blob: e7aa477e4d9d3eb00cacdd71bb7c98434e6a0e2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library error_group_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../../pub/error_group.dart';
import '../../pub/utils.dart';
ErrorGroup errorGroup;
// TODO(nweiz): once there's a global error handler, we should test that it does
// and does not get called at appropriate times. See issue 5958.
// One particular thing we should test that has no tests now is that a stream
// that has a subscription added and subsequently canceled counts as having no
// listeners.
main() {
group('with no futures or streams', () {
setUp(() {
errorGroup = new ErrorGroup();
test('should pass signaled errors to .done', () {
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
test("shouldn't allow additional futures or streams once an error has been "
"signaled", () {
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
expect(() => errorGroup.registerFuture(new Future.immediate(null)),
expect(() => errorGroup.registerStream(new StreamController().stream),
group('with a single future', () {
Completer completer;
Future future;
setUp(() {
errorGroup = new ErrorGroup();
completer = new Completer();
future = errorGroup.registerFuture(completer.future);
test('should pass through a value from the future', () {
expect(future, completion(equals('value')));
expect(errorGroup.done, completes);
test("shouldn't allow additional futures or streams once .done has "
"been called", () {
expect(() => errorGroup.registerFuture(new Future.immediate(null)),
expect(() => errorGroup.registerStream(new StreamController().stream),
test('should pass through an exception from the future if it has a '
'listener', () {
expect(future, throwsFormatException);
// errorGroup shouldn't top-level the exception
completer.completeError(new FormatException());
test('should notify the error group of an exception from the future even '
'if it has a listener', () {
expect(future, throwsFormatException);
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
completer.completeError(new FormatException());
test('should pass a signaled exception to the future if it has a listener '
'and should ignore a subsequent value from that future', () {
expect(future, throwsFormatException);
// errorGroup shouldn't top-level the exception
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
test('should pass a signaled exception to the future if it has a listener '
'and should ignore a subsequent exception from that future', () {
expect(future, throwsFormatException);
// errorGroup shouldn't top-level the exception
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
completer.completeError(new ArgumentError());
test('should notify the error group of a signaled exception even if the '
'future has a listener', () {
expect(future, throwsFormatException);
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
test("should complete .done if the future receives a value even if the "
"future doesn't have a listener", () {
expect(errorGroup.done, completes);
// A listener added afterwards should receive the value
expect(errorGroup.done.then((_) => future),
test("should pipe an exception from the future to .done if the future "
"doesn't have a listener", () {
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
completer.completeError(new FormatException());
// A listener added afterwards should receive the exception
expect(errorGroup.done.catchError((_) {
expect(future, throwsFormatException);
}), completes);
test("should pass a signaled exception to .done if the future doesn't have "
"a listener",
() {
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
// A listener added afterwards should receive the exception
expect(errorGroup.done.catchError((_) {
completer.complete('value'); // should be ignored
expect(future, throwsFormatException);
}), completes);
group('with multiple futures', () {
Completer completer1;
Completer completer2;
Future future1;
Future future2;
setUp(() {
errorGroup = new ErrorGroup();
completer1 = new Completer();
completer2 = new Completer();
future1 = errorGroup.registerFuture(completer1.future);
future2 = errorGroup.registerFuture(completer2.future);
test("should pipe exceptions from one future to the other and to "
".complete", () {
expect(future1, throwsFormatException);
expect(future2, throwsFormatException);
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
completer1.completeError(new FormatException());
test("each future should be able to complete with a value "
"independently", () {
expect(future1, completion(equals('value1')));
expect(future2, completion(equals('value2')));
expect(errorGroup.done, completes);
test("shouldn't throw a top-level exception if a future receives an error "
"after the other listened future completes", () {
expect(future1, completion(equals('value')));
expect(future1.then((_) {
// shouldn't cause a top-level exception
completer2.completeError(new FormatException());
}), completes);
test("shouldn't throw a top-level exception if an error is signaled after "
"one listened future completes", () {
expect(future1, completion(equals('value')));
expect(future1.then((_) {
// shouldn't cause a top-level exception
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
}), completes);
group('with a single stream', () {
StreamController controller;
Stream stream;
setUp(() {
errorGroup = new ErrorGroup();
controller = new StreamController.broadcast();
stream = errorGroup.registerStream(;
test('should pass through values from the stream', () {
expect(stream.elementAt(0), completion(equals(1)));
expect(stream.elementAt(1), completion(equals(2)));
expect(errorGroup.done, completes);
test('should pass through an error from the stream if it has a '
'listener', () {
expect(stream.first, throwsFormatException);
// errorGroup shouldn't top-level the exception
controller.addError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
test('should notify the error group of an exception from the stream even '
'if it has a listener', () {
expect(stream.first, throwsFormatException);
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
controller.addError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
test('should pass a signaled exception to the stream if it has a listener '
'and should unsubscribe that stream', () {
expect(stream.first, throwsFormatException);
// errorGroup shouldn't top-level the exception
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
expect(stream.first.catchError((_) {
return stream.isEmpty;
}), completion(isTrue));
test('should notify the error group of a signaled exception even if the '
'stream has a listener', () {
expect(stream.first, throwsFormatException);
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
test("should complete .done when the stream is done even if the stream "
"doesn't have a listener", () {
expect(errorGroup.done, completes);
// A listener added afterwards should see an empty stream, since it's not
// single-subscription
expect(errorGroup.done.then((_) => stream.toList()),
test("should pipe an exception from the stream to .done if the stream "
"doesn't have a listener", () {
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
controller.addError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
// A listener added afterwards should see an empty stream, since it's not
// single-subscription
expect(errorGroup.done.catchError((_) {
controller.add('value'); // should be ignored
return stream.toList();
}), completion(isEmpty));
test("should pass a signaled exception to .done if the stream doesn't "
"have a listener",
() {
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
// A listener added afterwards should receive the exception
expect(errorGroup.done.catchError((_) {
controller.add('value'); // should be ignored
return stream.toList();
}), completion(isEmpty));
group('with a single single-subscription stream', () {
StreamController controller;
Stream stream;
setUp(() {
errorGroup = new ErrorGroup();
controller = new StreamController();
stream = errorGroup.registerStream(;
test("should complete .done when the stream is done even if the stream "
"doesn't have a listener", () {
expect(errorGroup.done, completes);
// A listener added afterwards should receive the value
expect(errorGroup.done.then((_) => stream.toList()),
test("should pipe an exception from the stream to .done if the stream "
"doesn't have a listener", () {
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
controller.addError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
// A listener added afterwards should receive the exception
expect(errorGroup.done.catchError((_) {
controller.add('value'); // should be ignored
expect(stream.first, throwsFormatException);
}), completes);
test("should pass a signaled exception to .done if the stream doesn't "
"have a listener",
() {
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
// A listener added afterwards should receive the exception
expect(errorGroup.done.catchError((_) {
controller.add('value'); // should be ignored
expect(stream.first, throwsFormatException);
}), completes);
group('with multiple streams', () {
StreamController controller1;
StreamController controller2;
Stream stream1;
Stream stream2;
setUp(() {
errorGroup = new ErrorGroup();
controller1 = new StreamController.broadcast();
controller2 = new StreamController.broadcast();
stream1 = errorGroup.registerStream(;
stream2 = errorGroup.registerStream(;
test("should pipe exceptions from one stream to the other and to .done",
() {
expect(stream1.first, throwsFormatException);
expect(stream2.first, throwsFormatException);
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
controller1.addError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
test("each future should be able to emit values independently", () {
expect(stream1.toList(), completion(equals(['value1.1', 'value1.2'])));
expect(stream2.toList(), completion(equals(['value2.1', 'value2.2'])));
expect(errorGroup.done, completes);
test("shouldn't throw a top-level exception if a stream receives an error "
"after the other listened stream completes", () {
expect(stream1.toList(), completion(equals(['value1', 'value2'])));
expect(stream1.toList().then((_) {
// shouldn't cause a top-level exception
controller2.addError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
}), completes);
test("shouldn't throw a top-level exception if an error is signaled after "
"one listened stream completes", () {
expect(stream1.toList(), completion(equals(['value1', 'value2'])));
expect(stream1.toList().then((_) {
// shouldn't cause a top-level exception
errorGroup.signalError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
}), completes);
group('with a stream and a future', () {
StreamController controller;
Stream stream;
Completer completer;
Future future;
setUp(() {
errorGroup = new ErrorGroup();
controller = new StreamController.broadcast();
stream = errorGroup.registerStream(;
completer = new Completer();
future = errorGroup.registerFuture(completer.future);
test("should pipe exceptions from the stream to the future", () {
expect(stream.first, throwsFormatException);
expect(future, throwsFormatException);
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
controller.addError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
test("should pipe exceptions from the future to the stream", () {
expect(stream.first, throwsFormatException);
expect(future, throwsFormatException);
expect(errorGroup.done, throwsFormatException);
completer.completeError(new FormatException());
test("the stream and the future should be able to complete/emit values "
"independently", () {
expect(stream.toList(), completion(equals(['value1.1', 'value1.2'])));
expect(future, completion(equals('value2.0')));
expect(errorGroup.done, completes);
test("shouldn't throw a top-level exception if the stream receives an error "
"after the listened future completes", () {
expect(future, completion(equals('value')));
expect(future.then((_) {
// shouldn't cause a top-level exception
controller.addError(new AsyncError(new FormatException()));
}), completes);
test("shouldn't throw a top-level exception if the future receives an "
"error after the listened stream completes", () {
expect(stream.toList(), completion(equals(['value1', 'value2'])));
expect(stream.toList().then((_) {
// shouldn't cause a top-level exception
completer.completeError(new FormatException());
}), completes);