blob: 79234f847cbf57547006aaf96519b5210685a7ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.cps_ir.optimizers;
* [ShrinkingReducer] applies shrinking reductions to CPS terms as described
* in 'Compiling with Continuations, Continued' by Andrew Kennedy.
class ShrinkingReducer extends PassMixin {
Set<_ReductionTask> _worklist;
static final _DeletedNode _DELETED = new _DeletedNode();
/// Applies shrinking reductions to root, mutating root in the process.
void rewriteExecutableDefinition(ExecutableDefinition root) {
_worklist = new Set<_ReductionTask>();
_RedexVisitor redexVisitor = new _RedexVisitor(_worklist);
// Set all parent pointers.
new ParentVisitor().visit(root);
// Sweep over the term, collecting redexes into the worklist.
// Process the worklist.
while (_worklist.isNotEmpty) {
_ReductionTask task = _worklist.first;
/// Removes the given node from the CPS graph, replacing it with its body
/// and marking it as deleted. The node's parent must be a [[InteriorNode]].
void _removeNode(InteriorNode node) {
Node body = node.body;
InteriorNode parent = node.parent;
assert(parent.body == node);
body.parent = parent;
parent.body = body;
node.parent = _DELETED;
/// Remove a given continuation from the CPS graph. The LetCont itself is
/// removed if the given continuation is the only binding.
void _removeContinuation(Continuation cont) {
LetCont parent = cont.parent;
if (parent.continuations.length == 1) {
assert(cont.parent_index == 0);
} else {
List<Continuation> continuations = parent.continuations;
for (int i = cont.parent_index; i < continuations.length - 1; ++i) {
Continuation current = continuations[i + 1];
continuations[i] = current;
current.parent_index = i;
cont.parent = _DELETED;
void _processTask(_ReductionTask task) {
// Skip tasks for deleted nodes.
if (task.node.parent == _DELETED) {
switch (task.kind) {
case _ReductionKind.DEAD_VAL:
case _ReductionKind.DEAD_CONT:
case _ReductionKind.BETA_CONT_LIN:
case _ReductionKind.ETA_CONT:
case _ReductionKind.DEAD_PARAMETER:
/// Applies the dead-val reduction:
/// letprim x = V in E -> E (x not free in E).
void _reduceDeadVal(_ReductionTask task) {
// Remove dead primitive.
LetPrim letPrim = task.node;;
// Perform bookkeeping on removed body and scan for new redexes.
new _RemovalVisitor(_worklist).visit(letPrim.primitive);
/// Applies the dead-cont reduction:
/// letcont k x = E0 in E1 -> E1 (k not free in E1).
void _reduceDeadCont(_ReductionTask task) {
// Remove dead continuation.
Continuation cont = task.node;
// Perform bookkeeping on removed body and scan for new redexes.
new _RemovalVisitor(_worklist).visit(cont);
/// Applies the beta-cont-lin reduction:
/// letcont k x = E0 in E1[k y] -> E1[E0[y/x]] (k not free in E1).
void _reduceBetaContLin(_ReductionTask task) {
// Might have been mutated, recheck if reduction is still valid.
// In the following example, the beta-cont-lin reduction of k0 could have
// been invalidated by removal of the dead continuation k1:
// letcont k0 x0 = E0 in
// letcont k1 x1 = k0 x1 in
// return x2
if (!_isBetaContLin(task.node)) {
// Remove the continuation.
Continuation cont = task.node;
// Replace its invocation with the continuation body.
InvokeContinuation invoke = cont.firstRef.parent;
InteriorNode invokeParent = invoke.parent;
cont.body.parent = invokeParent;
invokeParent.body = cont.body;
// Substitute the invocation argument for the continuation parameter.
for (int i = 0; i < invoke.arguments.length; i++) {
Reference argRef = invoke.arguments[i];
// Perform bookkeeping on substituted body and scan for new redexes.
new _RemovalVisitor(_worklist).visit(invoke);
/// Applies the eta-cont reduction:
/// letcont k x = j x in E -> E[j/k].
/// If k is unused, degenerates to dead-cont.
void _reduceEtaCont(_ReductionTask task) {
// Might have been mutated, recheck if reduction is still valid.
// In the following example, the eta-cont reduction of k1 could have been
// invalidated by an earlier beta-cont-lin reduction of k0.
// letcont k0 x0 = E0 in
// letcont k1 x1 = k0 x1 in E1
if (!_isEtaCont(task.node)) {
// Remove the continuation.
Continuation cont = task.node;
InvokeContinuation invoke = cont.body;
Continuation wrappedCont = invoke.continuation.definition;
// Replace all occurrences with the wrapped continuation.
// Perform bookkeeping on removed body and scan for new redexes.
new _RemovalVisitor(_worklist).visit(cont);
void _reduceDeadParameter(_ReductionTask task) {
// Continuation eta-reduction can destroy a dead parameter redex. For
// example, in the term:
// let cont k0(v0) = /* v0 is not used */ in
// let cont k1(v1) = k0(v1) in
// call foo () k1
// Continuation eta-reduction of k1 gives:
// let cont k0(v0) = /* v0 is not used */ in
// call foo () k0
// Where the dead parameter reduction is no longer valid because we do not
// allow removing the paramter of call continuations. We disallow such eta
// reductions in [_isEtaCont].
Parameter parameter = task.node;
Continuation continuation = parameter.parent;
int index = parameter.parentIndex;
// Remove the index'th argument from each invocation.
Reference<Continuation> current = continuation.firstRef;
while (current != null) {
InvokeContinuation invoke = current.parent;
Reference<Primitive> argument = invoke.arguments[index];
// Removing an argument can create a dead parameter or dead value redex.
if (argument.definition is Parameter) {
if (_isDeadParameter(argument.definition)) {
_worklist.add(new _ReductionTask(_ReductionKind.DEAD_PARAMETER,
} else {
Node parent = argument.definition.parent;
if (parent is LetPrim) {
if (_isDeadVal(parent)) {
_worklist.add(new _ReductionTask(_ReductionKind.DEAD_VAL, parent));
current =;
// Copy the parameters above index down.
List<Parameter> parameters = continuation.parameters;
for (int i = index; i < parameters.length - 1; ++i) {
Parameter p = parameters[i + 1];
parameters[i] = p;
p.parentIndex = i;
// Removing an unused parameter can create an eta-redex.
if (_isEtaCont(continuation)) {
_worklist.add(new _ReductionTask(_ReductionKind.ETA_CONT, continuation));
/// Returns true iff the bound primitive is unused.
bool _isDeadVal(LetPrim node) => !node.primitive.hasAtLeastOneUse;
/// Returns true iff the continuation is unused.
bool _isDeadCont(Continuation cont) {
return !cont.isReturnContinuation && !cont.hasAtLeastOneUse;
/// Returns true iff the continuation has a body (i.e., it is not the return
/// continuation), it is used exactly once, and that use is as the continuation
/// of a continuation invocation.
bool _isBetaContLin(Continuation cont) {
// There is a restriction on continuation eta-redexes that the body is not an
// invocation of the return continuation, because that leads to worse code
// when translating back to direct style (it duplicates returns). There is no
// such restriction here because continuation beta-reduction is only performed
// for singly referenced continuations. Thus, there is no possibility of code
// duplication.
if (cont.isReturnContinuation || !cont.hasExactlyOneUse) {
return false;
if (cont.firstRef.parent is! InvokeContinuation) return false;
InvokeContinuation invoke = cont.firstRef.parent;
if (cont != invoke.continuation.definition) return false;
// Beta-reduction will move the continuation's body to its unique invocation
// site. This is not safe if the body is moved into an exception handler
// binding.
Node current = invoke.parent;
while (current != cont.parent) {
if (current is LetHandler) return false;
current = current.parent;
return true;
/// Returns true iff the continuation consists of a continuation
/// invocation, passing on all parameters. Special cases exist (see below).
bool _isEtaCont(Continuation cont) {
if (cont.isReturnContinuation || cont.body is! InvokeContinuation) {
return false;
InvokeContinuation invoke = cont.body;
Continuation invokedCont = invoke.continuation.definition;
// Do not eta-reduce return join-points since the direct-style code is worse
// in the common case (i.e. returns are moved inside `if` branches).
if (invokedCont.isReturnContinuation) {
return false;
// Do not perform reductions replace a function call continuation with a
// non-call continuation. The invoked continuation is definitely not a call
// continuation, because it has a direct invocation in this continuation's
// body.
bool isCallContinuation(Continuation continuation) {
Reference<Continuation> current = cont.firstRef;
while (current != null) {
if (current.parent is InvokeContinuation) {
InvokeContinuation invoke = current.parent;
if (invoke.continuation.definition == continuation) return false;
current =;
return true;
if (isCallContinuation(cont)) {
return false;
// Translation to direct style generates different statements for recursive
// and non-recursive invokes. It should still be possible to apply eta-cont if
// this is not a self-invocation.
// TODO(kmillikin): Remove this restriction if it makes sense to do so.
if (invoke.isRecursive) {
return false;
// If cont has more parameters than the invocation has arguments, the extra
// parameters will be dead and dead-parameter will eventually create the
// eta-redex if possible.
// If the invocation's arguments are simply a permutation of cont's
// parameters, then there is likewise a possible reduction that involves
// rewriting the invocations of cont. We are missing that reduction here.
// If cont has fewer parameters than the invocation has arguments then a
// reduction would still possible, since the extra invocation arguments must
// be in scope at all the invocations of cont. For example:
// let cont k1(x1) = k0(x0, x1) in E -eta-> E'
// where E' has k0(x0, v) substituted for each k1(v).
// HOWEVER, adding continuation parameters is unlikely to be an optimization
// since it duplicates assignments used in direct-style to implement parameter
// passing.
// TODO(kmillikin): find real occurrences of these patterns, and see if they
// can be optimized.
if (cont.parameters.length != invoke.arguments.length) {
return false;
// TODO(jgruber): Linear in the parameter count. Can be improved to near
// constant time by using union-find data structure.
for (int i = 0; i < cont.parameters.length; i++) {
if (invoke.arguments[i].definition != cont.parameters[i]) {
return false;
return true;
bool _isDeadParameter(Parameter parameter) {
// We cannot remove function parameters as an intraprocedural optimization.
if (parameter.parent is! Continuation || parameter.hasAtLeastOneUse) {
return false;
// We cannot remove exception handler parameters, they have a fixed arity
// of two.
if (parameter.parent.parent is LetHandler) {
return false;
// We cannot remove the parameter to a call continuation, because the
// resulting expression will not be well-formed (call continuations have
// exactly one argument). The return continuation is a call continuation, so
// we cannot remove its dummy parameter.
Continuation continuation = parameter.parent;
if (continuation.isReturnContinuation) return false;
Reference<Continuation> current = continuation.firstRef;
while (current != null) {
if (current.parent is! InvokeContinuation) return false;
InvokeContinuation invoke = current.parent;
if (invoke.continuation.definition != continuation) return false;
current =;
return true;
/// Traverses a term and adds any found redexes to the worklist.
class _RedexVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor {
final Set<_ReductionTask> worklist;
void processLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
if (_isDeadVal(node)) {
worklist.add(new _ReductionTask(_ReductionKind.DEAD_VAL, node));
void processContinuation(Continuation node) {
// While it would be nice to remove exception handlers that are provably
// unnecessary (e.g., the body cannot throw), that takes more sophisticated
// analysis than we do in this pass.
if (node.parent is LetHandler) return;
// Continuation beta- and eta-redexes can overlap, namely when an eta-redex
// is invoked exactly once. We prioritize continuation beta-redexes over
// eta-redexes because some reductions (e.g., dead parameter elimination)
// can destroy a continuation eta-redex. If we prioritized eta- over
// beta-redexes, this would implicitly "create" the corresponding beta-redex
// (in the sense that it would still apply) and the algorithm would not
// detect it.
if (_isDeadCont(node)) {
worklist.add(new _ReductionTask(_ReductionKind.DEAD_CONT, node));
} else if (_isBetaContLin(node)){
worklist.add(new _ReductionTask(_ReductionKind.BETA_CONT_LIN, node));
} else if (_isEtaCont(node)) {
worklist.add(new _ReductionTask(_ReductionKind.ETA_CONT, node));
void processParameter(Parameter node) {
if (_isDeadParameter(node)) {
worklist.add(new _ReductionTask(_ReductionKind.DEAD_PARAMETER, node));
/// Traverses a deleted CPS term, marking nodes that might participate in a
/// redex as deleted and adding newly created redexes to the worklist.
/// Deleted nodes that might participate in a reduction task are marked so that
/// any corresponding tasks can be skipped. Nodes are marked so by setting
/// their parent to the deleted sentinel.
class _RemovalVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor {
final Set<_ReductionTask> worklist;
void processLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
node.parent = ShrinkingReducer._DELETED;
void processContinuation(Continuation node) {
node.parent = ShrinkingReducer._DELETED;
void processReference(Reference reference) {
if (reference.definition is Primitive) {
Primitive primitive = reference.definition;
Node parent = primitive.parent;
// The parent might be the deleted sentinel, or it might be a
// Continuation or FunctionDefinition if the primitive is an argument.
if (parent is LetPrim && _isDeadVal(parent)) {
worklist.add(new _ReductionTask(_ReductionKind.DEAD_VAL, parent));
} else if (reference.definition is Continuation) {
Continuation cont = reference.definition;
Node parent = cont.parent;
// The parent might be the deleted sentinel, or it might be a
// RunnableBody if the continuation is the return continuation.
if (parent is LetCont) {
if (cont.isRecursive && cont.hasAtMostOneUse) {
// Convert recursive to nonrecursive continuations. If the
// continuation is still in use, it is either dead and will be
// removed, or it is called nonrecursively outside its body.
cont.isRecursive = false;
if (_isDeadCont(cont)) {
worklist.add(new _ReductionTask(_ReductionKind.DEAD_CONT, cont));
} else if (_isBetaContLin(cont)) {
worklist.add(new _ReductionTask(_ReductionKind.BETA_CONT_LIN, cont));
/// Traverses the CPS term and sets node.parent for each visited node.
class ParentVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor {
processFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node) {
node.body.parent = node;
int index = 0;
node.parameters.forEach((Definition parameter) {
parameter.parent = node;
if (parameter is Parameter) parameter.parentIndex = index++;
processRunnableBody(RunnableBody node) {
node.returnContinuation.parent = node;
node.body.parent = node;
processConstructorDefinition(ConstructorDefinition node) {
node.body.parent = node;
int index = 0;
node.parameters.forEach((Definition parameter) {
parameter.parent = node;
if (parameter is Parameter) parameter.parentIndex = index++;
node.initializers.forEach((Initializer i) => i.parent = node);
// Expressions.
processFieldInitializer(FieldInitializer node) {
node.body.body.parent = node;
processSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer node) {
(RunnableBody argument) => argument.body.parent = node);
processLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
node.primitive.parent = node;
node.body.parent = node;
processLetCont(LetCont node) {
int index = 0;
node.continuations.forEach((Continuation continuation) {
continuation.parent = node;
continuation.parent_index = index++;
node.body.parent = node;
processLetHandler(LetHandler node) {
node.handler.parent = node;
node.body.parent = node;
processLetMutable(LetMutable node) {
node.variable.parent = node;
node.value.parent = node;
node.body.parent = node;
processInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
node.arguments.forEach((Reference ref) => ref.parent = node);
node.continuation.parent = node;
processInvokeContinuation(InvokeContinuation node) {
node.continuation.parent = node;
node.arguments.forEach((Reference ref) => ref.parent = node);
processInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
node.receiver.parent = node;
node.continuation.parent = node;
node.arguments.forEach((Reference ref) => ref.parent = node);
processInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) {
node.receiver.parent = node;
node.continuation.parent = node;
node.arguments.forEach((Reference ref) => ref.parent = node);
processInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
node.continuation.parent = node;
node.arguments.forEach((Reference ref) => ref.parent = node);
processConcatenateStrings(ConcatenateStrings node) {
node.continuation.parent = node;
node.arguments.forEach((Reference ref) => ref.parent = node);
processBranch(Branch node) {
node.condition.parent = node;
node.trueContinuation.parent = node;
node.falseContinuation.parent = node;
processTypeOperator(TypeOperator node) {
node.continuation.parent = node;
node.receiver.parent = node;
processSetMutableVariable(SetMutableVariable node) {
node.variable.parent = node;
node.body.parent = node;
node.value.parent = node;
processDeclareFunction(DeclareFunction node) {
node.variable.parent = node;
node.definition.parent = node;
node.body.parent = node;
// Definitions.
processLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
node.values.forEach((Reference ref) => ref.parent = node);
processLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
node.entries.forEach((LiteralMapEntry entry) {
entry.key.parent = node;
entry.value.parent = node;
processCreateFunction(CreateFunction node) {
node.definition.parent = node;
processContinuation(Continuation node) {
if (node.body != null) node.body.parent = node;
int index = 0;
node.parameters.forEach((Parameter parameter) {
parameter.parent = node;
parameter.parentIndex = index++;
// Conditions.
processIsTrue(IsTrue node) {
node.value.parent = node;
// JavaScript specific nodes.
processIdentical(Identical node) {
node.left.parent = node;
node.right.parent = node;
processInterceptor(Interceptor node) {
node.input.parent = node;
processSetField(SetField node) {
node.object.parent = node;
node.value.parent = node;
node.body.parent = node;
processGetField(GetField node) {
node.object.parent = node;
processGetMutableVariable(GetMutableVariable node) {
node.variable.parent = node;
processCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) {
node.arguments.forEach((Reference ref) => ref.parent = node);
processCreateBox(CreateBox node) {
class _ReductionKind {
final String name;
final int hashCode;
const _ReductionKind(, this.hashCode);
static const _ReductionKind DEAD_VAL = const _ReductionKind('dead-val', 0);
static const _ReductionKind DEAD_CONT = const _ReductionKind('dead-cont', 1);
static const _ReductionKind BETA_CONT_LIN =
const _ReductionKind('beta-cont-lin', 2);
static const _ReductionKind ETA_CONT = const _ReductionKind('eta-cont', 3);
static const _ReductionKind DEAD_PARAMETER =
const _ReductionKind('dead-parameter', 4);
String toString() => name;
/// Represents a reduction task on the worklist. Implements both hashCode and
/// operator== since instantiations are used as Set elements.
class _ReductionTask {
final _ReductionKind kind;
final Node node;
int get hashCode {
assert(kind.hashCode < (1 << 3));
return (node.hashCode << 3) | kind.hashCode;
_ReductionTask(this.kind, this.node) {
assert(node is Continuation || node is LetPrim || node is Parameter);
bool operator==(_ReductionTask that) {
return (that.kind == this.kind && that.node == this.node);
String toString() => "$kind: $node";
/// A dummy class used solely to mark nodes as deleted once they are removed
/// from a term.
class _DeletedNode extends Node {
accept(_) => null;