blob: 381cad8c12dd01c5aaadb15f255edcdd028360f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/declared_variables.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/experiments.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/resynthesize.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/resource_provider_mixin.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../util/element_type_matchers.dart';
import 'element_text.dart';
import 'test_strategies.dart';
* Abstract base class for resynthesizing and comparing elements.
* The return type separator: →
abstract class AbstractResynthesizeTest with ResourceProviderMixin {
DeclaredVariables declaredVariables = new DeclaredVariables();
SourceFactory sourceFactory;
MockSdk sdk;
String testFile;
Source testSource;
Set<Source> otherLibrarySources = new Set<Source>();
* Tests may set this to `true` to indicate that a missing file at the time of
* summary resynthesis shouldn't trigger an error.
bool allowMissingFiles = false;
AbstractResynthesizeTest() {
sdk = new MockSdk(resourceProvider: resourceProvider);
sourceFactory = SourceFactory(
testFile = convertPath('/test.dart');
void addLibrary(String uri) {
var source = sourceFactory.forUri(uri);
Source addLibrarySource(String filePath, String contents) {
var source = addSource(filePath, contents);
return source;
Source addSource(String path, String contents) {
var file = newFile(path, content: contents);
var source = file.createSource();
return source;
Source addTestSource(String code, [Uri uri]) {
testSource = addSource(testFile, code);
return testSource;
* Verify that the [resynthesizer] didn't do any unnecessary work when
* resynthesizing the library with the [expectedLibraryUri].
void checkMinimalResynthesisWork(TestSummaryResynthesizer resynthesizer,
Uri expectedLibraryUri, List<Uri> expectedUnitUriList) {
// Check that no other summaries needed to be resynthesized to resynthesize
// the library element.
expect(resynthesizer.resynthesisCount, 3);
// Check that the only linked summary consulted was that for [uri].
expect(resynthesizer.linkedSummariesRequested, hasLength(1));
// Check that the only unlinked summaries consulted were those for the
// library in question.
var expectedUnitUriStrSet = => uri.toString()).toSet();
for (String requestedUri in resynthesizer.unlinkedSummariesRequested) {
expect(expectedUnitUriStrSet, contains(requestedUri));
/// Mixin containing test cases exercising summary resynthesis. Intended to be
/// applied to a class implementing [ResynthesizeTestStrategy], along with the
/// mixin [ResynthesizeTestHelpers].
mixin GetElementTestCases implements ResynthesizeTestHelpers {
test_getElement_class() async {
var resynthesized = _validateGetElement(
'class C { m() {} }',
expect(resynthesized, isClassElement);
test_getElement_constructor_named() async {
var resynthesized = _validateGetElement(
'class C { C.named(); }',
['C', 'named'],
expect(resynthesized, isConstructorElement);
test_getElement_constructor_unnamed() async {
var resynthesized = _validateGetElement(
'class C { C(); }',
['C', ''],
expect(resynthesized, isConstructorElement);
test_getElement_field() async {
var resynthesized = _validateGetElement(
'class C { var f; }',
['C', 'f'],
expect(resynthesized, isFieldElement);
test_getElement_getter() async {
var resynthesized = _validateGetElement(
'class C { get f => null; }',
['C', 'f?'],
expect(resynthesized, isPropertyAccessorElement);
test_getElement_method() async {
var resynthesized = _validateGetElement(
'class C { m() {} }',
['C', 'm'],
expect(resynthesized, isMethodElement);
test_getElement_operator() async {
var resynthesized = _validateGetElement(
'class C { operator+(x) => null; }',
['C', '+'],
expect(resynthesized, isMethodElement);
test_getElement_setter() async {
var resynthesized = _validateGetElement(
'class C { void set f(value) {} }',
['C', 'f='],
expect(resynthesized, isPropertyAccessorElement);
test_getElement_unit() async {
var resynthesized = _validateGetElement('class C {}', []);
expect(resynthesized, isCompilationUnitElement);
* Encode the library [text] into a summary and then use
* [TestSummaryResynthesizer.getElement] to retrieve just the element with
* the specified [names] from the resynthesized summary.
Element _validateGetElement(String text, List<String> names) {
Source source = addTestSource(text);
SummaryResynthesizer resynthesizer = encodeLibrary(source);
var locationComponents = [
var location = ElementLocationImpl.con3(locationComponents);
Element result = resynthesizer.getElement(location);
checkMinimalResynthesisWork(resynthesizer, source.uri, [source.uri]);
// Check that no other summaries needed to be resynthesized to resynthesize
// the library element.
expect(resynthesizer.resynthesisCount, 3);
expect(result.location, location);
return result;
/// Mixin containing test cases exercising summary resynthesis. Intended to be
/// applied to a class implementing [ResynthesizeTestStrategy], along with the
/// mixin [ResynthesizeTestHelpers].
mixin ResynthesizeTestCases implements ResynthesizeTestHelpers {
test_class_abstract() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('abstract class C {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class C {
test_class_alias() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C = D with E, F, G;
class D {}
class E {}
class F {}
class G {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class alias C extends D with E, F, G {
synthetic C() = D;
class D {
class E {
class F {
class G {
test_class_alias_abstract() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
abstract class C = D with E;
class D {}
class E {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class alias C extends D with E {
synthetic C() = D;
class D {
class E {
test_class_alias_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
* Docs
class C = D with E;
class D {}
class E {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs
class alias C extends D with E {
synthetic C() = D;
class D {
class E {
test_class_alias_documented_tripleSlash() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
/// aaa
/// b
/// cc
class C = D with E;
class D {}
class E {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
/// aaa
/// b
/// cc
class alias C extends D with E {
synthetic C() = D;
class D {
class E {
test_class_alias_documented_withLeadingNonDocumentation() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
class C = D with E;
class D {}
class E {}''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs
class alias C extends D with E {
synthetic C() = D;
class D {
class E {
test_class_alias_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class Z = A with B<int>, C<double>;
class A {}
class B<B1> {}
class C<C1> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class alias Z extends A with B<int>, C<double> {
synthetic Z() = A;
class A {
class B<B1> {
class C<C1> {
test_class_alias_notSimplyBounded_self() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends C> = D with E;
class D {}
class E {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class alias C<T extends C<dynamic>> extends D with E {
synthetic C() = D;
class D {
class E {
test_class_alias_notSimplyBounded_simple_no_type_parameter_bound() async {
// If no bounds are specified, then the class is simply bounded by syntax
// alone, so there is no reason to assign it a slot.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T> = D with E;
class D {}
class E {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class alias C<T> extends D with E {
synthetic C() = D;
class D {
class E {
test_class_alias_notSimplyBounded_simple_non_generic() async {
// If no type parameters are specified, then the class is simply bounded, so
// there is no reason to assign it a slot.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C = D with E;
class D {}
class E {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class alias C extends D with E {
synthetic C() = D;
class D {
class E {
test_class_alias_with_forwarding_constructors() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', '''
class Base {
Base.positionalArg([bool x = true]);
Base.namedArg({int x = 42});
factory Base.fact() => null;
factory Base.fact2() = Base.noArgs;
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import "a.dart";
class M {}
class MixinApp = Base with M;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
class M {
class alias MixinApp extends Base with M {
synthetic MixinApp() = Base;
synthetic MixinApp.noArgs() = Base.noArgs;
synthetic MixinApp.requiredArg(dynamic x) = Base.requiredArg;
synthetic MixinApp.positionalArg([bool x = true]) = Base.positionalArg;
synthetic MixinApp.namedArg({int x: 42}) = Base.namedArg;
synthetic MixinApp.fact() = Base.fact;
synthetic MixinApp.fact2() = Base.fact2;
test_class_alias_with_forwarding_constructors_type_substitution() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class Base<T> {
Base.ctor(T t, List<T> l);
class M {}
class MixinApp = Base with M;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class Base<T> {
Base.ctor(T t, List<T> l);
class M {
class alias MixinApp extends Base<dynamic> with M {
synthetic MixinApp.ctor(dynamic t, List<dynamic> l) = Base<T>.ctor;
test_class_alias_with_forwarding_constructors_type_substitution_complex() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class Base<T> {
Base.ctor(T t, List<T> l);
class M {}
class MixinApp<U> = Base<List<U>> with M;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class Base<T> {
Base.ctor(T t, List<T> l);
class M {
class alias MixinApp<U> extends Base<List<U>> with M {
synthetic MixinApp.ctor(List<U> t, List<List<U>> l) = Base<T>.ctor;
test_class_alias_with_mixin_members() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C = D with E;
class D {}
class E {
int get a => null;
void set b(int i) {}
void f() {}
int x;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class alias C extends D with E {
synthetic C() = D;
class D {
class E {
int x;
int get a {}
void set b(int i) {}
void f() {}
test_class_constructor_const() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { const C(); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C();
test_class_constructor_const_external() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { external const C(); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
external const C();
test_class_constructor_explicit_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C {; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {;
test_class_constructor_explicit_type_params() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T, U> { C(); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
test_class_constructor_explicit_unnamed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { C(); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
test_class_constructor_external() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { external C(); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
external C();
test_class_constructor_factory() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { factory C() => null; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
factory C();
test_class_constructor_field_formal_dynamic_dynamic() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('class C { dynamic x; C(dynamic this.x); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
C(dynamic this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_dynamic_typed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { dynamic x; C(int this.x); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
C(int this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_dynamic_untyped() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { dynamic x; C(this.x); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
C(dynamic this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_functionTyped_noReturnType() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
var x;
C(this.x(double b));
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
C((double) → dynamic this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_functionTyped_withReturnType() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
var x;
C(int this.x(double b));
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
C((double) → int this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_multiple_matching_fields() async {
// This is a compile-time error but it should still analyze consistently.
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { C(this.x); int x; String x; }',
allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int x;
String x;
C(int this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_no_matching_field() async {
// This is a compile-time error but it should still analyze consistently.
var library =
await checkLibrary('class C { C(this.x); }', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
C(dynamic this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_typed_dynamic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { num x; C(dynamic this.x); }',
allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
num x;
C(dynamic this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_typed_typed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { num x; C(int this.x); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
num x;
C(int this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_typed_untyped() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { num x; C(this.x); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
num x;
C(num this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_untyped_dynamic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { var x; C(dynamic this.x); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
C(dynamic this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_untyped_typed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { var x; C(int this.x); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
C(int this.x);
test_class_constructor_field_formal_untyped_untyped() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { var x; C(this.x); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
C(dynamic this.x);
test_class_constructor_fieldFormal_named_noDefault() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { int x; C({this.x}); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int x;
C({int this.x});
test_class_constructor_fieldFormal_named_withDefault() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { int x; C({this.x: 42}); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int x;
C({int this.x: 42});
test_class_constructor_fieldFormal_optional_noDefault() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { int x; C([this.x]); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int x;
C([int this.x]);
test_class_constructor_fieldFormal_optional_withDefault() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { int x; C([this.x = 42]); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int x;
C([int this.x = 42]);
test_class_constructor_implicit() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
test_class_constructor_implicit_type_params() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T, U> {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
test_class_constructor_params() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { C(x, int y); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
C(dynamic x, int y);
test_class_constructors() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C {;; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {;;
test_class_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
* Docs
class C {}''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs
class C {
test_class_documented_mix() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
* aaa
* bbb
class A {}
* aaa
/// bbb
/// ccc
class B {}
/// aaa
/// bbb
* ccc
class C {}
/// aaa
/// bbb
* ccc
/// ddd
class D {}
* aaa
// bbb
class E {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
* bbb
class A {
/// bbb
/// ccc
class B {
* ccc
class C {
/// ddd
class D {
* aaa
class E {
test_class_documented_tripleSlash() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
/// aaa
/// bbbb
/// cc
class C {}''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
/// aaa
/// bbbb
/// cc
class C {
test_class_documented_with_references() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
* Docs referring to [D] and [E]
class C {}
class D {}
class E {}''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs referring to [D] and [E]
class C {
class D {
class E {
test_class_documented_with_windows_line_endings() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('/**\r\n * Docs\r\n */\r\nclass C {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs
class C {
test_class_documented_withLeadingNotDocumentation() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
class C {}''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs
class C {
test_class_documented_withMetadata() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
/// Comment 1
/// Comment 2
class BeforeMeta {}
/// Comment 1
/// Comment 2
class BeforeMetaNamed {}
/// Comment 1
/// Comment 2
class AfterMeta {}
/// Comment 1
/// Comment 2
class AroundMeta {}
/// Doc comment.
// Not doc comment.
class DocBeforeMetaNotDocAfter {}
class Annotation {
const Annotation();
const Annotation.named();
/// Comment 1
/// Comment 2
class BeforeMeta {
/// Comment 1
/// Comment 2
class BeforeMetaNamed {
/// Comment 1
/// Comment 2
class AfterMeta {
/// Comment 2
class AroundMeta {
/// Doc comment.
class DocBeforeMetaNotDocAfter {
class Annotation {
const Annotation();
const Annotation.named();
withConstElements: false);
test_class_field_const() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static const int i = 0; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static const int i = 0;
test_class_field_implicit_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { var x; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
test_class_field_static() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static int i; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static int i;
test_class_fields() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { int i; int j; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int i;
int j;
test_class_getter_abstract() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('abstract class C { int get x; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class C {
int get x;
test_class_getter_external() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { external int get x; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
external int get x;
test_class_getter_implicit_return_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { get x => null; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic get x {}
test_class_getter_static() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static int get x => null; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static int get x {}
test_class_getters() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('class C { int get x => null; get y => null; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int get x {}
dynamic get y {}
test_class_implicitField_getterFirst() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
int get x => 0;
void set x(int value) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int get x {}
void set x(int value) {}
test_class_implicitField_setterFirst() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
void set x(int value) {}
int get x => 0;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void set x(int value) {}
int get x {}
test_class_interfaces() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C implements D, E {}
class D {}
class E {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C implements D, E {
class D {
class E {
test_class_interfaces_unresolved() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'class C implements X, Y, Z {} class X {} class Z {}',
allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C implements X, Z {
class X {
class Z {
test_class_method_abstract() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('abstract class C { f(); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class C {
dynamic f();
test_class_method_external() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { external f(); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
external dynamic f() {}
test_class_method_params() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { f(x, y) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic f(dynamic x, dynamic y) {}
test_class_method_static() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static f() {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static dynamic f() {}
test_class_methods() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { f() {} g() {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic f() {}
dynamic g() {}
test_class_mixins() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C extends D with E, F, G {}
class D {}
class E {}
class F {}
class G {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends D with E, F, G {
synthetic C();
class D {
class E {
class F {
class G {
test_class_mixins_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class Z extends A with B<int>, C<double> {}
class A {}
class B<B1> {}
class C<C1> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class Z extends A with B<int>, C<double> {
synthetic Z();
class A {
class B<B1> {
class C<C1> {
test_class_mixins_unresolved() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'class C extends Object with X, Y, Z {} class X {} class Z {}',
allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends Object with X, Z {
synthetic C();
class X {
class Z {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_circularity_via_typedef() async {
// C's type parameter T is not simply bounded because its bound, F, expands
// to `dynamic F(C)`, which refers to C.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends F> {}
typedef F(C value);
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = dynamic Function(C<dynamic> value);
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends (C<dynamic>) → dynamic> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_circularity_with_type_params() async {
// C's type parameter T is simply bounded because even though it refers to
// C, it specifies a bound.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends C<dynamic>> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T extends C<dynamic>> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_complex_by_cycle() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends D> {}
class D<T extends C> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends D<dynamic>> {
notSimplyBounded class D<T extends C<D<dynamic>>> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_complex_by_reference_to_cycle() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends D> {}
class D<T extends D> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends D<dynamic>> {
notSimplyBounded class D<T extends D<dynamic>> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_complex_by_use_of_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends D<T>> {}
class D<T> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends D<T>> {
class D<T> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_dependency_with_type_params() async {
// C's type parameter T is simply bounded because even though it refers to
// non-simply-bounded type D, it specifies a bound.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends D<dynamic>> {}
class D<T extends D<T>> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T extends D<dynamic>> {
notSimplyBounded class D<T extends D<T>> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_function_typed_bound_complex_via_parameter_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends void Function(T)> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends (T) → void> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_function_typed_bound_complex_via_return_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends T Function()> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends () → T> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_function_typed_bound_simple() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends void Function()> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T extends () → void> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_refers_to_circular_typedef() async {
// C's type parameter T has a bound of F, which is a circular typedef. This
// is illegal in Dart, but we need to make sure it doesn't lead to a crash
// or infinite loop.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends F> {}
typedef F(G value);
typedef G(F value);
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = dynamic Function(((dynamic) → dynamic) → dynamic value);
notSimplyBounded typedef G = dynamic Function(((dynamic) → dynamic) → dynamic value);
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends ((dynamic) → dynamic) → dynamic> {
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = dynamic Function(((...) → dynamic) → dynamic value);
notSimplyBounded typedef G = dynamic Function(((...) → dynamic) → dynamic value);
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends ((...) → dynamic) → dynamic> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_self() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends C> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<dynamic>> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_simple_because_non_generic() async {
// If no type parameters are specified, then the class is simply bounded, so
// there is no reason to assign it a slot.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_simple_by_lack_of_cycles() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends D> {}
class D<T> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T extends D<dynamic>> {
class D<T> {
test_class_notSimplyBounded_simple_by_syntax() async {
// If no bounds are specified, then the class is simply bounded by syntax
// alone, so there is no reason to assign it a slot.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> {
test_class_setter_abstract() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('abstract class C { void set x(int value); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class C {
void set x(int value);
test_class_setter_external() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('class C { external void set x(int value); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
external void set x(int value);
test_class_setter_implicit_param_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { void set x(value) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void set x(dynamic value) {}
test_class_setter_implicit_return_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { set x(int value) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void set x(int value) {}
test_class_setter_invalid_named_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { void set x({a}) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void set x({dynamic a}) {}
test_class_setter_invalid_no_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { void set x() {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void set x() {}
test_class_setter_invalid_optional_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { void set x([a]) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void set x([dynamic a]) {}
test_class_setter_invalid_too_many_parameters() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { void set x(a, b) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void set x(dynamic a, dynamic b) {}
test_class_setter_static() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('class C { static void set x(int value) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static void set x(int value) {}
test_class_setters() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
void set x(int value) {}
set y(value) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void set x(int value) {}
void set y(dynamic value) {}
test_class_supertype() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C extends D {}
class D {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends D {
class D {
test_class_supertype_typeArguments() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C extends D<int, double> {}
class D<T1, T2> {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends D<int, double> {
class D<T1, T2> {
test_class_supertype_unresolved() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C extends D {}', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
test_class_type_parameters() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T, U> {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
test_class_type_parameters_bound() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends Object, U extends D> {}
class D {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U extends D> {
class D {
test_class_type_parameters_f_bound_complex() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T extends List<U>, U> {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends List<U>, U> {
test_class_type_parameters_f_bound_simple() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T extends U, U> {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends U, U> {
test_classes() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C {} class D {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
class D {
test_closure_executable_with_return_type_from_closure() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
f() {
print(() {});
print(() => () => 0);
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f() {}
test_closure_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
final f = <U, V>(U x, V y) => y;
checkElementText(library, r'''
final <U,V>(U, V) → V f;
test_closure_in_variable_declaration_in_part() async {
addSource('/a.dart', 'part of lib; final f = (int i) => i.toDouble();');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
library lib;
part "a.dart";
checkElementText(library, r'''
library lib;
part 'a.dart';
unit: a.dart
final (int) → double f;
test_codeRange_class() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class Raw {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class HasDocComment {}
class HasAnnotation {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class AnnotationThenComment {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class CommentThenAnnotation {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class CommentAroundAnnotation {}
class Raw/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=12*/ {
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class HasDocComment/*codeOffset=14, codeLength=52*/ {
class HasAnnotation/*codeOffset=68, codeLength=32*/ {
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class AnnotationThenComment/*codeOffset=102, codeLength=70*/ {
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class CommentThenAnnotation/*codeOffset=174, codeLength=70*/ {
/// Comment 2.
class CommentAroundAnnotation/*codeOffset=261, codeLength=57*/ {
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_class_namedMixin() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A {}
class B {}
class Raw = Object with A, B;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class HasDocComment = Object with A, B;
class HasAnnotation = Object with A, B;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class AnnotationThenComment = Object with A, B;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class CommentThenAnnotation = Object with A, B;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class CommentAroundAnnotation = Object with A, B;
class A/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=10*/ {
class B/*codeOffset=12, codeLength=10*/ {
class alias Raw/*codeOffset=28, codeLength=29*/ extends Object with A, B {
synthetic Raw() = Object;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class alias HasDocComment/*codeOffset=59, codeLength=69*/ extends Object with A, B {
synthetic HasDocComment() = Object;
class alias HasAnnotation/*codeOffset=130, codeLength=49*/ extends Object with A, B {
synthetic HasAnnotation() = Object;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class alias AnnotationThenComment/*codeOffset=181, codeLength=87*/ extends Object with A, B {
synthetic AnnotationThenComment() = Object;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
class alias CommentThenAnnotation/*codeOffset=270, codeLength=87*/ extends Object with A, B {
synthetic CommentThenAnnotation() = Object;
/// Comment 2.
class alias CommentAroundAnnotation/*codeOffset=374, codeLength=74*/ extends Object with A, B {
synthetic CommentAroundAnnotation() = Object;
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_constructor() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
C.raw() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
C.hasDocComment() {}
C.hasAnnotation() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
C.annotationThenComment() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
C.commentThenAnnotation() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
C.commentAroundAnnotation() {}
class C/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=362*/ {
C/*codeOffset=12, codeLength=4*/();
C.raw/*codeOffset=20, codeLength=10*/();
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
C.hasDocComment/*codeOffset=34, codeLength=54*/();
C.hasAnnotation/*codeOffset=92, codeLength=32*/();
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
C.annotationThenComment/*codeOffset=128, codeLength=74*/();
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
C.commentThenAnnotation/*codeOffset=206, codeLength=74*/();
/// Comment 2.
C.commentAroundAnnotation/*codeOffset=301, codeLength=59*/();
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_constructor_factory() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
factory C() => null;
factory C.raw() => null;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
factory C.hasDocComment() => null;
factory C.hasAnnotation() => null;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
factory C.annotationThenComment() => null;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
factory C.commentThenAnnotation() => null;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
factory C.commentAroundAnnotation() => null;
class C/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=462*/ {
factory C/*codeOffset=12, codeLength=20*/();
factory C.raw/*codeOffset=36, codeLength=24*/();
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
factory C.hasDocComment/*codeOffset=64, codeLength=68*/();
factory C.hasAnnotation/*codeOffset=136, codeLength=46*/();
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
factory C.annotationThenComment/*codeOffset=186, codeLength=88*/();
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
factory C.commentThenAnnotation/*codeOffset=278, codeLength=88*/();
/// Comment 2.
factory C.commentAroundAnnotation/*codeOffset=387, codeLength=73*/();
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_field() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
int withInit = 1;
int withoutInit;
int multiWithInit = 2, multiWithoutInit, multiWithInit2 = 3;
class C/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=116*/ {
int withInit/*codeOffset=12, codeLength=16*/;
int withoutInit/*codeOffset=33, codeLength=15*/;
int multiWithInit/*codeOffset=53, codeLength=21*/;
int multiWithoutInit/*codeOffset=76, codeLength=16*/;
int multiWithInit2/*codeOffset=94, codeLength=18*/;
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_field_annotations() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int hasDocComment, hasDocComment2;
int hasAnnotation, hasAnnotation2;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int annotationThenComment, annotationThenComment2;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int commentThenAnnotation, commentThenAnnotation2;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int commentAroundAnnotation, commentAroundAnnotation2;
class C/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=436*/ {
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int hasDocComment/*codeOffset=12, codeLength=51*/;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int hasDocComment2/*codeOffset=65, codeLength=14*/;
int hasAnnotation/*codeOffset=84, codeLength=29*/;
int hasAnnotation2/*codeOffset=115, codeLength=14*/;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int annotationThenComment/*codeOffset=134, codeLength=71*/;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int annotationThenComment2/*codeOffset=207, codeLength=22*/;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int commentThenAnnotation/*codeOffset=234, codeLength=71*/;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int commentThenAnnotation2/*codeOffset=307, codeLength=22*/;
/// Comment 2.
int commentAroundAnnotation/*codeOffset=351, codeLength=56*/;
/// Comment 2.
int commentAroundAnnotation2/*codeOffset=409, codeLength=24*/;
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_function() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
void raw() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void hasDocComment() {}
void hasAnnotation() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void annotationThenComment() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void commentThenAnnotation() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void commentAroundAnnotation() {}
void raw/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=13*/() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void hasDocComment/*codeOffset=15, codeLength=53*/() {}
void hasAnnotation/*codeOffset=70, codeLength=33*/() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void annotationThenComment/*codeOffset=105, codeLength=71*/() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void commentThenAnnotation/*codeOffset=178, codeLength=71*/() {}
/// Comment 2.
void commentAroundAnnotation/*codeOffset=266, codeLength=58*/() {}
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_method() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
void raw() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void hasDocComment() {}
void hasAnnotation() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void annotationThenComment() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void commentThenAnnotation() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void commentAroundAnnotation() {}
class C/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=372*/ {
void raw/*codeOffset=12, codeLength=13*/() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void hasDocComment/*codeOffset=29, codeLength=57*/() {}
void hasAnnotation/*codeOffset=90, codeLength=35*/() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void annotationThenComment/*codeOffset=129, codeLength=77*/() {}
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
void commentThenAnnotation/*codeOffset=210, codeLength=77*/() {}
/// Comment 2.
void commentAroundAnnotation/*codeOffset=308, codeLength=62*/() {}
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
main({int a = 1, int b, int c = 2}) {}
'dynamic main/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=38*/('
'{int a/*codeOffset=6, codeLength=9*/: 1}, '
'{int b/*codeOffset=17, codeLength=5*/}, '
'{int c/*codeOffset=24, codeLength=9*/: 2}) {}\n',
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_parameter_annotations() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
main(@Object() int a, int b, @Object() int c) {}
'dynamic main/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=48*/('
'@Object() int a/*codeOffset=5, codeLength=15*/, '
'int b/*codeOffset=22, codeLength=5*/, '
'@Object() int c/*codeOffset=29, codeLength=15*/) {}\n',
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_topLevelVariable() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
int withInit = 1 + 2 * 3;
int withoutInit;
int multiWithInit = 2, multiWithoutInit, multiWithInit2 = 3;
int withInit/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=24*/;
int withoutInit/*codeOffset=27, codeLength=15*/;
int multiWithInit/*codeOffset=45, codeLength=21*/;
int multiWithoutInit/*codeOffset=68, codeLength=16*/;
int multiWithInit2/*codeOffset=86, codeLength=18*/;
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_topLevelVariable_annotations() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int hasDocComment, hasDocComment2;
int hasAnnotation, hasAnnotation2;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int annotationThenComment, annotationThenComment2;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int commentThenAnnotation, commentThenAnnotation2;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int commentAroundAnnotation, commentAroundAnnotation2;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int hasDocComment/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=47*/;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int hasDocComment2/*codeOffset=49, codeLength=14*/;
int hasAnnotation/*codeOffset=66, codeLength=27*/;
int hasAnnotation2/*codeOffset=95, codeLength=14*/;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int annotationThenComment/*codeOffset=112, codeLength=65*/;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int annotationThenComment2/*codeOffset=179, codeLength=22*/;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int commentThenAnnotation/*codeOffset=204, codeLength=65*/;
/// Comment 1.
/// Comment 2.
int commentThenAnnotation2/*codeOffset=271, codeLength=22*/;
/// Comment 2.
int commentAroundAnnotation/*codeOffset=311, codeLength=52*/;
/// Comment 2.
int commentAroundAnnotation2/*codeOffset=365, codeLength=24*/;
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_codeRange_type_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A<T> {}
void f<U extends num> {}
class A/*codeOffset=0, codeLength=13*/<T/*codeOffset=8, codeLength=1*/> {
void f/*codeOffset=14, codeLength=24*/<U/*codeOffset=21, codeLength=13*/ extends num>() {}
withCodeRanges: true,
withConstElements: false);
test_const_constructor_inferred_args() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T> {
final T t;
const C(this.t);
const C.named(this.t);
const Object x = const C(0);
const Object y = const C.named(0);
checkElementText(library, '''
class C<T> {
final T t;
const C(T this.t);
const C.named(T this.t);
const Object x = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/(0);
const Object y = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
named/*location: test.dart;C;named*/(0);
TopLevelVariableElementImpl x =
InstanceCreationExpression xExpr = x.constantInitializer;
var xType = xExpr.constructorName.staticElement.returnType;
expect(xType.toString(), 'C<int>');
TopLevelVariableElementImpl y =
InstanceCreationExpression yExpr = y.constantInitializer;
var yType = yExpr.constructorName.staticElement.returnType;
expect(yType.toString(), 'C<int>');
test_const_finalField_hasConstConstructor() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
final int f = 42;
const C();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
final int f = 42;
const C();
test_const_invalid_field_const() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
static const f = 1 + foo();
int foo() => 42;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static const int f = 1 +
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/();
int foo() {}
test_const_invalid_field_final() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
final f = 1 + foo();
int foo() => 42;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
final int f;
int foo() {}
test_const_invalid_intLiteral() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const int x = 0x;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int x = 0;
test_const_invalid_topLevel() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const v = 1 + foo();
int foo() => 42;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int v = 1 +
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/();
int foo() {}
test_const_invalid_typeMismatch() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const int a = 0;
const bool b = a + 5;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int a = 0;
const bool b =
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/ + 5;
test_const_invokeConstructor_generic_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C<K, V> {
const C.named(K k, V v);
const V = const C<int, String>.named(1, '222');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<K, V> {
const C.named(K k, V v);
const C<int, String> V = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>.
named/*location: test.dart;C;named*/(1, '222');
test_const_invokeConstructor_generic_named_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C<K, V> {
const C.named(K k, V v);
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const V = const C<int, String>.named(1, '222');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const C<int, String> V = const
C/*location: a.dart;C*/<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>.
named/*location: a.dart;C;named*/(1, '222');
test_const_invokeConstructor_generic_named_imported_withPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C<K, V> {
const C.named(K k, V v);
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = const p.C<int, String>.named(1, '222');
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const C<int, String> V = const
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>.
named/*location: a.dart;C;named*/(1, '222');
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const C<int, String> V = const
C/*location: a.dart;C*/<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>.
named/*location: a.dart;C;named*/(1, '222');
test_const_invokeConstructor_generic_noTypeArguments() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C<K, V> {
const C();
const V = const C();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<K, V> {
const C();
const C<dynamic, dynamic> V = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_generic_unnamed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C<K, V> {
const C();
const V = const C<int, String>();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<K, V> {
const C();
const C<int, String> V = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>();
test_const_invokeConstructor_generic_unnamed_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C<K, V> {
const C();
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const V = const C<int, String>();
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const C<int, String> V = const
C/*location: a.dart;C*/<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>();
test_const_invokeConstructor_generic_unnamed_imported_withPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C<K, V> {
const C();
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = const p.C<int, String>();
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const C<int, String> V = const
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>();
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const C<int, String> V = const
C/*location: a.dart;C*/<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>();
test_const_invokeConstructor_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
const C.named(bool a, int b, int c, {String d, double e});
const V = const C.named(true, 1, 2, d: 'ccc', e: 3.4);
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C.named(bool a, int b, int c, {String d}, {double e});
const C V = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
named/*location: test.dart;C;named*/(true, 1, 2,
d/*location: test.dart;C;named;d*/: 'ccc',
e/*location: test.dart;C;named;e*/: 3.4);
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C.named(bool a, int b, int c, {String d}, {double e});
const C V = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
named/*location: test.dart;C;named*/(true, 1, 2,
d/*location: null*/: 'ccc',
e/*location: null*/: 3.4);
test_const_invokeConstructor_named_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
const C.named();
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const V = const C.named();
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const C V = const
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
named/*location: a.dart;C;named*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_named_imported_withPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
const C.named();
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = const p.C.named();
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const C V = const
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
named/*location: a.dart;C;named*/();
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const C V = const
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
named/*location: a.dart;C;named*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_named_unresolved() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {}
const V = const C.named();
''', allowErrors: true);
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C V = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
named/*location: null*/();
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const dynamic V = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
named/*location: null*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_named_unresolved2() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const V = const C.named();
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic V = const
C/*location: null*/.
named/*location: null*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_named_unresolved3() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = const p.C.named();
''', allowErrors: true);
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const C V = const
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
named/*location: null*/();
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const dynamic V = const
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
named/*location: null*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_named_unresolved4() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', '');
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = const p.C.named();
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const dynamic V = const
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: null*/.
named/*location: null*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_named_unresolved5() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const V = const p.C.named();
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic V = const
p/*location: null*/.
C/*location: null*/.
named/*location: null*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_named_unresolved6() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C<T> {}
const V = const C.named();
''', allowErrors: true);
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> {
const C<dynamic> V = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
named/*location: null*/();
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> {
const dynamic V = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
named/*location: null*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_unnamed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
const C();
const V = const C();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C();
const C V = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_unnamed_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
const C();
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const V = const C();
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const C V = const
C/*location: a.dart;C*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_unnamed_imported_withPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
const C();
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = const p.C();
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const C V = const
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/();
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const C V = const
C/*location: a.dart;C*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_unnamed_unresolved() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const V = const C();
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic V = const
C/*location: null*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_unnamed_unresolved2() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', '');
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = const p.C();
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const dynamic V = const
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: null*/();
test_const_invokeConstructor_unnamed_unresolved3() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const V = const p.C();
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic V = const
p/*location: null*/.
C/*location: null*/();
test_const_length_ofClassConstField() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
static const String F = '';
const int v = C.F.length;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static const String F = '';
const int v =
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
F/*location: test.dart;C;F?*/.
length/*location: dart:core;String;length?*/;
test_const_length_ofClassConstField_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
static const String F = '';
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const int v = C.F.length;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const int v =
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
F/*location: a.dart;C;F?*/.
length/*location: dart:core;String;length?*/;
test_const_length_ofClassConstField_imported_withPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
static const String F = '';
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const int v = p.C.F.length;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const int v =
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
F/*location: a.dart;C;F?*/.
length/*location: dart:core;String;length?*/;
test_const_length_ofStringLiteral() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const v = 'abc'.length;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int v = 'abc'.
length/*location: dart:core;String;length?*/;
test_const_length_ofTopLevelVariable() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const String S = 'abc';
const v = S.length;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const String S = 'abc';
const int v =
S/*location: test.dart;S?*/.
length/*location: dart:core;String;length?*/;
test_const_length_ofTopLevelVariable_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
const String S = 'abc';
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const v = S.length;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const int v =
S/*location: a.dart;S?*/.
length/*location: dart:core;String;length?*/;
test_const_length_ofTopLevelVariable_imported_withPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
const String S = 'abc';
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const v = p.S.length;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const int v =
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
S/*location: a.dart;S?*/.
length/*location: dart:core;String;length?*/;
test_const_length_staticMethod() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
static int length() => 42;
const v = C.length;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static int length() {}
const () → int v =
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
length/*location: test.dart;C;length*/;
test_const_list_if() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int>[if (true) 1];
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[if (true) 1];
withTypes: true);
test_const_list_if_else() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int>[if (true) 1 else 2];
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[if (true) 1 else 2];
withTypes: true);
test_const_list_inferredType() async {
// The summary needs to contain enough information so that when the constant
// is resynthesized, the constant value can get the type that was computed
// by type inference.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const [1];
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
const Object x = const /*typeArgs=int*/[1];
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, '''
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[1];
test_const_list_spread() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(spread_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int>[...<int>[1]];
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[...<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[1]];
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, '''
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[...const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[1]];
test_const_list_spread_null_aware() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(spread_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int>[...?<int>[1]];
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[...?<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[1]];
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, '''
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[...?const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[1]];
test_const_map_if() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int, int>{if (true) 1: 2};
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{if (true) 1: 2}/*isMap*/;
withTypes: true);
test_const_map_if_else() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int, int>{if (true) 1: 2 else 3: 4];
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{if (true) 1: 2 else 3: 4}/*isMap*/;
withTypes: true);
test_const_map_inferredType() async {
// The summary needs to contain enough information so that when the constant
// is resynthesized, the constant value can get the type that was computed
// by type inference.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const {1: 1.0};
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
const Object x = const /*typeArgs=int,double*/{1: 1.0}/*isMap*/;
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, '''
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
double/*location: dart:core;double*/>{1: 1.0}/*isMap*/;
test_const_map_spread() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(spread_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int, int>{...<int, int>{1: 2}};
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{...<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{1: 2}/*isMap*/}/*isMap*/;
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, '''
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{...const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{1: 2}/*isMap*/}/*isMap*/;
test_const_map_spread_null_aware() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(spread_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int, int>{...?<int, int>{1: 2}};
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{...?<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{1: 2}/*isMap*/}/*isMap*/;
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, '''
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{...?const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{1: 2}/*isMap*/}/*isMap*/;
test_const_parameterDefaultValue_initializingFormal_functionTyped() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
final x;
const C({this.x: foo});
int foo() => 42;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
final dynamic x;
const C({dynamic this.x:
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/});
int foo() {}
test_const_parameterDefaultValue_initializingFormal_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
final x;
const C({this.x: 1 + 2});
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
final dynamic x;
const C({dynamic this.x: 1 + 2});
test_const_parameterDefaultValue_initializingFormal_positional() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
final x;
const C([this.x = 1 + 2]);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
final dynamic x;
const C([dynamic this.x = 1 + 2]);
test_const_parameterDefaultValue_normal() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
const C.positional([p = 1 + 2]);
const C.named({p: 1 + 2});
void methodPositional([p = 1 + 2]) {}
void methodPositionalWithoutDefault([p]) {}
void methodNamed({p: 1 + 2}) {}
void methodNamedWithoutDefault({p}) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C.positional([dynamic p = 1 + 2]);
const C.named({dynamic p: 1 + 2});
void methodPositional([dynamic p = 1 + 2]) {}
void methodPositionalWithoutDefault([dynamic p]) {}
void methodNamed({dynamic p: 1 + 2}) {}
void methodNamedWithoutDefault({dynamic p}) {}
test_const_reference_staticField() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
static const int F = 42;
const V = C.F;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static const int F = 42;
const int V =
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
F/*location: test.dart;C;F?*/;
test_const_reference_staticField_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
static const int F = 42;
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const V = C.F;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const int V =
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
F/*location: a.dart;C;F?*/;
test_const_reference_staticField_imported_withPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
static const int F = 42;
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = p.C.F;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const int V =
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
F/*location: a.dart;C;F?*/;
test_const_reference_staticMethod() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
static int m(int a, String b) => 42;
const V = C.m;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static int m(int a, String b) {}
const (int, String) → int V =
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
m/*location: test.dart;C;m*/;
test_const_reference_staticMethod_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
static int m(int a, String b) => 42;
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const V = C.m;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const (int, String) → int V =
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
m/*location: a.dart;C;m*/;
test_const_reference_staticMethod_imported_withPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
static int m(int a, String b) => 42;
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V = p.C.m;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const (int, String) → int V =
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
m/*location: a.dart;C;m*/;
test_const_reference_topLevelFunction() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
foo() {}
const V = foo;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const () → dynamic V =
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/;
dynamic foo() {}
test_const_reference_topLevelFunction_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
R foo<P, R>(P p) {}
const V = foo;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const <P,R>(P) → R V =
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/;
R foo<P, R>(P p) {}
test_const_reference_topLevelFunction_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
foo() {}
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const V = foo;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const () → dynamic V =
foo/*location: a.dart;foo*/;
test_const_reference_topLevelFunction_imported_withPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
foo() {}
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const V =;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const () → dynamic V =
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
foo/*location: a.dart;foo*/;
test_const_reference_topLevelVariable() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const A = 1;
const B = A + 2;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int A = 1;
const int B =
A/*location: test.dart;A?*/ + 2;
test_const_reference_topLevelVariable_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
const A = 1;
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const B = A + 2;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const int B =
A/*location: a.dart;A?*/ + 2;
test_const_reference_topLevelVariable_imported_withPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
const A = 1;
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const B = p.A + 2;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const int B =
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
A/*location: a.dart;A?*/ + 2;
test_const_reference_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {}
class D<T> {}
enum E {a, b, c}
typedef F(int a, String b);
const vDynamic = dynamic;
const vNull = Null;
const vObject = Object;
const vClass = C;
const vGenericClass = D;
const vEnum = E;
const vFunctionTypeAlias = F;
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function(int a, String b);
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E a;
static const E b;
static const E c;
String toString() {}
class C {
class D<T> {
const Type vDynamic =
dynamic/*location: dynamic*/;
const Type vNull =
Null/*location: dart:core;Null*/;
const Type vObject =
Object/*location: dart:core;Object*/;
const Type vClass =
C/*location: test.dart;C*/;
const Type vGenericClass =
D/*location: test.dart;D*/;
const Type vEnum =
E/*location: test.dart;E*/;
const Type vFunctionTypeAlias =
F/*location: test.dart;F*/;
test_const_reference_type_functionType() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
typedef F();
class C {
final f = <F>[];
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function();
class C {
final List<() → dynamic> f;
test_const_reference_type_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {}
enum E {a, b, c}
typedef F(int a, String b);
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const vClass = C;
const vEnum = E;
const vFunctionTypeAlias = F;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const Type vClass =
C/*location: a.dart;C*/;
const Type vEnum =
E/*location: a.dart;E*/;
const Type vFunctionTypeAlias =
F/*location: a.dart;F*/;
test_const_reference_type_imported_withPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {}
enum E {a, b, c}
typedef F(int a, String b);
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const vClass = p.C;
const vEnum = p.E;
const vFunctionTypeAlias = p.F;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const Type vClass =
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/;
const Type vEnum =
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
E/*location: a.dart;E*/;
const Type vFunctionTypeAlias =
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
F/*location: a.dart;F*/;
test_const_reference_type_typeParameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C<T> {
final f = <T>[];
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> {
final List<T> f;
test_const_reference_unresolved_prefix0() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const V = foo;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic V =
foo/*location: null*/;
test_const_reference_unresolved_prefix1() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {}
const V =;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const dynamic V =
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
foo/*location: null*/;
test_const_reference_unresolved_prefix2() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
class C {}
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'foo.dart' as p;
const V =;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart' as p;
const dynamic V =
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: foo.dart;C*/.
foo/*location: null*/;
test_const_set_if() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int>{if (true) 1};
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{if (true) 1}/*isSet*/;
withTypes: true);
test_const_set_if_else() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(control_flow_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int>{if (true) 1 else 2];
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{if (true) 1 else 2}/*isSet*/;
withTypes: true);
test_const_set_inferredType() async {
// The summary needs to contain enough information so that when the constant
// is resynthesized, the constant value can get the type that was computed
// by type inference.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const {1};
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
const Object x = const /*typeArgs=int*/{1}/*isSet*/;
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, '''
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{1}/*isSet*/;
test_const_set_spread() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(spread_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int>{...<int>{1}};
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{...<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{1}/*isSet*/}/*isSet*/;
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, '''
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{...const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{1}/*isSet*/}/*isSet*/;
test_const_set_spread_null_aware() async {
experimentStatus = ExperimentStatus(spread_collections: true);
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const Object x = const <int>{...?<int>{1}};
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{...?<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{1}/*isSet*/}/*isSet*/;
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, '''
const Object x = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{...?const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{1}/*isSet*/}/*isSet*/;
test_const_topLevel_binary() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const vEqual = 1 == 2;
const vAnd = true && false;
const vOr = false || true;
const vBitXor = 1 ^ 2;
const vBitAnd = 1 & 2;
const vBitOr = 1 | 2;
const vBitShiftLeft = 1 << 2;
const vBitShiftRight = 1 >> 2;
const vAdd = 1 + 2;
const vSubtract = 1 - 2;
const vMiltiply = 1 * 2;
const vDivide = 1 / 2;
const vFloorDivide = 1 ~/ 2;
const vModulo = 1 % 2;
const vGreater = 1 > 2;
const vGreaterEqual = 1 >= 2;
const vLess = 1 < 2;
const vLessEqual = 1 <= 2;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const bool vEqual = 1 == 2;
const bool vAnd = true && false;
const bool vOr = false || true;
const int vBitXor = 1 ^ 2;
const int vBitAnd = 1 & 2;
const int vBitOr = 1 | 2;
const int vBitShiftLeft = 1 << 2;
const int vBitShiftRight = 1 >> 2;
const int vAdd = 1 + 2;
const int vSubtract = 1 - 2;
const int vMiltiply = 1 * 2;
const double vDivide = 1 / 2;
const int vFloorDivide = 1 ~/ 2;
const int vModulo = 1 % 2;
const bool vGreater = 1 > 2;
const bool vGreaterEqual = 1 >= 2;
const bool vLess = 1 < 2;
const bool vLessEqual = 1 <= 2;
test_const_topLevel_conditional() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const vConditional = (1 == 2) ? 11 : 22;
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int vConditional = (1 == 2) ? 11 : 22;
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int vConditional = 1 == 2 ? 11 : 22;
test_const_topLevel_identical() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const vIdentical = (1 == 2) ? 11 : 22;
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int vIdentical = (1 == 2) ? 11 : 22;
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int vIdentical = 1 == 2 ? 11 : 22;
test_const_topLevel_ifNull() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const vIfNull = 1 ?? 2.0;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const num vIfNull = 1 ?? 2.0;
test_const_topLevel_literal() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const vNull = null;
const vBoolFalse = false;
const vBoolTrue = true;
const vInt = 1;
const vIntLong1 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
const vIntLong2 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
const vDouble = 2.3;
const vString = 'abc';
const vStringConcat = 'aaa' 'bbb';
const vStringInterpolation = 'aaa ${true} ${42} bbb';
const vSymbol = #aaa.bbb.ccc;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic vNull = null;
const bool vBoolFalse = false;
const bool vBoolTrue = true;
const int vInt = 1;
const int vIntLong1 = 9223372036854775807;
const int vIntLong2 = -1;
const double vDouble = 2.3;
const String vString = 'abc';
const String vStringConcat = 'aaabbb';
const String vStringInterpolation = 'aaa ${true} ${42} bbb';
const Symbol vSymbol = #aaa.bbb.ccc;
test_const_topLevel_parenthesis() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const int v1 = (1 + 2) * 3;
const int v2 = -(1 + 2);
const int v3 = ('aaa' + 'bbb').length;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int v1 = (1 + 2) * 3;
const int v2 = -(1 + 2);
const int v3 = ('aaa' + 'bbb').
length/*location: dart:core;String;length?*/;
test_const_topLevel_prefix() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const vNotEqual = 1 != 2;
const vNot = !true;
const vNegate = -1;
const vComplement = ~1;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const bool vNotEqual = 1 != 2;
const bool vNot = !true;
const int vNegate = -1;
const int vComplement = ~1;
test_const_topLevel_super() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const vSuper = super;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic vSuper = super;
test_const_topLevel_this() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const vThis = this;
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic vThis = this;
test_const_topLevel_throw() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const c = throw 42;
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic c = throw 42;
} else {
// This is a bug.
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic c;
test_const_topLevel_typedList() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const vNull = const <Null>[];
const vDynamic = const <dynamic>[1, 2, 3];
const vInterfaceNoTypeParameters = const <int>[1, 2, 3];
const vInterfaceNoTypeArguments = const <List>[];
const vInterfaceWithTypeArguments = const <List<String>>[];
const vInterfaceWithTypeArguments2 = const <Map<int, List<String>>>[];
checkElementText(library, r'''
const List<Null> vNull = const <
Null/*location: dart:core;Null*/>[];
const List<dynamic> vDynamic = const <
dynamic/*location: dynamic*/>[1, 2, 3];
const List<int> vInterfaceNoTypeParameters = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>[1, 2, 3];
const List<List<dynamic>> vInterfaceNoTypeArguments = const <
List/*location: dart:core;List*/>[];
const List<List<String>> vInterfaceWithTypeArguments = const <
List/*location: dart:core;List*/<
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>>[];
const List<Map<int, List<String>>> vInterfaceWithTypeArguments2 = const <
Map/*location: dart:core;Map*/<
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
List/*location: dart:core;List*/<
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>>>[];
test_const_topLevel_typedList_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const v = const <C>[];
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
const List<C> v = const <
C/*location: a.dart;C*/>[];
test_const_topLevel_typedList_importedWithPrefix() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const v = const <p.C>[];
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const List<C> v = const <
p/*location: test.dart;p*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/>[];
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
const List<C> v = const <
C/*location: a.dart;C*/>[];
test_const_topLevel_typedList_typedefArgument() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
typedef int F(String id);
const v = const <F>[];
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = int Function(String id);
const List<(String) → int> v = const <
F/*location: test.dart;F*/>[];
} else {
// This is wrong.
// `F` must be the reference to `typedef F` element, not the type.
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = int Function(String id);
const List<(String) → int> v = const <
null/*location: test.dart;F;-*/>[];
test_const_topLevel_typedMap() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const vDynamic1 = const <dynamic, int>{};
const vDynamic2 = const <int, dynamic>{};
const vInterface = const <int, String>{};
const vInterfaceWithTypeArguments = const <int, List<String>>{};
checkElementText(library, r'''
const Map<dynamic, int> vDynamic1 = const <
dynamic/*location: dynamic*/,
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{}/*isMap*/;
const Map<int, dynamic> vDynamic2 = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
dynamic/*location: dynamic*/>{}/*isMap*/;
const Map<int, String> vInterface = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>{}/*isMap*/;
const Map<int, List<String>> vInterfaceWithTypeArguments = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/,
List/*location: dart:core;List*/<
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>>{}/*isMap*/;
test_const_topLevel_typedSet() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const vDynamic1 = const <dynamic>{};
const vInterface = const <int>{};
const vInterfaceWithTypeArguments = const <List<String>>{};
checkElementText(library, r'''
const Set<dynamic> vDynamic1 = const <
dynamic/*location: dynamic*/>{}/*isSet*/;
const Set<int> vInterface = const <
int/*location: dart:core;int*/>{}/*isSet*/;
const Set<List<String>> vInterfaceWithTypeArguments = const <
List/*location: dart:core;List*/<
String/*location: dart:core;String*/>>{}/*isSet*/;
test_const_topLevel_untypedList() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const v = const [1, 2, 3];
checkElementText(library, r'''
const List<int> v = const [1, 2, 3];
test_const_topLevel_untypedMap() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const v = const {0: 'aaa', 1: 'bbb', 2: 'ccc'};
checkElementText(library, r'''
const Map<int, String> v = const {0: 'aaa', 1: 'bbb', 2: 'ccc'}/*isMap*/;
test_const_topLevel_untypedSet() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const v = const {0, 1, 2};
checkElementText(library, r'''
const Set<int> v = const {0, 1, 2}/*isSet*/;
test_constExpr_pushReference_enum_field() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
enum E {a, b, c}
final vValue = E.a;
final vValues = E.values;
final vIndex = E.a.index;
checkElementText(library, r'''
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E a;
static const E b;
static const E c;
String toString() {}
final E vValue;
final List<E> vValues;
final int vIndex;
test_constExpr_pushReference_enum_method() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
enum E {a}
final vToString = E.a.toString();
checkElementText(library, r'''
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E a;
String toString() {}
final String vToString;
test_constExpr_pushReference_field_simpleIdentifier() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
static const a = b;
static const b = null;
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static const dynamic a =
b/*location: test.dart;C;b?*/;
static const dynamic b = null;
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static const dynamic a =
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
b/*location: test.dart;C;b?*/;
static const dynamic b = null;
test_constExpr_pushReference_staticMethod_simpleIdentifier() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
static const a = m;
static m() {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static const () → dynamic a =
m/*location: test.dart;C;m*/;
static dynamic m() {}
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static const () → dynamic a =
C/*location: test.dart;C*/.
m/*location: test.dart;C;m*/;
static dynamic m() {}
test_constructor_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
* Docs
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
* Docs
test_constructor_initializers_assertInvocation() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
const C(int x) : assert(x >= 42);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C(int x) : assert(
x/*location: test.dart;C;;x*/ >= 42);
test_constructor_initializers_assertInvocation_message() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
const C(int x) : assert(x >= 42, 'foo');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C(int x) : assert(
x/*location: test.dart;C;;x*/ >= 42, 'foo');
test_constructor_initializers_field() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
final x;
const C() : x = 42;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
final dynamic x;
const C() :
x/*location: test.dart;C;x*/ = 42;
test_constructor_initializers_field_notConst() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
final x;
const C() : x = foo();
int foo() => 42;
''', allowErrors: true);
// It is OK to keep non-constant initializers.
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
final dynamic x;
const C() :
x/*location: test.dart;C;x*/ =
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/();
int foo() {}
test_constructor_initializers_field_withParameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
final x;
const C(int p) : x = 1 + p;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
final dynamic x;
const C(int p) :
x/*location: test.dart;C;x*/ = 1 +
p/*location: test.dart;C;;p*/;
test_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A {
const p);
class C extends A {
const C() :;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
const p);
class C extends A {
const C() : super.
aaa/*location: test.dart;A;aaa*/(42);
test_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_named_underscore() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A {
const A._();
class B extends A {
const B() : super._();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
const A._();
class B extends A {
const B() : super.
_/*location: test.dart;A;_*/();
test_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_namedExpression() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A {
const, {int b});
class C extends A {
const C() :, b: 2);
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
const a, {int b});
class C extends A {
const C() : super.
aaa/*location: test.dart;A;aaa*/(1,
b/*location: test.dart;A;aaa;b*/: 2);
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
const a, {int b});
class C extends A {
const C() : super.
aaa/*location: test.dart;A;aaa*/(1,
b/*location: null*/: 2);
test_constructor_initializers_superInvocation_unnamed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A {
const A(int p);
class C extends A {
const C.ccc() : super(42);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
const A(int p);
class C extends A {
const C.ccc() : super(42);
test_constructor_initializers_thisInvocation_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
const C() : this.named(1, 'bbb');
const C.named(int a, String b);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C() = C.named : this.
named/*location: test.dart;C;named*/(1, 'bbb');
const C.named(int a, String b);
test_constructor_initializers_thisInvocation_namedExpression() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
const C() : this.named(1, b: 2);
const C.named(a, {int b});
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C() = C.named : this.
named/*location: test.dart;C;named*/(1,
b/*location: test.dart;C;named;b*/: 2);
const C.named(dynamic a, {int b});
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C() = C.named : this.
named/*location: test.dart;C;named*/(1,
b/*location: null*/: 2);
const C.named(dynamic a, {int b});
test_constructor_initializers_thisInvocation_unnamed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
const C.named() : this(1, 'bbb');
const C(int a, String b);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C.named() = C : this(1, 'bbb');
const C(int a, String b);
test_constructor_redirected_factory_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
factory C() = D.named;
class D extends C {
D.named() : super._();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
factory C() = D.named;
class D extends C {
test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = D<U, T>.named;
class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
D.named() : super._();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = D<U, T>.named;
class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
import 'test.dart';
class D extends C {
D.named() : super._();
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'foo.dart';
class C {
factory C() = D.named;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart';
class C {
factory C() = D.named;
test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_imported_generic() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
import 'test.dart';
class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
D.named() : super._();
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'foo.dart';
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = D<U, T>.named;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart';
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = D<U, T>.named;
test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_prefixed() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
import 'test.dart';
class D extends C {
D.named() : super._();
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
class C {
factory C() = foo.D.named;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
class C {
factory C() = D.named;
test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_prefixed_generic() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
import 'test.dart';
class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
D.named() : super._();
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = foo.D<U, T>.named;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = D<U, T>.named;
test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_unresolved_class() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<E> {
factory C() = D.named<E>;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<E> {
factory C();
test_constructor_redirected_factory_named_unresolved_constructor() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class D {}
class C<E> {
factory C() = D.named<E>;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class D {
class C<E> {
factory C();
test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
factory C() = D;
class D extends C {
D() : super._();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
factory C() = D;
class D extends C {
test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = D<U, T>;
class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
D() : super._();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = D<U, T>;
class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
import 'test.dart';
class D extends C {
D() : super._();
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'foo.dart';
class C {
factory C() = D;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart';
class C {
factory C() = D;
test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_imported_generic() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
import 'test.dart';
class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
D() : super._();
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'foo.dart';
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = D<U, T>;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart';
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = D<U, T>;
test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_prefixed() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
import 'test.dart';
class D extends C {
D() : super._();
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
class C {
factory C() = foo.D;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
class C {
factory C() = D;
test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_prefixed_generic() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
import 'test.dart';
class D<T, U> extends C<U, T> {
D() : super._();
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = foo.D<U, T>;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
class C<T, U> {
factory C() = D<U, T>;
test_constructor_redirected_factory_unnamed_unresolved() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<E> {
factory C() = D<E>;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<E> {
factory C();
test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
const C.named();
const C() : this.named();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C.named();
const C() = C.named : this.
named/*location: test.dart;C;named*/();
test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_named_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T> {
const C.named();
const C() : this.named();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> {
const C.named();
const C() = C<T>.named : this.
named/*location: test.dart;C;named*/();
test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_named_notConst() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
C() : this.named();
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
C() = C.named;
test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_unnamed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
const C();
const C.named() : this();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
const C();
const C.named() = C : this();
test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_unnamed_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T> {
const C();
const C.named() : this();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> {
const C();
const C.named() = C<T> : this();
test_constructor_redirected_thisInvocation_unnamed_notConst() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
C.named() : this();
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
C.named() = C;
test_constructor_withCycles_const() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
final x;
const C() : x = const D();
class D {
final x;
const D() : x = const C();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
final dynamic x;
const C() :
x/*location: test.dart;C;x*/ = const
D/*location: test.dart;D*/();
class D {
final dynamic x;
const D() :
x/*location: test.dart;D;x*/ = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/();
test_constructor_withCycles_nonConst() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
final x;
C() : x = new D();
class D {
final x;
D() : x = new C();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
final dynamic x;
class D {
final dynamic x;
test_defaultValue_genericFunction() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef void F<T>(T v);
void defaultF<T>(T v) {}
class X {
final F f;
const X({this.f: defaultF});
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T> = void Function(T v);
class X {
final (dynamic) → void f;
const X({(dynamic) → void this.f:
defaultF/*location: test.dart;defaultF*/});
void defaultF<T>(T v) {}
test_defaultValue_refersToGenericClass() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class B<T1, T2> {
const B();
class C {
void foo([B<int, double> b = const B()]) {}
class B<T1, T2> {
const B();
class C {
void foo([B<int, double> b = const /*typeArgs=int,double*/
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]) {}
withTypes: true);
test_defaultValue_refersToGenericClass_constructor() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class B<T> {
const B();
class C<T> {
const C([B<T> b = const B()]);
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
class B<T> {
const B();
class C<T> {
const C([B<T> b = const /*typeArgs=Null*/
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]);
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class B<T> {
const B();
class C<T> {
const C([B<T> b = const
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]);
test_defaultValue_refersToGenericClass_constructor2() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
abstract class A<T> {}
class B<T> implements A<T> {
const B();
class C<T> implements A<Iterable<T>> {
const C([A<T> a = const B()]);
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
abstract class A<T> {
class B<T> implements A<T> {
const B();
class C<T> implements A<Iterable<T>> {
const C([A<T> a = const /*typeArgs=Null*/
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]);
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A<T> {
class B<T> implements A<T> {
const B();
class C<T> implements A<Iterable<T>> {
const C([A<T> a = const
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]);
test_defaultValue_refersToGenericClass_functionG() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class B<T> {
const B();
void foo<T>([B<T> b = const B()]) {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
class B<T> {
const B();
void foo<T>([B<T> b = const /*typeArgs=Null*/
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]) {}
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class B<T> {
const B();
void foo<T>([B<T> b = const
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]) {}
test_defaultValue_refersToGenericClass_methodG() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class B<T> {
const B();
class C {
void foo<T>([B<T> b = const B()]) {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
class B<T> {
const B();
class C {
void foo<T>([B<T> b = const /*typeArgs=Null*/
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]) {}
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class B<T> {
const B();
class C {
void foo<T>([B<T> b = const
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]) {}
test_defaultValue_refersToGenericClass_methodG_classG() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class B<T1, T2> {
const B();
class C<E1> {
void foo<E2>([B<E1, E2> b = const B()]) {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
class B<T1, T2> {
const B();
class C<E1> {
void foo<E2>([B<E1, E2> b = const /*typeArgs=Null,Null*/
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]) {}
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class B<T1, T2> {
const B();
class C<E1> {
void foo<E2>([B<E1, E2> b = const
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]) {}
test_defaultValue_refersToGenericClass_methodNG() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class B<T> {
const B();
class C<T> {
void foo([B<T> b = const B()]) {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
class B<T> {
const B();
class C<T> {
void foo([B<T> b = const /*typeArgs=Null*/
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]) {}
withTypes: true);
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class B<T> {
const B();
class C<T> {
void foo([B<T> b = const
B/*location: test.dart;B*/()]) {}
test_enum_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
enum E { v }''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E v;
String toString() {}
test_enum_value_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
enum E {
* aaa
/// bbb
checkElementText(library, r'''
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
* aaa
static const E a;
/// bbb
static const E b;
String toString() {}
test_enum_values() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('enum E { v1, v2 }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E v1;
static const E v2;
String toString() {}
test_enums() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('enum E1 { v1 } enum E2 { v2 }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
enum E1 {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E1> values;
static const E1 v1;
String toString() {}
enum E2 {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E2> values;
static const E2 v2;
String toString() {}
test_error_extendsEnum() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
enum E {a, b, c}
class M {}
class A extends E {
foo() {}
class B implements E, M {
foo() {}
class C extends Object with E, M {
foo() {}
class D = Object with M, E;
checkElementText(library, r'''
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E a;
static const E b;
static const E c;
String toString() {}
class M {
class A {
dynamic foo() {}
class B implements M {
dynamic foo() {}
class C extends Object with M {
synthetic C();
dynamic foo() {}
class alias D extends Object with M {
synthetic D() = Object;
test_executable_parameter_type_typedef() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
typedef F(int p);
main(F f) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function(int p);
dynamic main((int) → dynamic f) {}
test_export_class() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
export 'a.dart';
C: a.dart;C
withExportScope: true);
test_export_class_type_alias() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C = _D with _E;
class _D {}
class _E {}
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
export 'a.dart';
C: a.dart;C
withExportScope: true);
test_export_configurations_useDefault() async {
declaredVariables =
new DeclaredVariables.fromMap({'': 'false'});
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_io.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_html.dart', 'class A {}');
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
export 'foo.dart'
if ( 'foo_io.dart'
if (dart.library.html) 'foo_html.dart';
export 'foo.dart';
A: foo.dart;A
withExportScope: true);
expect(library.exports[0].exportedLibrary.source.shortName, 'foo.dart');
test_export_configurations_useFirst() async {
declaredVariables = new DeclaredVariables.fromMap(
{'': 'true', 'dart.library.html': 'true'});
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_io.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_html.dart', 'class A {}');
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
export 'foo.dart'
if ( 'foo_io.dart'
if (dart.library.html) 'foo_html.dart';
export 'foo_io.dart';
A: foo_io.dart;A
withExportScope: true);
expect(library.exports[0].exportedLibrary.source.shortName, 'foo_io.dart');
test_export_configurations_useSecond() async {
declaredVariables = new DeclaredVariables.fromMap(
{'': 'false', 'dart.library.html': 'true'});
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_io.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_html.dart', 'class A {}');
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
export 'foo.dart'
if ( 'foo_io.dart'
if (dart.library.html) 'foo_html.dart';
export 'foo_html.dart';
A: foo_html.dart;A
withExportScope: true);
ExportElement export = library.exports[0];
expect(export.exportedLibrary.source.shortName, 'foo_html.dart');
test_export_function() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'f() {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
export 'a.dart';
f: a.dart;f
withExportScope: true);
test_export_getter() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'get f() => null;');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
export 'a.dart';
test_export_hide() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('export "dart:async" hide Stream, Future;');
export 'dart:async' hide Stream, Future;
Completer: dart:async;Completer
FutureOr: dart:async;FutureOr
StreamIterator: dart:async;dart:async/stream.dart;StreamIterator
StreamSubscription: dart:async;dart:async/stream.dart;StreamSubscription
StreamTransformer: dart:async;dart:async/stream.dart;StreamTransformer
Timer: dart:async;Timer
withExportScope: true);
test_export_multiple_combinators() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('export "dart:async" hide Stream show Future;');
export 'dart:async' hide Stream show Future;
Future: dart:async;Future
withExportScope: true);
test_export_setter() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'void set f(value) {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
export 'a.dart';
f=: a.dart;f=
withExportScope: true);
test_export_show() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('export "dart:async" show Future, Stream;');
export 'dart:async' show Future, Stream;
Future: dart:async;Future
Stream: dart:async;dart:async/stream.dart;Stream
withExportScope: true);
test_export_typedef() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'typedef F();');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
export 'a.dart';
F: a.dart;F
withExportScope: true);
test_export_variable() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'var x;');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
export 'a.dart';
x: a.dart;x?
x=: a.dart;x=
withExportScope: true);
test_export_variable_const() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'const x = 0;');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
export 'a.dart';
x: a.dart;x?
withExportScope: true);
test_export_variable_final() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'final x = 0;');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
export 'a.dart';
x: a.dart;x?
withExportScope: true);
test_exportImport_configurations_useDefault() async {
declaredVariables =
new DeclaredVariables.fromMap({'': 'false'});
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_io.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_html.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/bar.dart', r'''
export 'foo.dart'
if ( 'foo_io.dart'
if (dart.library.html) 'foo_html.dart';
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'bar.dart';
class B extends A {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'bar.dart';
class B extends A {
var typeA = library.definingCompilationUnit.getType('B').supertype;
expect(typeA.element.source.shortName, 'foo.dart');
test_exportImport_configurations_useFirst() async {
declaredVariables = new DeclaredVariables.fromMap(
{'': 'true', 'dart.library.html': 'true'});
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_io.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_html.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/bar.dart', r'''
export 'foo.dart'
if ( 'foo_io.dart'
if (dart.library.html) 'foo_html.dart';
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'bar.dart';
class B extends A {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'bar.dart';
class B extends A {
var typeA = library.definingCompilationUnit.getType('B').supertype;
expect(typeA.element.source.shortName, 'foo_io.dart');
test_exports() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library a;');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'library b;');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart"; export "b.dart";');
export 'a.dart';
export 'b.dart';
withExportScope: true);
test_expr_invalid_typeParameter_asPrefix() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T> {
final f = T.k;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> {
final dynamic f;
test_field_covariant() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
covariant int x;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
covariant int x;
test_field_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
* Docs
var x;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
* Docs
dynamic x;
test_field_formal_param_inferred_type_implicit() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C extends D { var v; C(this.v); }'
' abstract class D { int get v; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends D {
int v;
C(int this.v);
abstract class D {
int get v;
test_field_inferred_type_nonStatic_explicit_initialized() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { num v = 0; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
num v;
test_field_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_initialized() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { var v = 0; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int v;
test_field_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_uninitialized() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'class C extends D { var v; } abstract class D { int get v; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends D {
int v;
abstract class D {
int get v;
test_field_inferred_type_static_implicit_initialized() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static var v = 0; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static int v;
test_field_propagatedType_const_noDep() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
static const x = 0;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static const int x = 0;
test_field_propagatedType_final_dep_inLib() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'final a = 1;');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import "a.dart";
class C {
final b = a / 2;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
class C {
final double b;
test_field_propagatedType_final_dep_inPart() async {
addSource('/a.dart', 'part of lib; final a = 1;');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
library lib;
part "a.dart";
class C {
final b = a / 2;
checkElementText(library, r'''
library lib;
part 'a.dart';
class C {
final double b;
unit: a.dart
final int a;
test_field_propagatedType_final_noDep_instance() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
final x = 0;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
final int x;
test_field_propagatedType_final_noDep_static() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
static final x = 0;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static final int x;
test_field_static_final_untyped() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { static final x = 0; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static final int x;
test_field_typed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { int x = 0; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int x;
test_field_untyped() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { var x = 0; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int x;
test_function_async() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'dart:async';
Future f() async {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
Future<dynamic> f() async {}
test_function_asyncStar() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'dart:async';
Stream f() async* {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
Stream<dynamic> f() async* {}
test_function_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
f() {}''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs
dynamic f() {}
test_function_entry_point() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('main() {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic main() {}
test_function_entry_point_in_export() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library a; main() {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
export 'a.dart';
test_function_entry_point_in_export_hidden() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library a; main() {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart" hide main;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
export 'a.dart' hide main;
test_function_entry_point_in_part() async {
addSource('/a.dart', 'part of my.lib; main() {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
unit: a.dart
dynamic main() {}
test_function_external() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('external f();');
checkElementText(library, r'''
external dynamic f() {}
test_function_parameter_final() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f(final x) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f(final dynamic x) {}
test_function_parameter_kind_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f({x}) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f({dynamic x}) {}
test_function_parameter_kind_positional() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f([x]) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f([dynamic x]) {}
test_function_parameter_kind_required() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f(x) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f(dynamic x) {}
test_function_parameter_parameters() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f(g(x, y)) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f((dynamic, dynamic) → dynamic g) {}
test_function_parameter_return_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f(int g()) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f(() → int g) {}
test_function_parameter_return_type_void() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f(void g()) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f(() → void g) {}
test_function_parameter_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f(int i) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f(int i) {}
test_function_parameters() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f(x, y) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f(dynamic x, dynamic y) {}
test_function_return_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('int f() => null;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
int f() {}
test_function_return_type_implicit() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f() => null;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f() {}
test_function_return_type_void() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('void f() {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
void f() {}
test_function_type_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('T f<T, U>(U u) => null;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
T f<T, U>(U u) {}
test_function_type_parameter_with_function_typed_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('void f<T, U>(T x(U u)) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
void f<T, U>((U) → T x) {}
test_function_typed_parameter_implicit() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f(g()) => null;');
test_functions() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f() {} g() {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f() {}
dynamic g() {}
test_futureOr() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('import "dart:async"; FutureOr<int> x;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
FutureOr<int> x;
var variables = library.definingCompilationUnit.topLevelVariables;
expect(variables, hasLength(1));
expect(variables[0].type.toString(), 'FutureOr<int>');
test_futureOr_const() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('import "dart:async"; const x = FutureOr;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
const Type x =
FutureOr/*location: dart:async;FutureOr*/;
var variables = library.definingCompilationUnit.topLevelVariables;
expect(variables, hasLength(1));
var x = variables[0] as ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl;
expect(x.type.toString(), 'Type');
expect(x.constantInitializer.toString(), 'FutureOr');
test_futureOr_inferred() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import "dart:async";
FutureOr<int> f() => null;
var x = f();
var y = x.then((z) => z.asDouble());
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
FutureOr<int> x;
dynamic y;
FutureOr<int> f() {}
var variables = library.definingCompilationUnit.topLevelVariables;
expect(variables, hasLength(2));
var x = variables[0];
expect(, 'x');
var y = variables[1];
expect(, 'y');
expect(x.type.toString(), 'FutureOr<int>');
expect(y.type.toString(), 'dynamic');
test_generic_gClass_gMethodStatic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T, U> {
static void m<V, W>(V v, W w) {
void f<X, Y>(V v, W w, X x, Y y) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
static void m<V, W>(V v, W w) {}
test_genericFunction_asFunctionReturnType() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
int Function(int a, String b) f() => null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
(int, String) → int f() {}
test_genericFunction_asFunctionTypedParameterReturnType() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
void f(int Function(int a, String b) p(num c)) => null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
void f((num) → (int, String) → int p) {}
test_genericFunction_asGenericFunctionReturnType() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
typedef F = void Function(String a) Function(int b);
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = (String) → void Function(int b);
test_genericFunction_asMethodReturnType() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
int Function(int a, String b) m() => null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
(int, String) → int m() {}
test_genericFunction_asParameterType() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
void f(int Function(int a, String b) p) => null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
void f((int, String) → int p) {}
test_genericFunction_asTopLevelVariableType() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
int Function(int a, String b) v;
checkElementText(library, r'''
(int, String) → int v;
test_getter_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
get x => null;''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs
dynamic get x {}
test_getter_external() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('external int get x;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
external int get x;
test_getter_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_return() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'class C extends D { get f => null; } abstract class D { int get f; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends D {
int get f {}
abstract class D {
int get f;
test_getters() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('int get x => null; get y => null;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
int get x {}
dynamic get y {}
test_implicitConstructor_named_const() async {
// TODO(paulberry, scheglov): get this to pass
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
final Object x;
const C.named(this.x);
const x = C.named(42);
checkElementText(library, 'TODO(paulberry, scheglov)');
test_implicitTopLevelVariable_getterFirst() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('int get x => 0; void set x(int value) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
int get x {}
void set x(int value) {}
test_implicitTopLevelVariable_setterFirst() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('void set x(int value) {} int get x => 0;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
void set x(int value) {}
int get x {}
test_import_configurations_useDefault() async {
declaredVariables = new DeclaredVariables.fromMap({
'': 'false',
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_io.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_html.dart', 'class A {}');
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'foo.dart'
if ( 'foo_io.dart'
if (dart.library.html) 'foo_html.dart';
class B extends A {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart';
class B extends A {
var typeA = library.definingCompilationUnit.getType('B').supertype;
expect(typeA.element.source.shortName, 'foo.dart');
test_import_configurations_useFirst() async {
declaredVariables = new DeclaredVariables.fromMap({
'': 'true',
'dart.library.html': 'true',
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_io.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/foo_html.dart', 'class A {}');
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'foo.dart'
if ( 'foo_io.dart'
if (dart.library.html) 'foo_html.dart';
class B extends A {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo_io.dart';
class B extends A {
var typeA = library.definingCompilationUnit.getType('B').supertype;
expect(typeA.element.source.shortName, 'foo_io.dart');
test_import_deferred() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'f() {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'a.dart' deferred as p;
main() {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' deferred as p;
dynamic main() {}
test_import_export() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'dart:async' as i1;
export 'dart:math';
import 'dart:async' as i2;
export 'dart:math';
import 'dart:async' as i3;
export 'dart:math';
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async' as i1;
import 'dart:async' as i2;
import 'dart:async' as i3;
export 'dart:math';
export 'dart:math';
export 'dart:math';
test_import_hide() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'dart:async' hide Stream, Completer; Future f;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async' hide Stream, Completer;
Future<dynamic> f;
test_import_invalidUri_metadata() async {
allowMissingFiles = true;
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import '';
checkElementText(library, r'''
foo/*location: null*/
import '<unresolved>';
test_import_multiple_combinators() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import "dart:async" hide Stream show Future;
Future f;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async' hide Stream show Future;
Future<dynamic> f;
test_import_prefixed() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library a; class C {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a.dart" as a; a.C c;');
expect(library.imports[0].prefix.nameOffset, 19);
expect(library.imports[0].prefix.nameLength, 1);
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as a;
C c;
test_import_self() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'test.dart' as p;
class C {}
class D extends p.C {} // Prevent "unused import" warning
expect(library.imports, hasLength(2));
expect(library.imports[0].importedLibrary.location, library.location);
expect(library.imports[1].importedLibrary.isDartCore, true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'test.dart' as p;
class C {
class D extends C {
test_import_short_absolute() async {
testFile = '/my/project/bin/test.dart';
// Note: "/a.dart" resolves differently on Windows vs. Posix.
var destinationPath =
addLibrarySource(destinationPath, 'class C {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "/a.dart"; C c;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
C c;
test_import_show() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import "dart:async" show Future, Stream;
Future f;
Stream s;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async' show Future, Stream;
Future<dynamic> f;
Stream<dynamic> s;
test_imports() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library a; class C {}');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'library b; class D {}');
var library =
await checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; import "b.dart"; C c; D d;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
C c;
D d;
void test_infer_generic_typedef_complex() async {
// TODO(paulberry, scheglov): get this test to pass.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef F<T> = D<T,U> Function<U>();
class C<V> {
const C(F<V> f);
class D<T,U> {}
D<int,U> f<U>() => null;
const x = const C(f);
checkElementText(library, '''
typedef F<T> = D<T, U> Function<U>();
class C<V> {
const C(<U>() → D<V, U> f);
class D<T, U> {
const C<int> x = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/(
f/*location: test.dart;f*/);
D<int, U> f<U>() {}
void test_infer_generic_typedef_simple() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef F = D<T> Function<T>();
class C {
const C(F f);
class D<T> {}
D<T> f<T>() => null;
const x = const C(f);
checkElementText(library, '''
typedef F = D<T> Function<T>();
class C {
const C(<T>() → D<T> f);
class D<T> {
const C x = const
C/*location: test.dart;C*/(
f/*location: test.dart;f*/);
D<T> f<T>() {}
test_infer_instanceCreation_fromArguments() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class S<T extends A> {
S(T _);
var s = new S(new B());
checkElementText(library, '''
class A {
class B extends A {
class S<T extends A> {
S(T _);
S<B> s;
test_infer_property_set() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A {
B b;
class B {
C get c => null;
void set c(C value) {}
class C {}
class D extends C {}
var a = new A();
var x = a.b.c ??= new D();
checkElementText(library, '''
class A {
B b;
class B {
C get c {}
void set c(C value) {}
class C {
class D extends C {
A a;
C x;
test_inference_issue_32394() async {
// Test the type inference involed in
var library = await checkLibrary('''
var x = => a.toString());
var y = [3];
var z = x.toList();
checkElementText(library, '''
Iterable<String> x;
List<int> y;
List<String> z;
test_inference_map() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
int p;
var x = <C>[];
var y = => c.p);
checkElementText(library, '''
class C {
int p;
List<C> x;
Iterable<int> y;
test_inferred_function_type_for_variable_in_generic_function() async {
// In the code below, `x` has an inferred type of `() => int`, with 2
// (unused) type parameters from the enclosing top level function.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
f<U, V>() {
var x = () => 0;
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f<U, V>() {}
test_inferred_function_type_in_generic_class_constructor() async {
// In the code below, `() => () => 0` has an inferred return type of
// `() => int`, with 2 (unused) type parameters from the enclosing class.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<U, V> {
final x;
C() : x = (() => () => 0);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<U, V> {
final dynamic x;
test_inferred_function_type_in_generic_class_getter() async {
// In the code below, `() => () => 0` has an inferred return type of
// `() => int`, with 2 (unused) type parameters from the enclosing class.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<U, V> {
get x => () => () => 0;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<U, V> {
dynamic get x {}
test_inferred_function_type_in_generic_class_in_generic_method() async {
// In the code below, `() => () => 0` has an inferred return type of
// `() => int`, with 3 (unused) type parameters from the enclosing class
// and method.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T> {
f<U, V>() {
print(() => () => 0);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> {
dynamic f<U, V>() {}
test_inferred_function_type_in_generic_class_setter() async {
// In the code below, `() => () => 0` has an inferred return type of
// `() => int`, with 2 (unused) type parameters from the enclosing class.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<U, V> {
void set x(value) {
print(() => () => 0);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<U, V> {
void set x(dynamic value) {}
test_inferred_function_type_in_generic_closure() async {
// In the code below, `<U, V>() => () => 0` has an inferred return type of
// `() => int`, with 3 (unused) type parameters.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
f<T>() {
print(/*<U, V>*/() => () => 0);
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f<T>() {}
test_inferred_generic_function_type_in_generic_closure() async {
// In the code below, `<U, V>() => <W, X, Y, Z>() => 0` has an inferred
// return type of `() => int`, with 7 (unused) type parameters.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
f<T>() {
print(/*<U, V>*/() => /*<W, X, Y, Z>*/() => 0);
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f<T>() {}
test_inferred_type_initializer_cycle() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
var a = b + 1;
var b = c + 2;
var c = a + 3;
var d = 4;
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic a;
dynamic b;
dynamic c;
int d;
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic a/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
dynamic b/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
dynamic c/*error: dependencyCycle*/;
int d;
test_inferred_type_is_typedef() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef int F(String s);'
' class C extends D { var v; }'
' abstract class D { F get v; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = int Function(String s);
class C extends D {
(String) → int v;
abstract class D {
(String) → int get v;
test_inferred_type_refers_to_bound_type_param() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T> extends D<int, T> {
var v;
abstract class D<U, V> {
Map<V, U> get v;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> extends D<int, T> {
Map<T, int> v;
abstract class D<U, V> {
Map<V, U> get v;
test_inferred_type_refers_to_function_typed_param_of_typedef() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef void F(int g(String s));
h(F f) => null;
var v = h(/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(y) {});
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = void Function((String) → int g);
dynamic v;
dynamic h(((String) → int) → void f) {}
test_inferred_type_refers_to_function_typed_parameter_type_generic_class() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T, U> extends D<U, int> {
void f(int x, g) {}
abstract class D<V, W> {
void f(int x, W g(V s));
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> extends D<U, int> {
void f(int x, (U) → int g) {}
abstract class D<V, W> {
void f(int x, (V) → W g);
test_inferred_type_refers_to_function_typed_parameter_type_other_lib() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', '''
import 'b.dart';
abstract class D extends E {}
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', '''
abstract class E {
void f(int x, int g(String s));
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'a.dart';
class C extends D {
void f(int x, g) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
class C extends D {
void f(int x, (String) → int g) {}
test_inferred_type_refers_to_method_function_typed_parameter_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C extends D { void f(int x, g) {} }'
' abstract class D { void f(int x, int g(String s)); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends D {
void f(int x, (String) → int g) {}
abstract class D {
void f(int x, (String) → int g);
test_inferred_type_refers_to_nested_function_typed_param() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
f(void g(int x, void h())) => null;
var v = f((x, y) {});
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic v;
dynamic f((int, () → void) → void g) {}
test_inferred_type_refers_to_nested_function_typed_param_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
f({void g(int x, void h())}) => null;
var v = f(g: (x, y) {});
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic v;
dynamic f({(int, () → void) → void g}) {}
test_inferred_type_refers_to_setter_function_typed_parameter_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C extends D { void set f(g) {} }'
' abstract class D { void set f(int g(String s)); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends D {
void set f((String) → int g) {}
abstract class D {
void set f((String) → int g);
test_inferredType_definedInSdkLibraryPart() async {
addSource('/a.dart', r'''
import 'dart:async';
class A {
m(Stream p) {}
LibraryElement library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
m(p) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
dynamic m(Stream<dynamic> p) {}
ClassElement b = library.definingCompilationUnit.types[0];
ParameterElement p = b.methods[0].parameters[0];
// This test should verify that we correctly record inferred types,
// when the type is defined in a part of an SDK library. So, test that
// the type is actually in a part.
Element streamElement = p.type.element;
if (streamElement is ClassElement) {
expect(streamElement.source, isNot(streamElement.library.source));
test_inferredType_implicitCreation() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class A {
var a1 = A();
var a2 = A.named();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
A a1;
A a2;
test_inferredType_implicitCreation_prefixed() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '''
class A {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
var a1 = foo.A();
var a2 = foo.A.named();
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
dynamic a1;
dynamic a2;
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
A a1;
A a2;
test_inferredType_usesSyntheticFunctionType_functionTypedParam() async {
// AnalysisContext does not set the enclosing element for the synthetic
// FunctionElement created for the [f, g] type argument.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
int f(int x(String y)) => null;
String g(int x(String y)) => null;
var v = [f, g];
checkElementText(library, r'''
List<((String) → int) → Object> v;
int f((String) → int x) {}
String g((String) → int x) {}
test_inheritance_errors() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
abstract class A {
int m();
abstract class B {
String m();
abstract class C implements A, B {}
abstract class D extends C {
var f;
checkElementText(library, r'''
abstract class A {
int m();
abstract class B {
String m();
abstract class C implements A, B {
abstract class D extends C {
dynamic f;
test_initializer_executable_with_return_type_from_closure() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('var v = () => 0;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
() → int v;
test_initializer_executable_with_return_type_from_closure_await_dynamic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('var v = (f) async => await f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
(dynamic) → Future<dynamic> v;
test_initializer_executable_with_return_type_from_closure_await_future3_int() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'dart:async';
var v = (Future<Future<Future<int>>> f) async => await f;
// The analyzer type system over-flattens - see
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
(Future<Future<Future<int>>>) → Future<int> v;
test_initializer_executable_with_return_type_from_closure_await_future_int() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'dart:async';
var v = (Future<int> f) async => await f;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
(Future<int>) → Future<int> v;
test_initializer_executable_with_return_type_from_closure_await_future_noArg() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'dart:async';
var v = (Future f) async => await f;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
(Future<dynamic>) → Future<dynamic> v;
test_initializer_executable_with_return_type_from_closure_field() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
var v = () => 0;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
() → int v;
test_initializer_executable_with_return_type_from_closure_local() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
void f() {
int u = 0;
var v = () => 0;
checkElementText(library, r'''
void f() {}
test_instantiateToBounds_boundRefersToEarlierTypeArgument() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<S extends num, T extends C<S, T>> {}
C c;
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class C<S extends num, T extends C<S, T>> {
C<num, C<num, dynamic>> c;
test_instantiateToBounds_boundRefersToItself() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends C<T>> {}
C c;
var c2 = new C();
class B {
var c3 = new C();
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T>> {
class B {
C<C<dynamic>> c3;
C<C<dynamic>> c;
C<C<dynamic>> c2;
test_instantiateToBounds_boundRefersToLaterTypeArgument() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends C<T, U>, U extends num> {}
C c;
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T, U>, U extends num> {
C<C<dynamic, num>, num> c;
test_instantiateToBounds_functionTypeAlias_reexported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class O {}
typedef T F<T extends O>(T p);
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', r'''
export 'a.dart' show F;
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'b.dart';
class C {
F f() => null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'b.dart';
class C {
(O) → O f() {}
test_instantiateToBounds_functionTypeAlias_simple() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef F<T extends num>(T p);
F f;
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T extends num> = dynamic Function(T p);
(num) → dynamic f;
test_instantiateToBounds_simple() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends num> {}
C c;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T extends num> {
C<num> c;
test_invalid_annotation_prefixed_constructor() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
const C.named();
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import "a.dart" as a;
class D {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as a;
a/*location: test.dart;a*/.
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
named/*location: a.dart;C;named*/
class D {
test_invalid_annotation_unprefixed_constructor() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', r'''
class C {
const C.named();
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import "a.dart";
class D {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
C/*location: a.dart;C*/.
named/*location: a.dart;C;named*/
class D {
test_invalid_importPrefix_asTypeArgument() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'dart:async' as ppp;
class C {
List<ppp> v;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async' as ppp;
class C {
List<dynamic> v;
test_invalid_nameConflict_imported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'V() {}');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'V() {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
foo([p = V]) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
dynamic foo([dynamic p =
V/*location: null*/]) {}
test_invalid_nameConflict_imported_exported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'V() {}');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'V() {}');
addLibrarySource('/c.dart', r'''
export 'a.dart';
export 'b.dart';
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'c.dart';
foo([p = V]) {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'c.dart';
dynamic foo([dynamic p =
V/*location: a.dart;V*/]) {}
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'c.dart';
dynamic foo([dynamic p =
V/*location: null*/]) {}
test_invalid_nameConflict_local() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
foo([p = V]) {}
V() {}
var V;
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic V;
dynamic foo([dynamic p =
V/*location: test.dart;V?*/]) {}
dynamic V() {}
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic V;
dynamic foo([dynamic p =
V/*location: null*/]) {}
dynamic V() {}
test_invalid_setterParameter_fieldFormalParameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
int foo;
void set bar( {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
int foo;
void set bar(dynamic {}
test_invalid_setterParameter_fieldFormalParameter_self() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
set x(this.x) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void set x(dynamic this.x) {}
test_invalidUri_part_emptyUri() async {
allowMissingFiles = true;
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
part '';
class B extends A {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
part '<unresolved>';
class B {
unit: null
test_invalidUris() async {
allowMissingFiles = true;
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import ':[invaliduri]';
import ':[invaliduri]:foo.dart';
import 'a1.dart';
import ':[invaliduri]';
import ':[invaliduri]:foo.dart';
export ':[invaliduri]';
export ':[invaliduri]:foo.dart';
export 'a2.dart';
export ':[invaliduri]';
export ':[invaliduri]:foo.dart';
part ':[invaliduri]';
part 'a3.dart';
part ':[invaliduri]';
checkElementText(library, r'''
import '<unresolved>';
import '<unresolved>';
import 'a1.dart';
import '<unresolved>';
import '<unresolved>';
export '<unresolved>';
export '<unresolved>';
export 'a2.dart';
export '<unresolved>';
export '<unresolved>';
part '<unresolved>';
part 'a3.dart';
part '<unresolved>';
unit: null
unit: a3.dart
unit: null
test_library() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('');
checkElementText(library, r'''
test_library_documented_lines() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
/// aaa
/// bbb
library test;
checkElementText(library, r'''
/// aaa
/// bbb
library test;
test_library_documented_stars() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
* aaa
* bbb
library test;''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* aaa
* bbb
library test;
test_library_name_with_spaces() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('library foo . bar ;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
test_library_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('library;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
test_localFunctions() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
f() {
f1() {}
f2() {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f() {}
test_localFunctions_inConstructor() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
C() {
f() {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
test_localFunctions_inMethod() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
m() {
f() {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic m() {}
test_localFunctions_inTopLevelGetter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
get g {
f() {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic get g {}
test_localLabels_inConstructor() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
C() {
aaa: while (true) {}
bbb: switch (42) {
ccc: case 0:
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
test_localLabels_inMethod() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
m() {
aaa: while (true) {}
bbb: switch (42) {
ccc: case 0:
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic m() {}
test_localLabels_inTopLevelFunction() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
main() {
aaa: while (true) {}
bbb: switch (42) {
ccc: case 0:
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic main() {}
test_main_class() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class main {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class main {
test_main_class_alias() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('class main = C with D; class C {} class D {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class alias main extends C with D {
synthetic main() = C;
class C {
class D {
test_main_class_alias_via_export() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class main = C with D; class C {} class D {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
export 'a.dart';
test_main_class_via_export() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class main {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
export 'a.dart';
test_main_getter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('get main => null;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic get main {}
test_main_getter_via_export() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'get main => null;');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
export 'a.dart';
test_main_typedef() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef main();');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef main = dynamic Function();
test_main_typedef_via_export() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'typedef main();');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
export 'a.dart';
test_main_variable() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('var main;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic main;
test_main_variable_via_export() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'var main;');
var library = await checkLibrary('export "a.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
export 'a.dart';
test_member_function_async() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'dart:async';
class C {
Future f() async {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
class C {
Future<dynamic> f() async {}
test_member_function_asyncStar() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
import 'dart:async';
class C {
Stream f() async* {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async';
class C {
Stream<dynamic> f() async* {}
test_member_function_syncStar() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class C {
Iterable<int> f() sync* {
yield 42;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
Iterable<int> f() sync* {}
test_metadata_classDeclaration() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const a = null;
const b = null;
class C {}''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
b/*location: test.dart;b?*/
class C {
const dynamic a = null;
const dynamic b = null;
test_metadata_classTypeAlias() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'const a = null; @a class C = D with E; class D {} class E {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
class alias C extends D with E {
synthetic C() = D;
class D {
class E {
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_constructor_call_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A {
const A.named();
class C {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
const A.named();
A/*location: test.dart;A*/.
named/*location: test.dart;A;named*/()
class C {
test_metadata_constructor_call_named_prefixed() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', 'class A { const A.named(); }');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
class C {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/.
A/*location: foo.dart;A*/.
named/*location: foo.dart;A;named*/()
class C {
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
A/*location: foo.dart;A*/.
named/*location: foo.dart;A;named*/()
class C {
test_metadata_constructor_call_unnamed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class A { const A(); } @A() class C {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
const A();
A/*location: test.dart;A*/()
class C {
test_metadata_constructor_call_unnamed_prefixed() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', 'class A { const A(); }');
var library =
await checkLibrary('import "foo.dart" as foo; @foo.A() class C {}');
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/.
A/*location: foo.dart;A*/()
class C {
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart' as foo;
A/*location: foo.dart;A*/()
class C {
test_metadata_constructor_call_with_args() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('class A { const A(x); } @A(null) class C {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
const A(dynamic x);
A/*location: test.dart;A*/(null)
class C {
test_metadata_constructorDeclaration_named() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('const a = null; class C { @a C.named(); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_constructorDeclaration_unnamed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; class C { @a C(); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_enumConstantDeclaration() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; enum E { @a v }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
static const E v;
String toString() {}
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_enumDeclaration() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; @a enum E { v }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E v;
String toString() {}
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_exportDirective() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', '');
var library = await checkLibrary('@a export "foo.dart"; const a = null;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
export 'foo.dart';
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_fieldDeclaration() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; class C { @a int x; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
int x;
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_fieldFormalParameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const a = null;
class C {
var x;
C(@a this.x);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/ dynamic this.x);
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_fieldFormalParameter_withDefault() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'const a = null; class C { var x; C([@a this.x = null]); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/ dynamic this.x = null]);
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_functionDeclaration_function() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const a = null;
f() {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic a = null;
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
dynamic f() {}
test_metadata_functionDeclaration_getter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; @a get f => null;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic a = null;
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
dynamic get f {}
test_metadata_functionDeclaration_setter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; @a set f(value) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic a = null;
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
void set f(dynamic value) {}
test_metadata_functionTypeAlias() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; @a typedef F();');
checkElementText(library, r'''
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
typedef F = dynamic Function();
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_functionTypedFormalParameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; f(@a g()) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic a = null;
dynamic f(@
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/ () → dynamic g) {}
test_metadata_functionTypedFormalParameter_withDefault() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; f([@a g() = null]) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic a = null;
dynamic f([@
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/ () → dynamic g = null]) {}
test_metadata_importDirective() async {
addLibrarySource('/foo.dart', 'const b = null;');
var library = await checkLibrary('@a import "foo.dart"; const a = b;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
import 'foo.dart';
const dynamic a =
b/*location: foo.dart;b?*/;
test_metadata_invalid_classDeclaration() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f(_) {} @f(42) class C {}');
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
f/*location: test.dart;f*/(42)
class C {
dynamic f(dynamic _) {}
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
__unresolved__/*location: null*/
class C {
dynamic f(dynamic _) {}
test_metadata_libraryDirective() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('@a library L; const a = null;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
library L;
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_methodDeclaration_getter() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('const a = null; class C { @a get m => null; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
dynamic get m {}
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_methodDeclaration_method() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
const a = null;
const b = null;
class C {
m() {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
b/*location: test.dart;b?*/
dynamic m() {}
const dynamic a = null;
const dynamic b = null;
test_metadata_methodDeclaration_setter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const a = null;
class C {
set m(value) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
void set m(dynamic value) {}
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_partDirective() async {
addSource('/foo.dart', 'part of L;');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
library L;
part 'foo.dart';
const a = null;''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library L;
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
part 'foo.dart';
const dynamic a = null;
unit: foo.dart
test_metadata_prefixed_variable() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'const b = null;');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a.dart" as a; @a.b class C {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart' as a;
a/*location: test.dart;a*/.
b/*location: a.dart;b?*/
class C {
test_metadata_simpleFormalParameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; f(@a x) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic a = null;
dynamic f(@
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/ dynamic x) {}
test_metadata_simpleFormalParameter_method() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const a = null;
class C {
m(@a x) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic m(@
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/ dynamic x) {}
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_simpleFormalParameter_withDefault() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; f([@a x = null]) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic a = null;
dynamic f([@
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/ dynamic x = null]) {}
test_metadata_topLevelVariableDeclaration() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; @a int v;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic a = null;
a/*location: test.dart;a?*/
int v;
test_metadata_typeParameter_ofClass() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; class C<@a T> {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> {
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_typeParameter_ofClassTypeAlias() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
const a = null;
class C<@a T> = D with E;
class D {}
class E {}''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class alias C<T> extends D with E {
synthetic C() = D;
class D {
class E {
const dynamic a = null;
test_metadata_typeParameter_ofFunction() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; f<@a T>() {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
const dynamic a = null;
dynamic f<T>() {}
test_metadata_typeParameter_ofTypedef() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const a = null; typedef F<@a T>();');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T> = dynamic Function();
const dynamic a = null;
test_method_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
* Docs
f() {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
* Docs
dynamic f() {}
test_method_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_param() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C extends D { void f(value) {} }'
' abstract class D { void f(int value); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends D {
void f(int value) {}
abstract class D {
void f(int value);
test_method_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_return() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C extends D {
f() => null;
abstract class D {
int f();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends D {
int f() {}
abstract class D {
int f();
test_method_type_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { T f<T, U>(U u) => null; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
T f<T, U>(U u) {}
test_method_type_parameter_in_generic_class() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T, U> {
V f<V, W>(T t, U u, W w) => null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
V f<V, W>(T t, U u, W w) {}
test_method_type_parameter_with_function_typed_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { void f<T, U>(T x(U u)) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void f<T, U>((U) → T x) {}
test_methodInvocation_implicitCall() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class A {
double call() => 0.0;
class B {
A a;
var c = new B().a();
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
double call() {}
class B {
A a;
double c;
test_mixin() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class A {}
class B {}
class C {}
class D {}
mixin M<T extends num, U> on A, B implements C, D {
T f;
U get g => 0;
set s(int v) {}
int m(double v) => 0;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
class B {
class C {
class D {
mixin M<T extends num, U> on A, B implements C, D {
T f;
U get g {}
void set s(int v) {}
int m(double v) {}
test_mixin_implicitObjectSuperclassConstraint() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
mixin M {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
mixin M on Object {
test_nameConflict_exportedAndLocal() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
addLibrarySource('/c.dart', '''
export 'a.dart';
class C {}
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'c.dart';
C v = null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'c.dart';
C v;
test_nameConflict_exportedAndLocal_exported() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
addLibrarySource('/c.dart', '''
export 'a.dart';
class C {}
addLibrarySource('/d.dart', 'export "c.dart";');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'd.dart';
C v = null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'd.dart';
C v;
test_nameConflict_exportedAndParted() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', '''
part of lib;
class C {}
addLibrarySource('/c.dart', '''
library lib;
export 'a.dart';
part 'b.dart';
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'c.dart';
C v = null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'c.dart';
C v;
test_nameConflict_importWithRelativeUri_exportWithAbsolute() async {
if (resourceProvider.pathContext.separator != '/') {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class A {}');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'export "/a.dart";');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
A v = null;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
A v;
test_nested_generic_functions_in_generic_class_with_function_typed_params() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T, U> {
void g<V, W>() {
void h<X, Y>(void p(T t, U u, V v, W w, X x, Y y)) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
void g<V, W>() {}
test_nested_generic_functions_in_generic_class_with_local_variables() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T, U> {
void g<V, W>() {
void h<X, Y>() {
T t;
U u;
V v;
W w;
X x;
Y y;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
void g<V, W>() {}
test_nested_generic_functions_with_function_typed_param() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
void f<T, U>() {
void g<V, W>() {
void h<X, Y>(void p(T t, U u, V v, W w, X x, Y y)) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
void f<T, U>() {}
test_nested_generic_functions_with_local_variables() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
void f<T, U>() {
void g<V, W>() {
void h<X, Y>() {
T t;
U u;
V v;
W w;
X x;
Y y;
checkElementText(library, r'''
void f<T, U>() {}
test_new_typedef_notSimplyBounded_self() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef F<T extends F> = void Function();
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F<T extends () → void> = void Function();
test_new_typedef_notSimplyBounded_simple_no_bounds() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef F<T> = void Function();
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T> = void Function();
test_new_typedef_notSimplyBounded_simple_non_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef F = void Function();
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = void Function();
test_old_typedef_notSimplyBounded_self() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef void F<T extends F>();
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F<T extends () → void> = void Function();
test_old_typedef_notSimplyBounded_simple_because_non_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef void F();
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = void Function();
test_old_typedef_notSimplyBounded_simple_no_bounds() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F<T>();');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T> = void Function();
test_operator() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('class C { C operator+(C other) => null; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
C +(C other) {}
test_operator_equal() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
bool operator==(Object other) => false;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
bool ==(Object other) {}
test_operator_external() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('class C { external C operator+(C other); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
external C +(C other) {}
test_operator_greater_equal() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
bool operator>=(C other) => false;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
bool >=(C other) {}
test_operator_index() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('class C { bool operator[](int i) => null; }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
bool [](int i) {}
test_operator_index_set() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
void operator[]=(int i, bool v) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void []=(int i, bool v) {}
test_operator_less_equal() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
bool operator<=(C other) => false;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
bool <=(C other) {}
test_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('void main(int p) {}');
void main@5(int p@14) {}
withOffsets: true);
test_parameter_covariant() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { void m(covariant C c) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void m(covariant C c) {}
test_parameter_covariant_inherited() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
class A<T> {
void f(covariant T t) {}
class B<T> extends A<T> {
void f(T t) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A<T> {
void f(covariant T t) {}
class B<T> extends A<T> {
void f(covariant T t) {}
test_parameter_parameters() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { f(g(x, y)) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic f((dynamic, dynamic) → dynamic g) {}
test_parameter_parameters_in_generic_class() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C<A, B> { f(A g(B x)) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<A, B> {
dynamic f((B) → A g) {}
test_parameter_return_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { f(int g()) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic f(() → int g) {}
test_parameter_return_type_void() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C { f(void g()) {} }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic f(() → void g) {}
test_parameterTypeNotInferred_constructor() async {
// Strong mode doesn't do type inference on constructor parameters, so it's
// ok that we don't store inferred type info for them in summaries.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
C.positional([x = 1]);
C.named({x: 1});
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
C.positional([dynamic x = 1]);
C.named({dynamic x: 1});
test_parameterTypeNotInferred_initializingFormal() async {
// Strong mode doesn't do type inference on initializing formals, so it's
// ok that we don't store inferred type info for them in summaries.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
var x;
C.positional([this.x = 1]);
C.named({this.x: 1});
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
dynamic x;
C.positional([dynamic this.x = 1]);
C.named({dynamic this.x: 1});
test_parameterTypeNotInferred_staticMethod() async {
// Strong mode doesn't do type inference on parameters of static methods,
// so it's ok that we don't store inferred type info for them in summaries.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
static void positional([x = 1]) {}
static void named({x: 1}) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static void positional([dynamic x = 1]) {}
static void named({dynamic x: 1}) {}
test_parameterTypeNotInferred_topLevelFunction() async {
// Strong mode doesn't do type inference on parameters of top level
// functions, so it's ok that we don't store inferred type info for them in
// summaries.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
void positional([x = 1]) {}
void named({x: 1}) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
void positional([dynamic x = 1]) {}
void named({dynamic x: 1}) {}
test_parts() async {
addSource('/a.dart', 'part of my.lib;');
addSource('/b.dart', 'part of my.lib;');
var library =
await checkLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart"; part "b.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
part 'b.dart';
unit: a.dart
unit: b.dart
test_parts_invalidUri() async {
allowMissingFiles = true;
addSource('/foo/bar.dart', 'part of my.lib;');
var library = await checkLibrary('library my.lib; part "foo/";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library my.lib;
part '';
unit: foo
test_parts_invalidUri_nullStringValue() async {
allowMissingFiles = true;
addSource('/foo/bar.dart', 'part of my.lib;');
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
library my.lib;
part "${foo}/bar.dart";
checkElementText(library, r'''
library my.lib;
part '<unresolved>';
unit: null
test_propagated_type_refers_to_closure() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
void f() {
var x = () => 0;
var y = x;
checkElementText(library, r'''
void f() {}
test_setter_covariant() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('class C { void set x(covariant int value); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
void set x(covariant int value);
test_setter_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
void set x(value) {}''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs
void set x(dynamic value) {}
test_setter_external() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('external void set x(int value);');
checkElementText(library, r'''
external void set x(int value);
test_setter_inferred_type_conflictingInheritance() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A {
int t;
class B extends A {
double t;
class C extends A implements B {
class D extends C {
void set t(p) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
int t;
class B extends A {
double t;
class C extends A implements B {
class D extends C {
void set t(dynamic p) {}
test_setter_inferred_type_nonStatic_implicit_param() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('class C extends D { void set f(value) {} }'
' abstract class D { void set f(int value); }');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C extends D {
void set f(int value) {}
abstract class D {
void set f(int value);
test_setter_inferred_type_static_implicit_return() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {
static set f(int value) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
static void set f(int value) {}
test_setter_inferred_type_top_level_implicit_return() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('set f(int value) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
void set f(int value) {}
test_setters() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('void set x(int value) {} set y(value) {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
void set x(int value) {}
void set y(dynamic value) {}
test_syntheticFunctionType_genericClosure() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
final v = f() ? <T>(T t) => 0 : <T>(T t) => 1;
bool f() => true;
checkElementText(library, r'''
final (<bottom>) → int v;
bool f() {}
test_syntheticFunctionType_genericClosure_inGenericFunction() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
void f<T, U>(bool b) {
final v = b ? <V>(T t, U u, V v) => 0 : <V>(T t, U u, V v) => 1;
checkElementText(library, r'''
void f<T, U>(bool b) {}
test_syntheticFunctionType_inGenericClass() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T, U> {
var v = f() ? (T t, U u) => 0 : (T t, U u) => 1;
bool f() => false;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
(T, U) → int v;
bool f() {}
test_syntheticFunctionType_inGenericFunction() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
void f<T, U>(bool b) {
var v = b ? (T t, U u) => 0 : (T t, U u) => 1;
checkElementText(library, r'''
void f<T, U>(bool b) {}
test_syntheticFunctionType_noArguments() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
final v = f() ? () => 0 : () => 1;
bool f() => true;
checkElementText(library, r'''
final () → int v;
bool f() {}
test_syntheticFunctionType_withArguments() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
final v = f() ? (int x, String y) => 0 : (int x, String y) => 1;
bool f() => true;
checkElementText(library, r'''
final (int, String) → int v;
bool f() {}
test_type_arguments_explicit_dynamic_dynamic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('Map<dynamic, dynamic> m;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
Map<dynamic, dynamic> m;
test_type_arguments_explicit_dynamic_int() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('Map<dynamic, int> m;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
Map<dynamic, int> m;
test_type_arguments_explicit_String_dynamic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('Map<String, dynamic> m;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
Map<String, dynamic> m;
test_type_arguments_explicit_String_int() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('Map<String, int> m;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
Map<String, int> m;
test_type_arguments_implicit() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('Map m;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
Map<dynamic, dynamic> m;
test_type_dynamic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('dynamic d;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic d;
test_type_inference_based_on_loadLibrary() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', '');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'a.dart' deferred as a;
var x = a.loadLibrary;
checkElementText(library, '''
import 'a.dart' deferred as a;
() → Future<dynamic> x;
test_type_inference_closure_with_function_typed_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
var x = (int f(String x)) => 0;
checkElementText(library, '''
((String) → int) → int x;
test_type_inference_closure_with_function_typed_parameter_new() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
var x = (int Function(String) f) => 0;
checkElementText(library, '''
((String) → int) → int x;
test_type_inference_depends_on_exported_variable() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'export "b.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'var x = 0;');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'a.dart';
var y = x;
checkElementText(library, '''
import 'a.dart';
int y;
test_type_inference_multiplyDefinedElement() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'class C {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
var v = C;
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
dynamic v;
test_type_inference_nested_function() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
var x = (t) => (u) => t + u;
checkElementText(library, '''
(dynamic) → (dynamic) → dynamic x;
test_type_inference_nested_function_with_parameter_types() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
var x = (int t) => (int u) => t + u;
checkElementText(library, '''
(int) → (int) → int x;
test_type_inference_of_closure_with_default_value() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
var x = ([y: 0]) => y;
checkElementText(library, '''
([dynamic]) → dynamic x;
test_type_invalid_topLevelVariableElement_asType() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T extends V> {}
typedef V F(V p);
V f(V p) {}
V V2 = null;
int V = 0;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function(dynamic p);
class C<T extends dynamic> {
dynamic V2;
int V;
dynamic f(dynamic p) {}
test_type_invalid_topLevelVariableElement_asTypeArgument() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
var V;
static List<V> V2;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic V;
List<dynamic> V2;
test_type_invalid_typeParameter_asPrefix() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T> {
m(T.K p) {}
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> {
dynamic m(dynamic p) {}
test_type_invalid_unresolvedPrefix() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
p.C v;
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic v;
test_type_reference_lib_to_lib() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C {}
enum E { v }
typedef F();
C c;
E e;
F f;''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function();
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E v;
String toString() {}
class C {
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_lib_to_part() async {
addSource('/a.dart', 'part of l; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
var library =
await checkLibrary('library l; part "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library l;
part 'a.dart';
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
unit: a.dart
typedef F = dynamic Function();
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E v;
String toString() {}
class C {
test_type_reference_part_to_lib() async {
addSource('/a.dart', 'part of l; C c; E e; F f;');
var library = await checkLibrary(
'library l; part "a.dart"; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library l;
part 'a.dart';
typedef F = dynamic Function();
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E v;
String toString() {}
class C {
unit: a.dart
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_part_to_other_part() async {
addSource('/a.dart', 'part of l; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
addSource('/b.dart', 'part of l; C c; E e; F f;');
var library =
await checkLibrary('library l; part "a.dart"; part "b.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library l;
part 'a.dart';
part 'b.dart';
unit: a.dart
typedef F = dynamic Function();
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E v;
String toString() {}
class C {
unit: b.dart
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_part_to_part() async {
'part of l; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F(); C c; E e; F f;');
var library = await checkLibrary('library l; part "a.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library l;
part 'a.dart';
unit: a.dart
typedef F = dynamic Function();
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E v;
String toString() {}
class C {
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_to_class() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C {} C c;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C {
C c;
test_type_reference_to_class_with_type_arguments() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T, U> {} C<int, String> c;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
C<int, String> c;
test_type_reference_to_class_with_type_arguments_implicit() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('class C<T, U> {} C c;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T, U> {
C<dynamic, dynamic> c;
test_type_reference_to_enum() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('enum E { v } E e;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
enum E {
synthetic final int index;
synthetic static const List<E> values;
static const E v;
String toString() {}
E e;
test_type_reference_to_import() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_to_import_export() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'export "b.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_to_import_export_export() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'export "b.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'export "c.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/c.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_to_import_export_export_in_subdirs() async {
addLibrarySource('/a/a.dart', 'export "b/b.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/a/b/b.dart', 'export "../c/c.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/a/c/c.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a/a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_to_import_export_in_subdirs() async {
addLibrarySource('/a/a.dart', 'export "b/b.dart";');
addLibrarySource('/a/b/b.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a/a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_to_import_part() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library l; part "b.dart";');
addSource('/b.dart', 'part of l; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_to_import_part2() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'library l; part "p1.dart"; part "p2.dart";');
addSource('/p1.dart', 'part of l; class C1 {}');
addSource('/p2.dart', 'part of l; class C2 {}');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C1 c1; C2 c2;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
C1 c1;
C2 c2;
test_type_reference_to_import_part_in_subdir() async {
addLibrarySource('/a/b.dart', 'library l; part "c.dart";');
addSource('/a/c.dart', 'part of l; class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a/b.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'b.dart';
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_to_import_relative() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {} enum E { v } typedef F();');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; C c; E e; F f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
C c;
E e;
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_to_typedef() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(); F f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function();
() → dynamic f;
test_type_reference_to_typedef_with_type_arguments() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T, U>(T t); F<int, String> f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T, U> = U Function(T t);
(int) → String f;
test_type_reference_to_typedef_with_type_arguments_implicit() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T, U>(T t); F f;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T, U> = U Function(T t);
(dynamic) → dynamic f;
test_type_unresolved() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('C c;', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic c;
test_type_unresolved_prefixed() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('import "dart:core" as core; core.C c;',
allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:core' as core;
dynamic c;
test_typedef_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
typedef F();''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs
typedef F = dynamic Function();
test_typedef_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'typedef F<T> = int Function<S>(List<S> list, num Function<A>(A), T);');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T> = int Function<S>(List<S> list, <A>(A) → num , T );
test_typedef_generic_asFieldType() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(r'''
typedef Foo<S> = S Function<T>(T x);
class A {
Foo<int> f;
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef Foo<S> = S Function<T>(T x);
class A {
<T>(T) → int f;
test_typedef_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_param_type_new_style_name_included() async {
// F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
// refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef F = void Function(C c);
class C<T extends C<T>> {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = void Function(C<dynamic> c);
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T>> {
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = void Function(C<C<dynamic>> c);
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T>> {
test_typedef_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_param_type_new_style_name_omitted() async {
// F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
// refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef F = void Function(C);
class C<T extends C<T>> {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = void Function(C<dynamic> );
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T>> {
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = void Function(C<C<dynamic>> );
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T>> {
test_typedef_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_param_type_old_style() async {
// F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
// refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef void F(C c);
class C<T extends C<T>> {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = void Function(C<dynamic> c);
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T>> {
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = void Function(C<C<dynamic>> c);
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T>> {
test_typedef_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_return_type_new_style() async {
// F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
// refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef F = C Function();
class C<T extends C<T>> {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = C<dynamic> Function();
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T>> {
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = C<C<dynamic>> Function();
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T>> {
test_typedef_notSimplyBounded_dependency_via_return_type_old_style() async {
// F is considered "not simply bounded" because it expands to a type that
// refers to C, which is not simply bounded.
var library = await checkLibrary('''
typedef C F();
class C<T extends C<T>> {}
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = C<dynamic> Function();
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T>> {
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F = C<C<dynamic>> Function();
notSimplyBounded class C<T extends C<T>> {
test_typedef_parameter_parameters() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(g(x, y));');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function((dynamic, dynamic) → dynamic g);
test_typedef_parameter_parameters_in_generic_class() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F<A, B>(A g(B x));');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<A, B> = dynamic Function((B) → A g);
test_typedef_parameter_return_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(int g());');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function(() → int g);
test_typedef_parameter_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(int i);');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function(int i);
test_typedef_parameter_type_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F<T>(T t);');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T> = dynamic Function(T t);
test_typedef_parameters() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F(x, y);');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function(dynamic x, dynamic y);
test_typedef_parameters_named() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F({y, z, x});');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function({dynamic y}, {dynamic z}, {dynamic x});
test_typedef_return_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef int F();');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = int Function();
test_typedef_return_type_generic() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef T F<T>();');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T> = T Function();
test_typedef_return_type_implicit() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef F();');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = dynamic Function();
test_typedef_return_type_void() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F();');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F = void Function();
test_typedef_type_parameters() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T, U>(T t);');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T, U> = U Function(T t);
test_typedef_type_parameters_bound() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'typedef U F<T extends Object, U extends D>(T t); class D {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
typedef F<T, U extends D> = U Function(T t);
class D {
test_typedef_type_parameters_bound_recursive() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F<T extends F>();');
// Typedefs cannot reference themselves.
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F<T extends () → void> = void Function();
test_typedef_type_parameters_bound_recursive2() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef void F<T extends List<F>>();');
// Typedefs cannot reference themselves.
if (isAstBasedSummary) {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F<T extends List<dynamic>> = void Function();
} else {
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F<T extends List<() → void>> = void Function();
test_typedef_type_parameters_f_bound_complex() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends List<U>, U>(T t);');
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F<T extends List<U>, U> = U Function(T t);
test_typedef_type_parameters_f_bound_simple() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('typedef U F<T extends U, U>(T t);');
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F<T extends U, U> = U Function(T t);
test_typedef_type_parameters_f_bound_simple_new_syntax() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary('typedef F<T extends U, U> = U Function(T t);');
checkElementText(library, r'''
notSimplyBounded typedef F<T extends U, U> = U Function(T t);
test_typedefs() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('f() {} g() {}');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic f() {}
dynamic g() {}
test_unresolved_annotation_instanceCreation_argument_super() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A {
const A(_);
class C {}
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
const A(dynamic _);
A/*location: test.dart;A*/(super)
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_instanceCreation_argument_this() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class A {
const A(_);
class C {}
''', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
class A {
const A(dynamic _);
A/*location: test.dart;A*/(this)
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_namedConstructorCall_noClass() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary(' class C {}', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
foo/*location: null*/.
bar/*location: null*/()
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_namedConstructorCall_noConstructor() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary(' class C {}', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
String/*location: dart:core;String*/.
foo/*location: null*/()
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_prefixedIdentifier_badPrefix() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(' class C {}', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
foo/*location: null*/.
bar/*location: null*/
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_prefixedIdentifier_noDeclaration() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'import "dart:async" as foo; class C {}',
allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async' as foo;
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/.
bar/*location: null*/
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_prefixedNamedConstructorCall_badPrefix() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary(' class C {}', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
foo/*location: null*/.
bar/*location: null*/.
baz/*location: null*/()
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_prefixedNamedConstructorCall_noClass() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'import "dart:async" as foo; class C {}',
allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async' as foo;
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/.
bar/*location: null*/.
baz/*location: null*/()
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_prefixedNamedConstructorCall_noConstructor() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'import "dart:async" as foo; class C {}',
allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async' as foo;
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/.
Future/*location: dart:async;Future*/.
bar/*location: null*/()
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_prefixedUnnamedConstructorCall_badPrefix() async {
var library =
await checkLibrary(' class C {}', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
foo/*location: null*/.
bar/*location: null*/()
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_prefixedUnnamedConstructorCall_noClass() async {
var library = await checkLibrary(
'import "dart:async" as foo; class C {}',
allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'dart:async' as foo;
foo/*location: test.dart;foo*/.
bar/*location: null*/()
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_simpleIdentifier() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('@foo class C {}', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
foo/*location: null*/
class C {
test_unresolved_annotation_unnamedConstructorCall_noClass() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('@foo() class C {}', allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
foo/*location: null*/()
class C {
test_unresolved_export() async {
allowMissingFiles = true;
var library = await checkLibrary("export 'foo.dart';", allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
export 'foo.dart';
test_unresolved_import() async {
allowMissingFiles = true;
var library = await checkLibrary("import 'foo.dart';", allowErrors: true);
LibraryElement importedLibrary = library.imports[0].importedLibrary;
expect(importedLibrary.loadLibraryFunction, isNotNull);
expect(importedLibrary.publicNamespace, isNotNull);
expect(importedLibrary.exportNamespace, isNotNull);
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'foo.dart';
test_unresolved_part() async {
allowMissingFiles = true;
var library = await checkLibrary("part 'foo.dart';", allowErrors: true);
checkElementText(library, r'''
part 'foo.dart';
unit: foo.dart
test_unused_type_parameter() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
class C<T> {
void f() {}
C<int> c;
var v = c.f;
checkElementText(library, r'''
class C<T> {
void f() {}
C<int> c;
() → void v;
test_variable() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('int x = 0;');
int x@4;
synthetic int get x@4 {}
synthetic void set x@4(int _x@4) {}
withOffsets: true,
withSyntheticAccessors: true);
test_variable_const() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const int i = 0;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int i = 0;
test_variable_documented() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('''
// Extra comment so doc comment offset != 0
* Docs
var x;''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
* Docs
dynamic x;
test_variable_final() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('final int x = 0;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
final int x;
test_variable_getterInLib_setterInPart() async {
addSource('/a.dart', '''
part of my.lib;
void set x(int _) {}
var library = await checkLibrary('''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
int get x => 42;''');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
int get x {}
unit: a.dart
void set x(int _) {}
test_variable_getterInPart_setterInLib() async {
addSource('/a.dart', '''
part of my.lib;
int get x => 42;
var library = await checkLibrary('''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
void set x(int _) {}
checkElementText(library, r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
void set x(int _) {}
unit: a.dart
int get x {}
test_variable_getterInPart_setterInPart() async {
addSource('/a.dart', 'part of my.lib; int get x => 42;');
addSource('/b.dart', 'part of my.lib; void set x(int _) {}');
var library =
await checkLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart"; part "b.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
part 'b.dart';
unit: a.dart
int get x {}
unit: b.dart
void set x(int _) {}
test_variable_implicit_type() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('var x;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
dynamic x;
test_variable_inferred_type_implicit_initialized() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('var v = 0;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
int v;
test_variable_initializer() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('int v = 0;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
int v;
test_variable_initializer_final() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('final int v = 0;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
final int v;
test_variable_initializer_final_untyped() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('final v = 0;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
final int v;
test_variable_initializer_untyped() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('var v = 0;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
int v;
test_variable_propagatedType_const_noDep() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('const i = 0;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
const int i = 0;
test_variable_propagatedType_final_dep_inLib() async {
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'final a = 1;');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "a.dart"; final b = a / 2;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'a.dart';
final double b;
test_variable_propagatedType_final_dep_inPart() async {
addSource('/a.dart', 'part of lib; final a = 1;');
var library =
await checkLibrary('library lib; part "a.dart"; final b = a / 2;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library lib;
part 'a.dart';
final double b;
unit: a.dart
final int a;
test_variable_propagatedType_final_noDep() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('final i = 0;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
final int i;
test_variable_propagatedType_implicit_dep() async {
// The propagated type is defined in a library that is not imported.
addLibrarySource('/a.dart', 'class C {}');
addLibrarySource('/b.dart', 'import "a.dart"; C f() => null;');
var library = await checkLibrary('import "b.dart"; final x = f();');
checkElementText(library, r'''
import 'b.dart';
final C x;
test_variable_setterInPart_getterInPart() async {
addSource('/a.dart', 'part of my.lib; void set x(int _) {}');
addSource('/b.dart', 'part of my.lib; int get x => 42;');
var library =
await checkLibrary('library my.lib; part "a.dart"; part "b.dart";');
checkElementText(library, r'''
library my.lib;
part 'a.dart';
part 'b.dart';
unit: a.dart
void set x(int _) {}
unit: b.dart
int get x {}
test_variables() async {
var library = await checkLibrary('int i; int j;');
checkElementText(library, r'''
int i;
int j;
/// Mixin containing helper methods for testing summary resynthesis. Intended
/// to be applied to a class implementing [ResynthesizeTestStrategy].
mixin ResynthesizeTestHelpers implements ResynthesizeTestStrategy {
Future<LibraryElementImpl> checkLibrary(String text,
{bool allowErrors: false, bool dumpSummaries: false}) async {
Source source = addTestSource(text);
SummaryResynthesizer resynthesizer = encodeLibrary(source);
return resynthesizer.getLibraryElement(source.uri.toString());
class TestSummaryResynthesizer extends SummaryResynthesizer {
final Map<String, UnlinkedUnit> unlinkedSummaries;
final Map<String, LinkedLibrary> linkedSummaries;
final bool allowMissingFiles;
* The set of uris for which unlinked summaries have been requested using
* [getUnlinkedSummary].
final Set<String> unlinkedSummariesRequested = new Set<String>();
* The set of uris for which linked summaries have been requested using
* [getLinkedSummary].
final Set<String> linkedSummariesRequested = new Set<String>();
TestSummaryResynthesizer(AnalysisContextImpl context, this.unlinkedSummaries,
this.linkedSummaries, this.allowMissingFiles)
: super(context, null, context.sourceFactory, true) {
// Clear after resynthesizing TypeProvider in super().
context.typeProvider = typeProvider;
LinkedLibrary getLinkedSummary(String uri) {
LinkedLibrary serializedLibrary = linkedSummaries[uri];
if (serializedLibrary == null && !allowMissingFiles) {
fail('Unexpectedly tried to get linked summary for $uri');
return serializedLibrary;
UnlinkedUnit getUnlinkedSummary(String uri) {
UnlinkedUnit serializedUnit = unlinkedSummaries[uri];
if (serializedUnit == null && !allowMissingFiles) {
fail('Unexpectedly tried to get unlinked summary for $uri');
return serializedUnit;
bool hasLibrarySummary(String uri) {
return true;