blob: 79d3c8db6fd44449719ab0db5b52b6a429a00d87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* An abstract string representation.
class ByteString implements SourceString {
final List<int> bytes;
final int offset;
final int length;
int _hashCode;
ByteString(List<int> this.bytes, int this.offset, int this.length);
abstract String get charset;
String slowToString() => new String.fromCharCodes(
new Utf8Decoder(bytes, offset, length).decodeRest());
String toString() => "ByteString(${slowToString()})";
bool operator ==(other) {
throw "should be overridden in subclass";
Iterator<int> iterator() => new Utf8Decoder(bytes, offset, length);
int hashCode() {
if (_hashCode === null) {
_hashCode = computeHashCode();
return _hashCode;
int computeHashCode() {
int code = 1;
int end = offset + length;
for (int i = offset; i < end; i++) {
code += 19 * code + bytes[i];
return code;
printOn(StringBuffer sb) {
bool isEmpty() => length == 0;
bool isPrivate() => !isEmpty() && bytes[offset] === $_;
String get stringValue => null;
* A string that consists purely of 7bit ASCII characters.
class AsciiString extends ByteString {
final String charset = "ASCII";
AsciiString(List<int> bytes, int offset, int length)
: super(bytes, offset, length);
static AsciiString of(List<int> bytes, int offset, int length) {
AsciiString string = new AsciiString(bytes, offset, length);
return string;
Iterator<int> iterator() => new AsciiStringIterator(bytes);
SourceString copyWithoutQuotes(int initial, int terminal) {
return new AsciiString(bytes, offset + initial,
length - initial - terminal);
static AsciiString fromString(String string) {
List<int> bytes = string.charCodes();
return AsciiString.of(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
class AsciiStringIterator implements Iterator<int> {
final List<int> bytes;
int offset;
final int end;
AsciiStringIterator(List<int> bytes)
: this.bytes = bytes, offset = 0, end = bytes.length;
AsciiStringIterator.range(List<int> bytes, int from, int length)
: this.bytes = bytes, offset = from, end = from + length;
bool hasNext() => offset < end;
int next() => bytes[offset++];
* A string that consists of characters that can be encoded as UTF-8.
class Utf8String extends ByteString {
final String charset = "UTF8";
Utf8String(List<int> bytes, int offset, int length)
: super(bytes, offset, length);
static Utf8String of(List<int> bytes, int offset, int length) {
return new Utf8String(bytes, offset, length);
static Utf8String fromString(String string) {
throw "not implemented yet";
Iterator<int> iterator() => new Utf8Decoder(bytes, 0, length);
SourceString copyWithoutQuotes(int initial, int terminal) {
// Only allow dropping ASCII characters, to guarantee that
// the resulting Utf8String is still valid.
for (int i = 0; i < initial; i++) {
if (bytes[offset + i] >= 0x80) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < terminal; i++) {
if (bytes[offset + length - terminal + i] >= 0x80) return false;
return true;
// TODO(lrn): Check that first and last bytes use the same type of quotes.
return new Utf8String(bytes, offset + initial,
length - initial - terminal);
* A ByteString-valued token.
class ByteStringToken extends Token {
final ByteString value;
ByteStringToken(PrecedenceInfo info, ByteString this.value, int charOffset)
: super(info, charOffset);
String toString() => value.toString();