blob: d690038e90bb26c66e50603647e5bf5825b7afe2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/inheritance_manager2.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/conditional_discard.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_type.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edge_origin.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/expression_checks.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/node_builder.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/nullability_node.dart';
/// Visitor that builds nullability graph edges by examining code to be
/// migrated.
/// The return type of each `visit...` method is a [DecoratedType] indicating
/// the static type of the visited expression, along with the constraint
/// variables that will determine its nullability. For `visit...` methods that
/// don't visit expressions, `null` will be returned.
class EdgeBuilder extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<DecoratedType> {
final InheritanceManager2 _inheritanceManager;
/// The repository of constraint variables and decorated types (from a
/// previous pass over the source code).
final VariableRepository _variables;
final NullabilityMigrationListener /*?*/ listener;
final NullabilityGraph _graph;
/// The file being analyzed.
final Source _source;
final DecoratedClassHierarchy _decoratedClassHierarchy;
/// For convenience, a [DecoratedType] representing non-nullable `Object`.
final DecoratedType _notNullType;
/// For convenience, a [DecoratedType] representing non-nullable `bool`.
final DecoratedType _nonNullableBoolType;
/// For convenience, a [DecoratedType] representing non-nullable `Type`.
final DecoratedType _nonNullableTypeType;
/// For convenience, a [DecoratedType] representing `Null`.
final DecoratedType _nullType;
/// The [DecoratedType] of the innermost function or method being visited, or
/// `null` if the visitor is not inside any function or method.
/// This is needed to construct the appropriate nullability constraints for
/// return statements.
DecoratedType _currentFunctionType;
/// Information about the most recently visited binary expression whose
/// boolean value could possibly affect nullability analysis.
_ConditionInfo _conditionInfo;
/// The set of nullability nodes that would have to be `nullable` for the code
/// currently being visited to be reachable.
/// Guard variables are attached to the left hand side of any generated
/// constraints, so that constraints do not take effect if they come from
/// code that can be proven unreachable by the migration tool.
final _guards = <NullabilityNode>[];
/// Indicates whether the statement or expression being visited is within
/// conditional control flow. If `true`, this means that the enclosing
/// function might complete normally without executing the current statement
/// or expression.
bool _inConditionalControlFlow = false;
NullabilityNode _lastConditionalNode;
EdgeBuilder(TypeProvider typeProvider, TypeSystem typeSystem, this._variables,
this._graph, this._source, this.listener)
: _decoratedClassHierarchy = DecoratedClassHierarchy(_variables, _graph),
_inheritanceManager = InheritanceManager2(typeSystem),
_notNullType = DecoratedType(typeProvider.objectType, _graph.never),
_nonNullableBoolType =
DecoratedType(typeProvider.boolType, _graph.never),
_nonNullableTypeType =
DecoratedType(typeProvider.typeType, _graph.never),
_nullType = DecoratedType(typeProvider.nullType, _graph.always);
/// Gets the decorated type of [element] from [_variables], performing any
/// necessary substitutions.
DecoratedType getOrComputeElementType(Element element,
{DecoratedType targetType}) {
Map<TypeParameterElement, DecoratedType> substitution;
Element baseElement;
if (element is Member) {
assert(targetType != null);
baseElement = element.baseElement;
var targetTypeType = targetType.type;
if (targetTypeType is InterfaceType &&
baseElement is ClassMemberElement) {
var enclosingClass = baseElement.enclosingElement;
assert(targetTypeType.element == enclosingClass); // TODO(paulberry)
substitution = <TypeParameterElement, DecoratedType>{};
assert(enclosingClass.typeParameters.length ==
targetTypeType.typeArguments.length); // TODO(paulberry)
for (int i = 0; i < enclosingClass.typeParameters.length; i++) {
substitution[enclosingClass.typeParameters[i]] =
} else {
baseElement = element;
DecoratedType decoratedBaseType;
if (baseElement is PropertyAccessorElement &&
baseElement.isSynthetic &&
!baseElement.variable.isSynthetic) {
var variable = baseElement.variable;
var decoratedElementType =
_variables.decoratedElementType(variable, create: true);
if (baseElement.isGetter) {
decoratedBaseType = DecoratedType(baseElement.type, _graph.never,
returnType: decoratedElementType);
} else {
decoratedBaseType = DecoratedType(baseElement.type, _graph.never,
positionalParameters: [decoratedElementType]);
} else {
decoratedBaseType =
_variables.decoratedElementType(baseElement, create: true);
if (substitution != null) {
DartType elementType;
if (element is MethodElement) {
elementType = element.type;
} else {
throw element.runtimeType; // TODO(paulberry)
return decoratedBaseType.substitute(substitution, elementType);
} else {
return decoratedBaseType;
DecoratedType visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
_unimplemented(node, 'AsExpression');
DecoratedType visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
_handleAssignment(node.condition, _notNullType);
if (identical(_conditionInfo?.condition, node.condition)) {
if (!_inConditionalControlFlow &&
_conditionInfo.trueDemonstratesNonNullIntent != null) {
_graph.never, NonNullAssertionOrigin(_source, node.offset),
hard: true);
return null;
DecoratedType visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
if (node.operator.type != TokenType.EQ) {
// TODO(paulberry)
_unimplemented(node, 'Assignment with operator ${node.operator.lexeme}');
var leftType = node.leftHandSide.accept(this);
var conditionalNode = _lastConditionalNode;
_lastConditionalNode = null;
var expressionType = _handleAssignment(node.rightHandSide, leftType);
if (_isConditionalExpression(node.leftHandSide)) {
expressionType = expressionType.withNode(
NullabilityNode.forLUB(conditionalNode, expressionType.node));
_variables.recordDecoratedExpressionType(node, expressionType);
return expressionType;
DecoratedType visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) {
var expressionType = node.expression.accept(this);
// TODO(paulberry) Handle subclasses of Future.
if (expressionType.type.isDartAsyncFuture ||
expressionType.type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
expressionType = expressionType.typeArguments[0];
return expressionType;
DecoratedType visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
var operatorType = node.operator.type;
if (operatorType == TokenType.EQ_EQ || operatorType == TokenType.BANG_EQ) {
assert(node.leftOperand is! NullLiteral); // TODO(paulberry)
var leftType = node.leftOperand.accept(this);
if (node.rightOperand is NullLiteral) {
// TODO(paulberry): figure out what the rules for isPure should be.
// TODO(paulberry): only set falseChecksNonNull in unconditional
// control flow
bool isPure = node.leftOperand is SimpleIdentifier;
var conditionInfo = _ConditionInfo(node,
isPure: isPure,
trueGuard: leftType.node,
falseDemonstratesNonNullIntent: leftType.node);
_conditionInfo = operatorType == TokenType.EQ_EQ
? conditionInfo
: conditionInfo.not(node);
return _nonNullableBoolType;
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND ||
operatorType == TokenType.BAR_BAR) {
_handleAssignment(node.leftOperand, _notNullType);
_handleAssignment(node.rightOperand, _notNullType);
return _nonNullableBoolType;
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION) {
DecoratedType expressionType;
var leftType = node.leftOperand.accept(this);
try {
var rightType = node.rightOperand.accept(this);
var ifNullNode = NullabilityNode.forIfNotNull();
expressionType = DecoratedType(node.staticType, ifNullNode);
_graph.connect(rightType.node, expressionType.node,
IfNullOrigin(_source, node.offset),
guards: _guards);
} finally {
_variables.recordDecoratedExpressionType(node, expressionType);
return expressionType;
} else if (operatorType.isUserDefinableOperator) {
_handleAssignment(node.leftOperand, _notNullType);
var callee = node.staticElement;
assert(!(callee is ClassMemberElement &&
.enclosingElement.typeParameters.isNotEmpty)); // TODO(paulberry)
assert(callee != null); // TODO(paulberry)
var calleeType = getOrComputeElementType(callee);
// TODO(paulberry): substitute if necessary
assert(calleeType.positionalParameters.length > 0); // TODO(paulberry)
_handleAssignment(node.rightOperand, calleeType.positionalParameters[0]);
return calleeType.returnType;
} else {
// TODO(paulberry)
node, 'Binary expression with operator ${node.operator.lexeme}');
DecoratedType visitBooleanLiteral(BooleanLiteral node) {
return DecoratedType(node.staticType, _graph.never);
DecoratedType visitCascadeExpression(CascadeExpression node) {
var type =;
return type;
DecoratedType visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
return null;
DecoratedType visitComment(Comment node) {
// Ignore comments.
return null;
DecoratedType visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
_handleAssignment(node.condition, _notNullType);
// TODO(paulberry): guard anything inside the true and false branches
var thenType = node.thenExpression.accept(this);
assert(_isSimple(thenType)); // TODO(paulberry)
var elseType = node.elseExpression.accept(this);
assert(_isSimple(elseType)); // TODO(paulberry)
var overallType = DecoratedType(
node.staticType, NullabilityNode.forLUB(thenType.node, elseType.node));
_variables.recordDecoratedExpressionType(node, overallType);
return overallType;
DecoratedType visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
var defaultValue = node.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue == null) {
if (node.declaredElement.hasRequired) {
// Nothing to do; the implicit default value of `null` will never be
// reached.
} else {
OptionalFormalParameterOrigin(_source, node.offset),
guards: _guards);
} else {
defaultValue, getOrComputeElementType(node.declaredElement),
canInsertChecks: false);
return null;
DecoratedType visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) {
return DecoratedType(node.staticType, _graph.never);
DecoratedType visitExpressionFunctionBody(ExpressionFunctionBody node) {
if (_currentFunctionType == null) {
'ExpressionFunctionBody with no current function '
'(parent is ${node.parent.runtimeType})');
_handleAssignment(node.expression, _currentFunctionType.returnType);
return null;
DecoratedType visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
assert(_currentFunctionType == null);
_currentFunctionType =
_inConditionalControlFlow = false;
try {
} finally {
_currentFunctionType = null;
return null;
DecoratedType visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
_unimplemented(node, 'FunctionExpression');
DecoratedType visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(
FunctionExpressionInvocation node) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
_unimplemented(node, 'FunctionExpressionInvocation');
DecoratedType visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
// TODO(paulberry): should the use of a boolean in an if-statement be
// treated like an implicit `assert(b != null)`? Probably.
_handleAssignment(node.condition, _notNullType);
_inConditionalControlFlow = true;
NullabilityNode trueGuard;
NullabilityNode falseGuard;
if (identical(_conditionInfo?.condition, node.condition)) {
trueGuard = _conditionInfo.trueGuard;
falseGuard = _conditionInfo.falseGuard;
_variables.recordConditionalDiscard(_source, node,
ConditionalDiscard(trueGuard, falseGuard, _conditionInfo.isPure));
if (trueGuard != null) {
try {
} finally {
if (trueGuard != null) {
if (falseGuard != null) {
try {
} finally {
if (falseGuard != null) {
return null;
DecoratedType visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
DecoratedType targetType;
var target = node.realTarget;
if (target != null) {
targetType = _handleAssignment(target, _notNullType);
var callee = node.staticElement;
if (callee == null) {
// TODO(paulberry)
_unimplemented(node, 'Index expression with no static type');
var calleeType = getOrComputeElementType(callee, targetType: targetType);
// TODO(paulberry): substitute if necessary
_handleAssignment(node.index, calleeType.positionalParameters[0]);
if (node.inSetterContext()) {
return calleeType.positionalParameters[1];
} else {
return calleeType.returnType;
DecoratedType visitInstanceCreationExpression(
InstanceCreationExpression node) {
var callee = node.staticElement;
var calleeType = getOrComputeElementType(callee);
if (callee.enclosingElement.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
// If the class has type parameters then we might need to substitute the
// appropriate type arguments.
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
_unimplemented(node, 'Instance creation expression with type arguments');
_handleInvocationArguments(node.argumentList, calleeType);
return calleeType.returnType;
DecoratedType visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral node) {
return DecoratedType(node.staticType, _graph.never);
DecoratedType visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
var type = node.type;
if (type is NamedType && type.typeArguments != null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out what constraints we need to add to
// allow the tool to decide whether to make the type arguments nullable.
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
_unimplemented(node, 'Is expression with type arguments');
} else if (type is GenericFunctionType) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
_unimplemented(node, 'Is expression with GenericFunctionType');
return DecoratedType(node.staticType, _graph.never);
DecoratedType visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
var listType = node.staticType as InterfaceType;
if (node.typeArguments == null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) We might want to create a fake node in the graph
// to represent the type argument so that we can still create edges from
// the elements to it.
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
_unimplemented(node, 'List literal with no type arguments');
} else {
var typeArgumentType = _variables.decoratedTypeAnnotation(
_source, node.typeArguments.arguments[0]);
if (typeArgumentType == null) {
_unimplemented(node, 'Could not compute type argument type');
for (var element in node.elements) {
if (element is Expression) {
_handleAssignment(element, typeArgumentType);
} else {
// Handle spread and control flow elements.
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
_unimplemented(node, 'Spread or control flow element');
return DecoratedType(listType, _graph.never,
typeArguments: [typeArgumentType]);
DecoratedType visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
assert(_currentFunctionType == null);
var declaredElement = node.declaredElement;
_currentFunctionType = _variables.decoratedElementType(declaredElement);
_inConditionalControlFlow = false;
try {
var classElement = declaredElement.enclosingElement as ClassElement;
for (var overridden in _inheritanceManager.getOverridden(
Name(classElement.library.source.uri, ??
const []) {
var overriddenElement = overridden.element as ExecutableElement;
assert(overriddenElement is! ExecutableMember);
var overriddenClass =
overriddenElement.enclosingElement as ClassElement;
var decoratedOverriddenFunctionType =
var decoratedSupertype = _decoratedClassHierarchy.getDecoratedSupertype(
classElement, overriddenClass);
var substitution = decoratedSupertype.asSubstitution;
source: _currentFunctionType,
hard: true);
} finally {
_currentFunctionType = null;
return null;
DecoratedType visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
DecoratedType targetType;
var target = node.realTarget;
bool isConditional = _isConditionalExpression(node);
if (target != null) {
if (isConditional) {
targetType = target.accept(this);
} else {
_checkNonObjectMember(; // TODO(paulberry)
targetType = _handleAssignment(target, _notNullType);
var callee = node.methodName.staticElement;
if (callee == null) {
// TODO(paulberry)
_unimplemented(node, 'Unresolved method name');
var calleeType = getOrComputeElementType(callee, targetType: targetType);
// TODO(paulberry): substitute if necessary
_handleInvocationArguments(node.argumentList, calleeType);
var expressionType = calleeType.returnType;
if (isConditional) {
expressionType = expressionType.withNode(
NullabilityNode.forLUB(targetType.node, expressionType.node));
_variables.recordDecoratedExpressionType(node, expressionType);
return expressionType;
DecoratedType visitNamespaceDirective(NamespaceDirective node) {
// skip directives
return null;
DecoratedType visitNode(AstNode node) {
if (listener != null) {
try {
return super.visitNode(node);
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
return null;
} else {
return super.visitNode(node);
DecoratedType visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) {
return _nullType;
DecoratedType visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
return node.expression.accept(this);
DecoratedType visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
var operatorType = node.operator.type;
if (operatorType == TokenType.PLUS_PLUS ||
operatorType == TokenType.MINUS_MINUS) {
_handleAssignment(node.operand, _notNullType);
var callee = node.staticElement;
if (callee is ClassMemberElement &&
callee.enclosingElement.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(paulberry)
'Operator ${operatorType.lexeme} defined on a class with type parameters');
if (callee == null) {
// TODO(paulberry)
_unimplemented(node, 'Unresolved operator ${operatorType.lexeme}');
var calleeType = getOrComputeElementType(callee);
// TODO(paulberry): substitute if necessary
return calleeType.returnType;
node, 'Postfix expression with operator ${node.operator.lexeme}');
DecoratedType visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
if (node.prefix.staticElement is ImportElement) {
// TODO(paulberry)
_unimplemented(node, 'PrefixedIdentifier with a prefix');
} else {
return _handlePropertyAccess(node, node.prefix, node.identifier);
DecoratedType visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
/* DecoratedType operandType = */
_handleAssignment(node.operand, _notNullType);
var operatorType = node.operator.type;
if (operatorType == TokenType.BANG) {
return _nonNullableBoolType;
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.PLUS_PLUS ||
operatorType == TokenType.MINUS_MINUS) {
var callee = node.staticElement;
if (callee is ClassMemberElement &&
callee.enclosingElement.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(paulberry)
'Operator ${operatorType.lexeme} defined on a class with type parameters');
if (callee == null) {
// TODO(paulberry)
_unimplemented(node, 'Unresolved operator ${operatorType.lexeme}');
var calleeType = getOrComputeElementType(callee);
// TODO(paulberry): substitute if necessary
return calleeType.returnType;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) The remaining cases are invocations.
node, 'Prefix expression with operator ${node.operator.lexeme}');
DecoratedType visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
return _handlePropertyAccess(node, node.realTarget, node.propertyName);
DecoratedType visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
if (node.expression == null) {
source: _nullType,
destination: _currentFunctionType.returnType,
hard: false);
} else {
_handleAssignment(node.expression, _currentFunctionType.returnType);
return null;
DecoratedType visitSetOrMapLiteral(SetOrMapLiteral node) {
var listType = node.staticType as InterfaceType;
var typeArguments = node.typeArguments?.arguments;
if (typeArguments == null) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) We might want to create fake nodes in the graph to
// represent the type arguments so that we can still create edges from
// the elements to them.
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
_unimplemented(node, 'Set or map literal with no type arguments');
} else if (typeArguments.length == 1) {
var elementType =
_variables.decoratedTypeAnnotation(_source, typeArguments[0]);
for (var element in node.elements) {
if (element is Expression) {
_handleAssignment(element, elementType);
} else {
// Handle spread and control flow elements.
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
_unimplemented(node, 'Spread or control flow element');
return DecoratedType(listType, _graph.never,
typeArguments: [elementType]);
} else if (typeArguments.length == 2) {
var keyType =
_variables.decoratedTypeAnnotation(_source, typeArguments[0]);
var valueType =
_variables.decoratedTypeAnnotation(_source, typeArguments[1]);
for (var element in node.elements) {
if (element is MapLiteralEntry) {
_handleAssignment(element.key, keyType);
_handleAssignment(element.value, valueType);
} else {
// Handle spread and control flow elements.
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
_unimplemented(node, 'Spread or control flow element');
return DecoratedType(listType, _graph.never,
typeArguments: [keyType, valueType]);
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson)
node, 'Set or map literal with more than two type arguments');
DecoratedType visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
var staticElement = node.staticElement;
if (staticElement is ParameterElement ||
staticElement is LocalVariableElement ||
staticElement is FunctionElement) {
return getOrComputeElementType(staticElement);
} else if (staticElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
var elementType = getOrComputeElementType(staticElement);
return staticElement.isGetter
? elementType.returnType
: elementType.positionalParameters[0];
} else if (staticElement is ClassElement) {
return _nonNullableTypeType;
} else {
// TODO(paulberry)
'Simple identifier with a static element of type ${staticElement.runtimeType}');
DecoratedType visitStringLiteral(StringLiteral node) {
return DecoratedType(node.staticType, _graph.never);
DecoratedType visitSuperExpression(SuperExpression node) {
return DecoratedType(node.staticType, _graph.never);
DecoratedType visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) {
return DecoratedType(node.staticType, _graph.never);
DecoratedType visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) {
return DecoratedType(node.staticType, _graph.never);
DecoratedType visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpression node) {
// TODO(paulberry): do we need to check the expression type? I think not.
return DecoratedType(node.staticType, _graph.never);
DecoratedType visitTypeName(TypeName typeName) {
var typeArguments = typeName.typeArguments?.arguments;
var element =;
if (element is TypeParameterizedElement) {
if (typeArguments == null) {
var instantiatedType =
_variables.decoratedTypeAnnotation(_source, typeName);
if (instantiatedType == null) {
throw new StateError('No type annotation for type name '
'${typeName.toSource()}, offset=${typeName.offset}');
var origin = InstantiateToBoundsOrigin(_source, typeName.offset);
for (int i = 0; i < instantiatedType.typeArguments.length; i++) {
create: true),
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; i++) {
DecoratedType bound;
bound = _variables.decoratedElementType(element.typeParameters[i],
create: true);
var argumentType =
_variables.decoratedTypeAnnotation(_source, typeArguments[i]);
if (argumentType == null) {
'No decorated type for type argument ${typeArguments[i]} ($i)');
source: argumentType, destination: bound, hard: true);
return _nonNullableTypeType;
DecoratedType visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
var destinationType = getOrComputeElementType(node.declaredElement);
var initializer = node.initializer;
if (initializer == null) {
// TODO(paulberry)
_unimplemented(node, 'Variable declaration with no initializer');
} else {
_handleAssignment(initializer, destinationType);
return null;
/// Creates the necessary constraint(s) for an assignment from [source] to
/// [destination]. [expressionChecks] tracks checks that might have to be
/// done on the type of an expression. [hard] indicates whether a hard edge
/// should be created.
void _checkAssignment(ExpressionChecks expressionChecks,
{@required DecoratedType source,
@required DecoratedType destination,
@required bool hard}) {
var edge = _graph.connect(source.node, destination.node, expressionChecks,
guards: _guards, hard: hard);
// TODO(paulberry): generalize this.
if ((_isSimple(source) || destination.type.isObject) &&
_isSimple(destination)) {
// Ok; nothing further to do.
} else if (source.type is InterfaceType &&
destination.type is InterfaceType &&
source.type.element == destination.type.element) {
assert(source.typeArguments.length == destination.typeArguments.length);
for (int i = 0; i < source.typeArguments.length; i++) {
source: source.typeArguments[i],
destination: destination.typeArguments[i],
hard: false);
} else if (source.type is FunctionType &&
destination.type is FunctionType) {
source: source.returnType,
destination: destination.returnType,
hard: hard);
if (source.typeArguments.isNotEmpty ||
destination.typeArguments.isNotEmpty) {
throw UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry)');
for (int i = 0;
i < source.positionalParameters.length &&
i < destination.positionalParameters.length;
i++) {
// Note: source and destination are swapped due to contravariance.
source: destination.positionalParameters[i],
destination: source.positionalParameters[i],
hard: hard);
for (var entry in destination.namedParameters.entries) {
// Note: source and destination are swapped due to contravariance.
source: entry.value,
destination: source.namedParameters[entry.key],
hard: hard);
} else if (destination.type.isDynamic || source.type.isDynamic) {
// ok; nothing further to do.
} else {
throw '$destination <= $source'; // TODO(paulberry)
/// Double checks that [name] is not the name of a method or getter declared
/// on [Object].
/// TODO(paulberry): get rid of this method and put the correct logic into the
/// call sites.
void _checkNonObjectMember(String name) {
assert(name != 'toString');
assert(name != 'hashCode');
assert(name != 'noSuchMethod');
assert(name != 'runtimeType');
/// Creates the necessary constraint(s) for an assignment of the given
/// [expression] to a destination whose type is [destinationType].
DecoratedType _handleAssignment(
Expression expression, DecoratedType destinationType,
{bool canInsertChecks = true}) {
var sourceType = expression.accept(this);
if (sourceType == null) {
throw StateError('No type computed for ${expression.runtimeType} '
'(${expression.toSource()}) offset=${expression.offset}');
ExpressionChecks expressionChecks;
if (canInsertChecks) {
expressionChecks = ExpressionChecks(expression.end);
_variables.recordExpressionChecks(_source, expression, expressionChecks);
source: sourceType,
destination: destinationType,
hard: _isVariableOrParameterReference(expression) &&
return sourceType;
/// Creates the necessary constraint(s) for an [argumentList] when invoking an
/// executable element whose type is [calleeType].
void _handleInvocationArguments(
ArgumentList argumentList, DecoratedType calleeType) {
var arguments = argumentList.arguments;
int i = 0;
var suppliedNamedParameters = Set<String>();
for (var expression in arguments) {
if (expression is NamedExpression) {
var name =;
var parameterType = calleeType.namedParameters[name];
if (parameterType == null) {
// TODO(paulberry)
_unimplemented(expression, 'Missing type for named parameter');
_handleAssignment(expression.expression, parameterType);
} else {
if (calleeType.positionalParameters.length <= i) {
// TODO(paulberry)
_unimplemented(argumentList, 'Missing positional parameter at $i');
_handleAssignment(expression, calleeType.positionalParameters[i++]);
// Any parameters not supplied must be optional.
for (var entry in calleeType.namedParameters.entries) {
if (suppliedNamedParameters.contains(entry.key)) continue;
entry.value.node.recordNamedParameterNotSupplied(_guards, _graph,
NamedParameterNotSuppliedOrigin(_source, argumentList.offset));
DecoratedType _handlePropertyAccess(
Expression node, Expression target, SimpleIdentifier propertyName) {
DecoratedType targetType;
bool isConditional = _isConditionalExpression(node);
if (isConditional) {
targetType = target.accept(this);
} else {
_checkNonObjectMember(; // TODO(paulberry)
targetType = _handleAssignment(target, _notNullType);
var callee = propertyName.staticElement;
if (callee == null) {
// TODO(paulberry)
_unimplemented(node, 'Unresolved property access');
var calleeType = getOrComputeElementType(callee, targetType: targetType);
// TODO(paulberry): substitute if necessary
if (propertyName.inSetterContext()) {
if (isConditional) {
_lastConditionalNode = targetType.node;
return calleeType.positionalParameters[0];
} else {
var expressionType = calleeType.returnType;
if (isConditional) {
expressionType = expressionType.withNode(
NullabilityNode.forLUB(targetType.node, expressionType.node));
_variables.recordDecoratedExpressionType(node, expressionType);
return expressionType;
bool _isConditionalExpression(Expression expression) {
Token token;
if (expression is MethodInvocation) {
token = expression.operator;
if (token == null) return false;
} else if (expression is PropertyAccess) {
token = expression.operator;
} else {
return false;
switch (token.type) {
case TokenType.PERIOD:
case TokenType.PERIOD_PERIOD:
return false;
return true;
// TODO(paulberry)
expression, 'Conditional expression with operator ${token.lexeme}');
/// Double checks that [type] is sufficiently simple for this naive prototype
/// implementation.
/// TODO(paulberry): get rid of this method and put the correct logic into the
/// call sites.
bool _isSimple(DecoratedType type) {
if (type.type.isBottom) return true;
if (type.type.isVoid) return true;
if (type.type is TypeParameterType) return true;
if (type.type is! InterfaceType) return false;
if ((type.type as InterfaceType).typeParameters.isNotEmpty) return false;
return true;
bool _isVariableOrParameterReference(Expression expression) {
expression = expression.unParenthesized;
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
var element = expression.staticElement;
if (element is LocalVariableElement) return true;
if (element is ParameterElement) return true;
return false;
void _unimplemented(AstNode node, String message) {
CompilationUnit unit = node.root as CompilationUnit;
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.write(' in "');
buffer.write('" on line ');
buffer.write(' of "');
throw UnimplementedError(buffer.toString());
void _unionDecoratedTypes(
DecoratedType x, DecoratedType y, EdgeOrigin origin) {
_graph.union(x.node, y.node, origin);
if (x.typeArguments.isNotEmpty ||
y.typeArguments.isNotEmpty ||
x.returnType != null ||
y.returnType != null ||
x.positionalParameters.isNotEmpty ||
y.positionalParameters.isNotEmpty ||
x.namedParameters.isNotEmpty ||
y.namedParameters.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(paulberry)
throw UnimplementedError('_unionDecoratedTypes($x, $y, $origin)');
/// Information about a binary expression whose boolean value could possibly
/// affect nullability analysis.
class _ConditionInfo {
/// The [expression] of interest.
final Expression condition;
/// Indicates whether [condition] is pure (free from side effects).
/// For example, a condition like `x == null` is pure (assuming `x` is a local
/// variable or static variable), because evaluating it has no user-visible
/// effect other than returning a boolean value.
final bool isPure;
/// If not `null`, the [NullabilityNode] that would need to be nullable in
/// order for [condition] to evaluate to `true`.
final NullabilityNode trueGuard;
/// If not `null`, the [NullabilityNode] that would need to be nullable in
/// order for [condition] to evaluate to `false`.
final NullabilityNode falseGuard;
/// If not `null`, the [NullabilityNode] that should be asserted to have
// /// non-null intent if [condition] is asserted to be `true`.
final NullabilityNode trueDemonstratesNonNullIntent;
/// If not `null`, the [NullabilityNode] that should be asserted to have
/// non-null intent if [condition] is asserted to be `false`.
final NullabilityNode falseDemonstratesNonNullIntent;
{@required this.isPure,
/// Returns a new [_ConditionInfo] describing the boolean "not" of `this`.
_ConditionInfo not(Expression condition) => _ConditionInfo(condition,
isPure: isPure,
trueGuard: falseGuard,
falseGuard: trueGuard,
trueDemonstratesNonNullIntent: falseDemonstratesNonNullIntent,
falseDemonstratesNonNullIntent: trueDemonstratesNonNullIntent);