blob: 55d864b1d86017325cdb5023f2f995ab19b5bef9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/computer_folding.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../abstract_context.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class FoldingComputerTest extends AbstractContextTest {
String sourcePath;
setUp() {
sourcePath = resourceProvider.convertPath('/p/lib/source.dart');
test_single_import_directives() async {
String content = """
import 'dart:async';
main() {}
// Since there are no region comment markers above
// just check the length instead of the contents
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
expect(regions, hasLength(0));
test_multiple_import_directives() async {
String content = """
import/*1:INC*/ 'dart:async';
// We can have comments
import 'package:a/b.dart';
import 'package:b/c.dart';
import '../a.dart';/*1:EXC:DIRECTIVES*/
main() {}
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
_compareRegions(regions, content);
test_multiple_directive_types() async {
String content = """
import/*1:INC*/ 'dart:async';
// We can have comments
import 'package:a/b.dart';
import 'package:b/c.dart';
export '../a.dart';/*1:EXC:DIRECTIVES*/
main() {}
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
_compareRegions(regions, content);
test_function() async {
String content = """
// Content before
main() {/*1:INC*/
print("Hello, world!");
// Content after
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
_compareRegions(regions, content);
test_function_with_dart_doc() async {
String content = """
// Content before
/*1:EXC*//// This is a doc comment
/// that spans lines/*1:INC:DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT*/
main() {/*2:INC*/
print("Hello, world!");
// Content after
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
_compareRegions(regions, content);
test_nested_function() async {
String content = """
// Content before
main() {/*1:INC*/
doPrint() {/*2:INC*/
print("Hello, world!");
// Content after
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
_compareRegions(regions, content);
test_class() async {
String content = """
// Content before
class Person {/*1:INC*/
Person() {/*2:INC*/
print("Hello, world!");
void sayHello() {/*3:INC*/
print("Hello, world!");
// Content after
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
_compareRegions(regions, content);
test_annotations() async {
String content = """
"is a test"
main() {}
main2() {}
"is a test"
main3() {}
class MyClass {}
class MyClass2 {/*4:INC*/
int myField;
int get myThing => 1;
void set myThing(int value) {}
void myMethod() {}
MyClass2() {}
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
_compareRegions(regions, content);
test_file_header() async {
String content = """
// Copyright some year by some people/*1:EXC*/
// This is not the file header
// It's just a comment
main() {}
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
_compareRegions(regions, content);
test_file_header_with_no_function_comment() async {
String content = """
// Copyright some year by some people/*1:EXC*/
main() {}
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
_compareRegions(regions, content);
test_file_header_with_non_end_of_line_comment() async {
String content = """
// Copyright some year by some people/*1:EXC*/
/* This shouldn't be part of the file header */
main() {}
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
_compareRegions(regions, content);
test_file_header_does_not_include_block_comments() async {
String content = """
* Copyright some year by some people
* See LICENCE etc.
/* This shouldn't be part of the file header */
main() {}
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
expect(regions, hasLength(0));
test_file_header_with_script_prefix() async {
String content = """
#! /usr/bin/dart
// Copyright some year by some people/*1:EXC*/
// This is not the file header
// It's just a comment
main() {}
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
_compareRegions(regions, content);
test_comment_is_not_considered_file_header() async {
String content = """
// This is not the file header
// It's just a comment
main() {}
// Since there are no region comment markers above
// just check the length instead of the contents
final regions = await _computeRegions(content);
expect(regions, hasLength(0));
/// Compares provided folding regions with expected
/// regions extracted from the comments in the provided content.
void _compareRegions(List<FoldingRegion> regions, String content) {
// Find all numeric markers for region starts.
final regex = new RegExp(r'/\*(\d+):(INC|EXC)\*/');
final expectedRegions = regex.allMatches(content);
// Check we didn't get more than expected, since the loop below only
// checks for the presence of matches, not absence.
expect(regions, hasLength(expectedRegions.length));
// Go through each marker, find the expected region start/end and
// ensure it's in the results.
expectedRegions.forEach((m) {
final i =;
final inclusiveStart = == "INC";
// Find the end marker.
final endMatch =
new RegExp('/\\*$i:(INC|EXC):(.+?)\\*/').firstMatch(content);
final inclusiveEnd = == "INC";
final expectedKindString =;
final expectedKind = FoldingKind.VALUES.firstWhere(
(f) => f.toString() == 'FoldingKind.$expectedKindString',
orElse: () => throw new Exception(
"Annotated test code references $expectedKindString but "
"this does not exist in FoldingKind"));
final expectedStart = inclusiveStart ? m.start : m.end;
final expectedLength =
(inclusiveEnd ? endMatch.end : endMatch.start) - expectedStart;
new FoldingRegion(expectedKind, expectedStart, expectedLength)));
Future<List<FoldingRegion>> _computeRegions(String sourceContent) async {
newFile(sourcePath, content: sourceContent);
ResolveResult result = await driver.getResult(sourcePath);
DartUnitFoldingComputer computer =
new DartUnitFoldingComputer(result.lineInfo, result.unit);
return computer.compute();