blob: a0f5ffc3e41f8ee66f41e12c881518197ec52713 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A library for writing dart unit tests.
* To import this library, install the
* [unittest package]( via the pub
* package manager. See the [Getting Started](
* guide for more details.
* ##Concepts##
* * __Tests__: Tests are specified via the top-level function [test], they can be
* organized together using [group].
* * __Checks__: Test expectations can be specified via [expect]
* * __Matchers__: [expect] assertions are written declaratively using the
* [Matcher] class.
* * __Configuration__: The framework can be adapted by calling [configure] with a
* [Configuration]. See the other libraries in the `unittest` package for
* alternative implementations of [Configuration] including
* `compact_vm_config.dart`, `html_config.dart` and
* `html_enhanced_config.dart`.
* ##Examples##
* A trivial test:
* import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
* main() {
* test('this is a test', () {
* int x = 2 + 3;
* expect(x, equals(5));
* });
* }
* Multiple tests:
* import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
* main() {
* test('this is a test', () {
* int x = 2 + 3;
* expect(x, equals(5));
* });
* test('this is another test', () {
* int x = 2 + 3;
* expect(x, equals(5));
* });
* }
* Multiple tests, grouped by category:
* import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
* main() {
* group('group A', () {
* test('test A.1', () {
* int x = 2 + 3;
* expect(x, equals(5));
* });
* test('test A.2', () {
* int x = 2 + 3;
* expect(x, equals(5));
* });
* });
* group('group B', () {
* test('this B.1', () {
* int x = 2 + 3;
* expect(x, equals(5));
* });
* });
* }
* Asynchronous tests: if callbacks expect between 0 and 2 positional arguments,
* depending on the suffix of expectAsyncX(). expectAsyncX() will wrap a
* function into a new callback and will not consider the test complete until
* that callback is run. A count argument can be provided to specify the number
* of times the callback should be called (the default is 1).
* import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
* import 'dart:isolate';
* main() {
* test('callback is executed once', () {
* // wrap the callback of an asynchronous call with [expectAsync0] if
* // the callback takes 0 arguments...
* var timer = {
* int x = 2 + 3;
* expect(x, equals(5));
* }));
* });
* test('callback is executed twice', () {
* var callback = expectAsync0(() {
* int x = 2 + 3;
* expect(x, equals(5));
* }, count: 2); // <-- we can indicate multiplicity to [expectAsync0]
* });
* }
* expectAsyncX() will wrap the callback code in a try/catch handler to handle
* exceptions (treated as test failures). There may be times when the number of
* times a callback should be called is non-deterministic. In this case a dummy
* callback can be created with expectAsync0((){}) and this can be called from
* the real callback when it is finally complete. In this case the body of the
* callback should be protected within a call to guardAsync(); this will ensure
* that exceptions are properly handled.
* A variation on this is expectAsyncUntilX(), which takes a callback as the
* first parameter and a predicate function as the second parameter; after each
* time * the callback is called, the predicate function will be called; if it
* returns false the test will still be considered incomplete.
* Test functions can return [Future]s, which provide another way of doing
* asynchronous tests. The test framework will handle exceptions thrown by
* the Future, and will advance to the next test when the Future is complete.
* It is still important to use expectAsync/guardAsync with any parts of the
* test that may be invoked from a top level context (for example, with
*], as the Future exception handler may not capture exceptions
* in such code.
* Note: due to some language limitations we have to use different functions
* depending on the number of positional arguments of the callback. In the
* future, we plan to expose a single `expectAsync` function that can be used
* regardless of the number of positional arguments. This requires new langauge
* features or fixes to the current spec (e.g. see
* [Issue 2706](
* Meanwhile, we plan to add this alternative API for callbacks of more than 2
* arguments or that take named parameters. (this is not implemented yet,
* but will be coming here soon).
* import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
* import 'dart:isolate';
* main() {
* test('callback is executed', () {
* // indicate ahead of time that an async callback is expected.
* var async = startAsync();
* {
* // Guard the body of the callback, so errors are propagated
* // correctly.
* guardAsync(() {
* int x = 2 + 3;
* expect(x, equals(5));
* });
* // indicate that the asynchronous callback was invoked.
* async.complete();
* });
* });
* }
library unittest;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'matcher.dart';
export 'matcher.dart';
// TODO(amouravski): We should not need to import mock here, but it's necessary
// to enable dartdoc on the mock library, as it's not picked up normally.
import 'mock.dart';
part 'src/config.dart';
part 'src/test_case.dart';
Configuration _config;
/** [Configuration] used by the unittest library. */
Configuration get unittestConfiguration => _config;
* Sets the [Configuration] used by the unittest library.
* Throws a [StateError] if there is an existing, incompatible value.
void set unittestConfiguration(Configuration value) {
if(!identical(_config, value)) {
if(_config != null) {
throw new StateError('unittestConfiguration has already been set');
_config = value;
void logMessage(String message) => _config.logMessage(message);
* Description text of the current test group. If multiple groups are nested,
* this will contain all of their text concatenated.
String _currentGroup = '';
/** Separator used between group names and test names. */
String groupSep = ' ';
/** Tests executed in this suite. */
final List<TestCase> _testCases = new List<TestCase>();
/** Get the list of tests. */
final List<TestCase> testCases = new UnmodifiableListView(_testCases);
/** Setup function called before each test in a group */
Function _testSetup;
/** Teardown function called after each test in a group */
Function _testTeardown;
int _currentTestCaseIndex = 0;
/** [TestCase] currently being executed. */
TestCase get currentTestCase =>
(_currentTestCaseIndex >= 0 && _currentTestCaseIndex < _testCases.length)
? _testCases[_currentTestCaseIndex]
: null;
/** Whether the framework is in an initialized state. */
bool _initialized = false;
String _uncaughtErrorMessage = null;
/** Test case result strings. */
// TODO(gram) we should change these constants to use a different string
// (so that writing 'FAIL' in the middle of a test doesn't
// imply that the test fails). We can't do it without also changing
// the testrunner and test.dart though.
const PASS = 'pass';
const FAIL = 'fail';
const ERROR = 'error';
/** If set, then all other test cases will be ignored. */
TestCase _soloTest;
* A map that can be used to communicate state between a test driver
* or main() function and the tests, particularly when these two
* are otherwise independent. For example, a test driver that starts
* an HTTP server and then runs tests that access that server could use
* this as a way of communicating the server port to the tests.
Map testState = {};
* Creates a new test case with the given description and body. The
* description will include the descriptions of any surrounding group()
* calls.
void test(String spec, TestFunction body) {
_testCases.add(new TestCase._internal(_testCases.length + 1, _fullSpec(spec),
* Creates a new test case with the given description and body. The
* description will include the descriptions of any surrounding group()
* calls.
* "solo_" means that this will be the only test that is run. All other tests
* will be skipped. This is a convenience function to let you quickly isolate
* a single test by adding "solo_" before it to temporarily disable all other
* tests.
void solo_test(String spec, TestFunction body) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Support multiple solos. If more than one test is solo-ed,
// all of the solo-ed tests and none of the non-solo-ed ones should run.
if (_soloTest != null) {
throw new Exception('Only one test can be soloed right now.');
_soloTest = new TestCase._internal(_testCases.length + 1, _fullSpec(spec), body);
/** Sentinel value for [_SpreadArgsHelper]. */
class _Sentinel {
const _Sentinel();
/** Simulates spread arguments using named arguments. */
// TODO(sigmund): remove this class and simply use a closure with named
// arguments (if still applicable).
class _SpreadArgsHelper {
final Function callback;
final int minExpectedCalls;
final int maxExpectedCalls;
final Function isDone;
final int testNum;
final String id;
int actualCalls = 0;
TestCase testCase;
bool complete;
static const sentinel = const _Sentinel();
_SpreadArgsHelper(Function callback, int minExpected, int maxExpected,
Function isDone, String id)
: this.callback = callback,
minExpectedCalls = minExpected,
maxExpectedCalls = (maxExpected == 0 && minExpected > 0)
? minExpected
: maxExpected,
this.isDone = isDone,
testNum = _currentTestCaseIndex, = _makeCallbackId(id, callback) {
if (!(_currentTestCaseIndex >= 0 &&
_currentTestCaseIndex < _testCases.length &&
_testCases[_currentTestCaseIndex] != null)) {
print("No valid test, did you forget to run your test inside a call "
"to test()?");
assert(_currentTestCaseIndex >= 0 &&
_currentTestCaseIndex < _testCases.length &&
_testCases[_currentTestCaseIndex] != null);
testCase = _testCases[_currentTestCaseIndex];
if (isDone != null || minExpected > 0) {
complete = false;
} else {
complete = true;
static _makeCallbackId(String id, Function callback) {
// Try to create a reasonable id.
if (id != null) {
return "$id ";
} else {
// If the callback is not an anonymous closure, try to get the
// name.
var fname = callback.toString();
var prefix = "Function '";
var pos = fname.indexOf(prefix);
if (pos > 0) {
pos += prefix.length;
var epos = fname.indexOf("'", pos);
if (epos > 0) {
return "${fname.substring(pos, epos)} ";
return '';
shouldCallBack() {
if (testCase.isComplete) {
// Don't run if the test is done. We don't throw here as this is not
// the current test, but we do mark the old test as having an error
// if it previously passed.
if (testCase.result == PASS) {
'Callback ${id}called ($actualCalls) after test case '
'${testCase.description} has already been marked as '
'${testCase.result}.', '');
return false;
} else if (maxExpectedCalls >= 0 && actualCalls > maxExpectedCalls) {
throw new TestFailure('Callback ${id}called more times than expected '
return true;
after() {
if (!complete) {
if (minExpectedCalls > 0 && actualCalls < minExpectedCalls) return;
if (isDone != null && !isDone()) return;
// Mark this callback as complete and remove it from the testcase
// oustanding callback count; if that hits zero the testcase is done.
complete = true;
invoke([arg0 = sentinel, arg1 = sentinel, arg2 = sentinel,
arg3 = sentinel, arg4 = sentinel]) {
return _guardAsync(() {
if (!shouldCallBack()) {
} else if (arg0 == sentinel) {
return callback();
} else if (arg1 == sentinel) {
return callback(arg0);
} else if (arg2 == sentinel) {
return callback(arg0, arg1);
} else if (arg3 == sentinel) {
return callback(arg0, arg1, arg2);
} else if (arg4 == sentinel) {
return callback(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
} else {
'unittest lib does not support callbacks with more than'
' 4 arguments.',
after, testNum);
invoke0() {
return _guardAsync(
() {
if (shouldCallBack()) {
return callback();
after, testNum);
invoke1(arg1) {
return _guardAsync(
() {
if (shouldCallBack()) {
return callback(arg1);
after, testNum);
invoke2(arg1, arg2) {
return _guardAsync(
() {
if (shouldCallBack()) {
return callback(arg1, arg2);
after, testNum);
* Indicate that [callback] is expected to be called a [count] number of times
* (by default 1). The unittest framework will wait for the callback to run the
* specified [count] times before it continues with the following test. Using
* [_expectAsync] will also ensure that errors that occur within [callback] are
* tracked and reported. [callback] should take between 0 and 4 positional
* arguments (named arguments are not supported here). [id] can be used
* to provide more descriptive error messages if the callback is called more
* often than expected.
Function _expectAsync(Function callback,
{int count: 1, int max: 0, String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, count, max, null, id).invoke;
* Indicate that [callback] is expected to be called a [count] number of times
* (by default 1). The unittest framework will wait for the callback to run the
* specified [count] times before it continues with the following test. Using
* [expectAsync0] will also ensure that errors that occur within [callback] are
* tracked and reported. [callback] should take 0 positional arguments (named
* arguments are not supported). [id] can be used to provide more
* descriptive error messages if the callback is called more often than
* expected. [max] can be used to specify an upper bound on the number of
* calls; if this is exceeded the test will fail (or be marked as in error if
* it was already complete). A value of 0 for [max] (the default) will set
* the upper bound to the same value as [count]; i.e. the callback should be
* called exactly [count] times. A value of -1 for [max] will mean no upper
* bound.
// TODO(sigmund): deprecate this API when issue 2706 is fixed.
Function expectAsync0(Function callback,
{int count: 1, int max: 0, String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, count, max, null, id).invoke0;
/** Like [expectAsync0] but [callback] should take 1 positional argument. */
// TODO(sigmund): deprecate this API when issue 2706 is fixed.
Function expectAsync1(Function callback,
{int count: 1, int max: 0, String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, count, max, null, id).invoke1;
/** Like [expectAsync0] but [callback] should take 2 positional arguments. */
// TODO(sigmund): deprecate this API when issue 2706 is fixed.
Function expectAsync2(Function callback,
{int count: 1, int max: 0, String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, count, max, null, id).invoke2;
* Indicate that [callback] is expected to be called until [isDone] returns
* true. The unittest framework checks [isDone] after each callback and only
* when it returns true will it continue with the following test. Using
* [expectAsyncUntil] will also ensure that errors that occur within
* [callback] are tracked and reported. [callback] should take between 0 and
* 4 positional arguments (named arguments are not supported). [id] can be
* used to identify the callback in error messages (for example if it is called
* after the test case is complete).
Function _expectAsyncUntil(Function callback, Function isDone, {String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, 0, -1, isDone, id).invoke;
* Indicate that [callback] is expected to be called until [isDone] returns
* true. The unittest framework check [isDone] after each callback and only
* when it returns true will it continue with the following test. Using
* [expectAsyncUntil0] will also ensure that errors that occur within
* [callback] are tracked and reported. [callback] should take 0 positional
* arguments (named arguments are not supported). [id] can be used to
* identify the callback in error messages (for example if it is called
* after the test case is complete).
// TODO(sigmund): deprecate this API when issue 2706 is fixed.
Function expectAsyncUntil0(Function callback, Function isDone, {String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, 0, -1, isDone, id).invoke0;
* Like [expectAsyncUntil0] but [callback] should take 1 positional argument.
// TODO(sigmund): deprecate this API when issue 2706 is fixed.
Function expectAsyncUntil1(Function callback, Function isDone, {String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, 0, -1, isDone, id).invoke1;
* Like [expectAsyncUntil0] but [callback] should take 2 positional arguments.
// TODO(sigmund): deprecate this API when issue 2706 is fixed.
Function expectAsyncUntil2(Function callback, Function isDone, {String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, 0, -1, isDone, id).invoke2;
* Wraps the [callback] in a new function and returns that function. The new
* function will be able to handle exceptions by directing them to the correct
* test. This is thus similar to expectAsync0. Use it to wrap any callbacks that
* might optionally be called but may never be called during the test.
* [callback] should take between 0 and 4 positional arguments (named arguments
* are not supported). [id] can be used to identify the callback in error
* messages (for example if it is called after the test case is complete).
Function _protectAsync(Function callback, {String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, 0, -1, null, id).invoke;
* Wraps the [callback] in a new function and returns that function. The new
* function will be able to handle exceptions by directing them to the correct
* test. This is thus similar to expectAsync0. Use it to wrap any callbacks that
* might optionally be called but may never be called during the test.
* [callback] should take 0 positional arguments (named arguments are not
* supported). [id] can be used to identify the callback in error
* messages (for example if it is called after the test case is complete).
// TODO(sigmund): deprecate this API when issue 2706 is fixed.
Function protectAsync0(Function callback, {String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, 0, -1, null, id).invoke0;
* Like [protectAsync0] but [callback] should take 1 positional argument.
// TODO(sigmund): deprecate this API when issue 2706 is fixed.
Function protectAsync1(Function callback, {String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, 0, -1, null, id).invoke1;
* Like [protectAsync0] but [callback] should take 2 positional arguments.
// TODO(sigmund): deprecate this API when issue 2706 is fixed.
Function protectAsync2(Function callback, {String id}) {
return new _SpreadArgsHelper(callback, 0, -1, null, id).invoke2;
* Creates a new named group of tests. Calls to group() or test() within the
* body of the function passed to this will inherit this group's description.
void group(String description, void body()) {
// Concatenate the new group.
final parentGroup = _currentGroup;
if (_currentGroup != '') {
// Add a space.
_currentGroup = '$_currentGroup$groupSep$description';
} else {
// The first group.
_currentGroup = description;
// Groups can be nested, so we need to preserve the current
// settings for test setup/teardown.
Function parentSetup = _testSetup;
Function parentTeardown = _testTeardown;
try {
_testSetup = null;
_testTeardown = null;
} catch (e, trace) {
var stack = (trace == null) ? '' : ': ${trace.toString()}';
_uncaughtErrorMessage = "${e.toString()}$stack";
} finally {
// Now that the group is over, restore the previous one.
_currentGroup = parentGroup;
_testSetup = parentSetup;
_testTeardown = parentTeardown;
* Register a [setUp] function for a test [group]. This function will
* be called before each test in the group is run. Note that if groups
* are nested only the most locally scoped [setUpTest] function will be run.
* [setUp] and [tearDown] should be called within the [group] before any
* calls to [test]. The [setupTest] function can be asynchronous; in this
* case it must return a [Future].
void setUp(Function setupTest) {
_testSetup = setupTest;
* Register a [tearDown] function for a test [group]. This function will
* be called after each test in the group is run. Note that if groups
* are nested only the most locally scoped [teardownTest] function will be run.
* [setUp] and [tearDown] should be called within the [group] before any
* calls to [test]. The [teardownTest] function can be asynchronous; in this
* case it must return a [Future].
void tearDown(Function teardownTest) {
_testTeardown = teardownTest;
/** Advance to the next test case. */
void _nextTestCase() {
_defer(() {
* Utility function that can be used to notify the test framework that an
* error was caught outside of this library.
void _reportTestError(String msg, String trace) {
if (_currentTestCaseIndex < _testCases.length) {
final testCase = _testCases[_currentTestCaseIndex];
testCase.error(msg, trace);
} else {
_uncaughtErrorMessage = "$msg: $trace";
* Runs [callback] at the end of the event loop. Note that we don't wrap
* the callback in guardAsync; this is for test framework functions which
* should not be throwing unexpected exceptions that end up failing test
* cases! Furthermore, we need the final exception to be thrown but not
* caught by the test framework if any test cases failed. However, tests
* that make use of a similar defer function *should* wrap the callback
* (as we do in unitttest_test.dart).
_defer(void callback()) {
(new Future.immediate(null)).then((_) => callback());
void rerunTests() {
_uncaughtErrorMessage = null;
_initialized = true; // We don't want to reset the test array.
* Filter the tests. [testFilter] can be a [RegExp], a [String] or a
* predicate function. This is different to enabling/disabling tests
* in that it removes the tests completely.
void filterTests(testFilter) {
var filterFunction;
if (testFilter is String) {
RegExp re = new RegExp(testFilter);
filterFunction = (t) => re.hasMatch(t.description);
} else if (testFilter is RegExp) {
filterFunction = (t) => testFilter.hasMatch(t.description);
} else if (testFilter is Function) {
filterFunction = testFilter;
/** Runs all queued tests, one at a time. */
void runTests() {
_currentTestCaseIndex = 0;
_currentGroup = '';
// If we are soloing a test, remove all the others.
if (_soloTest != null) {
filterTests((t) => t == _soloTest);
_defer(() {
* Run [tryBody] guarded in a try-catch block. If an exception is thrown, it is
* passed to the corresponding test.
* The value returned by [tryBody] (if any) is returned by [guardAsync].
guardAsync(Function tryBody) {
return _guardAsync(tryBody, null, _currentTestCaseIndex);
_guardAsync(Function tryBody, Function finallyBody, int testNum) {
assert(testNum >= 0);
try {
return tryBody();
} catch (e, trace) {
_registerException(testNum, e, trace);
} finally {
if (finallyBody != null) finallyBody();
* Registers that an exception was caught for the current test.
void registerException(e, [trace]) {
_registerException(_currentTestCaseIndex, e, trace);
* Registers that an exception was caught for the current test.
void _registerException(testNum, e, [trace]) {
trace = trace == null ? '' : trace.toString();
String message = (e is TestFailure) ? e.message : 'Caught $e';
if (_testCases[testNum].result == null) {
_testCases[testNum].fail(message, trace);
} else {
_testCases[testNum].error(message, trace);
* Runs a batch of tests, yielding whenever an asynchronous test starts
* running. Tests will resume executing when such asynchronous test calls
* [done] or if it fails with an exception.
void _nextBatch() {
while (true) {
if (_currentTestCaseIndex >= _testCases.length) {
final testCase = _testCases[_currentTestCaseIndex];
var f = _guardAsync(testCase._run, null, _currentTestCaseIndex);
if (f != null) {
f.whenComplete(() {
_nextTestCase(); // Schedule the next test.
/** Publish results on the page and notify controller. */
void _completeTests() {
if (!_initialized) return;
int passed = 0;
int failed = 0;
int errors = 0;
for (TestCase t in _testCases) {
switch (t.result) {
case PASS: passed++; break;
case FAIL: failed++; break;
case ERROR: errors++; break;
_config.onSummary(passed, failed, errors, _testCases, _uncaughtErrorMessage);
_config.onDone(passed > 0 && failed == 0 && errors == 0 &&
_uncaughtErrorMessage == null);
_initialized = false;
String _fullSpec(String spec) {
if (spec == null) return '$_currentGroup';
return _currentGroup != '' ? '$_currentGroup$groupSep$spec' : spec;
* Lazily initializes the test library if not already initialized.
void ensureInitialized() {
if (_initialized) {
_initialized = true;
// Hook our async guard into the matcher library.
wrapAsync = (f, [id]) => expectAsync1(f, id: id);
_uncaughtErrorMessage = null;
if (_config == null) {
unittestConfiguration = new Configuration();
if (_config.autoStart) {
// Immediately queue the suite up. It will run after a timeout (i.e. after
// main() has returned).
/** Select a solo test by ID. */
void setSoloTest(int id) {
for (var i = 0; i < _testCases.length; i++) {
if (_testCases[i].id == id) {
_soloTest = _testCases[i];
/** Enable/disable a test by ID. */
void _setTestEnabledState(int testId, bool state) {
// Try fast path first.
if (_testCases.length > testId && _testCases[testId].id == testId) {
_testCases[testId].enabled = state;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < _testCases.length; i++) {
if (_testCases[i].id == testId) {
_testCases[i].enabled = state;
/** Enable a test by ID. */
void enableTest(int testId) => _setTestEnabledState(testId, true);
/** Disable a test by ID. */
void disableTest(int testId) => _setTestEnabledState(testId, false);
/** Signature for a test function. */
typedef dynamic TestFunction();