blob: 10461577232f440a32d4da40d2273fc52436dc31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.integration.analysis.get.hover;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../../reflective_tests.dart';
import '../integration_tests.dart';
main() {
class AnalysisGetHoverIntegrationTest
extends AbstractAnalysisServerIntegrationTest {
* Pathname of the file containing Dart code.
String pathname;
* Dart code under test.
final String text = r'''
library lib.test;
List topLevelVar;
* Documentation for func
void func(int param) {
num localVar = topLevelVar.length;
topLevelVar.length = param;
main() {
// comment
* Check that a getHover request on the substring [target] produces a result
* which has length [length], has an elementDescription matching every
* regexp in [descriptionRegexps], has a kind of [kind], and has a staticType
* matching [staticTypeRegexps].
* [isCore] means the hover info should indicate that the element is defined
* in dart.core. [docRegexp], if specified, should match the documentation
* string of the element. [isLiteral] means the hover should indicate a
* literal value. [parameterRegexps] means is a set of regexps which should
* match the hover parameters. [propagatedType], if specified, is the
* expected propagated type of the element.
checkHover(String target, int length, List<String> descriptionRegexps,
String kind, List<String> staticTypeRegexps, {bool isCore: false,
String docRegexp: null, bool isLiteral: false,
List<String> parameterRegexps: null, propagatedType: null}) {
int offset = text.indexOf(target);
return sendAnalysisGetHover(pathname, offset).then((result) {
expect(result.hovers, hasLength(1));
HoverInformation info = result.hovers[0];
expect(info.offset, equals(offset));
expect(info.length, equals(length));
if (isCore) {
expect(basename(info.containingLibraryPath), equals('core.dart'));
expect(info.containingLibraryName, equals('dart.core'));
} else if (isLiteral) {
expect(info.containingLibraryPath, isNull);
expect(info.containingLibraryName, isNull);
} else {
expect(info.containingLibraryPath, equals(pathname));
expect(info.containingLibraryName, equals('lib.test'));
if (docRegexp == null) {
expect(info.dartdoc, isNull);
} else {
expect(info.dartdoc, matches(docRegexp));
if (descriptionRegexps == null) {
expect(info.elementDescription, isNull);
} else {
expect(info.elementDescription, isString);
for (String descriptionRegexp in descriptionRegexps) {
expect(info.elementDescription, matches(descriptionRegexp));
expect(info.elementKind, equals(kind));
if (parameterRegexps == null) {
expect(info.parameter, isNull);
} else {
expect(info.parameter, isString);
for (String parameterRegexp in parameterRegexps) {
expect(info.parameter, matches(parameterRegexp));
expect(info.propagatedType, equals(propagatedType));
if (staticTypeRegexps == null) {
expect(info.staticType, isNull);
} else {
expect(info.staticType, isString);
for (String staticTypeRegexp in staticTypeRegexps) {
expect(info.staticType, matches(staticTypeRegexp));
* Check that a getHover request on the substring [target] produces no
* results.
Future checkNoHover(String target) {
int offset = text.indexOf(target);
return sendAnalysisGetHover(pathname, offset).then((result) {
expect(result.hovers, hasLength(0));
setUp() {
return super.setUp().then((_) {
pathname = sourcePath('test.dart');
test_getHover() {
writeFile(pathname, text);
// Note: analysis.getHover doesn't wait for analysis to complete--it simply
// returns the latest results that are available at the time that the
// request is made. So wait for analysis to finish before testing anything.
return analysisFinished.then((_) {
List<Future> tests = [];
tests.add(checkHover('topLevelVar;', 11,
['List', 'topLevelVar'], 'top level variable', ['List']));
tests.add(checkHover('func(', 4, [
], 'function', ['int', 'void'], docRegexp: 'Documentation for func'));
tests.add(checkHover('int param', 3, ['int'], 'class', ['int'],
isCore: true, docRegexp: '.*'));
tests.add(checkHover('param)', 5, ['int', 'param'], 'parameter', ['int'],
docRegexp: 'Documentation for func'));
tests.add(checkHover('num localVar', 3, ['num'], 'class', ['num'],
isCore: true, docRegexp: '.*'));
tests.add(checkHover('localVar =', 8, [
], 'local variable', ['num'], propagatedType: 'int'));
tests.add(checkHover('topLevelVar.length;', 11, [
], 'top level variable', ['List']));
tests.add(checkHover('length;', 6, [
], 'getter', ['int'], isCore: true, docRegexp: '.*'));
tests.add(checkHover('length =', 6, [
], 'setter', ['int'], isCore: true, docRegexp: '.*'));
tests.add(checkHover('param;', 5, ['int', 'param'], 'parameter', ['int'],
docRegexp: 'Documentation for func', parameterRegexps: ['.*']));
tests.add(checkHover('add(', 3, ['List', 'add'], 'method', null,
isCore: true, docRegexp: '.*'));
tests.add(checkHover('localVar)', 8, [
], 'local variable', [
], parameterRegexps: ['.*'], propagatedType: 'int'));
tests.add(checkHover('func(35', 4, [
], 'function', null, docRegexp: 'Documentation for func'));
tests.add(checkHover('35', 2, null, null, ['int'],
isLiteral: true, parameterRegexps: ['int', 'param']));
return Future.wait(tests);