blob: 4b34e70b51703b274e40522390f0d4ebd21bab72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.serializer_combinators;
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import '../ast.dart' show Node;
import 'text_serializer.dart' show Tagger;
class DeserializationEnvironment<T extends Node> {
final Map<String, T> locals = <String, T>{};
final DeserializationEnvironment<T> parent;
final Set<String> usedNames = new Set<String>();
DeserializationEnvironment(this.parent) {
if (parent != null) {
T lookup(String name) => locals[name] ?? parent?.lookup(name);
T add(String name, T node) {
if (usedNames.contains(name)) {
throw StateError("name '$name' is already declared in this scope");
return locals[name] = node;
class SerializationEnvironment<T extends Node> {
final Map<T, String> locals = new Map<T, String>.identity();
int nameCount;
final SerializationEnvironment<T> parent;
static const String separator = "^";
static final int codeOfZero = "0".codeUnitAt(0);
static final int codeOfNine = "9".codeUnitAt(0);
SerializationEnvironment(this.parent) {
nameCount = (parent?.nameCount ?? 0);
String lookup(T node) => locals[node] ?? parent?.lookup(node);
String add(T node, String name) {
int prefixLength = name.length - 1;
bool isOnlyDigits = true;
while (prefixLength >= 0 && name[prefixLength] != separator) {
int code = name.codeUnitAt(prefixLength);
isOnlyDigits = isOnlyDigits && (codeOfZero <= code && code <= codeOfNine);
if (prefixLength < 0 || !isOnlyDigits) {
prefixLength = name.length;
String prefix = name.substring(0, prefixLength);
return locals[node] = "$prefix$separator${nameCount++}";
abstract class TextSerializer<T> {
const TextSerializer();
T readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment environment);
void writeTo(
StringBuffer buffer, T object, SerializationEnvironment environment);
/// True if this serializer/deserializer writes/reads nothing. This is true
/// for the serializer [Nothing] and also some serializers derived from it.
bool get isEmpty => false;
class Nothing extends TextSerializer<void> {
const Nothing();
void readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment _) {}
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, void ignored, SerializationEnvironment _) {}
bool get isEmpty => true;
class DartString extends TextSerializer<String> {
const DartString();
String readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment _) {
if (stream.current is! String) {
throw StateError("expected an atom, found a list");
String result = json.decode(stream.current);
return result;
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, String object, SerializationEnvironment _) {
class DartInt extends TextSerializer<int> {
const DartInt();
int readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment _) {
if (stream.current is! String) {
throw StateError("expected an atom, found a list");
int result = int.parse(stream.current);
return result;
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, int object, SerializationEnvironment _) {
class DartDouble extends TextSerializer<double> {
const DartDouble();
double readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment _) {
if (stream.current is! String) {
throw StateError("expected an atom, found a list");
double result = double.parse(stream.current);
return result;
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, double object, SerializationEnvironment _) {
class DartBool extends TextSerializer<bool> {
const DartBool();
bool readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment _) {
if (stream.current is! String) {
throw StateError("expected an atom, found a list");
bool result;
if (stream.current == "true") {
result = true;
} else if (stream.current == "false") {
result = false;
} else {
throw StateError("expected 'true' or 'false', found '${stream.current}'");
return result;
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, bool object, SerializationEnvironment _) {
buffer.write(object ? 'true' : 'false');
// == Serializers for tagged (disjoint) unions.
// They require a function mapping serializables to a tag string. This is
// implemented by Tagger visitors.
// A tagged union of serializer/deserializers.
class Case<T extends Node> extends TextSerializer<T> {
final Tagger<T> tagger;
final List<String> tags;
final List<TextSerializer<T>> serializers;
Case(this.tagger, this.tags, this.serializers);
: tags = [],
serializers = [];
T readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment environment) {
if (stream.current is! Iterator) {
throw StateError("expected list, found atom");
Iterator nested = stream.current;
if (nested.current is! String) {
throw StateError("expected atom, found list");
String tag = nested.current;
for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
if (tags[i] == tag) {
T result = serializers[i].readFrom(nested, environment);
if (nested.moveNext()) {
throw StateError("extra cruft in tagged '${tag}'");
return result;
throw StateError("unrecognized tag '${tag}'");
void writeTo(
StringBuffer buffer, T object, SerializationEnvironment environment) {
String tag = tagger.tag(object);
for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
if (tags[i] == tag) {
if (!serializers[i].isEmpty) {
buffer.write(" ");
serializers[i].writeTo(buffer, object, environment);
throw StateError("unrecognized tag '${tag}");
// A serializer/deserializer that unwraps/wraps nodes before serialization and
// after deserialization.
class Wrapped<S, K> extends TextSerializer<K> {
final S Function(K) unwrap;
final K Function(S) wrap;
final TextSerializer<S> contents;
Wrapped(this.unwrap, this.wrap, this.contents);
K readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment environment) {
return wrap(contents.readFrom(stream, environment));
void writeTo(
StringBuffer buffer, K object, SerializationEnvironment environment) {
contents.writeTo(buffer, unwrap(object), environment);
bool get isEmpty => contents.isEmpty;
class ScopedReference<T extends Node> extends TextSerializer<T> {
final DartString stringSerializer = const DartString();
const ScopedReference();
T readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment environment) {
return environment.lookup(stringSerializer.readFrom(stream, null));
void writeTo(
StringBuffer buffer, T object, SerializationEnvironment environment) {
stringSerializer.writeTo(buffer, environment.lookup(object), null);
// A serializer/deserializer for pairs.
class Tuple2Serializer<T1, T2> extends TextSerializer<Tuple2<T1, T2>> {
final TextSerializer<T1> first;
final TextSerializer<T2> second;
const Tuple2Serializer(this.first, this.second);
Tuple2<T1, T2> readFrom(
Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment environment) {
return new Tuple2(first.readFrom(stream, environment),
second.readFrom(stream, environment));
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, Tuple2<T1, T2> object,
SerializationEnvironment environment) {
first.writeTo(buffer, object.first, environment);
buffer.write(' ');
second.writeTo(buffer, object.second, environment);
class Tuple2<T1, T2> {
final T1 first;
final T2 second;
const Tuple2(this.first, this.second);
class Tuple3Serializer<T1, T2, T3> extends TextSerializer<Tuple3<T1, T2, T3>> {
final TextSerializer<T1> first;
final TextSerializer<T2> second;
final TextSerializer<T3> third;
const Tuple3Serializer(this.first, this.second, this.third);
Tuple3<T1, T2, T3> readFrom(
Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment environment) {
return new Tuple3(
first.readFrom(stream, environment),
second.readFrom(stream, environment),
third.readFrom(stream, environment));
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, Tuple3<T1, T2, T3> object,
SerializationEnvironment environment) {
first.writeTo(buffer, object.first, environment);
buffer.write(' ');
second.writeTo(buffer, object.second, environment);
buffer.write(' ');
third.writeTo(buffer, object.third, environment);
class Tuple3<T1, T2, T3> {
final T1 first;
final T2 second;
final T3 third;
const Tuple3(this.first, this.second, this.third);
class Tuple4Serializer<T1, T2, T3, T4>
extends TextSerializer<Tuple4<T1, T2, T3, T4>> {
final TextSerializer<T1> first;
final TextSerializer<T2> second;
final TextSerializer<T3> third;
final TextSerializer<T4> fourth;
const Tuple4Serializer(this.first, this.second, this.third, this.fourth);
Tuple4<T1, T2, T3, T4> readFrom(
Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment environment) {
return new Tuple4(
first.readFrom(stream, environment),
second.readFrom(stream, environment),
third.readFrom(stream, environment),
fourth.readFrom(stream, environment));
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, Tuple4<T1, T2, T3, T4> object,
SerializationEnvironment environment) {
first.writeTo(buffer, object.first, environment);
buffer.write(' ');
second.writeTo(buffer, object.second, environment);
buffer.write(' ');
third.writeTo(buffer, object.third, environment);
buffer.write(' ');
fourth.writeTo(buffer, object.fourth, environment);
class Tuple4<T1, T2, T3, T4> {
final T1 first;
final T2 second;
final T3 third;
final T4 fourth;
const Tuple4(this.first, this.second, this.third, this.fourth);
// A serializer/deserializer for lists.
class ListSerializer<T> extends TextSerializer<List<T>> {
final TextSerializer<T> elements;
const ListSerializer(this.elements);
List<T> readFrom(
Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment environment) {
if (stream.current is! Iterator) {
throw StateError("expected a list, found an atom");
Iterator<Object> list = stream.current;
List<T> result = [];
while (list.current != null) {
result.add(elements.readFrom(list, environment));
return result;
void writeTo(StringBuffer buffer, List<T> object,
SerializationEnvironment environment) {
for (int i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) {
if (i != 0) buffer.write(' ');
elements.writeTo(buffer, object[i], environment);
class Optional<T> extends TextSerializer<T> {
final TextSerializer<T> contents;
const Optional(this.contents);
T readFrom(Iterator<Object> stream, DeserializationEnvironment environment) {
if (stream.current == '_') {
return null;
return contents.readFrom(stream, environment);
void writeTo(
StringBuffer buffer, T object, SerializationEnvironment environment) {
if (object == null) {
} else {
contents.writeTo(buffer, object, environment);