blob: d5a3984c19ad426fbe501bec7516a8db1fb300c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library engine.incremental_scanner;
import "dart:math" as math;
import 'error.dart';
import 'scanner.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'utilities_collection.dart' show TokenMap;
* An `IncrementalScanner` is a scanner that scans a subset of a string and
* inserts the resulting tokens into the middle of an existing token stream.
class IncrementalScanner {
* The source being scanned.
final Source source;
* The reader used to access the characters in the source.
final CharacterReader reader;
* The error listener that will be informed of any errors that are found
* during the scan.
* TODO(brianwilkerson) Replace this with a list of errors so that we can
* update the errors.
final AnalysisErrorListener errorListener;
* A map from tokens that were copied to the copies of the tokens.
TokenMap _tokenMap = new TokenMap();
* The token immediately to the left of the range of tokens that were
* modified.
Token leftToken;
* The token immediately to the right of the range of tokens that were
* modified.
Token rightToken;
* A flag indicating whether there were any non-comment tokens changed (other
* than having their position updated) as a result of the modification.
bool hasNonWhitespaceChange = false;
* Initialize a newly created scanner to scan characters within the given
* [source]. The content of the source can be read using the given [reader].
* Any errors that are found will be reported to the given [errorListener].
IncrementalScanner(this.source, this.reader, this.errorListener);
* Return a map from tokens that were copied to the copies of the tokens.
* @return a map from tokens that were copied to the copies of the tokens
TokenMap get tokenMap => _tokenMap;
* Given the [stream] of tokens scanned from the original source, the modified
* source (the result of replacing one contiguous range of characters with
* another string of characters), and a specification of the modification that
* was made, update the token stream to reflect the modified source. Return
* the first token in the updated token stream.
* The [stream] is expected to be the first non-EOF token in the token stream.
* The modification is specified by the [index] of the first character in both
* the original and modified source that was affected by the modification, the
* number of characters removed from the original source (the [removedLength])
* and the number of characters added to the modified source (the
* [insertedLength]).
Token rescan(Token stream, int index, int removedLength, int insertedLength) {
Token leftEof = stream.previous;
// Compute the delta between the character index of characters after the
// modified region in the original source and the index of the corresponding
// character in the modified source.
int delta = insertedLength - removedLength;
// Skip past the tokens whose end is less than the replacement start. (If
// the replacement start is equal to the end of an existing token, then it
// means that the existing token might have been modified, so we need to
// rescan it.)
while (stream.type != TokenType.EOF && stream.end < index) {
_tokenMap.put(stream, stream);
stream =;
Token oldFirst = stream;
Token oldLeftToken = stream.previous;
leftToken = oldLeftToken;
// Skip past tokens until we find a token whose offset is greater than the
// end of the removed region. (If the end of the removed region is equal to
// the beginning of an existing token, then it means that the existing token
// might have been modified, so we need to rescan it.)
int removedEnd = index + (removedLength == 0 ? 0 : removedLength - 1);
while (stream.type != TokenType.EOF && stream.offset <= removedEnd) {
stream =;
// Figure out which region of characters actually needs to be re-scanned.
Token oldLast;
Token oldRightToken;
if (stream.type != TokenType.EOF && removedEnd + 1 == stream.offset) {
oldLast = stream;
stream =;
oldRightToken = stream;
} else {
oldLast = stream.previous;
oldRightToken = stream;
// Compute the range of characters that are known to need to be rescanned.
// If the index is within an existing token, then we need to start at the
// beginning of the token.
int scanStart = math.max(oldLeftToken.end, 0);
int scanEnd = oldRightToken.offset + delta;
// Rescan the characters that need to be rescanned.
Token replacementStart = _scanRange(scanStart, scanEnd);
Token replacementEnd = _findEof(replacementStart).previous;
// Apply the delta to the tokens after the last new token.
_updateOffsets(stream, delta);
rightToken = stream;
// If the index is immediately after an existing token and the inserted
// characters did not change that original token, then adjust the leftToken
// to be the next token. For example, in "a; c;" --> "a;b c;", the leftToken
// was ";", but this code advances it to "b" since "b" is the first new
// token.
Token newFirst =;
while (!identical(newFirst, rightToken) &&
!identical(oldFirst, oldRightToken) &&
newFirst.type != TokenType.EOF &&
_equalTokens(oldFirst, newFirst)) {
_tokenMap.put(oldFirst, newFirst);
oldLeftToken = oldFirst;
oldFirst =;
leftToken = newFirst;
newFirst =;
Token newLast = rightToken.previous;
while (!identical(newLast, leftToken) &&
!identical(oldLast, oldLeftToken) &&
newLast.type != TokenType.EOF &&
_equalTokens(oldLast, newLast)) {
_tokenMap.put(oldLast, newLast);
oldRightToken = oldLast;
oldLast = oldLast.previous;
rightToken = newLast;
newLast = newLast.previous;
hasNonWhitespaceChange = !identical(, rightToken) ||
!identical(, oldRightToken);
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Begin tokens are not getting associated with the
// corresponding end tokens (because the end tokens have not been copied
// when we're copying the begin tokens). This could have implications for
// parsing.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Update the lineInfo.
* Return `true` if the [oldToken] and the [newToken] are equal to each other.
* For the purposes of the incremental scanner, two tokens are equal if they
* have the same type and lexeme.
bool _equalTokens(Token oldToken, Token newToken) =>
oldToken.type == newToken.type &&
oldToken.length == newToken.length &&
oldToken.lexeme == newToken.lexeme;
* Given a [token], return the EOF token that follows the token.
Token _findEof(Token token) {
while (token.type != TokenType.EOF) {
token =;
return token;
* Scan the token between the [start] (inclusive) and [end] (exclusive)
* offsets.
Token _scanRange(int start, int end) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(
source, new CharacterRangeReader(reader, start, end), errorListener);
return scanner.tokenize();
* Update the offsets of every token from the given [token] to the end of the
* stream by adding the given [delta].
void _updateOffsets(Token token, int delta) {
while (token.type != TokenType.EOF) {
_tokenMap.put(token, token);
token.offset += delta;
Token comment = token.precedingComments;
while (comment != null) {
comment.offset += delta;
comment =;
token =;
_tokenMap.put(token, token);
token.offset += delta;