blob: 0a4d2ab4d93e5f131a0e59f4a833462ad016c166 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is parsed by JavaScript and must not use fancy Dart constructs.
// It can contain JSON like constructs and "//" comments (but not "/*" "*/").
// It must have one assignment (`final MESSAGES =`).
// All strings must be raw strings.
// The messages in this file should meet the following guide lines:
// 1. The message should be a complete sentence starting with an uppercase
// letter, and ending with a period.
// 2. Reserved words and embedded identifiers should be in single quotes, so
// prefer double quotes for the complete message. For example, "The
// class '#{className}' can't use 'super'." Notice that the word 'class' in the
// preceding message is not quoted as it refers to the concept 'class', not the
// reserved word. On the other hand, 'super' refers to the reserved word. Do
// not quote 'null' and numeric literals.
// 3. Do not try to compose messages, as it can make translating them hard.
// 4. Try to keep the error messages short, but informative.
// 5. Use simple words and terminology, assume the reader of the message
// doesn't have an advanced degree in math, and that English is not the
// reader's native language. Do not assume any formal computer science
// training. For example, do not use Latin abbreviations (prefer "that is" over
// "i.e.", and "for example" over "e.g."). Also avoid phrases such as "if and
// only if" and "iff", that level of precision is unnecessary.
// 6. Prefer contractions when they are in common use, for example, prefer
// "can't" over "cannot". Using "cannot", "must not", "shall not", etc. is
// off-putting to people new to programming.
// 7. Use common terminology, preferably from the Dart Language
// Specification. This increases the user's chance of finding a good
// explanation on the web.
// 8. Do not try to be cute or funny. It is extremely frustrating to work on a
// product that crashes with a "tongue-in-cheek" message, especially if you did
// not want to use this product to begin with.
// 9. Do not lie, that is, do not write error messages containing phrases like
// "can't happen". If the user ever saw this message, it would be a
// lie. Prefer messages like: "Internal error: This function should not be
// called when 'x' is null.".
// 10. Prefer to not use imperative tone. That is, the message should not sound
// accusing or like it is ordering the user around. The computer should
// describe the problem, not criticize for violating the specification.
// Other things to keep in mind:
// Generally, we want to provide messages that consists of three sentences:
// 1. what is wrong, 2. why is it wrong, 3. how do I fix it. However, we
// combine the first two in [template] and the last in [howToFix].
final MESSAGES = {