blob: 8fe4b371ea43a1315589343579db7b90fa6a786a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(jmesserly): this file needs to be refactored, it's a port from
// package:dev_compiler's tests
/// Tests for type inference.
library test.src.task.strong.inferred_type_test;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'strong_test_helper.dart';
void main() {
// Error also expected when declared type is `int`.
testChecker('infer type on var', {
'/main.dart': '''
test1() {
int x = 3;
x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
// If inferred type is `int`, error is also reported
testChecker('infer type on var 2', {
'/main.dart': '''
test2() {
var x = 3;
x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
testChecker('No error when declared type is `num` and assigned null.', {
'/main.dart': '''
test1() {
num x = 3;
x = null;
testChecker('do not infer type on dynamic', {
'/main.dart': '''
test() {
dynamic x = 3;
x = "hi";
testChecker('do not infer type when initializer is null', {
'/main.dart': '''
test() {
var x = null;
x = "hi";
x = 3;
testChecker('infer type on var from field', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
int x = 0;
test1() {
var a = x;
a = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
a = 3;
var b = y;
b = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
b = 4;
var c = z;
c = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
c = 4;
int y; // field def after use
final z = 42; // should infer `int`
testChecker('infer type on var from top-level', {
'/main.dart': '''
int x = 0;
test1() {
var a = x;
a = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
a = 3;
var b = y;
b = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
b = 4;
var c = z;
c = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
c = 4;
int y = 0; // field def after use
final z = 42; // should infer `int`
testChecker('do not infer field type when initializer is null', {
'/main.dart': '''
var x = null;
var y = 3;
class A {
static var x = null;
static var y = 3;
var x2 = null;
var y2 = 3;
test() {
x = "hi";
y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
A.x = "hi";
A.y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
new A().x2 = "hi";
new A().y2 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
testChecker('infer from variables in non-cycle imports with flag', {
'/a.dart': '''
var x = 2;
'/main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
var y = x;
test1() {
x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
testChecker('infer from variables in non-cycle imports with flag 2', {
'/a.dart': '''
class A { static var x = 2; }
'/main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
class B { static var y = A.x; }
test1() {
A.x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
B.y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
testChecker('infer from variables in cycle libs when flag is on', {
'/a.dart': '''
import 'main.dart';
var x = 2; // ok to infer
'/main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
var y = x; // now ok :)
test1() {
int t = 3;
t = x;
t = y;
testChecker('infer from variables in cycle libs when flag is on 2', {
'/a.dart': '''
import 'main.dart';
class A { static var x = 2; }
'/main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
class B { static var y = A.x; }
test1() {
int t = 3;
t = A.x;
t = B.y;
testChecker('can infer also from static and instance fields (flag on)', {
'/a.dart': '''
import 'b.dart';
class A {
static final a1 = B.b1;
final a2 = new B().b2;
'/b.dart': '''
class B {
static final b1 = 1;
final b2 = 1;
'/main.dart': '''
import "a.dart";
test1() {
int x = 0;
// inference in A now works.
x = A.a1;
x = new A().a2;
testChecker('inference in cycles is deterministic', {
'/a.dart': '''
import 'b.dart';
class A {
static final a1 = B.b1;
final a2 = new B().b2;
'/b.dart': '''
class B {
static final b1 = 1;
final b2 = 1;
'/c.dart': '''
import "main.dart"; // creates a cycle
class C {
static final c1 = 1;
final c2 = 1;
'/e.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
part 'e2.dart';
class E {
static final e1 = 1;
static final e2 = F.f1;
static final e3 = A.a1;
final e4 = 1;
final e5 = new F().f2;
final e6 = new A().a2;
'/f.dart': '''
part 'f2.dart';
'/e2.dart': '''
class F {
static final f1 = 1;
final f2 = 1;
'/main.dart': '''
import "a.dart";
import "c.dart";
import "e.dart";
class D {
static final d1 = A.a1 + 1;
static final d2 = C.c1 + 1;
final d3 = new A().a2;
final d4 = new C().c2;
test1() {
int x = 0;
// inference in A works, it's not in a cycle
x = A.a1;
x = new A().a2;
// Within a cycle we allow inference when the RHS is well known, but
// not when it depends on other fields within the cycle
x = C.c1;
x = D.d1;
x = D.d2;
x = new C().c2;
x = new D().d3;
x = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/new D().d4;
// Similarly if the library contains parts.
x = E.e1;
x = E.e2;
x = E.e3;
x = new E().e4;
x = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/new E().e5;
x = new E().e6;
x = F.f1;
x = new F().f2;
'infer from complex expressions if the outer-most value is precise', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A { int x; B operator+(other) {} }
class B extends A { B(ignore); }
var a = new A();
// Note: it doesn't matter that some of these refer to 'x'.
var b = new B(x); // allocations
var c1 = [x]; // list literals
var c2 = const [];
var d = {'a': 'b'}; // map literals
var e = new A()..x = 3; // cascades
var f = 2 + 3; // binary expressions are OK if the left operand
// is from a library in a different strongest
// conected component.
var g = -3;
var h = new A() + 3;
var i = - new A();
var j = null as B;
test1() {
a = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
a = new B(3);
b = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
b = new B(3);
c1 = [];
c1 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/{};
c2 = [];
c2 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/{};
d = {};
d = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3;
e = new A();
e = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/{};
f = 3;
f = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/false;
g = 1;
g = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/false;
h = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/false;
h = new B();
i = false;
j = new B();
j = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/false;
j = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/[];
// but flags can enable this behavior.
testChecker('infer if complex expressions read possibly inferred field', {
'/a.dart': '''
class A {
var x = 3;
'/main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
class B {
var y = 3;
final t1 = new A();
final t2 = new A().x;
final t3 = new B();
final t4 = new B().y;
test1() {
int i = 0;
A a;
B b;
a = t1;
i = t2;
b = t3;
i = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/t4;
i = new B().y; // B.y was inferred though
group('infer types on loop indices', () {
testChecker('foreach loop', {
'/main.dart': '''
class Foo {
int bar = 42;
class Bar<T extends Iterable<String>> {
void foo(T t) {
for (var i in t) {
int x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/i;
class Baz<T, E extends Iterable<T>, S extends E> {
void foo(S t) {
for (var i in t) {
int x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/i;
T y = i;
test() {
var list = <Foo>[];
for (var x in list) {
String y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/x;
for (dynamic x in list) {
String y = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x;
for (String x in /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/list) {
String y = x;
var z;
for(z in list) {
String y = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/z;
Iterable iter = list;
for (Foo x in /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/iter) {
var y = x;
dynamic iter2 = list;
for (Foo x in /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE*/iter2) {
var y = x;
var map = <String, Foo>{};
// Error: map must be an Iterable.
for (var x in /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/map) {
String y = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/x;
// We're not properly inferring that map.keys is an Iterable<String>
// and that x is a String.
for (var x in map.keys) {
String y = x;
testChecker('for loop, with inference', {
'/main.dart': '''
test() {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int j = i + 1;
testChecker('propagate inference to field in class', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
int x = 2;
test() {
var a = new A();
A b = a; // doesn't require down cast
print(a.x); // doesn't require dynamic invoke
print(a.x + 2); // ok to use in bigger expression
testChecker('propagate inference to field in class dynamic warnings', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
int x = 2;
test() {
dynamic a = new A();
A b = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/a;
print(/*info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/(/*info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/a.x) + 2);
testChecker('propagate inference transitively', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
int x = 2;
test5() {
var a1 = new A();
a1.x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
A a2 = new A();
a2.x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hi";
testChecker('propagate inference transitively 2', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
int x = 42;
class B {
A a = new A();
class C {
B b = new B();
class D {
C c = new C();
void main() {
var d1 = new D();
D d2 = new D();
group('infer type on overridden fields', () {
testChecker('2', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
int x = 2;
class B extends A {
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/get x => 3;
foo() {
String y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B().x;
int z = new B().x;
testChecker('4', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
int x = 2;
class B implements A {
get x => 3;
foo() {
String y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B().x;
int z = new B().x;
group('infer types on generic instantiations', () {
testChecker('infer', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A<T> {
T x;
class B implements A<int> {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/dynamic get x => 3;
foo() {
String y = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/new B().x;
int z = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/new B().x;
testChecker('3', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A<T> {
T x;
T w;
class B implements A<int> {
get x => 3;
get w => /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello";
foo() {
String y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B().x;
int z = new B().x;
testChecker('4', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A<T> {
T x;
class B<E> extends A<E> {
E y;
/*severe:INVALID_FIELD_OVERRIDE*/get x => y;
foo() {
int y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B<String>().x;
String z = new B<String>().x;
testChecker('5', {
'/main.dart': '''
abstract class I<E> {
String m(a, String f(v, T e));
abstract class A<E> implements I<E> {
const A();
String m(a, String f(v, T e));
abstract class M {
int y;
class B<E> extends A<E> implements M {
const B();
int get y => 0;
m(a, f(v, T e)) {}
foo () {
int y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B().m(null, null);
String z = new B().m(null, null);
testChecker('infer type regardless of declaration order or cycles', {
'/b.dart': '''
import 'main.dart';
class B extends A { }
'/main.dart': '''
import 'b.dart';
class C extends B {
get x;
class A {
int get x;
foo () {
int y = new C().x;
String y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new C().x;
// Note: this is a regression test for a non-deterministic behavior we used to
// have with inference in library cycles. If you see this test flake out,
// change `test` to `skip_test` and reopen bug #48.
testChecker('infer types on generic instantiations in library cycle', {
'/a.dart': '''
import 'main.dart';
abstract class I<E> {
A<E> m(a, String f(v, int e));
'/main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
abstract class A<E> implements I<E> {
const A();
E value;
abstract class M {
int y;
class B<E> extends A<E> implements M {
const B();
int get y => 0;
m(a, f(v, int e)) {}
foo () {
int y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B<String>().m(null, null).value;
String z = new B<String>().m(null, null).value;
group('do not infer overridden fields that explicitly say dynamic', () {
testChecker('infer', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
int x = 2;
class B implements A {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/dynamic get x => 3;
foo() {
String y = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/new B().x;
int z = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/new B().x;
testChecker('conflicts can happen', {
'/main.dart': '''
class I1 {
int x;
class I2 extends I1 {
int y;
class A {
final I1 a;
class B {
final I2 a;
class C1 implements A, B {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/get a => null;
// Still ambiguous
class C2 implements B, A {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/get a => null;
testChecker('conflicts can happen 2', {
'/main.dart': '''
class I1 {
int x;
class I2 {
int y;
class I3 implements I1, I2 {
int x;
int y;
class A {
final I1 a;
class B {
final I2 a;
class C1 implements A, B {
I3 get a => null;
class C2 implements A, B {
/*severe:INVALID_METHOD_OVERRIDE*/get a => null;
'infer from RHS only if it wont conflict with overridden fields', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
var x;
class B implements A {
var x = 2;
foo() {
String y = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/new B().x;
int z = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/new B().x;
'infer from RHS only if it wont conflict with overridden fields 2', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
final x;
class B implements A {
final x = 2;
foo() {
String y = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B().x;
int z = new B().x;
testChecker('infer correctly on multiple variables declared together', {
'/main.dart': '''
class A {
var x, y = 2, z = "hi";
class B implements A {
var x = 2, y = 3, z, w = 2;
foo() {
String s;
int i;
s = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/new B().x;
s = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B().y;
s = new B().z;
s = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B().w;
i = /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST*/new B().x;
i = new B().y;
i = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B().z;
i = new B().w;
testChecker('infer consts transitively', {
'/b.dart': '''
const b1 = 2;
'/a.dart': '''
import 'main.dart';
import 'b.dart';
const a1 = m2;
const a2 = b1;
'/main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
const m1 = a1;
const m2 = a2;
foo() {
int i;
i = m1;
testChecker('infer statics transitively', {
'/b.dart': '''
final b1 = 2;
'/a.dart': '''
import 'main.dart';
import 'b.dart';
final a1 = m2;
class A {
static final a2 = b1;
'/main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
final m1 = a1;
final m2 = A.a2;
foo() {
int i;
i = m1;
testChecker('infer statics transitively 2', {
'/main.dart': '''
const x1 = 1;
final x2 = 1;
final y1 = x1;
final y2 = x2;
foo() {
int i;
i = y1;
i = y2;
testChecker('infer statics transitively 3', {
'/a.dart': '''
const a1 = 3;
const a2 = 4;
class A {
'/main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart' show a1, A;
import 'a.dart' as p show a2, A;
const t1 = 1;
const t2 = t1;
const t3 = a1;
const t4 = p.a2;
const t5 = A.a3;
const t6 = p.A.a3;
foo() {
int i;
i = t1;
i = t2;
i = t3;
i = t4;
testChecker('infer statics with method invocations', {
'/a.dart': '''
m3(String a, String b, [a1,a2]) {}
'/main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
class T {
static final T foo = m1(m2(m3('', '')));
static T m1(String m) { return null; }
static String m2(e) { return ''; }
testChecker('downwards inference: miscellaneous', {
'/main.dart': '''
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S x);
class A<T> {
Function2<T, T> x;
void main() {
{ // Variables, nested literals
var x = "hello";
var y = 3;
void f(List<Map<int, String>> l) {};
int f(int x) {};
A<int> a = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new A(f);
group('downwards inference on instance creations', () {
String info = 'info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION';
String code = '''
class A<S, T> {
S x;
T y;
A(this.x, this.y);
A.named(this.x, this.y);
class B<S, T> extends A<T, S> {
B(S y, T x) : super(x, y);
B.named(S y, T x) : super.named(x, y);
class C<S> extends B<S, S> {
C(S a) : super(a, a);
C.named(S a) : super.named(a, a);
class D<S, T> extends B<T, int> {
D(T a) : super(a, 3);
D.named(T a) : super.named(a, 3);
class E<S, T> extends A<C<S>, T> {
E(T a) : super(null, a);
class F<S, T> extends A<S, T> {
F(S x, T y, {List<S> a, List<T> b}) : super(x, y);
F.named(S x, T y, [S a, T b]) : super(a, b);
void main() {
A<int, String> a0 = /*$info*/new A(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a1 = /*$info*/new A.named(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a2 = new A<int, String>(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a3 = new A<int, String>.named(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a4 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new A<int, dynamic>(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a5 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new A<dynamic, dynamic>.named(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a0 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new A(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3);
A<int, String> a1 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new A.named(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3);
A<int, String> a0 = /*$info*/new B("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a1 = /*$info*/new B.named("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a2 = new B<String, int>("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a3 = new B<String, int>.named("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a4 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B<String, dynamic>("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a5 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new B<dynamic, dynamic>.named("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a0 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new B(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3, /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello");
A<int, String> a1 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new B.named(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3, /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello");
A<int, int> a0 = /*$info*/new C(3);
A<int, int> a1 = /*$info*/new C.named(3);
A<int, int> a2 = new C<int>(3);
A<int, int> a3 = new C<int>.named(3);
A<int, int> a4 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new C<dynamic>(3);
A<int, int> a5 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new C<dynamic>.named(3);
A<int, int> a0 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new C(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello");
A<int, int> a1 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new C.named(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello");
A<int, String> a0 = /*$info*/new D("hello");
A<int, String> a1 = /*$info*/new D.named("hello");
A<int, String> a2 = new D<int, String>("hello");
A<int, String> a3 = new D<String, String>.named("hello");
A<int, String> a4 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new D<num, dynamic>("hello");
A<int, String> a5 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new D<dynamic, dynamic>.named("hello");
A<int, String> a0 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new D(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3);
A<int, String> a1 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new D.named(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3);
{ // Currently we only allow variable constraints. Test that we reject.
A<C<int>, String> a0 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new E("hello");
{ // Check named and optional arguments
A<int, String> a0 = /*$info*/new F(3, "hello", a: /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[3], b: /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/["hello"]);
A<int, String> a1 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new F(3, "hello", a: /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"], b: /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3]);
A<int, String> a2 = /*$info*/new F.named(3, "hello", 3, "hello");
A<int, String> a3 = /*$info*/new F.named(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a4 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new F.named(3, "hello", /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3);
A<int, String> a5 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new F.named(3, "hello", /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello");
testChecker('infer downwards', {'/main.dart': code});
group('downwards inference on list literals', () {
String info = "info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL";
String code = '''
void foo([List<String> list1 = /*$info*/const [],
List<String> list2 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/const [/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/42]]) {
void main() {
List<int> l0 = /*$info*/[];
List<int> l1 = /*$info*/[3];
List<int> l2 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"];
List<int> l3 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", 3];
List<dynamic> l0 = [];
List<dynamic> l1 = [3];
List<dynamic> l2 = ["hello"];
List<dynamic> l3 = ["hello", 3];
List<int> l0 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/<num>[];
List<int> l1 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/<num>[3];
List<int> l2 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/<num>[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"];
List<int> l3 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/<num>[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", 3];
Iterable<int> i0 = /*$info*/[];
Iterable<int> i1 = /*$info*/[3];
Iterable<int> i2 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"];
Iterable<int> i3 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", 3];
const List<int> c0 = /*$info*/const [];
const List<int> c1 = /*$info*/const [3];
const List<int> c2 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/const [/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"];
const List<int> c3 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/const [/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", 3];
testChecker('infer downwards', {'/main.dart': code});
group('downwards inference on function arguments', () {
String info = "info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL";
String code = '''
void f0(List<int> a) {};
void f1({List<int> a}) {};
void f2(Iterable<int> a) {};
void f3(Iterable<Iterable<int>> a) {};
void f4({Iterable<Iterable<int>> a}) {};
void main() {
f0(/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", 3]);
f1(a: /*$info*/[]);
f1(a: /*$info*/[3]);
f1(a: /*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]);
f1(a: /*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", 3]);
f2(/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", 3]);
f3(/*$info*/[/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"], /*$info*/[3]]);
f4(a: /*$info*/[]);
f4(a: /*$info*/[/*$info*/[3]]);
f4(a: /*$info*/[/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]]);
f4(a: /*$info*/[/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"], /*$info*/[3]]);
testChecker('infer downwards', {'/main.dart': code});
group('downwards inference on constructor arguments', () {
String info = "info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL";
String code = '''
class F0 {
F0(List<int> a) {};
class F1 {
F1({List<int> a}) {};
class F2 {
F2(Iterable<int> a) {};
class F3 {
F3(Iterable<Iterable<int>> a) {};
class F4 {
F4({Iterable<Iterable<int>> a}) {};
void main() {
new F0(/*$info*/[]);
new F0(/*$info*/[3]);
new F0(/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]);
new F0(/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello",
new F1(a: /*$info*/[]);
new F1(a: /*$info*/[3]);
new F1(a: /*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]);
new F1(a: /*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", 3]);
new F2(/*$info*/[]);
new F2(/*$info*/[3]);
new F2(/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]);
new F2(/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", 3]);
new F3(/*$info*/[]);
new F3(/*$info*/[/*$info*/[3]]);
new F3(/*$info*/[/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]]);
new F3(/*$info*/[/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"],
new F4(a: /*$info*/[]);
new F4(a: /*$info*/[/*$info*/[3]]);
new F4(a: /*$info*/[/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]]);
new F4(a: /*$info*/[/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"],
testChecker('infer downwards', {'/main.dart': code});
group('downwards inference on generic constructor arguments', () {
String info = "info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL";
String code = '''
class F0<T> {
F0(List<T> a) {};
class F1<T> {
F1({List<T> a}) {};
class F2<T> {
F2(Iterable<T> a) {};
class F3<T> {
F3(Iterable<Iterable<T>> a) {};
class F4<T> {
F4({Iterable<Iterable<T>> a}) {};
void main() {
new F0<int>(/*$info*/[]);
new F0<int>(/*$info*/[3]);
new F0<int>(/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]);
new F0<int>(/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello",
new F1<int>(a: /*$info*/[]);
new F1<int>(a: /*$info*/[3]);
new F1<int>(a: /*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]);
new F1<int>(a: /*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", 3]);
new F2<int>(/*$info*/[]);
new F2<int>(/*$info*/[3]);
new F2<int>(/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]);
new F2<int>(/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello", 3]);
new F3<int>(/*$info*/[]);
new F3<int>(/*$info*/[/*$info*/[3]]);
new F3<int>(/*$info*/[/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]]);
new F3<int>(/*$info*/[/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"],
new F4<int>(a: /*$info*/[]);
new F4<int>(a: /*$info*/[/*$info*/[3]]);
new F4<int>(a: /*$info*/[/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"]]);
new F4<int>(a: /*$info*/[/*$info*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"],
new F3(/*$info*/[]);
new F3(/*$info*/[[3]]);
new F3(/*$info*/[["hello"]]);
new F3(/*$info*/[["hello"], [3]]);
new F4(a: /*$info*/[]);
new F4(a: /*$info*/[[3]]);
new F4(a: /*$info*/[["hello"]]);
new F4(a: /*$info*/[["hello"], [3]]);
testChecker('infer downwards', {'/main.dart': code});
group('downwards inference on map literals', () {
String info = "info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL";
String code = '''
void foo([Map<int, String> m1 = /*$info*/const {1: "hello"},
Map<int, String> m1 = /*$info*/const {(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"): "world"}]) {
void main() {
Map<int, String> l0 = /*$info*/{};
Map<int, String> l1 = /*$info*/{3: "hello"};
Map<int, String> l2 = /*$info*/{(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"): "hello"};
Map<int, String> l3 = /*$info*/{3: /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3};
Map<int, String> l4 = /*$info*/{3:"hello", (/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"): /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3};
Map<dynamic, dynamic> l0 = {};
Map<dynamic, dynamic> l1 = {3: "hello"};
Map<dynamic, dynamic> l2 = {"hello": "hello"};
Map<dynamic, dynamic> l3 = {3: 3};
Map<dynamic, dynamic> l4 = {3:"hello", "hello": 3};
Map<dynamic, String> l0 = /*$info*/{};
Map<dynamic, String> l1 = /*$info*/{3: "hello"};
Map<dynamic, String> l2 = /*$info*/{"hello": "hello"};
Map<dynamic, String> l3 = /*$info*/{3: /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3};
Map<dynamic, String> l4 = /*$info*/{3:"hello", "hello": /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3};
Map<int, dynamic> l0 = /*$info*/{};
Map<int, dynamic> l1 = /*$info*/{3: "hello"};
Map<int, dynamic> l2 = /*$info*/{(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"): "hello"};
Map<int, dynamic> l3 = /*$info*/{3: 3};
Map<int, dynamic> l4 = /*$info*/{3:"hello", (/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"): 3};
Map<int, String> l0 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/<num, dynamic>{};
Map<int, String> l1 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/<num, dynamic>{3: "hello"};
Map<int, String> l3 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/<num, dynamic>{3: 3};
const Map<int, String> l0 = /*$info*/const {};
const Map<int, String> l1 = /*$info*/const {3: "hello"};
const Map<int, String> l2 = /*$info*/const {(/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"): "hello"};
const Map<int, String> l3 = /*$info*/const {3: /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3};
const Map<int, String> l4 = /*$info*/const {3:"hello", (/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"): /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3};
testChecker('infer downwards', {'/main.dart': code});
testChecker('downwards inference on function expressions', {
'/main.dart': '''
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S x);
void main () {
Function2<int, String> l0 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(int x) => null;
Function2<int, String> l1 = (int x) => "hello";
Function2<int, String> l2 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/(String x) => "hello";
Function2<int, String> l3 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/(int x) => 3;
Function2<int, String> l4 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(int x) {return /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3;};
Function2<int, String> l0 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE, info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(x) => null;
Function2<int, String> l1 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(x) => "hello";
Function2<int, String> l2 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE, severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/(x) => 3;
Function2<int, String> l3 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE, info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(x) {return /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3;};
Function2<int, String> l4 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE, info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(x) {return /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/x;};
Function2<int, List<String>> l0 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(int x) => null;
Function2<int, List<String>> l1 = (int x) => /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/["hello"];
Function2<int, List<String>> l2 = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/(String x) => /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/["hello"];
Function2<int, List<String>> l3 = (int x) => /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3];
Function2<int, List<String>> l4 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(int x) {return /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3];};
Function2<int, int> l0 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(x) => x;
Function2<int, int> l1 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(x) => x+1;
Function2<int, String> l2 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE, severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/(x) => x;
Function2<int, String> l3 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE, info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(x) => /*info:DYNAMIC_CAST, info:DYNAMIC_INVOKE*/x.substring(3);
Function2<String, String> l4 = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/(x) => x.substring(3);
testChecker('downwards inference initializing formal, default formal', {
'/main.dart': '''
typedef T Function2<S, T>([S x]);
class Foo {
List<int> x;
Foo([this.x = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/const [1]]);
Foo.named([List<int> x = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/const [1]]);
void f([List<int> l = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/const [1]]) {}
// We do this inference in an early task but don't preserve the infos.
Function2<List<int>, String> g = /*pass should be info:INFERRED_TYPE_CLOSURE*/([llll = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/const [1]]) => "hello";
testChecker('downwards inference async/await', {
'/main.dart': '''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> test() async {
List<int> l0 = /*warning:DOWN_CAST_COMPOSITE should be pass*/await /*pass should be info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[3];
List<int> l1 = await /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new Future.value(/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[3]);
testChecker('downwards inference foreach', {
'/main.dart': '''
import 'dart:async';
void main() {
for(int x in /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[1, 2, 3]) {
await for(int x in /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new Stream()) {
testChecker('downwards inference yield/yield*', {
'/main.dart': '''
import 'dart:async';
Stream<List<int>> foo() async* {
yield /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[];
yield /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new Stream();
yield* /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/[];
yield* /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new Stream();
Iterable<Map<int, int>> bar() sync* {
yield /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/{};
yield /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/new List();
yield* /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/{};
yield* /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new List();
testChecker('downwards inference, annotations', {
'/main.dart': '''
class Foo {
const Foo(List<String> l);
const Foo.named(List<String> l);
@Foo(/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/const [])
class Bar {}
@Foo.named(/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/const [])
class Baz {}
testChecker('downwards inference, assignment statements', {
'/main.dart': '''
void main() {
List<int> l;
l = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[/*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"hello"];
l = (l = /*info:INFERRED_TYPE_LITERAL*/[1]);
testChecker('inferred initializing formal checks default value', {
'/main.dart': '''
class Foo {
var x = 1;
Foo([this.x = /*severe:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/"1"]);
group('quasi-generics', () {
testChecker('dart:math min/max', {
'/main.dart': '''
import 'dart:math';
void printInt(int x) => print(x);
void printDouble(double x) => print(x);
num myMax(num x, num y) => max(x, y);
main() {
// Okay if static types match.
printInt(max(1, 2));
printInt(min(1, 2));
printDouble(max(1.0, 2.0));
printDouble(min(1.0, 2.0));
// No help for user-defined functions from num->num->num.
printInt(/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/myMax(1, 2));
printInt(myMax(1, 2) as int);
// Mixing int and double means return type is num.
printInt(/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/max(1, 2.0));
printInt(/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/min(1, 2.0));
printDouble(/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/max(1, 2.0));
printDouble(/*info:DOWN_CAST_IMPLICIT*/min(1, 2.0));
// Types other than int and double are not accepted.
testChecker('Iterable and Future', {
'/main.dart': '''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> make(int x) => (/*info:INFERRED_TYPE_ALLOCATION*/new Future(() => x));
main() {
Iterable<Future<int>> list = <int>[1, 2, 3].map(make);
Future<List<int>> results = Future.wait(list);
Future<String> results2 = results.then((List<int> list)
=> list.fold('', (String x, int y) => x + y.toString()));