blob: 1b38913ed9eaedccf757f8d74cb93f1b68823016 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A library for extracting the documentation from the various HTML libraries
* ([dart:html], [dart:svg], [dart:web_audio], [dart:indexed_db]) and saving
* those documentation comments to a JSON file.
library docs;
import '../../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/dart2js_mirror.dart';
import '../../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors.dart';
import '../../../../sdk/lib/_internal/dartdoc/lib/dartdoc.dart';
import '../../../../sdk/lib/_internal/dartdoc/lib/src/json_serializer.dart';
import '../../../../utils/apidoc/lib/metadata.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
/// The various HTML libraries.
const List<String> HTML_LIBRARY_NAMES = const ['dart:html',
* Converts the libraries in [HTML_LIBRARY_NAMES] to a json file at [jsonPath]
* given the library path at [libPath].
* The json output looks like:
* {
* $library_name: {
* $interface_name: {
* comment: "$comment"
* members: {
* $member: [
* [$comment1line1,
* $comment1line2,
* ...],
* ...
* ],
* ...
* }
* },
* ...
* },
* ...
* }
* Completes to `true` if any errors were encountered, `false` otherwise.
Future<bool> convert(Path libPath, Path jsonPath) {
var paths = <Path>[];
for (var libraryName in HTML_LIBRARY_NAMES) {
paths.add(new Path(libraryName));
return analyze(paths, libPath, options: ['--preserve-comments'])
.then((MirrorSystem mirrors) {
var convertedJson = _generateJsonFromLibraries(mirrors);
return _exportJsonToFile(convertedJson, jsonPath);
Future<bool> _exportJsonToFile(Map convertedJson, Path jsonPath) {
return new Future.of(() {
final jsonFile = new File.fromPath(jsonPath);
var writeJson = prettySerialize(convertedJson);
var outputStream = jsonFile.openWrite();
return outputStream.done.then((_) => false);
Map _generateJsonFromLibraries(MirrorSystem mirrors) {
var convertedJson = {};
// Sort the libraries by name (not key).
var sortedLibraries = new List<LibraryMirror>.from(
(e) => HTML_LIBRARY_NAMES.indexOf(e.uri.toString()) >= 0))
..sort((x, y) =>
for (LibraryMirror libMirror in sortedLibraries) {
print('Extracting documentation from ${libMirror.displayName}.');
var libraryJson = {};
var sortedClasses = _sortAndFilterMirrors(
libMirror.classes.values.toList(), ignoreDocsEditable: true);
for (ClassMirror classMirror in sortedClasses) {
var classJson = {};
var sortedMembers = _sortAndFilterMirrors(
var membersJson = {};
for (var memberMirror in sortedMembers) {
var memberDomName = domNames(memberMirror)[0];
var memberComment = _splitCommentsByNewline(
// Remove interface name from Dom Name.
if (memberDomName.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
memberDomName = memberDomName.slice(memberDomName.indexOf('.') + 1);
if (!memberComment.isEmpty) {
membersJson.putIfAbsent(memberDomName, () => memberComment);
// Only include the comment if DocsEditable is set.
var classComment = _splitCommentsByNewline(
if (!classComment.isEmpty &&
findMetadata(classMirror.metadata, 'DocsEditable') != null) {
classJson.putIfAbsent('comment', () => classComment);
if (!membersJson.isEmpty) {
classJson.putIfAbsent('members', () =>
if (!classJson.isEmpty) {
libraryJson.putIfAbsent(domNames(classMirror)[0], () =>
if (!libraryJson.isEmpty) {
convertedJson.putIfAbsent(libMirror.displayName, () =>
return convertedJson;
/// Filter out mirrors that are private, or which are not part of this docs
/// process. That is, ones without the DocsEditable annotation.
/// If [ignoreDocsEditable] is true, relax the restriction on @DocsEditable.
/// This is to account for classes that are defined in a template, but whose
/// members are generated.
List<DeclarationMirror> _sortAndFilterMirrors(List<DeclarationMirror> mirrors,
{ignoreDocsEditable: false}) {
var filteredMirrors = mirrors.where((DeclarationMirror c) =>
!domNames(c).isEmpty &&
!c.displayName.startsWith('_') &&
(!ignoreDocsEditable ? (findMetadata(c.metadata, 'DocsEditable') != null)
: true))
filteredMirrors.sort((x, y) =>
return filteredMirrors;
List<String> _splitCommentsByNewline(List<String> comments) {
var out = [];
comments.forEach((c) {
out.addAll(c.split(new RegExp('\n')));
return out;
/// Given the class mirror, returns the names found or an empty list.
List<String> domNames(DeclarationMirror mirror) {
var domNameMetadata = findMetadata(mirror.metadata, 'DomName');
if (domNameMetadata != null) {
var domNames = <String>[];
var tags = deprecatedFutureValue(domNameMetadata.getField('name'));
for (var s in tags.reflectee.split(',')) {
if (domNames.length == 1 && domNames[0] == 'none') return <String>[];
return domNames;
} else {
return <String>[];