blob: bb1b1e97f5fc7410bc87fa9f0d4a82a651cfe847 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:ffi";
import "../ffi/cstring.dart";
import "types.dart";
typedef sqlite3_open_v2_native_t = Int32 Function(
CString filename, Pointer<DatabasePointer> ppDb, Int32 flags, CString vfs);
typedef sqlite3_close_v2_native_t = Int32 Function(DatabasePointer database);
typedef sqlite3_prepare_v2_native_t = Int32 Function(
DatabasePointer database,
CString query,
Int32 nbytes,
Pointer<StatementPointer> statementOut,
Pointer<CString> tail);
typedef sqlite3_step_native_t = Int32 Function(StatementPointer statement);
typedef sqlite3_reset_native_t = Int32 Function(StatementPointer statement);
typedef sqlite3_finalize_native_t = Int32 Function(StatementPointer statement);
typedef sqlite3_errstr_native_t = CString Function(Int32 error);
typedef sqlite3_errmsg_native_t = CString Function(DatabasePointer database);
typedef sqlite3_column_count_native_t = Int32 Function(
StatementPointer statement);
typedef sqlite3_column_name_native_t = CString Function(
StatementPointer statement, Int32 columnIndex);
typedef sqlite3_column_decltype_native_t = CString Function(
StatementPointer statement, Int32 columnIndex);
typedef sqlite3_column_type_native_t = Int32 Function(
StatementPointer statement, Int32 columnIndex);
typedef sqlite3_column_value_native_t = ValuePointer Function(
StatementPointer statement, Int32 columnIndex);
typedef sqlite3_column_double_native_t = Double Function(
StatementPointer statement, Int32 columnIndex);
typedef sqlite3_column_int_native_t = Int32 Function(
StatementPointer statement, Int32 columnIndex);
typedef sqlite3_column_text_native_t = CString Function(
StatementPointer statement, Int32 columnIndex);