blob: 3d69a50a281dcdf88b81a7c2f84389631822b63b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'closure.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'common_elements.dart'
import 'constants/constant_system.dart';
import 'deferred_load.dart';
import 'diagnostics/diagnostic_listener.dart';
import 'elements/entities.dart';
import 'elements/names.dart';
import 'elements/types.dart';
import 'inferrer/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import 'ir/static_type.dart';
import 'js_backend/annotations.dart';
import 'js_backend/field_analysis.dart' show JFieldAnalysis, KFieldAnalysis;
import 'js_backend/backend_usage.dart' show BackendUsage;
import 'js_backend/interceptor_data.dart' show InterceptorData;
import 'js_backend/native_data.dart' show NativeData;
import 'js_backend/no_such_method_registry.dart' show NoSuchMethodData;
import 'js_backend/runtime_types.dart' show RuntimeTypesNeed;
import 'js_model/locals.dart';
import 'js_emitter/sorter.dart';
import 'universe/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'universe/member_usage.dart';
import 'universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
/// Common superinterface for [OpenWorld] and [JClosedWorld].
abstract class World {}
/// The [JClosedWorld] represents the information known about a program when
/// compiling with closed-world semantics.
/// Given the entrypoint of an application, we can track what's reachable from
/// it, what functions are called, what classes are allocated, which native
/// JavaScript types are touched, what language features are used, and so on.
/// This precise knowledge about what's live in the program is later used in
/// optimizations and other compiler decisions during code generation.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Maybe this should just be called the JWorld.
abstract class JClosedWorld implements World {
JFieldAnalysis get fieldAnalysis;
BackendUsage get backendUsage;
NativeData get nativeData;
InterceptorData get interceptorData;
JElementEnvironment get elementEnvironment;
DartTypes get dartTypes;
JCommonElements get commonElements;
/// Returns the [AbstractValueDomain] used in the global type inference.
AbstractValueDomain get abstractValueDomain;
ConstantSystem get constantSystem;
RuntimeTypesNeed get rtiNeed;
NoSuchMethodData get noSuchMethodData;
Iterable<ClassEntity> get liveNativeClasses;
Iterable<MemberEntity> get processedMembers;
ClassHierarchy get classHierarchy;
AnnotationsData get annotationsData;
GlobalLocalsMap get globalLocalsMap;
ClosureData get closureDataLookup;
OutputUnitData get outputUnitData;
/// The [Sorter] used for sorting elements in the generated code.
Sorter get sorter;
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is implemented by an instantiated class.
bool isImplemented(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns the most specific subclass of [cls] (including [cls]) that is
/// directly instantiated or a superclass of all directly instantiated
/// subclasses. If [cls] is not instantiated, `null` is returned.
ClassEntity getLubOfInstantiatedSubclasses(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns the most specific subtype of [cls] (including [cls]) that is
/// directly instantiated or a superclass of all directly instantiated
/// subtypes. If no subtypes of [cls] are instantiated, `null` is returned.
ClassEntity getLubOfInstantiatedSubtypes(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns an iterable over the common supertypes of the [classes].
Iterable<ClassEntity> commonSupertypesOf(Iterable<ClassEntity> classes);
/// Returns an iterable over the live mixin applications that mixin [cls].
Iterable<ClassEntity> mixinUsesOf(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is mixed into a live class.
bool isUsedAsMixin(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns `true` if any live class that mixes in [cls] implements [type].
bool hasAnySubclassOfMixinUseThatImplements(
ClassEntity cls, ClassEntity type);
/// Returns `true` if any live class that mixes in [mixin] is also a subclass
/// of [superclass].
bool hasAnySubclassThatMixes(ClassEntity superclass, ClassEntity mixin);
/// Returns `true` if [cls] or any superclass mixes in [mixin].
bool isSubclassOfMixinUseOf(ClassEntity cls, ClassEntity mixin);
/// Returns `true` if every subtype of [x] is a subclass of [y] or a subclass
/// of a mixin application of [y].
bool everySubtypeIsSubclassOfOrMixinUseOf(ClassEntity x, ClassEntity y);
/// Returns `true` if any subclass of [superclass] implements [type].
bool hasAnySubclassThatImplements(ClassEntity superclass, ClassEntity type);
/// Returns `true` if a call of [selector] on [cls] and/or subclasses/subtypes
/// need noSuchMethod handling.
/// If the receiver is guaranteed to have a member that matches what we're
/// looking for, there's no need to introduce a noSuchMethod handler. It will
/// never be called.
/// As an example, consider this class hierarchy:
/// A <-- noSuchMethod
/// / \
/// C B <-- foo
/// If we know we're calling foo on an object of type B we don't have to worry
/// about the noSuchMethod method in A because objects of type B implement
/// foo. On the other hand, if we end up calling foo on something of type C we
/// have to add a handler for it.
/// If the holders of all user-defined noSuchMethod implementations that might
/// be applicable to the receiver type have a matching member for the current
/// name and selector, we avoid introducing a noSuchMethod handler.
/// As an example, consider this class hierarchy:
/// A <-- foo
/// / \
/// noSuchMethod --> B C <-- bar
/// | |
/// C D <-- noSuchMethod
/// When calling foo on an object of type A, we know that the implementations
/// of noSuchMethod are in the classes B and D that also (indirectly)
/// implement foo, so we do not need a handler for it.
/// If we're calling bar on an object of type D, we don't need the handler
/// either because all objects of type D implement bar through inheritance.
/// If we're calling bar on an object of type A we do need the handler because
/// we may have to call B.noSuchMethod since B does not implement bar.
bool needsNoSuchMethod(ClassEntity cls, Selector selector, ClassQuery query);
/// Returns whether [element] will be the one used at runtime when being
/// invoked on an instance of [cls]. [name] is used to ensure library
/// privacy is taken into account.
bool hasElementIn(ClassEntity cls, Name name, MemberEntity element);
/// Returns `true` if the field [element] is known to be effectively final.
bool fieldNeverChanges(MemberEntity element);
/// Returns `true` if [selector] on [receiver] can hit a `call` method on a
/// subclass of `Closure`.
/// Every implementation of `Closure` has a 'call' method with its own
/// signature so it cannot be modelled by a [FunctionEntity]. Also,
/// call-methods for tear-off are not part of the element model.
bool includesClosureCall(Selector selector, AbstractValue receiver);
/// Returns the mask for the potential receivers of a dynamic call to
/// [selector] on [receiver].
/// This will narrow the constraints of [receiver] to an [AbstractValue] of
/// the set of classes that actually implement the selected member or
/// implement the handling 'noSuchMethod' where the selected member is
/// unimplemented.
AbstractValue computeReceiverType(Selector selector, AbstractValue receiver);
/// Returns all the instance members that may be invoked with the [selector]
/// on the given [receiver]. The returned elements may include noSuchMethod
/// handlers that are potential targets indirectly through the noSuchMethod
/// mechanism.
Iterable<MemberEntity> locateMembers(
Selector selector, AbstractValue receiver);
/// Returns the single [MemberEntity] that matches a call to [selector] on the
/// [receiver]. If multiple targets exist, `null` is returned.
MemberEntity locateSingleMember(Selector selector, AbstractValue receiver);
abstract class OpenWorld implements World {
void registerUsedElement(MemberEntity element);
KClosedWorld closeWorld(DiagnosticReporter reporter);
/// Returns an iterable over all mixin applications that mixin [cls].
Iterable<ClassEntity> allMixinUsesOf(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns `true` if [member] is inherited into a subtype of [type].
/// For instance:
/// class A { m() {} }
/// class B extends A implements I {}
/// class C extends Object with A implements I {}
/// abstract class I { m(); }
/// abstract class J implements A { }
/// Here `A.m` is inherited into `A`, `B`, and `C`. Because `B` and
/// `C` implement `I`, `isInheritedInSubtypeOf(A.m, I)` is true, but
/// `isInheritedInSubtypeOf(A.m, J)` is false.
bool isInheritedIn(
MemberEntity member, ClassEntity type, ClassRelation relation);
abstract class KClosedWorld {
DartTypes get dartTypes;
KFieldAnalysis get fieldAnalysis;
BackendUsage get backendUsage;
NativeData get nativeData;
InterceptorData get interceptorData;
KElementEnvironment get elementEnvironment;
KCommonElements get commonElements;
ClassHierarchy get classHierarchy;
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is implemented by an instantiated class.
bool isImplemented(ClassEntity cls);
Iterable<MemberEntity> get liveInstanceMembers;
Map<ClassEntity, Set<ClassEntity>> get mixinUses;
Map<ClassEntity, Set<ClassEntity>> get typesImplementedBySubclasses;
/// Members that are written either directly or through a setter selector.
Iterable<MemberEntity> get assignedInstanceMembers;
Iterable<ClassEntity> get liveNativeClasses;
Map<MemberEntity, MemberUsage> get liveMemberUsage;
RuntimeTypesNeed get rtiNeed;
NoSuchMethodData get noSuchMethodData;
AnnotationsData get annotationsData;