blob: f5bcea48543942d1f8c4a2719c39b098b0882e48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/linter/lint_names.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/legacy/extract_local.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'abstract_refactoring.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ExtractLocalTest extends RefactoringTest {
late ExtractLocalRefactoringImpl refactoring;
Future<void> test_checkFinalConditions_sameVariable_after() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2;
var res;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// conflicting name
var status = await refactoring.checkAllConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.ERROR,
expectedMessage: "The name 'res' is already used in the scope.");
Future<void> test_checkFinalConditions_sameVariable_before() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
var res;
int a = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// conflicting name
var status = await refactoring.checkAllConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.ERROR,
expectedMessage: "The name 'res' is already used in the scope.");
Future<void> test_checkInitialCondition_false_outOfRange_length() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
print(1 + 2);
_createRefactoring(0, 1 << 20);
var status = await refactoring.checkAllConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL);
Future<void> test_checkInitialCondition_outOfRange_offset() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
print(1 + 2);
_createRefactoring(-10, 20);
var status = await refactoring.checkAllConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL);
Future<void> test_checkInitialConditions_assignmentLeftHandSize() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
var v = 0;
v = 1;
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('v', ' = 1;');
// check conditions
var status = await refactoring.checkAllConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
expectedMessage: 'Cannot extract the left-hand side of an assignment.');
test_checkInitialConditions_namePartOfDeclaration_function() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
void foo() {}
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('foo', '()');
// check conditions
var status = await refactoring.checkAllConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
'Expression must be selected to activate this refactoring.');
test_checkInitialConditions_namePartOfDeclaration_variable() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int vvv = 0;
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('vvv', ' = 0;');
// check conditions
var status = await refactoring.checkAllConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
'Expression must be selected to activate this refactoring.');
Future<void> test_checkInitialConditions_noExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
// abc
// check conditions
await _assertInitialConditions_fatal_selection();
Future<void> test_checkInitialConditions_notPartOfFunction() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
int a = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// check conditions
var status = await refactoring.checkAllConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
expectedMessage: 'An expression inside a function must be selected '
'to activate this refactoring.');
test_checkInitialConditions_stringSelection_leadingQuote() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
var vvv = 'abc';
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 'abc';
var vvv = res;
test_checkInitialConditions_stringSelection_trailingQuote() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
var vvv = 'abc';
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 'abc';
var vvv = res;
Future<void> test_checkInitialConditions_voidExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
// check conditions
var status = await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
expectedMessage: 'Cannot extract the void expression.');
Future<void> test_checkName() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
expect(refactoring.refactoringName, 'Extract Local Variable');
// empty = '';
refactoring.checkName(), RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
expectedMessage: 'Variable name must not be empty.');
// OK = 'res';
Future<void> test_checkName_conflict_withInvokedFunction() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2;
void res() {}
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions(); = 'res';
refactoring.checkName(), RefactoringProblemSeverity.ERROR,
expectedMessage: "The name 'res' is already used in the scope.");
Future<void> test_checkName_conflict_withOtherLocal() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
var res;
int a = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions(); = 'res';
refactoring.checkName(), RefactoringProblemSeverity.ERROR,
expectedMessage: "The name 'res' is already used in the scope.");
Future<void> test_checkName_conflict_withTypeName() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2;
Res? b = null;
class Res {}
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions(); = 'Res';
refactoring.checkName(), RefactoringProblemSeverity.ERROR,
expectedMessage: "The name 'Res' is already used in the scope.");
/// Check we don't fail with "The name 'x' is already used in the scope." for
/// arguments with the same name.
Future<void> test_checkName_noConflict_withArgumentName() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void a({required int x}) {}
void f() {
a(x: 1 + 2);
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2'); = 'x';
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void a({required int x}) {}
void f() {
var x = 1 + 2;
a(x: x);
Future<void> test_completeStatementExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f(p) {
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f(p) {
var res = p.toString();
Future<void> test_const_argument_inConstInstanceCreation() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
const A(int a, int b);
void f() {
const A(1, 2);
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class A {
const A(int a, int b);
void f() {
const res = 1;
const A(res, 2);
Future<void> test_const_inList() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
const [1, 2];
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
const res = 1;
const [res, 2];
Future<void> test_const_inList_inBinaryExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
const [1 + 2, 3];
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
const res = 1;
const [res + 2, 3];
Future<void> test_const_inList_inConditionalExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
const [true ? 1 : 2, 3];
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
const res = 1;
const [true ? res : 2, 3];
Future<void> test_const_inList_inParenthesis() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
const [(1), 2];
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
const res = 1;
const [(res), 2];
Future<void> test_const_inList_inPrefixExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
const [!true, 2];
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
const res = true;
const [!res, 2];
Future<void> test_const_inMap_key() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
const {1: 2};
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
const res = 1;
const {res: 2};
Future<void> test_const_inMap_value() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
const {1: 2};
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
const res = 2;
const {1: res};
Future<void> test_coveringExpressions() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int aaa = 1;
int bbb = 2;
var c = aaa + bbb * 2 + 3;
_createRefactoring(testCode.indexOf('bb * 2'), 0);
// check conditions
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
var subExpressions = _getCoveringExpressions();
['bbb', 'bbb * 2', 'aaa + bbb * 2', 'aaa + bbb * 2 + 3']);
Future<void> test_coveringExpressions_inArgumentList() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
foo(111 + 222);
int foo(int x) => x;
_createRefactoring(testCode.indexOf('11 +'), 0);
// check conditions
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
var subExpressions = _getCoveringExpressions();
expect(subExpressions, ['111', '111 + 222', 'foo(111 + 222)']);
Future<void> test_coveringExpressions_inInvocationOfVoidFunction() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
foo(111 + 222);
void foo(int x) {}
_createRefactoring(testCode.indexOf('11 +'), 0);
// check conditions
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
var subExpressions = _getCoveringExpressions();
expect(subExpressions, ['111', '111 + 222']);
Future<void> test_coveringExpressions_namedExpression_value() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
foo(ppp: 42);
int foo({int ppp = 0}) => ppp + 1;
_createRefactoring(testCode.indexOf('42'), 0);
// check conditions
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
var subExpressions = _getCoveringExpressions();
expect(subExpressions, ['42', 'foo(ppp: 42)']);
Future<void> test_coveringExpressions_skip_assignment() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int v;
foo(v = 111 + 222);
int foo(x) => 42;
_createRefactoring(testCode.indexOf('11 +'), 0);
// check conditions
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
var subExpressions = _getCoveringExpressions();
expect(subExpressions, ['111', '111 + 222', 'foo(v = 111 + 222)']);
Future<void> test_coveringExpressions_skip_constructorName() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class AAA { {}
void f() {
var v = new;
_createRefactoring(testCode.indexOf(';'), 5);
// check conditions
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
var subExpressions = _getCoveringExpressions();
expect(subExpressions, ['new']);
Future<void> test_coveringExpressions_skip_constructorName_name() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A { {}
void f() {
var v = new;
_createRefactoring(testCode.indexOf('ame();'), 0);
// check conditions
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
var subExpressions = _getCoveringExpressions();
expect(subExpressions, ['new']);
Future<void> test_coveringExpressions_skip_constructorName_type() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {}
void f() {
var v = new A();
_createRefactoring(testCode.indexOf('A();'), 0);
// check conditions
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
var subExpressions = _getCoveringExpressions();
expect(subExpressions, ['new A()']);
test_coveringExpressions_skip_constructorName_typeArgument() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A<T> {}
void f() {
var v = new A<String>();
_createRefactoring(testCode.indexOf('ring>'), 0);
// check conditions
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
var subExpressions = _getCoveringExpressions();
expect(subExpressions, ['new A<String>()']);
Future<void> test_coveringExpressions_skip_namedExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
foo(ppp: 42);
int foo({int ppp = 0}) => ppp + 1;
_createRefactoring(testCode.indexOf('pp: 42'), 0);
// check conditions
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
var subExpressions = _getCoveringExpressions();
expect(subExpressions, ['foo(ppp: 42)']);
Future<void> test_fragmentExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;
_createRefactoringForString('2 + 3');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 1 + 2 + 3;
int a = res + 4;
Future<void> test_fragmentExpression_leadingNotWhitespace() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;
_createRefactoringForString('+ 2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 1 + 2;
int a = res + 3 + 4;
Future<void> test_fragmentExpression_leadingPartialSelection() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 111 + 2 + 3 + 4;
_createRefactoringForString('11 + 2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 111 + 2;
int a = res + 3 + 4;
Future<void> test_fragmentExpression_leadingWhitespace() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;
_createRefactoringForString(' 2 + 3');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 1 + 2 + 3;
int a = res + 4;
Future<void> test_fragmentExpression_notAssociativeOperator() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 - 2 - 3 - 4;
_createRefactoringForString('2 - 3');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 1 - 2 - 3;
int a = res - 4;
Future<void> test_fragmentExpression_trailingNotWhitespace() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2 +');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 1 + 2 + 3;
int a = res + 4;
Future<void> test_fragmentExpression_trailingPartialSelection() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2 + 333 + 4;
_createRefactoringForString('2 + 33');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 1 + 2 + 333;
int a = res + 4;
Future<void> test_fragmentExpression_trailingWhitespace() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;
_createRefactoringForString('2 + 3 ');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 1 + 2 + 3;
int a = res + 4;
Future<void> test_guessNames_fragmentExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
var a = 111 + 222 + 333 + 444;
_createRefactoringForString('222 + 333');
// check guesses
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
expect(refactoring.names, unorderedEquals(['i']));
Future<void> test_guessNames_singleExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class TreeItem {}
TreeItem? getSelectedItem() => null;
process(my) {}
void f() {
process(getSelectedItem()); // marker
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('getSelectedItem()', '); // marker');
// check guesses
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
unorderedEquals(['selectedItem', 'item', 'my', 'treeItem']));
Future<void> test_guessNames_stringPart() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
var s = 'Hello Bob... welcome to Dart!';
_createRefactoringForString('Hello Bob');
// check guesses
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
expect(refactoring.names, unorderedEquals(['helloBob', 'bob']));
Future<void> test_isAvailable_false_notPartOfFunction() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
var v = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
expect(refactoring.isAvailable(), isFalse);
Future<void> test_isAvailable_true() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
print(1 + 2);
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
expect(refactoring.isAvailable(), isTrue);
Future<void> test_lint_alwaysSpecifyTypes() async {
createAnalysisOptionsFile(lints: [LintNames.always_specify_types]);
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
print(1 + 2);
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
int res = 1 + 2;
Future<void> test_lint_alwaysSpecifyTypes_const() async {
createAnalysisOptionsFile(lints: [LintNames.always_specify_types]);
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
const <int>[1, 2];
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
const int res = 1;
const <int>[res, 2];
Future<void> test_lint_alwaysSpecifyTypes_final() async {
lints: [LintNames.always_specify_types, LintNames.prefer_final_locals]);
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
print(1 + 2);
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
final int res = 1 + 2;
Future<void> test_lint_alwaysSpecifyTypes_functionExpressionBody() async {
createAnalysisOptionsFile(lints: [LintNames.always_specify_types]);
await indexTestUnit('''
foo(Point p) => p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y;
class Point {int x = 0; int y = 0;}
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
foo(Point p) {
int res = p.x;
return res * res + p.y * p.y;
class Point {int x = 0; int y = 0;}
Future<void> test_lint_alwaysSpecifyTypes_statement() async {
createAnalysisOptionsFile(lints: [LintNames.always_specify_types]);
await indexTestUnit('''
void f(String p) {
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f(String p) {
String res = p.toString();
Future<void> test_lint_alwaysSpecifyTypes_stringLiteralPart() async {
createAnalysisOptionsFile(lints: [LintNames.always_specify_types]);
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring(r'''
void f() {
String res = 'cde';
Future<void> test_lint_preferFinalLocals() async {
createAnalysisOptionsFile(lints: [LintNames.prefer_final_locals]);
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
print(1 + 2);
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
final res = 1 + 2;
Future<void> test_occurrences_differentName_samePrefix() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f(A a) {
if ( != 1) {
} else if (a.foo2 != 2) {
class A {
int? foo;
int? foo2;
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('', ' != 1');
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f(A a) {
var res =;
if (res != 1) {
} else if (a.foo2 != 2) {
class A {
int? foo;
int? foo2;
Future<void> test_occurrences_differentVariable() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int v = 1;
print(v + 1); // marker
print(v + 1);
int v = 2;
print(v + 1);
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('v + 1', '); // marker');
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
int v = 1;
var res = v + 1;
print(res); // marker
int v = 2;
print(v + 1);
length: 3, offsets: [38, 61, 87], names: ['object', 'i']);
Future<void> test_occurrences_disableOccurrences() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
int foo() => 42;
void f() {
int a = 1 + foo();
int b = 2 + foo(); // marker
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('foo()', '; // marker');
refactoring.extractAll = false;
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
int foo() => 42;
void f() {
int a = 1 + foo();
var res = foo();
int b = 2 + res; // marker
Future<void> test_occurrences_ignore_assignmentLeftHandSize() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int v = 1;
v = 2;
print(() {v = 2;});
print(1 + (() {v = 2; return 3;})());
print(v); // marker
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('v', '); // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
int v = 1;
v = 2;
print(() {v = 2;});
print(1 + (() {v = 2; return 3;})());
var res = v;
print(res); // marker
Future<void> test_occurrences_ignore_nameOfVariableDeclaration() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int v = 1;
print(v); // marker
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('v', '); // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
int v = 1;
var res = v;
print(res); // marker
Future<void> test_occurrences_inSwitchCase() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
// @dart = 2.19
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
print(x + 1);
print(x + 1);
_createRefactoringForString('x + 1');
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
// @dart = 2.19
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
var res = x + 1;
length: 3, offsets: [69, 94, 112], names: ['object', 'i']);
Future<void> test_occurrences_inSwitchPatternCase() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
print(x + 1);
print(x + 1);
_createRefactoringForString('x + 1');
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
var res = x + 1;
length: 3, offsets: [53, 78, 96], names: ['object', 'i']);
Future<void> test_occurrences_singleExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
int foo() => 42;
void f() {
int a = 1 + foo();
int b = 2 + foo(); // marker
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('foo()', '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
int foo() => 42;
void f() {
var res = foo();
int a = 1 + res;
int b = 2 + res; // marker
Future<void> test_occurrences_useDominator() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
if (true) {
} else {
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 42;
if (true) {
} else {
Future<void> test_occurrences_whenComment() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
int foo() => 42;
void f() {
/*int a = 1 + foo();*/
int b = 2 + foo(); // marker
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('foo()', '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
int foo() => 42;
void f() {
/*int a = 1 + foo();*/
var res = foo();
int b = 2 + res; // marker
Future<void> test_occurrences_withSpace() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
int foo(String s) => 42;
void f() {
int a = 1 + foo('has space');
int b = 2 + foo('has space'); // marker
_createRefactoringWithSuffix("foo('has space')", '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
int foo(String s) => 42;
void f() {
var res = foo('has space');
int a = 1 + res;
int b = 2 + res; // marker
Future<void> test_offsets_lengths() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
int foo() => 42;
void f() {
int a = 1 + foo(); // marker
int b = 2 + foo( );
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('foo()', '; // marker');
// check offsets
await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
unorderedEquals([findOffset('foo();'), findOffset('foo( );')]));
expect(refactoring.lengths, unorderedEquals([5, 6]));
Future<void> test_singleExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 1 + 2;
int a = res;
Future<void> test_singleExpression_getter() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
int get foo => 42;
void f() {
A a = new A();
int b = 1 +; // marker
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('', '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class A {
int get foo => 42;
void f() {
A a = new A();
var res =;
int b = 1 + res; // marker
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_singleExpression_hasParseError_expectedSemicolon() async {
verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
await indexTestUnit('''
void f(p) {
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f(p) {
var res =;
Future<void> test_singleExpression_inExpressionBody_ofClosure() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
print((x) => x.y * x.y + 1);
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
print((x) {
var res = x.y;
return res * res + 1;
length: 3, offsets: [33, 55, 61], names: ['y']);
Future<void> test_singleExpression_inExpressionBody_ofFunction() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
foo(Point p) => p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y;
class Point {int x = 0; int y = 0;}
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
foo(Point p) {
var res = p.x;
return res * res + p.y * p.y;
class Point {int x = 0; int y = 0;}
length: 3, offsets: [21, 41, 47], names: ['x', 'i']);
Future<void> test_singleExpression_inExpressionBody_ofMethod() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
foo(Point p) => p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y;
class Point {int x = 0; int y = 0;}
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class A {
foo(Point p) {
var res = p.x;
return res * res + p.y * p.y;
class Point {int x = 0; int y = 0;}
length: 3, offsets: [35, 57, 63], names: ['x', 'i']);
Future<void> test_singleExpression_inIfElseIf() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f(int p) {
if (p == 1) {
} else if (p == 2) {
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f(int p) {
var res = 2;
if (p == 1) {
} else if (p == res) {
Future<void> test_singleExpression_inMethod() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
class A {
void f() {
print(1 + 2);
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
class A {
void f() {
var res = 1 + 2;
Future<void> test_singleExpression_inSwitchCase() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
// @dart = 2.19
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
print(x + 1);
_createRefactoringForString('x + 1');
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
// @dart = 2.19
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
var res = x + 1;
length: 3, offsets: [69, 94], names: ['object', 'i']);
Future<void> test_singleExpression_inSwitchPatternCase() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
print(x + 1);
_createRefactoringForString('x + 1');
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f(int x) {
switch (x) {
case 0:
var res = x + 1;
length: 3, offsets: [53, 78], names: ['object', 'i']);
Future<void> test_singleExpression_leadingNotWhitespace() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 12 + 345;
_createRefactoringForString('+ 345');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 12 + 345;
int a = res;
Future<void> test_singleExpression_leadingWhitespace() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 /*abc*/ + 2 + 345;
_createRefactoringForString('1 /*abc*/');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 1 /*abc*/ + 2;
int a = res + 345;
Future<void> test_singleExpression_methodName_reference() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
var v = foo().length;
String foo() => '';
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('foo', '().');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = foo();
var v = res.length;
String foo() => '';
Future<void> test_singleExpression_nameOfProperty_prefixedIdentifier() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f(p) {
var v = p.value; // marker
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('value', '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f(p) {
var res = p.value;
var v = res; // marker
Future<void> test_singleExpression_nameOfProperty_propertyAccess() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
var v = foo().length; // marker
String foo() => '';
_createRefactoringWithSuffix('length', '; // marker');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = foo().length;
var v = res; // marker
String foo() => '';
/// Here we use knowledge how exactly `1 + 2 + 3 + 4` is parsed. We know that
/// `1 + 2` will be a separate and complete binary expression, so it can be
/// handled as a single expression.
Future<void> test_singleExpression_partOfBinaryExpression() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 1 + 2;
int a = res + 3 + 4;
Future<void> test_singleExpression_string() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = "1234";
Future<void> test_singleExpression_trailingNotWhitespace() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 12 + 345;
_createRefactoringForString('12 +');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 12 + 345;
int a = res;
Future<void> test_singleExpression_trailingWhitespace() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
int a = 1 + 2 ;
_createRefactoringForString('1 + 2 ');
// apply refactoring
return _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 1 + 2;
int a = res ;
Future<void> test_stringLiteral_part() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring(r'''
void f() {
var res = 'cde';
_assertSingleLinkedEditGroup(length: 3, offsets: [17, 43], names: ['cde']);
Future<void> test_stringLiteral_whole() async {
await indexTestUnit('''
void f() {
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring('''
void f() {
var res = 'abc';
length: 3, offsets: [17, 38], names: ['object', 's']);
Future<void> test_stringLiteralPart() async {
await indexTestUnit(r'''
void f() {
int x = 1;
int y = 2;
// apply refactoring
await _assertSuccessfulRefactoring(r'''
void f() {
int x = 1;
int y = 2;
var res = '$x+$y';
_assertSingleLinkedEditGroup(length: 3, offsets: [43, 69], names: ['xy']);
Future<void> _assertInitialConditions_fatal_selection() async {
var status = await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
assertRefactoringStatus(status, RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL,
'Expression must be selected to activate this refactoring.');
void _assertSingleLinkedEditGroup({
required int length,
required List<int> offsets,
required List<String> names,
}) {
var positions = => {'file': testFile.path, 'offset': offset});
var suggestions = => {'value': name, 'kind': 'VARIABLE'});
var expected = <String, dynamic>{
'length': length,
'positions': positions.toList(),
'suggestions': suggestions.toList()
void _assertSingleLinkedEditGroupJson(String expectedJsonString) {
var editGroups = refactoringChange.linkedEditGroups;
expect(editGroups, hasLength(1));
expect(editGroups.first.toJson(), json.decode(expectedJsonString));
/// Checks that all conditions are OK and the result of applying the
/// [SourceChange] to [testUnit] is [expectedCode].
Future<void> _assertSuccessfulRefactoring(String expectedCode) async {
await assertRefactoringConditionsOK();
var refactoringChange = await refactoring.createChange();
this.refactoringChange = refactoringChange;
void _createRefactoring(int offset, int length) {
refactoring =
ExtractLocalRefactoringImpl(testAnalysisResult, offset, length); = 'res';
/// Creates a new refactoring in [refactoring] at the offset of the given
/// [search] pattern, and with the length `0`.
void _createRefactoringAtString(String search) {
var offset = findOffset(search);
var length = 0;
_createRefactoring(offset, length);
/// Creates a new refactoring in [refactoring] for the selection range of the
/// given [search] pattern.
void _createRefactoringForString(String search) {
var offset = findOffset(search);
var length = search.length;
_createRefactoring(offset, length);
void _createRefactoringWithSuffix(String selectionSearch, String suffix) {
var offset = findOffset(selectionSearch + suffix);
var length = selectionSearch.length;
_createRefactoring(offset, length);
List<String> _getCoveringExpressions() {
var subExpressions = <String>[];
for (var i = 0; i < refactoring.coveringExpressionOffsets.length; i++) {
var offset = refactoring.coveringExpressionOffsets[i];
var length = refactoring.coveringExpressionLengths[i];
subExpressions.add(testCode.substring(offset, offset + length));
return subExpressions;