blob: 538d9f6ec86c80e322472761220c7479263ff81e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class HValidator extends HInstructionVisitor {
bool isValid = true;
HGraph graph;
void visitGraph(HGraph visitee) {
graph = visitee;
void markInvalid(String reason) {
isValid = false;
// Note that during construction of the Ssa graph the basic blocks are
// not required to be valid yet.
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
currentBlock = block;
if (!isValid) return; // Don't need to continue if we are already invalid.
// Test that the last instruction is a branching instruction and that the
// basic block contains the branch-target.
if (block.first === null || block.last === null) {
markInvalid("empty block");
if (block.last is !HControlFlow) {
markInvalid("block ends with non-tail node.");
if (block.last is HIf && block.successors.length != 2) {
markInvalid("If node without two successors");
if (block.last is HConditionalBranch && block.successors.length != 2) {
markInvalid("Conditional node without two successors");
if (block.last is HGoto && block.successors.length != 1) {
markInvalid("Goto node with not exactly one successor");
if (block.last is HJump && block.successors.length != 1) {
markInvalid("Break or continue node without one successor");
if (block.last is HReturn &&
(block.successors.length != 1 || !block.successors[0].isExitBlock())) {
markInvalid("Return node with > 1 succesor or not going to exit-block");
if (block.last is HExit && !block.successors.isEmpty()) {
markInvalid("Exit block with successor");
if (block.last is HThrow && !block.successors.isEmpty()) {
markInvalid("Throw block with successor");
if (block.successors.isEmpty() &&
block.last is !HThrow &&
!block.isExitBlock()) {
markInvalid("Non-exit or throw block without successor");
// Check that successors ids are always higher than the current one.
// TODO(floitsch): this is, of course, not true for back-branches.
if ( === null) markInvalid("block without id");
for (HBasicBlock successor in block.successors) {
if (!isValid) break;
if ( === null) markInvalid("successor without id");
if ( <= && !successor.isLoopHeader()) {
markInvalid("successor with lower id, but not a loop-header");
// Check that the entries in the dominated-list are sorted.
int lastId = 0;
for (HBasicBlock dominated in block.dominatedBlocks) {
if (!isValid) break;
if (dominated.dominator !== block) {
markInvalid("dominated block not pointing back");
if ( === null || <= lastId) {
markInvalid(" === null or dominated has <= id");
lastId =;
if (!isValid) return;
// Check that the blocks of the parameters of a phi are dominating the
// corresponding predecessor block. Note that a block dominates
// itself.
block.forEachPhi((HPhi phi) {
for (int i = 0; i < phi.inputs.length; i++) {
HInstruction input = phi.inputs[i];
if (!input.block.dominates(block.predecessors[i])) {
markInvalid("Definition does not dominate use");
// Check that the blocks of the inputs of an instruction dominate the
// instruction's block.
block.forEachInstruction((HInstruction instruction) {
for (HInstruction input in instruction.inputs) {
if (!input.block.dominates(block)) {
markInvalid("Definition does not dominate use");
/** Returns how often [instruction] is contained in [instructions]. */
static int countInstruction(List<HInstruction> instructions,
HInstruction instruction) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < instructions.length; i++) {
if (instructions[i] === instruction) result++;
return result;
* Returns true if the predicate returns true for every instruction in the
* list. The argument to [f] is an instruction with the count of how often
* it appeared in the list [instructions].
static bool everyInstruction(List<HInstruction> instructions, Function f) {
var copy = new List<HInstruction>.from(instructions);
// TODO(floitsch): there is currently no way to sort HInstructions before
// we have assigned an ID. The loop is therefore O(n^2) for now.
for (int i = 0; i < copy.length; i++) {
var current = copy[i];
if (current === null) continue;
int count = 1;
for (int j = i + 1; j < copy.length; j++) {
if (copy[j] === current) {
copy[j] = null;
if (!f(current, count)) return false;
return true;
void visitInstruction(HInstruction instruction) {
// Verifies that we are in the use list of our inputs.
bool hasCorrectInputs() {
bool inBasicBlock = instruction.isInBasicBlock();
return everyInstruction(instruction.inputs, (input, count) {
if (inBasicBlock) {
return countInstruction(input.usedBy, instruction) == count;
} else {
return countInstruction(input.usedBy, instruction) == 0;
// Verifies that all our uses have us in their inputs.
bool hasCorrectUses() {
if (!instruction.isInBasicBlock()) return true;
return everyInstruction(instruction.usedBy, (use, count) {
return countInstruction(use.inputs, instruction) == count;
if (instruction.block !== currentBlock) {
markInvalid("Instruction in wrong block");
if (!hasCorrectInputs()) {
markInvalid("Incorrect inputs");
if (!hasCorrectUses()) {
markInvalid("Incorrect uses");