blob: 441d653c6f1a9dfa57a26fe2f41a0632ea72cbfd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of ssa;
* This phase simplifies interceptors in multiple ways:
* 1) If the interceptor is for an object whose type is known, it
* tries to use a constant interceptor instead.
* 2) It specializes interceptors based on the selectors it is being
* called with.
* 3) If we know the object is not intercepted, we just use it
* instead.
* 4) It replaces all interceptors that are used only once with
* one-shot interceptors. It saves code size and makes the receiver of
* an intercepted call a candidate for being generated at use site.
class SsaSimplifyInterceptors extends HBaseVisitor
implements OptimizationPhase {
final String name = "SsaSimplifyInterceptors";
final ConstantSystem constantSystem;
final Compiler compiler;
final CodegenWorkItem work;
HGraph graph;
SsaSimplifyInterceptors(this.compiler, this.constantSystem,;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
this.graph = graph;
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock node) {
currentBlock = node;
HInstruction instruction = node.first;
while (instruction != null) {
bool shouldRemove = instruction.accept(this);
HInstruction next =;
if (shouldRemove) {
instruction = next;
bool visitInstruction(HInstruction instruction) => false;
bool visitInvoke(HInvoke invoke) {
if (!invoke.isInterceptedCall) return false;
var interceptor = invoke.inputs[0];
if (interceptor is! HInterceptor) return false;
HInstruction constant = tryComputeConstantInterceptor(
invoke.inputs[1], interceptor.interceptedClasses);
if (constant != null) {
invoke.changeUse(interceptor, constant);
return false;
bool canUseSelfForInterceptor(HInstruction instruction,
Set<ClassElement> interceptedClasses) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
if (instruction.canBePrimitive(compiler)) {
// Primitives always need interceptors.
return false;
if (instruction.canBeNull()
&& interceptedClasses.contains(backend.jsNullClass)) {
// Need the JSNull interceptor.
return false;
// [interceptedClasses] is sparse - it is just the classes that define some
// intercepted method. Their subclasses (that inherit the method) are
// implicit, so we have to extend them.
TypeMask receiverType = instruction.instructionType;
return interceptedClasses
.where((cls) => cls != compiler.objectClass)
.map((cls) => backend.classesMixedIntoInterceptedClasses.contains(cls)
? new TypeMask.subtype(cls)
: new TypeMask.subclass(cls))
.every((mask) => receiverType.intersection(mask, compiler).isEmpty);
HInstruction tryComputeConstantInterceptor(
HInstruction input,
Set<ClassElement> interceptedClasses) {
if (input == graph.explicitReceiverParameter) {
// If `explicitReceiverParameter` is set it means the current method is an
// interceptor method, and `this` is the interceptor. The caller just did
// `getInterceptor(foo).currentMethod(foo)` to enter the current method.
return graph.thisInstruction;
ClassElement constantInterceptor;
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
if (input.canBeNull()) {
if (input.isNull()) {
constantInterceptor = backend.jsNullClass;
} else if (input.isInteger(compiler)) {
constantInterceptor = backend.jsIntClass;
} else if (input.isDouble(compiler)) {
constantInterceptor = backend.jsDoubleClass;
} else if (input.isBoolean(compiler)) {
constantInterceptor = backend.jsBoolClass;
} else if (input.isString(compiler)) {
constantInterceptor = backend.jsStringClass;
} else if (input.isArray(compiler)) {
constantInterceptor = backend.jsArrayClass;
} else if (input.isNumber(compiler)
&& !interceptedClasses.contains(backend.jsIntClass)
&& !interceptedClasses.contains(backend.jsDoubleClass)) {
// If the method being intercepted is not defined in [int] or [double] we
// can safely use the number interceptor. This is because none of the
// [int] or [double] methods are called from a method defined on [num].
constantInterceptor = backend.jsNumberClass;
} else {
// Try to find constant interceptor for a native class. If the receiver
// is constrained to a leaf native class, we can use the class's
// interceptor directly.
// TODO(sra): Key DOM classes like Node, Element and Event are not leaf
// classes. When the receiver type is not a leaf class, we might still be
// able to use the receiver class as a constant interceptor. It is
// usually the case that methods defined on a non-leaf class don't test
// for a subclass or call methods defined on a subclass. Provided the
// code is completely insensitive to the specific instance subclasses, we
// can use the non-leaf class directly.
ClassElement element = input.instructionType.singleClass(compiler);
if (element != null && element.isNative()) {
constantInterceptor = element;
if (constantInterceptor == null) return null;
// If we just happen to be in an instance method of the constant
// interceptor, `this` is a shorter alias.
if (constantInterceptor == work.element.getEnclosingClass()
&& graph.thisInstruction != null) {
return graph.thisInstruction;
Constant constant = new InterceptorConstant(
return graph.addConstant(constant, compiler);
HInstruction findDominator(Iterable<HInstruction> instructions) {
HInstruction result;
L1: for (HInstruction candidate in instructions) {
for (HInstruction current in instructions) {
if (current != candidate && !candidate.dominates(current)) continue L1;
result = candidate;
return result;
bool visitInterceptor(HInterceptor node) {
if (node.isConstant()) return false;
// If the interceptor is used by multiple instructions, specialize
// it with a set of classes it intercepts.
Set<ClassElement> interceptedClasses;
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
HInstruction dominator =
findDominator(node.usedBy.where((i) => i is HInvokeDynamic));
// If there is an instruction that dominates all others, we can
// use only the selector of that instruction.
if (dominator != null) {
interceptedClasses =
// If we found that we need number, we must still go through all
// uses to check if they require int, or double.
if (interceptedClasses.contains(backend.jsNumberClass)
&& !(interceptedClasses.contains(backend.jsDoubleClass)
|| interceptedClasses.contains(backend.jsIntClass))) {
for (HInstruction user in node.usedBy) {
if (user is! HInvoke) continue;
Set<ClassElement> intercepted =
if (intercepted.contains(backend.jsIntClass)) {
if (intercepted.contains(backend.jsDoubleClass)) {
} else {
interceptedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
for (HInstruction user in node.usedBy) {
if (user is HIs) {
// Is-checks can be performed on any intercepted class.
if (user is! HInvoke) continue;
// We don't handle escaping interceptors yet.
HInstruction receiver = node.receiver;
if (canUseSelfForInterceptor(receiver, interceptedClasses)) {
return rewriteToUseSelfAsInterceptor(node, receiver);
// Try computing a constant interceptor.
HInstruction constantInterceptor =
tryComputeConstantInterceptor(receiver, interceptedClasses);
if (constantInterceptor != null) {
node.block.rewrite(node, constantInterceptor);
return false;
node.interceptedClasses = interceptedClasses;
// Try creating a one-shot interceptor.
if (node.usedBy.length != 1) return false;
if (node.usedBy[0] is !HInvokeDynamic) return false;
HInvokeDynamic user = node.usedBy[0];
// If [node] was loop hoisted, we keep the interceptor.
if (!user.hasSameLoopHeaderAs(node)) return false;
// Replace the user with a [HOneShotInterceptor].
HConstant nullConstant = graph.addConstantNull(compiler);
List<HInstruction> inputs = new List<HInstruction>.from(user.inputs);
inputs[0] = nullConstant;
HOneShotInterceptor interceptor = new HOneShotInterceptor(
user.selector, inputs, user.instructionType, node.interceptedClasses);
interceptor.sourcePosition = user.sourcePosition;
interceptor.sourceElement = user.sourceElement;
HBasicBlock block = user.block;
block.addAfter(user, interceptor);
block.rewrite(user, interceptor);
return true;
bool rewriteToUseSelfAsInterceptor(HInterceptor node, HInstruction receiver) {
// `rewrite` below clears `node.usedBy`.
List<HInstruction> originalUsers = node.usedBy.toList();
node.block.rewrite(node, receiver);
// We have just rewritten:
// m = getInterceptor(a)
//$1(a, x)
// -->
// m = getInterceptor(a)
//$1(a, x)
// For the rewritten calls, if the selector matches only methods that ignore
// the explicit receiver parameter, replace occurences of the receiver
// argument with a dummy receiver '0':
//$1(a, x) -->$1(0, x)
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
for (HInstruction user in originalUsers) {
if (user is HInvokeDynamic) {
HInvokeDynamic invoke = user;
if (invoke.receiver == receiver &&
!backend.isInterceptedMixinSelector(invoke.selector)) {
HInstruction receiverArgument = invoke.inputs[1];
// TODO(15720): The test here should be
// invoke.receiver.nonCheck() == receiverArgument.nonCheck()
if (invoke.receiver == receiverArgument) { // recognize,...)
// TODO(15933): Make automatically generated property extraction
// closures work with the dummy receiver optimization.
if (!invoke.selector.isGetter()) {
Constant constant = new DummyReceiverConstant(
HConstant dummy = graph.addConstant(constant, compiler);
invoke.inputs[1] = dummy;
return false;
bool visitOneShotInterceptor(HOneShotInterceptor node) {
HInstruction constant = tryComputeConstantInterceptor(
node.inputs[1], node.interceptedClasses);
if (constant == null) return false;
Selector selector = node.selector;
HInstruction instruction;
if (selector.isGetter()) {
instruction = new HInvokeDynamicGetter(
<HInstruction>[constant, node.inputs[1]],
} else if (selector.isSetter()) {
instruction = new HInvokeDynamicSetter(
<HInstruction>[constant, node.inputs[1], node.inputs[2]],
} else {
List<HInstruction> inputs = new List<HInstruction>.from(node.inputs);
inputs[0] = constant;
instruction = new HInvokeDynamicMethod(
selector, inputs, node.instructionType, true);
HBasicBlock block = node.block;
block.addAfter(node, instruction);
block.rewrite(node, instruction);
return true;