReference(CommentReference node) {
// We do not visit the identifier because it needs to be visited in the
// context of the reference.
return null;
Object visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
try {
NodeList<Directive> directives = node.directives;
int directiveCount = directives.length;
for (int i = 0; i < directiveCount; i++) {
NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> declarations = node.declarations;
int declarationCount = declarations.length;
for (int i = 0; i < declarationCount; i++) {
} finally {
return null;
Object visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
Expression condition = node.condition;
Expression thenExpression = node.thenExpression;
if (thenExpression != null) {
try {
try {
// Type promotion.
// Visit "then" expression.
InferenceContext.setTypeFromNode(thenExpression, node);
} finally {
} finally {
Expression elseExpression = node.elseExpression;
if (elseExpression != null) {
try {
InferenceContext.setTypeFromNode(elseExpression, node);
} finally {
bool thenIsAbrupt = _isAbruptTerminationExpression(thenExpression);
bool elseIsAbrupt = _isAbruptTerminationExpression(elseExpression);
if (elseIsAbrupt && !thenIsAbrupt) {
} else if (thenIsAbrupt && !elseIsAbrupt) {
return null;
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
FunctionBody outerFunctionBody = _currentFunctionBody;
try {
_currentFunctionBody = node.body;
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
FunctionType type = _enclosingFunction.type;
InferenceContext.setType(node.body, type.returnType);
} finally {
_currentFunctionBody = outerFunctionBody;
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
ConstructorElementImpl constructor = node.element;
constructor.constantInitializers =
return null;
void visitConstructorDeclarationInScope(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
// Because of needing a different scope for the initializer list, the
// overridden implementation of this method cannot cause the visitNode
// method to be invoked. As a result, we have to hard-code using the
// element resolver and type analyzer to visit the constructor declaration.
Object visitConstructorFieldInitializer(ConstructorFieldInitializer node) {
// We visit the expression, but do not visit the field name because it needs
// to be visited in the context of the constructor field initializer node.
FieldElement fieldElement = enclosingClass.getField(;
InferenceContext.setType(node.expression, fieldElement?.type);
return null;
Object visitConstructorName(ConstructorName node) {
// We do not visit either the type name, because it won't be visited anyway,
// or the name, because it needs to be visited in the context of the
// constructor name.
return null;
Object visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
// We do not visit the label because it needs to be visited in the context
// of the statement.
return null;
Object visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
ParameterElement element = node.element;
if (element.initializer != null && node.defaultValue != null) {
(element.initializer as FunctionElementImpl).returnType =
// Clone the ASTs for default formal parameters, so that we can use them
// during constant evaluation.
if (element is ConstVariableElement &&
!_hasSerializedConstantInitializer(element)) {
(element as ConstVariableElement).constantInitializer =
return null;
Object visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
try {
InferenceContext.setType(node.condition, typeProvider.boolType);
} finally {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) If the loop can only be exited because the condition
// is false, then propagateFalseState(node.getCondition());
return null;
Object visitEmptyFunctionBody(EmptyFunctionBody node) {
if (resolveOnlyCommentInFunctionBody) {
return null;
return super.visitEmptyFunctionBody(node);
Object visitEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration node) {
// Resolve the metadata in the library scope
// and associate the annotations with the element.
if (node.metadata != null) {
// Continue the enum resolution.
ClassElement outerType = enclosingClass;
try {
enclosingClass = node.element;
typeAnalyzer.thisType = enclosingClass?.type;
} finally {
typeAnalyzer.thisType = outerType?.type;
enclosingClass = outerType;
_enclosingClassDeclaration = null;
return null;
Object visitExpressionFunctionBody(ExpressionFunctionBody node) {
if (resolveOnlyCommentInFunctionBody) {
return null;
try {
InferenceContext.setTypeFromNode(node.expression, node);
DartType type = node.expression.staticType;
if (_enclosingFunction.isAsynchronous) {
type = type.flattenFutures(typeSystem);
if (type != null) {
} finally {
return null;
Object visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
try {
} finally {
Map<VariableElement, DartType> overrides =
return null;
Object visitForEachStatement(ForEachStatement node) {
try {
} finally {
return null;
void visitForEachStatementInScope(ForEachStatement node) {
Expression iterable = node.iterable;
DeclaredIdentifier loopVariable = node.loopVariable;
SimpleIdentifier identifier = node.identifier;
DartType valueType;
if (loopVariable != null) {
TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation = loopVariable.type;
valueType = typeAnnotation?.type ?? UnknownInferredType.instance;
if (identifier != null) {
Element element = identifier.staticElement;
if (element is VariableElement) {
valueType = element.type;
} else if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
if (element.parameters.isNotEmpty) {
valueType = element.parameters[0].type;
if (valueType != null) {
InterfaceType targetType = (node.awaitKeyword == null)
? typeProvider.iterableType
: typeProvider.streamType;
InferenceContext.setType(iterable, targetType.instantiate([valueType]));
// We visit the iterator before the loop variable because the loop variable
// cannot be in scope while visiting the iterator.
Statement body = node.body;
if (body != null) {
try {
if (loopVariable != null && iterable != null) {
LocalVariableElement loopElement = loopVariable.element;
if (loopElement != null) {
DartType propagatedType = null;
if (node.awaitKeyword == null) {
propagatedType = _getIteratorElementType(iterable);
} else {
propagatedType = _getStreamElementType(iterable);
if (propagatedType != null) {
overrideVariable(loopElement, propagatedType, true);
loopVariable.identifier, propagatedType);
} else if (identifier != null && iterable != null) {
Element identifierElement = identifier.staticElement;
if (identifierElement is VariableElement) {
DartType iteratorElementType = _getIteratorElementType(iterable);
overrideVariable(identifierElement, iteratorElementType, true);
recordPropagatedTypeIfBetter(identifier, iteratorElementType);
} finally {
Object visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
try {
} finally {
return null;
void visitForStatementInScope(ForStatement node) {
InferenceContext.setType(node.condition, typeProvider.boolType);
try {
} finally {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) If the loop can only be exited because the condition
// is false, then propagateFalseState(condition);
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
FunctionBody outerFunctionBody = _currentFunctionBody;
try {
SimpleIdentifier functionName =;
_currentFunctionBody = node.functionExpression.body;
_enclosingFunction = functionName.staticElement as ExecutableElement;
node.functionExpression, _enclosingFunction.type);
} finally {
_currentFunctionBody = outerFunctionBody;
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
return null;
void visitFunctionDeclarationInScope(FunctionDeclaration node) {
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
FunctionBody outerFunctionBody = _currentFunctionBody;
try {
_currentFunctionBody = node.body;
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
try {
DartType functionType = InferenceContext.getContext(node);
var ts = typeSystem;
if (functionType is FunctionType && ts is StrongTypeSystemImpl) {
functionType =
matchFunctionTypeParameters(node.typeParameters, functionType);
if (functionType is FunctionType) {
_inferFormalParameterList(node.parameters, functionType);
node.body, _computeReturnOrYieldType(functionType.returnType));
} finally {
} finally {
_currentFunctionBody = outerFunctionBody;
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
return null;
Object visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) {
return null;
Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
// Resolve the metadata in the library scope.
if (node.metadata != null) {
FunctionTypeAlias outerAlias = _enclosingFunctionTypeAlias;
_enclosingFunctionTypeAlias = node;
try {
} finally {
_enclosingFunctionTypeAlias = outerAlias;
return null;
void visitFunctionTypeAliasInScope(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
Object visitGenericFunctionType(GenericFunctionType node) => null;
Object visitGenericTypeAliasInFunctionScope(GenericTypeAlias node) {
return null;
Object visitHideCombinator(HideCombinator node) => null;
Object visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
Expression condition = node.condition;
InferenceContext.setType(condition, typeProvider.boolType);
Map<VariableElement, DartType> thenOverrides =
const <VariableElement, DartType>{};
Statement thenStatement = node.thenStatement;
if (thenStatement != null) {
try {
try {
// Type promotion.
// Visit "then".
} finally {
} finally {
thenOverrides = _overrideManager.captureLocalOverrides();
Map<VariableElement, DartType> elseOverrides =
const <VariableElement, DartType>{};
Statement elseStatement = node.elseStatement;
if (elseStatement != null) {
try {
} finally {
elseOverrides = _overrideManager.captureLocalOverrides();
// Join overrides.
bool thenIsAbrupt = _isAbruptTerminationStatement(thenStatement);
bool elseIsAbrupt = _isAbruptTerminationStatement(elseStatement);
if (elseIsAbrupt && !thenIsAbrupt) {
} else if (thenIsAbrupt && !elseIsAbrupt) {
} else if (!thenIsAbrupt && !elseIsAbrupt) {
List<Map<VariableElement, DartType>> perBranchOverrides =
<Map<VariableElement, DartType>>[];
return null;
Object visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
return null;
Object visitLabel(Label node) => null;
Object visitLibraryIdentifier(LibraryIdentifier node) => null;
Object visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
InterfaceType listT;
if (node.typeArguments != null) {
var targs = => t.type).toList();
if (targs.length == 1 && !targs[0].isDynamic) {
listT = typeProvider.listType.instantiate([targs[0]]);
} else if (strongMode) {
listT = typeAnalyzer.inferListType(node, downwards: true);
if (listT != null) {
DartType eType = listT.typeArguments[0];
for (Expression child in node.elements) {
InferenceContext.setType(child, eType);
InferenceContext.setType(node, listT);
} else {
return null;
Object visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
InterfaceType mapT;
if (node.typeArguments != null) {
var targs = => t.type).toList();
if (targs.length == 2 && targs.any((t) => !t.isDynamic)) {
mapT = typeProvider.mapType.instantiate([targs[0], targs[1]]);
} else if (strongMode) {
mapT = typeAnalyzer.inferMapType(node, downwards: true);
if (mapT != null) {
DartType kType = mapT.typeArguments[0];
DartType vType = mapT.typeArguments[1];
for (MapLiteralEntry entry in node.entries) {
InferenceContext.setType(entry.key, kType);
InferenceContext.setType(entry.value, vType);
InferenceContext.setType(node, mapT);
} else {
return null;
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
FunctionBody outerFunctionBody = _currentFunctionBody;
try {
_currentFunctionBody = node.body;
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
DartType returnType =
InferenceContext.setType(node.body, returnType);
} finally {
_currentFunctionBody = outerFunctionBody;
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
return null;
void visitMethodDeclarationInScope(MethodDeclaration node) {
Object visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
// We visit the target and argument list, but do not visit the method name
// because it needs to be visited in the context of the invocation.
return null;
Object visitNamedExpression(NamedExpression node) {
InferenceContext.setTypeFromNode(node.expression, node);
return super.visitNamedExpression(node);
Object visitNode(AstNode node) {
return null;
Object visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
InferenceContext.setTypeFromNode(node.expression, node);
return super.visitParenthesizedExpression(node);
Object visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
// We visit the prefix, but do not visit the identifier because it needs to
// be visited in the context of the prefix.
return null;
Object visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
// We visit the target, but do not visit the property name because it needs
// to be visited in the context of the property access node.
return null;
Object visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(
RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
// We visit the argument list, but do not visit the optional identifier
// because it needs to be visited in the context of the constructor
// invocation.
return null;
Object visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
Expression e = node.expression;
InferenceContext.setType(e, inferenceContext.returnContext);
DartType type = e?.staticType;
// Generators cannot return values, so don't try to do any inference if
// we're processing erroneous code.
if (type != null && _enclosingFunction?.isGenerator == false) {
if (_enclosingFunction.isAsynchronous) {
type = type.flattenFutures(typeSystem);
return null;
Object visitShowCombinator(ShowCombinator node) => null;
Object visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
// We visit the argument list, but do not visit the optional identifier
// because it needs to be visited in the context of the constructor
// invocation.
return null;
Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
try {
node.expression, _enclosingSwitchStatementExpressionType);
} finally {
return null;
Object visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) {
try {
} finally {
return null;
Object visitSwitchStatementInScope(SwitchStatement node) {
var previousExpressionType = _enclosingSwitchStatementExpressionType;
try {
_enclosingSwitchStatementExpressionType = node.expression.staticType;
} finally {
_enclosingSwitchStatementExpressionType = previousExpressionType;
return null;
Object visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(TopLevelVariableDeclaration node) {
try {
} finally {
Map<VariableElement, DartType> overrides =
return null;
Object visitTypeName(TypeName node) => null;
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
InferenceContext.setTypeFromNode(node.initializer, node);
VariableElement element = node.element;
if (element.initializer != null && node.initializer != null) {
(element.initializer as FunctionElementImpl).returnType =
// Note: in addition to cloning the initializers for const variables, we
// have to clone the initializers for non-static final fields (because if
// they occur in a class with a const constructor, they will be needed to
// evaluate the const constructor).
if (element is ConstVariableElement) {
(element as ConstVariableElement).constantInitializer =
return null;
visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
for (VariableDeclaration decl in node.variables) {
VariableElement variableElement =
InferenceContext.setType(decl, variableElement?.type);
Object visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
// Note: since we don't call the base class, we have to maintain
// _implicitLabelScope ourselves.
ImplicitLabelScope outerImplicitScope = _implicitLabelScope;
try {
_implicitLabelScope = _implicitLabelScope.nest(node);
Expression condition = node.condition;
InferenceContext.setType(condition, typeProvider.boolType);
Statement body = node.body;
if (body != null) {
try {
} finally {
} finally {
_implicitLabelScope = outerImplicitScope;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) If the loop can only be exited because the condition
// is false, then propagateFalseState(condition);
return null;
Object visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) {
Expression e = node.expression;
DartType returnType = inferenceContext.returnContext;
bool isGenerator = _enclosingFunction?.isGenerator ?? false;
if (returnType != null && isGenerator) {
// If we're not in a generator ([a]sync*, then we shouldn't have a yield.
// so don't infer
// If this just a yield, then we just pass on the element type
DartType type = returnType;
if ( != null) {
// If this is a yield*, then we wrap the element return type
// If it's synchronous, we expect Iterable<T>, otherwise Stream<T>
InterfaceType wrapperType = _enclosingFunction.isSynchronous
? typeProvider.iterableType
: typeProvider.streamType;
type = wrapperType.instantiate(<DartType>[type]);
InferenceContext.setType(e, type);
DartType type = e?.staticType;
if (type != null && isGenerator) {
// If this just a yield, then we just pass on the element type
if ( != null) {
// If this is a yield*, then we unwrap the element return type
// If it's synchronous, we expect Iterable<T>, otherwise Stream<T>
InterfaceType wrapperType = _enclosingFunction.isSynchronous
? typeProvider.iterableType
: typeProvider.streamType;
type = typeSystem.mostSpecificTypeArgument(type, wrapperType);
if (type != null) {
return null;
* Checks each promoted variable in the current scope for compliance with the following
* specification statement:
* If the variable <i>v</i> is accessed by a closure in <i>s<sub>1</sub></i> then the variable
* <i>v</i> is not potentially mutated anywhere in the scope of <i>v</i>.
void _clearTypePromotionsIfAccessedInClosureAndProtentiallyMutated(
AstNode target) {
for (Element element in _promoteManager.promotedElements) {
if (_currentFunctionBody.isPotentiallyMutatedInScope(element)) {
if (_isVariableAccessedInClosure(element, target)) {
_promoteManager.setType(element, null);
* Checks each promoted variable in the current scope for compliance with the following
* specification statement:
* <i>v</i> is not potentially mutated in <i>s<sub>1</sub></i> or within a closure.
void _clearTypePromotionsIfPotentiallyMutatedIn(AstNode target) {
for (Element element in _promoteManager.promotedElements) {
if (_isVariablePotentiallyMutatedIn(element, target)) {
_promoteManager.setType(element, null);
* Given the declared return type of a function, compute the type of the
* values which should be returned or yielded as appropriate. If a type
* cannot be computed from the declared return type, return null.
DartType _computeReturnOrYieldType(DartType declaredType) {
bool isGenerator = _enclosingFunction.isGenerator;
bool isAsynchronous = _enclosingFunction.isAsynchronous;
// Ordinary functions just return their declared types.
if (!isGenerator && !isAsynchronous) {
return declaredType;
if (declaredType is InterfaceType) {
if (isGenerator) {
// If it's sync* we expect Iterable<T>
// If it's async* we expect Stream<T>
InterfaceType rawType = isAsynchronous
? typeProvider.streamType
: typeProvider.iterableType;
// Match the types to instantiate the type arguments if possible
List<DartType> targs = declaredType.typeArguments;
if (targs.length == 1 && rawType.instantiate(targs) == declaredType) {
return targs[0];
// async functions expect `Future<T> | T`
var futureTypeParam = declaredType.flattenFutures(typeSystem);
return _createFutureOr(futureTypeParam);
return declaredType;
* Return a newly created cloner that can be used to clone constant
* expressions.
ConstantAstCloner _createCloner() {
return new ConstantAstCloner(
* Creates a union of `T | Future<T>`, unless `T` is already a
* future-union, in which case it simply returns `T`.
DartType _createFutureOr(DartType type) {
if (type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
return type;
return typeProvider.futureOrType.instantiate([type]);
* The given expression is the expression used to compute the iterator for a
* for-each statement. Attempt to compute the type of objects that will be
* assigned to the loop variable and return that type. Return `null` if the
* type could not be determined. The [iteratorExpression] is the expression
* that will return the Iterable being iterated over.
DartType _getIteratorElementType(Expression iteratorExpression) {
DartType expressionType = iteratorExpression.bestType;
if (expressionType is InterfaceType) {
PropertyAccessorElement iteratorFunction =
if (iteratorFunction == null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Should we report this error?
return null;
DartType iteratorType = iteratorFunction.returnType;
if (iteratorType is InterfaceType) {
PropertyAccessorElement currentFunction =
if (currentFunction == null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Should we report this error?
return null;
return currentFunction.returnType;
return null;
* The given expression is the expression used to compute the stream for an
* asynchronous for-each statement. Attempt to compute the type of objects
* that will be assigned to the loop variable and return that type.
* Return `null` if the type could not be determined. The [streamExpression]
* is the expression that will return the stream being iterated over.
DartType _getStreamElementType(Expression streamExpression) {
DartType streamType = streamExpression.bestType;
if (streamType is InterfaceType) {
MethodElement listenFunction = streamType.lookUpInheritedMethod("listen");
if (listenFunction == null) {
return null;
List<ParameterElement> listenParameters = listenFunction.parameters;
if (listenParameters == null || listenParameters.length < 1) {
return null;
DartType onDataType = listenParameters[0].type;
if (onDataType is FunctionType) {
List<ParameterElement> onDataParameters = onDataType.parameters;
if (onDataParameters == null || onDataParameters.isEmpty) {
return null;
return onDataParameters[0].type;
return null;
* Return `true` if the given [parameter] element of the AST being resolved
* is resynthesized and is an API-level, not local, so has its initializer
* serialized.
bool _hasSerializedConstantInitializer(ParameterElement parameter) {
Element executable = parameter.enclosingElement;
if (executable is MethodElement ||
executable is FunctionElement &&
executable.enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElement) {
return LibraryElementImpl.hasResolutionCapability(
definingLibrary, LibraryResolutionCapability.constantExpressions);
return false;
FunctionType _inferArgumentTypesForGeneric(AstNode inferenceNode,
DartType uninstantiatedType, TypeArgumentList typeArguments,
{AstNode errorNode}) {
errorNode ??= inferenceNode;
TypeSystem ts = typeSystem;
if (typeArguments == null &&
uninstantiatedType is FunctionType &&
uninstantiatedType.typeFormals.isNotEmpty &&
ts is StrongTypeSystemImpl) {
return ts.inferGenericFunctionOrType<FunctionType>(
downwards: true,
errorReporter: errorReporter,
errorNode: errorNode);
return null;
void _inferArgumentTypesForInstanceCreate(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
ConstructorName constructor = node.constructorName;
TypeName classTypeName = constructor?.type;
if (classTypeName == null || !strongMode) {
ConstructorElement originalElement =
FunctionType inferred;
// If the constructor is generic, we'll have a ConstructorMember that
// substitutes in type arguments (possibly `dynamic`) from earlier in
// resolution.
// Otherwise we'll have a ConstructorElement, and we can skip inference
// because there's nothing to infer in a non-generic type.
if (classTypeName.typeArguments == null &&
originalElement is ConstructorMember) {
// TODO(leafp): Currently, we may re-infer types here, since we
// sometimes resolve multiple times. We should really check that we
// have not already inferred something. However, the obvious ways to
// check this don't work, since we may have been instantiated
// to bounds in an earlier phase, and we *do* want to do inference
// in that case.
// Get back to the uninstantiated generic constructor.
// TODO(jmesserly): should we store this earlier in resolution?
// Or look it up, instead of jumping backwards through the Member?
var rawElement = originalElement.baseElement;
FunctionType constructorType =
inferred = _inferArgumentTypesForGeneric(
node, constructorType, constructor.type.typeArguments,
errorNode: node.constructorName);
if (inferred != null) {
ArgumentList arguments = node.argumentList;
InferenceContext.setType(arguments, inferred);
// Fix up the parameter elements based on inferred method.
arguments.correspondingStaticParameters =
resolveArgumentsToParameters(arguments, inferred.parameters, null);
constructor.type.type = inferred.returnType;
if (UnknownInferredType.isKnown(inferred)) {
inferenceContext.recordInference(node, inferred.returnType);
// Update the static element as well. This is used in some cases, such
// as computing constant values. It is stored in two places.
constructor.staticElement =
ConstructorMember.from(rawElement, inferred.returnType);
node.staticElement = constructor.staticElement;
if (inferred == null) {
InferenceContext.setType(node.argumentList, originalElement?.type);
void _inferArgumentTypesForInvocation(InvocationExpression node) {
if (!strongMode) {
// Use propagated type inference for lambdas if not in strong mode.
DartType inferred = _inferArgumentTypesForGeneric(
node, node.function.staticType, node.typeArguments);
node.argumentList, inferred ?? node.staticInvokeType);
void _inferFormalParameterList(FormalParameterList node, DartType type) {
if (typeAnalyzer.inferFormalParameterList(node, type)) {
// TODO(leafp): This gets dropped on the floor if we're in the field
// inference task. We should probably keep these infos.
// TODO(jmesserly): this is reporting the context type, and therefore not
// necessarily the correct inferred type for the lambda.
// For example, `([x]) {}` could be passed to `int -> void` but its type
// will really be `([int]) -> void`. Similar issue for named arguments.
// It can also happen if the return type is inferred later on to be
// more precise.
// This reporting bug defeats the deduplication of error messages and
// results in the same inference message being reported twice.
// To get this right, we'd have to delay reporting until we have the
// complete type including return type.
inferenceContext.recordInference(node.parent, type);
* If given "mayBeClosure" is [FunctionExpression] without explicit parameters types and its
* required type is [FunctionType], then infer parameters types from [FunctionType].
void _inferFunctionExpressionParametersTypes(
Expression mayBeClosure, DartType mayByFunctionType) {
// TODO(mfairhurst): remove this code and callers. It's doing
// "propagated type" inference for the Dart 1 type system.
// prepare closure
if (mayBeClosure is! FunctionExpression) {
FunctionExpression closure = mayBeClosure as FunctionExpression;
// prepare expected closure type
if (mayByFunctionType is! FunctionType) {
FunctionType expectedClosureType = mayByFunctionType as FunctionType;
// If the expectedClosureType is not more specific than the static type,
// return.
DartType staticClosureType =
if (staticClosureType != null &&
(s, t) => true,
new TypeSystemImpl(typeProvider).instantiateToBounds,
parameterRelation: (t, s) =>
(t.type as TypeImpl).isMoreSpecificThan(s.type))) {
// set propagated type for the closure
if (!strongMode) {
closure.propagatedType = expectedClosureType;
// set inferred types for parameters
NodeList<FormalParameter> parameters = closure.parameters.parameters;
List<ParameterElement> expectedParameters = expectedClosureType.parameters;
for (int i = 0;
i < parameters.length && i < expectedParameters.length;
i++) {
FormalParameter parameter = parameters[i];
ParameterElement element = parameter.element;
DartType currentType = _overrideManager.getBestType(element);
// may be override the type
DartType expectedType = expectedParameters[i].type;
if (currentType == null || expectedType.isMoreSpecificThan(currentType)) {
_overrideManager.setType(element, expectedType);
* Try to infer types of parameters of the [FunctionExpression] arguments.
void _inferFunctionExpressionsParametersTypes(ArgumentList argumentList) {
NodeList<Expression> arguments = argumentList.arguments;
int length = arguments.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Expression argument = arguments[i];
ParameterElement parameter = argument.propagatedParameterElement;
if (parameter == null) {
parameter = argument.staticParameterElement;
if (parameter != null) {
_inferFunctionExpressionParametersTypes(argument, parameter.type);
* Return `true` if the given expression terminates abruptly (that is, if any expression
* following the given expression will not be reached).
* @param expression the expression being tested
* @return `true` if the given expression terminates abruptly
bool _isAbruptTerminationExpression(Expression expression) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This needs to be significantly improved. Ideally we
// would eventually turn this into a method on Expression that returns a
// termination indication (normal, abrupt with no exception, abrupt with an
// exception).
expression = expression?.unParenthesized;
return expression is ThrowExpression || expression is RethrowExpression;
* Return `true` if the given statement terminates abruptly (that is, if any statement
* following the given statement will not be reached).
* @param statement the statement being tested
* @return `true` if the given statement terminates abruptly
bool _isAbruptTerminationStatement(Statement statement) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This needs to be significantly improved. Ideally we
// would eventually turn this into a method on Statement that returns a
// termination indication (normal, abrupt with no exception, abrupt with an
// exception).
// collinsn: it is unsound to assume that [break] and [continue] are
// "abrupt". See:
// (tests are included in
// In general, the difficulty is loopy control flow.
// In the presence of exceptions things become much more complicated, but
// while we only use this to propagate at [if]-statement join points,
// checking for [return] may work well enough in the common case.
if (statement is ReturnStatement) {
return true;
} else if (statement is ExpressionStatement) {
return _isAbruptTerminationExpression(statement.expression);
} else if (statement is Block) {
NodeList<Statement> statements = statement.statements;
int size = statements.length;
if (size == 0) {
return false;
// This last-statement-is-return heuristic is unsound for adversarial
// code, but probably works well in the common case:
// var x = 123;
// var c = true;
// L: if (c) {
// x = "hello";
// c = false;
// break L;
// return;
// }
// print(x);
// Unsound to assume that [x = "hello";] never executed after the
// if-statement. Of course, a dead-code analysis could point out that
// [return] here is dead.
return _isAbruptTerminationStatement(statements[size - 1]);
return false;
* Return `true` if the given variable is accessed within a closure in the given
* [AstNode] and also mutated somewhere in variable scope. This information is only
* available for local variables (including parameters).
* @param variable the variable to check
* @param target the [AstNode] to check within
* @return `true` if this variable is potentially mutated somewhere in the given ASTNode
bool _isVariableAccessedInClosure(Element variable, AstNode target) {
_ResolverVisitor_isVariableAccessedInClosure visitor =
new _ResolverVisitor_isVariableAccessedInClosure(variable);
return visitor.result;
* Return `true` if the given variable is potentially mutated somewhere in the given
* [AstNode]. This information is only available for local variables (including parameters).
* @param variable the variable to check
* @param target the [AstNode] to check within
* @return `true` if this variable is potentially mutated somewhere in the given ASTNode
bool _isVariablePotentiallyMutatedIn(Element variable, AstNode target) {
_ResolverVisitor_isVariablePotentiallyMutatedIn visitor =
new _ResolverVisitor_isVariablePotentiallyMutatedIn(variable);
return visitor.result;
* If it is appropriate to do so, promotes the current type of the static element associated with
* the given expression with the given type. Generally speaking, it is appropriate if the given
* type is more specific than the current type.
* @param expression the expression used to access the static element whose types might be
* promoted
* @param potentialType the potential type of the elements
void _promote(Expression expression, DartType potentialType) {
VariableElement element = getPromotionStaticElement(expression);
if (element != null) {
// may be mutated somewhere in closure
if (_currentFunctionBody.isPotentiallyMutatedInClosure(element)) {
// prepare current variable type
DartType type = _promoteManager.getType(element) ??
expression.staticType ??
potentialType ??= DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
// Check if we can promote to potentialType from type.
DartType promoteType = typeSystem.tryPromoteToType(potentialType, type);
if (promoteType != null) {
// Do promote type of variable.
_promoteManager.setType(element, promoteType);
* Promotes type information using given condition.
void _promoteTypes(Expression condition) {
if (condition is BinaryExpression) {
if (condition.operator.type == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND) {
Expression left = condition.leftOperand;
Expression right = condition.rightOperand;
} else if (condition is IsExpression) {
if (condition.notOperator == null) {
_promote(condition.expression, condition.type.type);
} else if (condition is ParenthesizedExpression) {
* Propagate any type information that results from knowing that the given condition will have
* been evaluated to 'false'.
* @param condition the condition that will have evaluated to 'false'
void _propagateFalseState(Expression condition) {
if (condition is BinaryExpression) {
if (condition.operator.type == TokenType.BAR_BAR) {
} else if (condition is IsExpression) {
if (condition.notOperator != null) {
// Since an is-statement doesn't actually change the type, we don't
// let it affect the propagated type when it would result in a loss
// of precision.
condition.expression, condition.type.type, false, false);
} else if (condition is PrefixExpression) {
if (condition.operator.type == TokenType.BANG) {
} else if (condition is ParenthesizedExpression) {
* Propagate any type information that results from knowing that the given expression will have
* been evaluated without altering the flow of execution.
* @param expression the expression that will have been evaluated
void _propagateState(Expression expression) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Implement this.
* Propagate any type information that results from knowing that the given condition will have
* been evaluated to 'true'.
* @param condition the condition that will have evaluated to 'true'
void _propagateTrueState(Expression condition) {
if (condition is BinaryExpression) {
if (condition.operator.type == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND) {
} else if (condition is IsExpression) {
if (condition.notOperator == null) {
// Since an is-statement doesn't actually change the type, we don't
// let it affect the propagated type when it would result in a loss
// of precision.
condition.expression, condition.type.type, false, false);
} else if (condition is PrefixExpression) {
if (condition.operator.type == TokenType.BANG) {
} else if (condition is ParenthesizedExpression) {
* Given an [argumentList] and the [parameters] related to the element that
* will be invoked using those arguments, compute the list of parameters that
* correspond to the list of arguments.
* An error will be reported to [onError] if any of the arguments cannot be
* matched to a parameter. onError can be null to ignore the error.
* The flag [reportAsError] should be `true` if a compile-time error should be
* reported; or `false` if a compile-time warning should be reported.
* Returns the parameters that correspond to the arguments. If no parameter
* matched an argument, that position will be `null` in the list.
static List<ParameterElement> resolveArgumentsToParameters(
ArgumentList argumentList,
List<ParameterElement> parameters,
void onError(ErrorCode errorCode, AstNode node, [List<Object> arguments]),
{bool reportAsError: false}) {
if (parameters.isEmpty && argumentList.arguments.isEmpty) {
return const <ParameterElement>[];
int requiredParameterCount = 0;
int unnamedParameterCount = 0;
List<ParameterElement> unnamedParameters = new List<ParameterElement>();
Map<String, ParameterElement> namedParameters = null;
int length = parameters.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ParameterElement parameter = parameters[i];
if (parameter.isNotOptional) {
} else if (parameter.isOptionalPositional) {
} else {
namedParameters ??= new HashMap<String, ParameterElement>();
namedParameters[] = parameter;
int unnamedIndex = 0;
NodeList<Expression> arguments = argumentList.arguments;
int argumentCount = arguments.length;
List<ParameterElement> resolvedParameters =
new List<ParameterElement>(argumentCount);
int positionalArgumentCount = 0;
HashSet<String> usedNames = null;
bool noBlankArguments = true;
for (int i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++) {
Expression argument = arguments[i];
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
SimpleIdentifier nameNode =;
String name =;
ParameterElement element =
namedParameters != null ? namedParameters[name] : null;
if (element == null) {
ErrorCode errorCode = (reportAsError
if (onError != null) {
onError(errorCode, nameNode, [name]);
} else {
resolvedParameters[i] = element;
nameNode.staticElement = element;
usedNames ??= new HashSet<String>();
if (!usedNames.add(name)) {
if (onError != null) {
onError(CompileTimeErrorCode.DUPLICATE_NAMED_ARGUMENT, nameNode,
} else {
if (argument is SimpleIdentifier && {
noBlankArguments = false;
if (unnamedIndex < unnamedParameterCount) {
resolvedParameters[i] = unnamedParameters[unnamedIndex++];
if (positionalArgumentCount < requiredParameterCount && noBlankArguments) {
ErrorCode errorCode = (reportAsError
if (onError != null) {
onError(errorCode, argumentList,
[requiredParameterCount, positionalArgumentCount]);
} else if (positionalArgumentCount > unnamedParameterCount &&
noBlankArguments) {
ErrorCode errorCode;
int namedParameterCount = namedParameters?.length ?? 0;
int namedArgumentCount = usedNames?.length ?? 0;
if (namedParameterCount > namedArgumentCount) {
errorCode = (reportAsError
} else {
errorCode = (reportAsError
if (onError != null) {
onError(errorCode, argumentList,
[unnamedParameterCount, positionalArgumentCount]);
return resolvedParameters;
* The abstract class `ScopedVisitor` maintains name and label scopes as an AST structure is
* being visited.
abstract class ScopedVisitor extends UnifyingAstVisitor<Object> {
* The element for the library containing the compilation unit being visited.
final LibraryElement definingLibrary;
* The source representing the compilation unit being visited.
final Source source;
* The object used to access the types from the core library.
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
* The error reporter that will be informed of any errors that are found
* during resolution.
final ErrorReporter errorReporter;
* The scope used to resolve identifiers.
Scope nameScope;
* The scope used to resolve unlabeled `break` and `continue` statements.
ImplicitLabelScope _implicitLabelScope = ImplicitLabelScope.ROOT;
* The scope used to resolve labels for `break` and `continue` statements, or
* `null` if no labels have been defined in the current context.
LabelScope labelScope;
* The class containing the AST nodes being visited,
* or `null` if we are not in the scope of a class.
ClassElement enclosingClass;
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in a compilation
* unit.
* [definingLibrary] is the element for the library containing the
* compilation unit being visited.
* [source] is the source representing the compilation unit being visited.
* [typeProvider] is the object used to access the types from the core
* library.
* [errorListener] is the error listener that will be informed of any errors
* that are found during resolution.
* [nameScope] is the scope used to resolve identifiers in the node that will
* first be visited. If `null` or unspecified, a new [LibraryScope] will be
* created based on [definingLibrary] and [typeProvider].
ScopedVisitor(this.definingLibrary, Source source, this.typeProvider,
AnalysisErrorListener errorListener,
{Scope nameScope})
: source = source,
errorReporter = new ErrorReporter(errorListener, source) {
if (nameScope == null) {
this.nameScope = new LibraryScope(definingLibrary);
} else {
this.nameScope = nameScope;
* Return the implicit label scope in which the current node is being
* resolved.
ImplicitLabelScope get implicitLabelScope => _implicitLabelScope;
* Replaces the current [Scope] with the enclosing [Scope].
* @return the enclosing [Scope].
Scope popNameScope() {
nameScope = nameScope.enclosingScope;
return nameScope;
* Pushes a new [Scope] into the visitor.
* @return the new [Scope].
Scope pushNameScope() {
Scope newScope = new EnclosedScope(nameScope);
nameScope = newScope;
return nameScope;
Object visitBlock(Block node) {
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
EnclosedScope enclosedScope = new BlockScope(nameScope, node);
nameScope = enclosedScope;
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) {
ImplicitLabelScope implicitOuterScope = _implicitLabelScope;
try {
_implicitLabelScope = ImplicitLabelScope.ROOT;
} finally {
_implicitLabelScope = implicitOuterScope;
return null;
Object visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
SimpleIdentifier exception = node.exceptionParameter;
if (exception != null) {
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
nameScope = new EnclosedScope(nameScope);
SimpleIdentifier stackTrace = node.stackTraceParameter;
if (stackTrace != null) {
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
} else {
return null;
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
ClassElement classElement = node.element;
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
if (classElement == null) {
"Missing element for class declaration ${
.name} in ${definingLibrary.source.fullName}",
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
} else {
ClassElement outerClass = enclosingClass;
try {
enclosingClass = node.element;
nameScope = new TypeParameterScope(nameScope, classElement);
nameScope = new ClassScope(nameScope, classElement);
} finally {
enclosingClass = outerClass;
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
void visitClassDeclarationInScope(ClassDeclaration node) {;
void visitClassMembersInScope(ClassDeclaration node) {
Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
ClassElement element = node.element;
nameScope =
new ClassScope(new TypeParameterScope(nameScope, element), element);
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
ConstructorElement constructorElement = node.element;
if (constructorElement == null) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write("Missing element for constructor ");
if ( != null) {
buffer.write(" in ");
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
if (constructorElement != null) {
nameScope = new FunctionScope(nameScope, constructorElement);
Scope functionScope = nameScope;
try {
if (constructorElement != null) {
nameScope =
new ConstructorInitializerScope(nameScope, constructorElement);
} finally {
nameScope = functionScope;
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
void visitConstructorDeclarationInScope(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
Object visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) {
VariableElement element = node.element;
if (element != null) {
return null;
Object visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
ImplicitLabelScope outerImplicitScope = _implicitLabelScope;
try {
_implicitLabelScope = _implicitLabelScope.nest(node);
} finally {
_implicitLabelScope = outerImplicitScope;
return null;
Object visitEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration node) {
ClassElement classElement = node.element;
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
if (classElement == null) {
"Missing element for enum declaration ${
.name} in ${definingLibrary.source.fullName}",
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
} else {
ClassElement outerClass = enclosingClass;
try {
enclosingClass = node.element;
nameScope = new ClassScope(nameScope, classElement);
} finally {
enclosingClass = outerClass;
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
void visitEnumMembersInScope(EnumDeclaration node) {
Object visitForEachStatement(ForEachStatement node) {
Scope outerNameScope = nameScope;
ImplicitLabelScope outerImplicitScope = _implicitLabelScope;
try {
nameScope = new EnclosedScope(nameScope);
_implicitLabelScope = _implicitLabelScope.nest(node);
} finally {
nameScope = outerNameScope;
_implicitLabelScope = outerImplicitScope;
return null;
* Visit the given statement after it's scope has been created. This replaces the normal call to
* the inherited visit method so that ResolverVisitor can intervene when type propagation is
* enabled.
* @param node the statement to be visited
void visitForEachStatementInScope(ForEachStatement node) {
// We visit the iterator before the loop variable because the loop variable
// cannot be in scope while visiting the iterator.
Object visitFormalParameterList(FormalParameterList node) {
// We finished resolving function signature, now include formal parameters
// scope. Note: we must not do this if the parent is a
// FunctionTypedFormalParameter, because in that case we aren't finished
// resolving the full function signature, just a part of it.
if (nameScope is FunctionScope &&
node.parent is! FunctionTypedFormalParameter) {
(nameScope as FunctionScope).defineParameters();
if (nameScope is FunctionTypeScope) {
(nameScope as FunctionTypeScope).defineParameters();
return null;
Object visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
Scope outerNameScope = nameScope;
ImplicitLabelScope outerImplicitScope = _implicitLabelScope;
try {
nameScope = new EnclosedScope(nameScope);
_implicitLabelScope = _implicitLabelScope.nest(node);
} finally {
nameScope = outerNameScope;
_implicitLabelScope = outerImplicitScope;
return null;
* Visit the given statement after it's scope has been created. This replaces the normal call to
* the inherited visit method so that ResolverVisitor can intervene when type propagation is
* enabled.
* @param node the statement to be visited
void visitForStatementInScope(ForStatement node) {
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement functionElement = node.element;
if (functionElement != null &&
functionElement.enclosingElement is! CompilationUnitElement) {
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
if (functionElement == null) {
"Missing element for top-level function ${
.name} in ${definingLibrary.source.fullName}",
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
} else {
nameScope = new FunctionScope(nameScope, functionElement);
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
void visitFunctionDeclarationInScope(FunctionDeclaration node) {
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
if (node.parent is FunctionDeclaration) {
// We have already created a function scope and don't need to do so again.
} else {
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
ExecutableElement functionElement = node.element;
if (functionElement == null) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write("Missing element for function ");
AstNode parent = node.parent;
while (parent != null) {
if (parent is Declaration) {
Element parentElement = parent.element;
buffer.write(parentElement == null
? "<unknown> "
: "${} ");
parent = parent.parent;
buffer.write("in ");
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
} else {
nameScope = new FunctionScope(nameScope, functionElement);
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
nameScope = new FunctionTypeScope(nameScope, node.element);
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
void visitFunctionTypeAliasInScope(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
Object visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) {
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
ParameterElement parameterElement = node.element;
if (parameterElement == null) {
"Missing element for function typed formal parameter ${node} in ${definingLibrary.source.fullName}",
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
} else {
nameScope = new EnclosedScope(nameScope);
GenericFunctionTypeElement typeElement = parameterElement.type.element;
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = typeElement.typeParameters;
int length = typeParameters.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitGenericFunctionType(GenericFunctionType node) {
DartType type = node.type;
if (type == null) {
// The function type hasn't been resolved yet, so we can't create a scope
// for its parameters.
return super.visitGenericFunctionType(node);
GenericFunctionTypeElement element = type.element;
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
if (element == null) {
"Missing element for generic function type in ${definingLibrary.source.fullName}",
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
} else {
nameScope = new TypeParameterScope(nameScope, element);
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitGenericTypeAlias(GenericTypeAlias node) {
GenericTypeAliasElement element = node.element;
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
if (element == null) {
"Missing element for generic function type in ${definingLibrary.source.fullName}",
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
} else {
nameScope = new TypeParameterScope(nameScope, element);
GenericFunctionTypeElement functionElement = element.function;
if (functionElement != null) {
nameScope = new FunctionScope(nameScope, functionElement)
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitGenericTypeAliasInFunctionScope(GenericTypeAlias node) {
return null;
Object visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
return null;
Object visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
LabelScope outerScope = _addScopesFor(node.labels, node.unlabeled);
try {
} finally {
labelScope = outerScope;
return null;
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
Scope outerScope = nameScope;
try {
ExecutableElement methodElement = node.element;
if (methodElement == null) {
"Missing element for method ${} in ${definingLibrary
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
} else {
nameScope = new FunctionScope(nameScope, methodElement);
} finally {
nameScope = outerScope;
return null;
void visitMethodDeclarationInScope(MethodDeclaration node) {
* Visit the given statement after it's scope has been created. This is used by ResolverVisitor to
* correctly visit the 'then' and 'else' statements of an 'if' statement.
* @param node the statement to be visited
void visitStatementInScope(Statement node) {
if (node is Block) {
// Don't create a scope around a block because the block will create it's
// own scope.
} else if (node != null) {
Scope outerNameScope = nameScope;
try {
nameScope = new EnclosedScope(nameScope);
} finally {
nameScope = outerNameScope;
Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
Scope outerNameScope = nameScope;
try {
nameScope = new EnclosedScope(nameScope);
} finally {
nameScope = outerNameScope;
return null;
Object visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) {
Scope outerNameScope = nameScope;
try {
nameScope = new EnclosedScope(nameScope);
} finally {
nameScope = outerNameScope;
return null;
Object visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
LabelScope outerScope = labelScope;
ImplicitLabelScope outerImplicitScope = _implicitLabelScope;
try {
_implicitLabelScope = _implicitLabelScope.nest(node);
for (SwitchMember member in node.members) {
for (Label label in member.labels) {
SimpleIdentifier labelName = label.label;
LabelElement labelElement = labelName.staticElement as LabelElement;
labelScope =
new LabelScope(labelScope,, member, labelElement);
} finally {
labelScope = outerScope;
_implicitLabelScope = outerImplicitScope;
return null;
void visitSwitchStatementInScope(SwitchStatement node) {
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
if (node.parent.parent is! TopLevelVariableDeclaration &&
node.parent.parent is! FieldDeclaration) {
VariableElement element = node.element;
if (element != null) {
return null;
Object visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
ImplicitLabelScope outerImplicitScope = _implicitLabelScope;
try {
_implicitLabelScope = _implicitLabelScope.nest(node);
} finally {
_implicitLabelScope = outerImplicitScope;
return null;
* Add scopes for each of the given labels.
* @param labels the labels for which new scopes are to be added
* @return the scope that was in effect before the new scopes were added
LabelScope _addScopesFor(NodeList<Label> labels, AstNode node) {
LabelScope outerScope = labelScope;
for (Label label in labels) {
SimpleIdentifier labelNameNode = label.label;
String labelName =;
LabelElement labelElement = labelNameNode.staticElement as LabelElement;
labelScope = new LabelScope(labelScope, labelName, node, labelElement);
return outerScope;
* Instances of this class manage the knowledge of what the set of subtypes are for a given type.
class SubtypeManager {
* A map between [ClassElement]s and a set of [ClassElement]s that are subtypes of the
* key.
Map<ClassElement, HashSet<ClassElement>> _subtypeMap =
new HashMap<ClassElement, HashSet<ClassElement>>();
* The set of all [LibraryElement]s that have been visited by the manager. This is used both
* to prevent infinite loops in the recursive methods, and also as a marker for the scope of the
* libraries visited by this manager.
HashSet<LibraryElement> _visitedLibraries = new HashSet<LibraryElement>();
* Given some [ClassElement], return the set of all subtypes, and subtypes of subtypes.
* @param classElement the class to recursively return the set of subtypes of
HashSet<ClassElement> computeAllSubtypes(ClassElement classElement) {
// Ensure that we have generated the subtype map for the library
// use the subtypeMap to compute the set of all subtypes and subtype's
// subtypes
HashSet<ClassElement> allSubtypes = new HashSet<ClassElement>();
classElement, new HashSet<ClassElement>(), allSubtypes);
return allSubtypes;
* Given some [LibraryElement], visit all of the types in the library, the passed library,
* and any imported libraries, will be in the [visitedLibraries] set.
* @param libraryElement the library to visit, it it hasn't been visited already
void ensureLibraryVisited(LibraryElement libraryElement) {
* Given some [ClassElement], this method adds all of the pairs combinations of itself and
* all of its supertypes to the [subtypeMap] map.
* @param classElement the class element
void _computeSubtypesInClass(ClassElement classElement) {
InterfaceType supertypeType = classElement.supertype;
if (supertypeType != null) {
ClassElement supertypeElement = supertypeType.element;
if (supertypeElement != null) {
_putInSubtypeMap(supertypeElement, classElement);
List<InterfaceType> interfaceTypes = classElement.interfaces;
int interfaceLength = interfaceTypes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < interfaceLength; i++) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = interfaceTypes[i];
ClassElement interfaceElement = interfaceType.element;
if (interfaceElement != null) {
_putInSubtypeMap(interfaceElement, classElement);
List<InterfaceType> mixinTypes = classElement.mixins;
int mixinLength = mixinTypes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < mixinLength; i++) {
InterfaceType mixinType = mixinTypes[i];
ClassElement mixinElement = mixinType.element;
if (mixinElement != null) {
_putInSubtypeMap(mixinElement, classElement);
* Given some [CompilationUnitElement], this method calls
* [computeAllSubtypes] on all of the [ClassElement]s in the
* compilation unit.
* @param unitElement the compilation unit element
void _computeSubtypesInCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitElement unitElement) {
List<ClassElement> classElements = unitElement.types;
int length = classElements.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ClassElement classElement = classElements[i];
* Given some [LibraryElement], this method calls
* [computeAllSubtypes] on all of the [ClassElement]s in the
* compilation unit, and itself for all imported and exported libraries. All visited libraries are
* added to the [visitedLibraries] set.
* @param libraryElement the library element
void _computeSubtypesInLibrary(LibraryElement libraryElement) {
if (libraryElement == null || _visitedLibraries.contains(libraryElement)) {
List<CompilationUnitElement> parts =;
int partLength = parts.length;
for (int i = 0; i < partLength; i++) {
CompilationUnitElement part = parts[i];
List<LibraryElement> imports = libraryElement.importedLibraries;
int importLength = imports.length;
for (int i = 0; i < importLength; i++) {
LibraryElement importElt = imports[i];
List<LibraryElement> exports = libraryElement.exportedLibraries;
int exportLength = exports.length;
for (int i = 0; i < exportLength; i++) {
LibraryElement exportElt = exports[i];
* Add some key/ value pair into the [subtypeMap] map.
* @param supertypeElement the key for the [subtypeMap] map
* @param subtypeElement the value for the [subtypeMap] map
void _putInSubtypeMap(
ClassElement supertypeElement, ClassElement subtypeElement) {
HashSet<ClassElement> subtypes = _subtypeMap[supertypeElement];
if (subtypes == null) {
subtypes = new HashSet<ClassElement>();
_subtypeMap[supertypeElement] = subtypes;
* Given some [ClassElement] and a [HashSet<ClassElement>], this method recursively
* adds all of the subtypes of the [ClassElement] to the passed array.
* @param classElement the type to compute the set of subtypes of
* @param visitedClasses the set of class elements that this method has already recursively seen
* @param allSubtypes the computed set of subtypes of the passed class element
void _safelyComputeAllSubtypes(ClassElement classElement,
HashSet<ClassElement> visitedClasses, HashSet<ClassElement> allSubtypes) {
if (!visitedClasses.add(classElement)) {
// if this class has already been called on this class element
HashSet<ClassElement> subtypes = _subtypeMap[classElement];
if (subtypes == null) {
for (ClassElement subtype in subtypes) {
_safelyComputeAllSubtypes(subtype, visitedClasses, allSubtypes);
* Instances of the class `ToDoFinder` find to-do comments in Dart code.
class ToDoFinder {
* The error reporter by which to-do comments will be reported.
final ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
* Initialize a newly created to-do finder to report to-do comments to the given reporter.
* @param errorReporter the error reporter by which to-do comments will be reported
* Search the comments in the given compilation unit for to-do comments and report an error for
* each.
* @param unit the compilation unit containing the to-do comments
void findIn(CompilationUnit unit) {
* Search the comment tokens reachable from the given token and create errors for each to-do
* comment.
* @param token the head of the list of tokens being searched
void _gatherTodoComments(Token token) {
while (token != null && token.type != TokenType.EOF) {
Token commentToken = token.precedingComments;
while (commentToken != null) {
if (commentToken.type == TokenType.SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT ||
commentToken.type == TokenType.MULTI_LINE_COMMENT) {
commentToken =;
token =;
* Look for user defined tasks in comments and convert them into info level analysis issues.
* @param commentToken the comment token to analyze
void _scrapeTodoComment(Token commentToken) {
Iterable<Match> matches =
for (Match match in matches) {
int offset = commentToken.offset + match.start +;
int length =;
TodoCode.TODO, offset, length, []);
* Helper for resolving types.
* The client must set [nameScope] before calling [resolveTypeName].
class TypeNameResolver {
final TypeSystem typeSystem;
final DartType dynamicType;
final DartType undefinedType;
final LibraryElement definingLibrary;
final Source source;
final AnalysisErrorListener errorListener;
Scope nameScope;
TypeNameResolver(this.typeSystem, TypeProvider typeProvider,
this.definingLibrary, this.source, this.errorListener)
: dynamicType = typeProvider.dynamicType,
undefinedType = typeProvider.undefinedType;
* Report an error with the given error code and arguments.
* @param errorCode the error code of the error to be reported
* @param node the node specifying the location of the error
* @param arguments the arguments to the error, used to compose the error message
void reportErrorForNode(ErrorCode errorCode, AstNode node,
[List<Object> arguments]) {
errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError(
source, node.offset, node.length, errorCode, arguments));
* Resolve the given [TypeName] - set its element and static type. Only the
* given [node] is resolved, all its children must be already resolved.
* The client must set [nameScope] before calling [resolveTypeName].
void resolveTypeName(TypeName node) {
Identifier typeName =;
_setElement(typeName, null); // Clear old Elements from previous run.
TypeArgumentList argumentList = node.typeArguments;
Element element = nameScope.lookup(typeName, definingLibrary);
if (element == null) {
// Check to see whether the type name is either 'dynamic' or 'void',
// neither of which are in the name scope and hence will not be found by
// normal means.
if ( == {
_setElement(typeName, dynamicType.element);
// if (argumentList != null) {
// // TODO(brianwilkerson) Report this error
// reporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS, node, dynamicType.getName(), 0, argumentList.getArguments().size());
// }
typeName.staticType = dynamicType;
node.type = dynamicType;
VoidTypeImpl voidType = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
if ( == {
// There is no element for 'void'.
// if (argumentList != null) {
// // TODO(brianwilkerson) Report this error
// reporter.reportError(StaticTypeWarningCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS, node, voidType.getName(), 0, argumentList.getArguments().size());
// }
typeName.staticType = voidType;
node.type = voidType;
if (nameScope.shouldIgnoreUndefined(typeName)) {
typeName.staticType = undefinedType;
node.type = undefinedType;
// If not, the look to see whether we might have created the wrong AST
// structure for a constructor name. If so, fix the AST structure and then
// proceed.
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (typeName is PrefixedIdentifier &&
parent is ConstructorName &&
argumentList == null) {
ConstructorName name = parent;
if ( == null) {
PrefixedIdentifier prefixedIdentifier =
typeName as PrefixedIdentifier;
SimpleIdentifier prefix = prefixedIdentifier.prefix;
element = nameScope.lookup(prefix, definingLibrary);
if (element is PrefixElement) {
if (nameScope.shouldIgnoreUndefined(typeName)) {
typeName.staticType = undefinedType;
node.type = undefinedType;
AstNode grandParent = parent.parent;
if (grandParent is InstanceCreationExpression &&
grandParent.isConst) {
// If, if this is a const expression, then generate a
// CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_WITH_NON_TYPE error.
} else {
// Else, if this expression is a new expression, report a
// NEW_WITH_NON_TYPE warning.
_setElement(prefix, element);
} else if (element != null) {
// Rewrite the constructor name. The parser, when it sees a
// constructor named "a.b", cannot tell whether "a" is a prefix and
// "b" is a class name, or whether "a" is a class name and "b" is a
// constructor name. It arbitrarily chooses the former, but in this
// case was wrong.
// = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
name.period = prefixedIdentifier.period; = prefix;
typeName = prefix;
if (nameScope.shouldIgnoreUndefined(typeName)) {
typeName.staticType = undefinedType;
node.type = undefinedType;
// check element
bool elementValid = element is! MultiplyDefinedElement;
if (elementValid &&
element is! ClassElement &&
_isTypeNameInInstanceCreationExpression(node)) {
SimpleIdentifier typeNameSimple = _getTypeSimpleIdentifier(typeName);
InstanceCreationExpression creation =
node.parent.parent as InstanceCreationExpression;
if (creation.isConst) {
if (element == null) {
CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_CLASS, typeNameSimple, [typeName]);
} else {
typeNameSimple, [typeName]);
elementValid = false;
} else {
if (element != null) {
StaticWarningCode.NEW_WITH_NON_TYPE, typeNameSimple, [typeName]);
elementValid = false;
if (elementValid && element == null) {
// We couldn't resolve the type name.
// TODO(jwren) Consider moving the check for
// CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE from the
// ErrorVerifier, so that we don't have two errors on a built in
// identifier being used as a class name.
// See CompileTimeErrorCodeTest.test_builtInIdentifierAsType().
SimpleIdentifier typeNameSimple = _getTypeSimpleIdentifier(typeName);
RedirectingConstructorKind redirectingConstructorKind;
if (_isBuiltInIdentifier(node) && _isTypeAnnotation(node)) {
typeName, []);
} else if ( == "boolean") {
StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_CLASS_BOOLEAN, typeNameSimple, []);
} else if (_isTypeNameInCatchClause(node)) {
reportErrorForNode(StaticWarningCode.NON_TYPE_IN_CATCH_CLAUSE, typeName,
} else if (_isTypeNameInAsExpression(node)) {
StaticWarningCode.CAST_TO_NON_TYPE, typeName, []);
} else if (_isTypeNameInIsExpression(node)) {
typeName, []);
} else if ((redirectingConstructorKind =
_getRedirectingConstructorKind(node)) !=
null) {
ErrorCode errorCode =
(redirectingConstructorKind == RedirectingConstructorKind.CONST
? CompileTimeErrorCode.REDIRECT_TO_NON_CLASS
: StaticWarningCode.REDIRECT_TO_NON_CLASS);
reportErrorForNode(errorCode, typeName, []);
} else if (_isTypeNameInTypeArgumentList(node)) {
typeName, []);
} else {
StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_CLASS, typeName, []);
elementValid = false;
if (!elementValid) {
if (element is MultiplyDefinedElement) {
_setElement(typeName, element);
typeName.staticType = undefinedType;
node.type = undefinedType;
DartType type = null;
if (element is ClassElement) {
type = element.type;
// In non-strong mode `FutureOr<T>` is treated as `dynamic`
if (!typeSystem.isStrong && type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
type = dynamicType;
_setElement(typeName, type.element);
typeName.staticType = type;
node.type = type;
if (argumentList != null) {
NodeList<TypeAnnotation> arguments = argumentList.arguments;
if (arguments.length != 1) {
reportErrorForNode(_getInvalidTypeParametersErrorCode(node), node,
[, 1, arguments.length]);
_setElement(typeName, element);
} else if (element is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
_setElement(typeName, element);
type = element.type;
} else if (element is TypeParameterElement) {
_setElement(typeName, element);
type = element.type;
// if (argumentList != null) {
// // Type parameters cannot have type arguments.
// // TODO(brianwilkerson) Report this error.
// // resolver.reportError(ResolverErrorCode.?, keyType);
// }
} else if (element is MultiplyDefinedElement) {
List<Element> elements = element.conflictingElements;
type = _getTypeWhenMultiplyDefined(elements);
if (type != null) {
node.type = type;
} else {
// The name does not represent a type.
RedirectingConstructorKind redirectingConstructorKind;
if (_isTypeNameInCatchClause(node)) {
reportErrorForNode(StaticWarningCode.NON_TYPE_IN_CATCH_CLAUSE, typeName,
} else if (_isTypeNameInAsExpression(node)) {
StaticWarningCode.CAST_TO_NON_TYPE, typeName, []);
} else if (_isTypeNameInIsExpression(node)) {
reportErrorForNode(StaticWarningCode.TYPE_TEST_WITH_NON_TYPE, typeName,
} else if ((redirectingConstructorKind =
_getRedirectingConstructorKind(node)) !=
null) {
ErrorCode errorCode =
(redirectingConstructorKind == RedirectingConstructorKind.CONST
? CompileTimeErrorCode.REDIRECT_TO_NON_CLASS
: StaticWarningCode.REDIRECT_TO_NON_CLASS);
reportErrorForNode(errorCode, typeName, []);
} else if (_isTypeNameInTypeArgumentList(node)) {
typeName, []);
} else {
AstNode parent = typeName.parent;
while (parent is TypeName) {
parent = parent.parent;
if (parent is ExtendsClause ||
parent is ImplementsClause ||
parent is WithClause ||
parent is ClassTypeAlias) {
// Ignored. The error will be reported elsewhere.
} else if (element is LocalVariableElement ||
(element is FunctionElement &&
element.enclosingElement is ExecutableElement)) {
typeName, []);
} else {
StaticWarningCode.NOT_A_TYPE, typeName, []);
typeName.staticType = dynamicType;
node.type = dynamicType;
if (argumentList != null) {
NodeList<TypeAnnotation> arguments = argumentList.arguments;
int argumentCount = arguments.length;
List<DartType> parameters = typeSystem.typeFormalsAsTypes(type);
int parameterCount = parameters.length;
List<DartType> typeArguments = new List<DartType>(parameterCount);
if (argumentCount == parameterCount) {
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
typeArguments[i] = _getType(arguments[i]);
} else {
reportErrorForNode(_getInvalidTypeParametersErrorCode(node), node,
[, parameterCount, argumentCount]);
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
typeArguments[i] = dynamicType;
if (element is GenericTypeAliasElementImpl) {
type = element.typeAfterSubstitution(typeArguments) ?? dynamicType;
} else {
type = typeSystem.instantiateType(type, typeArguments);
} else {
if (element is GenericTypeAliasElementImpl) {
List<DartType> typeArguments =
type = element.typeAfterSubstitution(typeArguments) ?? dynamicType;
} else {
DartType redirectedType =
_inferTypeArgumentsForRedirectedConstructor(node, type);
if (redirectedType != null) {
type = redirectedType;
} else {
type = typeSystem.instantiateToBounds(type);
typeName.staticType = type;
node.type = type;
* The number of type arguments in the given [typeName] does not match the
* number of parameters in the corresponding class element. Return the error
* code that should be used to report this error.
ErrorCode _getInvalidTypeParametersErrorCode(TypeName typeName) {
AstNode parent = typeName.parent;
if (parent is ConstructorName) {
parent = parent.parent;
if (parent is InstanceCreationExpression) {
if (parent.isConst) {
} else {
return StaticTypeWarningCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS;
* Checks if the given [typeName] is the target in a redirected constructor.
RedirectingConstructorKind _getRedirectingConstructorKind(TypeName typeName) {
AstNode parent = typeName.parent;
if (parent is ConstructorName) {
AstNode grandParent = parent.parent;
if (grandParent is ConstructorDeclaration) {
if (identical(grandParent.redirectedConstructor, parent)) {
if (grandParent.constKeyword != null) {
return RedirectingConstructorKind.CONST;
return RedirectingConstructorKind.NORMAL;
return null;
* Return the type represented by the given type [annotation].
DartType _getType(TypeAnnotation annotation) {
DartType type = annotation.type;
if (type == null) {
return undefinedType;
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
Element element = type.element;
if (annotation is TypeName && element is GenericTypeAliasElementImpl) {
TypeArgumentList argumentList = annotation.typeArguments;
List<DartType> typeArguments = null;
if (argumentList != null) {
List<TypeAnnotation> arguments = argumentList.arguments;
int argumentCount = arguments.length;
typeArguments = new List<DartType>(argumentCount);
for (int i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++) {
typeArguments[i] = _getType(arguments[i]);
return element.typeAfterSubstitution(typeArguments) ?? dynamicType;
return type;
* Returns the simple identifier of the given (may be qualified) type name.
* @param typeName the (may be qualified) qualified type name
* @return the simple identifier of the given (may be qualified) type name.
SimpleIdentifier _getTypeSimpleIdentifier(Identifier typeName) {
if (typeName is SimpleIdentifier) {
return typeName;
} else {
PrefixedIdentifier prefixed = typeName;
SimpleIdentifier prefix = prefixed.prefix;
// The prefixed identifier can be:
// 1. new importPrefix.TypeName()
// 2. new TypeName.constructorName()
// 3. new unresolved.Unresolved()
if (prefix.staticElement is PrefixElement) {
return prefixed.identifier;
} else {
return prefix;
* Given the multiple elements to which a single name could potentially be resolved, return the
* single interface type that should be used, or `null` if there is no clear choice.
* @param elements the elements to which a single name could potentially be resolved
* @return the single interface type that should be used for the type name
InterfaceType _getTypeWhenMultiplyDefined(List<Element> elements) {
InterfaceType type = null;
int length = elements.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Element element = elements[i];
if (element is ClassElement) {
if (type != null) {
return null;
type = element.type;
return type;
* If the [node] is the type name in a redirected factory constructor,
* infer type arguments using the enclosing class declaration. Return `null`
* otherwise.
DartType _inferTypeArgumentsForRedirectedConstructor(
TypeName node, DartType type) {
AstNode constructorName = node.parent;
AstNode enclosingConstructor = constructorName?.parent;
TypeSystem ts = typeSystem;
if (constructorName is ConstructorName &&
enclosingConstructor is ConstructorDeclaration &&
enclosingConstructor.redirectedConstructor == constructorName &&
type is InterfaceType &&
ts is StrongTypeSystemImpl) {
ClassDeclaration enclosingClassNode = enclosingConstructor.parent;
ClassElement enclosingClassElement = enclosingClassNode.element;
if (enclosingClassElement == type.element) {
return type;
} else {
InterfaceType contextType = enclosingClassElement.type;
return ts.inferGenericFunctionOrType(
type, const <ParameterElement>[], const <DartType>[], contextType);
return null;
* Checks if the given [typeName] is used as the type in an as expression.
bool _isTypeNameInAsExpression(TypeName typeName) {
AstNode parent = typeName.parent;
if (parent is AsExpression) {
return identical(parent.type, typeName);
return false;
* Checks if the given [typeName] is used as the exception type in a catch
* clause.
bool _isTypeNameInCatchClause(TypeName typeName) {
AstNode parent = typeName.parent;
if (parent is CatchClause) {
return identical(parent.exceptionType, typeName);
return false;
* Checks if the given [typeName] is used as the type in an instance creation
* expression.
bool _isTypeNameInInstanceCreationExpression(TypeName typeName) {
AstNode parent = typeName.parent;
if (parent is ConstructorName &&
parent.parent is InstanceCreationExpression) {
return parent != null && identical(parent.type, typeName);
return false;
* Checks if the given [typeName] is used as the type in an is expression.
bool _isTypeNameInIsExpression(TypeName typeName) {
AstNode parent = typeName.parent;
if (parent is IsExpression) {
return identical(parent.type, typeName);
return false;
* Checks if the given [typeName] used in a type argument list.
bool _isTypeNameInTypeArgumentList(TypeName typeName) =>
typeName.parent is TypeArgumentList;
* Records the new Element for a TypeName's Identifier.
* A null may be passed in to indicate that the element can't be resolved.
* (During a re-run of a task, it's important to clear any previous value
* of the element.)
void _setElement(Identifier typeName, Element element) {
if (typeName is SimpleIdentifier) {
typeName.staticElement = element;
} else if (typeName is PrefixedIdentifier) {
typeName.identifier.staticElement = element;
SimpleIdentifier prefix = typeName.prefix;
prefix.staticElement = nameScope.lookup(prefix, definingLibrary);
* Return `true` if the name of the given [typeName] is an built-in identifier.
static bool _isBuiltInIdentifier(TypeName typeName) {
Token token =;
return token.type.isKeyword;
* @return `true` if given [typeName] is used as a type annotation.
static bool _isTypeAnnotation(TypeName typeName) {
AstNode parent = typeName.parent;
if (parent is VariableDeclarationList) {
return identical(parent.type, typeName);
} else if (parent is FieldFormalParameter) {
return identical(parent.type, typeName);
} else if (parent is SimpleFormalParameter) {
return identical(parent.type, typeName);
return false;
* Instances of the class `TypeOverrideManager` manage the ability to override the type of an
* element within a given context.
class TypeOverrideManager {
* The current override scope, or `null` if no scope has been entered.
TypeOverrideManager_TypeOverrideScope currentScope;
* Apply a set of overrides that were previously captured.
* @param overrides the overrides to be applied
void applyOverrides(Map<VariableElement, DartType> overrides) {
if (currentScope == null) {
throw new StateError("Cannot apply overrides without a scope");
* Return a table mapping the elements whose type is overridden in the current scope to the
* overriding type.
* @return the overrides in the current scope
Map<VariableElement, DartType> captureLocalOverrides() {
if (currentScope == null) {
throw new StateError("Cannot capture local overrides without a scope");
return currentScope.captureLocalOverrides();
* Return a map from the elements for the variables in the given list that have their types
* overridden to the overriding type.
* @param variableList the list of variables whose overriding types are to be captured
* @return a table mapping elements to their overriding types
Map<VariableElement, DartType> captureOverrides(
VariableDeclarationList variableList) {
if (currentScope == null) {
throw new StateError("Cannot capture overrides without a scope");
return currentScope.captureOverrides(variableList);
* Enter a new override scope.
void enterScope() {
currentScope = new TypeOverrideManager_TypeOverrideScope(currentScope);
* Exit the current override scope.
void exitScope() {
if (currentScope == null) {
throw new StateError("No scope to exit");
currentScope = currentScope._outerScope;
* Return the best type information available for the given element. If the type of the element
* has been overridden, then return the overriding type. Otherwise, return the static type.
* @param element the element for which type information is to be returned
* @return the best type information available for the given element
DartType getBestType(VariableElement element) {
DartType bestType = getType(element);
return bestType ?? element.type;
* Return the overridden type of the given element, or `null` if the type of the element has
* not been overridden.
* @param element the element whose type might have been overridden
* @return the overridden type of the given element
DartType getType(Element element) {
if (currentScope == null) {
return null;
return currentScope.getType(element);
* Update overrides assuming [perBranchOverrides] is the collection of
* per-branch overrides for *all* branches flowing into a join point.
* If a variable type in any of branches is not the same as its type before
* the branching, then its propagated type is reset to `null`.
void mergeOverrides(List<Map<VariableElement, DartType>> perBranchOverrides) {
int length = perBranchOverrides.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Map<VariableElement, DartType> branch = perBranchOverrides[i];
branch.forEach((VariableElement variable, DartType branchType) {
DartType currentType = currentScope.getType(variable);
if (currentType != branchType) {
* Set the overridden type of the given element to the given type
* @param element the element whose type might have been overridden
* @param type the overridden type of the given element
void setType(VariableElement element, DartType type) {
if (currentScope == null) {
throw new StateError("Cannot override without a scope");
currentScope.setType(element, type);
* Instances of the class `TypeOverrideScope` represent a scope in which the types of
* elements can be overridden.
class TypeOverrideManager_TypeOverrideScope {
* The outer scope in which types might be overridden.
final TypeOverrideManager_TypeOverrideScope _outerScope;
* A table mapping elements to the overridden type of that element.
Map<VariableElement, DartType> _overriddenTypes =
new HashMap<VariableElement, DartType>();
* Initialize a newly created scope to be an empty child of the given scope.
* @param outerScope the outer scope in which types might be overridden
* Apply a set of overrides that were previously captured.
* @param overrides the overrides to be applied
void applyOverrides(Map<VariableElement, DartType> overrides) {
* Return a table mapping the elements whose type is overridden in the current scope to the
* overriding type.
* @return the overrides in the current scope
Map<VariableElement, DartType> captureLocalOverrides() => _overriddenTypes;
* Return a map from the elements for the variables in the given list that have their types
* overridden to the overriding type.
* @param variableList the list of variables whose overriding types are to be captured
* @return a table mapping elements to their overriding types
Map<VariableElement, DartType> captureOverrides(
VariableDeclarationList variableList) {
Map<VariableElement, DartType> overrides =
new HashMap<VariableElement, DartType>();
if (variableList.isConst || variableList.isFinal) {
for (VariableDeclaration variable in variableList.variables) {
VariableElement element = variable.element;
if (element != null) {
DartType type = _overriddenTypes[element];
if (type != null) {
overrides[element] = type;
return overrides;
* Return the overridden type of the given element, or `null` if the type of the element
* has not been overridden.
* @param element the element whose type might have been overridden
* @return the overridden type of the given element
DartType getType(Element element) {
Element nonAccessor =
element is PropertyAccessorElement ? element.variable : element;
DartType type = _overriddenTypes[nonAccessor];
if (_overriddenTypes.containsKey(nonAccessor)) {
return type;
return type ?? _outerScope?.getType(element);
* Clears the overridden type of the given [element].
void resetType(VariableElement element) {
_overriddenTypes[element] = null;
* Set the overridden type of the given element to the given type
* @param element the element whose type might have been overridden
* @param type the overridden type of the given element
void setType(VariableElement element, DartType type) {
_overriddenTypes[element] = type;
* This class resolves bounds of type parameters of classes, class and function
* type aliases.
class TypeParameterBoundsResolver {
final TypeSystem typeSystem;
final LibraryElement library;
final Source source;
final AnalysisErrorListener errorListener;
Scope libraryScope = null;
TypeNameResolver typeNameResolver = null;
this.typeSystem, this.library, this.source, this.errorListener);
* Resolve bounds of type parameters of classes, class and function type
* aliases.
void resolveTypeBounds(CompilationUnit unit) {
for (CompilationUnitMember unitMember in unit.declarations) {
if (unitMember is ClassDeclaration) {
() => new TypeParameterScope(libraryScope, unitMember.element));
} else if (unitMember is ClassTypeAlias) {
() => new TypeParameterScope(libraryScope, unitMember.element));
} else if (unitMember is FunctionTypeAlias) {
() => new FunctionTypeScope(libraryScope, unitMember.element));
void _resolveTypeName(TypeAnnotation type) {
if (type is TypeName) {
// TODO(scheglov) report error when don't apply type bounds for type bounds
} else if (type is GenericFunctionType) {
void resolveTypeParameter(TypeParameter t) {
void resolveParameter(FormalParameter p) {
if (p is SimpleFormalParameter) {
} else if (p is DefaultFormalParameter) {
} else if (p is FieldFormalParameter) {
} else if (p is FunctionTypedFormalParameter) {
void _resolveTypeParameters(
TypeParameterList typeParameters, Scope createTypeParametersScope()) {
if (typeParameters != null) {
Scope typeParametersScope = null;
for (TypeParameter typeParameter in typeParameters.typeParameters) {
TypeAnnotation bound = typeParameter.bound;
if (bound != null) {
Element typeParameterElement =;
if (typeParameterElement is TypeParameterElementImpl) {
if (LibraryElementImpl.hasResolutionCapability(
library, LibraryResolutionCapability.resolvedTypeNames)) {
if (bound is TypeName) {
bound.type = typeParameterElement.bound;
} else if (bound is GenericFunctionTypeImpl) {
bound.type = typeParameterElement.bound;
} else {
libraryScope ??= new LibraryScope(library);
typeParametersScope ??= createTypeParametersScope();
typeNameResolver ??= new TypeNameResolver(typeSystem,
typeSystem.typeProvider, library, source, errorListener);
typeNameResolver.nameScope = typeParametersScope;
typeParameterElement.bound = bound.type;
* Instances of the class `TypePromotionManager` manage the ability to promote types of local
* variables and formal parameters from their declared types based on control flow.
class TypePromotionManager {
* The current promotion scope, or `null` if no scope has been entered.
TypePromotionManager_TypePromoteScope currentScope;
* Returns the elements with promoted types.
Iterable<Element> get promotedElements => currentScope.promotedElements;
* Enter a new promotions scope.
void enterScope() {
currentScope = new TypePromotionManager_TypePromoteScope(currentScope);
* Exit the current promotion scope.
void exitScope() {
if (currentScope == null) {
throw new StateError("No scope to exit");
currentScope = currentScope._outerScope;
* Return the static type of the given [variable] - declared or promoted.
DartType getStaticType(VariableElement variable) =>
getType(variable) ?? variable.type;
* Return the promoted type of the given [element], or `null` if the type of
* the element has not been promoted.
DartType getType(Element element) => currentScope?.getType(element);
* Set the promoted type of the given element to the given type.
* @param element the element whose type might have been promoted
* @param type the promoted type of the given element
void setType(Element element, DartType type) {
if (currentScope == null) {
throw new StateError("Cannot promote without a scope");
currentScope.setType(element, type);
* Instances of the class `TypePromoteScope` represent a scope in which the types of
* elements can be promoted.
class TypePromotionManager_TypePromoteScope {
* The outer scope in which types might be promoter.
final TypePromotionManager_TypePromoteScope _outerScope;
* A table mapping elements to the promoted type of that element.
Map<Element, DartType> _promotedTypes = new HashMap<Element, DartType>();
* Initialize a newly created scope to be an empty child of the given scope.
* @param outerScope the outer scope in which types might be promoted
* Returns the elements with promoted types.
Iterable<Element> get promotedElements => _promotedTypes.keys.toSet();
* Return the promoted type of the given element, or `null` if the type of the element has
* not been promoted.
* @param element the element whose type might have been promoted
* @return the promoted type of the given element
DartType getType(Element element) {
DartType type = _promotedTypes[element];
if (type == null && element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
type = _promotedTypes[element.variable];
if (type != null) {
return type;
} else if (_outerScope != null) {
return _outerScope.getType(element);
return null;
* Set the promoted type of the given element to the given type.
* @param element the element whose type might have been promoted
* @param type the promoted type of the given element
void setType(Element element, DartType type) {
_promotedTypes[element] = type;
* The interface `TypeProvider` defines the behavior of objects that provide access to types
* defined by the language.
abstract class TypeProvider {
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'bool'.
InterfaceType get boolType;
* Return the type representing the type 'bottom'.
DartType get bottomType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Deprecated'.
InterfaceType get deprecatedType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'double'.
InterfaceType get doubleType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'dynamic'.
DartType get dynamicType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Function'.
InterfaceType get functionType;
* Return the type representing 'Future<dynamic>'.
InterfaceType get futureDynamicType;
* Return the type representing 'Future<Null>'.
InterfaceType get futureNullType;
* Return the type representing 'FutureOr<Null>'.
InterfaceType get futureOrNullType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'FutureOr'.
InterfaceType get futureOrType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Future'.
InterfaceType get futureType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'int'.
InterfaceType get intType;
* Return the type representing the type 'Iterable<dynamic>'.
InterfaceType get iterableDynamicType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Iterable'.
InterfaceType get iterableType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'List'.
InterfaceType get listType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Map'.
InterfaceType get mapType;
* Return a list containing all of the types that cannot be either extended or
* implemented.
List<InterfaceType> get nonSubtypableTypes;
* Return a [DartObjectImpl] representing the `null` object.
DartObjectImpl get nullObject;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Null'.
InterfaceType get nullType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'num'.
InterfaceType get numType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Object'.
InterfaceType get objectType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'StackTrace'.
InterfaceType get stackTraceType;
* Return the type representing 'Stream<dynamic>'.
InterfaceType get streamDynamicType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Stream'.
InterfaceType get streamType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'String'.
InterfaceType get stringType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Symbol'.
InterfaceType get symbolType;
* Return the type representing the built-in type 'Type'.
InterfaceType get typeType;
* Return the type representing typenames that can't be resolved.
DartType get undefinedType;
* Return 'true' if [id] is the name of a getter on
* the Object type.
bool isObjectGetter(String id);
* Return 'true' if [id] is the name of a method or getter on
* the Object type.
bool isObjectMember(String id);
* Return 'true' if [id] is the name of a method on
* the Object type.
bool isObjectMethod(String id);
* Provide common functionality shared by the various TypeProvider
* implementations.
abstract class TypeProviderBase implements TypeProvider {
List<InterfaceType> get nonSubtypableTypes => <InterfaceType>[
bool isObjectGetter(String id) {
PropertyAccessorElement element = objectType.element.getGetter(id);
return (element != null && !element.isStatic);
bool isObjectMember(String id) {
return isObjectGetter(id) || isObjectMethod(id);
bool isObjectMethod(String id) {
MethodElement element = objectType.element.getMethod(id);
return (element != null && !element.isStatic);
* Instances of the class `TypeProviderImpl` provide access to types defined by the language
* by looking for those types in the element model for the core library.
class TypeProviderImpl extends TypeProviderBase {
* The type representing the built-in type 'bool'.
InterfaceType _boolType;
* The type representing the type 'bottom'.
DartType _bottomType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'double'.
InterfaceType _doubleType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Deprecated'.
InterfaceType _deprecatedType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'dynamic'.
DartType _dynamicType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Function'.
InterfaceType _functionType;
* The type representing 'Future<dynamic>'.
InterfaceType _futureDynamicType;
* The type representing 'Future<Null>'.
InterfaceType _futureNullType;
* The type representing 'FutureOr<Null>'.
InterfaceType _futureOrNullType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'FutureOr'.
InterfaceType _futureOrType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Future'.
InterfaceType _futureType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'int'.
InterfaceType _intType;
* The type representing 'Iterable<dynamic>'.
InterfaceType _iterableDynamicType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Iterable'.
InterfaceType _iterableType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'List'.
InterfaceType _listType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Map'.
InterfaceType _mapType;
* An shared object representing the value 'null'.
DartObjectImpl _nullObject;
* The type representing the type 'Null'.
InterfaceType _nullType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'num'.
InterfaceType _numType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Object'.
InterfaceType _objectType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'StackTrace'.
InterfaceType _stackTraceType;
* The type representing 'Stream<dynamic>'.
InterfaceType _streamDynamicType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Stream'.
InterfaceType _streamType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'String'.
InterfaceType _stringType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Symbol'.
InterfaceType _symbolType;
* The type representing the built-in type 'Type'.
InterfaceType _typeType;
* The type representing typenames that can't be resolved.
DartType _undefinedType;
* Initialize a newly created type provider to provide the types defined in
* the given [coreLibrary] and [asyncLibrary].
TypeProviderImpl(LibraryElement coreLibrary, LibraryElement asyncLibrary) {
Namespace coreNamespace =
new NamespaceBuilder().createPublicNamespaceForLibrary(coreLibrary);
Namespace asyncNamespace =
new NamespaceBuilder().createPublicNamespaceForLibrary(asyncLibrary);
_initializeFrom(coreNamespace, asyncNamespace);
* Initialize a newly created type provider to provide the types defined in
* the given [Namespace]s.
Namespace coreNamespace, Namespace asyncNamespace) {
_initializeFrom(coreNamespace, asyncNamespace);
InterfaceType get boolType => _boolType;
DartType get bottomType => _bottomType;
InterfaceType get deprecatedType => _deprecatedType;
InterfaceType get doubleType => _doubleType;
DartType get dynamicType => _dynamicType;
InterfaceType get functionType => _functionType;
InterfaceType get futureDynamicType => _futureDynamicType;
InterfaceType get futureNullType => _futureNullType;
InterfaceType get futureOrNullType => _futureOrNullType;
InterfaceType get futureOrType => _futureOrType;
InterfaceType get futureType => _futureType;
InterfaceType get intType => _intType;
InterfaceType get iterableDynamicType => _iterableDynamicType;
InterfaceType get iterableType => _iterableType;
InterfaceType get listType => _listType;
InterfaceType get mapType => _mapType;
DartObjectImpl get nullObject {
if (_nullObject == null) {
_nullObject = new DartObjectImpl(nullType, NullState.NULL_STATE);
return _nullObject;
InterfaceType get nullType => _nullType;
InterfaceType get numType => _numType;
InterfaceType get objectType => _objectType;
InterfaceType get stackTraceType => _stackTraceType;
InterfaceType get streamDynamicType => _streamDynamicType;
InterfaceType get streamType => _streamType;
InterfaceType get stringType => _stringType;
InterfaceType get symbolType => _symbolType;
InterfaceType get typeType => _typeType;
DartType get undefinedType => _undefinedType;
* Return the type with the given name from the given namespace, or `null` if there is no
* class with the given name.
* @param namespace the namespace in which to search for the given name
* @param typeName the name of the type being searched for
* @return the type that was found
InterfaceType _getType(Namespace namespace, String typeName) {
Element element = namespace.get(typeName);
if (element == null) {
.logInformation("No definition of type $typeName");
return null;
return (element as ClassElement).type;
* Initialize the types provided by this type provider from the given
* [Namespace]s.
void _initializeFrom(Namespace coreNamespace, Namespace asyncNamespace) {
_boolType = _getType(coreNamespace, "bool");
_bottomType = BottomTypeImpl.instance;
_deprecatedType = _getType(coreNamespace, "Deprecated");
_doubleType = _getType(coreNamespace, "double");
_dynamicType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
_functionType = _getType(coreNamespace, "Function");
_futureOrType = _getType(asyncNamespace, "FutureOr");
_futureType = _getType(asyncNamespace, "Future");
_intType = _getType(coreNamespace, "int");
_iterableType = _getType(coreNamespace, "Iterable");
_listType = _getType(coreNamespace, "List");
_mapType = _getType(coreNamespace, "Map");
_nullType = _getType(coreNamespace, "Null");
_numType = _getType(coreNamespace, "num");
_objectType = _getType(coreNamespace, "Object");
_stackTraceType = _getType(coreNamespace, "StackTrace");
_streamType = _getType(asyncNamespace, "Stream");
_stringType = _getType(coreNamespace, "String");
_symbolType = _getType(coreNamespace, "Symbol");
_typeType = _getType(coreNamespace, "Type");
_undefinedType = UndefinedTypeImpl.instance;
_futureDynamicType = _futureType.instantiate(<DartType>[_dynamicType]);
_futureNullType = _futureType.instantiate(<DartType>[_nullType]);
_iterableDynamicType = _iterableType.instantiate(<DartType>[_dynamicType]);
_streamDynamicType = _streamType.instantiate(<DartType>[_dynamicType]);
// FutureOr<T> is still fairly new, so if we're analyzing an SDK that
// doesn't have it yet, create an element for it.
_futureOrType ??= createPlaceholderFutureOr(_futureType, _objectType);
_futureOrNullType = _futureOrType.instantiate(<DartType>[_nullType]);
* Create an [InterfaceType] that can be used for `FutureOr<T>` if the SDK
* being analyzed does not contain its own `FutureOr<T>`. This ensures that
* we can analyze older SDKs.
static InterfaceType createPlaceholderFutureOr(
InterfaceType futureType, InterfaceType objectType) {
var compilationUnit =
futureType.element.getAncestor((e) => e is CompilationUnitElement);
var element = ElementFactory.classElement('FutureOr', objectType, ['T']);
element.enclosingElement = compilationUnit;
return element.type;
* Modes in which [TypeResolverVisitor] works.
enum TypeResolverMode {
* Resolve all names types of all nodes.
* Resolve only type names outside of function bodies, variable initializers,
* and parameter default values.
* Resolve only type names that would be skipped during [api].
* Resolution must start from a unit member or a class member. For example
* it is not allowed to resolve types in a separate statement, or a function
* body.
* Instances of the class `TypeResolverVisitor` are used to resolve the types associated with
* the elements in the element model. This includes the types of superclasses, mixins, interfaces,
* fields, methods, parameters, and local variables. As a side-effect, this also finishes building
* the type hierarchy.
class TypeResolverVisitor extends ScopedVisitor {
* The type representing the type 'dynamic'.
DartType _dynamicType;
* The type representing typenames that can't be resolved.
DartType _undefinedType;
* The flag specifying if currently visited class references 'super' expression.
bool _hasReferenceToSuper = false;
* True if we're analyzing in strong mode.
bool _strongMode;
* Type type system in use for this resolver pass.
TypeSystem _typeSystem;
* The helper to resolve types.
TypeNameResolver _typeNameResolver;
final TypeResolverMode mode;
* Is `true` when we are visiting all nodes in [TypeResolverMode.local] mode.
bool _localModeVisitAll = false;
* Is `true` if we are in [TypeResolverMode.local] mode, and the initial
* [nameScope] was computed.
bool _localModeScopeReady = false;
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in an AST node.
* [definingLibrary] is the element for the library containing the node being
* visited.
* [source] is the source representing the compilation unit containing the
* node being visited.
* [typeProvider] is the object used to access the types from the core
* library.
* [errorListener] is the error listener that will be informed of any errors
* that are found during resolution.
* [nameScope] is the scope used to resolve identifiers in the node that will
* first be visited. If `null` or unspecified, a new [LibraryScope] will be
* created based on [definingLibrary] and [typeProvider].
TypeResolverVisitor(LibraryElement definingLibrary, Source source,
TypeProvider typeProvider, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener,
{Scope nameScope, this.mode: TypeResolverMode.everything})
: super(definingLibrary, source, typeProvider, errorListener,
nameScope: nameScope) {
_dynamicType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
_undefinedType = typeProvider.undefinedType;
_strongMode = definingLibrary.context.analysisOptions.strongMode;
_typeSystem = TypeSystem.create(definingLibrary.context);
_typeNameResolver = new TypeNameResolver(
_typeSystem, typeProvider, definingLibrary, source, errorListener);
Object visitAnnotation(Annotation node) {
// Visit annotations, if the annotation is @proxy, on a class, and "proxy"
// resolves to the proxy annotation in dart.core, then resolve the
// ElementAnnotation.
// Element resolution is done in the ElementResolver, and this work will be
// done in the general case for all annotations in the ElementResolver.
// The reason we resolve this particular element early is so that
// ClassElement.isProxy() returns the correct information during all
// phases of the ElementResolver.
Identifier identifier =;
if ( &&
node.parent is ClassDeclaration) {
Element element = nameScope.lookup(identifier, definingLibrary);
if (element != null &&
element.library.isDartCore &&
element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
// This is the @proxy from dart.core
ElementAnnotationImpl elementAnnotation = node.elementAnnotation;
elementAnnotation.element = element;
return null;
Object visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
SimpleIdentifier exception = node.exceptionParameter;
if (exception != null) {
// If an 'on' clause is provided the type of the exception parameter is
// the type in the 'on' clause. Otherwise, the type of the exception
// parameter is 'Object'.
TypeAnnotation exceptionTypeName = node.exceptionType;
DartType exceptionType;
if (exceptionTypeName == null) {
exceptionType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else {
exceptionType = _typeNameResolver._getType(exceptionTypeName);
_recordType(exception, exceptionType);
Element element = exception.staticElement;
if (element is VariableElementImpl) {
element.declaredType = exceptionType;
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Report the internal error
SimpleIdentifier stackTrace = node.stackTraceParameter;
if (stackTrace != null) {
_recordType(stackTrace, typeProvider.stackTraceType);
Element element = stackTrace.staticElement;
if (element is VariableElementImpl) {
element.declaredType = typeProvider.stackTraceType;
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Report the internal error
return null;
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
_hasReferenceToSuper = false;
ClassElementImpl classElement = _getClassElement(;
if (classElement != null) {
// Clear this flag, as we just invalidated any inferred member types.
classElement.hasBeenInferred = false;
classElement.hasReferenceToSuper = _hasReferenceToSuper;
return null;
void visitClassDeclarationInScope(ClassDeclaration node) {
ExtendsClause extendsClause = node.extendsClause;
WithClause withClause = node.withClause;
ImplementsClause implementsClause = node.implementsClause;
ClassElementImpl classElement = _getClassElement(;
InterfaceType superclassType = null;
if (extendsClause != null) {
ErrorCode errorCode = (withClause == null
? CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_NON_CLASS
superclassType = _resolveType(extendsClause.superclass, errorCode,
CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_ENUM, errorCode);
if (classElement != null) {
if (superclassType == null) {
InterfaceType objectType = typeProvider.objectType;
if (!identical(classElement.type, objectType)) {
superclassType = objectType;
classElement.supertype = superclassType;
_resolve(classElement, withClause, implementsClause);
return null;
void visitClassMembersInScope(ClassDeclaration node) {
// Process field declarations before constructors and methods so that the
// types of field formal parameters can be correctly resolved.
List<ClassMember> nonFields = new List<ClassMember>();
NodeList<ClassMember> members = node.members;
int length = members.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ClassMember member = members[i];
if (member is ConstructorDeclaration) {
} else {
int count = nonFields.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
ErrorCode errorCode = CompileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_WITH_NON_CLASS_SUPERCLASS;
InterfaceType superclassType = _resolveType(node.superclass, errorCode,
CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_ENUM, errorCode);
if (superclassType == null) {
superclassType = typeProvider.objectType;
ClassElementImpl classElement = _getClassElement(;
if (classElement != null) {
classElement.supertype = superclassType;
_resolve(classElement, node.withClause, node.implementsClause);
return null;
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
if (node.element == null) {
ClassDeclaration classNode =
node.getAncestor((node) => node is ClassDeclaration);
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write("The element for the constructor ");
buffer.write( == null ? "<unnamed>" :;
buffer.write(" in ");
if (classNode == null) {
buffer.write("<unknown class>");
} else {
buffer.write(" in ");
buffer.write(" was not set while trying to resolve types.");
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
return null;
Object visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) {
DartType declaredType;
TypeAnnotation typeName = node.type;
if (typeName == null) {
declaredType = _dynamicType;
} else {
declaredType = _typeNameResolver._getType(typeName);
LocalVariableElementImpl element = node.element as LocalVariableElementImpl;
element.declaredType = declaredType;
return null;
Object visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
Element element = node.identifier.staticElement;
if (element is ParameterElementImpl) {
FormalParameterList parameterList = node.parameters;
if (parameterList == null) {
DartType type;
TypeAnnotation typeName = node.type;
if (typeName == null) {
element.hasImplicitType = true;
if (element is FieldFormalParameterElement) {
FieldElement fieldElement =
(element as FieldFormalParameterElement).field;
type = fieldElement?.type;
} else {
type = _typeNameResolver._getType(typeName);
element.declaredType = type ?? _dynamicType;
} else {
_setFunctionTypedParameterType(element, node.type, node.parameters);
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Report this internal error
return null;
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElementImpl element = node.element as ExecutableElementImpl;
if (element == null) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write("The element for the top-level function ");
buffer.write(" in ");
buffer.write(" was not set while trying to resolve types.");
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
element.declaredReturnType = _computeReturnType(node.returnType);
element.type = new FunctionTypeImpl(element);
return null;
Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
var element = node.element as GenericTypeAliasElementImpl;
element.function.returnType = _computeReturnType(node.returnType);
return null;
Object visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) {
Element element = node.identifier.staticElement;
if (element is ParameterElementImpl) {
_setFunctionTypedParameterType(element, node.returnType, node.parameters);
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Report this internal error
return null;
Object visitGenericFunctionType(GenericFunctionType node) {
GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl element = node.type?.element;
if (element != null) {
element.returnType =
_computeReturnType(node.returnType) ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
return null;
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElementImpl element = node.element as ExecutableElementImpl;
if (element == null) {
ClassDeclaration classNode =
node.getAncestor((node) => node is ClassDeclaration);
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write("The element for the method ");
buffer.write(" in ");
if (classNode == null) {
buffer.write("<unknown class>");
} else {
buffer.write(" in ");
buffer.write(" was not set while trying to resolve types.");
new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(), null));
// When the library is resynthesized, types of all of its elements are
// already set - statically or inferred. We don't want to overwrite them.
if (LibraryElementImpl.hasResolutionCapability(
definingLibrary, LibraryResolutionCapability.resolvedTypeNames)) {
return null;
element.declaredReturnType = _computeReturnType(node.returnType);
element.type = new FunctionTypeImpl(element);
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = element as PropertyAccessorElement;
PropertyInducingElementImpl variable =
accessor.variable as PropertyInducingElementImpl;
if (accessor.isGetter) {
variable.declaredType = element.returnType;
} else if (variable.type == null) {
List<ParameterElement> parameters = element.parameters;
DartType type = parameters != null && parameters.length > 0
? parameters[0].type
: _dynamicType;
variable.declaredType = type;
return null;
Object visitNode(AstNode node) {
// In API mode we need to skip:
// - function bodies;
// - default values of parameters;
// - initializers of top-level variables.
if (mode == TypeResolverMode.api) {
if (node is FunctionBody) {
return null;
if (node is DefaultFormalParameter) {
return null;
if (node is VariableDeclaration) {
return null;
// In local mode we need to resolve only:
// - function bodies;
// - default values of parameters;
// - initializers of top-level variables.
// So, we carefully visit only nodes that are, or contain, these nodes.
// The client may choose to start visiting any node, but we still want to
// resolve only type names that are local.
if (mode == TypeResolverMode.local) {
// We are in the state of visiting all nodes.
if (_localModeVisitAll) {
return super.visitNode(node);
// Ensure that the name scope is ready.
if (!_localModeScopeReady) {
void fillNameScope(AstNode node) {
if (node is FunctionBody ||
node is FormalParameterList ||
node is VariableDeclaration) {
throw new StateError(
'Local type resolution must start from a class or unit member.');
// Create enclosing name scopes.
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent != null) {
// Create the name scope for the node.
if (node is ClassDeclaration) {
ClassElement classElement = node.element;
nameScope = new TypeParameterScope(nameScope, classElement);
nameScope = new ClassScope(nameScope, classElement);
_localModeScopeReady = true;
* Visit the given [node] and all its children.
void visitAllNodes(AstNode node) {
if (node != null) {
bool wasVisitAllInLocalMode = _localModeVisitAll;
try {
_localModeVisitAll = true;
} finally {
_localModeVisitAll = wasVisitAllInLocalMode;
// Visit only nodes that may contain type names to resolve.
if (node is CompilationUnit) {
} else if (node is ClassDeclaration) {
} else if (node is DefaultFormalParameter) {
} else if (node is FieldDeclaration) {
} else if (node is FunctionBody) {
} else if (node is FunctionDeclaration) {
} else if (node is FormalParameterList) {
} else if (node is MethodDeclaration) {
} else if (node is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
} else if (node is VariableDeclaration) {
} else if (node is VariableDeclarationList) {
return null;
// The mode in which we visit all nodes.
return super.visitNode(node);
Object visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) {
DartType declaredType;
TypeAnnotation typeName = node.type;
if (typeName == null) {
declaredType = _dynamicType;
} else {
declaredType = _typeNameResolver._getType(typeName);
Element element = node.element;
if (element is ParameterElementImpl) {
element.declaredType = declaredType;
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Report the internal error.
return null;
Object visitSuperExpression(SuperExpression node) {
_hasReferenceToSuper = true;
return super.visitSuperExpression(node);
Object visitTypeName(TypeName node) {
_typeNameResolver.nameScope = this.nameScope;
return null;
Object visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
AstNode parent2 = node.parent?.parent;
if (parent2 is ClassDeclaration ||
parent2 is ClassTypeAlias ||
parent2 is FunctionTypeAlias) {
// Bounds of parameters of classes and function type aliases are
// already resolved.
} else {
TypeAnnotation bound = node.bound;
if (bound != null) {
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParameter = as TypeParameterElementImpl;
if (typeParameter != null) {
typeParameter.bound = bound.type;
return null;
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
var variableList = node.parent as VariableDeclarationList;
// When the library is resynthesized, the types of field elements are
// already set - statically or inferred. We don't want to overwrite them.
if (variableList.parent is FieldDeclaration &&
definingLibrary, LibraryResolutionCapability.resolvedTypeNames)) {
return null;
// Resolve the type.
DartType declaredType;
TypeAnnotation typeName = variableList.type;
if (typeName == null) {
declaredType = _dynamicType;
} else {
declaredType = _typeNameResolver._getType(typeName);
Element element =;
if (element is VariableElementImpl) {
element.declaredType = declaredType;
return null;
* Given the [returnType] of a function, compute the return type of the
* function.
DartType _computeReturnType(TypeAnnotation returnType) {
if (returnType == null) {
return _dynamicType;
} else {
return _typeNameResolver._getType(returnType);
* Return the class element that represents the class whose name was provided.
* @param identifier the name from the declaration of a class
* @return the class element that represents the class
ClassElementImpl _getClassElement(SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Seems like we should be using
// ClassDeclaration.getElement().
if (identifier == null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Report this
// Internal error: We should never build a class declaration without a
// name.
return null;
Element element = identifier.staticElement;
if (element is ClassElementImpl) {
return element;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Report this
// Internal error: Failed to create an element for a class declaration.
return null;
* In strong mode we infer "void" as the return type of operator []= (as void
* is the only legal return type for []=). This allows us to give better
* errors later if an invalid type is returned.
void _inferOperatorReturnType(ExecutableElementImpl element) {
if (_strongMode &&
element.isOperator && == '[]=' &&
element.hasImplicitReturnType) {
element.declaredReturnType = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
* In strong mode we infer "void" as the setter return type (as void is the
* only legal return type for a setter). This allows us to give better
* errors later if an invalid type is returned.
void _inferSetterReturnType(ExecutableElementImpl element) {
if (_strongMode &&
element is PropertyAccessorElementImpl &&
element.isSetter &&
element.hasImplicitReturnType) {
element.declaredReturnType = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
* Record that the static type of the given node is the given type.
* @param expression the node whose type is to be recorded
* @param type the static type of the node
Object _recordType(Expression expression, DartType type) {
if (type == null) {
expression.staticType = _dynamicType;
} else {
expression.staticType = type;
return null;
* Resolve the types in the given [withClause] and [implementsClause] and
* associate those types with the given [classElement].
void _resolve(ClassElementImpl classElement, WithClause withClause,
ImplementsClause implementsClause) {
if (withClause != null) {
List<InterfaceType> mixinTypes = _resolveTypes(
if (classElement != null) {
classElement.mixins = mixinTypes;
if (implementsClause != null) {
NodeList<TypeName> interfaces = implementsClause.interfaces;
List<InterfaceType> interfaceTypes = _resolveTypes(
if (classElement != null) {
classElement.interfaces = interfaceTypes;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Move the following checks to ErrorVerifier.
int count = interfaces.length;
List<bool> detectedRepeatOnIndex = new List<bool>.filled(count, false);
for (int i = 0; i < detectedRepeatOnIndex.length; i++) {
detectedRepeatOnIndex[i] = false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
TypeName typeName = interfaces[i];
if (!detectedRepeatOnIndex[i]) {
Element element =;
for (int j = i + 1; j < count; j++) {
TypeName typeName2 = interfaces[j];
Identifier identifier2 =;
String name2 =;
Element element2 = identifier2.staticElement;
if (element != null && element == element2) {
detectedRepeatOnIndex[j] = true;
CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_REPEATED, typeName2, [name2]);
* Return the type specified by the given name.
* @param typeName the type name specifying the type to be returned
* @param nonTypeError the error to produce if the type name is defined to be something other than
* a type
* @param enumTypeError the error to produce if the type name is defined to be an enum
* @param dynamicTypeError the error to produce if the type name is "dynamic"
* @return the type specified by the type name
InterfaceType _resolveType(TypeName typeName, ErrorCode nonTypeError,
ErrorCode enumTypeError, ErrorCode dynamicTypeError) {
DartType type = typeName.type;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
ClassElement element = type.element;
if (element != null && element.isEnum) {
errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(enumTypeError, typeName);
return null;
return type;
// If the type is not an InterfaceType, then visitTypeName() sets the type
// to be a DynamicTypeImpl
Identifier name =;
if ( == Keyword.DYNAMIC.lexeme) {
errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(dynamicTypeError, name, []);
} else if (!nameScope.shouldIgnoreUndefined(name)) {
errorReporter.reportErrorForNode(nonTypeError, name, []);
return null;
* Resolve the types in the given list of type names.
* @param typeNames the type names to be resolved
* @param nonTypeError the error to produce if the type name is defined to be something other than
* a type
* @param enumTypeError the error to produce if the type name is defined to be an enum
* @param dynamicTypeError the error to produce if the type name is "dynamic"
* @return an array containing all of the types that were resolved.
List<InterfaceType> _resolveTypes(
NodeList<TypeName> typeNames,
ErrorCode nonTypeError,
ErrorCode enumTypeError,
ErrorCode dynamicTypeError) {
List<InterfaceType> types = new List<InterfaceType>();
for (TypeName typeName in typeNames) {
InterfaceType type =
_resolveType(typeName, nonTypeError, enumTypeError, dynamicTypeError);
if (type != null) {
return types;
* Given a function typed [parameter] with [FunctionType] based on a
* [GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl], compute and set the return type for the
* function element.
void _setFunctionTypedParameterType(ParameterElementImpl parameter,
TypeAnnotation returnType, FormalParameterList parameterList) {
DartType type = parameter.type;
GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl typeElement = type.element;
typeElement.returnType = _computeReturnType(returnType);
* Instances of the class [UnusedLocalElementsVerifier] traverse an AST
* looking for cases of [HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT], [HintCode.UNUSED_FIELD],
class UnusedLocalElementsVerifier extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
* The error listener to which errors will be reported.
final AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener;
* The elements know to be used.
final UsedLocalElements _usedElements;
* Create a new instance of the [UnusedLocalElementsVerifier].
UnusedLocalElementsVerifier(this._errorListener, this._usedElements);
visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (node.inDeclarationContext()) {
var element = node.staticElement;
if (element is ClassElement) {
} else if (element is FieldElement) {
} else if (element is FunctionElement) {
} else if (element is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
} else if (element is LocalVariableElement) {
} else if (element is MethodElement) {
} else if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
} else if (element is TopLevelVariableElement) {
bool _isNamedUnderscore(LocalVariableElement element) {
String name =;
if (name != null) {
for (int index = name.length - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
if (name.codeUnitAt(index) != 0x5F) {
// 0x5F => '_'
return false;
return true;
return false;
bool _isReadMember(Element element) {
if (element.isPublic) {
return true;
if (element.isSynthetic) {
return true;
return _usedElements.readMembers.contains(element.displayName);
bool _isUsedElement(Element element) {
if (element.isSynthetic) {
return true;
if (element is LocalVariableElement ||
element is FunctionElement && !element.isStatic) {
// local variable or function
} else {
if (element.isPublic) {
return true;
return _usedElements.elements.contains(element);
bool _isUsedMember(Element element) {
if (element.isPublic) {
return true;
if (element.isSynthetic) {
return true;
if (_usedElements.members.contains(element.displayName)) {
return true;
return _usedElements.elements.contains(element);
void _reportErrorForElement(
ErrorCode errorCode, Element element, List<Object> arguments) {
if (element != null) {
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError(element.source,
element.nameOffset, element.nameLength, errorCode, arguments));
_visitClassElement(ClassElement element) {
if (!_isUsedElement(element)) {
_reportErrorForElement(HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, element,
[element.kind.displayName, element.displayName]);
_visitFieldElement(FieldElement element) {
if (!_isReadMember(element)) {
HintCode.UNUSED_FIELD, element, [element.displayName]);
_visitFunctionElement(FunctionElement element) {
if (!_isUsedElement(element)) {
_reportErrorForElement(HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, element,
[element.kind.displayName, element.displayName]);
_visitFunctionTypeAliasElement(FunctionTypeAliasElement element) {
if (!_isUsedElement(element)) {
_reportErrorForElement(HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, element,
[element.kind.displayName, element.displayName]);
_visitLocalVariableElement(LocalVariableElement element) {
if (!_isUsedElement(element) && !_isNamedUnderscore(element)) {
HintCode errorCode;
if (_usedElements.isCatchException(element)) {
errorCode = HintCode.UNUSED_CATCH_CLAUSE;
} else if (_usedElements.isCatchStackTrace(element)) {
errorCode = HintCode.UNUSED_CATCH_STACK;
} else {
_reportErrorForElement(errorCode, element, [element.displayName]);
_visitMethodElement(MethodElement element) {
if (!_isUsedMember(element)) {
_reportErrorForElement(HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, element,
[element.kind.displayName, element.displayName]);
_visitPropertyAccessorElement(PropertyAccessorElement element) {
if (!_isUsedMember(element)) {
_reportErrorForElement(HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, element,
[element.kind.displayName, element.displayName]);
_visitTopLevelVariableElement(TopLevelVariableElement element) {
if (!_isUsedElement(element)) {
_reportErrorForElement(HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, element,
[element.kind.displayName, element.displayName]);
* A container with information about used imports prefixes and used imported
* elements.
class UsedImportedElements {
* The map of referenced [PrefixElement]s and the [Element]s that they prefix.
final Map<PrefixElement, List<Element>> prefixMap =
new HashMap<PrefixElement, List<Element>>();
* The set of referenced top-level [Element]s.
final Set<Element> elements = new HashSet<Element>();
* A container with sets of used [Element]s.
* All these elements are defined in a single compilation unit or a library.
class UsedLocalElements {
* Resolved, locally defined elements that are used or potentially can be
* used.
final HashSet<Element> elements = new HashSet<Element>();
* [LocalVariableElement]s that represent exceptions in [CatchClause]s.
final HashSet<LocalVariableElement> catchExceptionElements =
new HashSet<LocalVariableElement>();
* [LocalVariableElement]s that represent stack traces in [CatchClause]s.
final HashSet<LocalVariableElement> catchStackTraceElements =
new HashSet<LocalVariableElement>();
* Names of resolved or unresolved class members that are referenced in the
* library.
final HashSet<String> members = new HashSet<String>();
* Names of resolved or unresolved class members that are read in the
* library.
final HashSet<String> readMembers = new HashSet<String>();
factory UsedLocalElements.merge(List<UsedLocalElements> parts) {
UsedLocalElements result = new UsedLocalElements();
int length = parts.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
UsedLocalElements part = parts[i];
return result;
void addCatchException(LocalVariableElement element) {
if (element != null) {
void addCatchStackTrace(LocalVariableElement element) {
if (element != null) {
void addElement(Element element) {
if (element != null) {
bool isCatchException(LocalVariableElement element) {
return catchExceptionElements.contains(element);
bool isCatchStackTrace(LocalVariableElement element) {
return catchStackTraceElements.contains(element);
* Instances of the class `VariableResolverVisitor` are used to resolve
* [SimpleIdentifier]s to local variables and formal parameters.
class VariableResolverVisitor extends ScopedVisitor {
* The method or function that we are currently visiting, or `null` if we are not inside a
* method or function.
ExecutableElement _enclosingFunction;
* Information about local variables in the enclosing function or method.
LocalVariableInfo _localVariableInfo;
* Initialize a newly created visitor to resolve the nodes in an AST node.
* [definingLibrary] is the element for the library containing the node being
* visited.
* [source] is the source representing the compilation unit containing the
* node being visited
* [typeProvider] is the object used to access the types from the core
* library.
* [errorListener] is the error listener that will be informed of any errors
* that are found during resolution.
* [nameScope] is the scope used to resolve identifiers in the node that will
* first be visited. If `null` or unspecified, a new [LibraryScope] will be
* created based on [definingLibrary] and [typeProvider].
VariableResolverVisitor(LibraryElement definingLibrary, Source source,
TypeProvider typeProvider, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener,
{Scope nameScope})
: super(definingLibrary, source, typeProvider, errorListener,
nameScope: nameScope);
Object visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) {
assert(_localVariableInfo != null);
return super.visitBlockFunctionBody(node);
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
LocalVariableInfo outerLocalVariableInfo = _localVariableInfo;
try {
_localVariableInfo ??= new LocalVariableInfo();
(node.body as FunctionBodyImpl).localVariableInfo = _localVariableInfo;
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
return super.visitConstructorDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_localVariableInfo = outerLocalVariableInfo;
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
Object visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) => null;
Object visitExpressionFunctionBody(ExpressionFunctionBody node) {
assert(_localVariableInfo != null);
return super.visitExpressionFunctionBody(node);
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
LocalVariableInfo outerLocalVariableInfo = _localVariableInfo;
try {
_localVariableInfo ??= new LocalVariableInfo();
(node.functionExpression.body as FunctionBodyImpl).localVariableInfo =
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
return super.visitFunctionDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_localVariableInfo = outerLocalVariableInfo;
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
if (node.parent is! FunctionDeclaration) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
LocalVariableInfo outerLocalVariableInfo = _localVariableInfo;
try {
_localVariableInfo ??= new LocalVariableInfo();
(node.body as FunctionBodyImpl).localVariableInfo = _localVariableInfo;
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
return super.visitFunctionExpression(node);
} finally {
_localVariableInfo = outerLocalVariableInfo;
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
} else {
return super.visitFunctionExpression(node);
Object visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) => null;
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement outerFunction = _enclosingFunction;
LocalVariableInfo outerLocalVariableInfo = _localVariableInfo;
try {
_localVariableInfo ??= new LocalVariableInfo();
(node.body as FunctionBodyImpl).localVariableInfo = _localVariableInfo;
_enclosingFunction = node.element;
return super.visitMethodDeclaration(node);
} finally {
_localVariableInfo = outerLocalVariableInfo;
_enclosingFunction = outerFunction;
Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
// Ignore if already resolved - declaration or type.
if (node.inDeclarationContext()) {
return null;
// Ignore if it cannot be a reference to a local variable.
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is FieldFormalParameter) {
return null;
} else if (parent is ConstructorDeclaration && parent.returnType == node) {
return null;
} else if (parent is ConstructorFieldInitializer &&
parent.fieldName == node) {
return null;
// Ignore if qualified.
if (parent is PrefixedIdentifier && identical(parent.identifier, node)) {
return null;
if (parent is PropertyAccess && identical(parent.propertyName, node)) {
return null;
if (parent is MethodInvocation &&
identical(parent.methodName, node) &&
parent.realTarget != null) {
return null;
if (parent is ConstructorName) {
return null;
if (parent is Label) {
return null;
// Prepare VariableElement.
Element element = nameScope.lookup(node, definingLibrary);
if (element is! VariableElement) {
return null;
// Must be local or parameter.
ElementKind kind = element.kind;
if (kind == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE || kind == ElementKind.PARAMETER) {
node.staticElement = element;
if (node.inSetterContext()) {
if (element.enclosingElement != _enclosingFunction) {
return null;
Object visitTypeName(TypeName node) {
return null;
class _ConstantVerifier_validateInitializerExpression extends ConstantVisitor {
final ConstantVerifier verifier;
List<ParameterElement> parameterElements;
TypeSystem _typeSystem;
TypeProvider typeProvider,
ErrorReporter errorReporter,
DeclaredVariables declaredVariables,
{TypeSystem typeSystem})
: _typeSystem = typeSystem ?? new TypeSystemImpl(typeProvider),
new ConstantEvaluationEngine(typeProvider, declaredVariables,
typeSystem: typeSystem),
DartObjectImpl visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
Element element = node.staticElement;
int length = parameterElements.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ParameterElement parameterElement = parameterElements[i];
if (identical(parameterElement, element) && parameterElement != null) {
DartType type = parameterElement.type;
if (type != null) {
if (type.isDynamic) {
return new DartObjectImpl(
verifier._typeProvider.objectType, DynamicState.DYNAMIC_STATE);
} else if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(type, verifier._boolType)) {
return new DartObjectImpl(
verifier._typeProvider.boolType, BoolState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
} else if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(
type, verifier._typeProvider.doubleType)) {
return new DartObjectImpl(
verifier._typeProvider.doubleType, DoubleState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
} else if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(type, verifier._intType)) {
return new DartObjectImpl(
verifier._typeProvider.intType, IntState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
} else if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(type, verifier._numType)) {
return new DartObjectImpl(
verifier._typeProvider.numType, NumState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
} else if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(type, verifier._stringType)) {
return new DartObjectImpl(
verifier._typeProvider.stringType, StringState.UNKNOWN_VALUE);
// We don't test for other types of objects (such as List, Map,
// Function or Type) because there are no operations allowed on such
// types other than '==' and '!=', which means that we don't need to
// know the type when there is no specific data about the state of
// such objects.
return new DartObjectImpl(
type is InterfaceType ? type : verifier._typeProvider.objectType,
return super.visitSimpleIdentifier(node);
* An object used to track the usage of labels within a single label scope.
class _LabelTracker {
* The tracker for the outer label scope.
final _LabelTracker outerTracker;
* The labels whose usage is being tracked.
final List<Label> labels;
* A list of flags corresponding to the list of [labels] indicating whether
* the corresponding label has been used.
List<bool> used;
* A map from the names of labels to the index of the label in [labels].
final Map<String, int> labelMap = <String, int>{};
* Initialize a newly created label tracker.
_LabelTracker(this.outerTracker, this.labels) {
used = new List.filled(labels.length, false);
for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
labelMap[labels[i]] = i;
* Record that the label with the given [labelName] has been used.
void recordUsage(String labelName) {
if (labelName != null) {
int index = labelMap[labelName];
if (index != null) {
used[index] = true;
} else if (outerTracker != null) {
* Return the unused labels.
Iterable<Label> unusedLabels() sync* {
for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
if (!used[i]) {
yield labels[i];
class _ResolverVisitor_isVariableAccessedInClosure
extends RecursiveAstVisitor<Object> {
final Element variable;
bool result = false;
bool _inClosure = false;
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
bool inClosure = this._inClosure;
try {
this._inClosure = true;
return super.visitFunctionExpression(node);
} finally {
this._inClosure = inClosure;
Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (result) {
return null;
if (_inClosure && identical(node.staticElement, variable)) {
result = true;
return null;
class _ResolverVisitor_isVariablePotentiallyMutatedIn
extends RecursiveAstVisitor<Object> {
final Element variable;
bool result = false;
Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (result) {
return null;
if (identical(node.staticElement, variable)) {
if (node.inSetterContext()) {
result = true;
return null;