blob: 0819bd0e0f14a000f16d4d36cdb3a4b0574f0bba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library task;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'future_group.dart';
import 'schedule.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
typedef Future TaskBody();
/// A single task to be run as part of a [TaskQueue].
/// There are two levels of tasks. **Top-level tasks** are created by calling
/// [TaskQueue.schedule] before the queue in question is running. They're run in
/// sequence as part of that [TaskQueue]. **Nested tasks** are created by
/// calling [TaskQueue.schedule] once the queue is already running, and are run
/// in parallel as part of a top-level task.
class Task {
/// The queue to which this [Task] belongs.
final TaskQueue queue;
// TODO(nweiz): make this a read-only view when issue 8321 is fixed.
/// Child tasks that have been spawned while running this task. This will be
/// empty if this task is a nested task.
final children = new Queue<Task>();
/// A [FutureGroup] that will complete once all current child tasks are
/// finished running. This will be null if no child tasks are currently
/// running.
FutureGroup _childGroup;
/// A description of this task. Used for debugging. May be `null`.
final String description;
/// The parent task, if this is a nested task that was started while another
/// task was running. This will be `null` for top-level tasks.
final Task parent;
/// The body of the task.
TaskBody fn;
/// The identifier of the task. For top-level tasks, this is the index of the
/// task within [queue]; for nested tasks, this is the index within
/// [parent.children]. It's used for debugging when [description] isn't
/// provided.
int _id;
/// A Future that will complete to the return value of [fn] once this task
/// finishes running.
Future get result => _resultCompleter.future;
final _resultCompleter = new Completer();
Task(fn(), String description, TaskQueue queue)
: this._(fn, description, queue, null, queue.contents.length);
Task._child(fn(), String description, Task parent)
: this._(fn, description, parent.queue, parent, parent.children.length);
Task._(fn(), this.description, this.queue, this.parent, this._id) {
this.fn = () {
var future = new Future.immediate(null).then((_) => fn())
.whenComplete(() {
if (_childGroup == null || _childGroup.completed) return;
return _childGroup.future;
chainToCompleter(future, _resultCompleter);
return future;
// Make sure any error thrown by fn isn't top-leveled by virtue of being
// passed to the result future.
result.catchError((_) {});
/// Run [fn] as a child of this task. Returns a Future that will complete with
/// the result of the child task. This task will not complete until [fn] has
/// finished.
Future runChild(fn(), String description) {
var task = new Task._child(fn, description, this);
if (_childGroup == null || _childGroup.completed) {
_childGroup = new FutureGroup();
// Ignore errors in the FutureGroup; they'll get picked up via wrapFuture,
// and we don't want them to short-circuit the other Futures.
_childGroup.add(task.result.catchError((_) {}));
return task.result;
String toString() => description == null ? "#$_id" : description;
/// Returns a detailed representation of [queue] with this task highlighted.
String generateTree() => queue.generateTree(this);