blob: 822fced563b8ca52c63e8644a9627d5a375b1c7e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.tool.entry_points;
import 'dart:convert' show JsonEncoder, LineSplitter, jsonDecode, utf8;
import 'dart:io' show File, Platform, exitCode, stderr, stdin, stdout;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/util/relativize.dart'
show isWindows, relativizeUri;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/kernel_generator.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/fasta_codes.dart'
show LocatedMessage, codeInternalProblemVerificationError;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/benchmarker.dart'
show BenchmarkPhases, Benchmarker;
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart'
show CanonicalName, Library, Component, Source, loadComponentFromBytes;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show Target, TargetFlags, getTarget;
import 'package:kernel/src/types.dart' show Types;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/compiler_options.dart'
show CompilerOptions;
import 'package:front_end/src/base/processed_options.dart'
show ProcessedOptions;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/dill/dill_target.dart' show DillTarget;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/get_dependencies.dart' show getDependencies;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/incremental_compiler.dart'
show IncrementalCompiler;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_target.dart'
show BuildResult, KernelTarget;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/utils.dart'
show printComponentText, writeComponentToFile;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/ticker.dart' show Ticker;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/uri_translator.dart' show UriTranslator;
import 'package:front_end/src/kernel_generator_impl.dart'
show generateKernelInternal;
import 'additional_targets.dart' show installAdditionalTargets;
import 'bench_maker.dart' show BenchMaker;
import 'command_line.dart' show runProtectedFromAbort, withGlobalOptions;
const bool benchmark =
const bool.fromEnvironment("benchmark", defaultValue: false);
const bool summary =
const bool.fromEnvironment("summary", defaultValue: false) || benchmark;
const int iterations = const int.fromEnvironment("iterations", defaultValue: 1);
Future<void> compileEntryPoint(List<String> arguments) async {
// Timing results for each iteration
List<double> elapsedTimes = <double>[];
List<Benchmarker> benchmarkers = <Benchmarker>[];
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
print("\n\n=== Iteration ${i + 1} of $iterations");
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
Benchmarker? benchmarker;
if (benchmark) {
benchmarker = new Benchmarker();
await compile(arguments, benchmarker: benchmarker);
List<Object>? typeChecks = Types.typeChecksForTesting;
if (typeChecks?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
BenchMaker.writeTypeChecks("type_checks.json", typeChecks!);
summarize(elapsedTimes, benchmarkers);
Future<void> outlineEntryPoint(List<String> arguments) async {
// Timing results for each iteration
List<double> elapsedTimes = <double>[];
List<Benchmarker> benchmarkers = <Benchmarker>[];
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
print("\n\n=== Iteration ${i + 1} of $iterations");
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
Benchmarker? benchmarker;
if (benchmark) {
benchmarker = new Benchmarker();
await outline(arguments, benchmarker: benchmarker);
summarize(elapsedTimes, benchmarkers);
void summarize(List<double> elapsedTimes, List<Benchmarker> benchmarkers) {
if (summary) {
Map<String, dynamic> map = <String, dynamic>{
'elapsedTimes': elapsedTimes,
if (benchmarkers.isNotEmpty) 'benchmarkers': benchmarkers
JsonEncoder encoder = new JsonEncoder.withIndent(" ");
String json = encoder.convert(map);
} else {
Future<void> depsEntryPoint(List<String> arguments) async {
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
if (i > 1) {
await deps(arguments);
Future<void> compilePlatformEntryPoint(List<String> arguments) async {
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
await runProtectedFromAbort<void>(() => compilePlatform(arguments));
Future<void> batchEntryPoint(List<String> arguments) {
return new BatchCompiler(
stdin.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(new LineSplitter()))
class BatchCompiler {
final Stream<String>? lines;
Uri? platformUri;
Component? platformComponent;
bool hadVerifyError = false;
Future<void> run() async {
await for (String line in lines!) {
try {
if (await batchCompileArguments(
new List<String>.from(jsonDecode(line)))) {
stdout.writeln(">>> TEST OK");
} else {
stdout.writeln(">>> TEST FAIL");
} catch (e, trace) {
stderr.writeln("Unhandled exception:\n $e");
stdout.writeln(">>> TEST CRASH");
await stdout.flush();
stderr.writeln(">>> EOF STDERR");
await stderr.flush();
Future<bool> batchCompileArguments(List<String> arguments) {
return runProtectedFromAbort<bool>(
() => withGlobalOptions<bool>("compile", arguments, true,
(CompilerContext c, _) => batchCompileImpl(c)),
Future<bool> batchCompile(CompilerOptions options, Uri input, Uri output) {
return CompilerContext.runWithOptions(
new ProcessedOptions(
options: options, inputs: <Uri>[input], output: output),
Future<bool> batchCompileImpl(CompilerContext c) async {
ProcessedOptions options = c.options;
bool verbose = options.verbose;
Ticker ticker = new Ticker(isVerbose: verbose);
if (platformComponent == null ||
platformUri != options.sdkSummary ||
hadVerifyError) {
platformUri = options.sdkSummary;
platformComponent = await options.loadSdkSummary(null);
if (platformComponent == null) {
throw "platformComponent is null";
hadVerifyError = false;
} else {
options.sdkSummaryComponent = platformComponent!;
CompileTask task = new CompileTask(c, ticker);
await task.compile(omitPlatform: true, supportAdditionalDills: false);
CanonicalName root = platformComponent!.root;
for (Library library in platformComponent!.libraries) {
library.parent = platformComponent;
CanonicalName? name = library.reference.canonicalName;
if (name != null && name.parent != root) {
for (Object error in c.errors) {
if (error is LocatedMessage) {
if (error.messageObject.code == codeInternalProblemVerificationError) {
hadVerifyError = true;
return c.errors.isEmpty;
Future<void> incrementalEntryPoint(List<String> arguments) async {
await withGlobalOptions("incremental", arguments, true,
(CompilerContext c, _) {
// TODO(ahe): Extend this entry point so it can replace
// batchEntryPoint.
new IncrementalCompiler(c);
return Future<void>.value();
Future<KernelTarget> outline(List<String> arguments,
{Benchmarker? benchmarker}) async {
return await runProtectedFromAbort<KernelTarget>(() async {
return await withGlobalOptions("outline", arguments, true,
(CompilerContext c, _) async {
if (c.options.verbose) {
print("Building outlines for ${arguments.join(' ')}");
CompileTask task =
new CompileTask(c, new Ticker(isVerbose: c.options.verbose));
return await task.buildOutline(
output: c.options.output,
omitPlatform: c.options.omitPlatform,
benchmarker: benchmarker);
Future<Uri> compile(List<String> arguments, {Benchmarker? benchmarker}) async {
return await runProtectedFromAbort<Uri>(() async {
return await withGlobalOptions("compile", arguments, true,
(CompilerContext c, _) async {
if (c.options.verbose) {
print("Compiling directly to Kernel: ${arguments.join(' ')}");
CompileTask task =
new CompileTask(c, new Ticker(isVerbose: c.options.verbose));
return await task.compile(
omitPlatform: c.options.omitPlatform, benchmarker: benchmarker);
Future<Uri?> deps(List<String> arguments) async {
return await runProtectedFromAbort<Uri?>(() async {
return await withGlobalOptions("deps", arguments, true,
(CompilerContext c, _) async {
if (c.options.verbose) {
print("Computing deps: ${arguments.join(' ')}");
CompileTask task =
new CompileTask(c, new Ticker(isVerbose: c.options.verbose));
return await task.buildDeps(c.options.output);
class CompileTask {
final CompilerContext c;
final Ticker ticker;
CompileTask(this.c, this.ticker);
DillTarget createDillTarget(UriTranslator uriTranslator,
{Benchmarker? benchmarker}) {
return new DillTarget(ticker, uriTranslator,,
benchmarker: benchmarker);
KernelTarget createKernelTarget(
DillTarget dillTarget, UriTranslator uriTranslator) {
return new KernelTarget(c.fileSystem, false, dillTarget, uriTranslator);
Future<Uri?> buildDeps([Uri? output]) async {
UriTranslator uriTranslator = await c.options.getUriTranslator();
ticker.logMs("Read packages file");
DillTarget dillTarget = createDillTarget(uriTranslator);
KernelTarget kernelTarget = createKernelTarget(dillTarget, uriTranslator);
Uri? platform = c.options.sdkSummary;
if (platform != null) {
// TODO(CFE-Team): Probably this should be read through the filesystem as
// well and the recording would be automatic.
_appendDillForUri(dillTarget, platform);
await kernelTarget.loader.buildOutlines();
Uri? dFile;
if (output != null) {
dFile = new File(new File.fromUri(output).path + ".d").uri;
await writeDepsFile(output, dFile, c.dependencies);
return dFile;
Future<KernelTarget> buildOutline(
{Uri? output,
bool omitPlatform: false,
bool supportAdditionalDills: true,
Benchmarker? benchmarker}) async {
KernelTarget kernelTarget =
await _createKernelTarget(benchmarker: benchmarker);
BuildResult buildResult = await _buildOutline(kernelTarget,
output: output,
omitPlatform: omitPlatform,
supportAdditionalDills: supportAdditionalDills);
return kernelTarget;
Future<KernelTarget> _createKernelTarget({Benchmarker? benchmarker}) async {
UriTranslator uriTranslator = await c.options.getUriTranslator();
ticker.logMs("Read packages file");
DillTarget dillTarget =
createDillTarget(uriTranslator, benchmarker: benchmarker);
return createKernelTarget(dillTarget, uriTranslator);
Future<BuildResult> _buildOutline(KernelTarget kernelTarget,
{Uri? output,
bool omitPlatform: false,
bool supportAdditionalDills: true}) async {
DillTarget dillTarget = kernelTarget.dillTarget;
Benchmarker? benchmarker = dillTarget.benchmarker;
if (supportAdditionalDills) {
Component? sdkSummary = await c.options.loadSdkSummary(null);
if (sdkSummary != null) {
CanonicalName nameRoot = sdkSummary?.root ?? new CanonicalName.root();
for (Component additionalDill
in await c.options.loadAdditionalDills(nameRoot)) {
} else {
Component? sdkSummary = await c.options.loadSdkSummary(null);
if (sdkSummary != null) {
BuildResult buildResult = await kernelTarget.buildOutlines();
Component? outline = buildResult.component;
if (c.options.debugDump && output != null) {
libraryFilter: kernelTarget.isSourceLibraryForDebugging);
if (output != null) {
if (omitPlatform) {
Component userCode = new Component(
nameRoot: outline.root,
uriToSource: new Map<Uri, Source>.from(outline.uriToSource));
outline.mainMethodName, true, outline.mode);
for (Library library in outline.libraries) {
if (library.importUri.scheme != "dart") {
outline = userCode;
await writeComponentToFile(outline!, output);
ticker.logMs("Wrote outline to ${output.toFilePath()}");
return buildResult;
Future<Uri> compile(
{bool omitPlatform: false,
bool supportAdditionalDills: true,
Benchmarker? benchmarker}) async {
KernelTarget kernelTarget =
await _createKernelTarget(benchmarker: benchmarker);
BuildResult buildResult = await _buildOutline(kernelTarget,
supportAdditionalDills: supportAdditionalDills);
Uri uri = c.options.output!;
buildResult = await kernelTarget.buildComponent(
macroApplications: buildResult.macroApplications,
verify: c.options.verify);
Component component = buildResult.component!;
if (c.options.debugDump) {
libraryFilter: kernelTarget.isSourceLibraryForDebugging);
if (omitPlatform) {
Component userCode = new Component(
nameRoot: component.root,
uriToSource: new Map<Uri, Source>.from(component.uriToSource));
component.mainMethodName, true, component.mode);
for (Library library in component.libraries) {
if (library.importUri.scheme != "dart") {
component = userCode;
if (uri.scheme == "file") {
await writeComponentToFile(component, uri);
ticker.logMs("Wrote component to ${uri.toFilePath()}");
return uri;
/// Load the [Component] from the given [uri] and append its libraries
/// to the [dillTarget].
Component _appendDillForUri(DillTarget dillTarget, Uri uri) {
Uint8List bytes = new File.fromUri(uri).readAsBytesSync();
Component platformComponent = loadComponentFromBytes(bytes);
dillTarget.loader.appendLibraries(platformComponent, byteCount: bytes.length);
return platformComponent;
Future<void> compilePlatform(List<String> arguments) async {
await withGlobalOptions("compile_platform", arguments, false,
(CompilerContext c, List<String> restArguments) {
c.compilingPlatform = true;
Uri hostPlatform = Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.file(restArguments[2]));
Uri outlineOutput = Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.file(restArguments[4]));
return compilePlatformInternal(
c, c.options.output!, outlineOutput, hostPlatform);
Future<void> compilePlatformInternal(CompilerContext c, Uri fullOutput,
Uri outlineOutput, Uri hostPlatform) async {
if (c.options.verbose) {
print("Generating outline of ${c.options.sdkRoot} into $outlineOutput");
print("Compiling ${c.options.sdkRoot} to $fullOutput");
CompilerResult result =
await generateKernelInternal(buildSummary: true, buildComponent: true);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (result == null) {
exitCode = 1;
// Note: an error should have been reported by now.
print('The platform .dill files were not created.');
new File.fromUri(outlineOutput).writeAsBytesSync(result.summary!);
c.options.ticker.logMs("Wrote outline to ${outlineOutput.toFilePath()}");
await writeComponentToFile(result.component!, fullOutput);
c.options.ticker.logMs("Wrote component to ${fullOutput.toFilePath()}");
if (c.options.emitDeps) {
List<Uri> deps = result.deps.toList();
for (Uri dependency in await computeHostDependencies(hostPlatform)) {
// Add the dependencies of the compiler's own sources.
if (dependency != outlineOutput) {
// We're computing the dependencies for [outlineOutput], so we shouldn't
// include it in the deps file.
await writeDepsFile(fullOutput,
new File(new File.fromUri(fullOutput).path + ".d").uri, deps);
Future<List<Uri>> computeHostDependencies(Uri hostPlatform) {
// Returns a list of source files that make up the Fasta compiler (the files
// the Dart VM reads to run Fasta). Until Fasta is self-hosting (in strong
// mode), this is only an approximation, albeit accurate. Once Fasta is
// self-hosting, this isn't an approximation. Regardless, strong mode
// shouldn't affect which files are read.
Target? hostTarget = getTarget("vm", new TargetFlags());
return getDependencies(Platform.script,
platform: hostPlatform, target: hostTarget);
Future<void> writeDepsFile(
Uri output, Uri depsFile, List<Uri> allDependencies) async {
if (allDependencies.isEmpty) return;
String toRelativeFilePath(Uri uri) {
// Ninja expects to find file names relative to the current working
// directory. We've tried making them relative to the deps file, but that
// doesn't work for downstream projects. Making them absolute also
// doesn't work.
// We can test if it works by running ninja twice, for example:
// ninja -C xcodebuild/ReleaseX64 -d explain compile_platform
// ninja -C xcodebuild/ReleaseX64 -d explain compile_platform
// The second time, ninja should say:
// ninja: Entering directory `xcodebuild/ReleaseX64'
// ninja: no work to do.
// It's broken if it says something like this:
// ninja explain: expected depfile 'vm_platform.dill.d' to mention \
// 'vm_platform.dill', got '/.../xcodebuild/ReleaseX64/vm_platform.dill'
return Uri.parse(relativizeUri(Uri.base, uri, isWindows)).toFilePath();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
List<String> paths = new List<String>.generate(
allDependencies.length, (int i) => toRelativeFilePath(allDependencies[i]),
growable: false);
// Sort the relative paths to ease analyzing future changes to this code.
String? previous;
for (String path in paths) {
// Check for and omit duplicates.
if (path != previous) {
previous = path;
sb.write(" \\\n ");
await new File.fromUri(depsFile).writeAsString("$sb");