blob: 7bd67d0aadd2ec3ae3326f45c8edec746e7423e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.kernel.element_map;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/constant_evaluator.dart' as ir;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/dart2js.dart' as ir;
import 'package:js_runtime/shared/embedded_names.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/src/bounds_checks.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/text/debug_printer.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart' as ir;
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/elements.dart';
import '../common/names.dart';
import '../common/resolution.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/indexed.dart';
import '../elements/names.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../environment.dart';
import '../frontend_strategy.dart';
import '../ir/annotations.dart';
import '../ir/constants.dart';
import '../ir/element_map.dart';
import '../ir/impact.dart';
import '../ir/impact_data.dart';
import '../ir/static_type.dart';
import '../ir/static_type_cache.dart';
import '../ir/scope.dart';
import '../ir/types.dart';
import '../ir/visitors.dart';
import '../ir/util.dart';
import '../js/js.dart' as js;
import '../js_backend/annotations.dart';
import '../js_backend/namer.dart';
import '../js_backend/native_data.dart';
import '../js_backend/no_such_method_registry.dart';
import '../js_model/locals.dart';
import '../kernel/dart2js_target.dart';
import '../native/behavior.dart';
import '../native/resolver.dart';
import '../options.dart';
import '../ordered_typeset.dart';
import '../universe/call_structure.dart';
import '../universe/class_hierarchy.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart';
import 'element_map.dart';
import 'env.dart';
import 'kelements.dart';
import 'kernel_impact.dart';
part 'no_such_method_resolver.dart';
/// Implementation of [KernelToElementMap] that only supports world
/// impact computation.
class KernelToElementMapImpl implements KernelToElementMap, IrToElementMap {
final CompilerOptions options;
final DiagnosticReporter reporter;
final Environment _environment;
KCommonElements _commonElements;
KernelElementEnvironment _elementEnvironment;
DartTypeConverter _typeConverter;
KernelDartTypes _types;
ir.CoreTypes _coreTypes;
ir.TypeEnvironment _typeEnvironment;
ir.ClassHierarchy _classHierarchy;
Dart2jsConstantEvaluator _constantEvaluator;
ConstantValuefier _constantValuefier;
/// Library environment. Used for fast lookup.
KProgramEnv env = KProgramEnv();
final EntityDataEnvMap<IndexedLibrary, KLibraryData, KLibraryEnv> libraries =
EntityDataEnvMap<IndexedLibrary, KLibraryData, KLibraryEnv>();
final EntityDataEnvMap<IndexedClass, KClassData, KClassEnv> classes =
EntityDataEnvMap<IndexedClass, KClassData, KClassEnv>();
final EntityDataMap<IndexedMember, KMemberData> members =
EntityDataMap<IndexedMember, KMemberData>();
final EntityDataMap<IndexedTypeVariable, KTypeVariableData> typeVariables =
EntityDataMap<IndexedTypeVariable, KTypeVariableData>();
/// Set to `true` before creating the J-World from the K-World to assert that
/// no entities are created late.
bool envIsClosed = false;
final Map<ir.Library, IndexedLibrary> libraryMap = {};
final Map<ir.Class, IndexedClass> classMap = {};
/// Map from [ir.TypeParameter] nodes to the corresponding
/// [TypeVariableEntity].
/// Normally the type variables are [IndexedTypeVariable]s, but for type
/// parameters on local function (in the frontend) these are _not_ since
/// their type declaration is neither a class nor a member. In the backend,
/// these type parameters belong to the call-method and are therefore indexed.
final Map<ir.TypeParameter, TypeVariableEntity> typeVariableMap = {};
final Map<ir.Member, IndexedConstructor> constructorMap = {};
final Map<ir.Procedure, IndexedFunction> methodMap = {};
final Map<ir.Field, IndexedField> fieldMap = {};
final Map<ir.TreeNode, Local> localFunctionMap = {};
BehaviorBuilder _nativeBehaviorBuilder;
final FrontendStrategy _frontendStrategy;
Map<KMember, Map<ir.Expression, TypeMap>> typeMapsForTesting;
this.reporter, this._environment, this._frontendStrategy, this.options) {
_elementEnvironment = KernelElementEnvironment(this);
_typeConverter = DartTypeConverter(this);
_types = KernelDartTypes(this, options);
_commonElements = KCommonElements(_types, _elementEnvironment);
_constantValuefier = ConstantValuefier(this);
DartTypes get types => _types;
KernelElementEnvironment get elementEnvironment => _elementEnvironment;
KCommonElements get commonElements => _commonElements;
FunctionEntity get _mainFunction {
return env.mainMethod != null ? getMethodInternal(env.mainMethod) : null;
LibraryEntity get _mainLibrary {
return env.mainMethod != null
? getLibraryInternal(env.mainMethod.enclosingLibrary)
: null;
SourceSpan getSourceSpan(Spannable spannable, Entity currentElement) {
SourceSpan fromSpannable(Spannable spannable) {
if (spannable is IndexedLibrary &&
spannable.libraryIndex < libraries.length) {
KLibraryEnv env = libraries.getEnv(spannable);
return computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(env.library);
} else if (spannable is IndexedClass &&
spannable.classIndex < classes.length) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(spannable);
assert(data != null, "No data for $spannable in $this");
return computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(data.node);
} else if (spannable is IndexedMember &&
spannable.memberIndex < members.length) {
KMemberData data = members.getData(spannable);
assert(data != null, "No data for $spannable in $this");
return computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(data.node);
} else if (spannable is KLocalFunction) {
return getSourceSpan(spannable.memberContext, currentElement);
} else if (spannable is JLocal) {
return getSourceSpan(spannable.memberContext, currentElement);
return null;
SourceSpan sourceSpan = fromSpannable(spannable);
sourceSpan ??= fromSpannable(currentElement);
return sourceSpan;
LibraryEntity lookupLibrary(Uri uri) {
KLibraryEnv libraryEnv = env.lookupLibrary(uri);
if (libraryEnv == null) return null;
return getLibraryInternal(libraryEnv.library, libraryEnv);
String _getLibraryName(IndexedLibrary library) {
KLibraryEnv libraryEnv = libraries.getEnv(library);
return ?? '';
MemberEntity lookupLibraryMember(IndexedLibrary library, String name,
{bool setter = false}) {
KLibraryEnv libraryEnv = libraries.getEnv(library);
ir.Member member = libraryEnv.lookupMember(name, setter: setter);
return member != null ? getMember(member) : null;
void _forEachLibraryMember(
IndexedLibrary library, void f(MemberEntity member)) {
KLibraryEnv libraryEnv = libraries.getEnv(library);
libraryEnv.forEachMember((ir.Member node) {
ClassEntity lookupClass(IndexedLibrary library, String name) {
KLibraryEnv libraryEnv = libraries.getEnv(library);
KClassEnv classEnv = libraryEnv.lookupClass(name);
if (classEnv != null) {
return getClassInternal(classEnv.cls, classEnv);
return null;
void _forEachClass(IndexedLibrary library, void f(ClassEntity cls)) {
KLibraryEnv libraryEnv = libraries.getEnv(library);
libraryEnv.forEachClass((KClassEnv classEnv) {
if (!classEnv.isUnnamedMixinApplication) {
f(getClassInternal(classEnv.cls, classEnv));
/// Returns the [ClassEntity] for [node] while ensuring that the member
/// environment for [node] is computed.
/// This is needed to ensure that live members are always included in the
/// environment of a class. Static members and mixed in members a member
/// can be become live through static access and mixin application,
/// respectively, which does not require lookup into the class members.
/// Since the J-model class environment is computed from the K-model
/// environment, not ensuring the computation of the class members, can result
/// in a live member being present in the J-model but unavailable when queried
/// as a member of its enclosing class.
ClassEntity getClassForMemberInternal(ir.Class node) {
ClassEntity cls = getClassInternal(node);
return cls;
MemberEntity lookupClassMember(IndexedClass cls, String name,
{bool setter = false}) {
KClassEnv classEnv = classes.getEnv(cls);
return classEnv.lookupMember(this, name, setter: setter);
ConstructorEntity lookupConstructor(IndexedClass cls, String name) {
KClassEnv classEnv = classes.getEnv(cls);
return classEnv.lookupConstructor(this, name);
InterfaceType createInterfaceType(
ir.Class cls, List<ir.DartType> typeArguments) {
return types.interfaceType(getClass(cls), getDartTypes(typeArguments));
LibraryEntity getLibrary(ir.Library node) => getLibraryInternal(node);
ClassEntity getClass(ir.Class node) => getClassInternal(node);
InterfaceType getSuperType(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureSupertypes(cls, data);
return data.supertype;
void _ensureCallType(ClassEntity cls, KClassData data) {
if (data is KClassDataImpl && !data.isCallTypeComputed) {
MemberEntity callMember =
if (callMember is FunctionEntity &&
callMember.isFunction &&
!callMember.isAbstract) {
data.callType = _elementEnvironment.getFunctionType(callMember);
data.isCallTypeComputed = true;
void _ensureThisAndRawType(ClassEntity cls, KClassData data) {
if (data is KClassDataImpl && data.thisType == null) {
ir.Class node = data.node;
if (node.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
data.thisType =
data.rawType = types.interfaceType(cls, const <DartType>[]);
} else {
data.thisType = types.interfaceType(
List<DartType>.generate(node.typeParameters.length, (int index) {
return types.typeVariableType(
data.rawType = types.interfaceType(
node.typeParameters.length, types.dynamicType()));
void _ensureJsInteropType(ClassEntity cls, KClassData data) {
if (data is KClassDataImpl && data.jsInteropType == null) {
ir.Class node = data.node;
if (node.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
_ensureThisAndRawType(cls, data);
data.jsInteropType = data.thisType;
} else {
data.jsInteropType = types.interfaceType(cls,
List<DartType>.filled(node.typeParameters.length, types.anyType()));
void _ensureClassInstantiationToBounds(ClassEntity cls, KClassData data) {
if (data is KClassDataImpl && data.instantiationToBounds == null) {
ir.Class node = data.node;
if (node.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
_ensureThisAndRawType(cls, data);
data.instantiationToBounds = data.thisType;
} else {
data.instantiationToBounds = getInterfaceType(ir.instantiateToBounds(
TypeVariableEntity getTypeVariable(ir.TypeParameter node) =>
void _ensureSupertypes(ClassEntity cls, KClassData data) {
if (data is KClassDataImpl && data.orderedTypeSet == null) {
_ensureThisAndRawType(cls, data);
ir.Class node = data.node;
if (node.supertype == null) {
data.orderedTypeSet = OrderedTypeSet.singleton(data.thisType);
data.isMixinApplication = false;
data.interfaces = const <InterfaceType>[];
} else {
// Set of canonical supertypes.
// This is necessary to support when a class implements the same
// supertype in multiple non-conflicting ways, like implementing A<int*>
// and A<int?> or B<Object?> and B<dynamic>.
Set<InterfaceType> canonicalSupertypes = <InterfaceType>{};
InterfaceType processSupertype(ir.Supertype supertypeNode) {
supertypeNode = classHierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(
node, supertypeNode.classNode);
InterfaceType supertype =
IndexedClass superclass = supertype.element;
KClassData superdata = classes.getData(superclass);
_ensureSupertypes(superclass, superdata);
for (InterfaceType supertype in superdata.orderedTypeSet.supertypes) {
ir.Supertype canonicalSupertype = classHierarchy
.getClassAsInstanceOf(node, getClassNode(supertype.element));
if (canonicalSupertype != null) {
supertype = _typeConverter.visitSupertype(canonicalSupertype);
} else {
"Generic synthetic supertypes are not supported");
return supertype;
InterfaceType supertype;
List<InterfaceType> interfaces = <InterfaceType>[];
if (node.isMixinDeclaration) {
// A mixin declaration
// mixin M on A, B, C {}
// is encoded by CFE as
// abstract class M extends A implements B, C {}
// abstract class M extends A&B&C {}
// but we encode it as
// abstract class M extends Object implements A, B, C {}
// so we need get the superclasses from the on-clause, A, B, and C,
// through [superclassConstraints].
for (ir.Supertype constraint in node.superclassConstraints()) {
// Set superclass to `Object`.
supertype = _commonElements.objectType;
} else {
supertype = processSupertype(node.supertype);
if (supertype == _commonElements.objectType) {
ClassEntity defaultSuperclass =
_commonElements.getDefaultSuperclass(cls, nativeBasicData);
data.supertype = _elementEnvironment.getRawType(defaultSuperclass);
"Generic default supertypes are not supported");
} else {
data.supertype = supertype;
if (node.mixedInType != null) {
data.isMixinApplication = true;
interfaces.add(data.mixedInType = processSupertype(node.mixedInType));
} else {
data.isMixinApplication = false;
node.implementedTypes.forEach((ir.Supertype supertype) {
OrderedTypeSetBuilder setBuilder =
KernelOrderedTypeSetBuilder(this, cls);
data.orderedTypeSet =
data.interfaces = interfaces;
MemberEntity getMember(ir.Member node) {
if (node is ir.Field) {
return getFieldInternal(node);
} else if (node is ir.Constructor) {
return getConstructorInternal(node);
} else if (node is ir.Procedure) {
if (node.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Factory) {
return getConstructorInternal(node);
} else {
return getMethodInternal(node);
throw UnsupportedError("Unexpected member: $node");
ConstructorEntity getConstructor(ir.Member node) =>
ConstructorEntity getSuperConstructor(
ir.Constructor sourceNode, ir.Member targetNode) {
ConstructorEntity source = getConstructor(sourceNode);
ClassEntity sourceClass = source.enclosingClass;
ConstructorEntity target = getConstructor(targetNode);
ClassEntity targetClass = target.enclosingClass;
IndexedClass superClass = getSuperType(sourceClass)?.element;
if (superClass == targetClass) {
return target;
/// This path is needed for synthetically injected superclasses like
/// `Interceptor` and `LegacyJavaScriptObject`.
KClassEnv env = classes.getEnv(superClass);
ConstructorEntity constructor = env.lookupConstructor(this,;
if (constructor != null) {
return constructor;
throw failedAt(source, "Super constructor for $source not found.");
FunctionEntity getMethod(ir.Procedure node) => getMethodInternal(node);
FieldEntity getField(ir.Field node) => getFieldInternal(node);
DartType getDartType(ir.DartType type) => _typeConverter.convert(type);
TypeVariableType getTypeVariableType(ir.TypeParameterType type) =>
List<DartType> getDartTypes(List<ir.DartType> types) {
List<DartType> list = <DartType>[];
types.forEach((ir.DartType type) {
return list;
InterfaceType getInterfaceType(ir.InterfaceType type) =>
FunctionType getFunctionType(ir.FunctionNode node) {
DartType returnType;
if (node.parent is ir.Constructor) {
// The return type on generative constructors is `void`, but we need
// `dynamic` type to match the element model.
returnType = types.dynamicType();
} else {
returnType = getDartType(node.returnType);
List<DartType> parameterTypes = <DartType>[];
List<DartType> optionalParameterTypes = <DartType>[];
DartType getParameterType(ir.VariableDeclaration variable) {
// isCovariant implies this FunctionNode is a class Procedure.
var isCovariant =
variable.isCovariantByDeclaration || variable.isCovariantByClass;
var isFromNonNullableByDefaultLibrary = isCovariant &&
(node.parent as ir.Procedure).enclosingLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault;
return types.getTearOffParameterType(getDartType(variable.type),
isCovariant, isFromNonNullableByDefaultLibrary);
for (ir.VariableDeclaration variable in node.positionalParameters) {
if (parameterTypes.length == node.requiredParameterCount) {
} else {
List<String> namedParameters = <String>[];
Set<String> requiredNamedParameters = <String>{};
List<DartType> namedParameterTypes = <DartType>[];
List<ir.VariableDeclaration> sortedNamedParameters =
node.namedParameters.toList()..sort((a, b) =>;
for (ir.VariableDeclaration variable in sortedNamedParameters) {
if (variable.isRequired) {
List<FunctionTypeVariable> typeVariables;
if (node.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
List<DartType> typeParameters = <DartType>[];
for (ir.TypeParameter typeParameter in node.typeParameters) {
ir.TypeParameterType(typeParameter, ir.Nullability.nonNullable)));
typeVariables = List<FunctionTypeVariable>.generate(
(int index) => types.functionTypeVariable(index));
DartType subst(DartType type) {
return types.subst(typeVariables, typeParameters, type);
returnType = subst(returnType);
parameterTypes =;
optionalParameterTypes =;
namedParameterTypes =;
for (int index = 0; index < typeVariables.length; index++) {
typeVariables[index].bound =
} else {
typeVariables = const <FunctionTypeVariable>[];
return types.functionType(
DartType substByContext(DartType type, InterfaceType context) {
return types.subst(context.typeArguments,
getThisType(context.element).typeArguments, type);
/// Returns the type of the `call` method on 'type'.
/// If [type] doesn't have a `call` member or has a non-method `call` member,
/// `null` is returned.
FunctionType getCallType(InterfaceType type) {
IndexedClass cls = type.element;
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureCallType(cls, data);
if (data.callType != null) {
return substByContext(data.callType, type);
return null;
InterfaceType getThisType(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureThisAndRawType(cls, data);
return data.thisType;
InterfaceType _getJsInteropType(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureJsInteropType(cls, data);
return data.jsInteropType;
InterfaceType _getRawType(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureThisAndRawType(cls, data);
return data.rawType;
InterfaceType _getClassInstantiationToBounds(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureClassInstantiationToBounds(cls, data);
return data.instantiationToBounds;
DartType _getFieldType(IndexedField field) {
KFieldData data = members.getData(field);
return data.getFieldType(this);
FunctionType _getFunctionType(IndexedFunction function) {
KFunctionData data = members.getData(function);
return data.getFunctionType(this);
List<TypeVariableType> _getFunctionTypeVariables(IndexedFunction function) {
KFunctionData data = members.getData(function);
return data.getFunctionTypeVariables(this);
DartType getTypeVariableBound(IndexedTypeVariable typeVariable) {
KTypeVariableData data = typeVariables.getData(typeVariable);
return data.getBound(this);
List<Variance> getTypeVariableVariances(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
return data.getVariances();
ClassEntity getAppliedMixin(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureSupertypes(cls, data);
return data.mixedInType?.element;
bool _isMixinApplication(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureSupertypes(cls, data);
return data.isMixinApplication;
bool _isUnnamedMixinApplication(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassEnv env = classes.getEnv(cls);
return env.isUnnamedMixinApplication;
void _forEachSupertype(IndexedClass cls, void f(InterfaceType supertype)) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureSupertypes(cls, data);
void _forEachMixin(IndexedClass cls, void f(ClassEntity mixin)) {
while (cls != null) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureSupertypes(cls, data);
if (data.mixedInType != null) {
cls = data.supertype?.element;
void _forEachConstructor(IndexedClass cls, void f(ConstructorEntity member)) {
KClassEnv env = classes.getEnv(cls);
env.forEachConstructor(this, f);
void _forEachLocalClassMember(IndexedClass cls, void f(MemberEntity member)) {
KClassEnv env = classes.getEnv(cls);
env.forEachMember(this, (MemberEntity member) {
void forEachInjectedClassMember(
IndexedClass cls, void f(MemberEntity member)) {
throw UnsupportedError(
void _forEachClassMember(
IndexedClass cls, void f(ClassEntity cls, MemberEntity member)) {
KClassEnv env = classes.getEnv(cls);
env.forEachMember(this, (MemberEntity member) {
f(cls, member);
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureSupertypes(cls, data);
if (data.supertype != null) {
_forEachClassMember(data.supertype.element, f);
InterfaceType asInstanceOf(InterfaceType type, ClassEntity cls) {
OrderedTypeSet orderedTypeSet = getOrderedTypeSet(type.element);
InterfaceType supertype =
orderedTypeSet.asInstanceOf(cls, getHierarchyDepth(cls));
if (supertype != null) {
supertype = substByContext(supertype, type);
return supertype;
OrderedTypeSet getOrderedTypeSet(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureSupertypes(cls, data);
return data.orderedTypeSet;
int getHierarchyDepth(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureSupertypes(cls, data);
return data.orderedTypeSet.maxDepth;
Iterable<InterfaceType> getInterfaces(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
_ensureSupertypes(cls, data);
return data.interfaces;
ir.Member getMemberNode(covariant IndexedMember member) {
return members.getData(member).node;
ir.Class getClassNode(covariant IndexedClass cls) {
return classes.getData(cls).node;
ImportEntity getImport(ir.LibraryDependency node) {
if (node == null) return null;
ir.Library library = node.parent;
KLibraryData data = libraries.getData(getLibraryInternal(library));
return data.imports[node];
ir.CoreTypes get coreTypes => _coreTypes ??= ir.CoreTypes(env.mainComponent);
ir.TypeEnvironment get typeEnvironment =>
_typeEnvironment ??= ir.TypeEnvironment(coreTypes, classHierarchy);
ir.ClassHierarchy get classHierarchy =>
_classHierarchy ??= ir.ClassHierarchy(env.mainComponent, coreTypes);
ir.StaticTypeContext getStaticTypeContext(MemberEntity member) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache the static type context.
return ir.StaticTypeContext(getMemberNode(member), typeEnvironment);
Dart2jsConstantEvaluator get constantEvaluator {
return _constantEvaluator ??=
Dart2jsConstantEvaluator(env.mainComponent, typeEnvironment,
(ir.LocatedMessage message, List<ir.LocatedMessage> context) {
reportLocatedMessage(reporter, message, context);
environment: _environment.toMap(),
evaluationMode: options.useLegacySubtyping
? ir.EvaluationMode.weak
: ir.EvaluationMode.strong);
Name getName(ir.Name name) {
return Name(name.text, name.isPrivate ? getLibrary(name.library) : null);
CallStructure getCallStructure(ir.Arguments arguments) {
int argumentCount = arguments.positional.length + arguments.named.length;
List<String> namedArguments = =>;
return CallStructure(argumentCount, namedArguments, arguments.types.length);
ParameterStructure getParameterStructure(ir.FunctionNode node,
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when type arguments are passed to
// constructors like calling a generic method.
{bool includeTypeParameters = true}) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache the computed function type.
int requiredPositionalParameters = node.requiredParameterCount;
int positionalParameters = node.positionalParameters.length;
int typeParameters = node.typeParameters.length;
List<String> namedParameters = <String>[];
Set<String> requiredNamedParameters = <String>{};
List<ir.VariableDeclaration> sortedNamedParameters =
node.namedParameters.toList()..sort((a, b) =>;
for (var variable in sortedNamedParameters) {
if (variable.isRequired && !options.useLegacySubtyping) {
return ParameterStructure(
includeTypeParameters ? typeParameters : 0);
Selector getInvocationSelector(ir.Name irName, int positionalArguments,
List<String> namedArguments, int typeArguments) {
Name name = getName(irName);
SelectorKind kind;
if (Selector.isOperatorName(name.text)) {
if (name == Names.INDEX_NAME || name == Names.INDEX_SET_NAME) {
kind = SelectorKind.INDEX;
} else {
kind = SelectorKind.OPERATOR;
} else {
kind = SelectorKind.CALL;
CallStructure callStructure = CallStructure(
positionalArguments + namedArguments.length,
return Selector(kind, name, callStructure);
Selector getGetterSelector(ir.Name irName) {
Name name =
Name(irName.text, irName.isPrivate ? getLibrary(irName.library) : null);
return Selector.getter(name);
Selector getSetterSelector(ir.Name irName) {
Name name =
Name(irName.text, irName.isPrivate ? getLibrary(irName.library) : null);
return Selector.setter(name);
/// Looks up [typeName] for use in the spec-string of a `JS` call.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use this in [NativeBehavior] instead of calling
// the `ForeignResolver`.
TypeLookup typeLookup({bool resolveAsRaw = true}) {
return resolveAsRaw
? (_cachedTypeLookupRaw ??= _typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: true))
: (_cachedTypeLookupFull ??= _typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: false));
TypeLookup _cachedTypeLookupRaw;
TypeLookup _cachedTypeLookupFull;
TypeLookup _typeLookup({bool resolveAsRaw = true}) {
bool cachedMayLookupInMain;
DartType lookup(String typeName, {bool required}) {
DartType findInLibrary(LibraryEntity library) {
if (library != null) {
ClassEntity cls = elementEnvironment.lookupClass(library, typeName);
if (cls != null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Align semantics.
return resolveAsRaw
? elementEnvironment.getRawType(cls)
: elementEnvironment.getThisType(cls);
return null;
DartType findIn(Uri uri) {
return findInLibrary(elementEnvironment.lookupLibrary(uri));
// TODO(johnniwinther): Narrow the set of lookups based on the depending
// library.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache more results to avoid redundant lookups?
cachedMayLookupInMain ??=
// Tests permit lookup outside of dart: libraries.
DartType type;
if (cachedMayLookupInMain) {
type ??= findInLibrary(elementEnvironment.mainLibrary);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_core);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart__js_helper);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart__late_helper);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart__interceptors);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart__native_typed_data);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_collection);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_math);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_html);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_html_common);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_svg);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_web_audio);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_web_gl);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_indexed_db);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_typed_data);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart__rti);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_mirrors);
if (type == null && required) {
MessageKind.GENERIC, {'text': "Type '$typeName' not found."});
return type;
return lookup;
String _getStringArgument(ir.StaticInvocation node, int index) {
return node.arguments.positional[index].accept(Stringifier());
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsCall(ir.StaticInvocation node) {
if (node.arguments.positional.length < 2 ||
node.arguments.named.isNotEmpty) {
return NativeBehavior();
String specString = _getStringArgument(node, 0);
if (specString == null) {
return NativeBehavior();
String codeString = _getStringArgument(node, 1);
if (codeString == null) {
return NativeBehavior();
return NativeBehavior.ofJsCall(
typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: true),
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsBuiltinCall(ir.StaticInvocation node) {
if (node.arguments.positional.length < 1) {
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "JS builtin expression has no type.");
return NativeBehavior();
if (node.arguments.positional.length < 2) {
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "JS builtin is missing name.");
return NativeBehavior();
String specString = _getStringArgument(node, 0);
if (specString == null) {
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "Unexpected first argument.");
return NativeBehavior();
return NativeBehavior.ofJsBuiltinCall(
typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: true),
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsEmbeddedGlobalCall(
ir.StaticInvocation node) {
if (node.arguments.positional.length < 1) {
"JS embedded global expression has no type.");
return NativeBehavior();
if (node.arguments.positional.length < 2) {
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "JS embedded global is missing name.");
return NativeBehavior();
if (node.arguments.positional.length > 2 ||
node.arguments.named.isNotEmpty) {
"JS embedded global has more than 2 arguments.");
return NativeBehavior();
String specString = _getStringArgument(node, 0);
if (specString == null) {
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "Unexpected first argument.");
return NativeBehavior();
return NativeBehavior.ofJsEmbeddedGlobalCall(
typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: true),
js.Name getNameForJsGetName(ConstantValue constant, Namer namer) {
int index = extractEnumIndexFromConstantValue(
constant, commonElements.jsGetNameEnum);
if (index == null) return null;
return namer.getNameForJsGetName(
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, JsGetName.values[index]);
int extractEnumIndexFromConstantValue(
ConstantValue constant, ClassEntity classElement) {
if (constant is ConstructedConstantValue) {
if (constant.type.element == classElement) {
assert(constant.fields.length == 1 || constant.fields.length == 2);
ConstantValue indexConstant = constant.fields.values.first;
if (indexConstant is IntConstantValue) {
return indexConstant.intValue.toInt();
return null;
ConstantValue getConstantValue(
ir.StaticTypeContext staticTypeContext, ir.Expression node,
{bool requireConstant = true,
bool implicitNull = false,
bool checkCasts = true}) {
if (node == null) {
if (!implicitNull) {
throw failedAt(
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, 'No expression for constant.');
return NullConstantValue();
ir.Constant constant = constantEvaluator.evaluate(staticTypeContext, node,
requireConstant: requireConstant);
if (constant == null) {
if (requireConstant) {
throw UnsupportedError(
'No constant for ${DebugPrinter.prettyPrint(node)}');
} else {
ConstantValue value = _constantValuefier.visitConstant(constant);
if (!value.isConstant && !requireConstant) {
return null;
return value;
return null;
/// Converts [annotations] into a list of [ConstantValue]s.
List<ConstantValue> getMetadata(
ir.StaticTypeContext staticTypeContext, List<ir.Expression> annotations) {
if (annotations.isEmpty) return const <ConstantValue>[];
List<ConstantValue> metadata = <ConstantValue>[];
annotations.forEach((ir.Expression node) {
// We skip the implicit cast checks for metadata to avoid circular
// dependencies in the js-interop class registration.
.add(getConstantValue(staticTypeContext, node, checkCasts: false));
return metadata;
FunctionEntity getSuperNoSuchMethod(ClassEntity cls) {
while (cls != null) {
cls = elementEnvironment.getSuperClass(cls);
MemberEntity member = elementEnvironment.lookupLocalClassMember(
cls, Identifiers.noSuchMethod_);
if (member != null && !member.isAbstract) {
if (member.isFunction) {
FunctionEntity function = member;
if (function.parameterStructure.positionalParameters >= 1) {
return function;
// If [member] is not a valid `noSuchMethod` the target is
// `Object.superNoSuchMethod`.
FunctionEntity function = elementEnvironment.lookupLocalClassMember(
commonElements.objectClass, Identifiers.noSuchMethod_);
assert(function != null,
failedAt(cls, "No super noSuchMethod found for class $cls."));
return function;
Iterable<LibraryEntity> get libraryListInternal {
if (env.length != libraryMap.length) {
// Create a [KLibrary] for each library.
env.forEachLibrary((KLibraryEnv env) {
getLibraryInternal(env.library, env);
return libraryMap.values;
LibraryEntity getLibraryInternal(ir.Library node, [KLibraryEnv libraryEnv]) {
return libraryMap[node] ??= _getLibraryCreate(node, libraryEnv);
LibraryEntity _getLibraryCreate(ir.Library node, KLibraryEnv libraryEnv) {
"Environment of $this is closed. Trying to create "
"library for $node.");
Uri canonicalUri = node.importUri;
String name =;
if (name == null) {
// Use the file name as script name.
String path = canonicalUri.path;
name = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
IndexedLibrary library =
createLibrary(name, canonicalUri, node.isNonNullableByDefault);
return libraries.register(library, KLibraryData(node),
libraryEnv ?? env.lookupLibrary(canonicalUri));
ClassEntity getClassInternal(ir.Class node, [KClassEnv classEnv]) {
return classMap[node] ??= _getClassCreate(node, classEnv);
ClassEntity _getClassCreate(ir.Class node, KClassEnv classEnv) {
"Environment of $this is closed. Trying to create "
"class for $node.");
KLibrary library = getLibraryInternal(node.enclosingLibrary);
if (classEnv == null) {
classEnv = libraries.getEnv(library).lookupClass(;
IndexedClass cls =
createClass(library,, isAbstract: node.isAbstract);
return classes.register(cls, KClassDataImpl(node), classEnv);
TypeVariableEntity getTypeVariableInternal(ir.TypeParameter node) {
return typeVariableMap[node] ??= _getTypeVariableCreate(node);
TypeVariableEntity _getTypeVariableCreate(ir.TypeParameter node) {
"Environment of $this is closed. Trying to create "
"type variable for $node.");
if (node.parent is ir.Class) {
ir.Class cls = node.parent;
int index = cls.typeParameters.indexOf(node);
return typeVariables.register(
createTypeVariable(getClassInternal(cls),, index),
if (node.parent is ir.FunctionNode) {
ir.FunctionNode func = node.parent;
int index = func.typeParameters.indexOf(node);
if (func.parent is ir.Constructor) {
ir.Constructor constructor = func.parent;
ir.Class cls = constructor.enclosingClass;
return getTypeVariableInternal(cls.typeParameters[index]);
} else if (func.parent is ir.Procedure) {
ir.Procedure procedure = func.parent;
if (procedure.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Factory) {
ir.Class cls = procedure.enclosingClass;
return getTypeVariableInternal(cls.typeParameters[index]);
} else {
return typeVariables.register(
getMethodInternal(procedure),, index),
} else if (func.parent is ir.LocalFunction) {
// Ensure that local function type variables have been created.
return typeVariableMap[node];
} else {
throw UnsupportedError('Unsupported function type parameter parent '
'node ${func.parent}.');
throw UnsupportedError('Unsupported type parameter type node $node.');
ConstructorEntity getConstructorInternal(ir.Member node) {
return constructorMap[node] ??= _getConstructorCreate(node);
ConstructorEntity _getConstructorCreate(ir.Member node) {
"Environment of $this is closed. Trying to create "
"constructor for $node.");
ir.FunctionNode functionNode;
ClassEntity enclosingClass = getClassForMemberInternal(node.enclosingClass);
Name name = getName(;
bool isExternal = node.isExternal;
IndexedConstructor constructor;
if (node is ir.Constructor) {
functionNode = node.function;
constructor = createGenerativeConstructor(enclosingClass, name,
getParameterStructure(functionNode, includeTypeParameters: false),
isExternal: isExternal, isConst: node.isConst);
} else if (node is ir.Procedure) {
functionNode = node.function;
// TODO(sigmund): Check more strictly than just the class name.
bool isEnvironmentConstructor = isExternal &&
(name.text == 'fromEnvironment' &&
const ['int', 'bool', 'String']
.contains( ||
name.text == 'hasEnvironment' && == 'bool');
constructor = createFactoryConstructor(enclosingClass, name,
getParameterStructure(functionNode, includeTypeParameters: false),
isExternal: isExternal,
isConst: node.isConst,
isFromEnvironmentConstructor: isEnvironmentConstructor);
} else {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Convert `node.location` to a [SourceSpan].
throw failedAt(
NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE, "Unexpected constructor node: ${node}.");
return members.register<IndexedConstructor, KConstructorData>(
constructor, KConstructorDataImpl(node, functionNode));
FunctionEntity getMethodInternal(ir.Procedure node) {
// [_getMethodCreate] inserts the created function in [methodMap] so we
// don't need to use ??= here.
return methodMap[node] ?? _getMethodCreate(node);
FunctionEntity _getMethodCreate(ir.Procedure node) {
"Environment of $this is closed. Trying to create "
"function for $node.");
FunctionEntity function;
LibraryEntity library;
ClassEntity enclosingClass;
if (node.enclosingClass != null) {
enclosingClass = getClassForMemberInternal(node.enclosingClass);
library = enclosingClass.library;
} else {
library = getLibraryInternal(node.enclosingLibrary);
Name name = getName(;
bool isStatic = node.isStatic;
bool isExternal = node.isExternal;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove `&& !node.isExternal` when #31233 is fixed.
bool isAbstract = node.isAbstract && !node.isExternal;
AsyncMarker asyncMarker = getAsyncMarker(node.function);
switch (node.kind) {
case ir.ProcedureKind.Factory:
throw UnsupportedError("Cannot create method from factory.");
case ir.ProcedureKind.Getter:
function = createGetter(library, enclosingClass, name, asyncMarker,
isStatic: isStatic, isExternal: isExternal, isAbstract: isAbstract);
case ir.ProcedureKind.Method:
case ir.ProcedureKind.Operator:
function = createMethod(library, enclosingClass, name,
getParameterStructure(node.function), asyncMarker,
isStatic: isStatic, isExternal: isExternal, isAbstract: isAbstract);
case ir.ProcedureKind.Setter:
assert(asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.SYNC);
function = createSetter(library, enclosingClass, name.setter,
isStatic: isStatic, isExternal: isExternal, isAbstract: isAbstract);
members.register<IndexedFunction, KFunctionData>(
function, KFunctionDataImpl(node, node.function));
// We need to register the function before creating the type variables.
methodMap[node] = function;
for (ir.TypeParameter typeParameter in node.function.typeParameters) {
return function;
FieldEntity getFieldInternal(ir.Field node) {
return fieldMap[node] ??= _getFieldCreate(node);
FieldEntity _getFieldCreate(ir.Field node) {
"Environment of $this is closed. Trying to create "
"field for $node.");
LibraryEntity library;
ClassEntity enclosingClass;
if (node.enclosingClass != null) {
enclosingClass = getClassForMemberInternal(node.enclosingClass);
library = enclosingClass.library;
} else {
library = getLibraryInternal(node.enclosingLibrary);
Name name = getName(;
bool isStatic = node.isStatic;
IndexedField field = createField(library, enclosingClass, name,
isStatic: isStatic,
isAssignable: node.hasSetter,
isConst: node.isConst);
return members.register<IndexedField, KFieldData>(
field, KFieldDataImpl(node));
bool checkFamily(Entity entity) {
"Unexpected entity $entity, expected family $kElementPrefix."));
return true;
/// NativeBasicData is need for computation of the default super class.
NativeBasicData get nativeBasicData => _frontendStrategy.nativeBasicData;
void addComponent(ir.Component component) {
BehaviorBuilder get nativeBehaviorBuilder =>
_nativeBehaviorBuilder ??= KernelBehaviorBuilder(elementEnvironment,
commonElements, nativeBasicData, reporter, options);
ResolutionImpact computeWorldImpact(KMember member,
VariableScopeModel variableScopeModel, Set<PragmaAnnotation> annotations,
{ImpactBuilderData impactBuilderData}) {
KMemberData memberData = members.getData(member);
ir.Member node = memberData.node;
if (impactBuilderData != null) {
if (impactBuilderData.typeMapsForTesting != null) {
typeMapsForTesting ??= {};
typeMapsForTesting[member] = impactBuilderData.typeMapsForTesting;
ImpactData impactData = impactBuilderData.impactData;
memberData.staticTypes = impactBuilderData.cachedStaticTypes;
KernelImpactConverter converter = KernelImpactConverter(
// TODO(johnniwinther): Pull the static type context from the cached
// static types.
ir.StaticTypeContext(node, typeEnvironment));
return converter.convert(impactData);
} else {
StaticTypeCacheImpl staticTypeCache = StaticTypeCacheImpl();
KernelImpactBuilder builder = KernelImpactBuilder(
ir.StaticTypeContext(node, typeEnvironment, cache: staticTypeCache),
if (retainDataForTesting) {
typeMapsForTesting ??= {};
typeMapsForTesting[member] = builder.typeMapsForTesting = {};
memberData.staticTypes = builder.getStaticTypeCache();
return builder.impactBuilder;
StaticTypeCache getCachedStaticTypes(KMember member) {
StaticTypeCache staticTypes = members.getData(member).staticTypes;
assert(staticTypes != null, "No static types cached for $member.");
return staticTypes;
Map<ir.Expression, TypeMap> getTypeMapsForTesting(KMember member) {
return typeMapsForTesting[member];
/// Returns the kernel [ir.Procedure] node for the [method].
ir.Procedure _lookupProcedure(KFunction method) {
return members.getData(method).node;
ir.Library getLibraryNode(LibraryEntity library) {
return libraries.getData(library).library;
Local getLocalFunction(ir.LocalFunction node) {
KLocalFunction localFunction = localFunctionMap[node];
if (localFunction == null) {
MemberEntity memberContext;
Entity executableContext;
ir.TreeNode parent = node.parent;
while (parent != null) {
if (parent is ir.Member) {
executableContext = memberContext = getMember(parent);
if (parent is ir.LocalFunction) {
KLocalFunction localFunction = getLocalFunction(parent);
executableContext = localFunction;
memberContext = localFunction.memberContext;
parent = parent.parent;
String name;
ir.FunctionNode function;
if (node is ir.FunctionDeclaration) {
name =;
function = node.function;
} else if (node is ir.FunctionExpression) {
function = node.function;
localFunction = localFunctionMap[node] =
KLocalFunction(name, memberContext, executableContext, node);
int index = 0;
List<KLocalTypeVariable> typeVariables = <KLocalTypeVariable>[];
for (ir.TypeParameter typeParameter in function.typeParameters) {
typeVariables.add(typeVariableMap[typeParameter] =
KLocalTypeVariable(localFunction,, index));
index = 0;
for (ir.TypeParameter typeParameter in function.typeParameters) {
typeVariables[index].bound = getDartType(typeParameter.bound);
typeVariables[index].defaultType =
localFunction.functionType = getFunctionType(function);
return localFunction;
bool _implementsFunction(IndexedClass cls) {
KClassData data = classes.getData(cls);
OrderedTypeSet orderedTypeSet = data.orderedTypeSet;
InterfaceType supertype = orderedTypeSet.asInstanceOf(
if (supertype != null) {
return true;
return data.callType?.withoutNullability is FunctionType;
ForeignKind getForeignKind(ir.StaticInvocation node) {
if (commonElements.isForeignHelper(getMember( {
switch ( {
case Identifiers.JS:
return ForeignKind.JS;
case Identifiers.JS_BUILTIN:
return ForeignKind.JS_BUILTIN;
case Identifiers.JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL:
return ForeignKind.JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL;
return ForeignKind.NONE;
InterfaceType getInterfaceTypeForJsInterceptorCall(ir.StaticInvocation node) {
if (node.arguments.positional.length != 1 ||
node.arguments.named.isNotEmpty) {
ir.Node argument = node.arguments.positional.first;
if (argument is ir.TypeLiteral && argument.type is ir.InterfaceType) {
return getInterfaceType(argument.type);
} else if (argument is ir.ConstantExpression &&
argument.constant is ir.TypeLiteralConstant) {
ir.TypeLiteralConstant constant = argument.constant;
if (constant.type is ir.InterfaceType) {
return getInterfaceType(constant.type);
return null;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForFieldLoad(ir.Field field,
Iterable<String> createsAnnotations, Iterable<String> returnsAnnotations,
{bool isJsInterop}) {
DartType type = getDartType(field.type);
return nativeBehaviorBuilder.buildFieldLoadBehavior(type,
createsAnnotations, returnsAnnotations, typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: false),
isJsInterop: isJsInterop);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForFieldStore(ir.Field field) {
DartType type = getDartType(field.type);
return nativeBehaviorBuilder.buildFieldStoreBehavior(type);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForMethod(ir.Member member,
Iterable<String> createsAnnotations, Iterable<String> returnsAnnotations,
{bool isJsInterop}) {
DartType type;
if (member is ir.Procedure) {
type = getFunctionType(member.function);
} else if (member is ir.Constructor) {
type = getFunctionType(member.function);
} else {
failedAt(CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "Unexpected method node $member.");
return nativeBehaviorBuilder.buildMethodBehavior(type, createsAnnotations,
returnsAnnotations, typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: false),
isJsInterop: isJsInterop);
IndexedLibrary createLibrary(
String name, Uri canonicalUri, bool isNonNullableByDefault) {
return KLibrary(name, canonicalUri, isNonNullableByDefault);
IndexedClass createClass(LibraryEntity library, String name,
{bool isAbstract}) {
return KClass(library, name, isAbstract: isAbstract);
TypeVariableEntity createTypeVariable(
Entity typeDeclaration, String name, int index) {
return KTypeVariable(typeDeclaration, name, index);
IndexedConstructor createGenerativeConstructor(ClassEntity enclosingClass,
Name name, ParameterStructure parameterStructure,
{bool isExternal, bool isConst}) {
return KGenerativeConstructor(enclosingClass, name, parameterStructure,
isExternal: isExternal, isConst: isConst);
// TODO(dart2js-team): Rename isFromEnvironmentConstructor to
// isEnvironmentConstructor: Here, and everywhere in the compiler.
IndexedConstructor createFactoryConstructor(ClassEntity enclosingClass,
Name name, ParameterStructure parameterStructure,
{bool isExternal, bool isConst, bool isFromEnvironmentConstructor}) {
return KFactoryConstructor(enclosingClass, name, parameterStructure,
isExternal: isExternal,
isConst: isConst,
isFromEnvironmentConstructor: isFromEnvironmentConstructor);
IndexedFunction createGetter(LibraryEntity library,
ClassEntity enclosingClass, Name name, AsyncMarker asyncMarker,
{bool isStatic, bool isExternal, bool isAbstract}) {
return KGetter(library, enclosingClass, name, asyncMarker,
isStatic: isStatic, isExternal: isExternal, isAbstract: isAbstract);
IndexedFunction createMethod(
LibraryEntity library,
ClassEntity enclosingClass,
Name name,
ParameterStructure parameterStructure,
AsyncMarker asyncMarker,
{bool isStatic,
bool isExternal,
bool isAbstract}) {
return KMethod(
library, enclosingClass, name, parameterStructure, asyncMarker,
isStatic: isStatic, isExternal: isExternal, isAbstract: isAbstract);
IndexedFunction createSetter(
LibraryEntity library, ClassEntity enclosingClass, Name name,
{bool isStatic, bool isExternal, bool isAbstract}) {
return KSetter(library, enclosingClass, name,
isStatic: isStatic, isExternal: isExternal, isAbstract: isAbstract);
IndexedField createField(
LibraryEntity library, ClassEntity enclosingClass, Name name,
{bool isStatic, bool isAssignable, bool isConst}) {
return KField(library, enclosingClass, name,
isStatic: isStatic, isAssignable: isAssignable, isConst: isConst);
class KernelElementEnvironment extends ElementEnvironment
implements KElementEnvironment {
final KernelToElementMapImpl elementMap;
DartType get dynamicType => elementMap.types.dynamicType();
LibraryEntity get mainLibrary => elementMap._mainLibrary;
FunctionEntity get mainFunction => elementMap._mainFunction;
Iterable<LibraryEntity> get libraries => elementMap.libraryListInternal;
String getLibraryName(LibraryEntity library) {
return elementMap._getLibraryName(library);
InterfaceType getThisType(ClassEntity cls) {
return elementMap.getThisType(cls);
InterfaceType getJsInteropType(ClassEntity cls) {
return elementMap._getJsInteropType(cls);
InterfaceType getRawType(ClassEntity cls) {
return elementMap._getRawType(cls);
InterfaceType getClassInstantiationToBounds(ClassEntity cls) =>
bool isGenericClass(ClassEntity cls) {
return getThisType(cls).typeArguments.isNotEmpty;
bool isMixinApplication(ClassEntity cls) {
return elementMap._isMixinApplication(cls);
bool isUnnamedMixinApplication(ClassEntity cls) {
return elementMap._isUnnamedMixinApplication(cls);
DartType getTypeVariableBound(TypeVariableEntity typeVariable) {
if (typeVariable is KLocalTypeVariable) return typeVariable.bound;
return elementMap.getTypeVariableBound(typeVariable);
List<Variance> getTypeVariableVariances(ClassEntity cls) {
return elementMap.getTypeVariableVariances(cls);
InterfaceType createInterfaceType(
ClassEntity cls, List<DartType> typeArguments) {
return elementMap.types.interfaceType(cls, typeArguments);
FunctionType getFunctionType(FunctionEntity function) {
return elementMap._getFunctionType(function);
List<TypeVariableType> getFunctionTypeVariables(FunctionEntity function) {
return elementMap._getFunctionTypeVariables(function);
DartType getFieldType(FieldEntity field) {
return elementMap._getFieldType(field);
FunctionType getLocalFunctionType(covariant KLocalFunction function) {
return function.functionType;
ConstructorEntity lookupConstructor(ClassEntity cls, String name,
{bool required = false}) {
ConstructorEntity constructor = elementMap.lookupConstructor(cls, name);
if (constructor == null && required) {
throw failedAt(
"The constructor '$name' was not found in class '${}' "
"in library ${cls.library.canonicalUri}.");
return constructor;
MemberEntity lookupLocalClassMember(ClassEntity cls, String name,
{bool setter = false, bool required = false}) {
MemberEntity member =
elementMap.lookupClassMember(cls, name, setter: setter);
if (member == null && required) {
"The member '$name' was not found in ${}.");
return member;
ClassEntity getSuperClass(ClassEntity cls,
{bool skipUnnamedMixinApplications = false}) {
ClassEntity superclass = elementMap.getSuperType(cls)?.element;
if (skipUnnamedMixinApplications) {
while (superclass != null &&
elementMap._isUnnamedMixinApplication(superclass)) {
superclass = elementMap.getSuperType(superclass)?.element;
return superclass;
void forEachSupertype(ClassEntity cls, void f(InterfaceType supertype)) {
elementMap._forEachSupertype(cls, f);
void forEachMixin(ClassEntity cls, void f(ClassEntity mixin)) {
elementMap._forEachMixin(cls, f);
void forEachLocalClassMember(ClassEntity cls, void f(MemberEntity member)) {
elementMap._forEachLocalClassMember(cls, f);
void forEachClassMember(
ClassEntity cls, void f(ClassEntity declarer, MemberEntity member)) {
elementMap._forEachClassMember(cls, f);
void forEachConstructor(
ClassEntity cls, void f(ConstructorEntity constructor)) {
elementMap._forEachConstructor(cls, f);
void forEachLibraryMember(
LibraryEntity library, void f(MemberEntity member)) {
elementMap._forEachLibraryMember(library, f);
MemberEntity lookupLibraryMember(LibraryEntity library, String name,
{bool setter = false, bool required = false}) {
MemberEntity member =
elementMap.lookupLibraryMember(library, name, setter: setter);
if (member == null && required) {
"The member '${name}' was not found in library '${}'.");
return member;
ClassEntity lookupClass(LibraryEntity library, String name,
{bool required = false}) {
ClassEntity cls = elementMap.lookupClass(library, name);
if (cls == null && required) {
"The class '$name' was not found in library '${}'.");
return cls;
void forEachClass(LibraryEntity library, void f(ClassEntity cls)) {
elementMap._forEachClass(library, f);
LibraryEntity lookupLibrary(Uri uri, {bool required = false}) {
LibraryEntity library = elementMap.lookupLibrary(uri);
if (library == null && required) {
failedAt(CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "The library '$uri' was not found.");
return library;
bool isDeferredLoadLibraryGetter(MemberEntity member) {
// The front-end generates the getter of loadLibrary explicitly as code
// so there is no implicit representation based on a "loadLibrary" member.
return false;
Iterable<ImportEntity> getImports(covariant IndexedLibrary library) {
KLibraryData libraryData = elementMap.libraries.getData(library);
return libraryData.getImports(elementMap);
Iterable<ConstantValue> getMemberMetadata(covariant IndexedMember member,
{bool includeParameterMetadata = false}) {
// TODO(redemption): Support includeParameterMetadata.
KMemberData memberData = elementMap.members.getData(member);
return memberData.getMetadata(elementMap);
bool isEnumClass(ClassEntity cls) {
KClassData classData = elementMap.classes.getData(cls);
return classData.isEnumClass;
ClassEntity getEffectiveMixinClass(ClassEntity cls) {
if (!isMixinApplication(cls)) return null;
do {
cls = elementMap.getAppliedMixin(cls);
} while (isMixinApplication(cls));
return cls;
/// [BehaviorBuilder] for kernel based elements.
class KernelBehaviorBuilder extends BehaviorBuilder {
final ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment;
final CommonElements commonElements;
final DiagnosticReporter reporter;
final NativeBasicData nativeBasicData;
final CompilerOptions options;
KernelBehaviorBuilder(this.elementEnvironment, this.commonElements,
this.nativeBasicData, this.reporter, this.options);
class KernelNativeMemberResolver implements NativeMemberResolver {
static final RegExp _identifier = RegExp(r'^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*$');
final KernelToElementMapImpl _elementMap;
final NativeBasicData _nativeBasicData;
final NativeDataBuilder _nativeDataBuilder;
this._elementMap, this._nativeBasicData, this._nativeDataBuilder);
void resolveNativeMember(ir.Member node, IrAnnotationData annotationData) {
assert(annotationData != null);
bool isJsInterop = _isJsInteropMember(node);
if (node is ir.Procedure || node is ir.Constructor) {
FunctionEntity method = _elementMap.getMember(node);
bool isNative = _processMethodAnnotations(node, annotationData);
if (isNative || isJsInterop) {
NativeBehavior behavior = _computeNativeMethodBehavior(
method, annotationData,
isJsInterop: isJsInterop);
_nativeDataBuilder.setNativeMethodBehavior(method, behavior);
} else if (node is ir.Field) {
FieldEntity field = _elementMap.getMember(node);
bool isNative = _processFieldAnnotations(node, annotationData);
if (isNative || isJsInterop) {
NativeBehavior fieldLoadBehavior = _computeNativeFieldLoadBehavior(
field, annotationData,
isJsInterop: isJsInterop);
NativeBehavior fieldStoreBehavior =
_nativeDataBuilder.setNativeFieldLoadBehavior(field, fieldLoadBehavior);
field, fieldStoreBehavior);
/// Process the potentially native [field]. Adds information from metadata
/// attributes. Returns `true` of [method] is native.
bool _processFieldAnnotations(
ir.Field node, IrAnnotationData annotationData) {
assert(annotationData != null);
if (node.isInstanceMember &&
.isNativeClass(_elementMap.getClass(node.enclosingClass))) {
// Exclude non-instance (static) fields - they are not really native and
// are compiled as isolate globals. Access of a property of a constructor
// function or a non-method property in the prototype chain, must be coded
// using a JS-call.
_setNativeName(node, annotationData);
return true;
} else {
String name = _findJsNameFromAnnotation(node, annotationData);
if (name != null) {
'@JSName(...) annotation is not supported for static fields: '
return false;
/// Process the potentially native [method]. Adds information from metadata
/// attributes. Returns `true` of [method] is native.
bool _processMethodAnnotations(
ir.Member node, IrAnnotationData annotationData) {
assert(annotationData != null);
if (_isNativeMethod(node, annotationData)) {
if (node.enclosingClass != null && !node.isInstanceMember) {
if (!_nativeBasicData
.isNativeClass(_elementMap.getClass(node.enclosingClass))) {
return false;
_setNativeNameForStaticMethod(node, annotationData);
} else {
_setNativeName(node, annotationData);
return true;
return false;
/// Sets the native name of [element], either from an annotation, or
/// defaulting to the Dart name.
void _setNativeName(ir.Member node, IrAnnotationData annotationData) {
String name = _findJsNameFromAnnotation(node, annotationData);
name ??=;
_nativeDataBuilder.setNativeMemberName(_elementMap.getMember(node), name);
/// Sets the native name of the static native method [element], using the
/// following rules:
/// 1. If [element] has a @JSName annotation that is an identifier, qualify
/// that identifier to the @Native name of the enclosing class
/// 2. If [element] has a @JSName annotation that is not an identifier,
/// use the declared @JSName as the expression
/// 3. If [element] does not have a @JSName annotation, qualify the name of
/// the method with the @Native name of the enclosing class.
void _setNativeNameForStaticMethod(
ir.Member node, IrAnnotationData annotationData) {
String name = _findJsNameFromAnnotation(node, annotationData);
name ??=;
if (_isIdentifier(name)) {
ClassEntity cls = _elementMap.getClass(node.enclosingClass);
List<String> nativeNames = _nativeBasicData.getNativeTagsOfClass(cls);
if (nativeNames.length != 1) {
'Unable to determine a native name for the enclosing class, '
'options: $nativeNames');
_elementMap.getMember(node), '${nativeNames[0]}.$name');
} else {
_nativeDataBuilder.setNativeMemberName(_elementMap.getMember(node), name);
bool _isIdentifier(String s) => _identifier.hasMatch(s);
/// Returns the JSName annotation string or `null` if no JSName annotation is
/// present.
String _findJsNameFromAnnotation(
ir.Member node, IrAnnotationData annotationData) {
assert(annotationData != null);
return annotationData.getNativeMemberName(node);
NativeBehavior _computeNativeFieldStoreBehavior(covariant KField field) {
ir.Field node = _elementMap.getMemberNode(field);
return _elementMap.getNativeBehaviorForFieldStore(node);
NativeBehavior _computeNativeFieldLoadBehavior(
KField field, IrAnnotationData annotationData,
{bool isJsInterop}) {
assert(annotationData != null);
ir.Field node = _elementMap.getMemberNode(field);
Iterable<String> createsAnnotations =
Iterable<String> returnsAnnotations =
return _elementMap.getNativeBehaviorForFieldLoad(
node, createsAnnotations, returnsAnnotations,
isJsInterop: isJsInterop);
NativeBehavior _computeNativeMethodBehavior(
KFunction function, IrAnnotationData annotationData,
{bool isJsInterop}) {
assert(annotationData != null);
ir.Member node = _elementMap.getMemberNode(function);
Iterable<String> createsAnnotations =
Iterable<String> returnsAnnotations =
return _elementMap.getNativeBehaviorForMethod(
node, createsAnnotations, returnsAnnotations,
isJsInterop: isJsInterop);
bool _isNativeMethod(ir.Member node, IrAnnotationData annotationData) {
assert(annotationData != null);
if (!maybeEnableNative(node.enclosingLibrary.importUri)) return false;
bool hasNativeBody = annotationData.hasNativeBody(node);
// TODO(rileyporter): Move this check on non-native external usage to
// js_interop_checks when `native` and `external` can be disambiguated.
if (!hasNativeBody &&
node.isExternal &&
!_nativeBasicData.isJsInteropMember(_elementMap.getMember(node))) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we change dart:html and friends to use
// `external` instead of the native body syntax?
computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(node), MessageKind.NON_NATIVE_EXTERNAL);
return hasNativeBody;
bool _isJsInteropMember(ir.Member node) {
return _nativeBasicData.isJsInteropMember(_elementMap.getMember(node));
class KernelClassQueries extends ClassQueries {
final KernelToElementMapImpl elementMap;
ClassEntity getDeclaration(ClassEntity cls) {
return cls;
Iterable<InterfaceType> getSupertypes(ClassEntity cls) {
return elementMap.getOrderedTypeSet(cls).supertypes;
ClassEntity getSuperClass(ClassEntity cls) {
return elementMap.getSuperType(cls)?.element;
bool implementsFunction(ClassEntity cls) {
return elementMap._implementsFunction(cls);
int getHierarchyDepth(ClassEntity cls) {
return elementMap.getHierarchyDepth(cls);
ClassEntity getAppliedMixin(ClassEntity cls) {
return elementMap.getAppliedMixin(cls);
DiagnosticMessage _createDiagnosticMessage(
DiagnosticReporter reporter, ir.LocatedMessage message) {
SourceSpan sourceSpan = SourceSpan(
message.uri, message.charOffset, message.charOffset + message.length);
return reporter.createMessage(
sourceSpan, MessageKind.GENERIC, {'text': message.problemMessage});
void reportLocatedMessage(DiagnosticReporter reporter,
ir.LocatedMessage message, List<ir.LocatedMessage> context) {
DiagnosticMessage diagnosticMessage =
_createDiagnosticMessage(reporter, message);
List<DiagnosticMessage> infos = [];
for (ir.LocatedMessage message in context) {
infos.add(_createDiagnosticMessage(reporter, message));
reporter.reportError(diagnosticMessage, infos);