blob: 7f4f95482df1a97aa2a293e64c7e132da86f4965 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library memory_file_system;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show TimestampedData;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
import 'file_system.dart';
* An in-memory implementation of [ResourceProvider].
* Use `/` as a path separator.
class MemoryResourceProvider implements ResourceProvider {
final Map<String, _MemoryResource> _pathToResource =
new HashMap<String, _MemoryResource>();
final Map<String, String> _pathToContent = new HashMap<String, String>();
final Map<String, int> _pathToTimestamp = new HashMap<String, int>();
final Map<String, List<StreamController<WatchEvent>>> _pathToWatchers =
new HashMap<String, List<StreamController<WatchEvent>>>();
int nextStamp = 0;
Context get pathContext => posix;
* Delete the file with the given path.
void deleteFile(String path) {
_notifyWatchers(path, ChangeType.REMOVE);
* Delete the folder with the given path
* and recurively delete nested files and folders.
void deleteFolder(String path) {
_MemoryFolder folder = _pathToResource[path];
for (Resource child in folder.getChildren()) {
if (child is File) {
} else if (child is Folder) {
} else {
throw 'failed to delete resource: $child';
_notifyWatchers(path, ChangeType.REMOVE);
Resource getResource(String path) {
path = posix.normalize(path);
Resource resource = _pathToResource[path];
if (resource == null) {
resource = new _MemoryFile(this, path);
return resource;
Folder getStateLocation(String pluginId) {
return newFolder('/user/home/$pluginId');
void modifyFile(String path, String content) {
_pathToContent[path] = content;
_pathToTimestamp[path] = nextStamp++;
_notifyWatchers(path, ChangeType.MODIFY);
* Create a resource representing a dummy link (that is, a File object which
* appears in its parent directory, but whose `exists` property is false)
File newDummyLink(String path) {
path = posix.normalize(path);
_MemoryDummyLink link = new _MemoryDummyLink(this, path);
_pathToResource[path] = link;
_pathToTimestamp[path] = nextStamp++;
_notifyWatchers(path, ChangeType.ADD);
return link;
File newFile(String path, String content, [int stamp]) {
path = posix.normalize(path);
_MemoryFile file = new _MemoryFile(this, path);
_pathToResource[path] = file;
_pathToContent[path] = content;
_pathToTimestamp[path] = stamp != null ? stamp : nextStamp++;
_notifyWatchers(path, ChangeType.ADD);
return file;
File updateFile(String path, String content, [int stamp]) {
path = posix.normalize(path);
_MemoryFile file = new _MemoryFile(this, path);
_pathToResource[path] = file;
_pathToContent[path] = content;
_pathToTimestamp[path] = stamp != null ? stamp : nextStamp++;
_notifyWatchers(path, ChangeType.MODIFY);
return file;
Folder newFolder(String path) {
path = posix.normalize(path);
if (!path.startsWith('/')) {
throw new ArgumentError("Path must start with '/'");
_MemoryResource resource = _pathToResource[path];
if (resource == null) {
String parentPath = posix.dirname(path);
if (parentPath != path) {
_MemoryFolder folder = new _MemoryFolder(this, path);
_pathToResource[path] = folder;
_pathToTimestamp[path] = nextStamp++;
return folder;
} else if (resource is _MemoryFolder) {
return resource;
} else {
String message =
'Folder expected at ' "'$path'" 'but ${resource.runtimeType} found';
throw new ArgumentError(message);
void _checkFileAtPath(String path) {
_MemoryResource resource = _pathToResource[path];
if (resource is! _MemoryFile) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'File expected at "$path" but ${resource.runtimeType} found');
void _checkFolderAtPath(String path) {
_MemoryResource resource = _pathToResource[path];
if (resource is! _MemoryFolder) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Folder expected at "$path" but ${resource.runtimeType} found');
void _notifyWatchers(String path, ChangeType changeType) {
_pathToWatchers.forEach((String watcherPath,
List<StreamController<WatchEvent>> streamControllers) {
if (posix.isWithin(watcherPath, path)) {
for (StreamController<WatchEvent> streamController
in streamControllers) {
streamController.add(new WatchEvent(changeType, path));
* An in-memory implementation of [File] which acts like a symbolic link to a
* non-existent file.
class _MemoryDummyLink extends _MemoryResource implements File {
_MemoryDummyLink(MemoryResourceProvider provider, String path)
: super(provider, path);
bool get exists => false;
int get modificationStamp {
int stamp = _provider._pathToTimestamp[path];
if (stamp == null) {
throw new FileSystemException(path, "File does not exist");
return stamp;
String get _content {
throw new FileSystemException(path, 'File could not be read');
Source createSource([Uri uri]) {
throw new FileSystemException(path, 'File could not be read');
bool isOrContains(String path) {
return path == this.path;
* An in-memory implementation of [File].
class _MemoryFile extends _MemoryResource implements File {
_MemoryFile(MemoryResourceProvider provider, String path)
: super(provider, path);
bool get exists => _provider._pathToResource[path] is _MemoryFile;
int get modificationStamp {
int stamp = _provider._pathToTimestamp[path];
if (stamp == null) {
throw new FileSystemException(path, 'File does not exist.');
return stamp;
String get _content {
String content = _provider._pathToContent[path];
if (content == null) {
throw new FileSystemException(path, "File does not exist");
return content;
Source createSource([Uri uri]) {
if (uri == null) {
uri = posix.toUri(path);
return new _MemoryFileSource(this, uri);
bool isOrContains(String path) {
return path == this.path;
* An in-memory implementation of [Source].
class _MemoryFileSource extends Source {
final _MemoryFile _file;
final Uri uri;
_MemoryFileSource(this._file, this.uri);
TimestampedData<String> get contents {
return new TimestampedData<String>(modificationStamp, _file._content);
String get encoding {
return uri.toString();
String get fullName => _file.path;
int get hashCode => _file.hashCode;
bool get isInSystemLibrary => uriKind == UriKind.DART_URI;
int get modificationStamp {
try {
return _file.modificationStamp;
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
return -1;
String get shortName => _file.shortName;
UriKind get uriKind {
String scheme = uri.scheme;
if (scheme == PackageUriResolver.PACKAGE_SCHEME) {
return UriKind.PACKAGE_URI;
} else if (scheme == DartUriResolver.DART_SCHEME) {
return UriKind.DART_URI;
} else if (scheme == FileUriResolver.FILE_SCHEME) {
return UriKind.FILE_URI;
return UriKind.FILE_URI;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is _MemoryFileSource) {
return other._file == _file;
return false;
bool exists() => _file.exists;
Uri resolveRelativeUri(Uri relativeUri) {
return uri.resolveUri(relativeUri);
String toString() => _file.toString();
* An in-memory implementation of [Folder].
class _MemoryFolder extends _MemoryResource implements Folder {
_MemoryFolder(MemoryResourceProvider provider, String path)
: super(provider, path);
Stream<WatchEvent> get changes {
StreamController<WatchEvent> streamController =
new StreamController<WatchEvent>();
if (!_provider._pathToWatchers.containsKey(path)) {
_provider._pathToWatchers[path] = <StreamController<WatchEvent>>[];
streamController.done.then((_) {
if (_provider._pathToWatchers[path].isEmpty) {
bool get exists => _provider._pathToResource[path] is _MemoryFolder;
String canonicalizePath(String relPath) {
relPath = posix.normalize(relPath);
String childPath = posix.join(path, relPath);
childPath = posix.normalize(childPath);
return childPath;
bool contains(String path) {
return posix.isWithin(this.path, path);
Resource getChild(String relPath) {
String childPath = canonicalizePath(relPath);
_MemoryResource resource = _provider._pathToResource[childPath];
if (resource == null) {
resource = new _MemoryFile(_provider, childPath);
return resource;
_MemoryFolder getChildAssumingFolder(String relPath) {
String childPath = canonicalizePath(relPath);
_MemoryResource resource = _provider._pathToResource[childPath];
if (resource is _MemoryFolder) {
return resource;
return new _MemoryFolder(_provider, childPath);
List<Resource> getChildren() {
List<Resource> children = <Resource>[];
_provider._pathToResource.forEach((resourcePath, resource) {
if (posix.dirname(resourcePath) == path) {
return children;
bool isOrContains(String path) {
if (path == this.path) {
return true;
return contains(path);
* An in-memory implementation of [Resource].
abstract class _MemoryResource implements Resource {
final MemoryResourceProvider _provider;
final String path;
_MemoryResource(this._provider, this.path);
get hashCode => path.hashCode;
Folder get parent {
String parentPath = posix.dirname(path);
if (parentPath == path) {
return null;
return _provider.getResource(parentPath);
String get shortName => posix.basename(path);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType) {
return false;
return path == other.path;
String toString() => path;