blob: b0bc57c952d98caeae7607b22b66fad27d4a147b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.ir_builder;
import '../constants/expressions.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart' show PrimitiveConstantValue;
import '../dart_types.dart';
import '../dart2jslib.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../io/source_file.dart';
import '../io/source_information.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart' as ast;
import '../scanner/scannerlib.dart' show Token, isUserDefinableOperator;
import '../universe/universe.dart' show SelectorKind;
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart' as ir;
import '../elements/modelx.dart' show SynthesizedConstructorElementX,
ConstructorBodyElementX, FunctionSignatureX;
import '../closure.dart' hide ClosureScope;
import '../closure.dart' as closurelib;
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
part 'cps_ir_builder_visitor.dart';
/// A mapping from variable elements to their compile-time values.
/// Map elements denoted by parameters and local variables to the
/// [ir.Primitive] that is their value. Parameters and locals are
/// assigned indexes which can be used to refer to them.
class Environment {
/// A map from locals to their environment index.
final Map<Local, int> variable2index;
/// A reverse map from environment indexes to the variable.
final List<Local> index2variable;
/// A map from environment indexes to their value.
final List<ir.Primitive> index2value;
: variable2index = <Local, int>{},
index2variable = <Local>[],
index2value = <ir.Primitive>[];
/// Construct an environment that is a copy of another one.
/// The mapping from elements to indexes is shared, not copied.
Environment.from(Environment other)
: variable2index = other.variable2index,
index2variable = new List<Local>.from(other.index2variable),
index2value = new List<ir.Primitive>.from(other.index2value);
get length => index2variable.length;
ir.Primitive operator [](int index) => index2value[index];
void extend(Local element, ir.Primitive value) {
// Assert that the name is not already in the environment. `null` is used
// as the name of anonymous variables. Because the variable2index map is
// shared, `null` can already occur. This is safe because such variables
// are not looked up by name.
// TODO(kmillikin): This is still kind of fishy. Refactor to not share
// name maps or else garbage collect unneeded names.
assert(element == null || !variable2index.containsKey(element));
variable2index[element] = index2variable.length;
ir.Primitive lookup(Local element) {
assert(invariant(element, variable2index.containsKey(element),
message: "Unknown variable: $element."));
return index2value[variable2index[element]];
void update(Local element, ir.Primitive value) {
index2value[variable2index[element]] = value;
/// Verify that the variable2index and index2variable maps agree up to the
/// index [length] exclusive.
bool sameDomain(int length, Environment other) {
assert(this.length >= length);
assert(other.length >= length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
// An index maps to the same variable in both environments.
Local variable = index2variable[i];
if (variable != other.index2variable[i]) return false;
// The variable maps to the same index in both environments.
int index = variable2index[variable];
if (index == null || index != other.variable2index[variable]) {
return false;
return true;
/// A class to collect breaks or continues.
/// When visiting a potential target of breaks or continues, any breaks or
/// continues are collected by a JumpCollector and processed later, on demand.
/// The site of the break or continue is represented by a continuation
/// invocation that will have its target and arguments filled in later.
/// The environment of the builder at that point is captured and should not
/// be subsequently mutated until the jump is resolved.
class JumpCollector {
final JumpTarget target;
final List<ir.InvokeContinuation> _invocations = <ir.InvokeContinuation>[];
final List<Environment> _environments = <Environment>[];
final List<Iterable<LocalVariableElement>> boxedTryVariables =
bool get isEmpty => _invocations.isEmpty;
int get length => _invocations.length;
List<ir.InvokeContinuation> get invocations => _invocations;
List<Environment> get environments => _environments;
void addJump(IrBuilder builder) {
// Unbox all variables that were boxed on entry to try blocks between the
// jump and the target.
for (Iterable<LocalVariableElement> boxedOnEntry in boxedTryVariables) {
for (LocalVariableElement variable in boxedOnEntry) {
ir.Primitive value = builder.buildLocalGet(variable);
builder.environment.update(variable, value);
ir.InvokeContinuation invoke = new ir.InvokeContinuation.uninitialized();
builder._current = null;
// TODO(kmillikin): Can we set builder.environment to null to make it
// less likely to mutate it?
/// Add a set of variables that were boxed on entry to a try block.
/// Jumps from a try block to targets outside have to unbox the variables
/// that were boxed on entry before invoking the target continuation. Call
/// this function before translating a try block and call [leaveTry] after
/// translating it.
void enterTry(Iterable<LocalVariableElement> boxedOnEntry) {
// The boxed variables are maintained as a stack to make leaving easy.
/// Remove the most recently added set of variables boxed on entry to a try
/// block.
/// Call [enterTry] before translating a try block and call this function
/// after translating it.
void leaveTry() {
/// Function for building a node in the context of the current builder.
typedef ir.Node BuildFunction(node);
/// Function for building nodes in the context of the provided [builder].
typedef ir.Node SubbuildFunction(IrBuilder builder);
/// Mixin that provides encapsulated access to nested builders.
abstract class IrBuilderMixin<N> {
IrBuilder _irBuilder;
/// Execute [f] with [builder] as the current builder.
withBuilder(IrBuilder builder, f()) {
assert(builder != null);
IrBuilder prev = _irBuilder;
_irBuilder = builder;
var result = f();
_irBuilder = prev;
return result;
/// The current builder.
IrBuilder get irBuilder {
assert(_irBuilder != null);
return _irBuilder;
/// Visits the [node].
ir.Primitive visit(N node);
/// Builds and returns the [ir.Node] for [node] or returns `null` if
/// [node] is `null`.
ir.Node build(N node) => node != null ? visit(node) : null;
/// Returns a closure that takes an [IrBuilder] and builds [node] in its
/// context using [build].
SubbuildFunction subbuild(N node) {
return (IrBuilder builder) => withBuilder(builder, () => build(node));
/// Returns a closure that takes an [IrBuilder] and builds the sequence of
/// [nodes] in its context using [build].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Type [nodes] as `Iterable<N>` when `NodeList` uses
// `List` instead of `Link`.
SubbuildFunction subbuildSequence(/*Iterable<N>*/ nodes) {
return (IrBuilder builder) {
return withBuilder(builder, () => builder.buildSequence(nodes, build));
/// Shared state between delimited IrBuilders within the same function.
class IrBuilderDelimitedState {
final ConstantSystem constantSystem;
/// A stack of collectors for breaks.
final List<JumpCollector> breakCollectors = <JumpCollector>[];
/// A stack of collectors for continues.
final List<JumpCollector> continueCollectors = <JumpCollector>[];
final List<ConstDeclaration> localConstants = <ConstDeclaration>[];
final ExecutableElement currentElement;
final ir.Continuation returnContinuation = new ir.Continuation.retrn();
final List<ir.Definition> functionParameters = <ir.Definition>[];
IrBuilderDelimitedState(this.constantSystem, this.currentElement);
/// A factory for building the cps IR.
/// [DartIrBuilder] and [JsIrBuilder] implement nested functions and captured
/// variables in different ways.
abstract class IrBuilder {
IrBuilder _makeInstance();
/// A map from TryStatements in the AST to their analysis information.
/// This includes which variables should be copied into [ir.MutableVariable]s
/// on entry to the try and copied out on exit.
Map<ast.TryStatement, TryStatementInfo> get tryStatements;
/// The set of local variables that will spend their lifetime as
/// [ir.MutableVariable]s due to being captured by a nested function.
Set<Local> get mutableCapturedVariables;
/// True if [local] should currently be accessed from a [ir.MutableVariable].
bool isInMutableVariable(Local local);
/// Creates a [ir.MutableVariable] for the given local.
void makeMutableVariable(Local local);
/// Remove an [ir.MutableVariable] for a local.
/// Subsequent access to the local will be direct rather than through the
/// mutable variable. This is used for variables that do not spend their
/// entire lifetime as mutable variables (e.g., variables that are boxed
/// in mutable variables for a try block).
void removeMutableVariable(Local local);
void declareLocalVariable(LocalVariableElement element,
{ir.Primitive initialValue});
ir.Primitive buildLocalGet(LocalElement element);
ir.Primitive buildLocalSet(LocalElement element, ir.Primitive value);
/// Called when entering a nested function with free variables.
/// The free variables must subsequently be accessible using [buildLocalGet]
/// and [buildLocalSet].
void _enterClosureEnvironment(ClosureEnvironment env);
/// Called when entering a function body or loop body.
/// This is not called for for-loops, which instead use the methods
/// [_enterForLoopInitializer], [_enterForLoopBody], and [_enterForLoopUpdate]
/// due to their special scoping rules.
/// The boxed variables declared in this scope must subsequently be available
/// using [buildLocalGet], [buildLocalSet], etc.
void _enterScope(ClosureScope scope);
/// Called before building the initializer of a for-loop.
/// The loop variables will subsequently be declared using
/// [declareLocalVariable].
void _enterForLoopInitializer(ClosureScope scope,
List<LocalElement> loopVariables);
/// Called before building the body of a for-loop.
void _enterForLoopBody(ClosureScope scope,
List<LocalElement> loopVariables);
/// Called before building the update of a for-loop.
void _enterForLoopUpdate(ClosureScope scope,
List<LocalElement> loopVariables);
/// Add the given function parameter to the IR, and bind it in the environment
/// or put it in its box, if necessary.
void _createFunctionParameter(ParameterElement parameterElement);
/// Creates an access to the receiver from the current (or enclosing) method.
/// If inside a closure class, [buildThis] will redirect access through
/// closure fields in order to access the receiver from the enclosing method.
ir.Primitive buildThis();
// TODO(johnniwinther): Make these field final and remove the default values
// when [IrBuilder] is a property of [IrBuilderVisitor] instead of a mixin.
final List<ir.Parameter> _parameters = <ir.Parameter>[];
IrBuilderDelimitedState state;
/// A map from variable indexes to their values.
/// [BoxLocal]s map to their box. [LocalElement]s that are boxed are not
/// in the map; look up their [BoxLocal] instead.
Environment environment;
// The IR builder maintains a context, which is an expression with a hole in
// it. The hole represents the focus where new expressions can be added.
// The context is implemented by 'root' which is the root of the expression
// and 'current' which is the expression that immediately contains the hole.
// Not all expressions have a hole (e.g., invocations, which always occur in
// tail position, do not have a hole). Expressions with a hole have a plug
// method.
// Conceptually, visiting a statement takes a context as input and returns
// either a new context or else an expression without a hole if all
// control-flow paths through the statement have exited. An expression
// without a hole is represented by a (root, current) pair where root is the
// expression and current is null.
// Conceptually again, visiting an expression takes a context as input and
// returns either a pair of a new context and a definition denoting
// the expression's value, or else an expression without a hole if all
// control-flow paths through the expression have exited.
// We do not pass contexts as arguments or return them. Rather we use the
// current context (root, current) as the visitor state and mutate current.
// Visiting a statement returns null; visiting an expression returns the
// primitive denoting its value.
ir.Expression _root = null;
ir.Expression _current = null;
/// Initialize a new top-level IR builder.
void _init(ConstantSystem constantSystem, ExecutableElement currentElement) {
state = new IrBuilderDelimitedState(constantSystem, currentElement);
environment = new Environment.empty();
/// Construct a delimited visitor for visiting a subtree.
/// The delimited visitor has its own compile-time environment mapping
/// local variables to their values, which is initially a copy of the parent
/// environment. It has its own context for building an IR expression, so
/// the built expression is not plugged into the parent's context.
IrBuilder makeDelimitedBuilder() {
return _makeInstance()
..state = state
..environment = new Environment.from(environment);
/// Construct a visitor for a recursive continuation.
/// The recursive continuation builder has fresh parameters (i.e. SSA phis)
/// for all the local variables in the parent, because the invocation sites
/// of the continuation are not all known when the builder is created. The
/// recursive invocations will be passed values for all the local variables,
/// which may be eliminated later if they are redundant---if they take on
/// the same value at all invocation sites.
IrBuilder makeRecursiveBuilder() {
IrBuilder inner = _makeInstance()
..state = state
..environment = new Environment.empty();
return inner;
/// Construct a builder for an inner function.
IrBuilder makeInnerFunctionBuilder(ExecutableElement currentElement) {
return _makeInstance()
..state = new IrBuilderDelimitedState(state.constantSystem, currentElement)
..environment = new Environment.empty();
bool get isOpen => _root == null || _current != null;
void buildFieldInitializerHeader({ClosureScope closureScope}) {
List<ir.Primitive> buildFunctionHeader(Iterable<ParameterElement> parameters,
{ClosureScope closureScope,
ClosureEnvironment env}) {
return _parameters;
/// Creates a parameter for [local] and adds it to the current environment.
ir.Parameter createLocalParameter(Local local) {
ir.Parameter parameter = new ir.Parameter(local);
environment.extend(local, parameter);
return parameter;
/// Adds the constant [variableElement] to the environment with [value] as its
/// constant value.
void declareLocalConstant(LocalVariableElement variableElement,
ConstantExpression value) {
state.localConstants.add(new ConstDeclaration(variableElement, value));
// Plug an expression into the 'hole' in the context being accumulated. The
// empty context (just a hole) is represented by root (and current) being
// null. Since the hole in the current context is filled by this function,
// the new hole must be in the newly added expression---which becomes the
// new value of current.
void add(ir.Expression expr) {
if (_root == null) {
_root = _current = expr;
} else {
_current = _current.plug(expr);
ir.Primitive _continueWithExpression(ir.Expression build(ir.Continuation k)) {
ir.Parameter v = new ir.Parameter(null);
ir.Continuation k = new ir.Continuation([v]);
ir.Expression expression = build(k);
add(new ir.LetCont(k, expression));
return v;
ir.Primitive _buildInvokeStatic(Element element,
Selector selector,
List<ir.Primitive> arguments,
SourceInformation sourceInformation) {
return _continueWithExpression(
(k) => new ir.InvokeStatic(element, selector, k, arguments,
ir.Primitive _buildInvokeSuper(Element target,
Selector selector,
List<ir.Primitive> arguments) {
return _continueWithExpression(
(k) => new ir.InvokeMethodDirectly(
buildThis(), target, selector, k, arguments));
ir.Primitive _buildInvokeDynamic(ir.Primitive receiver,
Selector selector,
List<ir.Primitive> arguments) {
return _continueWithExpression(
(k) => new ir.InvokeMethod(receiver, selector, k, arguments));
ir.Primitive _buildInvokeCall(ir.Primitive target,
Selector selector,
List<ir.Definition> arguments) {
Selector callSelector = new Selector.callClosure(
return _buildInvokeDynamic(target, callSelector, arguments);
/// Create a constant literal from [constant].
ir.Constant buildConstantLiteral(ConstantExpression constant) {
ir.Constant prim = new ir.Constant(constant);
add(new ir.LetPrim(prim));
return prim;
// Helper for building primitive literals.
ir.Constant _buildPrimitiveConstant(PrimitiveConstantValue constant) {
return buildConstantLiteral(new PrimitiveConstantExpression(constant));
/// Create an integer literal.
ir.Constant buildIntegerLiteral(int value) {
return _buildPrimitiveConstant(state.constantSystem.createInt(value));
/// Create an double literal.
ir.Constant buildDoubleLiteral(double value) {
return _buildPrimitiveConstant(state.constantSystem.createDouble(value));
/// Create an bool literal.
ir.Constant buildBooleanLiteral(bool value) {
return _buildPrimitiveConstant(state.constantSystem.createBool(value));
/// Create an null literal.
ir.Constant buildNullLiteral() {
return _buildPrimitiveConstant(state.constantSystem.createNull());
/// Create a string literal.
ir.Constant buildStringLiteral(String value) {
return _buildPrimitiveConstant(
state.constantSystem.createString(new ast.DartString.literal(value)));
/// Creates a non-constant list literal of the provided [type] and with the
/// provided [values].
ir.Primitive buildListLiteral(InterfaceType type,
Iterable<ir.Primitive> values) {
ir.Primitive result = new ir.LiteralList(type, values);
add(new ir.LetPrim(result));
return result;
/// Creates a non-constant map literal of the provided [type] and with the
/// entries build from the [keys] and [values] using [build].
ir.Primitive buildMapLiteral(InterfaceType type,
Iterable keys,
Iterable values,
BuildFunction build) {
List<ir.LiteralMapEntry> entries = <ir.LiteralMapEntry>[];
Iterator key = keys.iterator;
Iterator value = values.iterator;
while (key.moveNext() && value.moveNext()) {
entries.add(new ir.LiteralMapEntry(
build(key.current), build(value.current)));
assert(!key.moveNext() && !value.moveNext());
ir.Primitive result = new ir.LiteralMap(type, entries);
add(new ir.LetPrim(result));
return result;
/// Creates a conditional expression with the provided [condition] where the
/// then and else expression are created through the [buildThenExpression] and
/// [buildElseExpression] functions, respectively.
ir.Primitive buildConditional(
ir.Primitive condition,
ir.Primitive buildThenExpression(IrBuilder builder),
ir.Primitive buildElseExpression(IrBuilder builder)) {
// The then and else expressions are delimited.
IrBuilder thenBuilder = makeDelimitedBuilder();
IrBuilder elseBuilder = makeDelimitedBuilder();
ir.Primitive thenValue = buildThenExpression(thenBuilder);
ir.Primitive elseValue = buildElseExpression(elseBuilder);
// Treat the values of the subexpressions as named values in the
// environment, so they will be treated as arguments to the join-point
// continuation.
assert(environment.length == thenBuilder.environment.length);
assert(environment.length == elseBuilder.environment.length);
thenBuilder.environment.extend(null, thenValue);
elseBuilder.environment.extend(null, elseValue);
JumpCollector jumps = new JumpCollector(null);
ir.Continuation joinContinuation =
createJoin(environment.length + 1, jumps);
// Build the term
// let cont join(x, ..., result) = [] in
// let cont then() = [[thenPart]]; join(v, ...)
// and else() = [[elsePart]]; join(v, ...)
// in
// if condition (then, else)
ir.Continuation thenContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
ir.Continuation elseContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
thenContinuation.body = thenBuilder._root;
elseContinuation.body = elseBuilder._root;
add(new ir.LetCont(joinContinuation,
new ir.LetCont.many(<ir.Continuation>[thenContinuation,
new ir.Branch(new ir.IsTrue(condition),
return (thenValue == elseValue)
? thenValue
: joinContinuation.parameters.last;
* Add an explicit `return null` for functions that don't have a return
* statement on each branch. This includes functions with an empty body,
* such as `foo(){ }`.
void _ensureReturn() {
if (!isOpen) return;
ir.Constant constant = buildNullLiteral();
add(new ir.InvokeContinuation(state.returnContinuation, [constant]));
_current = null;
ir.SuperInitializer makeSuperInitializer(ConstructorElement target,
List<ir.RunnableBody> arguments,
Selector selector) {
return new ir.SuperInitializer(target, arguments, selector);
ir.FieldInitializer makeFieldInitializer(FieldElement element,
ir.RunnableBody body) {
return new ir.FieldInitializer(element, body);
/// Create a [ir.FieldDefinition] for the current [Element] using [_root] as
/// the body using [initializer] as the initial value.
ir.FieldDefinition makeFieldDefinition(ir.Primitive initializer) {
if (initializer == null) {
return new ir.FieldDefinition.withoutInitializer(state.currentElement);
} else {
ir.RunnableBody body = makeRunnableBody(initializer);
return new ir.FieldDefinition(state.currentElement, body);
ir.RunnableBody makeRunnableBody([ir.Primitive value]) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
return new ir.RunnableBody(_root, state.returnContinuation);
/// Create a [ir.FunctionDefinition] for [element] using [_root] as the body.
/// Parameters must be created before the construction of the body using
/// [createFunctionParameter].
ir.FunctionDefinition makeFunctionDefinition(
List<ConstantExpression> defaults) {
FunctionElement element = state.currentElement;
if (element.isAbstract || element.isExternal) {
assert(invariant(element, _root == null,
message: "Non-empty body for abstract method $element: $_root"));
assert(invariant(element, state.localConstants.isEmpty,
message: "Local constants for abstract method $element: "
return new ir.FunctionDefinition.abstract(
element, state.functionParameters, defaults);
} else {
ir.RunnableBody body = makeRunnableBody();
return new ir.FunctionDefinition(
element, state.functionParameters, body,
state.localConstants, defaults);
ir.ConstructorDefinition makeConstructorDefinition(
List<ConstantExpression> defaults, List<ir.Initializer> initializers) {
FunctionElement element = state.currentElement;
if (element.isExternal) {
assert(invariant(element, _root == null,
message: "Non-empty body for external constructor $element: $_root"));
assert(invariant(element, state.localConstants.isEmpty,
message: "Local constants for external constructor $element: "
return new ir.ConstructorDefinition.abstract(
element, state.functionParameters, defaults);
ir.RunnableBody body = makeRunnableBody();
return new ir.ConstructorDefinition(
element, state.functionParameters, body, initializers,
state.localConstants, defaults);
/// Create a super invocation where the method name and the argument structure
/// are defined by [selector] and the argument values are defined by
/// [arguments].
ir.Primitive buildSuperInvocation(Element target,
Selector selector,
List<ir.Primitive> arguments);
/// Create a setter invocation on the super class where the setter name and
/// argument are defined by [selector] and [value], respectively.
void buildSuperSet(Element target, Selector selector, ir.Primitive value) {
buildSuperInvocation(target, selector, [value]);
/// Create an index set invocation on the super class with the provided
/// [index] and [value].
ir.Primitive buildSuperIndexSet(Element target,
ir.Primitive index,
ir.Primitive value) {
_buildInvokeSuper(target, new Selector.indexSet(),
<ir.Primitive>[index, value]);
return value;
/// Create a dynamic invocation on [receiver] where the method name and
/// argument structure are defined by [selector] and the argument values are
/// defined by [arguments].
ir.Primitive buildDynamicInvocation(ir.Primitive receiver,
Selector selector,
List<ir.Primitive> arguments) {
return _buildInvokeDynamic(receiver, selector, arguments);
/// Create a dynamic getter invocation on [receiver] where the getter name is
/// defined by [selector].
ir.Primitive buildDynamicGet(ir.Primitive receiver, Selector selector) {
return _buildInvokeDynamic(receiver, selector, const <ir.Primitive>[]);
/// Create a dynamic setter invocation on [receiver] where the setter name and
/// argument are defined by [selector] and [value], respectively.
ir.Primitive buildDynamicSet(ir.Primitive receiver,
Selector selector,
ir.Primitive value) {
_buildInvokeDynamic(receiver, selector, <ir.Primitive>[value]);
return value;
/// Create a dynamic index set invocation on [receiver] with the provided
/// [index] and [value].
ir.Primitive buildDynamicIndexSet(ir.Primitive receiver,
ir.Primitive index,
ir.Primitive value) {
receiver, new Selector.indexSet(), <ir.Primitive>[index, value]);
return value;
/// Create a static invocation of [element] where argument structure is
/// defined by [selector] and the argument values are defined by [arguments].
ir.Primitive buildStaticInvocation(Element element,
Selector selector,
List<ir.Primitive> arguments,
{SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
return _buildInvokeStatic(element, selector, arguments, sourceInformation);
/// Create a static getter invocation of [element] where the getter name is
/// defined by [selector].
ir.Primitive buildStaticGet(Element element,
Selector selector,
{SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
// TODO(karlklose,sigurdm): build different nodes for getters.
return _buildInvokeStatic(
element, selector, const <ir.Primitive>[], sourceInformation);
/// Create a static setter invocation of [element] where the setter name and
/// argument are defined by [selector] and [value], respectively.
ir.Primitive buildStaticSet(Element element,
Selector selector,
ir.Primitive value,
{SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
// TODO(karlklose,sigurdm): build different nodes for setters.
element, selector, <ir.Primitive>[value], sourceInformation);
return value;
/// Create a constructor invocation of [element] on [type] where the
/// constructor name and argument structure are defined by [selector] and the
/// argument values are defined by [arguments].
ir.Primitive buildConstructorInvocation(FunctionElement element,
Selector selector,
DartType type,
List<ir.Primitive> arguments) {
return _continueWithExpression(
(k) => new ir.InvokeConstructor(type, element, selector, k, arguments));
/// Create a string concatenation of the [arguments].
ir.Primitive buildStringConcatenation(List<ir.Primitive> arguments) {
return _continueWithExpression(
(k) => new ir.ConcatenateStrings(k, arguments));
/// Create an invocation of the `call` method of [functionExpression], where
/// the named arguments are given by [selector].
ir.Primitive buildCallInvocation(
ir.Primitive functionExpression,
Selector selector,
List<ir.Definition> arguments) {
return _buildInvokeCall(functionExpression, selector, arguments);
/// Creates an if-then-else statement with the provided [condition] where the
/// then and else branches are created through the [buildThenPart] and
/// [buildElsePart] functions, respectively.
/// An if-then statement is created if [buildElsePart] is a no-op.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Unify implementation with [buildConditional] and
// [_buildLogicalOperator].
void buildIf(ir.Primitive condition,
void buildThenPart(IrBuilder builder),
void buildElsePart(IrBuilder builder)) {
// The then and else parts are delimited.
IrBuilder thenBuilder = makeDelimitedBuilder();
IrBuilder elseBuilder = makeDelimitedBuilder();
// Build the term
// (Result =) let cont then() = [[thenPart]]
// and else() = [[elsePart]]
// in
// if condition (then, else)
ir.Continuation thenContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
ir.Continuation elseContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
// If exactly one of the then and else continuation bodies is open (i.e.,
// the other one has an exit on all paths), then Continuation.plug expects
// that continuation to be listed first. Arbitrarily use [then, else]
// order otherwise.
List<ir.Continuation> arms = !thenBuilder.isOpen && elseBuilder.isOpen
? <ir.Continuation>[elseContinuation, thenContinuation]
: <ir.Continuation>[thenContinuation, elseContinuation];
ir.Expression result =
new ir.LetCont.many(arms,
new ir.Branch(new ir.IsTrue(condition),
ir.Continuation joinContinuation; // Null if there is no join.
if (thenBuilder.isOpen && elseBuilder.isOpen) {
// There is a join-point continuation. Build the term
// 'let cont join(x, ...) = [] in Result' and plug invocations of the
// join-point continuation into the then and else continuations.
JumpCollector jumps = new JumpCollector(null);
joinContinuation = createJoin(environment.length, jumps);
result = new ir.LetCont(joinContinuation, result);
// The then or else term root could be null, but not both. If there is
// a join then an InvokeContinuation was just added to both of them. If
// there is no join, then at least one of them is closed and thus has a
// non-null root by the definition of the predicate isClosed. In the
// case that one of them is null, it must be the only one that is open
// and thus contains the new hole in the context. This case is handled
// after the branch is plugged into the current hole.
thenContinuation.body = thenBuilder._root;
elseContinuation.body = elseBuilder._root;
if (joinContinuation == null) {
// At least one subexpression is closed.
if (thenBuilder.isOpen) {
if (thenBuilder._root != null) _current = thenBuilder._current;
environment = thenBuilder.environment;
} else if (elseBuilder.isOpen) {
if (elseBuilder._root != null) _current = elseBuilder._current;
environment = elseBuilder.environment;
} else {
_current = null;
void jumpTo(ir.Continuation continuation) {
assert(environment.length >= continuation.parameters.length);
ir.InvokeContinuation jump = new ir.InvokeContinuation.uninitialized();
jump.continuation = new ir.Reference(continuation);
jump.arguments = new List<ir.Reference>.generate(
continuation.parameters.length, (i) {
return new ir.Reference(environment[i]);
_current = null;
/// Invoke a join-point continuation that contains arguments for all local
/// variables.
/// Given the continuation and a list of uninitialized invocations, fill
/// in each invocation with the continuation and appropriate arguments.
void invokeFullJoin(ir.Continuation join,
JumpCollector jumps,
{recursive: false}) {
// TODO(kmillikin): If the JumpCollector collected open IrBuilders instead
// of pairs of invocations and environments, we could use IrBuilder.jumpTo
// here --- the code is almost the same.
join.isRecursive = recursive;
for (int i = 0; i < jumps.length; ++i) {
Environment currentEnvironment = jumps.environments[i];
ir.InvokeContinuation invoke = jumps.invocations[i];
invoke.continuation = new ir.Reference(join);
invoke.arguments = new List<ir.Reference>.generate(
(i) => new ir.Reference(currentEnvironment[i]));
invoke.isRecursive = recursive;
/// Creates a for loop in which the initializer, condition, body, update are
/// created by [buildInitializer], [buildCondition], [buildBody] and
/// [buildUpdate], respectively.
/// The jump [target] is used to identify which `break` and `continue`
/// statements that have this `for` statement as their target.
/// The [closureScope] identifies variables that should be boxed in this loop.
/// This includes variables declared inside the body of the loop as well as
/// in the for-loop initializer.
/// [loopVariables] is the list of variables declared in the for-loop
/// initializer.
void buildFor({SubbuildFunction buildInitializer,
SubbuildFunction buildCondition,
SubbuildFunction buildBody,
SubbuildFunction buildUpdate,
JumpTarget target,
ClosureScope closureScope,
List<LocalElement> loopVariables}) {
// For loops use four named continuations: the entry to the condition,
// the entry to the body, the loop exit, and the loop successor (break).
// The CPS translation of
// [[for (initializer; condition; update) body; successor]] is:
// [[initializer]];
// let cont loop(x, ...) =
// let prim cond = [[condition]] in
// let cont break() = [[successor]] in
// let cont exit() = break(v, ...) in
// let cont body() =
// let cont continue(x, ...) = [[update]]; loop(v, ...) in
// [[body]]; continue(v, ...) in
// branch cond (body, exit) in
// loop(v, ...)
// If there are no breaks in the body, the break continuation is inlined
// in the exit continuation (i.e., the translation of the successor
// statement occurs in the exit continuation). If there is only one
// invocation of the continue continuation (i.e., no continues in the
// body), the continue continuation is inlined in the body.
_enterForLoopInitializer(closureScope, loopVariables);
IrBuilder condBuilder = makeRecursiveBuilder();
ir.Primitive condition = buildCondition(condBuilder);
if (condition == null) {
// If the condition is empty then the body is entered unconditionally.
condition = condBuilder.buildBooleanLiteral(true);
JumpCollector breakCollector = new JumpCollector(target);
JumpCollector continueCollector = new JumpCollector(target);
IrBuilder bodyBuilder = condBuilder.makeDelimitedBuilder();
bodyBuilder._enterForLoopBody(closureScope, loopVariables);
assert(state.breakCollectors.last == breakCollector);
assert(state.continueCollectors.last == continueCollector);
// The binding of the continue continuation should occur as late as
// possible, that is, at the nearest common ancestor of all the continue
// sites in the body. However, that is difficult to compute here, so it
// is instead placed just outside the body of the body continuation.
bool hasContinues = !continueCollector.isEmpty;
IrBuilder updateBuilder = hasContinues
? condBuilder.makeRecursiveBuilder()
: bodyBuilder;
updateBuilder._enterForLoopUpdate(closureScope, loopVariables);
// Create body entry and loop exit continuations and a branch to them.
ir.Continuation bodyContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
ir.Continuation exitContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
// Note the order of continuations: the first one is the one that will
// be filled by LetCont.plug.
ir.LetCont branch =
new ir.LetCont.many(<ir.Continuation>[exitContinuation,
new ir.Branch(new ir.IsTrue(condition),
// If there are breaks in the body, then there must be a join-point
// continuation for the normal exit and the breaks.
bool hasBreaks = !breakCollector.isEmpty;
ir.LetCont letJoin;
if (hasBreaks) {
letJoin = new ir.LetCont(null, branch);
condBuilder._current = branch;
} else {
ir.Continuation continueContinuation;
if (hasContinues) {
// If there are continues in the body, we need a named continue
// continuation as a join point.
continueContinuation = new ir.Continuation(updateBuilder._parameters);
if (bodyBuilder.isOpen) continueCollector.addJump(bodyBuilder);
invokeFullJoin(continueContinuation, continueCollector);
ir.Continuation loopContinuation =
new ir.Continuation(condBuilder._parameters);
if (updateBuilder.isOpen) {
JumpCollector backEdges = new JumpCollector(null);
invokeFullJoin(loopContinuation, backEdges, recursive: true);
// Fill in the body and possible continue continuation bodies. Do this
// only after it is guaranteed that they are not empty.
if (hasContinues) {
continueContinuation.body = updateBuilder._root;
bodyContinuation.body =
new ir.LetCont(continueContinuation,
} else {
bodyContinuation.body = bodyBuilder._root;
loopContinuation.body = condBuilder._root;
add(new ir.LetCont(loopContinuation,
new ir.InvokeContinuation(loopContinuation,
if (hasBreaks) {
_current = branch;
environment = condBuilder.environment;
letJoin.continuations =
<ir.Continuation>[createJoin(environment.length, breakCollector)];
_current = letJoin;
} else {
_current = condBuilder._current;
environment = condBuilder.environment;
/// Creates a for-in loop, `for (v in e) b`.
/// [buildExpression] creates the expression, `e`. The variable, `v`, can
/// take one of three forms:
/// 1) `v` can be declared within the for-in statement, like in
/// `for (var v in e)`, in which case, [buildVariableDeclaration]
/// creates its declaration and [variableElement] is the element for
/// the declared variable,
/// 2) `v` is predeclared statically known variable, that is top-level,
/// static, or local variable, in which case [variableElement] is the
/// variable element, and [variableSelector] defines its write access,
/// 3) `v` is an instance variable in which case [variableSelector]
/// defines its write access.
/// [buildBody] creates the body, `b`, of the loop. The jump [target] is used
/// to identify which `break` and `continue` statements that have this for-in
/// statement as their target.
void buildForIn({SubbuildFunction buildExpression,
SubbuildFunction buildVariableDeclaration,
Element variableElement,
Selector variableSelector,
SubbuildFunction buildBody,
JumpTarget target,
ClosureScope closureScope}) {
// The for-in loop
// for (a in e) s;
// Is compiled analogously to:
// it = e.iterator;
// while (it.moveNext()) {
// var a = it.current;
// s;
// }
// The condition and body are delimited.
IrBuilder condBuilder = makeRecursiveBuilder();
ir.Primitive expressionReceiver = buildExpression(this);
List<ir.Primitive> emptyArguments = new List<ir.Primitive>();
ir.Parameter iterator = new ir.Parameter(null);
ir.Continuation iteratorInvoked = new ir.Continuation([iterator]);
add(new ir.LetCont(iteratorInvoked,
new ir.InvokeMethod(expressionReceiver,
new Selector.getter("iterator", null), iteratorInvoked,
ir.Parameter condition = new ir.Parameter(null);
ir.Continuation moveNextInvoked = new ir.Continuation([condition]);
condBuilder.add(new ir.LetCont(moveNextInvoked,
new ir.InvokeMethod(iterator,
new"moveNext", null, 0),
moveNextInvoked, emptyArguments)));
JumpCollector breakCollector = new JumpCollector(target);
JumpCollector continueCollector = new JumpCollector(target);
IrBuilder bodyBuilder = condBuilder.makeDelimitedBuilder();
if (buildVariableDeclaration != null) {
ir.Parameter currentValue = new ir.Parameter(null);
ir.Continuation currentInvoked = new ir.Continuation([currentValue]);
bodyBuilder.add(new ir.LetCont(currentInvoked,
new ir.InvokeMethod(iterator, new Selector.getter("current", null),
currentInvoked, emptyArguments)));
if (Elements.isLocal(variableElement)) {
bodyBuilder.buildLocalSet(variableElement, currentValue);
} else if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(variableElement)) {
variableElement, variableSelector, currentValue);
} else {
ir.Primitive receiver = bodyBuilder.buildThis();
bodyBuilder.buildDynamicSet(receiver, variableSelector, currentValue);
assert(state.breakCollectors.last == breakCollector);
assert(state.continueCollectors.last == continueCollector);
// Create body entry and loop exit continuations and a branch to them.
ir.Continuation bodyContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
ir.Continuation exitContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
// Note the order of continuations: the first one is the one that will
// be filled by LetCont.plug.
ir.LetCont branch =
new ir.LetCont.many(<ir.Continuation>[exitContinuation,
new ir.Branch(new ir.IsTrue(condition),
// If there are breaks in the body, then there must be a join-point
// continuation for the normal exit and the breaks.
bool hasBreaks = !breakCollector.isEmpty;
ir.LetCont letJoin;
if (hasBreaks) {
letJoin = new ir.LetCont(null, branch);
condBuilder._current = branch;
} else {
ir.Continuation loopContinuation =
new ir.Continuation(condBuilder._parameters);
if (bodyBuilder.isOpen) continueCollector.addJump(bodyBuilder);
loopContinuation, continueCollector, recursive: true);
bodyContinuation.body = bodyBuilder._root;
loopContinuation.body = condBuilder._root;
add(new ir.LetCont(loopContinuation,
new ir.InvokeContinuation(loopContinuation,
if (hasBreaks) {
_current = branch;
environment = condBuilder.environment;
letJoin.continuations =
<ir.Continuation>[createJoin(environment.length, breakCollector)];
_current = letJoin;
} else {
_current = condBuilder._current;
environment = condBuilder.environment;
/// Creates a while loop in which the condition and body are created by
/// [buildCondition] and [buildBody], respectively.
/// The jump [target] is used to identify which `break` and `continue`
/// statements that have this `while` statement as their target.
void buildWhile({SubbuildFunction buildCondition,
SubbuildFunction buildBody,
JumpTarget target,
ClosureScope closureScope}) {
// While loops use four named continuations: the entry to the body, the
// loop exit, the loop back edge (continue), and the loop exit (break).
// The CPS translation of [[while (condition) body; successor]] is:
// let cont continue(x, ...) =
// let prim cond = [[condition]] in
// let cont break() = [[successor]] in
// let cont exit() = break(v, ...) in
// let cont body() = [[body]]; continue(v, ...) in
// branch cond (body, exit) in
// continue(v, ...)
// If there are no breaks in the body, the break continuation is inlined
// in the exit continuation (i.e., the translation of the successor
// statement occurs in the exit continuation).
// The condition and body are delimited.
IrBuilder condBuilder = makeRecursiveBuilder();
ir.Primitive condition = buildCondition(condBuilder);
JumpCollector breakCollector = new JumpCollector(target);
JumpCollector continueCollector = new JumpCollector(target);
IrBuilder bodyBuilder = condBuilder.makeDelimitedBuilder();
assert(state.breakCollectors.last == breakCollector);
assert(state.continueCollectors.last == continueCollector);
// Create body entry and loop exit continuations and a branch to them.
ir.Continuation bodyContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
ir.Continuation exitContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
// Note the order of continuations: the first one is the one that will
// be filled by LetCont.plug.
ir.LetCont branch =
new ir.LetCont.many(<ir.Continuation>[exitContinuation,
new ir.Branch(new ir.IsTrue(condition),
// If there are breaks in the body, then there must be a join-point
// continuation for the normal exit and the breaks.
bool hasBreaks = !breakCollector.isEmpty;
ir.LetCont letJoin;
if (hasBreaks) {
letJoin = new ir.LetCont(null, branch);
condBuilder._current = branch;
} else {
ir.Continuation loopContinuation =
new ir.Continuation(condBuilder._parameters);
if (bodyBuilder.isOpen) continueCollector.addJump(bodyBuilder);
invokeFullJoin(loopContinuation, continueCollector, recursive: true);
bodyContinuation.body = bodyBuilder._root;
loopContinuation.body = condBuilder._root;
add(new ir.LetCont(loopContinuation,
new ir.InvokeContinuation(loopContinuation,
if (hasBreaks) {
_current = branch;
environment = condBuilder.environment;
letJoin.continuations =
<ir.Continuation>[createJoin(environment.length, breakCollector)];
_current = letJoin;
} else {
_current = condBuilder._current;
environment = condBuilder.environment;
/// Create a return statement `return value;` or `return;` if [value] is
/// null.
void buildReturn([ir.Primitive value]) {
// Build(Return(e), C) = C'[InvokeContinuation(return, x)]
// where (C', x) = Build(e, C)
// Return without a subexpression is translated as if it were return null.
if (value == null) {
value = buildNullLiteral();
add(new ir.InvokeContinuation(state.returnContinuation, [value]));
_current = null;
/// Create a blocks of [statements] by applying [build] to all reachable
/// statements. The first statement is assumed to be reachable.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Type [statements] as `Iterable` when `NodeList` uses
// `List` instead of `Link`.
void buildBlock(var statements, BuildFunction build) {
// Build(Block(stamements), C) = C'
// where C' = statements.fold(Build, C)
return buildSequence(statements, build);
/// Creates a sequence of [nodes] by applying [build] to all reachable nodes.
/// The first node in the sequence does not need to be reachable.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Type [nodes] as `Iterable` when `NodeList` uses
// `List` instead of `Link`.
void buildSequence(var nodes, BuildFunction build) {
for (var node in nodes) {
if (!isOpen) return;
// Build(BreakStatement L, C) = C[InvokeContinuation(...)]
// The continuation and arguments are filled in later after translating
// the body containing the break.
bool buildBreak(JumpTarget target) {
return buildJumpInternal(target, state.breakCollectors);
// Build(ContinueStatement L, C) = C[InvokeContinuation(...)]
// The continuation and arguments are filled in later after translating
// the body containing the continue.
bool buildContinue(JumpTarget target) {
return buildJumpInternal(target, state.continueCollectors);
bool buildJumpInternal(JumpTarget target,
Iterable<JumpCollector> collectors) {
for (JumpCollector collector in collectors) {
if (target == {
return true;
return false;
/// Create a negation of [condition].
ir.Primitive buildNegation(ir.Primitive condition) {
// ! e is translated as e ? false : true
// Add a continuation parameter for the result of the expression.
ir.Parameter resultParameter = new ir.Parameter(null);
ir.Continuation joinContinuation = new ir.Continuation([resultParameter]);
ir.Continuation thenContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
ir.Continuation elseContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
ir.Constant makeBoolConstant(bool value) {
return new ir.Constant(new PrimitiveConstantExpression(
ir.Constant trueConstant = makeBoolConstant(true);
ir.Constant falseConstant = makeBoolConstant(false);
thenContinuation.body = new ir.LetPrim(falseConstant)
..plug(new ir.InvokeContinuation(joinContinuation, [falseConstant]));
elseContinuation.body = new ir.LetPrim(trueConstant)
..plug(new ir.InvokeContinuation(joinContinuation, [trueConstant]));
add(new ir.LetCont(joinContinuation,
new ir.LetCont.many(<ir.Continuation>[thenContinuation,
new ir.Branch(new ir.IsTrue(condition),
return resultParameter;
/// Creates a type test or type cast of [receiver] against [type].
/// Set [isTypeTest] to `true` to create a type test and furthermore set
/// [isNotCheck] to `true` to create a negated type test.
ir.Primitive buildTypeOperator(ir.Primitive receiver,
DartType type,
{bool isTypeTest: false,
bool isNotCheck: false}) {
assert(isTypeTest != null);
assert(!isNotCheck || isTypeTest);
ir.Primitive check = _continueWithExpression(
(k) => new ir.TypeOperator(receiver, type, k, isTypeTest: isTypeTest));
return isNotCheck ? buildNegation(check) : check;
/// Create a lazy and/or expression. [leftValue] is the value of the left
/// operand and [buildRightValue] is called to process the value of the right
/// operand in the context of its own [IrBuilder].
ir.Primitive buildLogicalOperator(
ir.Primitive leftValue,
ir.Primitive buildRightValue(IrBuilder builder),
{bool isLazyOr: false}) {
// e0 && e1 is translated as if e0 ? (e1 == true) : false.
// e0 || e1 is translated as if e0 ? true : (e1 == true).
// The translation must convert both e0 and e1 to booleans and handle
// local variable assignments in e1.
IrBuilder rightBuilder = makeDelimitedBuilder();
ir.Primitive rightValue = buildRightValue(rightBuilder);
// A dummy empty target for the branch on the left subexpression branch.
// This enables using the same infrastructure for join-point continuations
// as in visitIf and visitConditional. It will hold a definition of the
// appropriate constant and an invocation of the join-point continuation.
IrBuilder emptyBuilder = makeDelimitedBuilder();
// Dummy empty targets for right true and right false. They hold
// definitions of the appropriate constant and an invocation of the
// join-point continuation.
IrBuilder rightTrueBuilder = rightBuilder.makeDelimitedBuilder();
IrBuilder rightFalseBuilder = rightBuilder.makeDelimitedBuilder();
// If we don't evaluate the right subexpression, the value of the whole
// expression is this constant.
ir.Constant leftBool = emptyBuilder.buildBooleanLiteral(isLazyOr);
// If we do evaluate the right subexpression, the value of the expression
// is a true or false constant.
ir.Constant rightTrue = rightTrueBuilder.buildBooleanLiteral(true);
ir.Constant rightFalse = rightFalseBuilder.buildBooleanLiteral(false);
// Treat the result values as named values in the environment, so they
// will be treated as arguments to the join-point continuation.
assert(environment.length == emptyBuilder.environment.length);
assert(environment.length == rightTrueBuilder.environment.length);
assert(environment.length == rightFalseBuilder.environment.length);
emptyBuilder.environment.extend(null, leftBool);
rightTrueBuilder.environment.extend(null, rightTrue);
rightFalseBuilder.environment.extend(null, rightFalse);
// Wire up two continuations for the left subexpression, two continuations
// for the right subexpression, and a three-way join continuation.
JumpCollector jumps = new JumpCollector(null);
ir.Continuation joinContinuation =
createJoin(environment.length + 1, jumps);
ir.Continuation leftTrueContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
ir.Continuation leftFalseContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
ir.Continuation rightTrueContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
ir.Continuation rightFalseContinuation = new ir.Continuation([]);
rightTrueContinuation.body = rightTrueBuilder._root;
rightFalseContinuation.body = rightFalseBuilder._root;
// The right subexpression has two continuations.
new ir.LetCont.many(<ir.Continuation>[rightTrueContinuation,
new ir.Branch(new ir.IsTrue(rightValue),
// Depending on the operator, the left subexpression's continuations are
// either the right subexpression or an invocation of the join-point
// continuation.
if (isLazyOr) {
leftTrueContinuation.body = emptyBuilder._root;
leftFalseContinuation.body = rightBuilder._root;
} else {
leftTrueContinuation.body = rightBuilder._root;
leftFalseContinuation.body = emptyBuilder._root;
add(new ir.LetCont(joinContinuation,
new ir.LetCont.many(<ir.Continuation>[leftTrueContinuation,
new ir.Branch(new ir.IsTrue(leftValue),
// There is always a join parameter for the result value, because it
// is different on at least two paths.
return joinContinuation.parameters.last;
/// Create a non-recursive join-point continuation.
/// Given the environment length at the join point and a list of
/// jumps that should reach the join point, create a join-point
/// continuation. The join-point continuation has a parameter for each
/// variable that has different values reaching on different paths.
/// The jumps are uninitialized [ir.InvokeContinuation] expressions.
/// They are filled in with the target continuation and appropriate
/// arguments.
/// As a side effect, the environment of this builder is updated to include
/// the join-point continuation parameters.
ir.Continuation createJoin(int environmentLength, JumpCollector jumps) {
assert(jumps.length >= 2);
// Compute which values are identical on all paths reaching the join.
// Handle the common case of a pair of contexts efficiently.
Environment first = jumps.environments[0];
Environment second = jumps.environments[1];
assert(environmentLength <= first.length);
assert(environmentLength <= second.length);
assert(first.sameDomain(environmentLength, second));
// A running count of the join-point parameters.
int parameterCount = 0;
// The null elements of common correspond to required parameters of the
// join-point continuation.
List<ir.Primitive> common =
new List<ir.Primitive>.generate(environmentLength,
(i) {
ir.Primitive candidate = first[i];
if (second[i] == candidate) {
return candidate;
} else {
return null;
// If there is already a parameter for each variable, the other
// environments do not need to be considered.
if (parameterCount < environmentLength) {
for (int i = 0; i < environmentLength; ++i) {
ir.Primitive candidate = common[i];
if (candidate == null) continue;
for (Environment current in jumps.environments.skip(2)) {
assert(environmentLength <= current.length);
assert(first.sameDomain(environmentLength, current));
if (candidate != current[i]) {
common[i] = null;
if (parameterCount >= environmentLength) break;
// Create the join point continuation.
List<ir.Parameter> parameters = <ir.Parameter>[];
parameters.length = parameterCount;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < environmentLength; ++i) {
if (common[i] == null) {
parameters[index++] = new ir.Parameter(first.index2variable[i]);
assert(index == parameterCount);
ir.Continuation join = new ir.Continuation(parameters);
// Fill in all the continuation invocations.
for (int i = 0; i < jumps.length; ++i) {
Environment currentEnvironment = jumps.environments[i];
ir.InvokeContinuation invoke = jumps.invocations[i];
// Sharing this.environment with one of the invocations will not do
// the right thing (this.environment has already been mutated).
List<ir.Reference> arguments = <ir.Reference>[];
arguments.length = parameterCount;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < environmentLength; ++i) {
if (common[i] == null) {
arguments[index++] = new ir.Reference(currentEnvironment[i]);
invoke.continuation = new ir.Reference(join);
invoke.arguments = arguments;
// Mutate this.environment to be the environment at the join point. Do
// this after adding the continuation invocations, because this.environment
// might be collected by the jump collector and so the old environment
// values are needed for the continuation invocation.
// Iterate to environment.length because environmentLength includes values
// outside the environment which are 'phantom' variables used for the
// values of expressions like &&, ||, and ?:.
index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < environment.length; ++i) {
if (common[i] == null) {
environment.index2value[i] = parameters[index++];
return join;
/// Shared state between DartIrBuilders within the same method.
class DartIrBuilderSharedState {
/// Maps local variables to their corresponding [MutableVariable] object.
final Map<Local, ir.MutableVariable> local2mutable =
<Local, ir.MutableVariable>{};
final DartCapturedVariables capturedVariables;
/// Creates a [MutableVariable] for the given local.
void makeMutableVariable(Local local) {
ir.MutableVariable variable =
new ir.MutableVariable(local.executableContext, local);
local2mutable[local] = variable;
/// [MutableVariable]s that should temporarily be treated as registers.
final Set<Local> registerizedMutableVariables = new Set<Local>();
DartIrBuilderSharedState(this.capturedVariables) {
/// Dart-specific subclass of [IrBuilder].
/// Inner functions are represented by a [FunctionDefinition] with the
/// IR for the inner function nested inside.
/// Captured variables are translated to ref cells (see [MutableVariable])
/// using [GetMutableVariable] and [SetMutableVariable].
class DartIrBuilder extends IrBuilder {
final DartIrBuilderSharedState dartState;
IrBuilder _makeInstance() => new DartIrBuilder._blank(dartState);
DartIrBuilder(ConstantSystem constantSystem,
ExecutableElement currentElement,
DartCapturedVariables capturedVariables)
: dartState = new DartIrBuilderSharedState(capturedVariables) {
_init(constantSystem, currentElement);
Map<ast.TryStatement, TryStatementInfo> get tryStatements {
return dartState.capturedVariables.tryStatements;
Set<Local> get mutableCapturedVariables {
return dartState.capturedVariables.capturedVariables;
bool isInMutableVariable(Local local) {
return dartState.local2mutable.containsKey(local) &&
void makeMutableVariable(Local local) {
void removeMutableVariable(Local local) {
/// Gets the [MutableVariable] containing the value of [local].
ir.MutableVariable getMutableVariable(Local local) {
return dartState.local2mutable[local];
void _enterScope(ClosureScope scope) {
assert(scope == null);
void _enterClosureEnvironment(ClosureEnvironment env) {
assert(env == null);
void _enterForLoopInitializer(ClosureScope scope,
List<LocalElement> loopVariables) {
assert(scope == null);
for (LocalElement loopVariable in loopVariables) {
if (dartState.local2mutable.containsKey(loopVariable)) {
// Temporarily keep the loop variable in a primitive.
// The loop variable will be added to environment when
// [declareLocalVariable] is called.
void _enterForLoopBody(ClosureScope scope,
List<LocalElement> loopVariables) {
assert(scope == null);
for (LocalElement loopVariable in loopVariables) {
if (dartState.local2mutable.containsKey(loopVariable)) {
// Move from [Primitive] into [MutableVariable].
add(new ir.LetMutable(getMutableVariable(loopVariable),
void _enterForLoopUpdate(ClosureScope scope,
List<LocalElement> loopVariables) {
assert(scope == null);
// Move captured loop variables back into the local environment.
// The update expression will use the values we put in the environment,
// and then the environments for the initializer and update will be
// joined at the head of the body.
for (LocalElement loopVariable in loopVariables) {
if (isInMutableVariable(loopVariable)) {
ir.MutableVariable mutableVariable = getMutableVariable(loopVariable);
ir.Primitive get = new ir.GetMutableVariable(mutableVariable);
add(new ir.LetPrim(get));
environment.update(loopVariable, get);
void _createFunctionParameter(ParameterElement parameterElement) {
ir.Parameter parameter = new ir.Parameter(parameterElement);
if (isInMutableVariable(parameterElement)) {
} else {
environment.extend(parameterElement, parameter);
void declareLocalVariable(LocalVariableElement variableElement,
{ir.Primitive initialValue}) {
if (initialValue == null) {
initialValue = buildNullLiteral();
if (isInMutableVariable(variableElement)) {
add(new ir.LetMutable(getMutableVariable(variableElement),
} else {
environment.extend(variableElement, initialValue);
/// Add [functionElement] to the environment with provided [definition].
void declareLocalFunction(LocalFunctionElement functionElement,
ir.FunctionDefinition definition) {
if (isInMutableVariable(functionElement)) {
ir.MutableVariable variable = getMutableVariable(functionElement);
add(new ir.DeclareFunction(variable, definition));
} else {
ir.CreateFunction prim = new ir.CreateFunction(definition);
add(new ir.LetPrim(prim));
environment.extend(functionElement, prim);
/// Create a function expression from [definition].
ir.Primitive buildFunctionExpression(ir.FunctionDefinition definition) {
ir.CreateFunction prim = new ir.CreateFunction(definition);
add(new ir.LetPrim(prim));
return prim;
/// Create a read access of [local].
ir.Primitive buildLocalGet(LocalElement local) {
if (isInMutableVariable(local)) {
// Do not use [local] as a hint on [result]. The variable should always
// be inlined, but the hint prevents it.
ir.Primitive result =
new ir.GetMutableVariable(getMutableVariable(local));
add(new ir.LetPrim(result));
return result;
} else {
return environment.lookup(local);
/// Create a write access to [local] with the provided [value].
ir.Primitive buildLocalSet(LocalElement local, ir.Primitive value) {
if (isInMutableVariable(local)) {
add(new ir.SetMutableVariable(getMutableVariable(local), value));
} else {
environment.update(local, value);
return value;
ir.Primitive buildThis() {
ir.Primitive thisPrim = new ir.This();
add(new ir.LetPrim(thisPrim));
return thisPrim;
ir.Primitive buildSuperInvocation(Element target,
Selector selector,
List<ir.Primitive> arguments) {
return _buildInvokeSuper(target, selector, arguments);
/// State shared between JsIrBuilders within the same function.
/// Note that this is not shared between builders of nested functions.
class JsIrBuilderSharedState {
/// Maps boxed locals to their location. These locals are not part of
/// the environment.
final Map<Local, ClosureLocation> boxedVariables = {};
/// If non-null, this refers to the receiver (`this`) in the enclosing method.
ir.Primitive receiver;
/// JS-specific subclass of [IrBuilder].
/// Inner functions are represented by a [ClosureClassElement], and captured
/// variables are boxed as necessary using [CreateBox], [GetField], [SetField].
class JsIrBuilder extends IrBuilder {
final JsIrBuilderSharedState jsState;
IrBuilder _makeInstance() => new JsIrBuilder._blank(jsState);
JsIrBuilder(ConstantSystem constantSystem, ExecutableElement currentElement)
: jsState = new JsIrBuilderSharedState() {
_init(constantSystem, currentElement);
Map<ast.TryStatement, TryStatementInfo> get tryStatements => null;
Set<Local> get mutableCapturedVariables => null;
bool isInMutableVariable(Local local) => false;
void makeMutableVariable(Local local) {}
void removeMutableVariable(Local local) {}
void _enterClosureEnvironment(ClosureEnvironment env) {
if (env == null) return;
// Obtain a reference to the function object (this).
ir.Primitive thisPrim = new ir.This();
add(new ir.LetPrim(thisPrim));
// Obtain access to the free variables.
env.freeVariables.forEach((Local local, ClosureLocation location) {
if (location.isBox) {
// Boxed variables are loaded from their box on-demand.
jsState.boxedVariables[local] = location;
} else {
// Unboxed variables are loaded from the function object immediately.
// This includes BoxLocals which are themselves unboxed variables.
ir.Primitive load = new ir.GetField(thisPrim, location.field);
add(new ir.LetPrim(load));
environment.extend(local, load);
// If the function captures a reference to the receiver from the
// enclosing method, remember which primitive refers to the receiver object.
if (env.thisLocal != null && env.freeVariables.containsKey(env.thisLocal)) {
jsState.receiver = environment.lookup(env.thisLocal);
// If the function has a self-reference, use the value of `this`.
if (env.selfReference != null) {
environment.extend(env.selfReference, thisPrim);
void _enterScope(ClosureScope scope) {
if (scope == null) return;
ir.CreateBox boxPrim = new ir.CreateBox();
add(new ir.LetPrim(boxPrim));
environment.extend(, boxPrim);
scope.capturedVariables.forEach((Local local, ClosureLocation location) {
if (location.isBox) {
jsState.boxedVariables[local] = location;
void _createFunctionParameter(ParameterElement parameterElement) {
ir.Parameter parameter = new ir.Parameter(parameterElement);
ClosureLocation location = jsState.boxedVariables[parameterElement];
if (location != null) {
add(new ir.SetField(environment.lookup(,
} else {
environment.extend(parameterElement, parameter);
void declareLocalVariable(LocalElement variableElement,
{ir.Primitive initialValue}) {
if (initialValue == null) {
initialValue = buildNullLiteral();
ClosureLocation location = jsState.boxedVariables[variableElement];
if (location != null) {
add(new ir.SetField(environment.lookup(,
} else {
environment.extend(variableElement, initialValue);
/// Add [functionElement] to the environment with provided [definition].
void declareLocalFunction(LocalFunctionElement functionElement,
ClosureClassElement classElement) {
ir.Primitive closure = buildFunctionExpression(classElement);
declareLocalVariable(functionElement, initialValue: closure);
ir.Primitive buildFunctionExpression(ClosureClassElement classElement) {
List<ir.Primitive> arguments = <ir.Primitive>[];
for (ClosureFieldElement field in classElement.closureFields) {
// Captured 'this' is not available as a local in the current environment,
// so treat that specially.
ir.Primitive value = field.local is ThisLocal
? buildThis()
: environment.lookup(field.local);
ir.Primitive closure = new ir.CreateInstance(classElement, arguments);
add(new ir.LetPrim(closure));
return closure;
/// Create a read access of [local].
ir.Primitive buildLocalGet(LocalElement local) {
ClosureLocation location = jsState.boxedVariables[local];
if (location != null) {
ir.Primitive result = new ir.GetField(environment.lookup(,
add(new ir.LetPrim(result));
return result;
} else {
return environment.lookup(local);
/// Create a write access to [local] with the provided [value].
ir.Primitive buildLocalSet(LocalElement local, ir.Primitive value) {
ClosureLocation location = jsState.boxedVariables[local];
if (location != null) {
add(new ir.SetField(environment.lookup(,
} else {
environment.update(local, value);
return value;
void _enterForLoopInitializer(ClosureScope scope,
List<LocalElement> loopVariables) {
if (scope == null) return;
// If there are no boxed loop variables, don't create the box here, let
// it be created inside the body instead.
if (scope.boxedLoopVariables.isEmpty) return;
void _enterForLoopBody(ClosureScope scope,
List<LocalElement> loopVariables) {
if (scope == null) return;
// If there are boxed loop variables, the box has already been created
// at the initializer.
if (!scope.boxedLoopVariables.isEmpty) return;
void _enterForLoopUpdate(ClosureScope scope,
List<LocalElement> loopVariables) {
if (scope == null) return;
// If there are no boxed loop variables, then the box is created inside the
// body, so there is no need to explicitly renew it.
if (scope.boxedLoopVariables.isEmpty) return;
ir.Primitive box = environment.lookup(;
ir.Primitive newBox = new ir.CreateBox();
add(new ir.LetPrim(newBox));
for (VariableElement loopVar in scope.boxedLoopVariables) {
ClosureLocation location = scope.capturedVariables[loopVar];
ir.Primitive get = new ir.GetField(box, location.field);
add(new ir.LetPrim(get));
add(new ir.SetField(newBox, location.field, get));
environment.update(, newBox);
ir.Primitive buildThis() {
if (jsState.receiver != null) return jsState.receiver;
ir.Primitive thisPrim = new ir.This();
add(new ir.LetPrim(thisPrim));
return thisPrim;
ir.Primitive buildSuperInvocation(Element target,
Selector selector,
List<ir.Primitive> arguments) {
// Direct calls to FieldElements are currently problematic because the
// backend will not issue a getter for the field unless it finds a dynamic
// access that matches its getter.
// As a workaround, we generate GetField for this case, although ideally
// this should be the result of inlining the field's getter.
if (target is FieldElement) {
if (selector.isGetter) {
ir.Primitive get = new ir.GetField(buildThis(), target);
add(new ir.LetPrim(get));
return get;
} else {
add(new ir.SetField(buildThis(), target, arguments.single));
return arguments.single;
} else {
return _buildInvokeSuper(target, selector, arguments);
ir.Primitive buildInvokeDirectly(FunctionElement target,
ir.Primitive receiver,
List<ir.Primitive> arguments) {
Selector selector =
new, target.library, arguments.length);
return _continueWithExpression(
(k) => new ir.InvokeMethodDirectly(
receiver, target, selector, k, arguments));
/// Loads parameters to a constructor body into the environment.
/// The header for a constructor body differs from other functions in that
/// some parameters are already boxed, and the box is passed as an argument
/// instead of being created in the header.
void buildConstructorBodyHeader(Iterable<Local> parameters,
ClosureScope closureScope) {
for (Local param in parameters) {
ir.Parameter parameter = createLocalParameter(param);
if (closureScope != null) {
/// Location of a variable relative to a given closure.
class ClosureLocation {
/// If not `null`, this location is [box].[field].
/// The location of [box] can be obtained separately from an
/// enclosing [ClosureEnvironment] or [ClosureScope].
/// If `null`, then the location is [field] on the enclosing function object.
final BoxLocal box;
/// The field in which the variable is stored.
final Entity field;
bool get isBox => box != null;
ClosureLocation(, this.field);
/// Introduces a new box and binds local variables to this box.
/// A [ClosureScope] may exist for each function and for each loop.
/// Generally, one may pass `null` to the [IrBuilder] instead of a
/// [ClosureScope] when a given scope has no boxed variables.
class ClosureScope {
/// This box is now in scope and [capturedVariables] may use it.
final BoxLocal box;
/// Maps [LocalElement]s to their location.
final Map<Local, ClosureLocation> capturedVariables;
/// If this is the scope of a for-loop, [boxedLoopVariables] is the list
/// of boxed variables that are declared in the initializer.
final List<VariableElement> boxedLoopVariables;
ClosureScope(, this.capturedVariables, this.boxedLoopVariables);
/// Environment passed when building a nested function, describing how
/// to access variables from the enclosing scope.
class ClosureEnvironment {
/// References to this local should be treated as recursive self-reference.
/// (This is *not* in [freeVariables]).
final LocalFunctionElement selfReference;
/// If non-null, [thisLocal] has an entry in [freeVariables] describing where
/// to find the captured value of `this`.
final ThisLocal thisLocal;
/// Maps [LocalElement]s, [BoxLocal]s and [ThisLocal] to their location.
final Map<Local, ClosureLocation> freeVariables;
ClosureEnvironment(this.selfReference, this.thisLocal, this.freeVariables);
class TryStatementInfo {
final Set<LocalVariableElement> declared = new Set<LocalVariableElement>();
final Set<LocalVariableElement> boxedOnEntry =
new Set<LocalVariableElement>();