blob: 3ae98ba26d45eade0e3e4f17ca7191804e079cef [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/scanner.dart';
* A CompletionTarget represents an edge in the parse tree which connects an
* AST node (the [containingNode] of the completion) to one of its children
* (the [entity], which represents the place in the parse tree where the newly
* completed text will be inserted).
* To illustrate, consider the following snippet of code, and its associated
* parse tree. (T's represent tokens, N's represent AST nodes. Some trivial
* AST nodes are not shown).
* ___N (function declaration)
* / \
* / __N_______ (function body)
* / / |a \
* / / N______ \ (statement)
* / / / \ \
* / / N____ \ \ (assignment expression)
* | / /| \ \ \
* . | / | _N___ \ | ("as" expression)
* . | | | / | \c | |
* . | N | N |b N | | (simple identifiers)
* | | | | | | | |
* T T T T T T T T
* m() { foo = bar as Baz; }
* The Completion target is usually placed as high in the tree as possible so
* that we can produce the most meaningful completions with minimal effort.
* For instance, if the cursor is inside the identifier "foo", the completion
* target will be the edge marked "a", so that we will produce all completions
* that could possibly start a statement, even those which would conflict with
* the current parse (such as the keyword "for", which begins a "for"
* statement). As a consequence of this, the [entity] will usually not be the
* first child of the [containingNode] node.
* Note that the [containingNode] is always an AST node, but the [entity] may
* not be. For instance, if the cursor is inside the keyword "as", the
* completion target will be the edge marked "b", so the [entity] is the token
* "as".
* If the cursor is between tokens, the completion target is usually associated
* with the token that follows the cursor (since that's the token that will be
* displaced when the new text is inserted). For example, if the cursor is
* after the "{" character, then the completion target will be the edge marked
* "a", just as it is if the cursor is inside the identifier "foo". However
* there is one exception: if the cursor is at the rightmost edge of a keyword
* or identifier, then the completion target is associated with that token,
* since any further letters typed will change the meaning of the identifier or
* keyword, rather than creating a new token. So for instance, if the cursor
* is just after the "s" of "as", the completion target will be the edge marked
* "b", but if the cursor target is after the first space following "as", then
* the completion target will be the edge marked "c".
* If the file is empty, or the cursor is after all the text in the file, then
* there may be no edge in the parse tree which is appropriate to act as the
* completion target; in this case, [entity] is set to null and
* [containingNode] is set to the CompilationUnit.
class CompletionTarget {
* The context in which the completion is occurring. This is the AST node
* which is a direct parent of [entity].
final AstNode containingNode;
* The entity which the completed text will replace (or which will be
* displaced once the completed text is inserted). This may be an AstNode or
* a Token, or it may be null if the cursor is after all tokens in the file.
* Usually, the entity won't be the first child of the [containingNode] (this
* is a consequence of placing the completion target as high in the tree as
* possible). However, there is one exception: when the cursor is inside of
* a multi-character token which is not a keyword or identifier (e.g. a
* comment, or a token like "+=", the entity will be always be the token.
final Object entity;
* Compute the appropriate [CompletionTarget] for the given [offset] within
* the [compilationUnit].
factory CompletionTarget.forOffset(
CompilationUnit compilationUnit, int offset) {
// The precise algorithm is as follows. We perform a depth-first search of
// all edges in the parse tree (both those that point to AST nodes and
// those that point to tokens), visiting parents before children. The
// first edge which points to an entity satisfying either _isCandidateToken
// or _isCandidateNode is the completion target. If no edge is found that
// satisfies these two predicates, then we set the completion target entity
// to null and the containingNode to the compilationUnit.
// Note that if a token is not a candidate target, then none of the tokens
// that precede it are candidate targets either. Therefore any entity
// whose last token is not a candidate target can be skipped. This lets us
// prune the search to the point where no recursion is necessary; at each
// step in the process we know exactly which child node we need to proceed
// to.
AstNode containingNode = compilationUnit;
outerLoop: while (true) {
if (containingNode is Comment) {
// Comments are handled specially: we descend into any CommentReference
// child node that contains the cursor offset.
Comment comment = containingNode;
for (CommentReference commentReference in comment.references) {
if (commentReference.offset <= offset &&
offset <= commentReference.end) {
containingNode = commentReference;
continue outerLoop;
for (var entity in containingNode.childEntities) {
if (entity is Token) {
if (_isCandidateToken(entity, offset)) {
// Target found.
return new CompletionTarget._(containingNode, entity);
} else {
// Since entity is a token, we don't need to look inside it; just
// proceed to the next entity.
} else if (entity is AstNode) {
// If the last token in the node isn't a candidate target, then
// neither the node nor any of its descendants can possibly be the
// completion target, so we can skip the node entirely.
if (!_isCandidateToken(entity.endToken, offset)) {
// If the node is a candidate target, then we are done.
if (_isCandidateNode(entity, offset)) {
return new CompletionTarget._(containingNode, entity);
// Otherwise, the completion target is somewhere inside the entity,
// so we need to jump to the start of the outer loop to examine its
// contents.
containingNode = entity;
continue outerLoop;
} else {
// Unexpected entity found (all entities in a parse tree should be
// AST nodes or tokens).
// No completion target found. It should only be possible to reach here
// the first time through the outer loop (since we only jump to the start
// of the outer loop after determining that the completion target is
// inside an entity). We can check that assumption by verifying that
// containingNode is still the compilationUnit.
assert(identical(containingNode, compilationUnit));
// Since no completion target was found, we set the completion target
// entity to null and use the compilationUnit as the parent.
return new CompletionTarget._(compilationUnit, null);
* Create a [CompletionTarget] holding the given [containingNode] and
* [entity].
CompletionTarget._(this.containingNode, this.entity);
* Determine whether [node] could possibly be the [entity] for a
* [CompletionTarget] associated with the given [offset].
static bool _isCandidateNode(AstNode node, int offset) {
// If the node's first token is a keyword or identifier, then the node is a
// candidate entity if its first token is.
Token beginToken = node.beginToken;
if (beginToken.type == TokenType.KEYWORD ||
beginToken.type == TokenType.IDENTIFIER) {
return _isCandidateToken(beginToken, offset);
// Otherwise, the node is a candidate entity only if the offset is before
// the beginning of the node. This ensures that completions within a token
// (e.g. inside a literal string or inside a comment) are evaluated within
// the context of the token itself.
return offset <= node.offset;
* Determine whether [token] could possibly be the [entity] for a
* [CompletionTarget] associated with the given [offset].
static bool _isCandidateToken(Token token, int offset) {
// A token is considered a candidate entity if the cursor offset is (a)
// before the start of the token, (b) within the token, (c) at the end of
// the token and the token is a keyword or identifier, or (d) at the
// location of the token and the token is zero length.
if (offset < token.end) {
return true;
} else if (offset == token.end) {
return token.type == TokenType.KEYWORD ||
token.type == TokenType.IDENTIFIER ||
token.length == 0;
} else {
return false;