blob: 909a6fb0548cc1bc719deef84fd7ef67508314e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(jmesserly): this was ported from package:dev_compiler, and needs to be
// refactored to fit into analyzer.
library analyzer.src.task.strong.rules;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'info.dart';
// TODO(jmesserly): this entire file needs to be removed in favor of TypeSystem.
final _objectMap = new Expando('providerToObjectMap');
Map<String, DartType> getObjectMemberMap(TypeProvider typeProvider) {
var map = _objectMap[typeProvider] as Map<String, DartType>;
if (map == null) {
map = <String, DartType>{};
_objectMap[typeProvider] = map;
var objectType = typeProvider.objectType;
var element = objectType.element;
// Only record methods (including getters) with no parameters. As parameters are contravariant wrt
// type, using Object's version may be too strict.
// Add instance methods.
element.methods.where((method) => !method.isStatic).forEach((method) {
map[] = method.type;
// Add getters.
.where((member) => !member.isStatic && member.isGetter)
.forEach((member) {
map[] = member.type.returnType;
return map;
class TypeRules {
final TypeProvider provider;
/// Map of fields / properties / methods on Object.
final Map<String, DartType> objectMembers;
DownwardsInference inferrer;
TypeRules(TypeProvider provider)
: provider = provider,
objectMembers = getObjectMemberMap(provider) {
inferrer = new DownwardsInference(this);
/// Given a type t, if t is an interface type with a call method
/// defined, return the function type for the call method, otherwise
/// return null.
FunctionType getCallMethodType(DartType t) {
if (t is InterfaceType) {
return t.lookUpMethod("call", null)?.type;
return null;
/// Given an expression, return its type assuming it is
/// in the caller position of a call (that is, accounting
/// for the possibility of a call method). Returns null
/// if expression is not statically callable.
FunctionType getTypeAsCaller(Expression applicand) {
var t = getStaticType(applicand);
if (t is InterfaceType) {
return getCallMethodType(t);
if (t is FunctionType) return t;
return null;
/// Gets the expected return type of the given function [body], either from
/// a normal return/yield, or from a yield*.
DartType getExpectedReturnType(FunctionBody body, {bool yieldStar: false}) {
FunctionType functionType;
var parent = body.parent;
if (parent is Declaration) {
functionType = elementType(parent.element);
} else {
assert(parent is FunctionExpression);
functionType = getStaticType(parent);
var type = functionType.returnType;
InterfaceType expectedType = null;
if (body.isAsynchronous) {
if (body.isGenerator) {
// Stream<T> -> T
expectedType = provider.streamType;
} else {
// Future<T> -> T
// TODO(vsm): Revisit with issue #228.
expectedType = provider.futureType;
} else {
if (body.isGenerator) {
// Iterable<T> -> T
expectedType = provider.iterableType;
} else {
// T -> T
return type;
if (yieldStar) {
if (type.isDynamic) {
// Ensure it's at least a Stream / Iterable.
return expectedType.substitute4([provider.dynamicType]);
} else {
// Analyzer will provide a separate error if expected type
// is not compatible with type.
return type;
if (type.isDynamic) {
return type;
} else if (type is InterfaceType && type.element == expectedType.element) {
return type.typeArguments[0];
} else {
// Malformed type - fallback on analyzer error.
return null;
DartType getStaticType(Expression expr) {
return expr.staticType ?? provider.dynamicType;
bool _isBottom(DartType t, {bool dynamicIsBottom: false}) {
if (t.isDynamic && dynamicIsBottom) return true;
// TODO(vsm): We need direct support for non-nullability in DartType.
// This should check on "true/nonnullable" Bottom
if (t.isBottom) return true;
return false;
bool _isTop(DartType t, {bool dynamicIsBottom: false}) {
if (t.isDynamic && !dynamicIsBottom) return true;
if (t.isObject) return true;
return false;
bool _anyParameterType(FunctionType ft, bool predicate(DartType t)) {
return ft.normalParameterTypes.any(predicate) ||
ft.optionalParameterTypes.any(predicate) ||
// TODO(leafp): Revisit this.
bool isGroundType(DartType t) {
if (t is TypeParameterType) return false;
if (_isTop(t)) return true;
if (t is FunctionType) {
if (!_isTop(t.returnType) ||
_anyParameterType(t, (pt) => !_isBottom(pt, dynamicIsBottom: true))) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (t is InterfaceType) {
var typeArguments = t.typeArguments;
for (var typeArgument in typeArguments) {
if (!_isTop(typeArgument)) return false;
return true;
// We should not see any other type aside from malformed code.
return false;
/// Check that f1 is a subtype of f2. [ignoreReturn] is used in the DDC
/// checker to determine whether f1 would be a subtype of f2 if the return
/// type of f1 is set to match f2's return type.
// [fuzzyArrows] indicates whether or not the f1 and f2 should be
// treated as fuzzy arrow types (and hence dynamic parameters to f2 treated as
// bottom).
bool isFunctionSubTypeOf(FunctionType f1, FunctionType f2,
{bool fuzzyArrows: true, bool ignoreReturn: false}) {
final r1s = f1.normalParameterTypes;
final o1s = f1.optionalParameterTypes;
final n1s = f1.namedParameterTypes;
final r2s = f2.normalParameterTypes;
final o2s = f2.optionalParameterTypes;
final n2s = f2.namedParameterTypes;
final ret1 = ignoreReturn ? f2.returnType : f1.returnType;
final ret2 = f2.returnType;
// A -> B <: C -> D if C <: A and
// either D is void or B <: D
if (!ret2.isVoid && !isSubTypeOf(ret1, ret2)) return false;
// Reject if one has named and the other has optional
if (n1s.length > 0 && o2s.length > 0) return false;
if (n2s.length > 0 && o1s.length > 0) return false;
// f2 has named parameters
if (n2s.length > 0) {
// Check that every named parameter in f2 has a match in f1
for (String k2 in n2s.keys) {
if (!n1s.containsKey(k2)) return false;
if (!isSubTypeOf(n2s[k2], n1s[k2],
dynamicIsBottom: fuzzyArrows)) return false;
// If we get here, we either have no named parameters,
// or else the named parameters match and we have no optional
// parameters
// If f1 has more required parameters, reject
if (r1s.length > r2s.length) return false;
// If f2 has more required + optional parameters, reject
if (r2s.length + o2s.length > r1s.length + o1s.length) return false;
// The parameter lists must look like the following at this point
// where rrr is a region of required, and ooo is a region of optionals.
// f1: rrr ooo ooo ooo
// f2: rrr rrr ooo
int rr = r1s.length; // required in both
int or = r2s.length - r1s.length; // optional in f1, required in f2
int oo = o2s.length; // optional in both
for (int i = 0; i < rr; ++i) {
if (!isSubTypeOf(r2s[i], r1s[i],
dynamicIsBottom: fuzzyArrows)) return false;
for (int i = 0, j = rr; i < or; ++i, ++j) {
if (!isSubTypeOf(r2s[j], o1s[i],
dynamicIsBottom: fuzzyArrows)) return false;
for (int i = or, j = 0; i < oo; ++i, ++j) {
if (!isSubTypeOf(o2s[j], o1s[i],
dynamicIsBottom: fuzzyArrows)) return false;
return true;
bool _isInterfaceSubTypeOf(InterfaceType i1, InterfaceType i2) {
if (i1 == i2) return true;
if (i1.element == i2.element) {
List<DartType> tArgs1 = i1.typeArguments;
List<DartType> tArgs2 = i2.typeArguments;
// TODO(leafp): Verify that this is always true
// Do raw types get filled in?
assert(tArgs1.length == tArgs2.length);
for (int i = 0; i < tArgs1.length; i++) {
DartType t1 = tArgs1[i];
DartType t2 = tArgs2[i];
if (!isSubTypeOf(t1, t2)) return false;
return true;
if (i2.isDartCoreFunction) {
if (i1.element.getMethod("call") != null) return true;
if (i1 == provider.objectType) return false;
if (_isInterfaceSubTypeOf(i1.superclass, i2)) return true;
for (final parent in i1.interfaces) {
if (_isInterfaceSubTypeOf(parent, i2)) return true;
for (final parent in i1.mixins) {
if (_isInterfaceSubTypeOf(parent, i2)) return true;
return false;
bool isSubTypeOf(DartType t1, DartType t2, {bool dynamicIsBottom: false}) {
if (t1 == t2) return true;
// Trivially true.
if (_isTop(t2, dynamicIsBottom: dynamicIsBottom) ||
_isBottom(t1, dynamicIsBottom: dynamicIsBottom)) {
return true;
// Trivially false.
if (_isTop(t1, dynamicIsBottom: dynamicIsBottom) ||
_isBottom(t2, dynamicIsBottom: dynamicIsBottom)) {
return false;
// The null type is a subtype of any nullable type, which is all Dart types.
// TODO(vsm): Note, t1.isBottom still allows for null confusingly.
// _isBottom(t1) does not necessarily imply t1.isBottom if there are
// nonnullable types in the system.
if (t1.isBottom) {
return true;
// S <: T where S is a type variable
// T is not dynamic or object (handled above)
// S != T (handled above)
// So only true if bound of S is S' and
// S' <: T
if (t1 is TypeParameterType) {
DartType bound = t1.element.bound;
if (bound == null) return false;
return isSubTypeOf(bound, t2);
if (t2 is TypeParameterType) {
return false;
if (t1.isVoid || t2.isVoid) {
return false;
if (t2.isDartCoreFunction) {
if (t1 is FunctionType) return true;
if (t1.element is ClassElement) {
if ((t1.element as ClassElement).getMethod("call") != null) return true;
// "Traditional" name-based subtype check.
if (t1 is InterfaceType && t2 is InterfaceType) {
return _isInterfaceSubTypeOf(t1, t2);
if (t1 is! FunctionType && t2 is! FunctionType) return false;
if (t1 is InterfaceType && t2 is FunctionType) {
var callType = getCallMethodType(t1);
if (callType == null) return false;
return isFunctionSubTypeOf(callType, t2);
if (t1 is FunctionType && t2 is InterfaceType) {
return false;
// Functions
// Note: it appears under the hood all Dart functions map to a class /
// hidden type that:
// (a) subtypes Object (an internal _FunctionImpl in the VM)
// (b) implements Function
// (c) provides standard Object members (hashCode, toString)
// (d) contains private members (corresponding to _FunctionImpl?)
// (e) provides a call method to handle the actual function invocation
// The standard Dart subtyping rules are structural in nature. I.e.,
// bivariant on arguments and return type.
// The below tries for a more traditional subtyping rule:
// - covariant on return type
// - contravariant on parameters
// - 'sensible' (?) rules on optional and/or named params
// but doesn't properly mix with class subtyping. I suspect Java 8 lambdas
// essentially map to dynamic (and rely on invokedynamic) due to similar
// issues.
return isFunctionSubTypeOf(t1 as FunctionType, t2 as FunctionType);
bool isAssignable(DartType t1, DartType t2) {
return isSubTypeOf(t1, t2);
// Produce a coercion which coerces something of type fromT
// to something of type toT.
// Returns the error coercion if the types cannot be coerced
// according to our current criteria.
Coercion _coerceTo(DartType fromT, DartType toT) {
// We can use anything as void
if (toT.isVoid) return Coercion.identity(toT);
// fromT <: toT, no coercion needed
if (isSubTypeOf(fromT, toT)) return Coercion.identity(toT);
// TODO(vsm): We can get rid of the second clause if we disallow
// all sideways casts - see TODO below.
// -------
// Note: a function type is never assignable to a class per the Dart
// spec - even if it has a compatible call method. We disallow as
// well for consistency.
if ((fromT is FunctionType && getCallMethodType(toT) != null) ||
(toT is FunctionType && getCallMethodType(fromT) != null)) {
return Coercion.error();
// Downcast if toT <: fromT
if (isSubTypeOf(toT, fromT)) return Coercion.cast(fromT, toT);
// TODO(vsm): Once we have generic methods, we should delete this
// workaround. These sideways casts are always ones we warn about
// - i.e., we think they are likely to fail at runtime.
// -------
// Downcast if toT <===> fromT
// The intention here is to allow casts that are sideways in the restricted
// type system, but allowed in the regular dart type system, since these
// are likely to succeed. The canonical example is List<dynamic> and
// Iterable<T> for some concrete T (e.g. Object). These are unrelated
// in the restricted system, but List<dynamic> <: Iterable<T> in dart.
if (fromT.isAssignableTo(toT)) {
return Coercion.cast(fromT, toT);
return Coercion.error();
StaticInfo checkAssignment(Expression expr, DartType toT) {
final fromT = getStaticType(expr);
final Coercion c = _coerceTo(fromT, toT);
if (c is Identity) return null;
if (c is CoercionError) return new StaticTypeError(this, expr, toT);
var reason = null;
var errors = <String>[];
var ok = inferrer.inferExpression(expr, toT, errors);
if (ok) return InferredType.create(this, expr, toT);
reason = (errors.isNotEmpty) ? errors.first : null;
if (c is Cast) return DownCast.create(this, expr, c, reason: reason);
return null;
DartType elementType(Element e) {
if (e == null) {
// Malformed code - just return dynamic.
return provider.dynamicType;
return (e as dynamic).type;
bool _isLibraryPrefix(Expression node) =>
node is SimpleIdentifier && node.staticElement is PrefixElement;
/// Returns `true` if the target expression is dynamic.
bool isDynamicTarget(Expression node) {
if (node == null) return false;
if (_isLibraryPrefix(node)) return false;
// Null type happens when we have unknown identifiers, like a dart: import
// that doesn't resolve.
var type = node.staticType;
return type == null || type.isDynamic;
/// Returns `true` if the expression is a dynamic function call or method
/// invocation.
bool isDynamicCall(Expression call) {
var ft = getTypeAsCaller(call);
// TODO(leafp): This will currently return true if t is Function
// This is probably the most correct thing to do for now, since
// this code is also used by the back end. Maybe revisit at some
// point?
if (ft == null) return true;
// Dynamic as the parameter type is treated as bottom. A function with
// a dynamic parameter type requires a dynamic call in general.
// However, as an optimization, if we have an original definition, we know
// dynamic is reified as Object - in this case a regular call is fine.
if (call is SimpleIdentifier) {
var element = call.staticElement;
if (element is FunctionElement || element is MethodElement) {
// An original declaration.
return false;
return _anyParameterType(ft, (pt) => pt.isDynamic);
class DownwardsInference {
final TypeRules rules;
/// Called for each list literal which gets inferred
void annotateListLiteral(ListLiteral e, List<DartType> targs) {}
/// Called for each map literal which gets inferred
void annotateMapLiteral(MapLiteral e, List<DartType> targs) {}
/// Called for each new/const which gets inferred
void annotateInstanceCreationExpression(
InstanceCreationExpression e, List<DartType> targs) {}
/// Called for cast from dynamic required for inference to succeed
void annotateCastFromDynamic(Expression e, DartType t) {}
/// Called for each function expression return type inferred
void annotateFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression e, DartType returnType) {}
/// Downward inference
bool inferExpression(Expression e, DartType t, List<String> errors) {
// Don't cast top level expressions, only sub-expressions
return _inferExpression(e, t, errors, cast: false);
/// Downward inference
bool _inferExpression(Expression e, DartType t, List<String> errors,
{cast: true}) {
if (rules.isSubTypeOf(rules.getStaticType(e), t)) return true;
if (cast && rules.getStaticType(e).isDynamic) {
annotateCastFromDynamic(e, t);
return true;
errors.add("$e cannot be typed as $t");
return false;