blob: c08f3bb1c62b10f5b27e6800ee5f4ad86453daf2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of;
class _Timer implements Timer {
// Set jitter to wake up timer events that would happen in _TIMER_JITTER ms.
static const int _TIMER_JITTER = 0;
// Disables the timer.
static const int _NO_TIMER = -1;
static Timer _createTimer(void callback(Timer timer),
int milliSeconds,
bool repeating) {
if (_timers == null) {
_timers = new DoubleLinkedQueue<_Timer>();
_Timer timer = new _Timer._internal();
timer._callback = callback;
timer._milliSeconds = milliSeconds;
timer._wakeupTime = (new + milliSeconds;
timer._repeating = repeating;
return timer;
factory _Timer(int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer timer)) {
return _createTimer(callback, milliSeconds, false);
factory _Timer.repeating(int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer timer)) {
return _createTimer(callback, milliSeconds, true);
_Timer._internal() {}
void _clear() {
_callback = null;
_milliSeconds = 0;
_wakeupTime = 0;
_repeating = false;
// Cancels a set timer. The timer is removed from the timer list and if
// the given timer is the earliest timer the native timer is reset.
void cancel() {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<_Timer> entry = _timers.firstEntry();
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<_Timer> first = _timers.firstEntry();
while (entry != null) {
if (identical(entry.element, this)) {
if (first.element == this) {
entry = _timers.firstEntry();
entry = entry.nextEntry();
void _advanceWakeupTime() {
_wakeupTime += _milliSeconds;
// Adds a timer to the timer list and resets the native timer if it is the
// earliest timer in the list. Timers with the same wakeup time are enqueued
// in order and notified in FIFO order.
void _addTimerToList() {
if (_callback != null) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<_Timer> entry = _timers.firstEntry();
while (entry != null) {
if (_wakeupTime < entry.element._wakeupTime) {
entry = entry.nextEntry();
void _notifyEventHandler() {
if (_handling_callbacks) {
// While we are already handling callbacks we will not notify the event
// handler. _handleTimeout will call _notifyEventHandler once all pending
// timers are processed.
if (_timers.firstEntry() == null) {
// No pending timers: Close the receive port and let the event handler
// know.
if (_receivePort != null) {
_EventHandler._sendData(null, _receivePort, _NO_TIMER);
} else {
if (_receivePort == null) {
// Create a receive port and register a message handler for the timer
// events.
// Creates a receive port and registers the timer handler on that
// receive port.
void _createTimerHandler() {
void _handleTimeout() {
int currentTime =
// Collect all pending timers.
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<_Timer> entry = _timers.firstEntry();
var pending_timers = new List();
while (entry != null) {
_Timer timer = entry.element;
if (timer._wakeupTime <= currentTime) {
entry = _timers.firstEntry();
} else {
// Trigger all of the pending timers. New timers added as part of the
// callbacks will be enqueued now and notified in the next spin at the
// earliest.
_handling_callbacks = true;
try {
for (var timer in pending_timers) {
// One of the timers in the pending_timers list can cancel
// one of the later timers which will set the callback to
// null.
if (timer._callback != null) {
if (timer._repeating) {
} finally {
_handling_callbacks = false;
if(_receivePort == null) {
_receivePort = new ReceivePort();
_receivePort.receive((var message, ignored) {
void _shutdownTimerHandler() {
_receivePort = null;
// Timers are ordered by wakeup time.
static DoubleLinkedQueue<_Timer> _timers;
static ReceivePort _receivePort;
static bool _handling_callbacks = false;
var _callback;
int _milliSeconds;
int _wakeupTime;
bool _repeating;
// Provide a closure which will allocate a Timer object to be able to hook
// up the Timer interface in dart:isolate with the implementation here.
_getTimerFactoryClosure() {
return (int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer timer), bool repeating) {
if (repeating) {
return new _Timer.repeating(milliSeconds, callback);
return new _Timer(milliSeconds, callback);