blob: bde424b7e9bd70856560eed19fb803866d1066df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Code;
class Isolate;
class ObjectPointerVisitor;
class RawCode;
class SnapshotReader;
class SnapshotWriter;
// List of stubs created in the VM isolate, these stubs are shared by different
// isolates running in this dart process.
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC)
#define VM_STUB_CODE_LIST(V) \
V(GetCStackPointer) \
V(JumpToFrame) \
V(RunExceptionHandler) \
V(DeoptForRewind) \
V(UpdateStoreBuffer) \
V(UpdateStoreBufferWrappers) \
V(PrintStopMessage) \
V(AllocateArray) \
V(AllocateContext) \
V(CallToRuntime) \
V(LazyCompile) \
V(InterpretCall) \
V(CallBootstrapNative) \
V(CallNoScopeNative) \
V(CallAutoScopeNative) \
V(FixCallersTarget) \
V(CallStaticFunction) \
V(OptimizeFunction) \
V(InvokeDartCode) \
V(InvokeDartCodeFromBytecode) \
V(DebugStepCheck) \
V(UnlinkedCall) \
V(MonomorphicMiss) \
V(SingleTargetCall) \
V(ICCallThroughFunction) \
V(ICCallThroughCode) \
V(MegamorphicCall) \
V(FixAllocationStubTarget) \
V(Deoptimize) \
V(DeoptimizeLazyFromReturn) \
V(DeoptimizeLazyFromThrow) \
V(UnoptimizedIdenticalWithNumberCheck) \
V(OptimizedIdenticalWithNumberCheck) \
V(ICCallBreakpoint) \
V(RuntimeCallBreakpoint) \
V(OneArgCheckInlineCache) \
V(TwoArgsCheckInlineCache) \
V(SmiAddInlineCache) \
V(SmiSubInlineCache) \
V(SmiEqualInlineCache) \
V(OneArgOptimizedCheckInlineCache) \
V(TwoArgsOptimizedCheckInlineCache) \
V(ZeroArgsUnoptimizedStaticCall) \
V(OneArgUnoptimizedStaticCall) \
V(TwoArgsUnoptimizedStaticCall) \
V(Subtype1TestCache) \
V(Subtype2TestCache) \
V(Subtype4TestCache) \
V(Subtype6TestCache) \
V(DefaultTypeTest) \
V(TopTypeTypeTest) \
V(TypeRefTypeTest) \
V(UnreachableTypeTest) \
V(SlowTypeTest) \
V(LazySpecializeTypeTest) \
V(CallClosureNoSuchMethod) \
V(FrameAwaitingMaterialization) \
V(AsynchronousGapMarker) \
V(NullErrorSharedWithFPURegs) \
V(NullErrorSharedWithoutFPURegs) \
V(StackOverflowSharedWithFPURegs) \
#define VM_STUB_CODE_LIST(V) \
V(LazyCompile) \
V(OptimizeFunction) \
V(CallClosureNoSuchMethod) \
V(RunExceptionHandler) \
V(DeoptForRewind) \
V(FixCallersTarget) \
V(Deoptimize) \
V(DeoptimizeLazyFromReturn) \
V(DeoptimizeLazyFromThrow) \
V(DefaultTypeTest) \
V(TopTypeTypeTest) \
V(TypeRefTypeTest) \
V(UnreachableTypeTest) \
V(SlowTypeTest) \
V(LazySpecializeTypeTest) \
V(FrameAwaitingMaterialization) \
#endif // !defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC)
// Is it permitted for the stubs above to refer to Object::null(), which is
// allocated in the VM isolate and shared across all isolates.
// However, in cases where a simple GC-safe placeholder is needed on the stack,
// using Smi 0 instead of Object::null() is slightly more efficient, since a Smi
// does not require relocation.
// class StubEntry is used to describe stub methods generated in dart to
// abstract out common code executed from generated dart code.
class StubEntry {
explicit StubEntry(const Code& code);
~StubEntry() {}
const ExternalLabel& label() const { return label_; }
uword EntryPoint() const { return entry_point_; }
uword CheckedEntryPoint() const { return checked_entry_point_; }
RawCode* code() const { return code_; }
intptr_t Size() const { return size_; }
// Visit all object pointers.
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
RawCode* code_;
uword entry_point_;
uword checked_entry_point_;
intptr_t size_;
ExternalLabel label_;
// class StubCode is used to maintain the lifecycle of stubs.
class StubCode : public AllStatic {
// Generate all stubs which are shared across all isolates, this is done
// only once and the stub code resides in the vm_isolate heap.
static void InitOnce();
static void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
// Returns true if stub code has been initialized.
static bool HasBeenInitialized();
// Check if specified pc is in the dart invocation stub used for
// transitioning into dart code.
static bool InInvocationStub(uword pc, bool is_interpreted_frame);
// Check if the specified pc is in the jump to frame stub.
static bool InJumpToFrameStub(uword pc);
// Returns NULL if no stub found.
static const char* NameOfStub(uword entry_point);
// Define the shared stub code accessors.
#define STUB_CODE_ACCESSOR(name) \
static const StubEntry* name##_entry() { return entries_[k##name##Index]; } \
static intptr_t name##Size() { return name##_entry()->Size(); }
static RawCode* GetAllocationStubForClass(const Class& cls);
static const StubEntry* UnoptimizedStaticCallEntry(intptr_t num_args_tested);
static const intptr_t kNoInstantiator = 0;
static const intptr_t kInstantiationSizeInWords = 3;
static StubEntry* EntryAt(intptr_t index) { return entries_[index]; }
static void EntryAtPut(intptr_t index, StubEntry* entry) {
entries_[index] = entry;
static intptr_t NumEntries() { return kNumStubEntries; }
friend class MegamorphicCacheTable;
static const intptr_t kStubCodeSize = 4 * KB;
enum {
#define STUB_CODE_ENTRY(name) k##name##Index,
static StubEntry* entries_[kNumStubEntries];
#define STUB_CODE_GENERATE(name) \
static void Generate##name##Stub(Assembler* assembler);
// Generate the stub and finalize the generated code into the stub
// code executable area.
static RawCode* Generate(const char* name,
void (*GenerateStub)(Assembler* assembler));
static void GenerateSharedStub(Assembler* assembler,
bool save_fpu_registers,
const RuntimeEntry* target,
intptr_t self_code_stub_offset_from_thread,
bool allow_return);
static void GenerateMegamorphicMissStub(Assembler* assembler);
static void GenerateAllocationStubForClass(Assembler* assembler,
const Class& cls);
static void GenerateNArgsCheckInlineCacheStub(
Assembler* assembler,
intptr_t num_args,
const RuntimeEntry& handle_ic_miss,
Token::Kind kind,
bool optimized = false);
static void GenerateUsageCounterIncrement(Assembler* assembler,
Register temp_reg);
static void GenerateOptimizedUsageCounterIncrement(Assembler* assembler);
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
enum DeoptStubKind { kLazyDeoptFromReturn, kLazyDeoptFromThrow, kEagerDeopt };
// Invocation mode for TypeCheck runtime entry that describes
// where we are calling it from.
enum TypeCheckMode {
// TypeCheck is invoked from LazySpecializeTypeTest stub.
// It should replace stub on the type with a specialized version.
// TypeCheck is invoked from the SlowTypeTest stub.
// This means that cache can be lazily created (if needed)
// and dst_name can be fetched from the pool.
// TypeCheck is invoked from normal inline AssertAssignable.
// Both cache and dst_name must be already populated.
// Zap value used to indicate unused CODE_REG in deopt.
static const uword kZapCodeReg = 0xf1f1f1f1;
// Zap value used to indicate unused return address in deopt.
static const uword kZapReturnAddress = 0xe1e1e1e1;
} // namespace dart