blob: a3c8571a32683a651de9c94b18b674b724eaa06c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/test_code_format.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../utils/test_code_extensions.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ImplementationTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
Future<void> test_class_excludesSelf() => _testMarkedContent('''
abstract class ^[!A!] {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends A {}
''', expectResults: false);
Future<void> test_class_excludesSuper() => _testMarkedContent('''
abstract class [!A!] {}
class ^B extends A {}
class C extends A {}
''', expectResults: false);
Future<void> test_class_sub() => _testMarkedContent('''
abstract class ^A {}
class /*[0*/B/*0]*/ extends A {}
class /*[1*/C/*1]*/ extends A {}
Future<void> test_class_subSub() => _testMarkedContent('''
abstract class ^A {}
class /*[0*/B/*0]*/ extends A {}
class /*[1*/C/*1]*/ extends A {}
class /*[2*/D/*2]*/ extends B {}
class /*[3*/E/*3]*/ extends B {}
class /*[4*/F/*4]*/ extends E {}
Future<void> test_emptyResults() async {
final content = '';
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, content);
final res = await getImplementations(
expect(res, isEmpty);
Future<void> test_getter_overriddenByField() => _testMarkedContent('''
class B extends A {
final String? [!a!] = null;
abstract class A {
String? get a^;
Future<void> test_method_excludesClassesWithoutImplementations() =>
abstract class A {
void ^b();
class B extends A {}
class [!E!] extends B {}
''', expectResults: false);
Future<void> test_method_excludesSelf() => _testMarkedContent('''
abstract class A {
void ^[!b!]();
class B extends A {
void b() {}
''', expectResults: false);
Future<void> test_method_excludesSuper() => _testMarkedContent('''
abstract class A {
void [!b!]();
class B extends A {
void ^b() {}
''', expectResults: false);
Future<void> test_method_fromCallSite() => _testMarkedContent('''
abstract class A {
void b();
class B extends A {
void /*[0*/b/*0]*/() {}
class C extends A {
void /*[1*/b/*1]*/() {}
class D extends B {
void /*[2*/b/*2]*/() {}
class E extends B {}
class F extends E {
void /*[3*/b/*3]*/() {}
void fromCallSite() {
A e = new E();
Future<void> test_method_startOfParameterList() => _testMarkedContent('''
abstract class A {
void m^();
class B extends A {
void [!m!]() {}
Future<void> test_method_startOfTypeParameterList() => _testMarkedContent('''
abstract class A {
void m^<T>();
class B extends A {
void [!m!]<T>() {}
Future<void> test_method_sub() => _testMarkedContent('''
abstract class A {
void ^b();
class B extends A {
void /*[0*/b/*0]*/() {}
class C extends A {
void /*[1*/b/*1]*/() {}
Future<void> test_method_subSub() => _testMarkedContent('''
abstract class A {
void ^b();
class B extends A {
void /*[0*/b/*0]*/() {}
class D extends B {
void /*[1*/b/*1]*/() {}
class E extends B {}
class F extends E {
void /*[2*/b/*2]*/() {}
/// Check that implementations that come from mixins in other files return the
/// correct location for the implementation.
Future<void> test_mixins() async {
final mixinsContent = r'''
import 'main.dart';
mixin MyMixin implements MyInterface {
String get [!interfaceField!] => '';
final content = r'''
import 'other.dart';
class A with MyMixin {}
class B with MyMixin {}
class C implements MyInterface {
String get [!interfaceField!] => '';
class MyInterface {
String get interf^aceField;
await _testMarkedContent(content, otherContent: mixinsContent);
Future<void> test_nonDartFile() async {
newFile(pubspecFilePath, simplePubspecContent);
await initialize();
final res = await getImplementations(pubspecFileUri, startOfDocPos);
expect(res, isEmpty);
/// Parses [content] using as [TestCode] and invokes the
/// `textDocument/implementations` command at the marked location to verify
/// the marked regions are returned as implementations.
/// If [otherContent] is provided, will be written as `other.dart` alongside
/// the file and any marked regions will also be verified.
/// If [expectResults] is `false` then expects none of the ranges marked with
/// `/*[0*/brackets/*0]*/` to be present in the results instead.
Future<void> _testMarkedContent(
String content, {
String? otherContent,
bool expectResults = true,
}) async {
final otherFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'other.dart');
final otherFileUri = pathContext.toUri(otherFilePath);
final code = TestCode.parse(content);
final otherCode =
otherContent != null ? TestCode.parse(otherContent) : null;
if (otherCode != null) {
newFile(otherFilePath, otherCode.code);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
final res = await getImplementations(
final expectedLocations = [
for (final range in code.ranges)
Location(uri: mainFileUri, range: range.range),
if (otherCode != null)
for (final range in otherCode.ranges)
Location(uri: otherFileUri, range: range.range),
if (expectResults) {
expect(expectedLocations, isNotEmpty);
expect(res, unorderedEquals(expectedLocations));
} else {
for (final location in expectedLocations) {
expect(res, isNot(contains(location)));