blob: f934baab1f7b7201a362a877d519daa13b3f6642 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.text_serializer_from_kernel_nodes_test;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/text/serializer_combinators.dart';
import 'package:kernel/text/text_reader.dart';
import 'package:kernel/text/text_serializer.dart';
void main() {
// Wrappers for testing.
Expression readExpression(
String input, DeserializationEnvironment environment) {
TextIterator stream = new TextIterator(input, 0);
Expression result = expressionSerializer.readFrom(stream, environment);
if (stream.moveNext()) {
throw StateError("extra cruft in basic literal");
return result;
String writeExpression(
Expression expression, SerializationEnvironment environment) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
expressionSerializer.writeTo(buffer, expression, environment);
return buffer.toString();
class TestCase {
final String name;
final Node node;
final SerializationEnvironment serializationEnvironment;
final DeserializationEnvironment deserializationEnvironment;
final String expectation;
void test() {
List<String> failures = [];
List<TestCase> tests = <TestCase>[
new TestCase(
name: "let dynamic x = 42 in x",
node: () {
VariableDeclaration x = new VariableDeclaration("x",
type: const DynamicType(), initializer: new IntLiteral(42));
return new Let(x, new VariableGet(x));
"(let (var \"x^0\" (dynamic) (int 42) ()) (get-var \"x^0\" _))"),
new TestCase(
name: "let dynamic x = 42 in let Bottom x^0 = null in x",
node: () {
VariableDeclaration outterLetVar = new VariableDeclaration("x",
type: const DynamicType(), initializer: new IntLiteral(42));
VariableDeclaration innerLetVar = new VariableDeclaration("x",
type: const BottomType(), initializer: new NullLiteral());
return new Let(outterLetVar,
new Let(innerLetVar, new VariableGet(outterLetVar)));
expectation: ""
"(let (var \"x^0\" (dynamic) (int 42) ())"
" (let (var \"x^1\" (bottom) (null) ())"
" (get-var \"x^0\" _)))"),
new TestCase(
name: "let dynamic x = 42 in let Bottom x^0 = null in x^0",
node: () {
VariableDeclaration outterLetVar = new VariableDeclaration("x",
type: const DynamicType(), initializer: new IntLiteral(42));
VariableDeclaration innerLetVar = new VariableDeclaration("x",
type: const BottomType(), initializer: new NullLiteral());
return new Let(
outterLetVar, new Let(innerLetVar, new VariableGet(innerLetVar)));
expectation: ""
"(let (var \"x^0\" (dynamic) (int 42) ())"
" (let (var \"x^1\" (bottom) (null) ())"
" (get-var \"x^1\" _)))"),
() {
VariableDeclaration x =
new VariableDeclaration("x", type: const DynamicType());
return new TestCase(
name: "/* suppose: dynamic x; */ x = 42",
node: () {
return new VariableSet(x, new IntLiteral(42));
expectation: "(set-var \"x^0\" (int 42))",
serializationEnvironment: new SerializationEnvironment(null)
..add(x, "x^0"),
deserializationEnvironment: new DeserializationEnvironment(null)
..add("x^0", x));
for (TestCase testCase in tests) {
String roundTripInput =
writeExpression(testCase.node, testCase.serializationEnvironment);
if (roundTripInput != testCase.expectation) {
'* initial serialization for test "${}"'
' gave output "${roundTripInput}"');
TreeNode deserialized =
readExpression(roundTripInput, testCase.deserializationEnvironment);
String roundTripOutput =
writeExpression(deserialized, testCase.serializationEnvironment);
if (roundTripOutput != roundTripInput) {
'* input "${}" gave output "${roundTripOutput}"');
if (failures.isNotEmpty) {
print('Round trip failures:');
throw StateError('Round trip failures');