blob: 768d05c993357945fe041e7fe5173d965d959939 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart'
show Component, Procedure, DartType, TypeParameter;
import '../base/processed_options.dart' show ProcessedOptions;
import '../fasta/compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import '../fasta/incremental_compiler.dart' show IncrementalCompiler;
import '../fasta/scanner/string_scanner.dart' show StringScanner;
import 'compiler_options.dart' show CompilerOptions;
abstract class IncrementalKernelGenerator {
factory IncrementalKernelGenerator(CompilerOptions options, Uri entryPoint,
[Uri initializeFromDillUri]) {
return new IncrementalCompiler(
new CompilerContext(
new ProcessedOptions(options: options, inputs: [entryPoint])),
factory IncrementalKernelGenerator.fromComponent(
CompilerOptions options, Uri entryPoint, Component component) {
return new IncrementalCompiler.fromComponent(
new CompilerContext(
new ProcessedOptions(options: options, inputs: [entryPoint])),
/// Returns a component whose libraries are the recompiled libraries,
/// or - in the case of [fullComponent] - a full Component.
Future<Component> computeDelta({Uri entryPoint, bool fullComponent});
/// Remove the file associated with the given file [uri] from the set of
/// valid files. This guarantees that those files will be re-read on the
/// next call to [computeDelta]).
void invalidate(Uri uri);
/// Compile [expression] as an [Expression]. A function returning that
/// expression is compiled.
/// [expression] may use the variables supplied in [definitions] as free
/// variables and [typeDefinitions] as free type variables. These will become
/// required parameters to the compiled function. All elements of
/// [definitions] and [typeDefinitions] will become parameters/type
/// parameters, whether or not they appear free in [expression]. The type
/// parameters should have a null parent pointer.
/// [libraryUri] must refer to either a previously compiled library.
/// [className] may optionally refer to a class within such library to use for
/// the scope of the expression. In that case, [isStatic] indicates whether
/// the scope can access [this].
/// It is illegal to use "await" in [expression] and the compiled function
/// will always be synchronous.
/// [computeDelta] must have been called at least once prior.
/// [compileExpression] will return [null] if the library or class for
/// [enclosingNode] could not be found. Otherwise, errors are reported in the
/// normal way.
Future<Procedure> compileExpression(
String expression,
Map<String, DartType> definitions,
List<TypeParameter> typeDefinitions,
String syntheticProcedureName,
Uri libraryUri,
[String className,
bool isStatic = false]);
bool isLegalIdentifier(String identifier) {
return StringScanner.isLegalIdentifier(identifier);